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, lH9'a.


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,3 : ' 7



Incorporated by Actof Parliament , 1855


Paid up Capital $ ,OOOo,11

Rest Fund . . 1,500,000I I

HEAD OFFICE Montreal .


Board of DirectorsW . MOLSON MACPHERSON , . . President .B . H . EWING , . . . . Vice-PresidentW . M. Rameav , Henry Archbald SamuelFindli y , J . P . Cleghorn . H . Mari1anaI Uolion .F . WOLFERSTAN THOMAS , . Gen . Manager .A . D . DURNFORD . . . . Inspector .II . LOCK WOOD , . Assistant Inspector .

The bank receives on favourable terms theaccounti of Individuals . urine . bankers , andmunicipal and other corporations

Intereit allowed on deposits nt current ute .English ana American exchange bought and

BOld at lowett rates .


Aylmer . Out . Owen Sound Ont.Brockvllle , Ont . Revel * toke , it . uCalgary , Alia . Kldgelown! OntClinton, , Ont . Smlih'i FaIls , 'ntExeter , Ont . Sorel . P . Q .

Hamilton , Onto8L . Thomaa , Ontl.ondonOnt . Toronto Ont .Mesford Toronto Junction . OntMontreall.OptQ Trenton , Oathi Citberlue Vancouver , B C .K Branch . Victoria , B C .

MorrlsburllOnt W.terloo.OntNorwich . Ont . Woodstock . Ont .


Ottawa , Ont'Inlllpeg , Man .

Victoria lirauch .


Klondyke_Horses and Mules

The undersigned Is prepared toenter Into contract up in March25th , to furnish any number ofhorses or mules at either Alberof ,

Vancouver or Victoria . Same to bedelivered Any time after April IDA deposit vIII be required on allcontracts . Address

K . B . MCLENNAN ,Care W . B . Bailey .. Co . , Anhcroft , B.C .


From Milwaukee . The finest Beetthe world ever produced , ou draughtat the . , , , , , .

Bank 'Exchange ,rho coolest , cleanest , and cheapenRestaurant In the city . Never clew

Husky Dogs .

Trained Husky Dogs from NorthernSaskatchewan For Sale .


f25 Wholesale Grocer , Wharf St .

CEM ENT. . . White's . . .



BeniciaRP . RITHET & CO

The approval of a woman beats the ver¬

dict of a jury . When once n criticalwoman finds what she wants st.e is certainto appreciate it'e please our customersevery day . They find that nowhere else inthe city can they get as nearly what theywant at such reasonable prices . Wo havea splendid new line of Bedroom Suits . Parlor Suits , Extension Dining Tables , Chairs ,(sideboards , Dinner Sets , Lamps , Etc .

TilE: TO

D.U . rUKmlultt uu . ,

JACOB SEHL . Manacer .


COAL AND WOODDouble Screened Alexandra ,

Sack or Lump )per ton . . . S5.50Double Screened Wellington . . Sli.OU(

First Quality DIY Cord Woodper Cord . . . . . . . . . . S3: .25'> l//i < tituS jlfetuiire Guts raileed .

Wharf and office , BellvllleI Street .

Telephone (tin name ou card GawleyII A Co iB4t) :

CUT office at Hvlueiton & Oddy's , GovernmentBt. Telephone No . 491 . "2


Klondyke Canvas Boat ,

Jl'eloll11f . mid trlltcarry over !i,600 lb a .

F . JKUKK A : Ono . , Victoria .

JEAn BlUs-'l'ho: canvas boat you made forour party last July , gave entire satisfaction . Wecanted 25 cwt . through the canyon in U end didnot have to bale more than a qua : t of water outin 48 hours In conclusion I have no hesitationin recommending those going to the Yukon totake one with them .



Tenders are required for the excavationof the alto for new business premises forMessrs . %'eiIor Bros , , to be deliveredI to theundersigned on or before 4 o'clock , onThursday , the 3rd March , from whomall particulars can be obtained . The rightsreserved to decline the lowest or any tender .

TIIOS . 0 , S011UY , Architect .ml 0 Qastlan Square .

in need of help , male sna" femalesWn Insert a 25c . td . tn the Dally Colonist . IWill pay you to advertise with us .

