dating readiness quiz

Post on 23-Dec-2014






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Dating Readiness Quiz

Is this time for you to start going out on dates? Have you been out of the dating flow for a while? How will you know when you are ready?

Start Your Quiz By Saying The Following:-

1. I have a network of support.

2. I have cleaned up my past relationships.

3. I have a career future.

4. I am open to healthy new adventures.

5. I contribute positively to someone's life.

6. I am healthy in mind, body, and spirit.

7. I am loyal and trustworthy.

8. I am responsible with my finances.

9. I have a strong single life.

10. I know what I want.

I Have A Network Of Support

I have friends and family members who love me and support my endeavors.

Make Your Own Quiz

I Have Cleaned Up My Past

Relationships Better known as

"Baggage", old relationships that are over but need to be let go of no longer haunt my life. I have accomplished my divorce, said goodbye to the old lover, made peace with my parents, and brought closure to relationships that no longer serve me.

I Have A Career Future

I am occupied in a job or studies or realistic plans that contribute to my career future. I get along well with my co-workers.

I Am Open To Healthy New


Since dating life is a big adventure, I am open to what lies in shop for me. I have my own set of rules and constants of what is okay and what is not, but I am willing to consider new activities.

I Contribute Positively To

Someone's Life

I do something nice for someone at least once a day.

I Am Healthy In Mind, Body And


I am addiction free, have a weekly exercise routine, watch what I eat, and am generally upbeat about life. I am not afraid to say that I need help if I am struggling in those areas.

I Am Loyal And Trustworthy

I am known to keep my word and handle my agreements. I do not say one thing and do another. My friends, neighbors, and family members know that they can count on me.

I Am Responsible With My Finances

I am good at budgeting and living within my income. If I am not happy with the amount of money I make, I am also good at figuring out how to create what I need.

I Have A Strong Single Life

I am not looking for someone to make my miserable life happy. I have people, activities, hobbies, and work that I love. I wouldn't mind sharing my life with someone wonderful, but I am complete on my own.

I Know What I Want

I have learned from past relationships and experiences that I have some very definite requirements in order for my life to be happy. I know that if I compromise those requirements, I will not be the person I need to be. I know what my values, requirements, and visions are for my life.

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