de ŞtiinŢĂ Şi culturĂ

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SUPLIMENT cu lucrări susținute la

Congresul Internațional de Istorie a presei:

Presa Marii Uniri

Arad, 20-21 aprilie 2018

Revistă editată de / revue éditée par / journal published by:


în parteneriat cu / en partenariat avec / in partnership with:



LE CAER - EA 854















”Vasile Goldiș” University Press

Arad – România

Titlul proiectului: Congresul Internațional de Istorie a presei: Presa Marii Uniri,

Desfășurat la Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiș” din Arad, Aula „Ștefan Cicio Pop”, în perioada

20-21 aprilie 2018.

Director proiect: Marius Grec

Finanțator: Centrul Municipal de Cultură Arad și Primăria Municipiului Arad

Proiect organizat de: Asociația pentru cultură, educație și tineret „Vasile Goldiș” Arad și Centrul

Municipal de Cultură Arad, în parteneriat cu: Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiș” din Arad,

Revista „Studii de Știință și Cultură” Arad, România, Academia Română, Filiala Timișoara

ISSN 1841-1401 (print)

ISSN - L 1841-1401

ISSN 2067-5135 (online)

Revistă evaluată pozitiv, după

criteriul citărilor, în I. C.

Journals Master List 2012, cu

un scor ICV (Valoare Index

Copernicus) de 6,03 puncte.

Colegiul editorial / Editorial Board

Editor şef/Editor–in–Chief: Prof. univ. dr. Alvaro ROCCHETTI – Université

Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle, France

Director executiv/Executive Director, Redactor şef fondator/ Editor–in–Chief

founder: Prof. Vasile MAN – Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad,


Director adjunct/Second Editor in Chief - CS dr. Viviana MILIVOIEVICI -

Academia Română, Filiala Timişoara

Coeditori/Co-Editors-in-Chief: Prof. univ. dr. Sophie SAFFI – Université d’Aix-

Marseille AMU, France; Prof. univ. dr. Louis BEGIONI – Université d’Aix-

Marseille AMU, France; Prof. univ. dr. habil Emilia PARPALĂ –, Universitatea

Craiova; Conf. univ. dr. Virginia POPOVIČ – Universitatea Novi Sad, Serbia;

Acad. Prof. univ. dr. Thede KAHL – University of Jena, Germany; CS III Dr.

habit Graţiela BENGA-ŢUŢUIANU, Academia Română, Filiala Timişoara; Prof.

univ. dr. Rodica BIRIŞ – Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad,


Consiliul ştiinţific – Referenţi / Scientific Board

Director adjunct/Second Editor in Chief - CS dr. Viviana MILIVOIEVICI -

Academia Română, Filiala Timişoara

Ref. Adriana SAVIN – Scientometrie, Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din

Arad, România

Dr. Doru SINACI – Biblioteca Județeană „A.D. Xenopol” Arad

Acad. Mihai CIMPOI – Academia de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova

Prof. univ. dr. Gilles BARDY - Université d’Aix-Marseille AMU, France

Prof. univ. dr. Otilia HEDEȘAN, Universitatea de Vest, Timișoara, România

Prof. univ. dr. Ştefan OLTEAN – Universitatea „Babeş Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca, România

Prof. univ. dr. Teodor Ioan MATEOC – Universitatea din Oradea, România

Prof. univ. dr. Marina Puia BĂDESCU – Universitatea Novi Sad, Serbia

Prof. univ. dr. Iulian BOLDEA – Universitatea „Petru Maior” Târgu-Mureş,


Prof. univ. dr. Elżbieta JAMROZIK - Instytut Kulturologii i Lingwistyki

Antropocentrycznej Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej, Warszawa, Poland

Conf.univ.dr. Speranţa MILANCOVICI - Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş”

din Arad, România

Conf. univ. dr. Stăncuţa LAZA - Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad,


Prof. univ. dr. Rudolf WINDISCH – Universitat Rostock, Germania

Conf. univ. dr. Mihaela BUCIN – Universitatea din Szeged, Ungaria

Prof. univ.dr. Lucian CHIŞU – Institutul de Istorie şi Teorie Literară „G.

Călinescu”, Bucureşti, România

Secretariat de redacţie:

Redactor-Traducător: Mădălina IACOB - Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş”

din Arad, România, Dr. Daniel ALBU - Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din

Arad, România, Design: Otilia PETRILA, Foto:Dr. Virgiliu JIREGHIE,


Adresa / Editorial Office: Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad, România

310025 ARAD, Bd. Revoluţiei nr. 94-96; telefon: 0040/0257/280335; mobil 0724039978;

fax 0040/0257/280810;, e-mail:


Revistă fondată în anul 2005, indexată în Bazele de Date Internaţionale (BDI) CEEOL (www. din Frankfurt, Germania, EBSCO

Publishing din Statele Unite (, INDEX COPERNICUS INTERNATIONAL, Varşovia, Polonia


evaluată şi clasificată de CNCS, 2012, categoria B, profil umanist, domeniul FILOLOGIE.

Copyright © 2010

„Vasile Goldiş” University Press

All rights reserved


Marius IOAN-GREC 7















, 2018






Cu imagini de la Congresul Internațional de Istorie a presei: Presa Marii Uniri, Desfășurat la

Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiș” din Arad, Aula „Ștefan Cicio Pop”, în perioada 20-21

aprilie 2018.

Instrucțiuni pentru autori 61

Abonamente 69

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018





Universitatea de Vest “VASILE GOLDIȘ” din Arad a organizat în cadrul manifestărilor

dedicate Centenarului Marii Uniri, în perioada 20-21 aprilie 2018, a XI-a ediție a CONGRESULUI


manifestare care a reunit peste 100 de specialiști în istorie a presei din România și teritoriile din

proximitate în care trăiesc comunități istorice de români, cea mai numeroasă reprezentare fiind a

specialiștilor din Republica Moldova.

În Programul manifestarii au fost înregistrate 106 de comunicări, care au abordat o tematică

generoasă și deosebit de interesantă: Precursori ai Marii Uniri; Militanți ai Marii Uniri - publiciști și

oameni politici; Discursul pro-unionist, în presă; Discursul anti-unionist, în presă; Reprezentări

fotografice ale Unirii din 1918; Rolul minorităților etnice în realizarea Unirii; Biserica și Marea

Unire; Periodice reprezentative ale Marii Uniri; Regimul juridic al presei în contextul Unirii; Presa

basarabeană unionistă; Presa bucovineană unionistă; Jurnaliști reprezentativi ai perioadei unioniste;

Presa străină despre Marea Unire; Marea Unire, reprezentată în fondurile Bibliotecii (...); Marea

Unire, reprezentată în fondul arhivistic (...) …

Principalul partener în organizarea acestui eveniment a fost Asociația Română de Istorie a

Presei (ARIP), asociație care a luat ființa “de facto” la Arad în 2008 când Universitatea noastră

organiza Primul Congres de Istorie a Presei, un congres în care s-au prezentat 33 de comunicări. De

atunci reuniunea a crescut de la an la an, s-a desfășurat în importante centre universitare, iar după

11 ani a revenit la Arad în Anul Centenar.

Foarte implicat în reușita Congresului a fost Președintele Universității de Vest “VASILE

GOLDIȘ” din Arad, profesorul Aurel Ardelean, cel care a avut de altfel inițiativa de a aduce

Congresul la Arad. Acesta a declarat presei prezentă la congres:

“…Este vorba de presa Marii Uniri, care a avut un rol determinant în declanşarea

evenimentelor pentru a realiza cel mai important act din istoria post-modernă a României:

unificarea provinciilor româneşti într-un stat unitar. Aradul a fost în esenţă prima capitală politică a

Marii Uniri. Noi utilizăm astăzi tripticul Arad-Alba Iulia-Bucureşti, fiindcă toate cele trei capitale

deopotrivă au fost implicate la fel de bine în actul Marii Uniri…” (cf. Radio România Actualităţi)

Manifestarea a fost pusă, încă de la început, sub semnul respectului și recunoștinței față de

Generația Marii Uniri. După ce un grup de copii de la Colegiul Național „VASILE GOLDIȘ” din

Arad au încântat audiența cu un cântec dedicat Unirii, iar mai apoi au răsunat acordurile Imnului

Național și Imnului Uniunii Europene, în Sala “Regele Ferdinand” a Primăriei Municipiului Arad -

în prezența autorităților locale și numeroșilor participanți și invitați – a fost aprinsă CANDELA

MARII UNIRI de ÎPS dr. Timotei Seviciu, Arhiepiscop al Aradului. Un simbol a luminii

călăuzitoare, cea care i-a ajutat pe cei care au luptat pe front în Marele Război, cea care i-a iluminat

pe toți românii și mai ales pe Marii Bărbați de Stat ai Aradului care au gândit, organizat și

proclamat Marea Unire la Alba Iulia la 1 Decembrie 1918: Vasile Goldiș, Ștefan Cicio-Pop, Ioan

Suciu …A fost un moment emoționant de reculegere pentru Marea Generație a CENTENARULUI.

Un moment de reflecție pentru Actuala Generație.

Toată festivitatea de deschidere a fost una plină de semnificații: s-a dat citire Mesajului

Președintelui Academiei Române Ioan-Aurel Pop:

Marius-Ioan Grec – Aradul Centenar (1918-2018)


Cuvânt de salut Congresului Internațional de Istorie a Presei,

găzduit de Universitatea „Vasile Goldiș” din Arad

“S-au dat, de-a lungul timpului, numeroase definiții ale culturii, fără să se cadă de acord

asupra uneia general acceptate. Sub aspect etimologic, cuvântul cultură este latinesc. Verbul latin

colo, -ere, colui, cultum are accepțiuni destul de variate: a cultiva (pământul), a locui, a împodobi, a

îngriji, a ocroti, a îndrăgi, a-i cinsti pe zei etc. Cultura spirituală (intelectuală) de grup, însă, este un

concept mai bine circumscris și acesta se referă, cred, la ansamblul manifestărilor spirituale ale unei

comunități, concretizate în creații și realizate, de regulă, în instituții. Cultura aceasta spirituală s-a

înfăptuit de-a lungul istoriei și se înfăptuiește și acum, sub ochii noștri. Ea este, prin urmare, o

moștenire, transmisă deopotrivă prin memoria individuală și prin memoria colectivă, dezvoltată

mereu. Nimeni nu poate elabora o creație spirituală – oricât talent ar avea – dacă nu este depozitarul

acestei moșteniri, dacă nu a asimilat valorile culturale anterioare, dacă nu are o anumită forma

mentis alcătuită prin educație, transmisă dinspre trecut. Dar cultura individuală are înțeles numai

dacă se află în rezonanță cu acea formă de comunitate umană care se cheamă națiune și, în cazul

nostru, cu spiritualitatea națională românească. Această cultură a românilor ca națiune, la rândul

său, nu are relevanță fără componenta sa istorică.

Cultura națională, cultul pentru națiune și pentru statul național român s-au format prin

familie, scoală, biserică, asociații și presă. Periodicele noastre din secolul al XIX-lea și de la

începutul secolului al XX-lea au revărsat către publicul cititor mesajele sănătoase ale încrederii în

forța unirii noastre. Presa românească a sădit un sentiment de masă al luptei pentru emanciparea

națională și pentru unitatea națională. Aradul – chiar dacă ar fi avut numai „Preparandia” și ziarul

„Românul” – ar fi intrat glorios in istoria Marii Uniri, ca unul dintre centrele de referință.

De aceea, a găzdui aici un nou congres de istoria presei reprezintă o întoarcere la izvoarele

devenirii noastre ca națiune și ca stat. Felicitări organizatorilor și mult succes lucrărilor


Cluj-Napoca, 12 aprilie 2018

Ioan-Aurel Pop

Au luat cuvântul reprezentanții autorităților locale, ai ARIP-ului, ai grupului de specialiști

veniți din republica Moldova. Au fost acordate distincții gazdelor și invitaților …

Un moment deosebit a fost creat de Academicianul Mihai Bărbulescu, Directorul

Institutului de Studii Clasice din Cluj, care a inaugurat în fapt Congresul printr-o prelegere

interesantă despre Columna lui Traian - Cununa aplicată pe poarta Columnei de către Badea Cârțan

și reflectarea evenimentului în presa vremii. A fost realizat astfel un Arc peste timp, de la

începuturile formării poporului și limbii române până la momentele care au generat intensificarea

luptei românilor pentru unitate națională.

Lucrările s-au desfășurat în șapte secțiuni, unde au fost prezentate comunicările, secțiuni

organizate în spații dotate la cel mai înalt nivel tehnic și simbolistic în același timp: sala Centenar,

sala ASTRA (din cadrul Bibliotecii județene), spațiile Bibliotecii Centrale Universitare “Tudor

Arghezi”, sala Senatului UVVG, Aula Magna “Ștefan Cicio-Pop, ”Casa Universitarilor și

Studenților” … au răsunat de dezbaterile științifice ridicate la cel mai înalt nivel.

Participanții la congres au avut prilejul să cunoască câteva dintre principalele obiective ale

Universității “Vasile Goldiș”: Noul Campus cu toate dotările tehnice și științifice de înalt nivel,

Institutul de Științe ale Vieții, Muzeul Universității, Aleea personalităților străjuită de busturile lui

Vasile Goldiș, Ștefan Cicio-Pop, Ioan Suciu, moderna sală de conferințe cu un sistem audio-video

de ultimă generație, Aula “Universitaria” dotată cu aparatură de predare în timp real a chirurgiei in

sistem 3 D sau Biserica de lemn din Parcul universitar – loc de meditație pentru studenți și cadre


Vizitele la Castelul și Grădina Botanică de la Macea – bază didactico-științifică a

Universității, respectiv excursia la Mănăstirea Hodoș-Bodrog, au completat programul…

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


Toate momentele congresului au fost reflectate în timp real în buletinele de știri ale postului

național de știri Radio România Actualități și în principalele Agenții de știri Rador, Agerpres,

România Actualități…

Reproducem un scurt fragment din Buletinul Mass-Media, al Centrului de documentare

“Dimitrie Gusti” (Radio România – Agenția de presă RADOR):

"Presa Marii Uniri" - tema Congresului de Istorie a Presei, ţinut la Arad

RADIO ROMÂNIA ACTUALITĂŢI (21 aprilie 2018, ora 7:09) - Realizator: Congresul Istorie a

Presei, manifestare dedicată anul acesta centenarului statului român modern, a avut ca temă "Presa

Marii Uniri" şi şi-a ţinut lucrările ieri la Arad.

“Reporter, Daniela Coman - Istorici, jurnalişti, scriitori, majoritatea membri ai Asociaţiei

Române de Istorie a Presei, au adunat laolaltă toate publicaţiile din provinciile româneşti de la

Nistru şi până la Tisa care au militat pentru făurirea României Mari în urmă cu 100 de ani. Ca o

concluzie, profesorul Marius Grec de la Universitatea "Vasile Goldiş" din Arad, organizatoarea

congresului, explică importanţa avută de presa vremii la înfăptuirea marelui act istoric.

Marius Grec: Este modalitatea cea mai la îndemână de a facilita comunicarea. Se pare că, în

cazul anului 1918, comunicarea a funcţionat. Vasile Goldiş a fost nu numai cel care a redactat şi

citit la Alba Iulia Rezoluţia Marii Uniri; el a fost un om de presă - omul de presă al Marii Uniri.

Sigur că niciodată un om singur nu poate să facă o mare realizare singur, dar Vasile Goldiş a fost

director de ziar, a fost redactor. La Arad au fost nişte ziare deosebite: "Românul", "Biserica şi

şcoala", "Tribuna"... Dacă n-ar fi existat aceste ziare, conştiinţa naţională a românilor ardeleni, a

românilor bănăţeni, nu ar fi fost exaltată, nu ar fi fost ţinută trează, ca să participe acolo, la Alba

Iulia, peste 100.000 de români.

Reporter: Astfel, rolul presei din toate teritoriile locuite de români în formarea conştiinţei

naţionale, care a dus la momentul Marii Uniri de la 1 Decembrie 1918, nu va fi nici uitat şi nici


Congresul Internațional de Istorie a Presei: Presa Marii Uniri, a fost o manifestare

susținută financiar de Centrul Municipal de Cultură, Asociația pentru Cultură, Educație și Tineret

“VASILE GOLDIȘ” și Universitatea de Vest “VASILE GOLDIȘ” din Arad și se finalizează în luna

noiembrie, atunci când vor fi publicate lucrările congresului în volumul PRESA MARII UNIRI

(coordinator: Marius-Ioan Grec, editor: Stelean-Ioan Boia), iar unele dintre cele mai reprezentative

comunicări vor fi publicate în limba engleză în revista STUDII DE ȘTIINȚĂ ȘI CULTURĂ

(director - Vasile Man).

Prof. univ. dr. Marius-Ioan Grec

Președinte al Comitetului de organizare,

Președinte al Asociației pentru Cultură, Educație și Tineret


Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018





Academia Română, Filiala Timișoara

Institutul de Studii Banatice „Titu Maiorescu”


Cuvinte cheie: spațiu publicistic arădean, viață culturală, politică, societate, ideal național


„Vigoarea acelei prese, sănătatea morală, riscul opiniilor categorice, idealismul și simțul de

sacrificiu al susținătorilor și redactorilor de gazete, vor fi veșnice exemple pentru îndrumarea

vremilor noi.”

Ion Clopoțel1


La început de secol XX se observă o revivificare a activităților culturale, dar și o

diversificare a manifestărilor științifice și artistice. De asemenea, se observă un activism cultural în

toate domeniile, de la literatură la gazătărie, de la muzică la activități educative. La temelia acestui

activism se afla ideea comună a tuturor românilor – unitatea spirituală, „în gânduri și-n simțiri”.

Aceste fapte de cultură au avut un pronunțat caracter constructiv în direcția educației culturale,

sociale, dar și politice a cetățenilor.

Totodată, în peisajul publicisticii românești al începutului unui nou secol, ziarul „Românul”

din Arad reprezintă stindardul și tribuna românilor care au militat pentru înfăptuirea idealului

național, Marea Unire de la Alba Iulia, din 1 Decembrie 1918.

În cercetarea de față evidențiem diverse aspecte ce țin de contribuția acestei importante

publicații arădene la înfăptuirea idealului național, Marea Unire a tuturor românilor, insistând

asupra articolelor cu caracter istoric, politic, social și cultural.

Ziarul „Românul” din Arad. Scurt istoric

Apărut zilnic, la Arad, cu începere din 1/14 ianuarie 1911, ca organ al Partidului Național

Român, tipărit inițial la Tipografia Diecezană, iar, mai apoi, din 2/15 august 1911, la Tipografia

Concordia”, ziarul „Românul” a susținut mereu, în toate articolele politice, economice sau sociale,

drepturile românilor, urmărind în permanență dezideratul realizării statului național unitar român.

Astfel, s-a alăturat celorlalte publicații românești apărute în acea vreme, ca de pildă, „Gazeta

Transilvaniei”, „Tribuna”, „Adevărul”, „Drapelul” ș.a., ducând „o luptă anevoioasă și plină de

riscuri (...), înfruntând persecuțiile guvernelor din Austro-Ungaria, nenumărate procese de presă,

amenzi și nu de puține ori suspendarea apariției”. (GODEA, 2001, p. 37). Însă, cu toate aceste

opreliști, aceste publicații s-au dovedit a fi o portavoce a românilor, făcând „o adevărată școală

culturală și literară a mulțimilor; ele au contribuit la sporirea simțului de solidaritate și democrație,

precum și la răspândirea și consolidarea limbii literare, propagând aversiunea împotriva

străinismelor, barbarismelor și provincialismelor supărătoare.” (CLOPOȚEL, 2017, p. 18).

Comitetul redacțional al ziarului era menționat numai la primul număr, din acesta făcând

parte următorii: dr. Theodor Mihali, dr. Vasile Lucaciu, dr. Alexandru Vaida-Voevod, dr. Iuliu

Maniu, dr. Aurel Vlad, dr. Ștefan Cicio-Pop, dr. Ioan Suciu, Vasile Goldiș, dr. Iustin Marșieu, dr.

Cornel Iancu, dr. Romul Veliciu, dr. Aurel Lazăr și dr. Valeriu Modovan. (apud. NEGRILĂ, 1988,

1 Ion Clopoțel a fost colaborator al ziarului „Românul”, discipol al lui Vasile Goldiș, despre care spunea, pe un ton

admirativ, că este „omul condeiului, stilizatorul impecabil de comunicate, cugetătorul politic de mare talent” al actelor

acțiunilor pentru Marea Unire de la Alba Iulia.

Viviana Milivoievici – Contribuția Ziarului „Românul” din Arad la înfăptuirea Marii Uniri


p. 8). Redactorii responsabili și editori ai ziarului, pe parcursul anilor de apariție, cu intermitențe,

din cauza evenimentelor istorice nefaste, au fost: Atanasie Hălmăgean, Constantin Savu, Laurențiu

Luca, Sever C. Dan, Vasile Stoica, Sever Miclea, Ion Clopoțel, Aurel Rusu ș.a., aceștia „asigurând

apariția cu regularitate a publicației, o tematică bogată a articolelor sale, dublată de un înalt spirit

patriotic.” (GAGEA, 2008, p. 7).

Directorul și fondatorul ziarului „Românul” a fost omul politic și cărturarul Vasile Goldiș2,

o personalitate de seamă a pe scena politică românească în anii premergători ai Marii Uniri, dar și

de după. Atitudinea sa progresistă o evidențiază în toate documentele redactate, militând în

permanență pentru consolidarea statului național, pentru propășirea poporului român, pentru

drepturi și libertăți democratice. Și-a manifestat fără rezerve simpatia față de Partidul Social

Democrat, conturându-și o clarviziune ideologică proprie, aceasta denotând o poziție democratică

avansată: „Goldiș era simpatizant sincer al Partidului Social Democrat (susținea dreptul la grevă,

libertatea cuvântului, dreptul la vot, emanciparea femeii etc.). De asemenea, era admirator al lui

Constatin Dobrogeanu-Gherea și al tuturor luptătorilor pentru libertate și independență națională.”

(ȘORA, GAGEA, 2006, p. 19).

