deep london aug 2010

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Free monthly listings for Croydon / South London


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DEEP-LONDON.CO.UKwhat’s on listings are

absolutely free!

Last date forinclusion in

September issue - 25th August

Hello there.....welcome to issue 80. Well, July was a hell of a month, was it

not? Croydon Festival went off like a frog in a sock, it was yourhumble Editor’s birthday, piss-ups and soirees abounded, the sunstill shone and pretty much all was right with the world.Astonishing scenes, and we hope you all enjoyed yourselves asmuch as we did.

Given all that, and the fact that Croydon this month seems tobe experiencing something of a mass hangover, with not muchgoing on, this issue is something of a retrospective - a farewell to agreat summer if you will. We have the last instalment of BeerGarden Detective, somewhat thinner than usual mainly becausegardens don’t look so good in the rain, but no doubt we’ll fire thatparticular strand up again next year. We have a picture special ofthe Croydon Summer Festival (which gives us a chance to show offthe pictures of the editorial team meeting the Damned) which wasarguably the best one to date, in our opinion, and some splendidlithographs from this years Chap Olympiad.

I’ve also spent some time this month bombing about in aFerrari, so we’ve some snaps of that too, and no, I didn’t cro-baroff the ‘i’ and replace it with an ‘a’ - that would be gauche.

Looking forward, we have a piece on an intriguing installation insunny Caterham called the Story Machine, and all your usualfavourites, such as Auntie May, are here too, along with yourlistings for the month ahead. Still no sign of Mystic Mike, but I’msure he’ll pop up again at some point.

Also looking ahead, don’t forget that this Bank Holidayweekend it’s the Carshalton Environmental Fair, the last localfestival of the summer, and the last Bank Hol before Xmas (boo).Last year’s event was a lovely day out, so we’d recommend it.Details in the listings.

And I think that’s about everything for this month - we’re all abit de-mob happy at Deep-Towers at the moment as we’reimminently about to take a well deserved break and have a bit of a

holiday, which we’ll no doubtbore you senseless with in nextmonth’s issue - there’s somethingto look forward to, eh?

Right, as it’s now 7.30am and averitable Blue-Tit Piccadilly Circuson the window-mounted-bird-feeder, I’m off to make a cup oftea and watch the wildlife.

Hope you all have a lovelyAugust and a jolly bank holiday -we’ll see you in September.Pip-pip, avanti and allons-y! Angelaxxx

Contact Us:editor: angela ferraratel: 07910 506197 e:

staff and contributors: auntie may, petal dunwoody, tonyferrara.

advertising sales:call angela on 07910 506197 or e-mail

publishing & design: deep-london

web hosting: europahost, 94southbridge road, south croydon, CR01AF, tel: 0845 644

random thanks: jean, tony, marie, jamie,mik, the captain, dave vanian, jenny,esther, sheila, nick, terry, jim, ‘tash, theholmesdale heroes, everyone at the festi,‘nerves of steel’ will.

Congratulations: The England CricketTeam, yet again, Tommy Heron, Mikeand Anne.

R.I.P: Jack Parnell.

deep online at: • •facebook deep-london • twitter @deep_london

August 2010Issue Eighty

1Your Bonsai-Editor

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What’s On Guide 28

Directory 41

Croydon Summer Festival Review 4

The Story Machine 8

Ferrara in a Ferrari 12

The Chap Olympiad 14

Where’s Groove? 16

Auntie May 18

Beer Garden Detective 21

News 26

Month in Pix 44









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Well, another stormingCroydon Summer Festivalhas been and gone and,

by God, this year’s was a corker.We had a fantastic day out, all thebands, acts and other events werewell supported and did brilliantly,Martha Reeves, bless her, did thebest a 78 year old woman could doand it didn’t rain. But the best thingof the day, undoubtedly as far aswe’re concerned, were TheDamned, who played an absoluteblinder.

To be honest, there’s not a lotwe can actually write about thefestival, as everyone has their ownexperience - hence the picturespecial - but the highlights for uswere, in the arena; transporting thelegendary Oval flag up and seeingeveryone who’s anyone in Croydonduly pass by it, culminating in afantastic group picture (see over);many white-wine-box calamities,including Mik syphoning it directlyinto my Mum’s cardie’s fantasticknitted pocket; seeing the Brightonmassive, loads of friends and justgenerally having a rare old time.

Meanwhile, we had beenfurnished with press passes,because we are press, and thusscuttled backstage before theDamned to have a quick chat withThe Captain, but we were a bit toolate, so scuttled back outside to

watch him, respendent in Palaceshirt, and the chaps play a fantasticset of classics (see pic of set-list),while Mik headed into the photopit to take some snaps, apparentlyhaving to be almost physicallydragged away at the end of hisallotted stint as he was having somuch fun.

After which, and slightlyinebriated, we headed back-backstage where the highlightswere pretty much constant butinclude; speaking to Dave Vanian,who is a lovely chap, and gettinghim to sign a copy of Deepdedicated to my Mum - who lurveshim - on which he wrote ‘To Jean,Down the mosh-pit! Love DaveVanian’ (she has had it framed);Getting loads of pictures of us withDave and The Captain, who, again,is a top-bloke and who happilychatted to us for ages about allthings Croydon and beyond, thecoming Palace seasonand the general musicscene, at which pointMik whipped out acopy of his band, Zagand the ColouredBeads’s album andthrust it at him. Being agood lad, he did take itwith him - we’ve yet tohear the verdict on thatone.

Too many other stand-outmoments to list, but suffice to say agrand day out was had by us, andjudging from the many facebookgroups, tweets and just general oldfashioned face to facecommunication, also by you, sowell done to everyone who came,everyone who played and especiallyeveryone who organised it. There’snothing else like this in London, asfar as we know, and, as well asbeing a great day out for the localcommunity (and beyond, we hadmissives from people who’dtravelled from as far as NorthernIreland to see The Damned, andthey enjoyed them and the rest ofthe festival immensely), it’s abrilliant advertisement for our muchmaligned town. So hurrah for theCroydon Summer Festival, here’slooking forward to 2011 and, if thepowers that be have any sense atall, a very long way beyond.


left: the famous Oval flag. above top: The Captain and theset-list; above: Specsavers alert


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Top row left: Joe Hood; Right: Poetic PilgrimageMiddle row l-r: The Captain and Dave Vanian give it someBottom left: Shameless hob-nobbing backstage with Dave.Bottom right: More shameless hob-nobbing backstage with

The Captain, your bonsai editor and Mik.

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Left top: The Wall of Death!Left 2nd row: Perfect weather

Left 3rd row: A bloody great whale Below: The Arthur/Howard ensemble

Bottom: Croydon’s finest - if anyone can name all thesepeople and all the bands most of the assorted mob have been in over the years I’ll give you £100 quid

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Tales of the UnexpectedThe Story Machine is an

unassuming silver booth in thecorridor of the arc, Caterham,

inside of which is a chair, someshelves with books on, four speakersand a desk with two buttons on it,one orange, one green, which willtake you on a fantastic literaryjourney you can control by choosingone of the options given to you andpressing the appropriate button. It’slike an aural version of those oldadventure story books where you’dchoose an option and turn to thepage relevant to that choice. Thosebooks, as it turns out, were amongthe inspirations behind this project -the final one for erstwhile Beanosbod Jim Sigee’s MA in AudioTechnology, as he explains,

“One of my previous projectsinvolved a surround-sound thingwhere you sit in a small space withspeakers around your head, and Iadded apple i-pod headphones,which are crap for letting sound inand out so were good for that asthey created another layer ofsurround sound, and I made all thesesoundscapes as if you were walkingaround London with your i-pod on,and that inspired me to do this,which is another confined space withsuuround sound. The idea ofsurround sound is great anyway, Ifind it quite absorbing.

“I wanted to do something forkids rather than be all serious andsound-engineery so it’s developedinto this. Originally you sat at acomputer and made choices, and Iwas going to write a story, exactlylike those Choose Your OwnAdventure books. They still makethose now - I read about one wherethe idea is to find the meaning oflife, but none of the directionsactually take you to that particularpage, you’d find it just by randomlyflicking through the book. They got

quite deep, some of them...“But yes, they were one of the

inspirations, and then thinking aboutthe story, I came up with the idea ofa time machine, of having a narrativethat would take you to the past andfuture, and the idea of a dystopianfuture where books are lost andeveryone is immersed in technology.

“So eventually I came up with this- snippets of books from all differenttimes, with a narrative that you canchoose. The idea is that kids are soused to clicking buttons and lookingat screens, and maybe that doesn’tstimulate their imagination, whereasin this there are just two buttons andall the technology is hidden away.Hopefully it makes pictures in theirhead rather than just slammingimages in through a screen”.

The choices of books are amixture of Jim’s favourites and books

recommended through consultationwith English teachers, and there are33 of them in the machine, fromShakespeare to The Hitchhikersguide to the Galaxy, The Wind InThe Willows to Wilfed Owen and allpoints in between, with younavigating a route through them,depending on your choices, 5 books(and an introduction) at a time.

“They’re a bit like mini-filmtrailers, selling books to kids, becauseyou don’t necessarily know what thebook is when you listen but youmight think ‘I like the sound of that’and then you can find out. Thebooks are all in front of you in thebooth, or there’s a chart on the side,so you should be able to work it out.If you can’t you’ll have to e-mail me!

“Also, they had to be interestingfrom a sound point of view - bookslike Jane Eyre are all very good but

In sunny Caterham, a strange machine lurks that will tell you fantastic stories.Deep caught up with its creator, Jim Sigee, to find out more...

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how would you make thatinteresting through sound? So I hadto find books that would be excitingin an audio way, as well as excitingnarratively.

“For the future, the technology isall in place - the program is all thereand the content could be changed,so it’s infinite really, everything isadaptable.

“At the moment we’re here in thearc but I’d like to take it to othervenues and exhibitions - someonesuggested the foyer of the BritishLibrary, which would be great, but atthe moment getting it seen locally,wherever that may be, is what I’dlike.”

I’d agree with Jim - the concept isgreat, it’s just a booth you walk past,go in, press a button and get takenon a literary journey through timeand space, and although it’s aimed atkids, adults too will enjoy it, I think. Icertainly did.

It only takes about ten minutes forone go in the Story Machine, and it’sactually very nice - a joy, in fact - inthese busy times to just sit down andlisten with no visual distractions for achange. Of course, you can pick upthe books or look around you all youwant, but that may be defeating theobject. The sound effects are richand the story readers are wellpitched, so just sit back, relax and let

your mind make the pictures...

The installation at the arc is ashort-term thing and we’re not surehow long it’ll be there, so pleasegive them a call (01883 330380) ore-mail Jim before you go for dates.

As mentioned, Jim is also lookingfor other places to exhibit themachine so if you are somewhere, orknow somewhere that would beinterested again please e-mail Jim We’ll keepyou informed on where it can beexperienced next.

For other events at the arc pleasevisit

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Look, it’s a Ferrara in a Ferrari!How cool? To be honest I’venever been so scared but, having

been bought a Ferrari DrivingExperience for Christmas by the DeepWomble, and with both he and myDad looking on (and with thesurname of Ferrara) there really was noway I could not do it. Thank God I did,though, as I think I’ve found where Ibelong - behind the wheel of a FerrariF430 Spider.

This magnificent gift came, who are a conduit forFerrari (and other supercar) drivingdays around the country, the nearest ofwhich to Croydon is Longcross ProvingGround in Chobham which is run by aThe 6th Gear Experience who alsohave other centres in Kenilworth andYork.

I’m not sure what any of us wereexpecting but what we got was a carpark in the middle of a racetrack choc-full of ridiculously beautiful cars -Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Aston Martins,the odd Porsche and an Ariel Atom,and a crowd of expectant driverswaiting for their turn to get in them.

It’s all very easy when you arrive -you have your gift voucher (prices startfrom around £75 for 3 laps in a Ferrari,including preamble and certificate,rising to £895 for a day spent driving10 different supercars) and yourdriving licence, you buy your £25insurance and register with the trackside attendants. After that you get in aRange-Rover and are taken around thetrack to familiarise yourself with it(none of which I took in), return to thepretty cars, get in the one you’redirected to, turn it on and you’re off.