-VfOTICE Is hereby given thata-

pplicationJ j will bo made to the Fdrliamect o ( Canadaa urfng Its preBBUt ttY an Act to'lacor-ate a bank , under * of Thc BankAct ." 63 Vic . ( Can ) Cap . 31 and Amending Acts ,

Uegcsvita all


incidental r ghb poireri and ufIT -

I ml Solicitor 10. Applicants .Dated at Victoria , this 23th day of February ,

ISIS . mlI

ti hereby given that applicationNOTICEbe made to toe Parliament of canndH during the present iculon for an Act toincorporate a Company . with power to con ¬

struct , equip , operate and maintain an electrictelegraph cable and telephone line betweenDiwsou City on the Yukon her , in the Northwell Terrltjry of Canada , and the City of Vi-ctoria

-In the Province of British Columbia , by-

way of T illn Lake and Telegraph L'reex , byany feasible * route which may beielected.wlthpower to expropriate and acquire lauds , tonuses , privileges , concessions or other aids fromany government . municipality oi ether personaor bodlei corporate andl to levy and collect tollsfrom all parties lending messages over tbo said

I electric telegraph cable aud ; telephone line ,i with power to connect with say electricI telegraph cable or telephone Hue belonging to anyother i 'om pan y or penon or persons , togetherwith all such other powers , rights or privilegesAS may be necessary or Incidental to the attain ¬

ment ol tne objects aforesaid .Dato.l at Victoria tbi * attn day of February ,

A.I) . 1808 .ROBERT CASStDY ,

ml Solicitor for Applicants .

W fOlIOE li hereby given that application_L> will be made to the Parliament of Canads during its present session lei an Act to-Incorporate a Company with power to construct and operate a plant for the generation ofelectricity lor the purpose of lighting the Cityof Dansou on the Yukon river North-west

¬lifl:Territory of Panada , an'1 the par ¬tramwayhuei: :

vicinity ot the said city by electric power , andfor u . o tupplyof olecltlc heat Hud power andalso for the iiismlsRlon' of mossHgoi by telephone lihlu such limits , with ;the power toCi proprlato: lamlR ant la nccjulio: bmnmus1 , prlv-ile


s and aids1 from miy government orm'uuic'i-pal lorporntlon or other persons, . andl to levyand coiltct mils from oil pur . lea using or takingadvantage of any 01 the said works , with allnecessary and Incidental rights , powers andpriviluees in that behalf .

ltedl at Victoria this 2Mb day of Fcl> rni> ry ,,

A . V . J898 .ROBERT CA8SIDY ,

ml1 Solicitor for Aiilicttui6] | ,

NOTICE IB hereby given mat application| bo made to the Legislative Anscmbly

01 the Province of Diltlth Columbia st its hostsession by the Cowlchan Lumber Company ,

Llmlled , for au Act to empower the mid applt-ratios 10 oxerclFO In the Province of BritishColumbia all the powers , privileges and taped .

ties granted to the said company by their char .

tar under the Great teal of Canada , Bud espeeicily to Waectf said company to constructaud maintain I I dain and suun worksIn connection therewith as are hereinafter re-ferred


to In or upou the Cowlchaa tn'ErODSection 16 , Range V.Quamlchan District , uponsuch silo and accoidlog to such plans andspecifications as shall have received the ap ¬

proval of the Lleuleuant-Qovrruor In-Council ,and to construct , maintain and orerate aduuble or single lined tramway of such geeseas they may deem advisable , with necessaryside tracks and turn outs , and to build bridgeand erect , anqulroano maintain teleg apb andtelephone Hues along their said tramway , sub .

aDYhghlVBYthe lupcrvlslou d the Chief Commissionerct Lands and Works , the said tramwayto commence on the north side ot Cnwlchaa

on Section 16 Quamichau Dis ¬

m'b l 1750 feet above fevn coed bridgeacross said river ou Section 15 . tan e V . of saiddistrict , thence in an easterly direction follow .lag north bank of said river and intersectingthe line " f the Esquimau & Nanalmo RailwayI

and at suchI a distance from haUl river as willafford the moot convenient route to a point ator near the mouth of said river with all theusual powers and privileges incidental to tileconstruction and operation of such ,'c.rksVllbpower to slldl imp&oy to use the water orwater power to be created by the erection olRucb retaining dam for producing any form ofpower or for ireneratl ' c electricity for the curpose ol light , heat and power , aDd for all andevery purpose mentioned In Sections 80.61 , II'J

