data mining analysis per migliorare l’efficienza ... · title of the event, progress call...

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Data mining analysis per migliorare l’efficienza energetica nel

settore dell’edilizia: il progetto BUilding Green Skills

Luca Vecchiato


Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

Why BU.G.S.?

Framework: PROGRESS call “Delivering on SKILLS for GROWTH and JOBS”

BUGS main general goal: built GREEN SKILLS for new BUILDING and renovation of building

BUG’s concept:“A software bug is an error, flaw, failure, in a computer program or system that causes it to

produce an incorrect result [….]”

“Bugs [….] little faults and difficulties for which study and labor are needed in order to ensure commercial success (T.Edison, 1878)”

BUGS of the projectGreen skills bugs

which cause an “incorrect result” in economic development and professional growth

The BUGS project

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

The current context (1)

EU Unemployment

• Rate: more than 11%(EU 2020; Concil recomm. & guidelines, Joint empl. Report, etc.)

AT rate: around 5%IT, HR, SI: negative trend

• Green jobs: positive trends

• Green economy: job creation potential (OECD, UNEP, EC)

The BUGS project

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

The current context (2)

Energy efficiency objectives

• Building: one of the energy-intensive sectors identified

• Kyoto protocol goals: by 2012 reduction of GHG (Green House Gases) emission by 8% (compared to1990)

• EU: reduction of GHG emissions by 20% by 2020

• EU: reduction of energy consumption of residential and commercial buildings

The BUGS project

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

The current context (3)

Energy performance of buildings

• Methodologies: how to calculate energy performance of buildings

• Minim. Requirements for cost-optimal level of energy perf. applied to

NEW and EXISTING buildings.(EU directives, green paper, etc.)

The BUGS project

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

The current context (4)

Policies of partner countries about green skills ga ps(EEO - EU Empl. Observatory)

AUSTRIA: Integrated policy frameworks: green economy=new jobs(good practice: AMS classification system to foreseen skills and occupational demand)

SLOVENIA: Separate environmental and employment measures

ITALY and CROATIA: Labour market outputs implicit in environmental policies

The BUGS project

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

BU.G.S.’s key questions

• How the building trade RENOVATE itself as a consequence of the changing process in the energy field?

• Which will be the GREEN SKILLS suitable for the ACCELERATION of this process?

• How training can help SMEs and workers of the field to catch OPPORTUNITIES of the green economy?

• How boost a GREENING PROCESS of the existing jobs?

The BUGS project

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

BU.G.S.’s aim

• Green skills gap detection

• Enhancement of green “re/up skilling” in the building construction sector to gain access to new jobs or keep current jobs

• Boost matching of job supply and job seekers

• Improve competitiveness of individuals and SMEs

• Enhance the green economic growth

• Green skills gap detection

• Enhancement of green “re/up skilling” in the building construction sector to gain access to new jobs or keep current jobs

• Boost matching of job supply and job seekers

• Improve competitiveness of individuals and SMEs

• Enhance the green economic growth

The BUGS project

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

BU.G.S.’s target�General target:

Building trade

� Indirect target :

High, Intermediate and Low skilled profiles of:

- Designers

- Site managers

- Technicians

- Hard hats

�Direct target :

Sector Trainers The BUGS project

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

BU.G.S. Partner Countries


The BUGS project

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

BU.G.S. Partner 0rganisations profile

Private and Public organisations

SMEs representatives

Training providers

Research bodies

Regional and local entities

The BUGS project

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

BU.G.S. Partner organisations

The BUGS project








7 HR Obrtnicko Uciliste




Affiliated entity


Associated organisations

IT Regione Veneto

IT Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia


IT Ecipa

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

BU.G.S. Main expected outputs

• Development of a DATA MINING ANALYSIS SOFTWARE to identify green skills gaps and mismatching of demand and supply, crossing institutional data with SMEs data(to be used by: Public bodies, Private entities, Training centres, Research Institutes or Dept., SMEs)

• Collection of GOOD PRACTICES of tailor made evaluation of green skills bottlenecks and training measures adopted

• Development of TRAINING PATHWAYS (capitalizing on the data mining software implementation and on the good practices)

• WEB PLATFORM for trainers


• Pilot phase , in order to involve a sample of potential users(Direct target and indirect target) and test the efficiency of developed tools