Immensely happily, I am directedtoward one of the convertible 430sand, after much seat and steeringwheel adjustment, set off with mypassenger/instructor, Will, who,immediately after the pit lane, instructsme to ‘floor it’. Jesus Christ - I’m usedto driving an elderly Nissan Bluebirdwhich rolls a bit going round corners at15. A Ferrari, it turns out, does not.Nor does it at 70. Also mine doesn’thave a flappy paddle gearbox, orridiculously effective carbon brakes, or

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a sound like nothing else on earth, or atop speed of ‘FUUUUCK!’. It’s all a bitoverwhelming, and I’m not looking atanything apart from the track in frontof me, and, on the second lap, theAston Martin in front of me. Will tellsme to go for it again, but I really don’twant to crash into that, driving this.The £25 insurance suddenly seems abit inadequate.

At the end I thought I’d donealright, not brilliant, so it’s nice when Iget out that Will tells me I did thestraight on the first lap at about75mph, and on the second at about120, and he writes on my little card ascore of 9/10 and a note that I wasgetting better lap by lap (and thewords ‘Top Drive!’ Toot! - that’s meblowing my own trumpet).

Unfortunately there are only 3 laps,so by the time you get the hang of it,it’s time to pull in, but you can buylonger drives, or do it again, which Iwould, in a flash.

Womble and father are suitablyimpressed by the speed at which Iroared past (spectators can stand bythe straight), and also by myovertaking of another Aston Martin (Iwas quite impressed by that myself,except he was going into the pits, so itdidn’t really count) and, honestly,driving that thing was one of the bestexperiences of my entire life, and I’vehad some pretty good experiences.The instructors are excellent, the carsare unbelievable and I’d highlyrecommended it to anyone who drives.

After which, it’s time to collect mycertificate, where my surname causesmuch amusement, as it has done allday, opt not to buy the video orphotos they sell as my spectators havedone a fine job of capturing a 120mphstreak of red zooming past, get back ina normal car and go for a stiff drink.

Unfortunately, as mentioned before,I have now found my spiritual home ina very fast red Italian car with no roof,and having conducted extensiveresearch I have discovered that a usedF430 Spider costs around £92,000(from the dealer whose web address isbelow - hint!), so if anyone has a sparehundred grand down the back of theirsofa, please donate it to me and makea small Editor very, very happy...


Pix prev page: Basically, that’s me, in a Ferrari, going very very fast and grinning likean idiot. This page pix top to bottom: Before the event - look at all the pretty cars;Seat adjustments galore - I am very short; Pulling away a bit gingerly; Overtakingan Aston Martin - easy, innit?

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I had been looking forward to the ChapOlympics for weeks. We at DeepTowers had taken the preparation very

seriously - as you will no doubt agreelooking at the picture below! It was allvery reminiscent of happy days goingthrough the dressing up box at Christmas.Our lovely editor looked particularlyfetching in her Evelyn Waugh 1930’s linksgolf look. You can imagine the glanceswe attracted on the train from EastCroydon up to Tottenham Court Road.

Once we got near Bedford Square westarted to feel at home; it was all hats,heels, tweed and brogues flocking in. Thesquare is the perfect venue for the Chap,stately and secluded and big enough for acouple of thousand revellers. We are metby an officer in full dress uniform andvarious galmorous ladies in 40’s dresses.

Everyone is very polite and it’s not longbefore I’m doffing my hat with panacheto anyone walking past. There are twobars serving delicious, albeit pricey,cocktails, as well as a food stall, but we

dont bother. Next year I would take ahamper which seems to be good form.

The style is amazing - twisted facialhair, flappers, all sorts of uniforms, someill-judged swimwear that had an oddeffect on our editor, elegant ladies, theemperor Hirohito and a rather bulky,though undoubtably game, fetish Naziwith a very short skirt. There was musicall day, also in period with tea dances andGlenn Miller. Everything though wasleading up to the main events of theOlympiad, all overseen by the ringmaster.

They started with various drinkinggames. The cucumber discus was muchtrickier than it sounded as the sandwichhad to stay near to the plate. Theumbrella jousting was the best and I shallremember for a long time the collective“orrrrhhhhhhhh” when our fetish nazimounted her bike with her rear endpointing to the bulk of the audience. Theonly slight blot was the comedian whowas hadn’t made a costume effort andwas, frankly, just not funny. A country

doctor and his lady wife tried to usherhim off but he stayed way too long, noteven dissauded by missiles chucked bysome well dressed hoodlums. We nippedout for while for provisions, sat in a nicepub on the corner of the square, noddingto various other chaps promenading.

Equipped with a few bottles wereturned to the fray where we werejoined by our friends below. Thecommander had been in a few events inthe Olympiad and had invented a few ofhis own. Whenever he re-emerged fromthe crowd he was sporting a few morelicks of lipstick and when there was aqueue at the ladies he inspected the linein true navy fashion. I say yes to theChap. I will make more time for dressingup and hope to spend my time withpointless pursuits. It could have been a bitposh and forced but it was truly eccentric,well mannered and, to be honest,bonkers - the Deep massive fitted in reallyrather well. We will be there next year.I’m already planning my outfit...

The Man from Del-Monte, he say ‘yes!’ to the 2010 Chap Olympiad...

pix this page l-r: Our new friends - Actor Joe, Commander James, A Bright Young Thing, The Man From Del Monte/Wilf Lunn,Air-Force Martin. Over - l-r top: Umbrella Jousting; A Mid-Olympiad Tea Dance/Conga.2nd row l-r: No idea what’s happening there; picnics galore - note beautiful Georgian buildings. 3rd row l-r: Pimms O’Clock - note bloke in swimming gear; The Cucumber Sandwich Discus.bottom l-r: The Deep Chap massive; Impressive facial hair; Britannia; The Emperor of Japan; The lost art of the sock-suspender.

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It’s back, our homage to two ofour favourite telly programmes,The Hoobs and Harry Hill’s TV

Burp and our very own version of‘where has the knitted characterbeen this week’. Except without aknitted character, and without itbeing on telly, and with substantiallyshabbier prizes, and monthly.

In case you weren’t around lastissue, here’s a brief precis of it all:

1) Every month we’ll deposit theEditor’s very own prized GrooveHoob fluffy toy somewhere in oneof our stockists’ premises in sunnyCroydon or the surrounding bitswhere Deep gets distributed. We’llgive you a tiny clue as to his

whereabouts.2) You spot Groove.3) E-mail where you saw our furry

friend to the subject line ‘Groove’, ortext Groove and where you saw himto 07910 506197. (Texts charged atstandard Virgin message rate)

4) Win a prize of either a)something crap and fluffy whichwe’ve won in the groping grabbermachine / coconut shy on BrightonPier, or b) something else we’vefound lying around the office, oreven c) something quite good.

5) Get your picture in themagazine and gain an immenseamount of kudos.

Remember, we don’t expect youto go trawling all over South Londonlooking for a green Hoob but if inthe course of your travels this monthyou happen to spot a green Hoobthen really, what could be easierthan to let us know and you maywin a lovely prize (and get yourpicture in the mag and get kudos etcetc).

This month’s clue: Groove isenjoying a quiz and some live cricketon the telly in a central PUB.

Closing date for this month’scompetition is 5th September 2010.Good luck and happy Hoob-spotting...

There he is, look, hiding ina display cabinet in TheDog and Bull, which is

the nearest pub to the Water-Tower Plaza which was, as yourecall, the clue. Happily, heseems to have picked up a hip-flask and a bottle of booze, sohe’s happy behind glass. Just incase you can’t place it, here’s apic of Groove in situ in thecabinet at the back of the pub.This month’s winner is ‘Steve’,so well done him. Groove’s onthe move again, so keep ‘empeeled this month and goodluck!

A blatantly ripped off game for eagle-eyed readers...


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Hello again folks. Well, it’sbeen a busy summer inHarbinger Towers. I’ve had

to manage without my trustysidekick Edith as she took a welldeserved trip to Italy with theCrochet Coven, leaving me toborrow rather too freely from theelectric fund to fund my Baileyshabit. I almost had to managewithout her for rather longer thanintended when she narrowlyavoided getting arrested by theSwiss Guard following a stranglingepisode at the Pope’s SundayService at his summer retreat.Edith and her friend Beryl formedan ill-conceived plan to petitionthe Pope to complain that gigtickets are far too expensive thesedays. In the crush to see HisEminence some good Christianattempted to send poor Beryl tomeet her maker before her duetime. Needless to say, Edith gaveas good as she got and savedBeryl from certain death with acouple of well-aimed ankle kicks. Ithink Italy is off the holiday mapnow, unless Edith can save up fora new identity and a facelift.

And talking of surgery, I’veseriously been considering a sexchange as I seem to havedeveloped the uncanny knack ofaccidentally going into the mens’toilets wherever I go. It’s got tothe stage when now that I have tobe accompanied in case I causepermanent mental scarring tounsuspecting toilet-goers. I don’tknow what it is with you men, buthow come I always have to fix thesoap dispenser whenever I go in?Is this a skill you haven’t yetdiscovered or do you just notbother with soap?

While Edith was away, I decidedto spend a few days following IronMaiden around and started inDublin where they were playing atthe O2. To my surprise, I wasaccosted by Cousin Mavis at thehotel bar on the first night. Shehad made the mistake of tryingtoo hard to save money and hadbooked into a hostel down theroad and she seemed terrified ofbeing attacked in the night byrabid lesbians. After a few

Guinnesses we had devised aningenious defence theory involvingusing beer mats as Ninja stars andshe toddled off feeling much morepositive. Anyone considering goingto Dublin in the future should startsaving now. Or sell your granny orsomething. At almost 5 Euros for apint of admittedly deliciousGuinness and 12 Euros for a

Septuagenarian agony aunt cum rock mutton AuntieMay goes all Iron Maiden. . .

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cooked breakfast, I was very sooncompletely out of cash so I wasrather glad I was only there for acouple of days.

I detoured back (following inIron Maiden’s footsteps) viaSonisphere and, back on toilets(well not ‘on’ but ‘about’), I haveto say the toilet situation therewas unexpectedly good. Not only

did the queue move quite fast butthey weren’t too nasty and smelly,even by Sunday evening! It waslovely bumping into the CroydonMassive as I bar-hopped fromband to band – Alice In Chainsand the Cult were brilliant andIron Maiden, as usual, werefantastic. It’s a shame so many

people have taken to waving hugeflags on long poles about at thefront, as it makes it difficult evento see the monitors at times.When I’m Queen I’ll make peoplekeep them by their tents, or ramthem down their throats.

After that it was off for somewind and sunshine with a coachtrip to Lowestoft to see the air

show on the beach. Brilliant fun,however I was disappointed tomiss the UK Thumb WrestlingChampionships at the TriangleMarket. The publicity stated“Huge national event and onethat will place Lowestoft firmly onthe map in the world of thumbwrestling”. Next year maybe ……

Back in Croydon, I was veryimpressed with Metalworks whoreturned to Croydon after a tenyear break and played at ScreamLounge. They are a fantastic rockcovers band with a Sundayresidency at Camden’s MonarchBar. My ears have only juststopped ringing but it was worththe inconvenience. And you’veprobably noticed, the Ship’s had abit of a facelift outside andsomeone’s washed the floor! Atthe time of writing, the new sign(brilliant job Geoff) is still waitingfor someone brave enough toscale the building and hang it up.The Ship’s now open until 2amFriday and Saturday nights, sonow there’s no need to slink offhome like Cinderella when theclock strikes 12.

Anyway, I’m off for somebeauty sleep. See you at the bar.

Auntie May returns next month.

When I’m Queen I’ll make people at festivalskeep their long-poled flags by their tents. Orram them down their throats...

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Not strictly a ‘beer garden’, but it is a garden, and they

do sell beer. The croydon park hotel bar is open to non-

guests (as is their restaurant and gym avec swimming

pool), has sky sports and - although a tad pricey, being

normal hotel prices - is a nice little hideaway. The

garden at the front of the hotel catches the sun from

about midday until dusk (this pic was taken about 1oam).

They have occasional bbqs out on the lawn, and it seems

to be one of the visiting palace opposition football team

hotels of choice - last time we were in watching the

cricket so were the newcastle team, most of whom had

ridiculous barnets, we might add. it also has the

advantage of being a hotel, so if you happen to pull...

croydon park hotel, altyre road, East Croydon croydon park hotel!

A fine ale pub a mere 15 minutes outside Croydon (regular Bus service) in the

pretty village of Banstead. beffiting the almost rural setting it has two

distinct outside areas. The front has a large patio area with beautiful

hanging baskets and covered bit. When you walk though the large bar and

further past the comfy dining area you come to the back garden. it’s roomy,

bounded by established hedges, with the shade from 2 old coniferous trees,

it has an oasis feel with

insects and birds happily

dibbing around. friendly,

good for families and dog

walkers. it Prides itself on

locally sourced real ales. if

you fancy a bit of a change

from central croydon the

woolpack is well worth a

visit, inside or out.