anrt !s3 of the Water t lenses Consolidation Act ,

1S97 . aud to dc > everything necessary or Inci ¬

dental to the currying out of nil or any of toeobjects referred to la acid sect oni and to enterupon survey purchase and expropriate landsfor the purposes of laid works , aud eo that tho-prO.lslonll of the british Columbia HallwayAct as to expropriation of lands shall apply forthe right to take timber , clod, . gravel andother materials for like and construction olacid works ; to levy Bud collect tollsfrom all passengers and In respect olall freight carried upon such tramwayas the company may by regulation direct ; tocontract for supplying water aud electricity fordomestic , Industrial and agricultural purposes ,

and to do all things which may be necessary toenable the said company lo carry ou such con ¬

tract within such limits , and subjectI to suchconditions as may be prescribe! by she Lieu ¬

tenant Govcruor-in Council ; and to charge andcollect reasonable tolls and charges therefor .

Dialed Iho 27th clay of January , 1898 .(JKEAHK & CRKA8E ,

Solicitors for the Applicants . '

OrlCE ithereby given that a special gen ¬N eral meeting of the shareholders ol thersukuspA 8locan RailwAY Company will be

281Fortnoon . to elect directors and transact tbe or-dinary


business of the company .Dated the lOUt lay of January . .ADI 1898 . 1

( Signed ) A . W . JONES . I'res.iJN'O . layiNG , > DirectorC . O . MAJOR . I-



I have this dRY disposed of my entire interestIn the cord wool and steam swing business' . 1

also my general teaming bucineo to J . E , Gritswho will continue the business at the acm-estaid . \Vhllelharlilnsm7 nnmerouB patronsfor their past taroii . I would ask for a continu :

ance oi the tame to Mr . title * .fe? < A . 0 . HOWE .

Victoria , February 23 , 189S .

3STOTIOE .The business lately carried on by me at :

No . 61 Government St , Victoria , has been ac.1

quired and will In the future be carriedon by the Victoria Book and Stationery Co . , i

under the management of MR . H . S . HEN ¬

DERSONDated tbe ajlh January . 1898 .


NOTICEfcesideutB or Victoria having book

rcrliiuliuK will Hurt it to their ad

Fautajre to call at or write to " ThColonist , " Binding (done at Eastern !

prices . Work guaranteed Satisfac-tory In pvprv " ' 1'P.t ,

:3STOTIOEJamea Day bridge is cloned to public

traffic .E . A . WILMOT .

m2 City Engineer .


Chartered Accountantsand Auditors ,

Have opened an offlco at

UnnJc of Montreal Chamucra . H


GOVCl'11mentStreet , between'onrtiiey and Johnson Streets ; [is


\ to traflic ,

k \> E A . WICMOT ,I City Engineer .



t , '.The Miners '

. and Prospectors '.



tg1 Favorite .

. .

. i";/ \ Unaffected by cold.t: or heat . 14fidxscr.t4i -'



I ' " munition is used by everyone and sold ' everywhere .

\ .

c Send name and address on apostalcard for 148-page illus-


, . ..

.catalogue . It is free .

Ii . S Winchester Repeating Arms Co .i .

ICONNI , Cal .=: !







are a combination of choice Meat and Vegetables , f

BOON TO forming : a substantial , nutritious\ . rnd svoury meal , jjwhich can be eaten hot or cold! Hot i.j a j '

,ALL few minutes .

---0_ _ jjlKI) jj



- London , ENGLAND ,Manufacturers or Jams , Jellies , Marmalade ,lAND < Bottled Fruits , Jelly Tablets , &o . Potted Moats , j

> I Pates & Camp Pies , Soups , Sausages , &o .

Gel & .mc nls au & TDtflbcst Hwar&s .

ijgB , aft1iy !r---Uc

/tindii .eua ? G

t.fi1 cfaPn.tue J7dep diz J 7 Joed/ea: e "dftCr; 2:7 PZY/ n ?q"e 4b n 7l % '/ C ' a"e UeAedpleUrf&nzYl: UC 2 7

Seagram's WhiskyThistle ,Blend S9

BOLE .&GEsR . P . RITHET & CO . . JLd


Oil , Had I Known the Valueof Health Why] Did NotHand'i(

WOMENlpriceless boon , nerve strength . Life seems till of trouble because the nerves are weakand the spirits depressed . Pains are felt in he bnck , the head is dizzy , and there arehot and cold flushes . ervous debility is approaching .

