custom mobile apps

Post on 06-Apr-2016






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  • The Art of EngineeringGreat Mobile Apps

    Complete guide to mastering custom app development & marketing



    The future is mobile computing smartphones and tablets are just

    elements of it. The industry is one the verge of a whole new paradigm.

    -Thorsten Heins, Blackberry

    A new era dawned with the launch of iPhone in 2008. Since then, themobile ecosystem has seen unprecedented changes having far-reachingimplications. Today, on average people check their mobile devices

    once every 6 minutes! Smartphones andtablets now outsell PCs and laptops.

    Given such a meteoric rise in the popularity of these devices, it ismobile apps which have and continue to garner attention. Lastmobile apps which have and continue to garner attention. Last

    year on Apples iPhone 5th anniversary, the app storehad already witnessed a whopping 50 billion

    app downloads.

    As more businesses realize the importance of having apps tocomplement their brands, the competition levels for getting ones

    app noticed has skyrocketed signicantly. It is equallyimportant to remember that successful appsimportant to remember that successful apps

    are not built overnight.

    It takes considerable strategic planning, razor-sharp focus and a goodamount of marketing eorts to make an app successful. Without this,

    its certain that your app will nd its way to the graveyard.

    This e-book will guide you on how to go about building, launchingand marketing your mobile app. Remember, as Greg Hickmanof rightly puts it Apps are all aboutof rightly puts it Apps are all about

    creating solutions that customersactually want and need.

    Good Luck!


    Idea Generation

    Checking the Feasibility

    Finding the Right Mobile Developer

    Avoiding the Fatal Mistakes

    Wireframe, Design & Development

    Gearing for the Launch

    Implementing Marketing StrategiesImplementing Marketing Strategies


    Idea GenerationPeople buy when they are ready to buy not when you need to sell

    Consider this age-old adage. It is as truer for mobile apps as it is for any other product. Your app has to solve a problem or address a critical unsolved need/want. Without it, there are fewer chances for your app to survive.

    Your rst step should be to understand whether your business actually needs an app. This depends on your objectives and user requirements too. In case, you want to provide some basic functionality, a responsive website would best serve the need. Dont just build an app for the sake of it.

    Get a feel of the market

    Research suggests that almost 4.6 billion people on this planet already own a mobile device. This is fueling the app market too since, users now rely, on their hand-held devicesdevices for everything. As with any other business, you should completely understand the app marketplace. The best place to start with is app stores. Try and nd out whats trending including top-performing apps.

    Spend some time downloading and using the apps to know how the best apps work. The more you study and experiment with apps, the better. Apples Store frequently displays which apps are Top Paid, Top Grossing and Top Free. Keep a check on this chart regularly.

    Read customer reviews on the app stores. These reviews are a golden mine of information of what works and what does not. Analyze why an app is ranked so high, what is in it that keeps the users hooked, how it is solving the users problems or needs.

    AlsoAlso check out a particular apps rank consistency. If it has been fairly consistent, delve deeper into it.


    Hunt for the successful apps

    Its fair enough to follow the footsteps of successful apps. It helps you understand the anatomy of a perfect mobile app. Its absolutely ne if there is an app thatresembles your idea. You can build your idea on theexisting app and provide users with a better solution.

    Remember,Remember, its not necessary that you have an original idea every time. Sadly, many developers dont get this concept and end up spending time, money and eorts to implement ideas just for because it is unique. Your app need not be unique to become successful. The mobile app market is taking o and theres a lot of room for improvement in existing apps out there. is a great resource especially if you want to nd out the bestperforming apps for iOS platform.

    Once you have generated an idea and have a decent understanding of the market, its time to check out how feasible your app is.


    Checking the FeasibilityBefore moving onto the development stage, its necessary to checkthe feasibility of your app idea from all angles.

    Technical limitations

    There are countless amazing mobile app ideas that are either technically challenging orimpossible to implement. For instance, indoor navigation is a dicult concept toimplement. The devices come have inbuilt GPS, gyroscope and accelerometer. These can be used to measure the altitude of a hand but it is impossible to track and measure when a person moves backward and forward using an app.

    Financial considerations

    Minimum investment required to build a basic mobile app starts with a few thousanddollars. Theres no upper limit to this as a lot depends on the complexity of the projectand functionalities to be implemented. If you require a high-quality app, you will need to shell out considerable money. So, if youhavehave a solid idea, its better to check out the nancial feasibility as well. Even if you thinkof investing a good amount of money into making your app idea a reality, think about theROI you will earn. A detailed explanation of regarding mobile app costs is discussed inthe next chapter.

    Furthermore, apps requiring specic functionalities like counting the rings in real-time when a user makes the call are also dicult to implement. It becomes extremelychallenging to program/code the application that makes it possible to calculate the number of rings made automatically in real time. Platforms such as iOS dont allow making tweaks to their existing standards. This ultimately means that certain apps are dicult toimplement altogether.


    Skill sets

    Even though you might be a developer, programmer or coder, its worth checking out whether you or your in-house team will be able to implement your app idea in the manner you want. Remember, certain mobile app projects require a high-level of technical expertiseespeciallyespecially if you want to build a native app(iOS/Android/Blackberry/Windows). Sometimes, its good enough to hire experienced mobile developers to get the best app for your users.