The Woolpack, 186 High

Street, Banstead, SM7 2NZ,

01737 354 560.


(part IV) yet MORE al-fresco amusement...


SENSE OF THE WORD. LOOK - greenery - lovely!

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A traditional boozer the likes of which croydon seems to be losing hand

over fist, the tamworth is a hideaway of the highest order, being tucked at

the bottom of crown hill along tamworth road. A young’s pub, The

tamworth serves fine ales, does bar snacks, has a huge screen for sky

sports, a dartboard and an open fire for when the nights draw in. it also

has very friendly staff, and is beautifully adorned with hanging baskets all

around. The garden is tucked

behind the pub and although

possibly not the prettiest

location, being sort of in the car

park, the management have done a

good job with a covered area,

some more flowers and plenty of

seats. If you care about ‘proper’

pubs in croydon, this is exactly the

sort of place you should be

rewarding with your custom.

the tamworth arms, 62 Tamworth

Road, Croydon, CR0 1XW.

HIDEOUTS!hidey-holes and hidden

gardens for all your work-dodging needs...

a pub totally transformed, in a good way, from what many of us of a

certain age remember it as by dint of the removal of the sports screens and

the quality live music they put on regularly. the jolly farmers has two

beer gardens, one out the front for people watching, and another, hidden,

covered one at the back by the car park, for appalling parking watching

(mainly by me - it’s a bit tight in there sometimes). it’s a friendly, traditional,

family-run pub, with nice staff, fresh cooked food (and sarnies available ‘til

midnight), real ales and a community minded outlook. they also throw the

odd non-stop-all-day-all-night-all-day-again music festival.

the jolly farmers, 7 Purley Road Purley CR8 2HA - 020 8660 2076



a hideout in the heart of croydon, walking into the treehouse garden is like walking into a jungly

oasis. improved no end, in our opinion, by the removal of the strange wicker roof that previously

blocked out the sun, it now just has a nice awning to guard against inclemency. the food inside

remains top-notch, the bar as potent and the staff as friendly as ever . now a well-established

highlight of croydon dining and drinking, the garden remains a sub-tropical feeling highlight of its

beer gardens. bring your pith helmet!

the treehouse, 78 South End, Croydon, cR0 1DP. 020 8688 9837,


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aug10 13/8/10 9:36 am Page 27


Hello again, and we start thismonth with exciting musicnews, as we’ve just heard

that Julian Cope is coming toCroydon to play a gig at TheClocktower. It’s on the 18thSeptember, and we suggest you getin a bit quick. Tickets are £20 (£18conc) and can be booked orby calling 020 8726 6000, or popinto the Clocktower on KatharineStreet.

Elsewhere, and on a theatricalbent, here’s a press release fromWest End Theatres who are runninga pretty good promotion until theend of September: ComplimentaryLondon Hotel Rooms In West EndTheatre Sale. London’s West EndTheatre district has partnered witha number of hotels within the cityto develop a new summerpromotion to attract visitors to theWest End.

Running until 30 September2010, the sale allows visitors toLondon to book a free room in acentral London hotel when buyinga top-price theatre ticket to one ofa selection of shows.

Prices start at just £50 per personfor a three star hotel, continentalbreakfast and a best seat to a majorWest End show. Train and airtravel, meals and attractions canalso be added to the packages atgreat prices. Hotel upgrades to 4and 5 star hotels are also on offerfrom only £15 pp.

An amazing selection of big-budget West End musicals arefeatured in the promotionincluding: Tony award-winningElton John musical Billy Elliot at theVictoria Palace Theatre; DirtyDancing at the Aldwych Theatrefeaturing a hot new cast includingRay Quinn; Broadway’s award-winning Hair The Musical at theGielgud Theatre; Jersey Boys at thePrince Edward Theatre featuringthe music of Frankie Valli and TheFour Seasons; Sister Act at theLondon Palladium; the MenierChocolate Factory’s acclaimedproduction of Sweet Charity at theTheatre Royal Haymarket; sexy,sassy Kander and Ebb showChicago at the Cambridge Theatre;Queen rock musical We Will RockYou at the Dominion Theatre;

joyous 1960s musical Dreamboatsand Petticoats at the PlayhouseTheatre; Grease The Musical at thePiccadilly Theatre; All the Fun ofthe Fair at the Garrick Theatrestarring David Essex; and WillyRussell’s powerful musical BloodBrothers at the Phoenix Theatre.

Founder of,Paul Raven, said: “Summer is aslow time for domestic Londontheatregoing, so we wanted to puttogether a promotion that providedpeople across the UK and overseaswith a compelling reason to cometo London and sample the best ofthe West End.”

Naturally there are terms andconditions, so for all the info and tobook the promotion

And that’s about it for the news- we told you it was a slow month,please return to planning your bankholiday...

Got news? e-mail

May contain news.

julian copedavid essex and a young friend

News-houndaug10 13/8/10 9:36 am Page 28


CENTRALCROYDON:• All Bar One• Bar Red Square• Bar Se7en• Black Sheep Bar • Brief • Bull’s Head• Clocktower

(Tourist Info) • Dog & Bull• Fairfield Halls• George• Goose on the

Market• Gun Tavern• Green Dragon • Half and Half

Lounge Bar• Loop Pool Bar• Milan Bar • Mojama• Royal Standard • Ship • Spreadeagle• Steelpoint Tattoo• Surrey Cricketers• Tiger Tiger• Timebomb

Clothing• Yates’s Wine


EAST CROY:• Builders Arms • Glamorgan • Orchard • Oval • Porter & Sorter • Tramlink Info

Centre• Warehouse


WEST CROY:• Bird in Hand • Sims Tattoos• Davys Wine Bar • Forbidden Planet• Fox and Hounds• Windmill

SOUTH END &SOUTH CROY:• Croham Arms • Crown & Pepper • Crown & Sceptre • Earl of Eldon• Edge • Folly

• Jalalis • Kays Off Licence• LA Fitness

(Royal Oak)• La Spezia Deli

(Old Pharmacy - Swan &

Sugarloaf)• Laithwaite’s

Wines (opp. Windsor Castle)

• Peking Tasty • Purley Arms • Rail View• Red Deer • Rupali• Ruskin House • Sackville Gallery • Scream Studios• Stag & Hounds• Sth Croydon BR • Swan &

Sugarloaf • Txt Bar• Treehouse• Wheelwrights

Arms • Windsor Castle• Woodman • Zizzi

ADDISCOMBE:• Alma Tavern • Claret Free Hs• Cricketers

PURLEY:• Baan Thai• Brass Monkey• Coffee Bay

(by Purley BR)• Elliott’s• Jolly Farmers• Las Fuentes • Rectory• Purley BR• Purley Pool• Purley Oaks BR• Station Cars PURLEY WAY:• Gipsy Moth• Premier Travel

Inn Hotel• Green’s Gym

COULSDON:• The Pembroke


• The Fox• Tudor Rose

SANDERST’D:• Sanderstead BR• Stones Hair

Salon• Wine Cellar

SHIRLEY:• Cricketers• Crown• Sandrock • Shirley Inn • Surprise Inn

FORESTDALE:• Forestdale Arms• McDermott’s

Fish Restaurant

SELHURST:• Selhurst Arms• White Horse• Two Brewers• Lion Inn




KENLEY:• Kenley Arms

WHYTELEAFE:• Whyteleafe

TavernAdvertising in Deep-London:

Prices from just £10 upwardsdepending on size and placementall prices are per month and VAT exemptdiscounts available for block booking etc

Advert design service available

To advertise please call Angela the Editor on:07910 506197 / 020 8680 3558e-mail:

Got something going on?We’re not psychic, people - let usknow! What’s on listings are FREE!

Call Angela on 07910 506197or

What’s on? 28full weekly and daily guide

All our information was correct at the time ofgoing to press, but as the only certainty inlife is change, we suggest you check beforeheading out. The opinions and reviews whichfollow are those of the Editor and staff - ifyou have an issue to raise about them, pleasering us, rather than the venue.

Listings Index:Pick up your copyof Deep from any of these lovelyplaces:


Deep-London Readership:25,046 monthly

plus online at

on facebook (deep-london).Follow us on Twitter:




Last date forinclusion in

September issue - 24 AUG 2010

aug10 13/8/10 9:36 am Page 29


Future Events:• Music: Julian Cope18th September 2010. £20.The Braithwaite Hall, CroydonClocktower, Katharine St, Croydon.• Theatre: Stephen Fry in TheFry Chronicles -Screened Livefrom the Royal Festival Hall13th September 2010. 7pm.Full Price £12.50, Concessions £11.00 The David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine St, Croydon.


Every Day:• Market: Surrey Street(Not Sunday)London’s oldest continuously runningmarket since 1276, with fruit and veg,bits and pieces, meat and fish, hot food,all sorts. Use it or lose it, people. Open Mon-Sat from ridiculously early... Surrey Street,• Museum: Museum Of Croydon(Not Sunday)Permanent Galleries:Croydon History - Follow the story ofCroydon from 1800 to now.The Riesco Collection of ChineseCeramics is on permanent display in theRiesco Gallery at Croydon Clocktower.The Croydon Art Collection containsover 2000 paintings, prints anddrawings. Depictions of local scenes andlandmarks are stored alongside worksby Henry Moore, Bridget Riley andBengali poet Rabindranath Tagore. Current Exhibitions:Treasures from Trash until 30 October2010. 'Treasures from Trash' is aninteractive family-friendly exhibitionthat explores creative recycling fromaround the globe. Every object ondisplay used to be something else. Make do and Mend until 15 September2010. This exhibition brings to life someof the memories of Croydon residentsabout 'Make do and Mend’.Tingatinga Art until 27 August 2010.Croydon hosts the first ever exhibitionin England dedicated to the vibrantTanzanian art style Tingatinga.Museum of Croydon, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon

CR9 1ET. Tel: 020 8253 1022E-mail:


1st Tuesday of themonth:• Live Music: Rob and FriendsJamming. From 8.30pm. The Royal Standard, 1 Sheldon Street,Croydon, CR0 1SS, 020 8688 9749For more events, find us on facebook!

1st Thursday:• Live Music: The New Delta BigBandFrom Ellington to Herman, big band jazzat its best! 8.15-11pm. FREE!The Lord Napier, 111 Beaulah Road,Thornton Heath, CR7. 020 8653 2286.• Gay: Quiz Monthly quiz night.The Bird In Hand, 291 Sydenham Road,Croydon, CR0 2EL. 020 8683

1st Friday:• Club: Groove OnFunk club.Upstairs at The Treehouse, 78 High Street, Croydon, CR0 1DP, 020 8688• Poetry: Poets Anonymous Friday Poetry at the Fairfield Hotel Bar,1 Lansdowne Road, Croydon, SurreyCR9 2BN. Floor spots. From 8pm. £2waged, £1 unwaged. Contact Peter forfurther details;,020 8645 9956.

1st Saturday:• Music: DJ Rob DeltaPlaying Funk, blues, soul andpsychedelia.The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road, EastCroydon, CR0

2nd Monday:• Group: Croydon WritersWriting group. 7.45pm. New Members welcome.

Annual membership - £16.00Meetings - £2 per meeting formembers, £4 per meeting for nonmembers. More info Library, Croydon Cloctower,Katharine Street, Croydon

2nd Tuesday:• Comedy: Comedy Nightwith host Gareth and guest comedians.From 8.30pm. The Royal Standard, 1 Sheldon Street,Croydon, CR0 1SS, 020 8688 9749For more events, find us on facebook!• Live Music: Open MicSimon Hughes's blues and acousticOpen Mike nights. We let you entertainus! From 8.30pm. FREE!The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road, EastCroydon, CR0

2nd Thursday:• Live Music: The BrianHetherington Jazz BandListen or jive to the authentic rythymsof New Orleans! 8.15-11pm. FREE!The Lord Napier, 111 Beaulah Road,Thornton Heath, CR7. 020 8653 2286.

