deep cleaning your kitchen made easy

Post on 02-Jun-2015






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Deep Cleaning your Kitchen Made Easy

Every few months we all have to face it: deep cleaning the kitchen. You probably sweep and wipe down counters all the time, but sooner or later, you’ll need to get down to business and give your kitchen a little more attention so it sparkles and your appliances stay in great shape. But, deep cleaning doesn’t have to take very long and doesn’t even need to be hard. When you tackle the project with a plan and use the right tools, the job is much easier and your kitchen will look like new. Wipe Down Cupboards and Shelves

In general, you want to start at the top of your kitchen and work your way down. That way, all the crumbs, dust and grime won’t fall down onto counters or appliances you have already cleaned. Start by wiping down cupboards and drawers. You can use a damp rag to wipe the outside and then remove things inside and do the same there. If you need to, replace shelf and drawer liners. Focus on the knobs and drawer pulls, as these get the most use. In the kitchen, things like grease, food splatters and dirty hands can make cupboards very grimy, so use plenty of elbow grease to clean nooks.

Clean the Counters and Tabletops

Now, clear everything off the counters and tabletops so you can wipe them completely clean. Use a commercial cleaner that can cut through the grease that builds up in the kitchen. Wipe them down and focus on corners and edges where things get easily trapped. You can also spot clean the walls and backsplash now too. In the kitchen, walls can easily get greasy and splotchy, but by cleaning them regularly you can keep them looking great and even avoid paint damage. Deep Clean the Oven and Microwave

Cleaning the oven doesn’t have to be hard. First, open the door and wipe out all the crumbs. Then, remove the burners and brush away crumbs on the stovetop. Use a kitchen cleaner to wipe the entire stovetop, control panel and knobs clean. To clean the burners and rings, don’t waste your time scrubbing them. Instead, put them in sealable plastic bags and add 60 millilitres of ammonia. Let them sit overnight and then in the morning you can easily wipe all the grime away. If your oven has a cleaning setting, read the directions in the manual and use that. If it doesn’t, use a commercial cleaning product as directed to scrub away baked-on food

and stains. Then, use a glass cleaner to clean the window in the door and a regular surface cleaner to wipe down the outside surfaces. Don’t forget to wipe down the hood and replace the light bulbs and filters as needed. Clear out and Clean the Refrigerator

Tackle the refrigerator with a leftover purge. Take everything out of your fridge and get rid of old leftovers or expired foods. Then, use a damp cloth to wipe the shelves, cubbies and drawers clean. If you need to, you can pull out removable elements and wash them in the sink. Put an open package of baking soda in the back of the refrigerator to fight any doors and replace the food. If there is ice buildup in the freezer, take everything out, turn it off and let it defrost. Then, clean it well and replace the items. But, cleaning the fridge doesn’t stop there. Use a broom to sweep out around the fridge and even behind it if you can. Every few months you will need to use a vacuum with a hose to remove dust from the coils on the back of the refrigerator. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the doors, top and sides of the fridge. Again, you will probably need to focus on the handles since these attract fingerprints and get the most use.

Make the Sink Sparkle

The sink is one of the most used fixtures in your kitchen, so it will need some special care to keep it looking great. Start by wiping down the faucet, handles and area around the sink. Use an old toothbrush to scrub around the drain and even clean the rubber flaps around the inside. To clean the drain, pour some vinegar and baking soda down it. Let it bubble and do its work for several minutes and then rinse it with very hot running water. If the drain smells, you can put a few lemon rinds in the drain, turn on the faucet and grind them up with the disposal. Then, use either a porcelain or stainless steel commercial cleaner to clean the sink. If you need to, use a scrub brush to work out stains and really make it sparkle. Dampen a few paper towels with vinegar and lay them around the faucet. Let them sit for about an hour and when you come back you can wipe away all the gunk and grime very easily. Sweep and Mop the Floor

The last step to deep cleaning your kitchen is to sweep and mop the floor. Start by removing rugs, chairs and any other pieces of furniture you can easily push out of the

way. Sweep the area well, making sure to get rid of dust and crumbs that make their way to the corners and the spaces underneath cabinets. For a vinyl or tile floor, you can use a floor cleaning solution and a mop to clean it well. A steam cleaner can help you clean your tile floor like no other tool can. The mixture of heat and steam loosens dirt and grime that has built up and cleans the tiles extremely well. If you have a wood floor, avoid getting it wet. If you do need to wipe up spots, use as little water as possible and then wipe the area dry right away. Deep cleaning your kitchen doesn’t need to be a dreaded chore. When you take things step by step and use the right tools, you can work smart, not hard and have a sparkling clean kitchen in no time. To find out more about how we can help you achieve perfect results, please visit

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