RESTORE HAPPY YOUTHBy using Dr . Sanden's Electric Belt . Get baa all the joy of youthful vigor . Feel thelife bouncing through your veins and carryinjambitlon to your brnin . There Iis a newpleaoure in living when you are wearing Dr Sanden's Electric Belt . It replaces thenerve strength . It pours vitality into the bdy for hours nt a time . Thousands ofyoung men and women owe their happiness tdt . So will you . Write to 1n t Samicn ,tell him of your troubles , and he will Bend yom book for men or for women , which willtell you how to regain vital nerve strength . Sml today . Addressii


. DR . A . T . SA.NDEN ,

add KtJtttiiot Strott , BHUfTREAI , Quebec .



Mining Regubtions



I ...._ _ ._


-- :4Bfore starting North , forPrice Only 10 Cents yur own protection , secure

aj COpy of the Dominion.r Mpiiur Regulations . NoMner's kit is complete with-o {


one . . .

At . tile \ Bookstores andIJE[ COLONISTl I OFFICE[

I .


We.ekly! ColonistIs the Best Family Newspap1


In the Province .




tii ' A- .OIIACET .

' _The . Victoria Lawn Tennis Club


Reorganize for the OpeningSeason .

Hon . C . E ." Pooley Chosen as Prcsident Congratulations to

Air . Kurd .

The annual general meeting of the Vic-

toria Lawn Tennis Club was held at thoHotel Driard yesterday evening , with Mr .

Musgravo in the chair . The report of thehonorary secretary was read , with the finan-


statement of the honorary treasurer ,

these being as appended : 'BECBETABY'S REPoRT .


yourhfarlug, ¬

tar3 ' 's the proceedings of the clubsince trrlton: general meeting . Asyou will obsere from the acting honorarytreasurers report that besides monthlymembers the ranks of the club have beenswelled by die addition of ten new nameson the membership roll , with no resigna .

tions to detract from this saisfaciorystatc .

ment , and I think we ruaycongratuluteour-Bdyc* on such a proof of permanentsolidity .

In view of the long felt want of betteraccommodation for players and Ihe ac-knowledged throwing away of money yearafter year on temporary and unsatisfactoryrepairs and patches , necessitating endless !employment of labor , a special generalmeeting of the club was held on the secondday of October last in the ilriard hotel ,

when it trite decided to make certain ionprovements to the turf , and further , itfund ." would permit, , to take up one of tiltwooden cuiirts and to lay an additionalturf one in lieu thereof . The work bus beuexcellently curried cut by Mr . Moss , towhose conduct and management it was ronsignbd , and the club can now feel that it isin possession of three well laid grass courts ,in addition to the remaining wooden one ,which will: be adequate for the rather lim .lied number of players who " tread theboards . "

YresentIinHnclnl I

faction: , I am sure , for every member tofeel that we have been enabled from theI

actual revenue of the club to do so muchas has been done without jeopardizing ourcredit .

While on the subject of the new courts , Ibeg to remark that the two renovated oneswill be in condition to be played on assoon as the season opens , though it cannotbe expected to use the new oue until lateron nor even perhaps before the tournament .

On behalf of the committee it is my mostpleasant duty to tender our warmestthanks to those ladies who eo kindly andablyl assisted us during the last tournamentweek , and also to again place on record ourappreciation of the admiral's courtesy inpermi'ting) the attendance oi the excellentband' of1 the f.shtCeon the final day of thetennis festival must also beg \oheartily congratulate the gentlemen whoorganized and brought to such a successfulissue the dance at the Mount Baker hotel

From a players standpoint the past season may be judged as a very successful one .

The club lepresentntivcs , besides being suc ¬

cessful in the Cowichan and Alarrion street( Seattle ) tournaments , hold at the present

championshlpbinning the state of Washington men'sdoubles and the 1'acific Northwest championships in men's doubles , ladies ' doubles ,

mixed doubles and men's open singled . allof which are accredited and recognized bythe United States Lawn Tennis Associa .Hon . Appended to this report is a list of

ii the successful players . We were again very

fplayersfrom: ' .j

always so largely contribute to thesuccess of our annual meetings . The season was brought to a close at home by thejunior tournament which was conductedwith much enthusiasm by the youngerplayers: , the handicapping beingi very justand satisfactory:

. flue event should, beencouraged in every possibleI way with aview to bringingi laurels to the club in thefuture . '

We must all regret the departure of Mr .