Ideile activist-progresiste ale intelectualilor secolului XX constituie un punct de referință în

istoria publicisticii românești. Presa, scrisă în cel mai grav ton, pur românesc, reprezenta pentru

aceștia un modus vivendi, „toate problemele importante care frământau poporul român din

Transilvania acelei vremi și-au găsit reflectarea în paginile «Românului» și mai ales chestiunile

politice.” (GAGEA, 2008, p. 7).

Articol-program, deziderate, opinii

Afirmarea ideilor în presă a devenit dezideratul suprem al noii generații de oameni politici

de la început de secol – „generația neoactivismului”, aflată sub îndrumarea lui Octavian Goga, după

cum afirmă istoricul Mihai Drecin, în Cuvântul înainte al volumului semnat de Ioan D. Godea,

Ziarul „Românul” din Arad și aspecte ale problemei naționale din Transilvania (1911-1918).

Astfel că ziarele au devenit adevărate tribune de propagare a informației spre toate păturile sociale

ale vremii sau, cum mărturisește Ion Clopoțel, un discipol al lui Vasile Goldiș, „presa este reflexul

fizionomiei spirituale și materiale a unei societăți, nivelul ei de dezvoltare fiind direct proporțional

cu nivelul de dezvoltare a unei societăți în care ea se manifestă. Ea nu se poate ridica peste nivelul

intelectual al societății, decât în cazul în care gazetarul depășește respectivul nivel, plasându-se,

astfel, în postura de îndrumător al societății. Acest fapt, consideră el, este un lucru pozitiv cu

condiția ca gazetarul să servească interesul social general și nu pe cel al unui grup restrâns de

indivizi.” (NEGRU, apud. CLOPOȚEL, 2017, p. XI).

Principalul scop al publicației în discuție era acela al valorificării istoriei naționale, iar

semnatarii articolelor din coloanele acestui ziar și-au manifestat pe deplin menirea – aceea de a

2 Făcând un scurt recurs la biografie (GAGEA, 2012, p. 27-36), aflăm că, încă din copilărie, Vasile Goldiș a fost crescut

în spiritul tradiției naționale a românilor transilvăneni, tatăl său, Isaia, fiind preot, iar mama, Floarea, de asemenea, fiică

de preot. Încă din primele clase de școală, s-a remarcat ca un elev eminent, cu aptitudini deosebite pentru literatură,

istorie și filosofie. Așa că, după terminarea studiilor liceale, în 1881, devine student la Facultatea de Litere și Filosofie a

Universității din Budapesta. În 1882, după terminarea primului an, se transferă la aceeași facultate, dar la Universitatea

din Viena, urmând ca, în 1884, să revină la Budapesta, unde înființează Societatea „Petru Maior”, iar în cadrul Societății

„România jună” din Viena este numit membru al comisiei literare. Doi ani mai târziu, în 1886 își finalizează studiile și,

astfel, devine profesor de istorie și de latină. Funcționează, pentru scurt timp, ca profesor suplinitor la Preparandia din

Caransebeș. Începând cu anul 1889, își continuă cariera didactică la un liceu din Brașov, unde editează diverse manuale

școlare, dar se implică activ și în viața culturală și politică, ocupând diverse funcții de conducere în cadrul unor asociații

și organizații politice.

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


promova spațiul istoric, geografic, economic, politic și social românesc și de a apăra ființa națională

a poporului român.

Încă din primul număr, pe primele două pagini, stă scris Programul nostru, direcția esențială

a cotidianului: „Organ al Partidului Național Român din Ungaria și Transilvania, lucru firesc,

programul nostru politic este programul acestui partid.” („ROMÂNUL”, An I, Nr. 1, 1911, p. 1).

Este evident că ziarul reliefează ideile politice ale inițiatorilor și fondatorilor săi: „programul

ziarului, derivat din cel al P.N.R., era expus într-un articol (...) nesemnat, dar verosimil scris de

Vasile Goldiș, care avea și veleități de teoretician.” (ARDELEAN, 2010, p. 4). Scopul este precis și

clar precizat – angajarea în lupta pentru drepturile sociale ale tuturor românilor, pentru solidaritate

și unitate națională, sub cupola acestei noi orientări politice: „Va fi deci, cea mai de căpetenie

datorie a noastră a convinge tot mai mult masele de români, că programul Partidului Național

Român este singurul, de la a cărui întrupare se poate aștepta asigurarea existenței noastre naționale

și propășirea economică și culturală a națiunii române și ne vom năzui astfel a face, ca toți românii

de omenie să se înroleze sub steagurile singure mântuitoare ale acestui program.” (Ibidem, p. 2).

Aici, în aceste rânduri, mai mult decât grăitoare, sunt expuse liniile directoare ale ziarului, în

general, dar și programul în nouă puncte ale Partidului Național Român, în special. Printre cele mai

importante aspecte ale acestui program, menționăm: „autonomie pentru Transilvania, limba română

să fie folosită în administrația ținuturilor locuite de români, revizuirea legii naționalităților, lupta

împotriva tendințelor de maghiarizare forțată, sufragiu universal etc.” (GODEA, 2001, p. 12).

Totodoată, în articolul de fond al primului număr, intitulat sugestiv Către români, semnat în numele

Comitetului central executiv al Partidului Național Român, de G(h)eorg(h)e Pop de Băsești

(președinte), dr. Teodor Mihali (vicepreşedinte) și dr. Vasil(i)e Lucaciu (secretar general), se afirmă

următoarele: „Închegarea tuturor aderenţilor sinceri al Partidului Naţional Român într-un mănunchi

puternic pe temeiul unei organizări supuse disciplinei indispensabile la funcţionarea oricărui

organism social sănătos, – deşteptarea şi întărirea conştiinţei naţionale prin luminarea sufletelor

asupra marelui adevăr, că drepturile naţionale sunt condiţiunea neapărat necesară pentru progresul

economic şi cultural, pentru fericirea oricărui popor, – sprijinirea cu căldură a tuturor acţiunilor

pornite în interesele politice ale națiunii române din patrie – iată menirea acestui organ de

publicitate.” („ROMÂNUL”, An I, Nr. 1, 1911, p. 1).

Iată că programul ziarului a fost clar conturat. Mai mult decât atât, tot aici, erau precizate

aspecte care vizau drepturile cititorilor, ale celor care doreau să-și manifeste opțiunile și viziunea,

semnatarii consemnând faptul că „dreptul criticii nu va fi exilat din coloanele acestui ziar, ci

dimpotrivă, chemarea lui va fi să descopere cu îngrijire defectele și piedicile care se pun în calea

rodniciei activității politice a partidului nostru, căci acest organ totdeauna va avea în vedere

adevărul, că scopul criticii adevărate nu este distrugerea, ci îndreptarea.” (Ibidem). Militau, așadar,

pentru adevăr, dreptate și echitate.

Chiar dacă „Românul” din Arad a apărut cu intermitențe (1911-1916, reapărut apoi în 8

noiembrie (stil nou) 1918), a evidențiat afirmarea noilor idealuri ale tinerei intelectualități, în acele

vremuri zbuciumate. Prin intermediul acestui ziar s-a avut în vedere clarificarea țelului luptei

naționale, pregătind „prin paginile sale opinia publică pentru marile decizii ale momentului istoric”.

(POPEANGĂ, 1978, p. 197).

În paginile ziarului se regăsesc nume ilustre ale vieții culturale, științifice, politice și sociale

românești ale epocii, prin scrisul lor contribuind la susținerea idealului național: „Nu a existat

problemă importantă ce preocupa poporul român, care să nu fi găsit reflectare în coloanele ziarului

«Românul», iar deasupra tuturor, dominând întreaga viață politică și spirituală, s-a situat în

permanență Unirea cu Țara.” (NEGRILĂ, 1988, p. 9). Au semnat articole și au contribuit la

susținerea publicației personalități ca: Nicolae Iorga, Alexandru D. Xenopol, Simion Mehedinți, Al.

Vlahuță, Ion Agârbiceau, Octavian Goga, Ilarie Chendi, Onisifor Ghibu, Sextil Pușcariu, Șt. O. Iosif

și mulți alții, mărturisind astfel, într-o Declarație datată la Sibiu, în 8 noiembrie 1912:

„pătrunzându-ne de marile îndatoriri ale unui ideal naţional în aceste vremi de grea cumpănă,

dându-ne seama că în zile istorice unirea e o supremă chezăşie de existenţă a popoarelor luptătoare,

urmând în sufletul nostru numai consideraţii impuse de binele public şi ridicându-ne deasupra

Viviana Milivoievici – Contribuția Ziarului „Românul” din Arad la înfăptuirea Marii Uniri


tuturor disensiunilor personale din trecut, primim ca de acum înainte să contribuim din toate

puterile la propaganda publicistică (...) în aceste coloane.” („ROMÂNUL”, An II, Nr. 241, p. 1;

apud. NEGRILĂ, 1988, p. 9).

Articole reprezentative dedicate înfăptuirii idealului național

Prin ceea ce vrem să reținem atenția în lucrarea de față sunt acele articole reprezentative,

publicate în paginile ziarului „Românul”, pe parcursul anului 1918, de la reluarea apariției sale, în

26 octombrie / 8 noiembrie, după o perioadă în care publicația a fost sistată de către autoritățile

maghiare, și până în perioada imediat următoare semnării Actului Marii Uniri, de la Alba Iulia, din

1 Decembrie 1918. De asemenea, vrem să evidențiem faptul cum aceste rânduri „scrise cu cerneala

inimii” au contribuit la înfătuirea Unirii, subliniind importanța acestor articole în istoria presei


Multitudinea de articole publicate în decursul lunilor noiembrie și decembrie 1918 au în

vedere situația politică, economică și socială a românilor care militau pentru unirea cu Patria-

Mamă. Multe dintre acestea sunt adevărate manifeste, având ca scop principal „deșteptarea și

întărirea conștiinței naționale”, dincolo de vicisitudinile istoriei. Această idee a unității naționale a

fost intens dezbătută, atât în articole de fond, cât și în rubricile permanente ale ziarului, fiind

exprimată de fiecare dată cu vigoare, entuziasm și abnegație de semnatarii rândurilor, pe fiecare

pagină a publicației. Chiar și înainte de Primul Război, dar mai ales în preajma izbucnirii acestuia,

redactorii „Românului” depun un efort vizibil de a sensibiliza și mobiliza conștiința oamenilor de pe

întreg teritoriul locuit de români, ziarul fiind difuzat chiar și în Bucovina și Basarabia. Astfel că

publicația „devine un simbol pentru susținerea drepturilor sociale și naționale ale românilor,

cultivând solidaritatea națională și colaborarea cu toate celelalte naționalități asuprite ale

monarhiei” (GAGEA, 2008, p. 15), combătând „șovinismul, politica de subjugare și arătând cu

argumente incontestabile dispariția imperiului, ca o necesitate obiectivă a timpului, întrucât poporul

nu mai poate răbda...” (Ibidem, p. 16).

Așadar, atitudinea dârză a gazetarilor de la „Românul” demonstrează o poziție fermă și o

atitudine de neclintit împotriva legislației nedrepte ale admininistrației austro-ungare. De menționat

aici, ca exemple nedrepte și nedemne pentru poporul român, sunt: legea naționalităților (1868),

legea electorală (1874), legile școlare (1904 și1907) etc. Toate aceste aspecte au contribuit la

adoptarea unei atitudini de frondă, la luarea de poziții împotriva celor care nesocoteau limba,

tradițiile, obiceiurile și portul românilor.

În numărul 4, din 31 octombrie / 13 noiembrie 1918, pe primele două pagini, articolul

Constitutirea comandei supreme a gardelor naționale române din Ungaria și Transilvania

subliniază importanța acestor garde în realizarea țelului românesc, ținând însă cont de faptul că

popoarele trebuie să conlucreze pașnic în direcția progresului: „Noi vrem înțelegere frățească cu

toate popoarele. O vrem și cu poporul maghiar democratizat. Nu avem arme, nu avem mașini

puternice de război, arma noastră este tăria neamului românesc și ajutorul celor mai mari popoare

ale lumii. Le suntem veșnic mulțumitori și avem toată admirația pentru nobilele națiuni care ne-au

eluptat libertatea.

Nu suntem însă lași, și acum ajunși la libertate, dacă va pretinde soarta, vom lupta pentru

drepturile noastre până la ultima picătură de sânge!!!” („ROMÂNUL”, An I, Nr. 4, 1918, p. 1).

Din toate articolele care au fost publicate în paginile ziarului „Românul”, pe parcursul anului

1918, reiese faptul că românii de aici își doreau cu ardoare Unirea. Unele dintre articole debordează

de optimism, în timp ce din altele răzbate un ton mai agresiv îndreptat împotriva administrației

maghiare: „Suntem adânc scârbiți de sălbăticia maghiarilor, nespus ne doare noua jertfă ce a trebuit

să aducem, dar suntem ferm convinși că sângele românilor nu s-a vărsat în zadar.” („ROMÂNUL”,

An I, Nr. 42, 1918, p. 1-2; apud. GAGEA, 2008, p. 274).

Exemple concludente se regăsesc și în rândurile următoare: „Astăzi jalea se preface în

bucurie, suferințele lungi dispar, se topesc ca ceara în focul însuflețirii ce arde astăzi în toată inima

românească și cântarea pătimirii noastre se schimbă în imn de biruință, pentru că astăzi este ziua

vieții, astăzi este învierea neamului românesc. Și, Doamne, cât de mult am așteptat până ce a sosit

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


clipa mare a unirii tuturor românilor, nu numai în cugete și simțiri, ci și din hotare în hotare. (...)

Trăiască, crească și să înflorească România Mare (s. a.)!” („ROMÂNUL”, An I, Nr. 19, 1918, p. 1;

apud. NEGRILĂ, 1988, p. 370, 371). Sunt rânduri scrise cu patos de teologul dr. Lazăr Iacob, în

articolul său, Zi de sărbătoare, publicat la 18 noiembrie / 1 decembrie 1918. Alte rânduri, încărcate

de emoție, apar sub semnătura lui Vasile Goldiș, în numărul 20 din 20 noiembrie / 3 decembrie

1918, în articolul Proclamarea unității naționale. Marea Adunare Națională de la Alba Iulia, prin

glasul alor o sută de mii de români decretează alipirea la România pentru vecie a Ardealului,

Banatului și teritoriul românesc din Țara Ungurească: „Măreață zi, înălțătoare zi de 1 Decembrie!

În sfârșit ai sosit după așteptări grele și lupte seculare, ca să pui capăt robiei și să începi istoria

românilor liberi.” („ROMÂNUL”, An I, Nr. 20, p. 1; apud. GAGEA, 2008, p. 225).

De asemenea, un alt articol reprezentativ este manifestul Către popoarele lumii, semnat de

dr. Ștefan C. Pop (președinte) și dr. Gh. Crișan (secretar), în numele Marelui Sfat al națiunii române

din Ungaria și Transilvania. Astfel, pe prima pagină a numărului din 7 / 20 noiembrie 1918 scria:

„Națiunea română din Ungaria și Transilvania, ținută de veacuri în robia trupească și sufletească de

către clasa stăpânitoare a poporului maghiar, eliberată acum de scalvie prin strălucita învingere a

armelor, care s-au luptat pentru drepturile civilizației umane împotriva principiului barbar al

opresiunii naționale și de clasă, înaintea guvernului opresorilor de până aici, a declarat voința sa de

a se constitui în stat liber și independent spre a-și putea validita nelimitat forțele sale în serviciul

culturii și al libertății omenești.” („ROMÂNUL”, An I, Nr. 10, 1918, p. 1; apud. NEGRILĂ, 1988,

p. 352).

Îndemnul adresat tuturor românilor, Apel. La Alba Iulia, publicat cu doar câteva zile înaintea

Marii Uniri, reprezintă apogeul dorinței militanților care, prin scrisul lor, au contribuit decisiv la

înfăptuire: „Abia au trecut două zile de când am dat știrea prin ziarul nostru, că duminică 1

decembrie c. se va ținea Marea Adunare Națională la Alba Iulia. Glasul nostru are un puternic

răsunet în toate colțurile locuite de români și în toate păturile neamului nostru. Și nu este suflet

românesc care să nu fie pătruns de dorul: la Alba Iulia! O săptămână ne mai desparte de acea zi

istorică și începând de ieri și azi au pornit satele. Nu sunt trenuri de ajuns, țăranii pleacă pe jos,

înfruntând greutățile unui drum atât de lung în cap de iarnă, dar se duc. (...) Un asfel de popor

conștient nu poate fi robul altui popor și este o impunătoare demnitate în drumul acesta lung și greu

ce-l fac pe jos, pentru ca să fie martor la dezrobirea lui. Mergem pe jos, în văzduh, în gând, și acolo

vom fi, toți într-o suflare, țărani și cărturari să strigăm într-un singur glas și o dorință, să știe lumea

întreagă că nu mai vrem, nu mai putem fi iobagi.” („ROMÂNUL”, An I, Nr. 15, 1918, p. 2; apud.

NEGRILĂ, 1988, p. 358).

Astfel, românii din toate colțurile țării și-au pus speranțele în Unire și au făcut tot ce le-a stat

în puteri să ajute la înfăptuirea ei.


Despre Marea Unire și despre publicațiile în care aceasta s-a reflectat s-a scris enorm de

mult și, cu siguranță, se vor mai scrie multe pagini de-acum încolo. Sau, cum afirmă autorii

volumului Rolul Aradului în realizarea Marii Uniri. O perspectivă cronologică, „paginile ziarelor

românești din octombrie / noiembrie 1918 s-au constituit în adevărate cronici, devenind pentru

generațiile viitoare, o autentică antologie a luptei naționale a românilor de la 1918, o luptă cu

profund caracter de masă, întemeiată pe dreptul istoric al poporului român la realizarea desăvârșirii

unității sale naționale...” (GREC, BOIA, BULBOACĂ, 2017, p. 60-61). Cert este că idealul suprem

al tuturor românilor s-a înfăptuit cu multe sacrificii și trecând prin multe obstacole. Noi, ca urmași

ai celor care s-au sacrificat în numele Unirii, avem datoria de a duce mai departe acest ideal,

apelând la unitate și solidaritate, la recunoștință și umanism, la bun-simț și omenie, pe aceste

meleaguri binecuvântate de Dumnezeu. Fără a apela la clișee, putem mărturisi că s-au rostit cuvinte

mari în paginile ziarului mai sus menționat, însă toate acestea cu scopul de a evidenția importanța

momentului Unirii în istoria poporului român.

Viviana Milivoievici – Contribuția Ziarului „Românul” din Arad la înfăptuirea Marii Uniri



ARDELEAN, Radu, „Românul” (Arad, seria I, 1911-1916) – istoria ziarului, istoria din

ziar, tom I, Editura „Vasile Goldiș” University Press, Arad, 2010

CLOPOȚEL, Ion, Figuri reprezentative de la noi: Vasile Goldiș, Ediție îngrijită de Marius-

Ioan Grec, Prefață de Marius-Ioan Grec, Studiu introductiv de Stelean-Ioan Boia, Editura „Vasile

Goldiș” University Press, Arad, 2017

GAGEA, Eugen, Vasile Goldiș și „Românul”, Editura „Vasile Goldiș” University Press,

Arad, 2008

GAGEA, Eugen, Vasile Goldiș – părinte al patriei. Viața și opera. Compendiu, Arad,

Editura „Vasile Goldiș” University Press, 2012

GODEA, Ioan D., Ziarul „Românul” din Arad și aspecte ale problemei naționale din

Transilvania (1911-1918), Editura de Vest, Timișoara, 2001

GREC, Ioan-Marius, BOIA, Stelean-Ioan, BULBOACĂ, Sorin, Rolul Aradului în realizarea

Marii Uniri. O perspectivă cronologică, Editura „Vasile Goldiș” University Press, Arad, 2017

NEGRILĂ, Iulian (coord.), Ziarul „Românul” și Marea Unire, Editura Politică, București,


POPEANGĂ, Vasile, Aradul, centru politic al luptei naționale din perioada dualismului

(1867-1918), Editura Facla, Timișoara, 1978

ȘORA, Gheorghe, GAGEA, Eugen, O zi din viața lui Vasile Goldiș. 1 Decembrie 1918 și

proclamarea Marii Uniri de la Alba Iulia, Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiș”, Arad, Editura

Gutenberg Univers, 2006

Site-ografie:; ziarul „Românul”, 1918; ziarul „Românul”, 1918

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018







The Department of New Media and Communication

The Faculty of Communication

Medipol University of Istanbul - Turkey


In this article I made an analysis of the contents of the "Minber" newspaper - one of the most

representative periodic Turkish publications in the interwar period, in which we set out to identify

the main points of interest of the Turkish public opinion regarding Romania in 1918. These are the

Romanian-Bulgarian relations in the so-called "Dobrogea problem" and the issues of the

Romanian territorial unification, especially those referring to the province of Transylvania - topics

addressed by Turkish journalists in the early period and immediately after December 1, 1918. The

events occasioned by the accomplishment of the Romanian national unity were closely followed by

the mentor of the daily "Minber" in the person of the founder of the Republic of Turkey, Mustafa

Kemal Atatürk, who, by the example of Great Romania, proposed to his reader a model of

animation in order to build the Turkish national state.


Dans cet article, nous avons effectué une analyse de contenu du journal «Minber» - l’une des

publications les plus représentatives des périodiques turcs de l’entre-deux-guerres, dans laquelle

nous cherchions à identifier les principaux points de vue de l’opinion publique turque sur la

Roumanie de l’année 1918. Il s’agit des relations roumano-bulgares dans le soi-disant «problème

dobrogéen» et des problèmes de l’unification territoriale roumaine, en particulier de la province de

Transylvanie - thèmes abordés par les journalistes turcs au début et immédiatement après le 1er

décembre 1918. Les événements occasionnés par la réalisation de l’unité nationale roumaine ont

été étroitement surveillés par le mentor du quotidien «Minber» en la personne du fondateur de la

République de Turquie, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, qui, par l’exemple de la Grande Roumanie, a

proposé à son lecteur un modèle d’animation pour l’édification de l’État national turc.