2nd Saturday:• Poetry: Poets Anonymous Saturday Poetry in the Primary Room,United Reformed Church, AddiscombeGrove, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 5LP. 2.30-4.00pm. £2.00. Bring your poetry toread and share. Contact Peter forfurther details;,020 8645 9956

3rd Thursday:• Live Music: The New Delta BigBandFrom Ellington to Herman, big band jazzat its best! 8.15-11pm. FREE!The Lord Napier, 111 Beaulah Road,Thornton Heath, CR7. 020 8653 2286.• Gay: QuizThe Bird In Hand, 291 Sydenham Road,Croydon, CR0 2EL, 020 8683,

4th Tuesday:• Live Music: Open MicSimon Hughes's blues and acoustic

What’s On - Regular Every Day / Monthly Events:

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Open Mike nights. We let you entertainus! From 8.30pm. FREE!The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road, EastCroydon, CR0

4th Thursday:• Live Music: The BrianHetherington Jazz BandListen or jive to the authentic rythymsof New Orleans! 8.15-11pm. FREE!The Lord Napier, 111 Beaulah Road,Thornton Heath, CR7. 020 8653 2286.

4th Saturday:• Music: DJ BennyManyHatsPlaying the way only Benny can.The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road, EastCroydon, CR0

Last Friday:• Club: Histree HouseLast Friday of the month. Old-skoolhouse. Open til 3am. Free entry forTreehouse diners, otherwise £5.Upstairs at The Treehouse, 78 High Street, Croydon, CR0 1DP, 020 8688


Every Monday:• Quiz: Green DragonWendy’s marvellous pub quiz.8pm every Monday. Jackpot round!Green Dragon, High Street, Croydon• Club: Blue MondayBuy one hour of Pool and receive onehour free of charge. Don’t worry if youare on a one-hour lunch break - we willgive you a voucher to use another day.If you are not a member you can join atreception free of charge if you bringsome ID along. More about freemembership. Half price on all drinksMonday to Thursday 5pm to 7pmFridays 5pm to 9pm. Open Middayuntil 11pm. Admission is free of chargeDress Code: No caps, sportswear, orhooded tops. Jeans and trainers arepermitted. Over 18s only - ID required.Loop Lounge, 12 Crown Hill, Croydon,CR0 1RZ. 020 8760

• Games: Poker Night - NEW!Poker at the Jolly Farmers.The Jolly Farmers, 7 Purley Rd, PurleySurrey CR8 2HA, 020 8660• Club: Half Price Mondays 50% off all drinks (excludingchampagne) from 7pm til midnight.Free entry before 10pm.Black Sheep Bar, 68 High St, CR0.020 8680

Every Tuesday:• Music: Jazz Jam SessionEvery Tuesday Night at The Lord NapierJazz Pub. All welcome.The Lord Napier, 111 Beulah Road, Thornton Heath. 020 8653 2286• Sport: Roller Derby Monks Hill Sports Centre 9-10pmAlso croydon roller derby are taking onnew skaters so anyone who's Interestedplease contact us • Quiz: The Good Companions -Wendy’s marvellous pub quiz travels toHamsey Green every Tuesday from8pm. The Good Companions, HamseyGreen, Croydon.• Quiz: The Pembroke8pm. 50p per person per round. Plus 2for 1 on pizzas.The Pembroke, 12-16 Chipstead ValleyRoad, Coulsdon, CR5 2RA020 8763 0800• Quiz: The Builders ArmsFun general knowledge quiz.The Builders Arms, 65 Leslie Park Road,Croydon, CR0 6TP, 020 8654 1803• Club: Cheap Sheep Tuesdays -DJ Magoo plays the most ripe Electro,DnB, Dubstep, Indie and Ska while youenjoy £1.50 PINTS, £1.25 SPIRITMIXERS, £1 SHOTS + £2.50 VODKARED BULL ALL NIGHT. Doors 7pm tillate, FREE ENTRY before 9pm.Black Sheep Bar, 68 High St, CR0.020 8680• Music: Freedom of Expressionpresents the best in acoustic music,comedy, poetry and magic - see dailywhat’s on for who’s playing when. From 8pm. FREE! The Green Dragon, 58-60 High Street, Croydon, CRO

• Fitness: Yoga ClassesEvery Tuesday from 7.30pm-9pm. £5 aclass for 6 sessions. Beginners welcome. 140 Brighton Road, Purley.0208 763 2629• Dance: NEW! Strictly FunDancingBallroom Dancing every Tuesday.Beginners - 7pm. £6Improvers - 7.45pm. £6Social Dance - 8.30pm. £7Buy two sessions for £11, 3 for £16.Arnham Gallery, Fairfield Halls, Park Lane, Croydon, CR9 1DG.Box Office: 020 8688

Every Wednesday:• Museum: East Surrey MuseumOpen 10am-5pm Wednesdays,Thursdays and SaturdaysPermanent Galleries: Local History -The development of our area fromearliest times. It contains sections onGeology and fossils, Stone Ages, Bronzeand Iron Ages, the Romans in EastSurrey, an Anglo-Saxon corner,medieval times and modern history.Also stages various transient exhibitions.Admission is free but donations arewelcomed.East Surrey Museum, 1 Stafford RoadCaterham, CR3 6JG. 01883 340• Pool: The Oval PoolCompetitionEvery Wednesday from 19.30 hrs.Balls and banter - a textbook night inthe pub. £2 to enter, with cash prizes.The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road, Croydon, CR0 6BR020 8686• Quiz: Mike K’s GeneralKnowledge QuizFrom 9.00pm Mike K’s generalknowledge quiz, non-memberswelcome!Caterham Club, 10A, Croydon Road,Caterham CR36QB• Quiz: Foxley HatchEvery Wednesday from 8pm. £1 entryper person - winner takes all. Maximum4 on a team.The Foxley Hatch, Purley

What’s On - Regular Every Day / Monthly Events:

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• Event: Talent NightTalent Night Open Mic. EveryWednesday. £200 prize! The Whyteleafe Tavern, 208 GodstoneRoad, Whyteleafe, CR3• Pool: American 8-Ball PoolCompetitionTest your pool skills against Croydon’sfinest pool players as we launch a newweekly cash prize competition that willalso see players gaining ranking pointsto become Croydon’s number 1 poolplayer. 10 Week Ranking LeagueCash Prizes - £10 Entry FeeWeekly knock out competition• Winner receives 75% of entry pot(remaining 25% to go towards rankingleague)• Best of 3 frames• Semi final and final best of 5 frames10 Week Ranking League• Points given for progress in weeklyknock out competition.• Winner receives 75% of total pot• Runner up receives 25% of total potHalf price drinks 5-7pmMidday until midnight.Dress: No caps, sportswear, or hoodedtops. Jeans and trainers are permitted.Over 18s only - ID required.Loop Lounge, 12 Crown Hill, Croydon,CR0 1RZ. 020 8760• Poker: King Of ClubsLoop Lounge Poker Night: It's thestandard Texas Hold’em format that weall know and love. This night is open toall Loop Lounge members. To registeran interest and book a place at ourtables please visit our website. OpenMidday until midnightHalf price on all drinks: Monday to Thursday 5pm to 7pm, Fridays 5pm to 9pmOpen Midday until 11pm. FREE entry.Dress: No caps, sportswear, or hoodedtops. Jeans and trainers are permitted.Over 18s only - ID required.Loop Lounge, 12 Crown Hill, Croydon,CR0 1RZ. 020 8760• Dance: DancerciseKeep fit and meet new people at thisfun and friendly beginners dance class.Come and join the fun everyWednesday. 7.30pm. £3.50.Central Court, Croydon Clocktower,Katharine Street, Croydon

• Dance: Swing Patrol swing dance classes, 7pm, £5.The Green Dragon, 58-60 High Street, Croydon, CRO• Club: Dub Kulture - NEW!heavy vinyl dubstep collective, featuringcontroller PISTONSBENEATH and guestDJS. Doors 8pm til late, FREE ENTRYbefore 10pm, £2 after. CHEAP SHEEP drinks deals 8-11pm.£1.50 pints, £1.25 spirit mixers, £1shots, £2.50 vodka Red Bull.Black Sheep Bar, 68 High St, CR0.020 8680• Event: Film & Food plus...Films & Food every week, Poker, RockQuiz night and Live comedy onmonthly rotationSee daily listings for what's on and when8pm, Free EntryScream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 1DN• Music: FREE Classical Concerts- NEW! Free lunchtime classical musicperformances at the ClocktowerCroydon. All performances start at1.30pm. Bring your own picnic, wear atux if you like, or just come as you areand enjoy your lunch in the incredibleunique setting of the Braithwaite Hall atThe Clocktower, a grade 2 listedbuilding, island of heritage in Croydon’stown centre. George Mayne will presenta specially curated free programme ofsome his favourite classical pieces everyWednesday lunchtime throughoutAugust. The Clocktower Cafe islaunching a special offer to celebratethese lunchtime recitals with 20% off allhot meals and a special High Teaconsisting of mini sandwiches, tea,scome and clotted cream for £3.95 afterthe concert.Braithwaite Hall, Croydon Clocktower,Katharine Street,• Sport: Brighton Dogs - NEW! Every Wednesday afternoon -Greyhound Racing. Doors 1pm. Moreinfo

Every Thursday:• Museum: East Surrey MuseumOpen 10am-5pm Wednesdays,Thursdays and SaturdaysSee every Wednesday.East Surrey Museum, 1 Stafford RoadCaterham, CR3 6JG. 01883 340• Tattoos: Walk-In DayNo need to book in advance on aThursday only at Sims, get there early!11am-6pm. Sims Tattoos, 69 Windmill Road,Croydon, CR0 2XR, 020 8684 6967• Quiz: Two BrewersFrom 9pm. Two Brewers, 221 Gloucester Road,Croydon, 020 8684 3544• Quiz: Purley ArmsEvery Thursday. Purley Arms, 345 Brighton Road, SouthCroydon, 020 8686 3792• Quiz: JF Big Quiz£1 per player, win prizes, league points,and maybe cash in our Open The Boxgame! New teams always welcome.The Jolly Farmers, 7 Purley Rd, PurleySurrey CR8 2HA, 020 8660• Music: Metal Thursday Metal Night at Scream LoungeAt least 3 top notch local and touringmetal acts every week at Scream,including regular Grindhouse nightssponsored by Terrorizer metal magazine.Door price includes free entry to BlackSheep Bar rock night before 11pmSee daily listings for what's on and when.Scream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 1DN• Quiz: Crown and SceptreFrom 9pm. Crown and Sceptre, 32 Junction Road,South Croydon, 020 8688 8037• Club: ALT.X Rock / Metal / Alternative with DJ TonyX plus guests. CHEAP SHEEP drinksdeals till 10pm, plus £1 shots of Jagerall night! FREE ENTRY before 10pm, doors 7pm..Black Sheep Bar, 68 High St, CR0.020 8680• Music: Live Blues Live blues at The Oval - see daily what’son for who’s playing when. EveryThursday and Sunday.

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Bands start 8pm Thursdays, 5.30pmSundays. FREE entry!The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road,Croydon, CR0 6BR. 020 8686• Music: Live JazzCheck monthly regular events for who’splaying when. 8.15pm to 11pm. FREE!The Lord Napier, 111 Beulah Road,Thornton Heath CR7. 020 8653 2286• Dance: Clog DancingFree taster sessions for newcomers totry out some lively N.W. English clogteam dances - wear trainers or similarfootwear. Musicians with portableacoustic instruments always welcometoo. PLEASE CALL BEFORE HEADINGOUT, as some Thursdays this night isnot on. 8.30 pm. FREE! Call 020 86545211/020 8657 4056 (eves.) for detailsUnited Reformed Church Hall, cornerEnmore/Cobden Road, S. Norwood• Dance: Morris DancingNorth Wood Morris Men are teachingMen's Morris to complete beginners onThursday evenings at the Scout Hut inPurley Park Road at 8.15 pm andnewcomers are welcome(first call 020 8668 1830)• Dance: The South East LondonLindy Hop Club Come and learn to dance Lindy Hop(Jitterbug) like they did in the 1940's.No partner required and Caron andSteve specialise in helping those withtwo left feet get together with thosewith two right. Doors open 7.30pmBeginners Class 7.45pmIntermediate Class 8.30pmFreestyle (practice) 9.15pmThe Royston Club, 85 Royston RoadPenge, London, SE20• Club: HUSH HUSHEach week Hush Hush plan to bring astrong line up of residents and specialguests. We already have support fromJonathan Ulysses (Ulybug /Space Ibiza), Kids OfFunk (Perverted Audio) and more.There won’t be any cheese, just thefinest in house music! It's just time tostart the weekend and keep it hushhush! Special guest DJs plus residentsDJ Lewi, DJ Billnick, Ollie KillickAdmission: 9pm until 3am£6 / £3 NUS and guest listR.O.A.R. Smart/Casual Dress. StrictlyOver 18 years of age only; photo ID is

required. “Keep Thursdays Hush Hush”Loop Lounge, 12 Crown Hill, Croydon,CR0 1RZ. 020 8760• Gay: Quiz - NEW! New every Thursday, quiz night at TheBird.The Bird In Hand, 291 Sydenham Road,Croydon, CR0 2EL. 020 8683• Sport: Brighton Dogs - NEW! Every Thursday night - GreyhoundRacing. Doors 6.30pm. More info