• Development of a DATA MINING ANALYSIS SOFTWARE to identify green skills gaps and mismatching of demand and supply, crossing institutional data with SMEs data(to be used by: Public bodies, Private entities, Training centres, Research Institutes or Dept., SMEs)

• Collection of GOOD PRACTICES of tailor made evaluation of green skills bottlenecks and training measures adopted

• Development of TRAINING PATHWAYS (capitalizing on the data mining software implementation and on the good practices)

• WEB PLATFORM for trainers


• Pilot phase , in order to involve a sample of potential users(Direct target and indirect target) and test the efficiency of developed tools


The BUGS project

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

BU.G.S. Transversal issues










The BUGS project

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

BU.G.S. Implementation issues


• Set up of a sector study and analysis of legislation framework

• Collection of SMEs and institutional data

• Definition of good models of data mining analysis for green skills needsidentification.

• Set up of a software for a tailor made evaluation of green skills gaps.


• Set up of a sector study and analysis of legislation framework

• Collection of SMEs and institutional data

• Definition of good models of data mining analysis for green skills needsidentification.

• Set up of a software for a tailor made evaluation of green skills gaps.

The BUGS project

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

BU.G.S. Implementation issues



• Identification and sharing of good practices useful for a “company tailor made”evaluation as well as a “company tailor made” training allowing to fill the

greengaps arisen.

• Set up of training modules exploiting the data mining software tool and sharedgood practices.


• Identification and sharing of good practices useful for a “company tailor made”evaluation as well as a “company tailor made” training allowing to fill the

greengaps arisen.

• Set up of training modules exploiting the data mining software tool and sharedgood practices.

The BUGS project

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

BU.G.S. Implementation issues



• Experimentation, adaptation and validation of pilot testing of tools identified inWP3 for green re/up-skilling in the Construction sector which will foresee atraining of trainers, involving a representative sample of training

professionals(dealing with construction skills and competences) and a test on a sample ofindirect target

• Creation of a web platform where training tools and methods will be available.


• Experimentation, adaptation and validation of pilot testing of tools identified inWP3 for green re/up-skilling in the Construction sector which will foresee atraining of trainers, involving a representative sample of training

professionals(dealing with construction skills and competences) and a test on a sample ofindirect target

• Creation of a web platform where training tools and methods will be available.

The BUGS project

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data


The BUGS project

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

BU.G.S. Driver flow

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

The BUGS data mining analysis software

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

General training pathway

Profession group:

E.g.: Building


Training of group

specific trainers

Core element of training pathway Key components Key questions

Pathway partnership Partnership formation, leadership,

vision funding

Who comes together to

implement the training

pathway and which

resources do they bring

to bear

Pathway sector Sector focus, employer engagement,

occupational targets, skill shortage


What need in the

economy is the training

pathway to address

Pathway design Starting skill levels,


sequencing, curriculum design,

multiple entry/exit points, alignment

across settings

Who is the pathway

intended to serve and

how will it do so?

Pathway instructional delivery Participant-focussed and evidence

based practices, competence-based

instruction, work based learning

Which specific

instructional measures

or innovations will be

implemented in the

pathway to improve


Pathway participant supports Participant assessment, supportive

services, special advising

How will the pathway

address the curricular

and non- curricular

needs of participants to

improve results

Pathway measurement Shared measurement and

accountability, continuous

improvement, closing achievement


How will success for

the pathway be

defined and how will

data be assembled to

determine success

Core element Key components Key questions

Purpose of


upcoming deadlines of compulsory European

regulations and directives as well as national

regulations on energy efficiency in the

building sector. Changes in workforce

demand, changes in qualification demand

Introduction into framework

and framework conditions,

information on impacts of


Definition of

target groups of


Curriculum and contents by “profession

groups” in the building sector. (Building

planning, construction, HVAC etc).

For which profession group will

the trainers be trained? Is the

training´s target a cross cutting

knowlegde for all groups?

Differentiation of

skill levels:

Clear definition of training entrance skill level

of trainees and training exit skill level

which skill level is targetted?


classified also by profession


Core components

of training:

profession specific and/or cross cutting


Which curriculum has to be

elaborated for target group

and skill level training

Chosen didactics

for training:

how to communicate contents and skills to


Which didactic models, which

soft skills

Title/Subject of the training path:

Participants target of the

training path:

Gaps arisen from the

BUGS software analysis:

Goals of the training


Skill-level of target


Session(s)/Content(s) H. Knowledge,

Competences and

skills to be achieved

Type of Training



learning, etc.)