În articolul de față am realizat o analiză de conținut a ziarului „Minber” - una dintre cele mai

reprezentative publicații periodice turcești din perioada interbelică, în care ne-am propus să

identificăm principalele puncte de interes ale opiniei publice turcești în ceea ce privește România

anului 1918. Este vorba despre relațiile româno-bulgare în așa-zisa „problemă dobrogeană” și

chestiunile unificării teritoriale românești, în special a celor ce vizează provincia Transilvania -

subiecte abordate de ziariștii turci în perioada premărgătoare și imediat următoare zilei de 1

decembrie 1918. Evenimentele prilejuite desăvîrșirii unității naționale românești au fost urmărite

îndeaproape de mentorul cotidianului „Minber” în persoana fondatorului Republicii Turcia,

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, care, prin exemplul României Mari a propus cititorului său un model de

însuflețire în vederea edificării statului național turc.

Keywords: Minber, 1918, Great Union, Romania, Turkey

Mots-clés: Minber, 1918, Grande Union, Roumanie, Turquie

Cuvinte-cheie: Minber, anul 1918, Marea Unire, România, Turcia

Olga Untila Kaplan – România anului 1918 în paginile Ziarului Turcesc „Minber”



The period immediately following the Great War was for many of the peoples of the world a

fundamental redefinition of their national life. The Romanians have declared their multi-secular

aspirations for effective integration into the Romanian borders of all the Romanian historical

provinces at the Great National Assembly in Alba Iulia on December 1st, 1918 - an event

successively marked by adjoining to the motherland the provinces of Bessarabia, Bukovina and

Transylvania. The creation of the Greater Romania, interpreted by most historians as a ʺmiraculous

factʺ in the history of the Romanians, was conditioned by a favourable international conjuncture,

sealed by the almost simultaneous collapse of the Tsarist, German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman

empires, allegorically called the ʺSick man of Europeʺ.

The fate of Romania was embraced by other Balkan nations which were involved in an

inevitable process of formation of the national states - an indispensable requirement for

Westernization (YERASİMOS, 2009: 21). One of these peoples, who in the national and state life

suffered the most intense consequences of the First World War, was the Turkish nation (ORTAYLI,

2012, 67). Resisting the latest turmoil of a rotten empire, in its sublime desire to resurge from ruin,

the Turkish society preferred the national struggle in exchange for the chaos and the outbreak of a

new world war (ORTAYLI, 2012, 65). This is how the Turkish National Liberation Movement

arose, headed by the young revolutionary named Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, appreciated by

researchers with the appellation of ʺgeniusʺ, ʺa rarely seen organizer with integrating qualitiesʺ

(ORTAYLI, 2018, 16). The decision he made to settle the situation of uncertainty in which the

Turkish people was at the end of the Great War sounded as follows: ʺUnder these circumstances, we

can only bet on a single choice - the creation of a new Turkish state, based on the principle of

freedom and supremacy of the peopleʺ (AKAY, 2006, 36).

Arriving in Istanbul in the fall of 1918, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk pursued the national liberation

movement that had begun in Anatolia for some time. According to Atatürk, the struggle for

independence had to effectively rely on the participation of all the people in this movement

(SANDER, 2017, 416). The revolutionary was well aware that the awakening of the national spirit

had to be consciously deliberated by the masses and that in the accomplishment of this great civilian

mission an important role was played by the press. That is why, both in the years of the national

liberation movement and during the war of independence, Mustafa Kemal Pasha’s efforts were

aimed at establishing a national press (ÖZKAYA, 1985, 871).3

But the Turkish political and media context in which the activity of periodical publications was

to be carried out was not conducive to the attainment of Atatürk’s ambitious plans. With the signing

of the Mudros Armistice on October 30th

, 1918, the Ottoman Empire’s capital was subjected to

military occupation by the English and French troops, and the press faced censorship imposed by

the occupying forces. Thus, for four years, the press has been dominated by foreign control (ÇIKIN,

2007, 20). It is remarkable that under such conditions, the Turkish society and the press have

focused around two constituted governments - the one in Istanbul, represented by the sultan and

controlled by the Allied Powers, and the one in Ankara, pursuing a political line of independence

preservation. The latter represented a series of actions under the leadership of General Mustafa

Kemal, through whose merit a resistance movement directed against the Great Powers and the

existing authorities developed.

3 Here we mention that ʺMinberʺ newspaper (November 1

st, 1918 - December 21

st, 1918) is the first periodical

publication set up by Atatürk during the armistice, followed by two other newspapers that appeared in the years of national liberation ʺİrade-i Milliyeʺ: ʺThe Will of the Peopleʺ (September 4

th, 1919 - 1922) and ʺHakimiyet-i Milliyeʺ:

ʺNational Sovereigntyʺ (January 10th

, 1920 - 1922). All three periodicals served the ideal of building a national identity in the process of forming the modern Turkish state. Here is what Turkish leader Mustafa Kemal said in the plenary session of the parliament on March 1

st, 1922: ʺThe press is the voice of the whole people. To enlighten and guide a

people, to offer them the spiritual nourishment they need, and finally, to ensure the full happiness of this people, the press is first of all a power, a school, a guideʺ. For more details, see: Millet Meclisi Tutanak Dergisi (Parliamentary Meeting Protocols Review), D. 1, C. 18, p.2.

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


As the newspapers of the minorities propagated separatist ideas by conveying the polemics

about the resettlement of Turks in other parts of Asia and the eventual exodus of the Turks in

Istanbul (Ibidem, 20), the Turkish leader made every effort to build a national identity, his aim

being the ideal of being able to change the mentality of the Turks (COJOCARU, 2014, 20). Atatürk

was aware that only mass media would systematically inoculate citizens with germs of national

consciousness. Thus, on his initiative and financial support, on November 1st, 1918, the first issue of

ʺMinberʺ4 daily newspaper appeared in Istanbul, just one day after signing of the armistice that put

an end to the war. Running his work in a rather complicated period, the newspaper mirrored the

political events of the time, while outlining the social and economic realities in which the Turkish

people were anchored. Ali Fethi Okyar, the newspaper manager, who was a good friend to Atatürk,

reminded in a memoir of the period following the conclusion of the armistice, noting that ʺIn those

days of heavy watershed and despair, ʺMinberʺ was for all the only comfortʺ (ÇAVUŞ, 2008).

In essence, ʺMinberʺ, which pretended to be a ʺpolitical, scientific and economic daily

newspaperʺ, was the embodiment of the foreign policy principles of the founder of the Turkish

state. After the war, Turkey continued to successfully promote the same foreign policy, and during

the period between the two great wars, it managed to establish and protect its relations with member

states of different blocs (SANDIKLI, 2014, 55). These trends will be easily noticed in the content

analysis of the newspaper issues, which largely encompass information about the states in the

region and the actors involved in the world’s first conflagration.

Most news and comments related to events in the Balkans - a region which, in a not too distant

past, was part of the Ottoman state, which were caused by unforgettable pain with the loss of the

territories of that area (KAYA, 2007, 15). On the eve of 1918, the Balkan countries and Turkey -

the Ottoman Empire’s rightful descendant, with a very pronounced national consciousness, had only

one model - European integration. By a similar logic, Romania was embraced by the idea of

Latinity, in which it saw the only rescue against the Slavic barbarianism in the region

(YERASİMOS, 2009, 22).

While Turkey was safe on the road of statehood, Romania managed to re-establish its territory

by successively joining Bessarabia (March 27th

, 1918), Bucovina (November 28th

, 1918) and

Transylvania (December 1th

, 1918). Such an important event could not be overlooked by Atatürk,

who is characterized by researcher Atilla Sandîklî as a ʺclairvoyant in internal and external affairsʺ.

Feeding from this broad vision on the state of affairs of the Turkish leader, ʺMinberʺ newspaper

slipped in its pages information about Romania and the events that took place in this area, being one

of the most meritorious newspapers in forming the Turkish national consciousness.5

The research carried out by ʺMinberʺ newspaper is important for several reasons. The periodical

appeared at the border of a few realities, witnessed by the history of the two great wars: the deletion

of the Ottoman Empire from the map, the formation of the Republic of Turkey, and, in the case of

the Romanian people, the completion of the national unity through the integration into the borders

of Romania of all Romanian historical provinces. The daily newspaper was founded by the founder

of the Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who, having as a strategic objective the

building of an independent state by forming a national public opinion, followed closely the events

concerning the completion of the Romanian national unity, thus giving its reader a model of zest in

achieving the great purpose.

4 ʺMinberʺ is called the steppe tribune inside the mosques, where the speaker (Hodja) comes out to read the sermon.

The newspaper’s name belongs to Atatürk. In his opinion, ʺThe holy tribunes inside the mosques represent the most prodigious and uplifting springs of spirituality and moral nourishment of a people. The speeches held from these tribunes in an accessible language meant to strengthen the soul and consciousness, in fact, revive the body of the Islamic society, refresh consciousness, strengthen faith and courageʺ. See: Millet Meclisi Tutanak Dergisi, D. 1, C. 18, p.2. Based on what Atatürk mentioned, we can conclude that ʺMinberʺ newspaper was a tribune that the Turkish society much needed in the interwar period. 5 Among the periodicals that played an essential role in the fire of the liberation struggle under the occupation of

interventionist powers and in the assertion of Turkey as a national state, are the newspapers ʺIleriʺ: ʺBeforeʺ (1918-1924), ʺYeni Günʺ: ʺThe New Dayʺ (1918-1924), ʺAksamʺ: ʺThe Evening Gazetteʺ (September 20

th, 1918), ʺVakitʺ: ʺThe

Timesʺ (1917-1918) and ʺIkdamʺ: ʺThe Progressʺ (1896-1964).

Olga Untila Kaplan – România anului 1918 în paginile Ziarului Turcesc „Minber”


The main objective of this study is to carry out a content analysis of ʺMinberʺ newspaper - one

of the most representative periodic Turkish publications in the interwar period, in which we propose

to research the texts referring to Romania of the year of 1918, by translating them from the Osman

Turkish language (in Latin characters), thus contributing to the completion of the factual material

about the event of the Great Unification of December 1st, 1918.

Given that all Turkish newspapers of the interwar period were published in Osman Turkish

language with Arabic letters6 (including ʺMinberʺ newspaper), to facilitate content analysis of texts

concerning Romania of the year of 1918, we used as a primary source Erol Kaya’s book, entitled

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün İlk Gazetesi Minber7 and the work of the female researcher Makbule

Gürel, Mütareke Döneminde Minber Gazetesi8 – scientific studies, in which the authors transcribed

the newspaper issues in Osman Turkish language with Latin letters. Our study includes the

assessment of 51 leaflets, in which ʺMinberʺ published 28 news and interviews about the events that

took place in the Romanian area in November and December, eulogizing the most beautiful day in

the history of the Romanians.

6 The Osman Turkish language was for hundreds of years the lingua franca in the territories occupied by Ottomans and

was spoken by the Turks until Atatürk’s linguistic reform, when the law on the Latin alphabet was promulgated on November 1

st, 1928. In the following month, the newspapers, which were the most commonly used means of mass

communication of that period, using the Latin letters instead of the Arabic ones, were those that recorded one of the most important events in the history of the Turkish press. Newspapers such as ʺCumhuriyetʺ, ʺMilliyetʺ, ʺİkdamʺ, ʺSon Saatʺ, and ʺHakimiyet-i Milliyeʺ were the first to learn to write with the new letters, while popularizing Latin-style writing among the popular masses. See more at: Ayla Acar, ʺTürkiye’de Latin Alfabesine Geçis Süreci ve Gazetelerʺ, Istanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, Issue 41, Year 2011, pp. 5-21. 7 In this book, the author proposes to the reader a selective analysis of the texts included in the newspaper issues,

grouped by chapters, including: Europe and the Balkans, The Press, The Press and the Censorship, Mustafa Kemal Pasha. (November 1

st, 1918, No. 1), ʺNew Elections in Romaniaʺ (November 27

th, 1918, No. 25), ʺReforming the

Cabinet of Romaniaʺ (December 1st

, 1918, No. 30), ʺThe Cabinet of the New Romania. Establishment of Brătianu Governmentʺ (December 19

th, 1918, No. 48). Following the analysis carried out, the researcher Erol Kaya mentions

that ʺMinberʺ came in the public eye as a newspaper of opinion, in which Atatürk made public his thoughts and plans on the future of the republic of Turkey. Thus, according to the author, ʺMinberʺ recorded some of the most valuable ideas of the Turkish leader - important contributions to the history of political thought. 8 The paperwork is a Master’s thesis, registered in the database of Ulusal Tez Merkezi (The National Centre for Theses)

in Turkey under the number 145164, in which the author makes the transcription of the 51 issues of ʺMinberʺ newspaper from the Osman Turkish language with Arabic letters to the Osman Turkish language with Latin letters. Thanks to this transcription, we readily translated the texts referring to Romania of the year of 1918. These texts are included in the 1571 pages in the form of news and interviews, accompanied by a supplement of the newspaper issues images. Along with the information about Romania, the publication reflects events from the end of the Great War in countries such as France, England, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Armenia, Bulgaria and especially Turkey. Topics such as Wilson’s principles of January 1918, the censorship, and the financial and social-political situation of the emerging Turkish state are addressed. As the author notes in the preface of the paper, ʺthe mere fact that the events that took place during and after the establishment of the state of the Republic of Turkey, one way or the other, found their coverage in the pages of the newspaper, allows us to grant it a high grade in which concern the sources of modern historyʺ. See: Makbule Gürel, Mütareke Döneminde Minber Gazetesi, Master’s thesis, Ankara, 2003, pp.I-II).

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


From the ʺMinberʺ newspaper collection

Sourse: Library of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (Parliament)

Romania until the Unification in the Pages of ʺMinberʺ Newspaper

In 1918, Romania was in the midst of an armistice, with much of the territory under German

occupation, including Bucharest, with the Royal House and the government having taken refuge in

Iaşi, with Transylvania still part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, with a Bessarabia having

acquired its independence to Russia, but which was harassed by Bolshevik movements. After the

war, for one and a half year, Romania faced a great instability (GÖKDAĞ, 2013, 650). The most

critical moment for the stability of Romania took place in November 1918 after the withdrawal of

the German occupation army from Bucharest (LIVEZEANU, 1998, 298), but, however difficult it

would seem to be, the most favourable moment in the achievement of the secular dream of the

Romanians - the final restoration of the national borders. This, however, disturbed too much

Hungary and Bulgaria, who saw a great injustice in granting to Romania the regions of

Transylvania and Southern Dobruja (GÖKDAĞ, 2013, 649).

The last month of the fall of 1918 placed Romania at the centre of increasingly hot polemics on

the issue of Dobruja. The annulment of the provisions of the Bucharest Treaty of Peace concluded

on May 7th

, 1918, by which Romania had to return Southern Dobruja (ʺQuadrilateralʺ, or

ʺCadrilaterʺ in the Romanian appellation) and give up a part of Northern Dobruja to Bulgaria,

constituted the reason for the disagreements in the Romanian-Bulgarian relations. Turkey, which

was in the midst of state-building efforts, could not fail to take on the position against Romania,

which, although defeated in the war, was the country which, through the successful reintegration of

its historical territories, ultimately became the largest beneficiary of the war (GÜMÜŞ, 2017, 75).

Thus, on November 1st, 1918, ʺMinberʺ newspaper was writing in the article titled ʺThw

Romanians and Dobrujaʺ: ʺThe news headlines published about the invasion of Dobruja by the

Romanians are denied. By Romania’s involvement in the negotiations, the Romanians rely on the

regaining of the privileges much desired by the Dobrujans.ʺ (GÜREL, 2003, 465). By this

estimative note given to the Romanian-Bulgarian relations, the Turkish periodical speaks in favour

of the Dobrujan people’s belonging to the Romanian ethno-genesis at the expense of the Bulgarian

irredentism and the actions undermining the territorial integrity of Romania.

Olga Untila Kaplan – România anului 1918 în paginile Ziarului Turcesc „Minber”


Also in the fall of 1918, Romania announced its re-entry into war by a last and decisive effort to

mobilize its army to participate in the liberation fight with the Allies in the Entente, this action

being an important step in preparation for the Unification. After the victorious withdrawal of the

Romanian army from the war, Turkey, being exhausted by the occupation forces, was on the verge

of establishing a famous resistance that became more and more felt in the press partisan of the

struggle for the revival of the Turkish state.

On November 18th

, 1918, on the day when the royal family returned to Bucharest, ʺMinberʺ

newspaper in the article titled ʺMobilization in Romaniaʺ, wrote: ʺFor all the Romanian army the

mobilization was declared. The soldiers welcomed the king’s call with great satisfaction. The

prompt attitude of the people and the army is worthy of all praise. Despite the situation created

after the armistice was concluded, there is great hope that the Romanian Army will be able to take

advantage of the possibility of being useful to its allies.ʺ (GÜREL, 2003, 566). With this

appreciation, the periodical expressed its confidence that Romania would win the last battle for the

ideal of the Unification. Moreover, ʺMinberʺ paraphrased King Ferdinand’s second manifest in

which he called on the Romanians to re-join the allies in the battle, as ʺtogether with them to go to

the final victory that will bring us all the fruits of our sacrifices and braveriesʺ (CURTIFAN,


Summing up the activity carried out by ʺMinberʺ in the first half of its work, it is worth

mentioning that the newspaper amply evoked the events of the interwar period in Europe and the

Balkans, a context in which Romania was given an important place. The topics that gave the most

interest to Turkish journalists were the Dobrujan issue and the mobilization to win the great victory.

Dobruja belongs to Romania and Romania’s Triumph in the Great War is a fact, are the opinions

laid down in the daily newspaper, made public in November 1918.

The First 21 Days of the Greater Romania

In the early days of December 1918, the ʺMinberʺ journalists were still under the influence of

the event by which the German occupation forces had to withdraw from the Romanian territories.

The entry into the war of the Ottoman Empire on the part of Germany imposed the sending to

Romania of the Ottoman troops9, which were meant to serve the purposes of the German occupiers

in this territory. In a special interview titled ʺHow Did They Come?ʺ, published on December 3rd


1918, ʺMinberʺ newspaper signals an ʺexcessive behaviour of the Romaniansʺ towards the

Germans, this being the main reason for the withdrawal of the Ottoman troops in Romania.

Although the popular mass attacks on German officials grew, Ottoman Turks under the Germans

subordination were to some extent tolerated: ʺThe Romanians did not treat us the way they behaved

with the Germans. Our presence there (in Bucharest) was tolerated. But of course, this tolerance

could not last for more than a week. This was taken into consideration by the members of our

delegation and we decided to leave Bucharest.ʺ (GÜREL, 2003, 1312). This episode also marked

the withdrawal of the Ottoman troops from the war, the surrender of Germany and finally the

supremacy of the Romanian ʺinstinct of the nationʺ in the achievement of its centuries-old dream.

In the issues of December 2nd

and 4th

, ʺMinberʺ newspaper in the news titled ʺRemoving the

Romanian Element out of Hungaryʺ and ʺThe Romanians from Transylvania and Hungaryʺ marks

the great merit of Iuliu Maniu in his enormous efforts to force the Hungarians to give up

Transylvania and to recognize the Romanians’ right to self-determination. He, the political leader of

the Romanians in this region, took away Transylvania from Austro-Hungary and in 1918 had

directed it to the Unification with the Old Kingdom of Romania (STAN, 2018). It was extremely

difficult, as Hungary wanted it at all costs, but as the periodical noted, ʺthe desire of Transylvania

and the Romanian people in Hungary is to live in a civilized world, preferring to die than to live

together with the Hungarian people.ʺ (GÜREL, 2003, 623). In appreciating the Romanian-

9 The Ottoman Empire will fight on five fronts in the Great War: Gallipoli, Sinai-Palestine, Arabia, Iraq, Caucasus.

Besides these fronts, Ottoman troops were sent to help allies in other war theatres: Galicia, Poland, Thessaloniki, Romania. See: Andrei Pogăciaș, Ultimul răsărit al semilunei. Imperiul Otoman intră în război [The Last Dawn of the Crescent. The Ottoman Empire Enters the War].

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


Hungarian negotiations on the right over Transylvania and the future of this region, ʺMinberʺ

newspaper concludes: ʺThese Romanians have great hope that in their aspirations for freedom they

will be supported by the entire Romanian people. From now on, not accepting in any way

separation, they will unite.ʺ (Ibidem, 623).

A few days before its passing into history10

, ʺMinberʺ newspaper, in the news titled ʺThe

Constitution of Greater Romaniaʺ, on December 12th

, made a retrospective of the great event in the

history of the Romanians - the constitution of the reunited Romania, emphasizing the historical

significance of King Ferdinand’s Declaration and evoking the great merit in fulfilling this act that

the Liberal leader Ionel Brătianu had, under whose government the Unification was accomplished.

Taking into account the importance of the event in Alba Iulia, we believe that the periodical has

published the most valuable news of its entire activity. The comments contained in these news

stories are limited to the fact that ʺthe Romanians have achieved their greatest desideratum -

Greater Romania, the cause of all their troubles over timeʺ (GÜREL, 2003, 1089).

Conclusions and Recommendations

Through the place given in its pages to the Romanian topic, ʺMinberʺ Turkish newspaper

emphasized the importance of Greater Romania in the Romanian-Turkish bilateral relations and its

place in the geopolitical regional context. Although at first glance it seems that Turkey was

concerned only with the situation in the period immediately following the Great War, the

abundance of news about Romania makes us realize that the importance of this event was, in fact,

recognized long before its official recognition.

Research on periodic Turkish publications from the Ottoman period, aimed at analysing the

journalistic materials about Romanian, is very few. In this respect, the study on Romania of the

Year of 1918 in the pages of ʺMinberʺ newspaper reveals several truths that are worth to insist


A- Even though the Ottoman Empire entered the Great War on the part of Germany and

Bulgaria, the Dobrujan issue, which targeted the latter, was addressed in the Turkish press,

by the example of ʺMinberʺ newspaper, fairly equidistant and objective, referring to the

historical sources of this issue and claiming that Dobruja belongs to Romania.

B- Turkey, like Greater Romania, believed in the achievement of the grandiose plan of US

President Wilson, under which there was the right to self-determination of nations. By

publishing the material on Romania, ʺMinberʺ newspaper proposed to its reader a model of

translation into life of the Wilsonian principles, which also stipulated the ʺcomplete

sovereignty of the Turkish territories of the Ottoman Empireʺ.

C- Paradoxically however, among the great powers that over time had in some way the control

over the Romanian political space, it is with Turkey that Romania has established the best

relations after what was called the Great War.11

In establishing these relations, the press has

certainly played an important role. An example of this can be rightly considered ʺMinberʺ

newspaper, which closely kept an eye on the events in Romania of the year of 1918, having

a significant share in building up the national consciousness during the period of assertion of

the Turkish state.