Every Friday:• Music: DJsEvery Friday NightThe Folly, 13-15 Selsdon Road,Croydon, 020 8688 3920 • Music: Live MusicAlternating live bands and karaokeevery Friday NightThe Bedford Tavern, 16 SydenhamRoad, Croydon, CR0 2EF, 020 86882584 • Karaoke: Wheelwright’s ArmsFrom 8.30pm every Friday night.Wheelwright’s Arms,126 Southbridge Road,Croydon, CR0 1AF• Music: Oval DJsThe regular Oval faves, plus guests,keeping Fridays funky.The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road, Croydon, CR0 6BR020 8686 6023,• Music: Live MusicEvery Friday night from 8pm. Plus 2 for1 on Corona and Jacques.The Pembroke, 12-16 Chipstead ValleyRoad, Coulsdon, CR5 2RA020 8763 0800• Event: Wii NightEvery Friday evening.The View, 188 selsdon Road, SouthCroydon, CR2 6PL, 020 8688 2315.• Club: WTF? our decades of Indie, Alternative,Electro and Punk hits from DJ ZoeUrchin. CHEAP SHEEP drinks deals till 9pm. Doors 7pm, FREE ENTRY before 10pm.Black Sheep Bar, 68 High St, CR0.020 8680

• Photography: Camera ClubCamera Club meeting in West Croydonevery Friday night welcomes visitors andnew members. Full programme ofevents including print/slide talks,portrait evenings, competitions, etc.Ample parking.Contact Colin on 020 8665 1678.• Sport: Wimbledon Dogs - NEW! Every Friday night - Greyhound Racing.First race 7.30pmThe turnstiles open at 6:30pm and therestaurant doors open at 6:30pm. General Admission PricesIf you just want to turn up on the nightthe prices are:* Adults: £5.00 (including racecard)* Children 12 - 17: £3.00 (no race card)* Children under 11: Free (no race card) Please note, pushchairs and buggies arenot permitted in the Stadium.Loads of admission offers and more infoat Wimbledon Stadium, Plough Lane,London, SW17 0BLStadium Telephone: 0870 880 1000• Club: Slut Party - NEW! Ibiza’s favourite party comes to southLondon! Bubbly for VIPs - Book yourV.I.P. table for 6 people or more, andwe'll give you reduced entry and abottle of bubbly on the house (withyour first round)Just for you girls - We have some ofLondon’s sluttiest male dancers availablefor your personal entertainment.From 10pm and midnight we play thebest in Club Classics and HouseAnthems. Dress slutty for free entrybefore 1am - Of course Slutty clothingis optional but it is free entry to saucyoutfits (male and female) before 1amFor the guys - The best in Jacking, techand tribal house from midnight till 2am.And of course we have booked some ofthe best Dubstep DJs to close the nightfrom 2am till close.For more info call 07956372327 or 020 8760 70009pm until 3am£5.00 before midnight, £7.00 aftermidnight£3.00 per person for V.I.P. bookings.Call 07956372327 or 020 8760 7000Loop Lounge, 12 Crown Hill, Croydon,CR0 1RZ. 020 8760


What’s On - Regular Weekly Events:

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• Sport: Brighton Dogs - NEW! Every Friday lunchtime - GreyhoundRacing. Doors 10.30am. More info

Every Saturday:• Museum: East Surrey MuseumOpen 10am-5pm Wednesdays,Thursdays and SaturdaysSee every Wednesday.East Surrey Museum, 1 Stafford RoadCaterham, CR3 6JG. 01883 340• Music: VariousLive music every Saturday Night.The Surrey Cricketers, corner of LowerCoombe Street and West Street,Croydon.• Market: Garden Market The Alma Garden Market hopes tocreate a vibrant bustling market place inthe large private courtyard of The Almapub in Crystal Palace. It runs everySaturday with over 20 stalls sellingplants & flowers, beauty products &treatments, exotic oils, olive oils, capers,strawberries, chocolates, jewellery, handmade cards, rugs, leatherwear, knitwear,deli produce & a wide range of arts &crafts from local artists, plus hot foodand collectables - and the Jerk Chickenman will be there!10am - 4pmThe Alma, 95 Church Road, CrystalPalace, London• Music: Live Rock BandsEvery Saturday NightPortmanor, Portland Road, SouthNorwood, SE25 4UF, 020 8655 1308• Club: Linton Dance bombs. Funk Rockets. Beat-seeking missiles. Never outgunned. Thebiggest dancefloor monsters from DJLINTON. Because it's war on thedancefloor. CHEAP SHEEP drinks deals till 9pm.Doors 7pm, FREE ENTRY before 10pm.Black Sheep Bar, 68 High St, CR0.020 8680• Club: Tiger Tiger Tiger and Raffles Bar: with Capital FMDes Paul and Chris Brooks playing outthe best in commercial party and dance

anthems.Groovy Wonderland: 70’s and80’s floor fillers. Club: CommercialHouse. Admission free before 10pm, £7after. Guestlist free before 11pm, £5after. Dress code: Dress to Impress - NoSportswear. Tiger Tiger, 14-16 HighStreet, Croydon, CR0 1GT. 020 86624949.• Music: New Orleans JazzQuality live jazz every Saturday Night.From 8.30pm. £6 entry includes freeraffle. Blackheath Hockey Club, RubensStreet, Sydenham, SE6 4DH (behindOld Rutland Pub)• Music: Various Live music most Saturday nights.The Good Companions, Hamsey Green,South Croydon. 020 8657 6655• Gay: Party Night - NEW! Every Saturday nigt is party night at TheBird.The Bird In Hand, 291 Sydenham Road,Croydon, CR0 2EL. 020 8683• Burlesque: Tassel Club - NEW!Tassel Club Supper Club.Contact fordirect bookingsProud Cabaret,• Sport: Wimbledon Dogs - NEW! Every Friday night - Greyhound Racing.First race 7.30pmThe turnstiles open at 6:30pm and therestaurant doors open at 6:30pm. General Admission PricesIf you just want to turn up on the nightthe prices are:* Adults: £5.00 (including racecard)* Children 12 - 17: £3.00 (no race card)* Children under 11: Free (no race card) Please note, pushchairs and buggies arenot permitted in the Stadium.Loads of admission offers and more infoat Wimbledon Stadium, Plough Lane,London, SW17 0BLStadium Telephone: 0870 880 1000• Sport: Brighton Dogs - NEW! Every Saturday night - GreyhoundRacing. Doors 6.30pm. More info

Every Sunday:• Music: New Orleans JazzEvery Sunday 12.30 - 2.30pm at TheLord Napier Jazz Pub. Entry £2, dancefloor, raffle, great atmosphere at one ofthe longest running Jazz Pubs in GreatBritain The Lord Napier, 111 BeulahRoad, Thornton Heath. 020 8653 2286• Music: Live Jazz Lunchtime Jazz every Sunday from1pm. See daily what’s on for who’splaying this month. FREE!The Green Dragon, 58-60 High Street, Croydon, CRO• Music: Live Blues Live blues at The Oval - see daily what’son for who’s playing when. EveryThursday and Sunday.Bands start 8pm Thursdays, 5.30pmSundays. FREE entry!The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road, Croydon, CR0 6BR020 8686• Quiz: The ViewEvery Sunday evening.The View, 188 selsdon Road, SouthCroydon, CR2 6PL, 020 8688 2315.• Quiz: Wheelwright’s ArmsFrom 8pm. Wheelwright’s Arms,126 Southbridge Road,Croydon, CR0 1AF• Quiz: Two BrewersFun general knowledge quiz. From9pm. Two Brewers, 221 GloucesterRoad, Croydon, 020 8684 3544• Quiz: The Spread Eagle - NEW! Fun quiz with round prizes as well asmain prize. £1 per person. From 7pm. The Spread Eagle, 39-41 Katharine St,Croydon, CR0 1NX, 020 8781 1134• Karaoke: The White HorseEvery Sunday Night from 7pm.The White Horse, 1 Selhurst Road,Selhurst, South Norwood, 020 82400948• Music: Open Mic Musicians (all instruments) welcome.With one of our 4 fantastic hosts: DaveMac, Rob Cushman, Neil Mac andSteve Bright The Jolly Farmers, 7 PurleyRoad, Purley, CR8 2HA, 020 8660• Poker: The Alma Tavern From 6pm.The Alma Tavern, Lower AddiscombeRoad, Addiscombe, East Croydon

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• Club: Precious SundaysBar se7en presents PRECIOUSSUNDAYS each and every Sundaynight... Dj's on the night playing thebest in UK GARAGE, FUNKY HOUSE,R&B, HIP HOP, BASHMENT and CLUBCLASSICS: CLK (MTV BASELOUNGE),DEEZEL DEEJAY, KIPPA DPLUS SPECIAL GUEST HOSTS...2-4-£5 DRINKS ALL NITEFREE ENTRY ALL NIGHT Please note smart trainers are welcome(no air bubbles) - No I.D No ENTRYBar Se7en, The Arcade, High Street,Croydon• Music: Acoustic Sundays -NEW!From classical to folk, poetry tounplugged punk rock, Scream Lounge'sacoustic nights guarantee you a night toremember. Most evenings are freeentry, don't run late, so you won't ruinyour week with a Monday hangover! 7pm start. ordaily listings for what's on and when.Scream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 1DN• Music: Sunday Jazz Lunch From midday until 4pm every Sunday,why not come down for a deliciousroast dinner straight from the club’sacclaimed kitchens (not compulsory forentry but highly recommended!) andenjoy a couple of sets of laid back musicfrom some of London’s best musiciansand singers.Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club, 47 FrithStreet, London W1D 4HTBox Office: 020 7439• Sport: Roller Derby Monks Hill Sports Centre 2pm till 4pmAlso croydon roller derby are taking onnew skaters so anyone who's Interestedplease contact us• Gay: Open The Box - NEW! Every Sunday at 7pm.The Bird In Hand, 291 Sydenham Road,Croydon, CR0 2EL. 020 8683• Sport: Brighton Dogs - NEW! Every Friday lunchtime - GreyhoundRacing. Doors 11am. More info


Wed 11 August• Sport: England v HungaryFriendly international footie atWembley. More info:• Sport: Croydon FC v Epsom &EwellCroydon's first home fixture, a localderby match against the nearneighbours. KO 7.30 PM, Adults £6Concessions £3.Croydon Sports Arena, Albert Road,London SE25 4QL. Trams to ArenaTram Stop take you there. (312, 197 or130 buses as well)• Education: Recycling adventure11am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pmFree, drop-in - Clocktower CourtHave you ever wondered where yourrubbish goes to? Find out using simplegames, complete our fun challenge andwin a recycling goody bag!Museum of Croydon, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, CroydonCR9 1ET. Tel: 020 8253 1022E-mail:• Music: Len Downingsuperb solo guitarist/keyboards/ singerLive music at The Farmers.8.30pm. FREE!The Jolly Farmers, 7 Purley Rd, PurleySurrey CR8 2HA, 020 8660• Music: The Horny Skulls,Zephyrus, Sin n' Tonic (Rock/Punk)Starts 8pm, £3 EntryScream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686• Comedy: Scream Comedy FREE Comedy Night Big names from the UK comedy sceneincluding TV's Neil Cole (Dave TV/NMERadio/Motor Rally) plus Mark Oram,Rosie Martin, TJ, James Hickie, ThomasMayhew, Nick Warner, Tim Wilderspen,Nick Ewans and more tbcHosted by Pete K MallyDoors 8pm, Free Entry!!Scream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686

• Event: Film & Food Night Film tbc In The Lounge BarStarts 8pm, Free Entry!Scream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686

Thu 12• Sport: Epsom RacesFlat horse-racing First race 2pm.More info• Sport: USPGA Golf92nd PGA Championship fromWhistling Straits, Kohler, Wisconsin,USA. Live on the BBC.• Event: Bristol Balloon FiestaUntil 15th Aug. Europe's largest hot airballoon festival, with over 100 balloonstaking part. For details,• Event: Eastbourne Air ShowUntil 15th Aug. Free airshow onEastbourne's seafront.• Education: Your personal robot11am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pmFree, drop-inClocktower Activities RoomCraft workshop - create a robot out ofrecycled materials.Museum of Croydon, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, CroydonCR9 1ET. Tel: 020 8253 1022E-mail:• Music: Metal Thursday with Kitty Lipps, Thunderwolf plus moretbc. (Classic Metal/Rock), UPSTAIRSDoors 8pm, Entry £3Scream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686• Music: Robin Bibi DuoEver popular and versatile man-in-the-cowboy-hat performer Bibi and palensure great guitar entertainment.Live blues at The Oval every Thursdayand Sunday. Bands start 8pmThursdays, 5.30pm Sundays. FREE entry!The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road,Croydon, CR0 6BR. 020 8686


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• Music: 1979 + JSA + We ForgotKevinLive music. The Ship, 47 High Street,Croydon, CR0 1QD.

