define employee engagement

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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What is employee engagement? Is employee engagement just about satisfying your employees? Satisfaction is about; doing my job, making me successful and personal commitment. Engagement is about; doing my job above and beyond, making me AND the company successful and mutual commitment. It's about the mutual commitment between the company and the employee. Employee engagement can also be defined as; unlocking employee potential to drive high performance, resulting in the capture of discretionary effort. Discretionary effort "is above and beyond effort people could give if the wanted to." Engagement is about capturing your employees' heads and their hearts resulting in discretionary effort which is the magic dust leading to super duper business results! Highly engaged employees are 480% more committed to helping the company succeed. Highly engaged employees are 250% more likely to recommend improvements. Highly engaged employees are 370% more likely to recommend their company as an employer. Employees with lower engagement are 4 times more likely to leave their jobs than those who are highly engaged. Disengaged managers are 3x more likely to have disengaged employees. Bad managers are creating active disengagement costing the U.S. alone an estimated $450 billion annually. 35% of US workers said they'd willingly forgo a substantial pay raise to see their direct supervisor FIRED! 7 out of 10 employees are disengaged or actively disengaged. Imagine if on your crew; 3 were busting their butts, 5 were looking at the scenery, and 2 were trying to sink the boat. 30% Engaged, 52% Disengaged, 18% Actively Disengaged; this is your company according to 2013 research. But there is HOPE! Leaders are starting to attention. What's the #1 way to boost engagement? *Trust in Management! Top Ways for leaders to build trust? 1. Care About Employees. 2. Have Integrity. 3. Demonstrate Competence. Engaged employers focus on Purpose and Value; "It's no longer just what you do, it's why you do it", they outperform competitors x6. Engagement levels double with the employers whose employees are proud of the contributions their organization has made to the community. Engaged employees encourage the virtual workforce. Engaged employees encourage creativity. Yet only 2% of 44-year-olds are creative while 98% of 5-year-olds care creative; what can we learn from this? Engaged employers encourage empowerment and innovation (not policies and procedures). Engaged employers use cool technology, technology fuels Generation Y. By 2015; there will be more Gen Y in the workforce than Boomers and by 2020; Gen Y will represent over 50% of the workforce. This slideshare was created by Scorebuddy based on a video created by the Employee Engagement group. Scorebuddy enables contact centres to improve employee engagement through real-time feedback on quality scores. Visit for more information and a free 30-day trial.


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