Through this study, we hope to have managed to outline some of the appreciations given by the

Turkish public opinion to the efforts of the Romanians to create Greater Romania in 1918.

Surprisingly, the information about Romania in the Turkish press in the interwar period is much

more than we would have expected, which is why research on these periodicals should be

encouraged, in order to elucidate the less known aspects of the Romanian people’s national life.


The last issue of ʺMinberʺ periodical, the 51st

, was published on December 21st

, 1918. Most of the newspaper issues are kept in the Library of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (Parliament). The issues missing in this location can be found at Ataturk Library in Istanbul. 11

See: Mihai Retegan in the presentation of Ionuţ Cojocaru’s book, România și Turcia actori importanți în sistemul de relații interbelice 1918-1940 [Romania and Turkey, Important Actors in the System of 1918-1940 Interwar Relations], Cetatea de Scaun, Târgoviște, 2014.

Olga Untila Kaplan – România anului 1918 în paginile Ziarului Turcesc „Minber”



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CURTIFAN, Tudor, Centenar 100: Regele Ferdinand, mobilizare pentru bătălia finală.

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ÇIKIN, Ceren, Yeni Gün Gazetesi (1918-1923), Master’s Thesis, Ankara, 2007.

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GÜMÜŞ, Musa, Birinci Dünya Harbinde Romanya’nın Savaş Diplomasisi, Journal of History

and Future, Volume 3, Issue 3, December 2017, pp. 62-76.

GÜREL, Makbule, Mütareke Döneminde Minber Gazetesi, Master’s Thesis, Ankara, 2003.

KAYA, Erol, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün İlk Gazetesi Minber. Açıklamalı çevirisi, Erbabil

Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2007.

ORTAYLI, İlber, Yakın Tarihinin Gerçekleri. Osmanlı’nın Çöküşünden Küllerinden Doğan

Cumhuriyet’e, İstanbul, Timaş, 2012.

ORTAYLI, İlber, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, İstanbul, Kronik, 2018.

ÖZKAYA, Yücel, Milli Mücadele Başlangıcında Basın ve Mustafa Kemal Paşa’nın Basınla

İlişkileri, Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, Volume 1, Issue 3, Ankara, 1985, pp. 871-911.

SANDER, Oral, Siyasi Tarihi Ilkçağlardan 1918’e, Ankara, Imge, 2017.

SANDIKLI, Atilla, Atatürk’ün Dış Politika Stratejisi: Hedefler ve Prensipler, İstanbul, Bilgesan

Yayınları, 2014.

STAN, Medeea, Generația Marii Uniri: Cum i-a forțat Iuliu Maniu pe unguri să renunțe la

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1_5ad1825cdf52022f75cf1514/index.html, April 14, 2018, (accessed May 14, 2018)

YERASİMOS, Stefanos, Milletler ve Sınırlar. Balkanlar, Kafkasya ve Orta-Doğu,

İstanbul, İletişim, 2009

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018




"THE ROMANIAN" (1911-1918):



«LE ROUMAIN» (1911-1918):



„ROMÂNUL” (1911-1918):


Sebastian-Dragoș BUNGHEZ

Liceul „Atanasie Marienescu” Lipova, jud. Arad


Arad newspaper "The Romanian" played an important role in the political struggle for national rights of the

Romanians in Transylvania and Hungary. Besides the editors and collaborators from these territories, the

editor-in-chief of the daily, Vasile Goldiş, also appealed to the collaboration of some important culture

people from Romania. Among them were the writer Ion Luca Caragiale and the historians Nicolae Iorga and

Ioan Ursu. They sent telegrams or articles that were published in the newspaper, and their cultural and

political activity was often reflected in the pages of "The Romanian". The collaboration between the

Romanian intellectuals in Romania and those from Transylvania and Hungary led to the "unity in the mind

and feelings" among the Romanians, which was a precondition for the achievement of the Great Union from

1 December 1918.


Le journal «Le Roumain» d'Arad a joué un rôle important dans la lutte politique pour les droits nationaux

des Roumains de Transylvanie et de Hongrie. Outre les rédacteurs et les collaborateurs de ces territoires, le

rédacteur en chef du quotidien, Vasile Goldiş, a également fait appel à la collaboration de certaines

personnalités culturelles roumaines. Parmi eux, l'écrivain Ion Luca Caragiale et les historiens Nicolae Iorga

et Ioan Ursu. Ils ont envoyé des télégrammes ou des articles qui ont été publiés dans le journal et leur

activité culturelle et politique a été souvent reflétée dans les pages du «Roumain». La collaboration entre les

intellectuels roumains de Roumanie et ceux de Transylvanie et de Hongrie a conduit à "l'unité dans l'esprit

et les sentiments" des Roumains, condition préalable à la réalisation de la Grande Union du 1er décembre



Ziarul „Românul” din Arad a jucat un rol important în lupta politică pentru drepturi naționale a românilor

din Transilvania și Ungaria. Pe lângă redactorii și colaboratorii din aceste teritorii, redactorul-șef al

cotidianului, Vasile Goldiș, a apelat și la colaborarea unor importanți oameni de cultură din România.

Printre aceștia au fost și scriitorul Ion Luca Caragiale și istoricii Nicolae Iorga și Ioan Ursu. Ei au trimis

telegrame sau articole care au fost publicate în ziar, iar activitatea lor culturală și politică a fost adesea

reflectată în paginile „Românului”. Colaborarea dintre intelectualii români din România și cei din

Transilvania și Ungaria a dus la „unirea în cuget și simțiri” dintre români, care a fost o premisă a realizării

Marii Uniri de la 1 Decembrie 1918.

Keywords: culture people, Romania, Arad, newspaper "The Romanian", collaboration

Mots-clés: hommes de culture, la Roumanie, Arad, le journal «Le Roumain», collaboration

Cuvinte cheie: oameni de cultură, România, Arad, ziarul „Românul”, colaborare

From the very first edition on 3/16 January 1911, ‘The Romanian’ newspaper, printed in Arad, was the

official press of the Romanian National Party. His chief editor was Vasile Goldiş, who sought to defend the

national interests of the Romanians living amidst the Hungarians borders. Taking into consideration that

from the very first issue of the newspaper, the article `Our Program` (Programul nostru) asserts the

desideratum of `the cultural unity of all Romanians, in any state they would live in` (`The ROMANIAN`,

Sebastian Dragoș Bunghez – Mari oameni de cultură din Vechiul Regat Colaboratori ai Ziarului „Românul” ...


No. 1, 3/16 January 1911, p. 3), it is not surprising that great cultural personalities from both Transylvania

and Romania, collaborated with this newspaper. Such cultural personalities included three great names of the

Romanian culture: the playwright Ion Luca Caragiale and the historians Nicolae Iorga and Ioan Ursu.

Caragiale started a fruitful editorial collaboration with the Arad’s daily newspaper from the very first

issue. Vasile Goldiş wrote several letters asking him to send articles for the publication, saying: `It would be

a great gain for our national cause, if the first issue of this newspaper would include a few lines of yours, so

loved by us` (GOLDIŞ, 1992, p. 68).

Caragiale signed an article entitled `A Repair` (O reparațiune), published in 36th issue of `The

Romanian` newspaper on 15/28 February 1911. The article expressed the dissatisfaction of the great

Romanian playwright regarding another article published by `The Tribune` („Tribuna”) newspaper. The

editorial insinuated that the participants to the meeting in Arad on February 16th had been paid to attend the

gathering. Although the newspaper published a disavowal concerning the editor who had printed the news,

Caragiale believed that it was not enough and also demanded the newspaper to publish the name of the

author of such slander (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 36, 15/28 February 1911, p. 1).

Caragiale also signed the article entitled `The Needs of the Community and the So-called «Our

House»...` (Nevoile obștii și așa-numitele «Casa Noastră»...), published in the 64th issue of `The Romanian`

on March 19/April 1, 1911. Given the political background of those times, i.e. the Romanian-Hungarian

negotiations (HITCHINS, 2000, pp. 343-371; PANTEA, 2015, pp. 81-88) and the conflict between the

leaders of the Romanian National Party and the `young steelmen` (i.e. young rebels) (MAIOR, 1986, pp.

162-175), the author of the satiric comedy `A Lost Letter` pleaded for the unity of the Romanian national

movement and acknowledged the role of the leadership committee of the Romanian National Party as its

official representative (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 64, March 19 / April 1, 1911, pp. 1-2).

The same topic regarding the disagreements between the `young steelmen` and the leadership of the

RNP seems to be treated in anecdotal form in `The Thin Diplomacy` (Diplomație subțire) where Caragiale

defends once more the official representatives of the political party (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 66, March 22

April 4, 1911, pp. 1-2).

The article `The Termites… A Small Chapter of Natural History explained for the People`

(TERMITELE... Un mic capitol de istorie naturală, pentru popor) seems to allude to the destructive

underground destruction of `young steelmen` within the PNR (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 70, March 27/April

9, 1911, pp. 1-2).

Under the headline `Letter and Reply` (Scrisoare și răspuns), the 94th issue of 30 April/13 May 1911

of `The Romanian` prints a letter sent by Caragiale to Vasile Goldiş, followed by the latter’s reply. The

writer of A Stormy Night starts from Goldiş’s statements published in an earlier article in `The Romanian`

according to which the Romanian writers, although well received as literati, should not interfere in the

domestic affairs of the Romanians in Hungary, because their role could cause damage. Nevertheless,

Caragiale believes that if a writer, `even from Romania`, would try to reconcile the Romanians in Hungary,

he would do no harm. Goldiş replies that he did not attempt, in his earlier article, to oppose against the

Romanian writers’ interest in the issues of the Romanians in Hungary, but their interference `in the

absolutely internal affairs, more of administrative order, of the Romanian National Party in Hungary and

Transylvania` and the Romanian writers have every right to help solve the dispute of the Romanians in

Austro-Hungary, a topic of interest for both the Dualistic Monarchy as well as for the Romanian Kingdom

and of the greatest importance for the relations between the two states (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 94, April 30

/ May 13, 1911, pp. 1-3).

`The Romanian` newspaper published not only editorials or political articles under the signature of I.

L. Caragiale, but also reproduced his literary works, i.e. the sketch entitled `The Part of the Poet` (Partea

poetului), printed in the number 112 of May 24 / June 6, 1911 (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 112, 24 May / 6

June 1911, p. 7).

At Caragiale’s death, `The Romanian` honoured his importance as a Romanian playwright and

newspaper collaborator by dedicating to his memory the first 6 of the 16 pages of issue 128 of June 12/25,

1912. The 6 pages included various evocations of Caragiale’s personality, as well as literary fragments and

letters he sent to Vasile Goldiş (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 128, June 12/25, 1912, pp. 1-6).

Nicolae Iorga was another important contributor of `The Romanian` newspaper (PANTEA, 2016,

passim). In December 1910, Goldiş sent him a letter too, asking for an article for the first issue of the

newspaper (GOLDIŞ, 1992, p. 138). In the years leading up to the Great Union, `The Romanian` newspaper

printed several articles and telegrams sent by Nicolae Iorga or reproduced studies published by other

publications, as well as news about his activity.

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


`The Romanian Issue in the Hungarian Parliament` (Chestia românească în parlamentul ungar),

Iorga’s article published by `The Romanian Nation` newspaper (Neamul Românesc), is reproduced in `The

Romanian`, number 69 of 25 March / April 7, 1911. The great historian praises the speeches regarding the

Romanian issue of the Romanian deputies Vaida and Ștefan C. Pop. With reference to the reply discourses of

the two important Hungarian politicians, Tisza and Héderváry, Iorga states that he is happy that they have

declared what was already known, namely that `there can be only one solution to the Romanian issue:

respecting the citizens’ rights of the Romanians, even if they are Romanians, but only if they abandon their

Romanian distinctive character, with memories and hopes, and recognize, nay serve the idea of the

Hungarian state`. Thus, as the leader of the National-Democratic Party thought, everyone can now

understand the Hungarian official position. (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 69, March 25 / April 7, p. 3).

At the Iorga’s 40 anniversary, `The Romanian` newspaper dedicates him a festive special issue,

including two articles about him. An unsigned article is entitled `Emancipator and a Nation’s founder`

(Dezrobitor și întemeietor de neam) (`The ROMANIAN`, no. 122, 5/18 June 1911, p. 1-3), and an article

entitled `Nicolae Iorga`, written by Const. A. Giulescu (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 122, 5/18 June 1911, p. 3).

The same newspaper edition published several writings of Iorga: poems, a fragment from a parliamentary

discourse and a fragment from the dramatic poem `Michael the Brave` (Mihaiu Viteazul), for which a

previous literary analysis was published in the 86th and 87

th issues on 20 and 21 April 1911. `The Romanian`

also publishes a brief bibliography including the most important writings translated in other languages, a

biography reproduced from The Romanian Encyclopaedia, an analysis of a recently published work, Breve

Storia dei Rumeni, as well as a bibliography of his works to date. The honorary section ends with a

`Reverence` (Închinare), article that explains the newspaper decision to print a festive number dedicated to

Nicolae Iorga. Among other statements, it is specified: `For the sake of the soul and cultural unity of the

entire Romanian nation we glorify the most perfect fighter for this unity` (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 122, 5/18

June 1911, p. 9).

In `The Romanian` newspaper, Iorga publishes an important article named `Painful Arguments in the

Life of the Romanians in Hungary` (Argumente dureroase în viața românilor din Ungaria), No. 39, February

18 / March 2, 1912. Iorga analyses two unpleasant events regarding the Romanians in Hungary: the

expulsion from the Roman Catholic Seminary of Oradea of all Romanian Greek Catholic students who were

accused of speaking the Romanian language and the establishment of the Hungarian Greek-Catholic

Bishopric at Hajdúdorog. The great historian states that he appreciates these events, because thus the idea

strengthens the Romanians of `the same language, same thought, the same old and eternal traditions, the

same sacred memories` and can unite people `in our era` (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 39, 18 February / 2

March 1912, p. 4).

The issue 278 of December 18/31, 1912, refers to the discussions held in the Romanian Parliament

during the debate regarding the response project to the Throne Message. Selections of Iorga’s speech are

printed taking into account he had condemned the actions against the Romanians in Bukovina and

Transylvania and firmly asked the Parliament to intervene in their favour with the Austrian-Hungarian

authorities because they are in greater need of Romania’s help than Romania. (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 278,

18/31 December 1912, p. 5).

During 1913, Iorga is still one of the most important journalists of the `Romanian` newspaper. His

speech on January 16, 1913 in the Chamber of Bucharest is printed in full. Iorga states in his discourse that

on one hand he will obey the government’s request and will not mention the Romanian situation within the

Balkan conflict, but on the other hand, he requests the political authorities to unify the press and designate

the official journal that will represents the Romanian government’s political opinion so that the people will

be properly informed. (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 16, January 20 / February 2, 1913, pp. 3-4).

The article `Mr. Iorga about the Bishop of Lugoj` (D-nul Iorga despre episcopul Lugojului) is printed

in the Information section of January 27th / 9

th of February 1913 issue of the `The Romanian` newspaper. It

includes fragments of an article published by `The Romanian Nation` newspaper (Neamul Românesc), where

Iorga analysed the consecration of the new Greek-Catholic Bishop of Lugoj (i.e. Valeriu Traian Frențiu). The

great historian observes that if the word `Romanian` was not mentioned in the speech of the Metropolitan

(i.e. Victor Mihaly de Apșa) or in the answering speech of the new Bishop, the same could not be said about

other discourses. The Bishop of Gherla, Hossu (i.e. Vasile), declares that the Romanians are faithful to the

emperor, but `firmly hold to their Romanian church, to their specific (particular) culture and to their national

language`, words welcomed by audience with frenetic applause. Bishop Radu (i.e. Demetrius, from Oradea)

also expresses his desire for peace between `the two churches of the people` and recommends to the new

Bishop to address the Emperor `about the faith of the Romanians for the monarch - surely, as long as the

king-emperor does not to forget his responsibilities to the Romanians`. The arguments of the Bishop of

Sebastian Dragoș Bunghez – Mari oameni de cultură din Vechiul Regat Colaboratori ai Ziarului „Românul” ...


Oradea had also been welcomed with applauses. Iorga was puzzled by the attitude of the new bishop of

Lugoj who `spoke only as a Catholic prelate`. The article ends with the following conclusions: `For our

brothers from beyond (i.e. Transylvania) need (and lack) Romanian as bishops, and not Romanian bishops`

(`The ROMANIAN`, No. 22, January 27 / February 9, 1913, p. 5).

The Information section of `The Romanian` newspaper also included the article `The End of European

Turkey` (Sfârșitul Turciei europene) printed in issue 59 of 14/27 March 1913. The article commented an

editorial written by Nicolae Iorga and published in `The Romanian Nation` newspaper (Neamul Românesc).

The great Romanian historian appraised the bravery of the Turkish soldiers who had defended Ianina, Scutari

and Adrianople, although they had been defeated. He thought that the army was not responsible for the

Turkish defeat but the leaders of the ruling class were to blame because they were men `without conscience

and without patriotism` (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 59, 14/27 March 1913, p. 7).

Late in the year 1913, `The Romanian` printed a series of articles of Nicolae Iorga’s course entitled

‘The History of the Romanian People in Hungary’ (Istoria poporului român din Ungaria). The great

historian said that he considered it interesting `because it analyses the Romanians from the other side [of the

Carpathians] in connection with the rest of the Romanian people` and such a book had not been published

until he earlier authored Geschichte des rumänischen Volkes` (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 249, 14/27

November 1913, p. 1). 12

In 1914, in an interpellation in the Romanian Parliament, Iorga denounced the ban imposed on the

Romanian publications within the Hungarian territory. `The Romanian` newspaper informed its public on

this interpellation, showing that the great parliamentary speaker suggested that Romania should, as a

response measure, ban the entry of the Hungarian calendars and books sent by `St. Ladislau` Society to the

Csango villages in Moldova (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 57, 12/25 March 1914, p. 6).

In May 1914, Vasile Mangra, then vicar of the Orthodox Bishopric of Oradea, visited Bucharest.

Although he had been elected in the past as member of the Romanian Academy, because of his Hungarian

pro-governmental orientation in recent years, he was considered a traitor of the Romanian national cause.

`The Romanian` newspaper, number 97 of May 4/17, 1914, under the title `Mangra in Bucharest` (Mangra

la București), prints an article depicting how he was greeted upon his arrival in the Romanian capital and

includes news printed by several Romanian and foreign newspaper on this topic. A significant part of the

newsgroup is represented by the fragment entitled Iorga’s Statements (Declarațiile dlui Iorga). The great

historian depicts how Mangra had tried to take part in the Romanian Academy meeting, but had been

isolated from the other academics, and Iorga himself announced that he would soon talk about The

Renegades in the Past of the Romanian people (Renegaţii în trecutul poporului românesc). According to

another note included in the same newsgroup, Iorga had already held the announced lecture and `D. N. Iorga

disclosed how all the renegades of the law, of the nation and of the Ideal collapsed under the burden of

public rebellion` (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 97, 4/17 May 1914, p. 9).

After the outbreak of World War I, only a few news about Nicolae Iorga’s activity is published in `The

Romanian` newspaper. Thus, in 1915, an article published in `The Historical Review` is presented by `The

Romanian` newspaper because of a 16th-century old document written by Giovanandrea Gromo containing

information about Romanian people. (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 109, 21 May / 3 June 1915, pp. 1-4).

The speech given by Nicolae Iorga is included in an article dedicated to the celebration of the United

Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia in Bucharest in 1916. On this special occasion, the great Romanian

historian said that the Great Union represents a topic to speak about, but `more than to speak about it, we

need to prepare it`. He also illustrates the historical figures of the 1859 Union, Kogălniceanu, Cuza, Catargiu,

who did not use a trivial language and behaviour, but they worked together, willingly to sacrifice themselves

like Cuza did. Iorga concludes: `The present generation will have to follow the words of the idealist who is

desperate of the wretchedness of today’s society` (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 22, 29 January / 11 February

1916, p. 4).

The 34th issue of `The Romanian`, February 14/27, 1916, a note entitled `The History of Romanians

from Hungary and Transylvania` (Istoria Românilor din Ungaria si Transilvania) is inserted in the

`Information` section and the readers are informed that the last volume – the second one – appeared

translated in French following the Romanian edition printed in 1915. (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 34, 14/27

February 1916, p. 8).

On 26 February / 10 March 1916, the Hungarian authorities ban `The Romanian` newspaper,

considered to be too nationalistic and therefore that the collaboration of the great historian with the Arad

newspaper is interrupted for more than two years.


For the other parts of the course see No. 260, No. 262 and No. 278 of 1913 of `The Romanian` newspaper.

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


In November 1918, however, `The Romanian` newspaper reappears as an official journal of the

Central Romanian National Council. At that moment Iorga sends the following message from Iasi on

November 6, 1918, published in issue 14 of 12/26 (sic!) November 1918, under the headline `The Message

of Mr. Iorga`: `Among other eager good wishes that fly today to you, also receive my thought of someone

who has approached you, searching long and humble the traces of history, without being able to imagine that

the future will prolong so quickly until the liberation of this road of tears and blood.

Once we have shared a brotherhood in the same pain that our ancestors knew to overcome; today after

the most devoted sacrifice of those here was in vain, fate wants the same Justice to crown our efforts with

yours at the same time, embracing the whole Romanian nation in the same reward.` (`The ROMANIAN`,

No. 14, 12/26 November 1918, p. 2).

Iorga would also publish in `The Romanian` newspaper, the following `Greeting` (Salut) addressed to

the `Alba-Iulia Assembly`: `As soon as your pains and sufferings as martyrs have turned into a creed of

victory over the centuries, let the touching voice of one as you embrace you, somebody whose entire life

followed each of every endeavour and effort, and in his mind, he has become a friend of all those who like

him, have worked and believed.` (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 32, 5/18 December 1918, p. 3).

As in the case of Caragiale and Iorga, Vasile Goldiş also addressed Ioan Ursu a letter dated January

10, 1911. In his letter, Goldiş showed his gratitude for receiving Ursu’s study, `The National Conscience`

(Conștiința națională), and asks him to collaborate to `The Romanian` newspaper (Goldiş, 1992, p. 290).