N. of




Title of Session 1:



Title of Session 2:



Title of Session 3:



Total Hours 0

Checklist for definition

Checklist for definition

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

Core element of training pathway Key components Key questions

Pathway partnership Partnership formation, leadership, vision


Who comes together to implement the

training pathway and which resources do

they bring to bear

Pathway sector Sector focus, employer engagement,

occupational targets, skill shortage context

What need in the economy is the training

pathway to address

Pathway design Starting skill levels,

course/credential/certificate sequencing,

curriculum design, multiple entry/exit points,

alignment across settings

Who is the pathway intended to serve and

how will it do so?

Pathway instructional delivery Participant-focussed and evidence based

practices, competence-based instruction,

work based learning

Which specific instructional measures or

innovations will be implemented in the

pathway to improve results?

Pathway participant supports Participant assessment, supportive services,

special advising

How will the pathway address the curricular

and non- curricular needs of participants to

improve results

Pathway measurement Shared measurement and accountability,

continuous improvement, closing

achievement gaps

How will success for the pathway be defined

and how will data be assembled to determine


BUGS Checklist for general training pathway

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

Pathway creation

The firm is interested in have a deeper knowledge on renewable production for heating

Exploring «Eurostat»we can see:- Strong decrease in house value…

BU.G.S. Data mining analysis software results: example n.1

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

Pathway creation

…but great increase in productivity and efficiency

BU.G.S. Data mining analysis software results: example n.2

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

Pathway creation

We also see that Italy is not alone on this path

BU.G.S. Data mining analysis software results: example n.3

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

Pathway creation

The company direction could be interested in having a deeper knowledge on renewable production.

Exploring «Country»we can see:- Increasign interest in Italy for solar thermal and soldi biomass

BU.G.S. Data mining analysis software results: example n.4

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

Pathway sector

The economic situation of the company during the last year has been rather good during the last years and is worsening during 2014, even if less than the average for Italy.

The company was able to react to the general crisis

BU.G.S. Data mining analysis software results: example n.5

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

Pathway partecipant support

The company has been more structurated than the average companies in construction sector.

The same indication is also shown in the following graph

BU.G.S. Data mining analysis software results: example n.6

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

General training pathway

Profession group:

E.g.: Building


Training of group

specific trainers

Core element of training pathway Key components Key questions

Pathway partnership Partnership formation, leadership,

vision funding

Who comes together to

implement the training

pathway and which

resources do they bring

to bear

Pathway sector Sector focus, employer engagement,

occupational targets, skill shortage


What need in the

economy is the training

pathway to address

Pathway design Starting skill levels,


sequencing, curriculum design,

multiple entry/exit points, alignment

across settings

Who is the pathway

intended to serve and

how will it do so?

Pathway instructional delivery Participant-focussed and evidence

based practices, competence-based

instruction, work based learning

Which specific

instructional measures

or innovations will be

implemented in the

pathway to improve


Pathway participant supports Participant assessment, supportive

services, special advising

How will the pathway

address the curricular

and non- curricular

needs of participants to

improve results

Pathway measurement Shared measurement and

accountability, continuous

improvement, closing achievement


How will success for

the pathway be

defined and how will

data be assembled to

determine success

Core element Key components Key questions

Purpose of


upcoming deadlines of compulsory European

regulations and directives as well as national

regulations on energy efficiency in the

building sector. Changes in workforce

demand, changes in qualification demand

Introduction into framework

and framework conditions,

information on impacts of


Definition of

target groups of


Curriculum and contents by “profession

groups” in the building sector. (Building

planning, construction, HVAC etc).

For which profession group will

the trainers be trained? Is the

training´s target a cross cutting

knowlegde for all groups?

Differentiation of

skill levels:

Clear definition of training entrance skill level

of trainees and training exit skill level

which skill level is targetted?


classified also by profession


Core components

of training:

profession specific and/or cross cutting


Which curriculum has to be

elaborated for target group

and skill level training

Chosen didactics

for training:

how to communicate contents and skills to


Which didactic models, which

soft skills

Title/Subject of the training path:

Participants target of the

training path:

Gaps arisen from the

BUGS software analysis:

Goals of the training


Skill-level of target


Session(s)/Content(s) H. Knowledge,

Competences and

skills to be achieved

Type of Training



learning, etc.)