H . U . llaincs whoso ably tilled the ofliceof honorary treasurer until a few weeks agobut must congratulate the Nelson LawnTennis Club on its acquisition of such anenthusiastic sportsman .foregolog ¬


Honorary Secretary .

Opeui \' :jea\'lc ciianipiocishiips! bfmembers Lawn: nill bduring the year 1897 :

Annual open tournament CowichanLawn Tennis Club Open singles ladies ) .Miss M . Goward ; open singles ( men's ) , A .T Gowned .

AnnualI open tournRmenl . - rarrion StreetClul , .eullie-Challenge cup , J . P. Foulkes

State of Washington championships ,played at Seattle Men's doubles , Georgearsons and J . F . Fouikes .

British Columbia championships playedat Victoria Championship singles( ladies ' ) . Miss' M . Goward ; championshipsingles ( men's ) , J . F . Foulkes ; open mixed doubles . Miss Frere and J . F . Fonlkes .

Pncllic Northwest championships playedat Tacoma Men's singles . J . F . Foulkes ;

mixed doubles! Miss Frere and J . F .

Foulkes : ineii'odoubles:, R . H . Pooley anti-

J !F . Foulkes ; ladies ' doubles , Mrs . Langley. . . , .a 11 < ... . . . . , " .

Attached: was the treasurers balanceIsheet for lsII , as follows :


New appliance , machinery andlabor . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . $ 131 23

Printing and stationery . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 20III n tcrest on mortgage . . . . . . . . . . " . W8 00City titles , water , etc . . . . . . . . 685R)

Ton rnumen t expenses .'. . . . . . . 161 22

J'lize account . . . . . . . . . . . . IJI 16Grant to dance , Oak Bay . . . . . . . . . . 2600In account with Moss for laying

new and repairing courts . . . . . . . . 160 00Sundry expeiibes . . . . . . . . .. . 11 xiBalance in hand . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 17.1J

$1,001 80

nEcrm'TS .

Balance brought forward . . . . . . . . . $ 1S5 15Subscriptions ut $5 . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 200 00Do . new members at If 15 . . . . . . . . . . 150 00Absent members . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 3 00Monthly members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 OK

Tournament, receipts :

Entrance fees . . . . . , . . . . . . 153 25I

Gate receipts . . . . . . . . . 388-10

$ ,001 Sn

After the adoption of these , it was de .cided to put in repair the board court.play-ers being remindedI , however , that theymust very careful in using it BO as notin


yIJway to disturb the adjacentj newcourt . Boards will be plnoed close to thufence so that the new court may bo reached ,

and players must on no account go withinthe ropes .

There being uevcral outstanding sub .scriptions of last season , the Incoming committee worn instructed to collect theseat oner . Itwas nlso decided thatthe committee should make a draftrevision of the constitution and the rules( if the, club , reporting the sumo to n genernlmeeting to be convened for the purpose ,


, Havefyou .tried

: ftPF 2



Smoking Tobacco ?

The followingwere chosen to direct theatl'airsof the club during the season nowat hand : President , lion . C . E . I'ooley ;

vicc-prebident , Rev . Canon Bean lands ;

hon . secretary , T . E . Pooley ; hon . treasurer , F . T . Cornwall . Committee J . F .

Foulkes , A . T . Cornwall , P . 8 . Lampman ,

G . II . Barnard , and G . C. Johnston .Prior to the adjournment , with a vote of

thanks to the retiring olllcers , it was de ¬

cided that the honorary secretary extendthe clubs congratulations to Mr . G . A .

Hurd . champion of Washington 'Itoccasion! of his marriage , whichJ besolemnized ii Seattle on the Silt instant ..


Per utenmer KINGSTON from the SoundErskine . \\'ailuf Co , S J Pitt , . Simon l.eiserEsquinlaitMusrine,

U Boynton . Thurston & Son , 8 Alhotise , JMalkens . Tlios MrXeelv , E Kannders , JnoHovd it Co , Mr Munstlf , G U iloyntoii , HYoung Co . 1P McQuade , Hudson Bay Co ,

Fell it Co , U H Ross , B . U Furniture Co , GIt Boynton , C E Nadcmacher , A Strnchan ,

J Johnston , Weiler Bros . Henderson Bros ,

Turner , Beeton it Co . J1 Piercy & Co . H CBeeton it Co , Express , E J Saunders , P Dl'allen , G Morrison , G S it 11 , 0 A Harris .G Marsden . N Brown , C II Bowes , A C CStratford , S Soupal , B of B C , Agt Dom ExCo . J U Grice , J W Ackmay , Al Shangn-essey . .