As a result, in number 77, April 5/18, 1911, Ioan Ursu publishes the article `Why strangers have

enslaved us?` (De ce ne-au aservit streinii?). The Romanian academic states that the Hungarians enslaved

the Romanians due to latter’s lack of organization, their division into `tens of countries`, the fact that they

were pastors and farmers `untrained in the art of war`, but also due to the `the hypertrophy of the ego`, which

made the leaders of the Romanians accept to be assimilated and deserting from `the obedient stage for the

protected and powerful levels` (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 77, 5/18 April 1911, pp. 1-2).

`Our Life Concept` (Concepţia noastră de vieaţă) is another article signed by Ioan Ursu, published in

number 176 of 12/25 August 1911 of the newspaper. The Romanian historian argues that a nation’s struggle

for emancipation requires `diligent work` and `a total spirit of sacrifice` and not to regard life `through the

animal prism of pleasures` (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 176, 12 / August 25, 1911, pp. 1-2).

In the article `The Reward Hour` (Ceasul răsplătirii), printed in `The Romanian` on October 31 /

November 13, 1912, Professor Ursu tries to explain the causes of the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the

ongoing Balkan war and identifies the main reasons in the love of pleasures and luxury and corruption of the

former conquerors, while the oppressed peoples worked and formed national states that continued to make

sacrifices and prepared themselves, and now reap the rewards of their efforts, succeeding in liberating their

citizens (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 240, 31 October / November 12, 1912, pp. 2-3).

On November 27 / December 10, 1912, the 261st issue of the newspaper includes the article ‘The

Church Policy in the Past` (Politica bisericii în trecut), a conference summary by Ioan Ursu. The Iaşi

professor asserts that the Christian religion gave the Romanians `a moral power in facing the dangers`. At the

same time, the Church also played a political and cultural role, contributing to preserving the unity of the

Romanians. Unfortunately, in the latter time, there is a lack of ideal that cannot be accepted as long as it has

not reached `the shore of our mission as a nation`. And Professor Ursu concludes that `more than the schools,

the Church has the purpose of forming this ideal of unifying all Romanians, a goal whose achievement

depends our very own life as a nation` (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 261, November 27 / December 10, 1912, p.


On 22 August / 4 September 1913, shortly after Romania’s victory in the Second Balkan War, the

university professor from Iaşi publishes a suggestive article entitled ‘Get Organized` (Organizați-vă). Ursu

shows his admiration for the Romanian soldiers’ enthusiasm that offered `for the most pessimists of us, hope

in better times and for our nation`. But if the persecutors of the Romanian nation outside the Carpathian

Mountains lost their authority for more than a quarter of an century, the oppressors within the Carpathian

area still enslave millions of Romanians `under the heavy yoke of slavery`, with `high taxes` and no right to

have Romanian schools. Due to the Balkan transformations, Ursu predicts that the Austro-Hungarian

monarchy will no longer survive unless it restructures itself so to provide its people the proper rights. But the

oppressors’ resistance will be fierce. In the future turmoil of the monarchy, he argues, the Romanians will

not be successful in their aspirations unless they organize themselves, they will be ready to sacrifice and will

consciously concentrate and channel their energies `to their purpose` (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 182, August

22 / September 4, 1913, pp. 1-2).

In the 266th edition of `The Romanian` newspaper, 5/18 December 1913, the Information section

includes the title `Professor I. Ursu’s Lecture on the Romanians «over the Carpathians»’ (Conferința dlui

Sebastian Dragoș Bunghez – Mari oameni de cultură din Vechiul Regat Colaboratori ai Ziarului „Românul” ...


profesor I. Ursu despre Românii de «peste Carpați»). The discourse was presented in Bucharest as part of a

series of conferences organized by `The Romanian Youth Society`. It was about the past of the

Transylvanian Romanians, about their resistance to denationalization, the religious union of 1700, but also

about the dualist regime. In connection with this, Professor Ursu reverted to the idea of a previous article,

stating the Romanians `will be able to overcome the Hungarian rule, from which they suffer much

humiliation` only through proper organization and spirit of unification (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 266, 5 /

December 18, 1913, p. 7).

Ioan Ursu also publishes in the Arad’s newspaper a fragment from his well-known book, `Ștefan cel

Mare and the Turks` (Ștefan cel Mare și turcii), where he states his admiration for the qualities of the famous

fighter and diplomat, but also for the great piety of the Moldovan ruler (`The ROMANIAN`, No. 87, 22

April / 5 May 1914, pp. 1-3).

The collaboration between the cultural personalities of the Romanian Old Kingdom, `The Romanian`

newspaper and the Romanian leaders beyond the Carpathians was very important. The cooperation tightened

the Romanian connexions on both sides of the Carpathians. Thus `unity in consciousness and feelings` was

possible to be achieved as stated by the lyrics of Andrei Bârseanu, the author of the song `The Union Is

Written on Our Flag` (Pe-al nostru steag e scris Unire), before the political union of the Romanians was

achieved as a national state.


GOLDIȘ, Vasile, Correspondence (1888-1934) (Corespondență (1888-1934)), vol. I: Sent

Letters (Scrisori trimise), Cluj-Napoca, Dacia Publishing House, 1992.

HITCHINS, Keith, The national affirmation: The Romanian National Movement in

Transylvania, 1860 – 1914 (Afirmarea naţiunii: Mişcarea naţională românească din Transilvania,

1860 – 1914), Bucharest, The Encyclopaedic Publishing House, 2000.

MAIOR, Liviu, The Romanian National Movement in Transylvania (Mișcarea națională

românească din Transilvania), Cluj-Napoca, Dacia Publishing House, 1986.

PANTEA, Maria Alexandra, `Vasile Goldiş’s Position during the Romanian-Hungarian Talks

of 1910-1914’ („Poziţia lui Vasile Goldiş în timpul tratativelor româno-maghiare din anii 1910-

1914”), in Astra Salvensis, year III, No. 5, 2015, pp. 81-88.

PANTEA, Maria Alexandra, `Nicolae Iorga – suporter of Vasile Goldiş and collaborator of

`The Romanian` newspaper of Arad (1911-1918)` („Nicolae Iorga – susţinător al lui Vasile Goldiş

şi colaborator al ziarului Românul din Arad (1911-1918)), in Science and Culture Studies (Studii de

știință și cultură), Arad, vol. XII, No. 4, December 2016.

`The ROMANIAN` newspaper („ROMÂNUL”), Arad, 1911-1918

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018






Teacher at International School of Oradea

Oradea, Armatei Romane Street, No. 1F

Title: The Romanian National Council of Oradea and Bihor and Its Role in the Preparation and

Development of the Alba Iulia Assembly

Abstract: At the end of October 1918 the Central Romanian National Council was established, an

organism designed to coordinate the Romanians’ actions from all over Transylvania in order to

unite with Romania. As his delegate, the lawyer Aurel Lazar constituted on the 3rd of November

1918 the Romanian National Council in Oradea and Bihor. Its mission was to make in Bihor

County all the necessary preparations for the establishment of the Romanian administration and the

organization of the Alba Iulia Assembly on the 1st of December. Consequently, two were the

directions in which the Romanian National Council in Oradea and Bihor acted: on one hand, the

establishment in the counties' localities of Romanian national councils and guards to take over the

administration and to maintain order and public peace, and on the other hand to organize the

election of delegates to represent Bihor at the Assembly in Alba Iulia.

Key-words: centenary, Romanian National Council, Oradea, Bihor, Great Union.

Titre: Conseil national roumain d'Oradea et Bihor et son rôle dans la préparation et la tenue de

l'Assemblée d'Alba Iulia

Sommaire: À la fin d'octobre 1918, le Conseil National Centrale de la Roumanie a été créé, un

organe conçu pour coordonner les actions des Roumains de toute la Transylvanie afin de s'unir à la

Roumanie. En tant que son délégué, l'avocat Aurel Lazar a constitué le 3 novembre 1918 le Conseil

National Roumain du Oradea et Bihor. Sa mission était de faire du comté de Bihor tous les

préparatifs nécessaires à la mise en place de l’administration roumaine et à l’organisation de

l’Assemblée d’Alba Iulia le 1er décembre. Par conséquent, la direction du Conseil National

Roumain du Oradea et Bihor avait deux orientations: d’une part, la création dans les comtés de

conseils nationaux et de gardes roumains chargés de la gestion de l’administration et du maintien

de l’ordre et de la paix publique, d’autre part pour organiser l'élection des délégués pour

représenter Bihor à l'Assemblée à Alba Iulia.

Mots-clés: centenaire, Conseil National Roumain, Oradea, Bihor, Grande Union.

Titlu: Consiliul Național Român din Oradea și Bihor și rolul său în pregătirea și desfășurarea

Adunării de la Alba Iulia

Rezumat: La finele lunii octombrie 1918 ia fiinţă Consiliul Naţional Român Central, organism

menit să coordoneze acţiunile românilor din întreaga Transilvanie în vederea unirii cu România.

Ca delegat al acestuia, avocatul Aurel Lazăr constituie, la 3 noiembrie 1918, Consiliul Naţional

Român din Oradea şi Bihor. Misiunea acestuia era de a face în comitatul Bihor toate pregătirile

necesare pentru instituirea administraţiei româneşti şi organizarea Adunării de la Alba Iulia, din 1

Decembrie. În consecinţă, două au fost direcţiile în care CNR din Oradea şi Bihor a acţionat: pe

de o parte, înfiinţarea în localităţile comitatului a unor consilii şi gărzi naţionale româneşti, care

să preia administraţia şi să menţină ordinea şi liniştea publică, iar pe de altă parte să organizeze

alegerea delegaţilor care să reprezinte Bihorul la Adunarea de la Alba Iulia.

Cuvinte-cheie: centenar, Consiliul Naţional Român, Oradea, Bihor, Marea Unire.

Carmen Ungur Brehoi – Consiliul Național Român al Oradiei și Bihorului și rolul lol în prepararea și...


The Romanian National Council in Oradea and Bihor was founded on the 3rd of November

1918 (PAVEL, 1968, 73-74), shortly after the formation of the Central Romanian National Council.

The conference to establish the Romanian National Council in Oradea and Bihor was held in the

house of the lawyer Aurel Lazar (NES, 1937, 555-557), a prominent figure in the struggle for

“perfecting the national unity” (Dumitrascu in Familia, 1968, 18). At its proposal, which brings to

the attention of those present the recommendations received and the requirements of the moment,

the conference approves the establishment of a Romanian National Council and a Romanian

Military Council for Oradea and Bihor.

The Military Council, consisting of the six officers and two non-commissioned officers

present at the meeting, had to complete and organize itself along the way, to be connected with the

Romanian Military Council in Arad, to which it was subordinated.

The Romanian National Council was an “organism with county authority” and it represented

“the expression of national autonomy”. It consisted of 61 people, and could also be completed as

needed. Of these, 18 represented the central net (Oradea), and the rest of the other nets: Alesd (9),

Ceica (7), Beius (6), Tinca (6), Vascau (5), Salonta (5), Marghita, Beliu (1). Regarding their

professions, lawyers (21) predominated in the Council, followed by clerics (14), owners (9),

teachers (5) (ZAINEA, 1999, 105-133).

The Romanian National Council in Oradea and Bihor applies the decisions adopted by the

Central Romanian National Council in Arad, saying it will “be at his disposal” and will execute the

decisions that it will take13


Assuming its role as a representative political organ, meant to cope with “the needs of

extraordinary time”, the Romanian National Council sets as its general objective the “awakening

and strengthening of national conscience, the party’s discipline and defense of the rights and

interests of the Romanian people in Oradea Bihar”. In order to be able to work efficiently, also in

view of the difficulty of communication, an Executive Committee is formed, consisting of the

members of the Board’s members of the Council who have been invested with the right to make

decisions on their behalf (DAN, FAUR in Familia, 1970, 6).

Built between the first in Transylvania, the Romanian National Council in Oradea and Bihor

will immediately begin its activity. On the afternoon of 3rd of November 1918, in the house of

Aurel Lazar, the first meeting of the Executive Committee was held, in order to organize its future

works. The Chairman of the Executive Committee is unanimously elected Aurel Lazar, secretaries

Aurelian Magieru and Valer Marcus, and cashier Nicolae Zigre. The Committee decides, on the

proposal of Roman Ciorogariu (ROSU, 2007, 15-20), that the president Aurel Lazar should

immediately contact the Central Romanian National Council in Arad to request new provisions, and

in each settlement inhabited by Romanians to be delegated a “reliable man” , who would “organize

the commune”, applying the orders of the Romanian National Council in Oradea and Bihor

(CIOROGARIU, 1926, 150-190).

The organization of the villages, towns and circles of the county constituted, as a first step,

the main activities of the Romanian National Council in Oradea and Bihor. In this respect, as early

as the 3rd of November the decision was made to designate a „reliable man” to organize the

Romanian localities. The next day, the National Council addresses to the Romanian inhabitants of

Bihor, who are aware of its establishment, as the only legal representative of the Romanian

population (PORTEANU in Crisia, 1970, 207). The manifesto also required that in each town a

“people’s committee” should be formed, “to take care of the public safety and all the needs of the

people”. In order to quell the agitation of the villages, all Romanians in the county were required to


After several meetings in Budapest between the Transylvanian Socialists and the leadership of the National Romanian

Party, on 31st of October was formed the Central Romanian National Council to „take over the leadership of the

territories inhabited by Romanians”, consisting of six social democrats (Tiron Albani, Ion Flueras, Enea Grapini, Iosif

Jumanca, Iosif Renoiu, Bazil Surdu) and six nationalists (Vasile Goldis, Aurel Lazar, Teodor Mihali, Stefan Cicio-Pop,

Alexandru Vaida-Voivod, Aurel Vlad). The ad-hoc elected president is Stefan Cicio-Pop. From the 3rd

of November the

headquarters will be in Arad, in Stefan Cicio-Pop's house.

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


submit to the decisions of the Romanian National Council and “to work together to preserve public

order”, refraining from “any act that would disturb peace and good understanding among the

citizens”. It starts the training of national councils and guards in all Romanian localities (1918.

Bihorul în epopeea Unirii, 1978, 125). In the same sense, on the 5th of November 1918, Roman

Ciorogariu, vicar and member of the Executive Council of the National Council, addressed a

circular to the Romanian priests and teachers under the jurisdiction of the Orthodox Consistory in

Oradea, asking them to “illuminate people” to observe public order, to form in each locality a

“people’s committee” and a “guard of public safety”, “which will be made available to the

Romanian National Council”(STEFANESCU in Crisia, 1979, 795-806).

Following the requirements of the expressed demands, it has quickly moved to the

establishment of national councils and guards in all Romanian localities. Almost everywhere, the

aspect has to be signaled, this action is accompanied by the dismissal of the representatives of the

old administrative apparatus. The dismissal of the representatives of the old authorities is made

either on the initiative or with the effective participation of the new councils. This process was the

beginning of the establishment of the Romanian administration in Bihor, and the merit belongs to

Aurel Lazar to have led it “with tact and wisdom” (1918. Bihorul în epopeea Unirii, 1978, 124-125,


As established, national councils and guards were to be organized at the level of each

electoral circle and in all towns and villages inhabited by Romanians or mixed populations. A

tremendous amount of work had to be done to take account of the concrete situation in the county.

Weights of all kinds have been encountered in the Marghita, Beliu and Salonta circles. On the other

hand, in the Beius, Tinca, Alesd and Vascău circles, the constitution of the national councils and

guards as organs of the new administration takes place at an intense rhythm.

Popular assemblies of national councils and guards convened by young teachers and

lawyers, delegates of the Romanian National Council, sometimes accompanied by officers, take

place in numerous settlements in the Alesd and Crisul Repede valleys. By mid-November, national

councils and guards were set up in Alesd, Borod, Fecheteu, Bratca, Bucea, Topa de Cris, Pestis,

Vad, Gheghie, Pestere, Astileu, Luncsoara, Grosi and Tinaud. Their delegates, gathered in an

impressive gathering in the Alesd Square, formed the National Council of the Circle. The President

of the Council, Ioan Sferlea, in a letter sent to Aurel Lazar, informed him that “the assembly did

well”. On this occasion, the Alesd National Council dismissed the praetor Marjay, and named

Cornel Bejan instead, and the notaries of Vad and Borod were banished by the villagers (Românul,

1918, 2-3).

In mid-November, in the county of Bihor, 12 Romanian national councils were active and a

number of hundreds of communal national councils, doubled by national order guards. The number

of their members, varying between 6 and 20, depended on the size of the population of that locality.

Regarding the procedure for the establishment of the Romanian Councils and Guards, useful

information is provided by the Appeal addressed by the Romanian National Council in Beius to the

inhabitants of the circle. The priest, the teacher, or other Romanian intellectual in the locality was

supposed to assemble his leaders in school to inform them about the Romanian political progress

and their actions of national self-determination (FAUR in Cele trei Crisuri, 1992, 77-79). The

Assembly was to elect a committee, which then appointed its president and notary. In order to

maintain order, national guards from the Romanian soldiers returning from the front will be formed,

their attributions being “to care for order, for the wealth of the village and the village itself.”

From the point of view of the social composition, the Romanian national councils comprised

representatives of all Romanian social categories, usually made up of teachers, priests, lawyers,

merchants, wealthy or poor peasants, soldiers from the front.

In the county of Bihor, alongside the Romanians, who formed the majority of the

population, lived Hungarian citizens. Consequently, the Hungarian national councils were

established in Oradea and the localities with a Hungarian majority and mixed population, under the

same way, at the beginning of November. For this reason, a special aspect of the activity of the

Romanian National Council in Bihor is observed- its relations with the Hungarian National Council,

Carmen Ungur Brehoi – Consiliul Național Român al Oradiei și Bihorului și rolul lol în prepararea și...


which took over the power in Oradea. Even though the final objectives were different, the two

councils accepted each other’s existence, and even tried to exclude political and national issues

from their common work. Moreover, the two councils will work together in areas such as the

county’s organization, finances, hygiene, public security and supplies(PORTEANU, 1970, 205).

Unfortunately, the relationship between the two councils will gradually cool down.

Contributing to this was the release of the US President Wilson’s statement on the 7th of

November, which acknowledged the legitimacy of the union’s aspirations of Romanians in one

state, but also the Belgrade ceasefire, which set the demarcation line on the river Mures, leaving the

Romanians in Bihor under foreign occupation. As a consequence, the Budapest government entrusts

the leadership of the organizing action of Bihor guards to the officers of the 4th Honved Regiment

(CIOROGARIU, 1926, 163).

On the 11th of November 1918, returning from Arad, where he had participated in the

meeting of the Central Romanian National Council, Aurel Lazar summoned the Executive

Committee of the Bihor Council immediately. He informed the members of the Committee that

following the final note of the Central Romanian National Council to the Hungarian Government,

there appeared the need “to prepare for the eventual takeover of the county administration”. To this

end, he proposes to the Executive Committee to send a representative in each circle to handle and to

respond of the organization of the circle. Their action was to begin with the oath of faith, with the

Central Romanian National Council, by local praetors and notaries. Those who refuse to deposit,

would be replaced.

It is decided that the Romanian language should be used as a teaching language in all

Romanian schools and at the court, “when the parties are Romanians”. The Committee recommends

starting the necessary steps for publishing a Romanian newspaper in Oradea, which will become the

press organ of the Romanian National Council.

Under the guidance of Aurel Lazar, the Council continues the activity of organizing the

national councils and guards in order to take over the administration in the localities with Romanian

population. The action now becomes more direct and grows, especially after the Central Romanian

National Council launches the call of the Romanian population at the National Assembly in Alba

Iulia. At the same time, the action of changing the notaries and mayors of the Romanian villages

continues. The actions of the villagers against the local representatives of state power were

indissolubly linked to their secular aspirations for the earth. Everywhere and in all situations, the

inhabitants of the Romanian villages request support from the Romanian National Council in

Oradea and Bihor. Even if in such cases it usually recommends patience or appeals to the courts,

there have been situations in which, under the pressure of the strong wave in the villages, it also

took more radical decisions. Thus, in the meeting of the Executive Committee of the 20th of

November 1918, Aurel Lazar, proposed “the expropriation of the estate in Ciumeghiu” and its

division between the inhabitants of the neighboring villages14

. Nor should it be forgotten that the

inhabitants of the Romanian villages are meting out justice but without violent acts, while

Hungarian guards and army commit real atrocities at Beius, Balnaca, Cheresig, Olcea, Ucuris,

Lugasul de Jos, all during November (ZAINEA, 1999, 123).

After the Central Romanian National Council launched the call for Alba Iulia and the

provisions regarding the election of the delegates, the Romanians in Bihor also started the

preparations for the great act. On the 20th of November, Aurel Lazar makes known to the members

of the Executive Committee that at the gathering from the 1st of December 1918, from Oradea and

Bihor will take part “representatives from all the strata of the Romanian people” and all the cultural,

financial and economic institutions will be represented. Two days later, arrangements were made

for the holding of the assemblies and the election of the delegates: the elections assemblies will be

organized and led by the representatives of the Romanian National Council; of each electoral circle


It is a proof that the members of the Romanian National Council, starting with the president Aurel Lazar, carried out a

„radical agrarian reform”, as it will be formulated, within a few days in the historical act of Alba Iulia, thus coming to to

meet the wito realise the wishes of centuries of the inhabitants of the Romanian villages. Hence the great authority, trust

and respect that the Romanian National Council of Bihor enjoyed of, working in all its actions.

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


shall be elected 5 delegates, as far as possible reliable; the elections had to be concluded on the 27th

of November, and the delegates, invested with credentials, will be present at Oradea on the morning

of 29th of November to leave together to Alba Iulia.

According to the established ones, the meetings had to be organized in the locality of the

circle, and in special situations, in other localities or in Oradea. For the proper conduct of the

proceedings, the correctness of the voting and the verification of the votes, the meetings were led by

an office consisting of a president, 1-2 notaries and 2-3 “reliable men” chosen from among those

present. The minutes concluded and the credentials of the delegates allow the date and place of the

meetings to be known, the composition of the offices and the delegates elected on this occasion. At

the same time, they highlight the profound democratic spirit that the edifice of the Romanian

unitary national state has built, having a great legal, political and historical value.