N. of




Title of Session 1:



Title of Session 2:



Title of Session 3:



Total Hours 0

Checklist for definition

Checklist for definition

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

Core element Key components Key questions

Purpose of training: upcoming deadlines of compulsory European

regulations and directives as well as national

regulations on energy efficiency in the

building sector. Changes in workforce

demand, changes in qualification demand

Introduction into framework and framework

conditions, information on impacts of


Definition of target groups of training: Curriculum and contents by “profession

groups” in the building sector. (Building

planning, construction, HVAC etc).

For which profession group will the trainers

be trained? Is the training´s target a cross

cutting knowlegde for all groups?

Differentiation of skill levels: Clear definition of training entrance skill level

of trainees and training exit skill level

which skill level is targetted? low-

intermediate-high, classified also by

profession group?

Core components of training: profession specific and/or cross cutting


Which curriculum has to be elaborated for

target group and skill level training

Chosen didactics for training: how to communicate contents and skills to


Which didactic models, which soft skills

BUGS Checklist for profession group pathway

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

General training pathway

Profession group:

E.g.: Building


Training of group

specific trainers

Core element of training pathway Key components Key questions

Pathway partnership Partnership formation, leadership,

vision funding

Who comes together to

implement the training

pathway and which

resources do they bring

to bear

Pathway sector Sector focus, employer engagement,

occupational targets, skill shortage


What need in the

economy is the training

pathway to address

Pathway design Starting skill levels,


sequencing, curriculum design,

multiple entry/exit points, alignment

across settings

Who is the pathway

intended to serve and

how will it do so?

Pathway instructional delivery Participant-focussed and evidence

based practices, competence-based

instruction, work based learning

Which specific

instructional measures

or innovations will be

implemented in the

pathway to improve


Pathway participant supports Participant assessment, supportive

services, special advising

How will the pathway

address the curricular

and non- curricular

needs of participants to

improve results

Pathway measurement Shared measurement and

accountability, continuous

improvement, closing achievement


How will success for

the pathway be

defined and how will

data be assembled to

determine success

Core element Key components Key questions

Purpose of


upcoming deadlines of compulsory European

regulations and directives as well as national

regulations on energy efficiency in the

building sector. Changes in workforce

demand, changes in qualification demand

Introduction into framework

and framework conditions,

information on impacts of


Definition of

target groups of


Curriculum and contents by “profession

groups” in the building sector. (Building

planning, construction, HVAC etc).

For which profession group will

the trainers be trained? Is the

training´s target a cross cutting

knowlegde for all groups?

Differentiation of

skill levels:

Clear definition of training entrance skill level

of trainees and training exit skill level

which skill level is targetted?


classified also by profession


Core components

of training:

profession specific and/or cross cutting


Which curriculum has to be

elaborated for target group

and skill level training

Chosen didactics

for training:

how to communicate contents and skills to


Which didactic models, which

soft skills

Title/Subject of the training path:

Participants target of the

training path:

Gaps arisen from the

BUGS software analysis:

Goals of the training


Skill-level of target


Session(s)/Content(s) H. Knowledge,

Competences and

skills to be achieved

Type of Training



learning, etc.)

N. of




Title of Session 1:



Title of Session 2:



Title of Session 3:



Total Hours 0

Checklist for definition

Checklist for definition

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

BUGS Checklist for specific pathway by profession and level

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

Checklist of gap

Planning and construction supervision

Management Administration Sales Designers Technicians Workers· Kinds and properties of ecological materials

· thermal insulation, weatherization

· efficient heating· efficient lighting

· efficient water management

· renewable heat supply

· renewable electricity supply

· Cross cutting green-building-knowlegde

BUGS Checklist for specific arisen gaps to be filled in

Planning and construction monitoring

Title of the event, PROGRESS call “Delivering on skills for growth and job” -VP/2013/010 - Action 3.1 – Targeted Sector: ConstructionPlace, Data

Checklist of gap

Physical building construction

Management Administration Sales Designers Technicians Workers· Kinds and properties of ecological materials

· thermal insulation, weatherization

· constructional preconditions for renewable heat supply

· Constructional preconditions for renewable electricity supply

· Cross cutting green-building-knowlegde

BUGS Checklist for specific arisen gaps to be filled in

Phisical building construction

Thank you for the attention!

Luca Vecchiato

Energy manager

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