    After you have checked feasibility from all sides, its time to look out for an experienced mobile app developer who will help transform your idea into reality. It can be real tough to nd the right developer as the market is ooded with people who call themselvesdevelopers but in reality know little about the mobile landscape. The next chapter will shed some light on how to look out for the best developer. The next chapter will shed some light on how to look out for the best developer.





    Finding the Right Mobile DeveloperAs a business owner or manager, you know that hiring the wrong personis the most costly mistake you can make. - Brian Tracy

    The success of your mobile app to a large extent depends on how it is built and designed. Therefore, its crucial to hire the right mobile app developer for your project because a slight wrong decision can destroy your project. Heres what you should ideally dowhen hiring a developer.

    Places to look out for hiring developers

    The internet is full of places where you can go looking for experienced developers. All you need to is just GOOGLE. LinkedIn can be a great starting place to search designers anddevelopers. Google+ is another popular destination for searching app developers. The best part is that you get highly-talented designers and developers here at aordable prices.

    You can even look out for professional mobile app development agencies/companies here. Joining Developer Forums like iPhoneDevSDK, XDA Developers Forum for Android and Apple Dev Forum is equally helpful. Registration takes less than a few minutes on these sites. You can easily post your job descriptions and in no time you will start gettingproposals from many developers across the globe.

    Another way to nd good developers is to look out for agencies that have won awards or been featured in top tech news magazines/websites/blogs.


    Cost of building a Mobile App

    One question which frequently bothers business owners is what it costs to build a mobile app. Before answering the question, its important to know the kind of mobile app you want to get built. There are basically 5 types of mobile apps

    A basic app without a backend is certainly costs less than apps that require complexdatabase setup. Examples of such apps include a calculator app, budget planneror a diet planner.

    A moderately complex app requiring setting up a database/server wherein the data isexchanged via an API is costlier than simple applications. Such apps require a robustbackend so that content is exchanged back and forth frequently. These projects involvea lot of Quality Assurance as well as Performance Optimization. Examples of these appsinclude event based search apps, map apps, news/press centre apps, city-guides, barnding apps and taxi apps. A majority of utility apps fall under this category.

    Data driven


    Game appsDevice

    Custom utilityapps


    Highly complex apps like CRM, healthcare,

    ecommerce and social media apps can

    turn out to be very costly depending on the

    functionalities. Such apps require server

    side programming. It also includes

    frequentfrequent content management, imple-

    menting complex algorithms, and Q/A

    Testing. Some of the features of these apps

    include in App Purchase, Video Streaming,

    and custom back-end having CMS. These

    apps make the use of GPS, camera and

    accelerometer of your devices. If you wonder why it costs so much to

    build an app consider the working hours.

    A complex app usually requires 120

    hours of work per week. The entire

    project timeline is anywhere between

    8-10 weeks. About two mobile

    developersdevelopers work full-time and thats 80

    hours per week (each developer working

    8 hours a day for 5 days a week).

    Besides, the cost also depends whether

    you require a MVP (Minimum Viable

    Product) or polished app. An MVP is

    required when your app needs to be

    launched ASAP. The app can further be

    updatedupdated and polished once consumers

    have started using it. On the other hand

    a polished app has been perfected from

    all angles to delight end-users.

    Furthermore, if you are thinking of building

    a clone similar to the likes of Twitter,

    Facebook, WhatsApp, Uber or Instagram,

    be prepared to shell out a fortune. For

    more details on engineering such apps

    check out this post at TheNextWeb

    Then the designer needs about 20 hours a week to work on the creative aspects. He/she usually works for part-time. And, another 20 hours are required by the account manager and project manager for the co-ordination tasks. This all totals down to 120 hours/week.

    Its advisable to avoid going for cheaper solutions because it not only compromises onquality, it even hampers your business growth. If the end user-experience is all thatmatters to you, consider joining hands with a professional mobile app design development agency for a good ROI in the long term.


    Sorting out the proposals

    The job portals mentioned above are inundated with developers from hundreds ofcountries. It is very important to dierentiate the good ones from the less experienced. Here are some ways you can narrow down your choices.

    The right developer will have the following attributes:

    Its recommended to outsource your work to an

    experienced mobile app developmentcompany instead of a freelancer because a company hasrequisite resources including a quality assurancedepartment to deliver you best quality results ontime and within budget.

    An experienced developer has thorough understanding of programming languages including Objective C, XCode, Cocoa, iPhone SDK for iOS and Android SDK for developing apps forandroid based smartphones and tablets.

    Technical expertise1

    Go for developers that have at least 4 to 5 star ratings. Go through the testimonials they have received from past clients. They should have been in the eld for at least 3 to 4 years. On job portals look out for how many hours they have logged. Ideally, go for a developer that has done at least 100+ hours of work logged.


    Once you have ltered the proposals, its necessary to talk to them individually to see how comfortable you will be with them. This will help you judge their technical expertise and whether they will be able to implement your project in the manner you have desired. Hereare some things you can ask them.