The series of electoral assemblies was opened by Salonta on the 24th of November 1918,

where delegates for Alba Iulia were elected: the priest Dimitrie Popa and the peasants: Nicolae

Costa, Ioan Teorean, Teodor Patcas and Gavril Roxin (ZAINEA, 1999, 130; FAUR in Familia,

1985, 4). On the 25th of November the gatherings were held in Alesd, Marghita and Tinca circles.

At Alesd were elected: the lawyer Aurel Lazar, the priest Iosif Tarau and the peasants: Teodor

Popovici, Dumitru Bradea and Teodor Manea. Here, a unique case in Bihor, there were also 6

alternate delegates. The delegates of the Marghita Circle elected for Alba Iulia were: Iuliu Chis, the

priests Coriolan Manu and Ioan Popa, the peasants Ioan Cheregi and Gratian Horgos. At Tinca,

delegates of the circle were elected the lawyers Andrei Ille and Aurel Pintia, the teacher Vasile

Teuca, the peasants Pavel Govosdan and Danila Vecas.

Delegates from Oradea were appointed at the meeting of the Executive Committee of the

25th of November 1918; the Executive Committee was transformed on this occasion into an

electoral college. The 5 delegates elected for the meeting were: Iustin Ardelean, Sever Erdelyi, Ioan

Boro (lawyers), Coriolan Pop (director of the bank Bihoreana) and Mihail Szilaghi (teacher). On

the 26th of November, popular gatherings took place in Biharia, Ceica, Sacuieni and Beretyoufalu

circles. The assembly of the Biharia circle was held in Osorhei, being appointed to represent the

Romanian circle in Alba Iulia, the lawyer Gheorghe Rocsin, the teacher Silviu Bejan, the owners

Gheorghe Mudura and George Pop and the peasant Ioan Bordas. In Ceica were elected as delegates:

Ioan Iacob, Emil Groza and Eugen Niechi (lawyers), the priest Alexandru Golea and the peasant

Ioan Porj. The 5 delegates elected to the Sacuieni circle were peasants from Cheniz, the locality in

which the meeting was held: Gavril Goie, Gheorghe Sandor, Ioan Rosca, Ilie Zacota and Gheorghe

Cuibus. The Beretyoufalu Assembly elected as delegates for Alba Iulia- Dumitru Mangra (lawyer),

Teodor Patcas (priest) and the peasants: George Muresan, Victor Domocos and Ioan Bodor.

On the 27th of November 1918, the electoral assemblies took place in the Beius-Vascu,

Barad-Hoszupalyi and Ugra circles. The Beius Assembly elected as delegates the lawyer Ioan

Cioras, the craftsman Ilarie Crisan, the peasants: Teodor Cornea, Leupat Cioflan and Atanasiu

Toader. The assembly of the Barand-Hosszupalyi Circle was chaired by Aurel Lazar and chose as

delegates: the lawyers Teodor Burdan and Sever Ispravnic, the engineer Traian Pascut, the owner

Andrei Popovici and the student Liviu Lazar. The inhabitants of the Ugra circle held their meeting

in Oradea. The delegates of the circle were elected: the lawyer Nicolae Zigre, alongside the

peasants: Teodor Luncan, Alexandru Toptamas, Dimitrie Pop and Petru Cristea.

The 60 delegates elected in the electoral circles of Bihor were invested with credentials,

which gave them the right to „take part in the Romanian national assembly in Alba Iulia”, as

representatives of the Romanian population in this region. Of the 60 delegates, more than half were

peasants (31), 16 were lawyers, 7 priests, and 6 represented other social categories (1 teacher, 1

pedagogue, 1 engineer, 1 student, 1 craftsman, 1 bank director). Three of the delegates were from

Arad and the others represented 37 localities: Oradea (13), Cheniz (5), Ceica (3), Beius, Tinca and

Vechered (2), and 1 from Abramuţ, Alparea, Bedo, Bratca, Cephas, Dagesti, Ghighiseni, Hidisel de

Sus, Homorog, Husasau de Tinca, Les, Marghita, Madaras, Meziad, Micherechiu, Nojorid,

Oshorhei, Peterd, Ponoru, Roit, Satu- Sanlazar, Sannicolaul Roman, Sighistel, Tagadau, Taut, Tulca

and Varciorog.

Carmen Ungur Brehoi – Consiliul Național Român al Oradiei și Bihorului și rolul lol în prepararea și...


In addition to the elected delegates, Bihor county will be represented in Alba Iulia by 47

delegates, to whom are added the representatives of the Romanian national councils in Oradea,

Alesd, Ceica, Tinca and Salonta circles, and from the localities Bratca, Beznea, Astileu, Pestera,

Beliu, Ucuris, Rabagani, Tiganesti and Finis, in total 24. The propaganda made by the National

Council among the Romanian population to participate to the “great national festivity” had the

expected effectiveness. Several hundreds of partcipants from Bihor, Romanian peasants and

intellectuals will leave from their own initiative, on different ways, known and unknown, to Alba

Iulia (FAUR, 2018, 88).

On the 28th of November 1918, members of the Romanian National Council of Oradea,

headed by Aurel Lazar, also went to Alba Iulia, with a train on which the Romanian tricolor had

been flown. Aurel Lazar and Roman Ciorogariu remain in Arad, where they will leave with the

members of the Central Romanian National Council, and the others will continue their journey on

theirown. A second group, of about 200 participants from Bihor, led by Vasile Chirvai, left Oradea

to Alba Iulia on the 29th of November, and another smaller one the next morning (ISAIU in

Crisana, 1984, 2).

When in Alba Iulia, Aurel Lazar, Dumitru Lascu, Nicolae Zigre, and Roman Ciorogariu,

participate in the enlarged meeting of the Central Romanian National Council, all supporting the

unconditional unification with Romania. The next day, the Bihor delegates (108, with 109 warrants)

attend the meeting on a hall, which has since become the Union Hall. The other representatives of

Bihor, who were at the head of the column that was going to the Fortress, thickened the ranks of

those gathered outside. “The crowd of people on the plateau and the official delegates from the

festive hall were in a continuous osmosis of feelings - wrote Teodor Nes - spread by who knows

what technical means”.

To the group of Bihor spoke the teacher Silviu Dragomir, as the announcer of the assembly,

who presented to them the adopted resolution, point-by-point. “The joy of this moment - remarks

Gheorghe Tulbure, a member of the Bihor delegation - is so deep and wide that it can not be held

only in our chests, to us fate has reserved the happiness to live it. It tends to turn into hot waves and

gather together all those who have fallen in distant times for the holy cause of the nation, whose

death on the cross has dawned, bright, the joy of our resurrection and our national reunion”.


• CIOROGARIU, Roman, Zile traite, Oradea, Tipografia Diecezana, 1926.

• DAN, Mihail, FAUR Viorel, “Aspecte din activitatea Consiliului Naţional Roman

din Oradea si Bihor”, in Familia, V, Oradea, no. 11/1970.

• DUMITRASCU, Sever, “Aurel Lazar”, in Familia, V, Oradea, no. 3/1968.

• FAUR, Viorel, “Lupta bihorenilor pentru Unire”, in Familia, V, Oradea, no.


• Idem, “Viata politică a românilor bihoreni 1849-1918”, in Fundatia culturala Cele

Trei Crisuri, Oradea, 1992.

• Idem, Centenarul Unirii. Contribuția bihorenilor la actul istoric de la 1 Decembrie

1918, Oradea, Primus, 2018.

• ISAIU, Ion, “Drumul bihorenilor la Alba Iulia (marturii ale prof. Teodor Nes)”, in

Crisana, Oradea, no. 11.403/ 1984.

• NES, Teodor, Oameni din Bihor, Oradea, Tipografia Diecezana, 1937.

• PAVEL, Teodor, “Documentele ConferinTei de constituire a Consiliului National

Roman din Oradea si Bihor (3 noiembrie 1918)”, in Lucrari stiintifice, Oradea no. 2/1968.

• Idem, “Din lupta populatiei bihorene pentru unirea Transilvaniei cu Romania”, in

Semicentenarul unirii Transilvaniei cu România în Bihor, Oradea, 1968.

• PORTEANU, Alexandru, “Lupta revolutionara a maselor populare din Bihor pentru

unirea Transilvaniei cu Romania. (Documente din Arhiva Consiliului National Roman, 1918)”, in

Crisia, Oradea, 1975.

• Românul, Arad, no. 18/1918.

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


• ROSU, Elisaveta, Roman R. Ciorogariu (1852-1936). Repere istorice, Oradea, Arca,


• STEFANESCU, Barbu, “Garzile nationale romanesti din Bihor in lupta pentru unirea

Transilvaniei cu Romania”, in Crisia, Oradea, no. 9/1979.

• VASILESCU, Stelian, Calvarul Bihorului (1918 - 1919), Oradea, Galant, 1994.

• 1918. Bihorul în epopeea Unirii. Documente, Arhivele Statului Bihor, Oradea, 1978.

• ZAINEA, Ion, Aurel Lazar-viata si activitatea (1872-1930), Cluj-Napoca, Presa

universitară clujeană, 1999

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018





, 2018


Florin TRANDAFIR VASILONI PhD Candidate Consul General of Romania in Gyula, Hungary


The Centenary in the Hungarian Press Today

The European integration of Romania and Hungary has provided the two neighbouring

countries with the prospect of an approach in a different context of bilateral relations. Bilateral

relations between Romania and Hungary are at a time when officials of the two states are trying

really hard to normalize the situation, despite contradictory issues on the common agenda. It is

hoped that a re-launch on a normal course of the bilateral relations can be exported as a potential

model to be followed in Europe.

The Treaty of Trianon was signed on June 4, 1920, between the winning Allied Powers in

World War I and Hungary, as the successor state of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which was

defeated in the First World War. The treaty was signed in the Grand Trianon Palace in Versailles by

16 allied states (including Romania) on the one hand, and Hungary, on the other. The treaty was

signed to establish the borders of the new state Hungary with its neighbours: Austria, the Kingdom

of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (a state subsequently becoming Yugoslavia), Romania and

Czechoslovakia. The Treaty of Trianon was part of the series of treaties concluded at the end of the

First World War15


In the context of signing the Peace Treaty between Romania and Hungary at Trianon on

July 4, 1920, Nicolae Titulescu says that "the Treaty of Trianon appears to all Romanians, and

especially to those in Transylvania, as a recognition of the lawful order, much more reduced in

consequences than the order that centuries of cohabitation and common sufferings dug into the

historical consciousness of our nation. Therefore, naturally, in our public opinion, the Treaty of

Trianon evokes the idea of completing rather than the idea of amputation. 16


The approaching 100th anniversary of the union of Transylvania with Romania represents a

moment of utter significance in Romania and Hungary. The topics related to this moment, the

Centenary, the Treaty of Trianon and the Hungarian Government's financial efforts to finance

objectives in Romania, occupy an important place in the Hungarian press today.

Lázár János, the head of the Hungarian cabinet, has taken positions that can be encompassed

in the phrase: "we should not be told, let's get over this."

"The time has come for our neighbours, the leaders of Europe to declare, recognize and

establish as the starting point of their policy that the Magyar, the Hungarian nation, is the victim of

the Trianon, not its cause, nor its perpetrator," said Lázár János, Head of the Cabinet of the Prime


"It is not right that Europe and the leaders of the neighbouring countries should only say

about this historical injustice, that it is time for the Magyars to get over the wounds of the past, to

put aside these old things. Hungarian wounds will heal unless they are opened again and again. If

the leaders of the neighbouring countries, and of course the competent politicians in the areas of

common Europe, would finally consider with empathy and respect the national sensitivity of the

Hungarians. If only they showed respect to every Hungarian."

The Minister referred to the fact that the 100th anniversary of the Trianon Dictate is coming


"And this is not a reason to forget, because we do not forget. The anniversary is a reason for

us to finally bring order to common things, so that Hungary and the Hungarians should receive

15 16

Florin Trandafir Vasiloni – Congresul Istoriei a Presei Internaționale


compensations, if not material, at least spiritual, for the greatest injustice in the history of the world,

as a result of which the greatest loser was this people, and in a certain sense, has remained to this

very day." "We do not want retroactive review, nor ethnic tensions [...], new wars in Europe, or

anywhere in the world. This does not mean that we will face another hundred years of challenges,

insulting, the rebuke of our national sensitivity again and again. Yes, even today we can say: Justice

for Hungary!17


The same Hungarian official said, before the National Day of Romania in 2017, that "I

cannot communicate anything good to the Romanians on December 1st ". During the weekly

briefing of the government, held just one day before the National Day of Romania, Janos Lazar,

being asked if he has anything to communicate to the Romanians, he said: "I cannot tell them

anything good18


At the inauguration ceremony of the Reformed Church in Floreşti, Cluj County, on October

1st 2017, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said: “Both spiritually and physically, Hungary is

already strong enough to assume responsibility for the Hungarians in Transylvania, too."

Appreciating the renovation works of the reformed community church in Floreşti, the prime

minister said: " Where there is work to do, where there is will, the desire to do and unity, the help

will not miss from there either. (...) We are proud of the fact that the Hungarian Government was

able to contribute to the completion of the renovation works of this church."

He also mentioned that: "The aid for the construction of the church is due to the fact that,

since 2014, the Magyars frvem the Carpathian Basin has been able to decide together" for a cross-

border national policy of assuming responsibility for all the Hungarian communities.

"Please, do not forget that next year, the time will come again, when we can strengthen this

union," added Viktor Orban. "We, Hungarians, will have a future then, we will be able to protect

our community, our buildings and the immaterial patrimony, when we are united, we will have a

future if we increase the number of kindergartens and schools, and we will make Hungarian

education available to all Hungarian children. Then, we will have a future, when we create the

circumstances so that you can manage on your native land. Live here, work here, set up families

here and go to church here."

Orban stated that "half of the countries of Western Europe, out of indifference or naivete,

make their religious symbols disappear and turn their backs on their own culture, not even realising

that they are thus abandoning their own future. Today's inauguration of the church means much

more. It's like an ocean in a drop. It shows the will of the Hungarian man to live."

After the inauguration ceremony of the church, Viktor Orban reminded the parishioners

gathered in front of the church that they could vote too for the parliamentary elections in April and

asked for their support in the electoral confrontation, saying: "I can only help you if you help us in

return. 19


On the occasion of the "National Solidarity Day" on June 4th 2017, in Oradea, the

Hungarian Member of the European Parliament Laszlo Tokes said: "The Trianon is a historical

trauma that is still pressing the entire Hungarian nation today. It is a national catastrophe that has an

impact on our daily lives. It would be appropriate to recover ourselves from this trauma (...) The

only answer to Trianon is self-determination, in other words, the attainment of territorial autonomy.

There are certain political trends that have been hampering this aspiration for 30 years. It is

included in vain on the UDMR agenda, it does not work in Bucharest." According to Tokes, a

central quest must be the attainment of autonomy for all Hungarians living abroad, and in this way,

Hungary could be surrounded by Hungarian autonomous regions. With the help of Orban’s

government, this project could be done. 20

17 18 19

az-erdelyi-magyarokert-is 20

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


On June 6th 2017, "Magyaridok" publication reports in an article the participation of the

Hungarian Deputy Prime Minister, Semjen Zsolt, for the holiday of the titular saint of the Roman

Catholic Church in Şumuleu Ciuc. The Hungarian official said the following: "Besides the

Trianon's pain, we must be proud to have resisted the mutilation of our country. By granting

citizenship, the legal union of the nation is achieved. Most of those one million Hungarian citizens

are from Transylvania. Today, this is the only answer to Trianon. The task of this year's celebration

in Şumuleu Ciuc is to give us power so that we can bear the anniversary of 2018 and transform the

tragedy into pride21


"The time has come for the leaders of Europe and our neighbours to acknowledge that the

Hungarian nation is the one that suffered as a result of the Trianon peace treaty and it wasn’t the

one that generated the Trianon," said Janos Lazar, the Head of the Cabinet of the Prime Minister,

on the occasion of "The National Solidarity Day" on June 4th

2017 in Szarvas, a city that was

considered the center of the Great Hungary. In Lazar's opinion, the Hungarian nation should be at

least morally rewarded for this historical injustice. "It is not right for Europe and the neighbouring

states to say about this historic injustice, that it would be the case that the Hungarians should get

over the dissatisfactions of the past," Lazar emphasised22


Romania celebrates the Centenary in 2018 through a series of events dedicated to the union

of Transylvania with Romania. On this subject, the leaders of the Hungarian community in

Romania have expressed their point of view. UDMR chairman Hunor Kelemen said that the

Hungarians cannot celebrate with the Romanians, but added that they should look to the future,

which must be built together23


Historian Ablonczy Balázs, member of the Scientific Research Team of the Hungarian

Academy of Hungarian Sciences - Elan-Trianon 100, told The group of 22 researchers is

not a governmental body but an initiative that operates strictly based on scientific parameters and

before the public opinion. In recent days both in the Romanian public life and in the Romanian

press, comments have appeared, making serious accusations against the ongoing investigations of

the Academy of Hungarian Sciences, the Elan-Trianon 100 Scientific Research Team being accused

of secret national propaganda activities, anti-Romanian plotting and support for separatist activities.

"The reality is that the team which was formed in 2016 and consists of 22 researchers within the

History Institute of the Academy of Hungarian Sciences is not a governmental body, but an

initiative that operates strictly based on scientific parameters and before the public opinion. Among

its objectives one can find the collaboration with Romanian, Slovak, Serbian and Western European

researchers in the framework of multidisciplinary research." – stated for the historian

Ablonczy Balázs, director of "The Scientific Research Team of the Academy of Hungarian

Sciences - Elan -Trianon 100 ". The researcher added that until now the group had organized

workshops and conferences, coordinated archival research, and prepared papers and monographs

for publication. The first publication appeared in May 2017, an edition that was annotated and

complemented with extensive photographic material of the 1920s Hungarian Peace Delegation



The Szekler National Council (SNC) announced in a press release that The Hungarian

Autonomous Region of the Szeklerland was abolished half a century ago. The press release signed

by Balázs Izsák, president of the SNC, evoked that the communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu

dismantled the Mureş-Autonomous Region of Hungary on February 16th

1968, an administrative

region that included a significant part of the Szeklerland, and Hungary and the international defence

organizations for human rights have remained indifferent to this measure which deprived a

21 22

23 24


Florin Trandafir Vasiloni – Congresul Istoriei a Presei Internaționale


community of certain rights. On that day, the Grand National Assembly adopted the law

establishing the administrative-territorial organization of the counties, still in force today. Balázs

Izsák pointed out that the law which introduced the administrative-territorial organization of the

counties and which – obviously – deprives a community of certain rights, stipulates that the

counties must be set up according to the geographic, economic, social, political and ethnic

conditions, as well as to the cultural and traditional ties of the population.

The president of the SNC deemed necessary to emphasize this, because today, if the

territorial reorganization of the country is being questioned, "the political leaders compete in

denying the cultural, linguistic and ethnic criteria in drawing the boundaries of the administrative-

territorial units". Balázs Izsák recalled that peace talks that ended World War I separated the

Szeklerland from Hungary and placed it under the authority of Romania, but recognized the

Szeklers and Saxons in Transylvania as subjects of international law. Article 11 of the Treaty on

Minorities, concluded between the Allied and Associated Powers, respectively Romania on 9

December 1919, provided for Romania to grant to the Szekler and Saxon community of

Transylvania local autonomy in religious and educational matters under the control of the

Romanian State. The President of the SNC reminded also that through the Constitution adopted in

1952, Romania reconfirmed the status of subject of the international law that the Szeklers benefited

from by establishing the Hungarian Autonomous Region on the territory of the Szekler Land: "In

the Romanian People's Republic, administrative-territorial autonomy is ensured to the Hungarian

population in the Szekler districts, where it forms a compact mass ". The Szekler districts, that is,

the administrative-territorial subunits of the former region, roughly corresponded to the areas of the

historical Szekler chairs. "The Szekler community is aware of the status of subject of international

law, knowing also the European practice regarding territorial autonomies and the international

obligations that Romania has assumed, relying on the will expressed through referendum by the

Szeklers and through the decisions adopted by the 63 local Szekler councils, does not give up the

autonomy of the Szeklerland, demanding the regaining of a right previously recognized by the

Romanian state ", the SNC press release shows..25

In the opinion of the Hungarian Government representative István Grezsa, the separation of

the Hungarians "which was a Trianon's curse", can be turned into economic, political, cultural and

social advantages in the 21st century. The government official spoke about this topic in the opening

of the two-day conference held in Gherla, Cluj County, on 8-9 January 2018, attended by the

scholarship beneficiaries of the Petőfi Sándor programme and their mentors. The 24 young people

present, recipients of the scholarship provided by the Hungarian state, provide support in organizing

the community life of the Hungarians living in Transylvania. István Grezsa said that if Hungary

cannot be rebuilt territorially the way it was once, "there is the possibility that through influence,

economy, culture and spirituality we can rebuild the national community." The politician believes

that Petőfi Sándor scholarship programme for the Hungarians (the internal diaspora) in the

Carpathian Basin, as well as the Kőrösi Csoma Sándor scholarship programme for the diaspora,

represent "the pillars of Hungarian national policy." The Government official expressed his hope

that these programmes will still function after the Hungarian parliamentary elections in April, either

because the Orbán Government will win a new mandate, or because national policy has already

moved from that point where another government can destroy the system built by the previous one,

Grezsa explained. He pointed out that Gherla is a suitable place for the scholarship recipients to

meet, because a modern school was built here for the Hungarians, with the support of Hungary, at a

moment when the Hungarian community in the Transylvanian Plain was endangered. In his view,

the Hungarian school in Gherla is the best place to offer hope to those who live geographically on

the edge of the Hungarian nation. The government official also said that this year, the number of


Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


Petőfi scholarships has increased from 50 to 65 and will continue to increase. Thirty-one of these

beneficiaries are active in Hungarian communities from Transylvania.26

In 2018, the Government of Hungary grants 2.5 billion HUF (approximately 8.1 million

EUR) to Odorheiu Secuiesc. (Note: to understand the value of the amounts in HUF, forint, the

Hungarian currency mentioned in this study, we approximated these values starting from an

approximate parity of 1 EUR = 300 Forints). According to the State Secretary of the Hungarian

Ministry of Human Resources, Miklos Soltesz, the amount of 2.5 billion HUF will be allocated to

support projects in Odorheiu Sucuiesc. Most of this, namely 1.5 billion (5 million €), will be given

to the Roman Catholic Church. The handball team in the city will receive 441 million HUF

(approximately 1.5 million EUR), and the Reformed Church in Odorheiu Secuiesc will get 200

million HUF (approximately 670,000 EUR). The „Sandor Toma” Theater in the city will receive 70

million HUF (approximately 230,000 EUR). Soltesz stressed that all financial support from the

Hungarian state aims to create facilities to keep Hungarian youth in the city. Soltesz also asked the

Hungarians from Odorheiu Secuiesc to participate in the Hungarian parliamentary elections in 2018

and to support the governing parties in the electoral campaign.27

The Hungarian State Secretary Miklos Soltesz, responsible for cults and nationalities, said

on another occasion in Ghimes-Faget (Bacau County) that the Hungarian government would

allocate 650 million HUF (approximately 2.1 million EUR) to the Csango community in Romania.