Fri 13• Sport: AthleticsAviva London Grand Prix, CrystalPalace. More info• Sport: USPGA Golf92nd PGA Championship fromWhistling Straits, Kohler, Wisconsin,USA. Live on the BBC.• Music: Bad InfluenceLive music at The Farmers.9.30pm. FREE!The Jolly Farmers, 7 Purley Rd, PurleySurrey CR8 2HA, 020 8660• Music: Wonk Unit, TheCleaners, The KADT, Raw Poo Pus Promotions Presents Wonk Unit, The Cleaners, The KADT,Raw Poo (Punk Rock), UPSTAIRSDoors 8pm, Entry £4 adv, £5 on thedoorScream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686• Music: Surviving Silence,Tenyson & Throwing Arrows 3 of the best Croydon hard rock bands.UPSTAIRSDoors 8pm, Entry £4 adv, £5 on thedoorScream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686• Music: DJ NightRock, Metal and Alternative - Bar opentil 2am. The Ship, 47 High Street,Croydon, CR0 1QD.• Opening: Taberners Lounge BarNew bar on the site of the old CR0 Bar/ Wig and Pen in St George’s Walk.Opens 5pm. All drinnks £3. Taberners Lounge Bar, St George’sWalk, Croydon.

Sat 14• Sport: AthleticsAviva London Grand Prix, CrystalPalace. More info• Sport/Music: Lingfield RacesFlat evening horse-racing followed bymusic from The Take That Experience.More info from• Sport: USPGA Golf92nd PGA Championship fromWhistling Straits. Live on the BBC.• Music: Momotara RockCovers. Live music at The Farmers.9.30pm. FREE!The Jolly Farmers, 7 Purley Rd, PurleySurrey CR8 2HA, 020 8660• Sport: Croydon FC vCrowborough AthleticThe FA Cup starts here, another 12matches until the Final. KO 3PM, Adults£6 Concessions £3.Croydon Sports Arena, Albert Road,London SE25 4QL. Trams to ArenaTram Stop take you there. (312, 197 or130 buses as well)• Club: Vintage Fly Oliver Sudden Presents Vintage Fly (Laid Back Vinyl/soul/funkclub night), DOWNSTAIRSDoors 8pm, Entry £2Scream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686• Music: Spirits Of The Earth,Magic Brother &Keironononononon Alternative/Prog night with Spirits Of The Earth, Magic Brother &Keironononononon Three of the most far-out bands you'relikely to see in town, headlined by theHawkwind/Ozrics-esque Spirits Of TheEarth and featuring local progsupergroup Magic Brother plus themental brutal/techno/punk stylings ofKierononononon(Bizarre/alt/prog), UPSTAIRSDoors 8pm, Free Entry!!!Scream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686

• Music: The Return Of DJ ElmoFrom 8pm. The Ship, 47 High Street, Croydon, CR0 1QD.• Club: Jump N Shoutwith Jumpin Jack FrostIJump N Shout just keeps going fromstrength to strength, starting of withTuesday nights, onto Friday nights andnow we are on Saturday nights. Youcan expect the best in drum & bass withsome of the best DJs and MCs.9pm until 4am£5 all night, ladies are free before 11pmMore info from Lounge, 12 Crown Hill, Croydon,CR0 1RZ. 020 8760• Film: Inception 5pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,

Sun 15• Sport: USPGA Golf92nd PGA Championship fromWhistling Straits, Kohler, Wisconsin,USA. Live on the BBC.• Music: BASIL HODGE (Piano)QUARTET Featuring top saxophonistTONY KOFI (Sax)Live lunchtime jazz. Upstairs - FREE - 1-3pmThe Green Dragon, 58-60 High Street, Croydon, CRO• Music: Steve Matthews' RazersHarp-man Steve Matthews's hardrockin' Razers, featuring Dave Briggs onguitar, Zero 7 and Brand New Heavies'Neil Cowley (sans trio) on the ivoriesand the omnipresent Richard Sadler onupright bass. Look out for the newalbum: Don't Turn Me In.Live blues at The Oval every Thursdayand Sunday. Bands start 8pmThursdays, 5.30pm Sundays. FREE entry!The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road,Croydon, CR0 6BR. 020 8686• Club: Summer D’n’B Mashup in association with GOB Promotions:Hot hot summer drums and goodvibrations. With sets from: BREAK(Quarantine / Shogun Audio) AUDIO

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(Subtitles / Freak / Virus) KLUTE(Commercial Suicide) ANDY SKOPES(Good Looking) FINEPRINT (FineprintAudio) MAXXI P (Rinseout) RUDOWN(Full Moon Thailand), MCs BLACKEYEand GOLDENCHILD plus DELIGHT.Doors 8pm, £5 before 10pm (£6 after)CHEAP SHEEP drinks deals 8pm-10pmBlack Sheep Bar, 68 High St, CR0.020 8680

Mon 16• Sport: Croydon FC Youth vWestfield YouthSouthern Youth League action, comeand see the future football stars. KO7.30 PM Adults £3, concessions £1.Croydon Sports Arena, Albert Road,London SE25 4QL. Trams to ArenaTram Stop take you there. (312, 197 or130 buses as well)• Film: Inception 5.30pm and 8.20pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,• Film: Le Concert 2pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,

Tue 17• Sport: Brighton Races Flat horse-racing.Free bus from Brighton station to thecourse. More info• Sport: York Ebor FestivalFlat horse-racing. Featuring TheJuddmonte International.Live on terrestrial telly. More• Music: Singer/Songwriter NightLive music at The Farmers.7.30pm. FREE!The Jolly Farmers, 7 Purley Rd, PurleySurrey CR8 2HA, 020 8660• Film: Inception 3.30pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,

• Film: Le Concert 2pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,

Wed 18• Sport: NPower Test SeriesCricketEngland v Pakistan - The Oval (cricketground, not Tavern...). More info:• Sport: York Ebor FestivalFlat horse-racing. Featuring Thetotesport Ebor.Live on terrestrial telly. More• Music: The ProgrammeInitiative, Lights, In Half AnHour Progressive/Alt night with The Programme Initiative, Lights, InHalf An Hour. Touring ambient rock group TheProgramme Initiative play a blissed outset of Godspeed You! Black Emperorstyle prog behind a wall of projectedvisuals. Support comes from cinematicrock band Lights and local ambient D&Bmaestro In Half An Hour. Doors 8pm, Free Entry!!Scream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686• Music: WT Feaster Bandfrom the USA. £5 on the door - 8.30WT Feaster Band on the Paul Jones R&Bshow BBC Radio 2check out this Jolly Farmers, 7 Purley Rd, PurleySurrey CR8 2HA, 020 8660• Games: PokerFun Poker Night Starts 8pm, £5 in, winner takes all.Scream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686• Music: Forever ExiledLive musicThe Ship, 47 High Street, Croydon, CR0 1QD.

• Music: Classical ConcertsFree lunchtime classical musicperformances at the ClocktowerCroydon. All performances start at1.30pm. Bring your own picnic, wear atux if you like, or just come as you areand enjoy your lunch in the incredibleunique setting of the Braithwaite Hall.Today’s programme: L.van BeethovenSonata No 17 in D-minor, Op.31,No.2,"The Tempest"J. Brahms Rhapsody in H minor,Op.79F. Chopin Waltz No.3 in A minorF.Chopin Scherzo No. 2 in B flatminor,Op.31Braithwaite Hall, Croydon Clocktower,Katharine Street,• Film: Le Concert 1.50pm and 5.30pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,• Film: White Materials 2009 Cameroon/France 102 MinsDirector: Clare DenisStars: Isabelle Huppert, ChristopherLambert, Nicolas Duvauchelle, IsaachDe Bankolé. A plantation owner isforced to face up to the growing socialunrest that is beginning to beleaguerboth her business and her family. Withcivil and racial conflicts boiling over in asmall African farming community, Maria(Isabelle Huppert), doggedly fights tokeep her coffee plantation alive, blindlyignoring calls from her government andex-husband to leave the area.8.00pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,

Thu 19• Sport: Epsom RacesFlat horse-racing First race 5pm.More info• Sport: York Ebor FestivalFlat horse-racing. Featuring The DarleyYorkshire Oaks & Ladies Day.Live on terrestrial telly. More• Sport: NPower Test SeriesCricketEngland v Pakistan - The Oval (cricketground, not Tavern...). More info:


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• Music: Sonny BlackAll round legend and Blues in Britain’sGuitarist of the Year Black takes theblues from the Delta to the borders ofJazz and back again.Live blues at The Oval every Thursdayand Sunday. Bands start 8pmThursdays, 5.30pm Sundays. FREE entry!The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road,Croydon, CR0 6BR. 020 8686• Music: Echovirus, DesigningNightmares, Consult The Oracle Terrorizer Grindhouse NightEchovirus, Designing Nightmares,Consult The Oracle The UK's leading extreme metalmagazine sponsor's a night of mayhem.UPSTAIRSDoors 8pm, Entry £4 adv/flyerScream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686• Film: Inception 5.30pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,• Film: Le Concert 8.20pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,• Film: White Materials See Wed 18.2pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,

Fri 20• Sport: NPower Test SeriesCricketEngland v Pakistan - The Oval (cricketground, not Tavern...). More info:• Sport: York Ebor FestivalFlat horse-racing. Featuring TheCoolmore Nunthorpe.Live on terrestrial telly. More• Music: IGNiTiON Regular monthly 14+ night from theteam behind the Croydon Clocktower'sIGNiTE club.The first event features performances by

Urban Maestro, rapper Frankie K, KianBagheri plus DJs and more!! DOWNSTAIRSDoors 6.30pm, Entry £3Scream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686• Music: DJ NightRock, Metal and Alternative - Bar opentil 2am. The Ship, 47 High Street,Croydon, CR0 1QD.• Music: Stone FreeHendrix inspired rock covers - 9.30 -FREE!The Jolly Farmers, 7 Purley Rd, PurleySurrey CR8 2HA, 020 8660• Club: On The RealUK Hip-Hop talent Skandal, JimmyScreech & Hobbit liveWith residents DJ MK, DJ 279, SpinDoctor & Snuff9pm-4am Friday 20th August 2010@ Plan B, Brixton Road, London SW9• Film: Wild Target (15) 2009 UK 85 MinsDirector: Jonathan LynnStars: Bill Nighy, Emily Blunt, RupertEverett, Martin FreemanAn offbeat comedy about, a middle-aged lone hit man whose entire life isdedicated to fulfilling his elderlymother’s every whim. But when a newlyassigned target has an unexpectedemotional affect on the ageing assassin,he finds himself taking stock of hissituation.2pm and 6pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,• Film: Gainsbourg (15) 2010 France/US 130 MinsDirector: Joann SfarStars: Eric Elmosnino, Lucy Gordon,Anna Mougladis, Laetitia Casta, YolandMoreau. The story of the illustrious andinfamous Serge Gainsbourg, anenchanting glimpse at his early life,growing up in 1940s Nazi- occupiedParis, and through his successful song-writing years in the 1960s until hisdeath in 1991.8.10pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,

