dakota state university leading successful meetings: making minutes count presented by: lynette...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Dakota State University

Leading Successful Meetings: Making Minutes Count

Presented by: Lynette Molstad Gorder

Effective Meetings

• Meeting Purpose – Review meeting basics

• Meeting Objectives– Review elements of a productive meeting– Provide 10 tips on how to hold effective meetings– Meeting minutes

Effective Meetings - Activity

Describe your worst meeting ever or something that really bothers you duringa meeting …………..

Tip #1 - Start Meetings On Time

• Arrive a few minutes before the meeting starts o The classic saying “If you are on time – you are late”

• Most important – Actually start the meeting on time

• Shut the door when the meeting is supposed to starto If your meeting leader consistently shows up late – ask

to start the meeting 10-15 minutes later next timeo Assign someone to watch the time

• Remain consistent and always show up and start on time

Tip #2 – No Electronic Devices

• Establish meeting ground rules

• Schedule breaks

• Lead by example

• Be aware of your surroundings

Tip #3 – Set Clear Meeting Objectives Beforehand

• Understand the purpose and objective

• Complete the following sentence o By the end of the meeting I want the group to…..

• Ask the following questionso Do you want a decision?o Do you want to generate ideas? o Are you getting status reports? o Are you communicating something?o Are you making plans?

• Communicate the meeting purpose and objectives

Tip # 4 – Take only the time needed

• Invite the right people

• Only schedule the time needed

• Only take the time needed

• Follow the next few tips…

Tip #5 – Create an Agenda

• Use the agenda as the meeting schedule

• Use any format necessary to accomplish meeting objectives

• Consider the following factors:o Priorities – what absolutely must be covered? o Results – what needs to be accomplished at the meeting? o Sequence – in what order will you cover the topics? o Timing – how much time will be spent on each topic?

Tip #6 – Stick to the Agenda

• Ask at the beginning of each meeting if there are topics to be added to the agenda

• Use facilitating phaseso That’s a valid point, but doesn’t directly apply to this discussion. o Perhaps we should schedule a separate meeting so we can address

it fully?o It’s obvious there are opposing views surrounding this issue.

Perhaps our time would be best spent working towards a compromise. Any suggestions?

Tip #7 – Collect & Assign Action Items

• Listen for key comments that flag potential action items

• Ask for the action item

• For each action item, collect the following:o The specific action item o The person assignedo The due date

Tip #8 – Summarize at the end

• Summarize BEFORE the meeting is over

• Summarize meeting objectives

• Summarize important decisions and action items

Tip #9: Meeting Minute Guidelines

• Minutes document decisions and assigned actions; minutes are not intended to record “who said what”

• Type the minutes as soon as possible after the meeting while the information is fresh in your mind.

• Seek clarification if needed

• Avoid personal observations

• Take note of any issues that were tabled for future discussion

• Remember that minutes are for future, as well as present use – ensure the minutes are clear for people who may read the minutes in the future.

Tip #9: Minute Guidelines Continued..

Tip #9: Minute Guidelines Continued..

• Minutes should be concise, but at a minimum, should include:o Date and time of meeting, including the beginning and end timeo Purpose of the meetingo Meeting lead or chair’s nameo Identify attendees; pass around an attendance sheet if

necessaryo If applicable, notate minutes that are approved from previous

meetingso Assigned action itemso Decisions madeo Number the pages of your notes so you aren’t confused if the

pages get out of order.

Tip #9: Minute Guidelines Continued..

• Publish the meeting minutes– Email– Web– Snail Mail

Tip #10 – End Meetings ON TIME

• State the meeting will end on time

• If the meeting will not end on time, communicate and agree upon the extended time

 • Lead by example


Ann Molstad, Poet Energy, Sioux Falls, SDMichelle Walter, Avera Health, Sioux Falls, SD

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