dear children of the world

Post on 06-Sep-2015






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Dear children of the world, both young and old. Yahweh was the soul of Jesus.


  • Copyright 2011 Michael Godbout

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written

    permission of the Publisher and Author.

    Printed in the United States of America.

    Published by Lulu, inc. 2011

    For information AddressAtt: Michael Godbout,

    ISBN 978-1-105-15016-6

    First Edition

    Book design by Yahweh & AsheraWebsite:

  • Dear children of the world, both young and old.

    Yahweh was the soul of Jesus.

  • That is why as Jesus, he told his disciples "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father. The Father and I are one."

  • Meaning the one or same soul back now at the End of the ages as the old man. I call him the "Ancient of Days".

    A conversation Jesus had with Necodemus, was all about the reincarnation of the soul. Up to seven times

  • through the ages until it reached its perfection at the time of the end.

  • The writers of the bible left most of the conversation out, so that Christians today do not believe in the reincarnation of the soul.

  • To be born again means the reincarnation of the soul.

  • You have been here before and are back now at the end of the age with Yahweh who is the soul of Jesus. And this time he is here as the Father for the jugement of the nations.

    Christians are looking for

  • the young man of Jesus Christ coming from the clouds on a big white horse.

    And this is why as Jesus said not to go looking for him

  • anywhere even if people are saying; "He is here or there."

    The clouds are symbolic for confusion and the white horse is the constellation of Pegasus in the sky.

    The book of Revelations is accurate, and the only one

  • who can explain it is Yahweh. And that is what he does.

    In Revelations 19:12, it tells of a name that is written which only he will know.

    That is because the name this time is the royal name. Preserved through his bloodline down to his

  • Mother and Father, Golightly and Marshall. The Davidic bloodline hidden and protected so that it was kept away from the throne And the evil that has surrounded the throne since 1297.

    So the most royal man born to the earth was Yahweh Jesus, all mighty God.

  • And now born again known this time as Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall Yahweh and all mighty God Emmanuel which means "God with us".

  • Just as he was two thousand years ago.

  • The God of the first five books of the bible which is the Torah, is Lucifer, the God of sacrifice. He demands blood and tells moses to stone a man to death for picking up sticks on the Sabbath, and commands Israel to rape, pillage and

  • plunder, slaughter men, women and children or to keep young virgin girls for themselves.

    Ask yourselves,Does that sound like Jesus talking?

    As Jesus, Yahweh said there are only Two Commandments. To love eachother and to love God.

  • The Bible in stone is the great pyramid in Egypt. It is the alter to the Lord and referred to by Isaa 19:19-20.

    It was built by the descendants of Noah which means knowledge almost

  • five thousand years ago.

    In its measurements are the birth dates of Yahweh and his family, as well as locations he has lived on the earth. Yahweh is the Key to

  • the house of David. Meaning the family of David and Isiaac 22:22

    The reference in the New Testament to the pyramid was left out of the bible deliberatly to mislead people.

  • Jesus said;"Have you not heard of the stone the builders rejected, has become the head of the pyramid?"

    In your bible it says corner which means nothing and causes confusion. However

  • the reference by him to the pyramid fortells a story of the rejected capstone to the pyramid. Which is the Lord Jesus Christ Yahweh who is the capstone rejected by society called freemasons.

    At his return at the end of the age. Because our

  • churches are preaching from the King James Version of the bible. Which is a freemason translation that all freemason Lodges throughout the world use.

    Then the christians are not hearing the truth about how it is that the Lord Jesus Christ

  • Yahweh returns. As he came before a man,

    does he come again as a man?

    He came as a thief in the night.

    No one knows when the thief comes until it is too

  • late. He was born again to the earth on Jan. 11, 1944 at 2:22am in Sydney Australia.His parents were living at 105 Rothschild Ave. Rothschild is Lucifer.

    So he knew he was born into Hell. And here in Hell, the devil has been in control

  • since the cross. So Yahweh the Father comes down to the earth to set the captives free and to judge the fallen angels who were cast down to the earth. They have deceived the whole world through their books the bible and the Koran.

  • The earth is the temple of God and God measures his temple to prove himself.

    Because to trap Lucifer, the name of God is in the creation. So he uses numbers to prove everything. So the bible that Lucifer put together that has ensnared

  • all mankind, becomes the trap that God uses when he comes back to expose Lucifer.

    The revelation is all about exposing all things. To be like God is to be fully human. Because God is fully human.

  • You are made in the image of God. You are our offspring and so you too are God. You are not the sinner that the church tells you. Life is about experiencing the suffering and over coming them until you've reached the perfection of your soul by

  • not giving into anything other than LOVE.

    Our solar system is traveling at 69,000 km/h and heading Northward back to the Heavenly Realm.

  • Which is the North side of the equatorial line of the Milkyway Galaxy where the Fallen Angels cannot enter cause they've been cast out of the Heavenly Realm. And now are being cast off the Earth.

  • That is why things are coming to a climax now. They know that their time is short. The 21st of December 2012 at 11:11am is the time of crossing. Think of the Earth as the Ark.

  • We are all going back except for Lucifer and it's fallen angels.

    Our saints have lots of our videos at their youtube sites where Yahweh is measuring the earth. We had over 900

  • teaching videos that were taken down last year by Lucifer.

    I hope this helps you. Love and Peace from Ashera. Oh and by the way, the Godhead is both Father and Mother. That bit of information has been taken from the Psiky of the Christians.

  • As Jesus, Yahweh said that the Kingdom of God belongs to the children, and we must become as children ourselves to enter in Heaven. In other words, we must lay down everything we think we know because everything we have learned from schools,

  • churches and governments has been only what Lucifer wanted us to know.

    The biggest conspiracy of all is the knowledge that Jesus Christ was born again to the earth on Jan. 11, 1944.

    And the rulers of the world

  • have kept the knowledge from the people. Otherwise the people would not go to Lucifer's churches, pay taxes to the preachers, go out to fight war or anything else that profits the corporate beast. We would be living in the Loving Peace and secure abundance where everyone is loved and cared for with all the necessities of life and the pursuit of hapiness which is total freedom.

  • Sounds like a plan, doesn't it?

  • Yahweh N Ashera

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