Sat 21• Sport: Crystal Palace FC vIpswich TownChampionship footie. KO 3pm.More info:• Sport: NPower Test SeriesCricketEngland v Pakistan - The Oval (cricketground, not Tavern...). More info:• Music: B Musedsuperb varity of covers performed withstyle - 9.30 - FREE!The Jolly Farmers, 7 Purley Rd, PurleySurrey CR8 2HA, 020 8660• Sport: Croydon FC v SandhurstTownCombined Counties League action. KO3PM Adults £6, concessions £3.Croydon Sports Arena, Albert Road,London SE25 4QL. Trams to ArenaTram Stop take you there. (312, 197 or130 buses as well)• Music: DJ NightRock, Metal and Alternative - Bar opentil 2amThe Ship, 47 High Street, Croydon, CR0 1QD.• Club: Me And MandyLike every party, we get London’stalented underground DJs spinning,rolling Deep-tech House through thebig purple, powerful, Funktion Onesound system! You regulars know whatyou're in for, and for the ones thathaven’t been to Mandy, get involved.9pm until 4am£10 before midnight, more after.More info from Lounge, 12 Crown Hill, Croydon,CR0 1RZ. 020 8760• Film: Wild Target See Fri 20th.2pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,• Music: DJ NightThe Brief, 48 George Street, Croydon,CR0 1PD, 020 8686

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Sun 22• Sport: NPower Test SeriesCricketEngland v Pakistan - The Oval (cricketground, not Tavern...). More info:• Music: QUENTIN COLLINS &BRANDON ALLEN QUARTET Hard edge high energy band - not to bemissed !!Live lunchtime jazz. Upstairs - FREE - 1-3pmThe Green Dragon, 58-60 High Street, Croydon, CRO• Music: Open Mic NightNeil Mac hosts - 8.45 - FREE!The Jolly Farmers, 7 Purley Rd, PurleySurrey CR8 2HA, 020 8660• Music: Acoustic Sunday with The Dog Roses (Roots/Americana),Rob Cushman (Ragtime/Folk), TomJanssen (Lightning-Fingers/Folk) plusmore acts tbc. Live in the Lounge BarStarts 7pm, Free EntryScream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686• Club: Twist & Shout Feat live sets from Cairo Club, ThePressure Drop and Deft and Rohm &Zuma. breakbeat, soul, punk and indie,a Sunday thing you can dance to. Doors7pm, £4 entry; all door proceeds tocharity. Black Sheep Bar, 68 High St,CR0. 020 8680• CHARITY: Pete Nash BenefitAll-DayerFROM 2PM ON. Sadly Pete Nash -keyboards with The Blue Aces - isdesparately ill. Consequently, we havearranged a benefit to help see himthrough this immensely difficult time. Sofar this all-star, all-dayer will include:Jerimiah Marques, Big Joe Louis, WesWeston, Jamie Rowan, Orlando Shearer,Mike Watts, Mike Thorne, LittleGeorge, King David, King Size Slim andSam Kelly. BBQ all day. Please, pleaseshow your support. The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road,Croydon, CR0 6BR. 020 8686

Mon 23• Event: The Jane Austen BookClub (KNIT & SEW) From 6.30pm (drop in when you like)The first rule of the Jane Austin BookClub is there is no Book Club. It’s partof a growing number of feisty butfriendly knitting and sewing groupstaking over the world one stitch at atime. Everyone is welcome. Wallflowers,vixens, vikings, mild-mannered librariansor superheroes. Bring some knitting orsewing and remember our mostimportant rule – relax and unwind(whether it is with a drink or a ball ofwool) and make new friends. For othergroups in London check outwww.stitchnbitch.orgARTS CAFÉ BAR FREE EVENT/No needto book Croydon Clocktower, Katharine Street,Croydon,• Film: Wild Target See Fri 20th.1.30pm and 6pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,• Film: Gainsbourg See Fri 20th.8.10pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,

Tue 24• Music: All Ages Metal Night with In Ruins, Aspyxiation, Through HerVeins, The October Sky (All-ages), DOWNSTAIRSDoors 7 - 10pm, Entry £4Scream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686• Film: Wild Target See Fri 20th. A BRING YOUR OWNBABY PERFORMANCE ONLY. BringYour Own Baby screenings are forparents and carers with babies up toone year old. We have a pram park,soft lighting & nappy changing facilitiesto keep you and your little one happy.11am. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,

• Film: Gainsbourg See Fri 20th.1.30pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,

Wed 25• Film: Film Night This week's film is daft vampire rompQueen Of The Damned, in tribute tosinger/actress Aaliyah who died on thisday in 2001.Starts 8pm, Free Entry!Scream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686• Music: Act tbcLive musicThe Ship, 47 High Street, Croydon, CR0 1QD.• Music: Classical ConcertsFree lunchtime classical musicperformances at the ClocktowerCroydon. All performances start at1.30pm. Bring your own picnic, wear atux if you like, or just come as you areand enjoy your lunch in the incredibleunique setting of the Braithwaite Hall.Today’s programme: F.Chopin FantasiaImpromptuL. van Beethoven Sonata No 14,Op.27No.2, " Quasi una Fantasia","Moonlight"F.Chopin Nocturne in C Minor,Op. 48No 1F. Chopin Waltz No.7 in C sharpminor,Op.64 No2Waltz No.3 in A minorF.Chopin Scherzo No.2 in B flatminor,Op.31Braithwaite Hall, Croydon Clocktower,Katharine Street,• Film: Wild Target See Fri 20th. 1.30pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,• Film: Gainsbourg See Fri 20th.5.30pm. £7.30 (£4.80 conc)David Lean Cinema, CroydonClocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon,


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Thu 26• Sport: Lingfield RacesAfternoon turf flat horse-racing More info from• Sport: NPower Test SeriesCricketEngland v Pakistan - Lords. More info:• Music: Giles Hedley DuoRootsy polymath Giles delivers his uber-engaging delta-fed passion and grit.But: Wot! No Richard Sadler? GHpromising special guest tocompensate....Live blues at The Oval every Thursdayand Sunday. Bands start 8pmThursdays, 5.30pm Sundays. FREE entry!The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road,Croydon, CR0 6BR. 020 8686• Music: Miss Nicaragua, EvilScarecrow & Bleed To This Metal Thursday with Miss Nicaragua, Evil Scarecrow & BleedTo This The closest Croydon's likely to get to aGwar concert, with three of the mostbizarre OTT metal bands in the UK.UPSTAIRSDoors 8pm, Entry £4Scream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686• Film: Film4 Frightfest Horror film festival. Various venues inLondon. See fordetails.

Fri 27• Sport: NPower Test SeriesCricketEngland v Pakistan - Lords. More info:• Sport: Belgian Grand PrixFrom Spa-Francorchamps. Live on BBC TV.• Music: DJ NightRock, Metal and Alternative - Bar opentil 2am. The Ship, 47 High Street,Croydon, CR0 1QD.• Film: Film4 Frightfest Horror film festival. Various venues inLondon. See fordetails.

Sat 28• Sport: NPower Test SeriesCricketEngland v Pakistan - Lords. More info:• Sport: Belgian Grand PrixFrom Spa-Francorchamps. Live on BBC TV.• Music: Elvis! An impersonator, we presume,otherwise this is BIG NEWS!The Surrey Cricketers, 23 West Street,Croydon, CR0 1DJ, 020 8288 1781• Event: Fancy Dress Party Trailer Trash Beach Party - Bar open til 2am.The Ship, 47 High Street, Croydon, CR0 1QD.• Event: South West FourWeekenderClapham Common. More info from:• Film: Film4 Frightfest Horror film festival. Various venues inLondon. See fordetails.

Sun 29• Sport: NPower Test SeriesCricket England v Pakistan - Lords. More info:• Sport: Belgian Grand PrixFrom Spa-Francorchamps. Live on BBC TV.• Music: PETE COOPER & ADAMTALBOT QUINTET playing music from the Bluenote libraryLive lunchtime jazz. Upstairs - FREE - 1-3pmThe Green Dragon, 58-60 High Street,Croydon, CRO• Club: Red Velvet Bank HolidaySpecialDJs Tony R, Jesse James, Lewis Wright& Ryan Ellis, James Murray, Lee Game,Lewis James, Connor Benson.9pm – 6amAdvance tickets £8, Guest list £10.More on the door.For guest list please inadvance. Lounge, 12 Crown Hill, Croydon,CR0 1RZ. 020 8760

• Music: Diz and The DoormenOval fave Diz Watson and cohortsbounce in with stompingly good NewOrleans-style mix of Barrel House,R’n’B, Rock 'n' Roll and Boogie Woogie. Live blues at The Oval every Thursdayand Sunday. Bands start 8pmThursdays, 5.30pm Sundays. FREE entry! The Oval Tavern, 131 OvalRoad, Croydon, CR0 6BR. 020 8686 6023,• Club: Bank Holiday Croydubacts TBA shortlyBlack Sheep Bar, 68 High St, CR0.020 8680• Music: Act tbcLive music at The Half and HalfHalf & Half Lounge Bar282 High Street, Croydon, CR0 1NGTel: 020 8726 • Event: Beach Themed Party+ DJ.The Brief, 48 George Street, Croydon,CR0 1PD, 020 8686• Event: South West FourWeekenderClapham Common. More info from:• Event: Notting Hill Carnival More info• Film: Film4 Frightfest Horror film festival. Various venues inLondon. See fordetails.

Mon 30• Event: Bank Holiday!The last one ‘til Xmas, so make themost of it!• Sport: NPower Test SeriesCricketEngland v Pakistan - Lords. More info:• Event: CarshaltonEnvironmental FairLoads of live music, from rock to pan-pipes, environmental stalls, all types offood, organig booze - an excellent dayout. Highly recommended. Adults £6,concessions £3Under 12's - Free, Adults - £4, Under16 and Concs. £210:30am - 8pm.This year the fair aims to run free

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shuttle buses to the event from aroundthe borough and timetables for this willbe available in libraries from mid-August. No car parking on site save forlimited disabled parking. More infofrom: Park, Ruskin Road,Carshalton.• Sport/Event: Epsom FamilyFundayA great value day out, with activities tokeep the whole family entertained allday from competitive racing on TheDowns to a large range of freechildren’s entertainment within theStands.Gates open at midday, and once againthis year, Epsom has something foreveryone, from tiny tots to teens andparents. Our line up should keep eventhe most discerning visitor entertainedfor the day, with entertainment toinclude:- Interactive Roald Dahl story tellersbringing some of the famous authorsmost popular stories to life- Farmyard animals and pony rides offerthe kids an opportunity to interact withfurry friends- Interative Derby racing game offersyour kids the chance to be a Derbywinner- Plenty of inflatables and games willkeep the kids bouncing until home time The ever-popular children’s races will berun on the world famous racetrack, withfantastic prizes for the winners. Thisyear, we're adding a parents race, haveyou started your training yet? For the adults, there will be seven horseraces starting at aproximately 2.00pm,including The Amateur Derby run overthe famous mile and a half Derbycourse. In The Sprint, horses thunderdown Epsom’s home straight;unquestionably the most spectacularsprint course in the UK and with apossible challenge to the world fivefurlong record to witness! Discounted tickets are available inadvance. Book today by calling 0844579 3004. More info• Sport: Croydon FC v HorleyTownBank Holiday action at Croydon SportsArena. KO 3PM. Adults £6, concessions £3Croydon Sports Arena, Albert Road,London SE25 4QL. Trams to Arena

Tram Stop take you there. (312, 197 or130 buses as well)• Gay: Sports DayThe Bird In hand’s annual sports day!The Bird In Hand, 291 Sydenham Road,Croydon, CR0 2EL. 020 8683• Event: Notting Hill Carnival More info• Film: Film4 Frightfest Horror film festival. Various venues inLondon. See fordetails.

Tue 31• Music: ADRIAN REID TRIO Top class piano playerLunchtime Jazz upstairs - 12.15 to2.30pm - Free! The Green Dragon, 58-60 High Street, Croydon, CRO


Wed 01 September• Sport: Brighton Races Flat turf horse-racing.Free bus from Brighton station to thecourse. More info• Sport: Lingfield RacesAfternoon turf flat horse-racing More info from• Music: Act tbcLive music. The Ship, 47 High Street,Croydon, CR0 1QD.