That amount will be distributed to cults and educational institutions within the Csango


According to the statement made by Zoltan Balogh, Hungarian Minister of Human

Resources, the Hungarian government allocates an amount of 2 billion HUF (approximately 6.5

million EUR) to the Roman Catholic Bishopric of Oradea. That amount will be paid through the

"Gabor Bethlen" Foundation, in order to be invested in the renovation of the Roman Catholic Palace

in Oradea.29

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that the Hungarian churches received 88 billion

HUF (about 29.3 million EUR) from the Hungarian government at the end of last year, from which

the Reformed Church benefited of 55 billion HUF (approximately 18.3 million EUR). From this

amount, the Transylvanian Reformed Church received 26 billion HUF (approximately 8.7 million

EUR), this amount being spent by the respective confession for operation and certain investments,

namely renovation of edifices.30

Miklos Soltesz, State Secretary in the Hungarian Ministry of Human Resources, said on a

visit to Odorheiu-Secuiesc that the Hungarian state allocates almost 2.5 billion forints (about 8.3

million EUR) on projects in Odorheiu Secuiesc.31

According to Soltesz, the highest amount will be received by the Catholic Church, 1.5

billion HUF (approximately 5 million EUR), for the renovation of the Tamasi Aron High School

buildings, another 441 million HUF (approximately 1.5 million EUR) will be allocated for the

establishment of the Handball Academy belonging to the handball club in Odorheiu Secuiesc, 200

million HUF (about 700 thousand EUR) will be allocated to the Reformed Church for the

renovation of the church in the central square, another amount will be allocated to the establishment

of a deacon center, respectively the theater in the administration of the town hall will receive 70

million HUF (about 230 thousand EUR).

26 27

szekelyudvarhelynek.html 28

kapcsolatokert-felelos-allamtitkarsag/hirek/650-millio-forintos-tamogatast-kapnak-a-gyimesi-csangok-intezmenyei 29 30 31


Florin Trandafir Vasiloni – Congresul Istoriei a Presei Internaționale


The Reformed Church in Transylvania will receive 26 billion HUF (approximately 86.7

million EUR), which it can allocate to programmes funding, property purchases and real estate

investments. According to the article, the church is led by Bishop Kato Bela, known as the trusted

man of Viktor Orban.32

Many of the statements mentioned in this study should also be interpreted in the light of the

Hungarian future elections, as the Hungarian parliamentary elections on April 8th 2018.

Furthermore, the Hungarian press is still expected to allocate generous columns to the issues

presented in this study, which is by no means exhaustive.










Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018








Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018





Lecturer at the National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest

Sorin Borduşanu, Deputy Chairman of the Bucharest Nominations Commission

The Decade 2 of the twentieth century was marked by one of the world's greatest conflagrations that

led to the re-establishment of the world order, the cessation of monarchic absolutism in Europe and

the emergence of national states by the dismantling of the old empires. The end of the war was the

right time for the Romanian population to reunite in a single unitary state by uniting the provinces

of Bessarabia, Bucovina, Transylvania, Banat, Crişana, Maramureş and the Romanian provinces

united in 1859. Much of the political and cultural life both in the old Kingdom of Romania and in

the neighboring Romanian provinces contributed to the completion of the millenary desire of the

Romanians to live in a single unitary state. The recognition of the contributions of these

personalities also took place through the decision of the municipalities, regardless of the social-

political periods that followed, to pay tribute to them by assigning their names as names for larger

or smaller traffic arteries. Thus are the ways to appeal on to the young generation highlights of the

great Union.

It has been 100 years since the end of one of the world's greatest conflagrations that marked the

twentieth century, a century that began with extensive revolt movements in an attempt to rebuild the

world's social and economic life. The first world conflict after four years of fierce fighting and the

disappearance of millions of people led to the dismantling of great empires that ruled the political

arena and social life of Europe and beyond. The end of the struggles has created a vacuum of power

that has allowed the peoples to manifest themselves without the interference of the imperial

authorities. The dismantling of the great empires has resulted in the emergence of national states,

the centuries-long aspirations of the populations speaking the same language. These favorable

circumstances also benefited the Romanian population, who had imposed the desire for centuries to

gather in one state all the territories inhabited by the Romanian-speaking population, a state in

which they could live with the same rights and populations of another nationality. One hundred

years of Romanian national state was a period of ups and downs. But regardless of the period in

which Romania was located, regardless of the social order, the personalities who contributed in a

way or another to the creation of the unitary state, but also the events and places of the great

confrontations that created the possibility of accomplishing this desideratum were highlighted,

commemorated and mentioned in various forms. One way to commemorate and, at the same time,

to preserve in the consciousness of the population of the great historical events is the assignment of

names of traffic arteries. This is a form of acknowledgment of the contribution to the generations

who lived the events in question, but also a form of education for the generations who did not

participate in the events. Great Union that was completed on December 1, 1918 is thus marked in

Bucharest by the assignment as names of arteries for the circulation of the names of the soldiers

participating in the battles waged by the Romanian army in the two years of war, of the various

places where the battlestook place, but also of the political personalities who have been involved in

creating the favorable conditions for global recognition of this great desire of the Romanian people.

Among the personalities who have achieved the ideal of union have been important publicists.

The local public administration, as an exponent of the community it represents, has among many

other competencies / attributions and "to assign or to change, under the law, names of streets,

markets and objectives of local public interest".33

In addition to the technical attribute of

identification / management / guidance, the assignment of names for traffic arteries also has an

important attribute in keeping the local tradition by attributing "names of historical, political,

cultural or other personalities or events"34


Law No 215/2001, republished, article 38, item u. 34

GEO No. 63/2002, Article 3, paragraph 1

Irina Airinei Vasile – Jurnaliști și oameni de stat, creatorii Marii Uniri in Patrimoniul Bucureștiului


The name of Iancu Cavaler de Flondor was assigned in 1930 to a street in Bucharest in honor of the

great politician of Bucovina who worked toward unification with the Kingdom of Romania. He

participated in the organization of a large political assembly of the Romanians in Chernivtsi on 7

March 1892, which decided to join all Romanian political forces in a united national party,

represented by the political society "Concordia". This date is considered by historiographers as a

moment of creation of the Romanian National Party in Bucovina. That structure was to be based on

the program published a year before by "Gazeta Bucovinei". In 1897, the group of "young people",

dissatisfied with the policy promoted by the traditional elite, the lack of firm actions and the

increasing tensions between members of the leadership of "Concordia" and some deputies of the

Imperial Diet and Parliament, headed by Iancu Flondor and jurist Gheorghe Popovici (poet Teodor

Robeanu) was formed in a committee with the purpose to create a strong national party. The new

political formation (later called the Romanian National People's Party or the Romanian National

Radical Party) tried to take over the leadership of the Romanian National Party in Bucovina. The

newspaper "Patria" (1897-1900), edited by the Transylvanian Valeriu Branişte, became the party's

press body. In these lectures, Iancu de Flondor worked intensely, his writing resonating in the

consciousness of contemporaries. The young generation advocated radicalism in political life and

attitude towards the Bukovina administration, wanting, unlike conservatives, to emancipate the

Romanians (peasants, craftsmen, intellectuals from the villages and towns), aware of the need to

form a social support for the struggle against the tendencies that affected the entire nation. At the

inauguration of the Bucovina Diet on December 28, 1898, Iancu Flondor said he would fight for the

promotion of the natives' right to use the mother tongue in public administration.

Another unionist fighter honored by urbanists by attributing his name in 1935 to a street was priest

Vasile Lucaciu, one of the most important political, cultural and historical personalities of the

Transylvanian Romanians, a militant for their rights within the Austro-Hungarian Empire. With his

theological studies in Rome and his Ph.D., he worked as a political writer, among others in "Gazeta

de Transilvania" and "Observatorul". He was among the initiators and signatories of the

Memorandum, and as leader of the Romanian National Party, suffered the repression of the

Budapest authorities. During the times when he was politically detained, the Transylvanian

Romanians dedicated a song to him: Doina lui Lucaciu. He published the Catholic Magazine, the

first periodical published in Romanian at Baia Mare.

In 1990, the urbanists assigned the name of Onisifor Ghibu, a Romanian teacher of pedagogy, a

member of the Romanian Academy and a politician, a fighter for the rights and unity of the

Romanian people, one of the important participants to the Great Union in 1918. After the

occupation of Bucharest in autumn 1916, Onisifor Ghibu fled to Iasi with his wife and three

children (the highest of 4 years), and from March 1917 in Chisinau, where he played a leading part

in the Revolutionary Basarabian action of 1917-1918. Together with several Bessarabian leaders, he

establishes and organizes the Moldovan National Party. He effectively leads the vast organization of

education in Romanian, which did not exist in 1917, and succeeds in opening Romanian schools

throughout Bessarabia, in the autumn of 1917. He then prints "Transylvania" (from October 1,

1917), the first Latin "sheet" from the whole Russian Empire, later transformed into the "Romania

Noua" newspaper (January 24, 1918) - a "fighting organ for the political union of all Romanians".

In the first issue, the great "Declaration"signed by Onisifor Ghibu - "uniting with Romania all

Romanians living in temporarily occupied territories of foreign powers". Onisifor Ghibu is at the

forefront of the struggle leading to the unification of Bessarabia in 1918. Onisifor Ghibu's work

includes more than 100 works, including "The Language of New Church Books" (1905), "A

journey through Alsace and Lorraine, the country and its schools (1911), "The Romanian School in

Hungary" (1912), "From the history of the Romanian didactic literature", "The University of Cluj

and the institutes (1924), "The Romanian Higher Dacia University" (1924), "Pedagogical Portraits"

(1927), "Contributions to the History of Our Popular Poetry and Cults" (1934), "Picu Patruţ din

Sălişte", "Prolegomene at a Romanian education "(1941) and so on. 35


Laurenţiu Furdui, source "Vacations at Sălişte" - Dumitru Titu Moga.

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


Onisifor Ghibu's very extensive authumous work has as main topics: pedagogy and education,

school problems, the union of the two Romanian churches, the religious and minority policy of the

Romanian state towards the hostile and revisionist politics of secular and religious organizations,

Bessarabian issues.

In 1990, the traffic artery between the Barajul Sadului alley and the Blocurilor alley was named

Vasile Goldiş, teacher, politician, honorary member (1919) of the Romanian Academy. Between

1906-1910, as a member of the Hungarian Parliament for the Radna constituency, intervened many

times against various oppressive laws of nationalities. He is a member of the Romanian National

Party in whose name he drafts a memorandum which he submits to the Hungarian government on

13 September 1910 on behalf of the Romanian National Party. The differences of opinion with

regard to the negotiations with the Hungarian government create serious disagreements within the

Romanian National Party during the years 1910-1911, resulting in two different orientations in the

form of the struggle for national emancipation: the radical upheaval in general of young members of

the party grouped around the Tribuna, headed by Octavian Goga, Ilarie Chendi, Onisifor Ghibu,

Sever Bocu and others, and the moderate one represented by the older members of the party. Vasile

Goldiş is first to realize that a conflict could have irreparable consequences on the party's activity

and to adopt a compromise attitude between the two orientations, trying alongside Aurel Lazăr, Ioan

Suciu, Vasile Lucaciu and Ştefan Cicio- Pop to maintain the unity of action of the Transylvanian

Romanians. Under these conditions, he publishes the Romanian newspaper founded in Arad on 1

January 1911, which after the end of the March 1912 issue of the Tribuna newspaper became the

headquarters of the Romanian political struggle, preparing the Great Union , announcing in any way

the imminent collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Being the director of the newspaper, he

refused to sign the declaration of loyalty to Count Tisza's government under the conditions of

Romania's entry into war against Austria-Hungary. This act was qualified by the Hungarian

authorities as a duplicitous and anti-patriotic attitude and determined the suspension of the

Romanian newspaper in March 1916, which will only reappear after the Union of Alba Iulia.

Also in 1990, the former Ioana Alexandru Street, formerly Ghiţă Şerban str., former Alecu

Buciumului I, is named Iosif Hodoş, graduate of the University of Padua, alongside Simion

Bărnuţiu and Alexandru Papiu Ilarian.

Between 1869 and 1878, during three mandates, Iosif Hodoș was a deputy in the Parliament of

Budapest. He is among the founding members of the Romanian Literary Society, a society that will

later be turned into the Romanian Academy. He is secretary general of the Romanian Academy

until his death. As a member of the Romanian Academy, Iosif Hodoş presented "Literature and

Bellearte" in 1868. He collaborated with the "Carpathian Review" published by Gheorghe Sion in

1861 and "Sheet for Mind, Heart and Literature".

In 1994, Bucharest urbanists gave the name of the great journalist, diplomat and statesman Grigore

Gafencu to the traffic artery between Nordului Road and Daniel Danielopolu. A Doctor of Legal

Sciences in Paris, Gafencu joined the Romanian Army during the Second Balkan War and during

the First World War, being decorated for heroism with the Crown of Romania, the Mihai Viteazul

Order and the British War Cross.

Three were the founders of the country: Iuliu Maniu, the great Romania's accomplice through the

Union of Transylvania from Alba Iulia on December 1, 1918, Ion Mihalache and Grigore Gafencu,

a Sorbonne lawyer, enrolled in the French army, who arrived as a lieutenant with a squadron, fought

on the Romanian front, and the Order of Mihai Viteazul and the Legion of Honor of France were

awarded to him for his acts of bravery.

All three of them were found in 1928 in the national peasant government, where Grigore Gafencu,

after being elected deputy at 32, was elected Deputy Foreign Ministry and other ministerial

positions. From December 1938 to June 1940 he held the position of Foreign Minister, resigning

when the Russians raided and annexed Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina. As the Foreign Minister

for the cooperation of the Little Entente with the West, he managed to obtain guarantees from

France and England.

Irina Airinei Vasile – Jurnaliști și oameni de stat, creatorii Marii Uniri in Patrimoniul Bucureștiului


In 1923 he took over the leadership of the newspaper "Argus", "a journal of the stock exchange and

commercial information", which became it a tribune of Romanian social and economic life. He was

the founder of the Romanian Press Agency (RADOR), member of the PNȚ and deputy

Undersecretary of State (1923-1933) within several ministries. He leads the Romanian foreign

policy in a complex domestic and international situation (Minister of Foreign Affairs, 23 December

1938 - 3 July 1940), militating for closer cooperation of the countries of the Little Entente with the

Western democracies, especially with France; Plenipotentiary Minister of Romania in Moscow

(August 1940-June 1941). He quickly understands what is happening in Romania and the world in

the context of the Second World War, so he decides (1941) to stay abroad. His exile consists of

three stages: Geneva (1941-1949), New York (1949-1952) and Paris (1953-1957). He gets political

asylum in Switzerland, but he is forbidden any political activity. The essence of his work in exile is

a plea for unification of Europe, his solution being a federal continent inspired by the Swiss model.

He met many of the founders of the European Union and was present at several meetings aimed at

the post-war reconstruction of Europe. He attends the Congress of the European Montreux

European Union (August 1947) and the Congress of the European Union of the Hague (May 1949).

In recognition of his efforts, he was elected president in April 1956.

In 2002, a street in Bucharest was named in honor of the great publicist and politician Pan Halippa.

Pantelimon Halippa, born August 1, 1883, at Cubolta, in Soroca County, left this world on April 30,

1979 in Bucharest. As a great publicist and Bessarabian politician, he fought for the affirmation of

the Romanian culture in Barasabia and for its unification with Romania. As President of the

Country Council he voted for union with Romania in 1918. He served as minister in various

governments. He was politically persecuted by the communist regime and jailed in Sighet. He was

elected a corresponding member of the Romanian Academy.

He fled to Iasi where he studied philology and philosophy. During this period he collaborated with

the magazine "Viaţa Românească", in which he published the "Letters from Bessarabia". In the year

1908 he printed "Pilde si novele" in Chisinau, the first literary work published in Bessarabia, and in

1912 the work "Bessarabia, a geographical outline". Returned to Chisinau in 1913, he published,

together with Nicolae Alexandri and with the support of Vasile Stroescu, the newspaper "Cuvânt

moldovenesc". Halippa did not contrive to fight for the unification of Bessarabia with Romania. His

political activity intensified and in 1917 he founded the Moldavian National Party. Pantelimon

Halippa was the founder of the Chişinău People's University (1917), the Moldovan Conservatory,

the Bessarabian Society of Writers and Publishers, the "Luceafărul" Publishing and Bookstore of

Chisinau (1940). In 1932 he edited and led the magazine "Viaţa Basarabiei" and the daily

newspaper of the same name. He also participated in the meetings in Cernăuţi and Alba-Iulia, which

proclaimed the Union of Bucovina and respectively the Union of Transylvania with Romania. After

1918 he held several positions: minister, secretary of state for Bessarabia (1919-1920), minister of

Public Works (1927), Minister of Public Works and Communications (1930), Minister of State at

the Ministries of Labor, Health and Social Welfare (1930), Secretary of State (1928-1930, 1932,

1932-1933), Senator and deputy in Parliament (1918-1934), constantly pursuing the cultural

advancement of Bessarabia. In 1923 he became an emeritus member of the Sanctuary Sovereign of

Romania and, in the same year, on 29 December, represented the Freedom Lodge in Chisinau at the

Annual Convention of the Grand National Lodge of Romania (MLNR). In 1925 he was part of the

Foreign Relations Committee of the MLNR. He has also served as a guarantor in our country of the

Supreme Council of 33 in Santo Domingo.

Because it is very important for Romania to preserve and promote the cultural heritage of its

different regions with specific and traditional features, local public authorities are the first to be able

to get involved in cultural preservation, which, through coherent planning, and the protection of

traditional areas of rural or urban localities, architectural monuments, historical sites, museums,

theaters and historical art works.

These cultural preservation initiatives also involve the protection of toponymic heritage, which is

mainly represented by the names of streets, areas or localities.

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


In preserving this patrimony, the legislature made available to local public authorities an important

normative act, represented by Ordinance no. 63 of 29 August 2002 on the assignment or change of

names, approved by Law no. 48 of 21 January 2003.

The existence of these urban names in the toponymic patrimony of Bucharest reflects the

preoccupation of the Romanian authorities for preserving in the collective memory some identity

significations of national importance.


Academy of the Romanian People's Republic, Romanian Encyclopaedic Dictionary, Political

Publishing House, Bucharest, 1962-1964

Alexandru Ofrim, Old Streets of Bucharest, Humanitas, 2007

Carte des ressources culturelles de l'académie de Lyon

Constantin C. Giurescu, Istoria Bucureştilor Publisher: Vremea, 2008

Gheorghe Crutzescu - The Bridge of Mogosoaia, Ed. Meridiane, 1987

Ionita, Elizabeth (1969). "Haia Lifis" in Anale de istorie, Vol. XV, Nr. 5. The Institute for

Historical and Social Political Studies at the CC of the PCR, Bucharest. pp. 178-180.

History of the City of Bucharest Foundation, Capital of the Romanian Kingdom, Dimitrie

Papazoglu, Bucharest, 2005

Michel Allen, Magéditions. Rieux-Volvestre, 1998, Guide to professions artistiques

Michel Magnien, Delmas. Paris, 1995, L'entreprise de spectacles et les contrats du spectacle

Presidential Commission for Architecture Report / 2009: "Romania's natural and built heritage in


Raymond Citterio, Hachette. Paris, 1993, Action culturelle et pratiques artistiques

Spectacles. Réglementation - social protection, taxation, Imprimerie des journaux officiels, 1995



Vade Mecum for a Projet Culture Territoire, ADCEI, 2006


Cu imagini de la

Congresul Internațional de Istorie a presei: Presa Marii Uniri,

Desfășurat la Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiș” din Arad,

Aula „Ștefan Cicio Pop”, în perioada 20-21 aprilie 2018.

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


Album foto


Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


Album foto


Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018



General aspects The journal, “Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură” (“Studies of Science and Culture”), published by “Vasile

Goldiş” Western University of Arad, is issued on a quarterly basis. The journal is evaluated by the

National Council for Scientific Research and rated B+, CNCSIS code 664,during 2005-2011,

Scientific journal, reviewed and rated by CNCS in 2012, category: B, profile: humanities, field


The journal is indexed in International Databases (IDB): CEEOL (www. from Frankfurt

am Mein, Germany; EBSCO Publishing (www. from Ipswich, the United States of

America; Index Copernicus-Journals Master List from Warsaw, Poland; and DOAJ, from Lund,


Starting June 2012, the journal “Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură” is published by “Vasile Goldiş”

Western University of Arad, Romania, in partnership with the Department of Romanian, Aix

Marseille University, CAER. EA 854, France; CIRRMI (Interuniversity Lifelong Learning

Research Center for Teachers of Italian) University of Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle, France,

University of Novi Sad, Serbia, University of Jena, Institute for slavic Languages, Jena Germany,

Paper submission

The submission of an article to “Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură” for the prospect of being published,


that the authors take responsibility for the content, as well as for their ethical behaviour;

that the article has not been published or submitted for publication to another journal/review;

that the copyrights have been transferred to the “Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură” journal.

The papers shall be submitted in Romanian or in a world language. The title of the article, the

abstract and keywords shall be submitted in English, French and Romanian, as a word document

(WORD 97, WINDOWS 98 or later versions), no longer than 15 pages, including drawings, tables

and references, in Times New Roman Font, single-spaced.