Grand Trunk Rather ' Better in LondonGeneral Business Very Quiet .

NEW YORK , March 2-The Evening Post'sfinancial cable from London Buys : Thestock markets here were of a better tone to-day , but painfully inactive , Americansand Grand Trunk . opened better but rel-apsed Interl'W York absorbed tbestocks offered unwillingly , and businesshere was almost at n standstill . Pricesclosed better . Signs are evident in bothAmericans and Kaffirs that the recentyetbeenEngland is to pay the dividends here oncertain big American railways arc believedto be correct . Gold wus in lets demand at77s . 9d . Indian finance is to be (ltsctlosed-In parliament on March 29 . The ParisBourse was rather weak and quiet , butSpanish securities were better as also wereAfricans . "

The result of to-dn )" '" trading in stocks inNew York iis the practical: wiping out ofyesterdays gains in prices . The closingprices were as follows : Tob . , 80 ; Sugar ,12GJ4 : do . pfd . , 112K ; Atchison , 11% : Bur ¬

lington , 95M ; Yn57 02 % ;

western . 123 ; U Iti; , ; St . P . ,gut;

Cons . Gas , l824 ; DL. 1M ; Gen . Elec . ,33 } ; Manhattan , IOU ; Lead , 32MS : Nor .

Pac . 23 % ; NYC . . 113 % ; Omaha , 74 ;

Pac . Mail , 2Sf ; Pullman . 170 % : Leather ,

G2M : Union Pac . , Z0/t! ; Wubash pfd . ,

V-\i\ \ Western Union , 88V/ ; Metropolitan ,

love .

Commercial cable in Montreal , 181 . C.P .U . in London . 8GH .

Money on call nominal atelf: to 2 percent . Prime mercantile % to 4 percent . Sterling exchange dull and firm at$ 4.8.IH for demand , and $1.82 for sixtydays . Posted rates $ 4.82to $1.83 . Silvercertificates 65c . to 5Gc .

Wheat closed . Ko.2 red . March $1.00 % ;

May $1.01 % ; July 92c . ; Sept . 82Kc .

CHICAGO , March; 2Vueulclonetl , Marchand May $1.OIJY( ; July Inc . Corn , May30 % c . ; July 31 > c . ; Sept . 32c . Oats , MayJ

2Gc . ; July 24 'e . Pork . May $10.45 ; July$1050 . Lard May $5.15 ; July $5.27M-Ribs , May $5.17 ; July $5.25 ..


Music , Spectacular and Frivolity at theVlctorla-Llndley in One of His

Greatest Creations ,

The musical burlesque , " 1492 , " whichIB to be presented at the Victoria theatrethis evening , is a famous scenic operaticextravaganza , which has the proud eecord ot a two years ' run in New York .It is a clean and entertaining combinetion of music , mirth , burlesque andvaudeville , and there are no dullmoments from start to finish . This

the " male Patti " whoseason Stuart , , issold to have a remarkable voice , is theQueen Isabella , and Zeltna Rawlnton , ahandsome actress and vocalist , Is theIntaiitii . The company of sixty or coyenty people also include Master ThomasMeaita , a phenomenal boy tenor ; tbeHerald Square Ql1lrtetteFrank Gardi ¬

ner , Matte Ooaufiita , Corinne 'Thompson , Arthur R . Seaton , Thomas H . Ince ,Geo , D . Cunningham , II . J . Turner andGeorge Ovey . There is a large Hud welldrilled chorus of pretty )'Ol1ngVomeD .It takes two special cars to carry thewealth of scenery and accessories ueedin this production . x

Harry Lindley , well seasoned in hisart by long stage experience , haspublicforins of the attention cf his cndirnrbeing altogether foreign to the nature ofthe veteran . Thus it is that the evenbalance of all his productions commandsrespect . Last night ' The TicketofLeave Man " waa )presented ton well-pleased audience and again the mem-bers


of this compact little troupe scored .

a victory ,.

Mayor of Quebec .

Parentbne .

Pillsfor? ; ,11


Do " 't r flet tbs, .

! Waterford Block Burned .! -today.

several large , business houses : and , theopera house . The loss 'is $30.000 .

'_ ,

Tailor made Mackinaw:

suits with hood and stormcollar B . Williams <& Co

top related