Thu 02• Sport: Epsom RacesFlat horse-racing First race 2pm.More info• Music: Live BluesAct tbc. Live blues at The Oval every Thursdayand Sunday. Bands start 8pmThursdays, 5.30pm Sundays. FREE entry!The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road,Croydon, CR0 6BR. 020 8686

Fri 03• Sport: Lingfield RacesAfternoon all-weather flat horse-racing More info from• Music: DJ NightRock, Metal and Alternative - Bar opentil 2am. The Ship, 47 High Street,Croydon, CR0 1QD.• Music: Screamfest 2010 Croydon's music venue celebrates it'sfirst birthday with 3 days of the best inlocal live music.Full line up tbc, but confirmed acts sofar include:Friday 3rd: Solid State Junk Time PartyScream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686

Sat 04• Music: Screamfest 2010 Croydon's music venue celebrates it'sfirst birthday with 3 days of the best inlocal live music.Full line up tbc, but confirmed acts sofar include:Saturday 4th: We Lie Beneath,Mandelson, Profane & The Sacred, JSA,A Day After Tomorrow, The DarkScouts, Kitty Lipps, Fear No Fish,Silhouette Of A Ghost, Duplex Gage,Deprevate, The Lost Audio, Mordecai,Tilt At Windmills, Against The Floodplus more tbcScream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686• Club: Rewind Get your platforms on and dust offthose flares as John Lazenby and The Arc, transportyou back in time playing hours of thebest 60s, 70s and 80s music guaranteedto pull you to the dance floor.Concentrating mainly on the 70’s and80’s disco era with a bit of 60’s soul,R&B, pop and rock, 70’s glam rock, 80’snew romantic and happy songs fromWham and the like to have youjumping to the beat! £5 in advance or £8 on the door. Pleasenote this is a strictly over 21s event.Doors open at 8pm and finishes at

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Midnight. Why not come and eat in ournew Bistro, which serves delicious foodall night long?To book, pop into The Arc Box Office orcall them on 01883 330380. For moreinfo email: The Arc, 39 Weston Drive, Caterham,Surrey, CR3• Music: DJ NightRock, Metal and Alternative - Bar opentil 2am. The Ship, 47 High Street,Croydon, CR0 1QD.

Sun 05• Music: Live Jazz Act tbc. Upstairs - FREE - 1-3pmThe Green Dragon, 58-60 High Street, Croydon, CRO• Music: Live BluesAct tbc. Live blues at The Oval every Thursdayand Sunday. Bands start 8pmThursdays, 5.30pm Sundays. FREE entry!The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road,Croydon, CR0 6BR. 020 8686• Music: Screamfest 2010 Croydon's music venue celebrates it'sfirst birthday with 3 days of the best inlocal live music.Full line up tbc, but confirmed acts sofar include:Sunday 5th: Oliver Sudden, SupermanRevenge Squad, Jack Nosey, DanMulcahy, Worthless, Bad Sign(acoustic), Shonanis, Elliot Mason, TimEveleigh, Sam Kronis, Dandy Dan &Melo D, Rob Cushman, SoapyJefferson, Mark Woods of JunkyardChoir, Cellar Door plus more tbcScream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686

Mon 06• See Every Monday

Tue 07• Sport: Lingfield RacesAfternoon turf flat horse-racing More info from

Wed 08• Sport: Epsom RacesFlat horse-racing First race 2pm.More info• Music: Act tbcLive musicThe Ship, 47 High Street, Croydon, CR0 1QD.

Thu 09• Sport: Epsom RacesFlat horse-racing First race 2pm.More info• Music: Live BluesAct tbc. Live blues at The Oval every Thursdayand Sunday. Bands start 8pmThursdays, 5.30pm Sundays. FREE entry!The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road,Croydon, CR0 6BR. 020 8686

Fri 10• Sport: Italian Grand PrixFrom Monza. Live on BBC TV.• Event: Croydon Food Festival Starts today, events throughoutSeptember. On Friday 10th andSaturday 11th, the Croydon Food Show- our special outdoor live demonstrationkitchen - will be tempting North Endshoppers between 11am and 4pm.Watch as creative recipes are brought tolife when chefs prepare gorgeousgourmet dishes before your very eyes.The Girl Guides will be gracing us withtheir presence, teaching us someinvaluable skills with their 'BackwoodsCooking' slot. In addition to the Croydon Food Show,on Friday and Saturday you will alsofind a number of guest stalls in SurreyStreet Market from local food producersshowcasing their mouthwateringmorsels of deliciousness. Watch livecooking shows using selections of local

and market produce.This year the Festival also extends tothe District Centres and Purley will beplaying host to the Purley Music andFood Festival.All this, plus the numerous in-storeactivities and special offers that arecurrently being finalised. Visit thewebsite for details as they’re released..• Music: Payback (10-piece Funk/Soul/Party Covers),UPSTAIRSDoors 8pm, Entry £tbcScream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0 8099 4624 / 020 8686• Music: DJ NightRock, Metal and Alternative - Bar opentil 2am.The Ship, 47 High Street, Croydon, CR0 1QD.

Sat 11• Music: DJ NightRock, Metal and Alternative - Bar opentil 2am. The Ship, 47 High Street,Croydon, CR0 1QD.• Event: Croydon Food Festival See Friday 10th.

Sun 12• Music: Live Jazz Act tbc. Upstairs - FREE - 1-3pmThe Green Dragon, 58-60 High Street, Croydon, CRO• Music: Live BluesAct tbc. Live blues at The Oval everyThursday and Sunday. Bands start 8pmThursdays, 5.30pm Sundays. FREE entry!The Oval Tavern, 131 Oval Road,Croydon, CR0 6BR. 020 8686• Event: Croydon Food Festival See Friday 10th.

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• Oval Tavern:Great beer garden, live blues musicevery Thursday and Sunday, Djs andthe usual Oval happenings includingthe big Sunday Roast. Real ales.Children welcome in the garden.The Oval Tavern, Oval Road, EastCroydon.

• Green Dragon:We're a safe, family-friendlypub. 5 big screens for sport;and air con. Regular live musicupstairs, DJs downstairs,Monday pub quiz, book-swap,2 pool tables, friendly staff,great food at great value. Realales inc guest ales.The Green Dragon, 58-60 HighStreet, Croydon, CR0 1NA.

• Red Deer:8 screens for sport, pool table, largefunstion room for hire. Outdoorseating. The best value pub in SouthCroydon. The Red Deer, 279Brighton Road, South Croydon.

• Glamorgan:All fresh food restaurant and pub.Discover the authentic taste of SouthAfrica. We are now serving crocodile,ostrich, babotie (summery, savourymince dish). SA biltong and chillibiltong bar snacks. South Africanwine, Savanna cider & more.Monthly South African BBQs (Braai).Real ales including Harveys, Summerbeer and guest beers. Beer GardenSee advert for opening times.The Glamorgan, 81 Cherry OrchardRoad, East Croydon Croydon CR0 6BE. 020 8688 6333

• Cricketers:CAMRA Croydon and Sutton Pub OfThe Year. Ales include Harveys,Hophead, 4 rotating microbreweryales. plus lager, wine spirits etc.Food served 12-7 every day. Legendary curries!Beer garden - patio and grassed, withkids play area. Wildlife garden.Car Park. BBQ. Dartboard.The Cricketer’s, 47 Shirley Rd,Croydon, Surrey, CR0 7ER

• Scream Lounge:Music every night of the week. Seewhat’s on for full details.The Scream Lounge, 20 South End,Croydon, CR0

• The Royal StandardA Cordial welcome from Martin &Anne-Marie. Traditional Fullers Pub.Large secluded beer garden. Realales. Bar snacks all day. Screens forsport. Darts with electronic scorer.Family friendly.1 Sheldon Street, Croydon, CR0 1SS,020 8688 9749. For events, find uson Facebook!

• The Dog and BullThe Oldest pub in Croydon.Traditional Youngs Real Ales on tapand bottled. Open Mon-Thu 10am-11pm Fri/Sat 10am-11.30pmSun 12-10.30pm.Food served Mon-Fri 12-2.30pm and5-9pm. Sat & Sun 12-6pm.Lovely beer garden, outside BBQ, barand pool table. Massive screens forterrestrial sport. Children welcome inthe garden until 6pm.24-25 Surrey Street, Croydon,CR0 1RG, 020 8667 9718

• Yates’s Wine Lodge:All sports shown on 6 large screensover two floors - premiership,championship football, rugby, cricketetc. We now have 2 amazing 3DScreens for sports being shown in 3D- come down and try it! Large beer-garden, good food - extensive menu,drinks deals and offers. Functionscatered for. Pool tables upstairs.Weekend DJs.Yates’s Wine Lodge, 5 High StreetCroydon CR0 1QA. 020 8681 8219

• The Spread Eagle:All sports shown on large screensover two floors. Beer Patio. Excellentfunction room - free to hire. Greathome cooked food. Sunday quiz7pm. The Spread Eagle, 39-41Katharine Street, Croydon CR0 1NX.020 8781 1134

• The Tamworth ArmsTraditional Youngs Pub. Big screen forSky Sports. Bar snacks. Real ales.Open fire. Occasional summer BBQs(Ask at the bar). Beer garden. Weeklykaraoke. Dart-board. Friendly staff.Beautiful hanging baskets.62 Tamworth Road, Croydon, CR0 1XW

• The Earl Of EldonTraditional Greene King pub. Homemade food. Sunday lunch 3 coursesfor £10. Sky sports. Weekly quiz, livemusic, open mic night. Lovelygarden. Under friendly newManagement. 63 Brighton Road, Croydon, CR26ED, 020 8726 0821

• The BriefGreene King pub. Friendly newmanager and staff. Large range offine ales & wines. Extensive menuserved 12-9pm every day. Largefunction room available with catering(up to 150). recently refurbished,family friendly.48 George Street, Croydon, CR0 1PD020 8686 6878

• The ShipAll new bright frontage, refreshinginterior changes. Real ales. Regular

live music and DJs. Drink offers. The Ship, 47 High Street, Croydon, CR0 1QD.

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• Stones Hair Salon:Unisex. Fully qualified and friendlystaff to provide cuts, colours andtreatments to suit everyone. Coolmusic, great stylists, refreshments andcheap off-street parking.Stones Unisex Hair Salon, 6 StationParade, Sanderstead Road, CroydonCR2 OPL, Tel: 020 8651 9333.

• Timebomb:Alt Clothes shop, t-shirt printing,body piercing and now, tattoo studio.Time Bomb, 73 High St, Croydon,CR0 1QBOnline shop: printing:www.timebombtshirts.comPiercing:

• New Era Internet:Web design, development,marketing, hosting.www.newerainternet.com0845 644 1484

• The Wine Cellar:Rotating selection of around 100 realales and 75 continental beers.Suppliers of container conditionedminipins (17 pints) and polypins (32pints) of real ale from our nominatedlocal brewery - Hogsback. Beer, spiritsand wines plus groceries andsupplies.The Wine Cellar, 9-10 StationParade, Sanderstead, Croydon CR2OPH, Tel: 020 8657 6936.

• Hound Dog Commercial Art:Chalkboards for pubs, bars, cafes andrestaurants. Ad, logo and flyerdesign. Geoff Lyons, 07887 592864.

• Pain Divine Tattoos:Specialities: custom work,biomechanical, demonic,oriental/japanese & realistictattooing. Feel free to speak to usabout your ideas and we'll be happyto do the design you require. Wehave all the health authoritycertificates, full sterilisation facilities,and our service is at the highest levelof hygiene. The needles are clean,and yes it does hurt.Pain Divine, 99 Church StreetCroydon, CR0 1RN. 020 8686


featured businesses directory august

• Concitas:Mexican cuisine. Wide selection ofcocktails as well as beers, wines,spirits, soft-drinks etc. Lively friendly atmosphere. DJs at weekends. Birthdays, henparties and other events catered for.Large airy restuarant with air con.Kids welcome.Open 12-11pm every day.Concitas, 25-29 South End,Croydon, CR0 1BE.

• Apertura:NEW Restaurant / Bar. ModernBritish / European cuisine. Finedining. Our top class chef hasworked in Michelin starred kitchensserving royalty and other VIPs.Comfortable atmosphere. Very goodselection of wines. Outside drinking /smoking area.Open 12-11pm every day.Apertura, 14 South End, (site of theold Firkin / Duke’s Head pub)Croydon, CR0 1DL.

• Zara’s Kitchen:A proper family-run restaurantserving authentic Indian cuisine. Bringyour own alcohol - no corkage fee.Great food, terrifically friendlyatmosphere. Takeaway available.Delivery available Sun-Thu 18:00-23:00Fri-Sat 18:00-00:00Zara’s Kitchen, 60 South End,Croydon, CR0 1DP020 8688 0782.

featured restaurant directory august

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Weird creatures outside the fetish night at the Sheep; Chewbacca muses the imponderable thanks to Moyz II Hen and TerryO’Stereo (pic: tezza); Much party-blower hilarity from Hound-Dog and Bonsai at the latter’s birthday (pic: boothie);

The Holmesdale Heroes fantasy football league 2009/2010 prizegiving at Zeitgeist, Vauxhall, L-R: Sally, Mike, Jamie, Andy,Stewart, Ange, Simon, Tony W (the winner, again!), Tony F, Hing.

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