The paper shall comprise:

the title, font size 16, bold, centered;

the authors’ full name, workplace(s) (with its complete denomination, not abbreviated), address

(addresses) of their workplace(s) and the e-mail of the contact person, font size 12, bold, centered;

the abstract, maximum length 10 rows, font size 12, italic, justified;

keywords, maximum 5, font size 12, italic, centered;

the text of the article, font size 12;

the reference list, required for any article, shall be written according to the rules imposed by the

International Standard ISO 7144/1986 entitled „Documentation-presentation of theses and similar


Citation Guidelines Studies of Science and Culture, a Philology publication graded B by the National Council of

Scientific Research (NCSR) contains the following main sections:

I. Roman cultures / Romanian culture;

II. German language and culture / Romanian language and culture;

III. Slavic languages and cultures / Romanian language and literature;

IV. Traductology;

V. Reviews.

According to the international regulations (especially Chicago Style, MLA) starting from Volume

XI, no. 2 / June 2015, we adopted the following way of presenting the bibliography for all the

articles published in our journal:

1. The bibliography will be placed at the end of the article using Times New Roman 12. The entries

in the bibliography will be placed in alphabetic order according to the author's last name. The

author's last name will be in capital letters followed by the first name, the title of the publication in

Instrucțiuni pentru autori


Italics, the place of publication, the publishing house, the year of the publication and, if necessary,

the number of pages.

Example: BENGESCO, Georges, Bibliographie franco-roumaine [...], Paris, Ernest Leroux éditeur,

1907, XLIII + 219 + (supplément) 114 p. [1ère éd.: Bruxelles, P. Lacomblez, 1895].

2. The author will mention the source in the following way inside the article: the first name of the

author in capital letters, the year of publication, and the page number. Example: (PAPADAT-

BENGESCU, 1924, 102).

3. The footnotes will contain comments, translations of quotations, biography explanations etc. The

introduction of footnotes will be performed by automatic insertion in Word.

The articles to be peer reviewed by our committee will have to be sent in Word (together with a

PDF copy) to the e-mail address:

The deadlines for submitting the articles are the following:

- 10th Feb. for the first publication of the year / March;

- 10th May for the second / June;

- 10th Aug. for the third / September;

- 10th Nov. for the last publication of the year / December.

The Editorial Board Tables and diagrams, figures or other images shall be inserted in the text at the right place,

numbered, and their resolution shall be such as not to affect the quality of the material.

The structure of the article presenting results of empirical research shall observe international

standards, according to the acronym IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussions), to

which are added the conclusions.

Articles of any other nature shall consist of an introduction, the body of the work and conclusions;

the body of the work can be organized as the author(s) see(s) fit.

The papers shall be emailed to, or both in electronic format and in print, to

the editorial office at: Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad, Bd. Revoluţiei, nr.94-96 -

revista „Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură”.

Scientific articles are subject to single-blind peer review.

The number of reviewers for the evaluation of an article is 2, and the reviewing time is 30 days.

Authors receive one of the following answers form the reviewers:

article accepted;

article accepted with alterations;

article rejected.

The scientific reviewers shall focus, in evaluating papers, on the topicality of the subject, on the

depth of scientific ideas, originality, as well as on the compliance with the instructions for authors.

Failure to comply with the standards required by the review shall result in the papers being rejected.

Authors are kindly asked to:

- cite the “Studies of Science and Culture” journal in other publications where they submit papers,


The journal title, “Studies of Science and Culture”, abbreviated as SSC;

The volume, issue and year of publication;

The page number where the cited text can be found;

- submit to editorial board of “Studies of Science and Culture” information on the publications

where they cited our journal, by mentioning:

The journal title, abbreviation;

The volume, issue and year of publication;

The page number where the cited text can be found.

Further information: - telephone - 0040/0257/280335

- 0040/0257/280448

- mobile: 0724-039978

- E-mail:

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


Contact person: Prof. VASILE MAN

Announcement for the authors

The journal “Studii de Știință și Cultură”, starting with the volume 12, number 1/March 2016

subscribes, for evaluation, in order to be indexed in BDI Thomson ISI Philadelphia P.A. USA.

We kindly ask the authors to include in the bibliography of their articles also texts that were

published in journals rated by ISI.

Instrucțiuni pentru autori



Aspects généraux La revue Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură" ("Études de Science et de Culture"), éditée par l’Université de

l’Ouest "Vasile Goldiş" d’Arad, est publiée trimestriellement. La revue a été évaluée par le Conseil

National de la Recherche Scientifique de l’Enseignement Supérieur et classifiée dans la catégorie

B+, code CNCSIS 664, pendant la période 2005-2011, Revue scientifique évaluée et classifiée par

CNCS en 2012, catégorie B, profil humaniste, domaine PHILOLOGIE.

La revue est indexée dans les Bases de Données Internationales (BDI) suivantes: CEEOL (www. de Frankfurt am Mein, Allemagne, EBSCO Publishing (www.

d’Ipswich, États-Unis, Index Copernicus-Journals Master List de Varsovie, Pologne et DOAJ,

Lund, Suède.

Depuis le mois de juin 2012, la revue "Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură" est éditée par l’Université de

l’Ouest "Vasile Goldiş" d’Arad, Roumanie, en partenariat avec Le Département de Roumain d’Aix

Marseille Université, CAER. EA 854, France; le CIRRMI (Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche

pour la Formation Continue des Enseignants d’Italien) Université de Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle,

France, Université Novi Sad, Serbia, Université Jena, Allemagne.

Soumission du manuscrit

La soumission d’un article à la Revue « Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură », pour qu’il soit publié,


que les auteurs assument leur responsabilité en ce qui concerne le contenu, aussi qu’un

comportement éthique;

que l’article n’a pas été publié et qu’il ne sera pas soumis pour être publié dans une autre revue;

que les droits d’auteur seront transférés à la revue « Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură ».

Les textes des articles seront rédigés en roumain ou dans une langue de circulation internationale.

Le titre de l’article, le résumé et les mots clés seront rédigés en anglais, en français et en roumain,

sous la forme d’un document WORD 97, WINDOWS 98 ou des variantes ultérieures, à une

dimension de 15 pages au plus, y compris les dessins, les tables et la bibliographie dans la fonte

Times New Roman, en interligne simple.

Le manuscrit comprendra:

le titre, en dimension de la fonte 16, en caractères gras, centré;

le prénom et le nom complets des auteurs, le(s) lieu(x) de travail (en titre complet, sans

abréviations), l’adresse (les adresses) du lieu (des lieux) de travail et l’adresse électronique de la

personne de contact, en dimension de la fonte 12, en caractères gras, centré;

le résumé, 10 lignes au plus, dimension de la fonte 12, en italique, cadré;

des mots clés, 5 au plus, dimension de la font 12, en italique, centré;

le texte de l’article en dimension de la fonte de 12;

la bibliographie, obligatoire pour tout article, est écrite conformément aux règles imposées par le

Standard international ISO 7144/1986 intitulé « Documentation -présentation des thèses et des

documents similaires ».

Normes de rédaction

« Studii de Știință și Cultură / Revue de Science et de Culture » (, revue

répertoriée en catégorie B – domaine Philologie – par le Conseil National de la Recherche

Scientifique (CNCS), a son contenu structuré comme suit :

I. Cultures romanes / culture roumaine

II. Culture et langue allemandes / culture roumaine

III. Langues et cultures slaves / langue et littérature roumaines

IV. Traductologie

V. Comptes rendus

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


Se conformant à la pratique internationale (cf. notamment Chicago Style, MLA), notre revue, à

partir du volume XI, n° 2 / juin 2015, a décidé d'adopter en particulier les règles de citations

suivantes pour chacun des articles qui y seront publiés :

1. La bibliographie, en corps 12, Times New Roman, sera placée en fin d'article, suivant l'ordre

alphabétique des auteurs, chaque nom d'auteur y étant inscrit en majuscules, suivi du prénom, puis

du titre en caractères italiques, du lieu d'édition, de la maison d'édition, de l'année de parution et, si

besoin est, de la pagination. Exemple : BENGESCO, Georges, Bibliographie franco-roumaine [...],

Paris, Ernest Leroux éditeur, 1907, XLIII + 219 + (supplément) 114 p. [1è éd.: Bruxelles, P.

Lacomblez, 1895].

2. Dans le corps de l'article le contributeur indiquera entre parenthèses, dans l'ordre, le nom de

l'auteur en majuscules, l'année de publication et la page. Exemple : (PAPADAT-BENGESCU,

1924, 102).

3. Les notes de bas de page seront réservées aux commentaires, traductions de citations, indications

biographiques, lections etc. L'insertion de ces notes sera réalisée sous Word par incrémentation


Les articles à soumettre au comité de lecture devront être envoyés sous forme de fichier Word

(accompagné du fichier en version PDF) à l'adresse au plus tard :

– le 10 février pour le premier numéro de l'année / Mars;

– le 10 mai pour le deuxième numéro / Juin;

– le 10 août pour le troisième numéro / Septembre;

– le 10 novembre pour le dernier numéro de l'année / Decembre.

Le Comité de Rédaction Les tables et les diagrammes, les figures ou des autres dessin seront insérés dans le texte à l’endroit

adéquat, numérotés, et ils auront, autant que possible, une bonne résolution, pour ne pas affecter la

qualité du texte.

La structure de l’article qui présente des résultats des recherches expérimentales suivra les standards

internationaux, conformément à l’acronyme IMRAD (introduction, méthodes et matériaux, résultats

et discutions), auxquels on ajoutera les conclusions.

Les articles de toute autre nature seront composés d’une introduction, du corps de l’ouvrage et des

conclusions, les corps de l’ouvrage pouvant être organisé selon le désir de l’auteur (des auteurs).

Les manuscrits seront envoyés, par voie électronique à l’adresse, ou sur un

support électronique et imprimé, au siège de la rédaction: Université de l’Ouest "Vasile Goldiş"

d’Arad, Blvd. Revoluţiei, no. 94-96 - revue « Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură ».

Les articles scientifiques seront soumis au processus de critique PEER REVIEW "en aveugle".

Le nombre de critiques pour l’évaluation d’un article est 2, et le temps d’analyse est 30 jours. Les

auteurs reçoivent des critiques une des réponses suivantes:

article accepté;

article accepté avec des modifications;

article rejeté.

Les référents scientifiques suivront, en évaluant les manuscrits, l’actualité de la thème;

l’approfondissement des idées scientifiques, l’originalité, aussi que le respect des instructions pour

les auteurs. Le non-respect des standards sollicités par la revue conduira au rejet des manuscrits.

Nous prions les auteurs de:

- citer la revue « Études de Science et de Culture » dans d’autres publications où ils collaborent, en


Le titre de la revue « Études de Science et de Culture », abréviation – SSC;

Le volume, le numéro et l’année de parution;

Le nombre de la page du texte cité;

- transmettre à la rédaction de la revue « Études de Science et de Culture » des renseignements sur

les publications où ils ont cité notre revue, en mentionnant:

Le titre de la revue, l’abréviation;

Instrucțiuni pentru autori


Le volume, le numéro et l’année de parution;

Le nombre de la page du texte cité.

D’autres informations au - téléphone : - 0040/0257/280335

- 0040/0257/280448

- portable: 0724-039978

- Adresse électronique:

Personne de contact: prof. VASILE MAN

Annonce pour les auteurs

La revue Studii de Știință și Cultură, en commençant par le volume XII, numéro 1/mars 2016

s’inscrit, à l’évaluation, pour s’indexer dans BDI Thomson ISI Philadelphia P.A. USA.

On demande que les auteurs citent dans la bibliographie de leur articles aussi des textes publiés dans

revues cotées ISI.

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018



Aspecte generale Revista „Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură”, editată de Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad, apare

trimestrial. Revista este evaluată de Consiliul Naţional al Cercetării Ştiinţifice din Învăţământul Superior

şi clasificată în categoria B+, cod CNCSIS 664, în perioada 2005-2011, Revista stiintifica evaluata si

clasificata de CNCS in anul 2012, categoria B, profil umanist, domeniul FILOLOGIE.

Revista este indexată în Bazele de Date Internaţionale (BDI): CEEOL (www. din Frankfurt

am Mein, Germania, EBSCO Publishing (www. din Ipswich, Statele Unite ale Americii,

Index Copernicus-Journals Master List din Varşovia, Polonia şi DOAJ, Lund, Suedia.

Începând cu luna iunie 2012, revista „Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură” este editată de Universitatea de Vest

„Vasile Goldiş” din Arad, România în parteneriat cu Le Département de Roumain d’Aix Marseille

Université, CAER. EA 854, France; le CIRRMI (Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche pour la

Formation Continue des Enseignants d’Italien) Université de Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle, France,

Universitatea Novi Sad, Serbia, din 2015 Universitatea Jena din Germania.

Prezentarea manuscrisului

Transmiterea către Revista „Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură” a unui articol spre publicare, presupune:

autorii îşi asumă responsabilitatea privind conţinutul, cât şi comportamentul etic;

articolul nu a mai fost publicat şi nici nu va fi înaintat spre publicare altei reviste;

dreptul de autor se trece asupra revistei „Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură”.

Textele articolelor vor fi redactate în limba română sau într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională. Titlul

articolului, rezumatul şi cuvintele cheie vor fi redactate în limba engleză, franceză şi română, ca

document WORD 97, WINDOWS 98 sau variante ulterioare, cu o dimensiune de maximum 15 pagini,

inclusiv desenele, tabelele şi bibliografia cu Font Times New Roman, la un rând.

Manuscrisul va cuprinde:

titlul, cu dimensiunea 16, aldine bold, centrat;

prenumele şi numele complet al autorilor, locul (locurile) de muncă (cu denumirea completă, nu

prescurtat), adresa (adresele) locului (locurilor) de muncă şi e-mailul persoanei de contact, cu

dimensiunea literei 12, aldine, centrat;

rezumatul, maximum 10 rânduri, dimensiunea literei 12, italic, justified;

cuvinte cheie, maximum 5, dimensiunea literei 12, italic, centrat;

textul articolului cu dimensiunea literei de 12;

bibliografia, obligatorie pentru orice articol, se scrie conform regulilor impuse de Standardul

internaţional ISO 7144/1986 intitulat „ Documentation-presentation of theses and similar documents”.

Norme de redactare

Studii de Știință și Cultură, publicație acreditată în categoria B, domeniul Filologie, de către Consiliul

Național al Cercetării Științifice (CNCS), își structureză conținutul în următoarele secțiuni:

I. Culturi romanice / cultură românească

II. Limbă și cultură germană / limbă și cultură românească

III. Limbi și culturi slave / limbă și literatură română

IV. Traductologie

V. Recenzii

Conformându-ne practicilor internaționale (cf. mai ales Chicago Style, MLA), adoptăm, începând cu

volumul XI, nr. 2 / iunie 2015, în mod special următoarele reguli de indicare a sursei bibliografice

pentru fiecare articol ce va fi cuprins în paginile revistei noastre :

1. Bibliografia, utilizând Times New Roman 12 p., va fi plasată la sfârșitul articolului ; pozițiile din

bibliografie se dispun în ordine alfabetică în funcție de numele autorului. Cu majuscule, se indică

numele autorului urmat de prenume, apoi, conform normelor limbii, titlul lucrării în italic, locul

publicării, editura, anul apariției și, dacă e necesar, numărul de pagini.

Exemplu : BENGESCO, Georges, Bibliographie franco-roumaine [...], Paris, Ernest Leroux éditeur,

1907, XLIII + 219 + (supplément) 114 p. [1ère éd.: Bruxelles, P. Lacomblez, 1895].

2. În corpul articolului, contributorul va indica între paranteze, în ordine : numele autorului cu

majuscule, anul publicării și pagina. Exemplu : (PAPADAT-BENGESCU, 1924, 102).

Instrucțiuni pentru autori


3. Notele de subsol vor fi rezervate comentariilor, traducerii citatelor, indicațiilor biografice etc.

Introducerea notelor de subsol se va realiza în Word prin insertare automată.

Articolele ce urmează a fi supuse atenției comitetului de lectură se vor trimite în fișier Word (însoțite de

o versiune PDF) la adresa :, cel mai târziu până la data de :

– 10 februarie pentru primul număr din an / martie ;

– 10 mai pentru al doilea număr / iunie;

– 10 august pentru al treilea număr / septembrie;

– 10 noiembrie pentru ultimul număr / decembrie.

Tabelele şi diagramele, figurile sau alte desene vor fi inserate în text la locul potrivit, numerotate şi vor

avea o rezoluţie cât mai bună pentru a nu impieta asupra calităţii materialului.

Structura articolului ce prezintă rezultate ale unor cercetări experimentale va urmări standardele

internaţionale, conform acronimului IMRAD (introducere, metode şi materiale, rezultate şi discuţii), la

care se adaugă concluziile.

Articolele de orice altă natură vor fi alcătuite din introducere, corpul lucrării şi concluzii, corpul lucrării

putând fi organizat după dorinţa autorului (lor).

Manuscrisele se trimit, pe cale electronică la adresa, sau pe suport electronic şi

listat, la sediul redacţiei: Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad, Bd. Revoluţiei, nr.94-96 -

revista „Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură”.

Articolele ştiinţifice sunt supuse procesului de recenzare PEER REVIEW "in orb".

Numărul de recenzori pentru evaluarea unui articol este de 2, iar timpul de recenzare este de 30 de zile.

Autorii primesc de la recenzori unul din următoarele răspunsuri:

articol acceptat;

articol acceptat cu modificări;

articol respins.

Referenţii ştiinţifici vor urmări, la evaluarea manuscriselor actualitatea temei; aprofundarea ideilor

ştiinţifice, originalitatea, cât şi respectarea instrucţiunilor pentru autori. Nerespectarea standardelor

solicitate de revistă, conduce la respingerea manuscriselor.

Autorii sunt rugaţi:

- să citeze revista „Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură” în alte publicaţii unde colaborează, precizând:

Titlul revistei „Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură”, abrevierea – SSC;

Volumul, numărul şi anul apariţiei;

Numărul paginii textului citat;

- să transmită redacţiei revistei „Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură” informaţii referitoare la publicaţiile în care

au citat revista noastră, menţionând:

Titlul revistei, abrevierea;

Volumul, numărul şi anul apariţiei;

Numărul paginii textului citat.

Alte informaţii: - telefon - 0040/0257/280335

- 0040/0257/280448

- mobil: 0724-039978

- E-mail:

Persoană de contact: prof. VASILE MAN

În atenția autorilor

Revista Studii de Știință și Cultură, începând cu volumul XII, numărul 1/martie 2016 se înscrie, pentru

evaluare, în vederea indexării în BDI Thomson ISI Philadelphia P.A. USA.

Rugăm autorii să citeze în bibliografia articolelor şi texte publicate în reviste cotate ISI.

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură SUPLIMENT Volumul XIV, Nr. 3, Septembrie 2018


2018 Subscriptions for the review

“Studies of Science and Culture”


The price of the journal “Studies of Science and Culture” is of 49 lei/issue, in euro

11euro/issue, in USD 15 USD/issue, and the subscribers for 2018 are entitled to a 25% discount.

The price of the yearly subscription for Romania is 164 lei/year, 4 issues.

Readers resident in Romania have the following payment options:

- bank account transfer into ,,Vasile Goldiş’’University bank account, opened at B.C.R Arad,

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À la Revue « Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură » (« Étude de Science et de Culture)

pour l’année 2018

Le prix de la Revue « Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură » est de 49 lei/p. ; en euros, un numéro

coûte 11 euros et en dollars, un numéro coûte 15 dollars. Les abonnements pour l’année 2018

bénéficient d’un rabais de 25%.

Les prix des abonnements annuels pour la Roumanie sont de 164 lei/an, 4 numéros.

Les lecteurs du pays peuvent opter pour des abonnements en lei, ainsi:

- par virement bancaire au compte de l’Université de l’Ouest « Vasile Goldiş » d’Arad, ouvert à

B.C.R. Arad, RO34RNCB0015028152520236 pour RON

- par paiement en espèces, à la Caisse de l’Université de l’Ouest « Vasile Goldiş » d’Arad, 94-96

Blvd. Revoluţiei,

Programme: Lundi - Jeudi 8-11 h et 13- 15,30 h

Vendredi 8-9 h et 11-12,30 h

Les prix des abonnements annuels pour les lecteurs de l’étranger sont de 38 euros/an, or

50 USD/an, 4 numéros.

Les lecteurs de l’étranger peuvent opter pour abonnements, ainsi:

- par virement bancaire aux comptes de l’Université de l’Ouest « Vasile Goldiş » d’Arad, ouverts à

B.C.R. Arad;

RO07RNCB0015028152520237 pour EURO

RO77RNCB0015028152520238 pour USD

ATTENTION: Envoyez à l’adresse électronique un courriel

de notification du paiement, nous communicant aussi l’adresse d’envoi pour l’abonnement payé,




Vous pouvez obtenir des informations supplémentaires concernant l’effectuation des

abonnements à tel. 0257/285804 int. 15, Adam Eugenia et par fax 0257/214454, pour OP ou les

quittances acquittées.


la Revista Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură pe anul 2018

Preţul Revistei Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură este de 49 lei/buc., în euro un număr costă 11 euro,

iar în dolari un număr costă 15 dolari, iar abonamentele pentru anul 2018 beneficiază de reducere


Preţurile abonamentelor anuale pentru România sunt de 164 lei/an, 4 numere.

Cititorii din ţară pot opta pentru abonamente în lei, astfel:

- expediind banii în contul Universităţii de Vest ,,Vasile Goldiş’’ din Arad,deschis la B.C.R. Arad,

RO34RNCB0015028152520236 pentru RON

- cu plata în numerar, la Casieria Universităţii de Vest,,Vasile Goldiş Arad,B-dul Revoluţiei Nr.94-


Program: Luni-Joi orele 8-11 şi 13- 15,30

Vineri orele 8-9 şi 11-12,30

Preţurile abonamentelor anuale pentru cititorii din străinătate sunt de 38 euro/an, sau 50

usd/an, 4 numere.

Cititorii din străinătate pot opta pentru abonament,astfel:

- expediind banii în conturile Universităţii de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad,deschise la B.C.R


RO07RNCB0015028152520237 pentru EURO

RO77RNCB0015028152520238 pentru USD

ATENŢIE:Trimiteţi pe adresa un e-mail de notificare de plată, în care

să ne comunicaţi şi adresa de expediţie pentru abonamentul plătit, e-mail

Informaţii suplimentare privind efectuarea abonamentelor se pot obţine la tel.0257/285804

int. 15, Adina Botea şi prin fax 0257/214454, pentru OP sau chitanţele achitate.

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