    Interviews 3


    Portfolio The number of apps theyhave engineered till now.

    Website A professional developer will havea website mentioning services & portfolio.

    Any Experience in App Monetization Ask for any references

    Look out for the kind of UI design andgraphic work they have done in past

    The kind of work-processes they follow(like Agile/Scrum Methodology)

    Willingness to sign NDA (Non-DisclosureAgreement) for app idea protection

    Time-zone they work in

    Whether you will be working with anindividual or an entire team

    Are there any project managementsystems in place for monitoring progress

    Engagement models xed or hourly Are there any hidden fees

    Do they have milestones tied to payments

    Technical support for app publishingand launch

    How do they handle technical hurdles,if any

    While talking to any developer, observe how they talk and express their thoughts. This will give you a fair idea about whether they are condent and will be able to implement your project on time and within budget. See how much comfortable they make you feel.

    It is equally important to understand the kind of knowledge and insights they have about the mobile world. Pay attention to the direction of your conversation. Also, observewhether they only speak about themselves or are they really interested in your app idea and helping you solve a real problem/need. The right/experienced developer will try to capture a high-level understanding of your vision behind creating an app. If you feel a developer has met most of the requirements listed above having good English communication skills, you can go ahead to sign the NDA only after the budget and time-lines are clearly dened.

    With a great idea and the right developer, its now the time to hit the production oors. Check out the next chapter.


    Avoiding the Fatal Mistakes

    An average smartphone user downloads about 25 mobile apps. Research also suggests that more than 90% of apps are abandoned within a month of their download. Your app has to be built to perfection to survive in the ever-expanding marketplace. A smallmistake can prove to be disastrous. Describe below are certain things that should beavoided at all costs.

    App does not work as expected

    Sounds clich but many of the app dont function in the manner they should be. This way the very purpose of creating an app is defeated. If you catch a glimpse through app stores, you will nd many apps rated 1 or 2 with comments from users that the app did notfunctionfunction properly. Every feature in your app needs to work awlessly. The best way to solve this problem is to test the app thoroughly. You can even rely on analytical tools like Bango, Localytics, & Flurry Analytics to get insights into why your app fails.

    App drains battery

    Most developers dont pay attention to engineering an app in a way that optimizes the use a devices battery, bandwidth and power. Especially many location-based apps are culprits that eat away your phones battery even if the notications are turned o.

    Design standards/guidelines arenot followed

    Following the respective design conventions of iOS, Android and Windows will take you far. Sadly, many developersdevelopers fail to adhere to the guidelines set by these platforms. Every element in your mobile app right from UI to spellings has to be given equal importance. Ignoring any aspect of your app will only bring you least expected results.


    The app has to be programmed and coded keeping in mind these points. Here are the guidelines provided by iOS and Android for optimizing the performance of an app.

    iOS App Programming Guide Android Guide for Best Performance

    Too-high loading time

    Apps that take more than 7 to 8 seconds to load are sure to hurt the user experience.Remember, this is the time to arouse interest among users. If you dont utilize this time wisely, users are going to leave never to return back.

    Giving secondary importance to User Experience

    Unfortunately, this is one of the most overlooked aspects of mobile app design anddevelopment. It still happens to be a core concern faced by business owners. The team you hire has to work hard and smart to make the user-interface compelling enough. Each aspect has to be taken care of properly right from navigation & ow, artwork to graphics & buttons.

    Neglecting privacy &security concerns

    If users dont feel condent enough while providing their information, your app is sure to meet a silent death. Asking for too much information every time and notassuring where & how it is going to be used assuring where & how it is going to be used will only make users lose their faith. Also, security aspect needs to be addressed.M-commerce apps, especially, which need to collect sensitive information have to be safe from all angles.


    Wireframe, Design and DevelopmentYour app should keep users at the centre

    Before you sit down with the developer to work on wireframes and the overall design, do some legwork to understand your users expectations. According to the Global Study of Consumers Expectations and Experiences of Mobile Applications by Compuware people prefer mobile apps to mobile websites because the former are considered to be moreconvenient and easier to browse. TheresTheres an interesting section in this survey which discusses what consumers actually want from an app. Although theres no concrete answer to this, here are some things you should keep in mind.

    Common Problems encountered while using a mobile app

    Common Problems encountered while using a mobile app1

    The app was slow to launch2

    The mobile app would not launch3

    The app did not function as expected4


    Whats more, consumers also want apps that have comprehensivefunctionalities coupled with an intuitive, entertaining user interface. They expect an app to identify what device they are on and present them with the right set of options and functionality for that particular device.

    Consumers want proactive and relevant (to them) information and services within the context of their location at a particular time. An app has to push out personalized content, oers and perks based on their interests, while providing the ability to share oers, news and product recommendationsvirally on their social networks. The caveat here is that bad experiences will also be shared. This is actually reason enough to ensure apps perform atas high a level as possible.


    Start by working on the structure, ow and features of your app. This nitty-gritty has tobe considered or else you risk problems later in the development stage. Before creating wireframes, nalize the owmap of your app to make sure that it has a logical andseamless navigation structure. Avoid having convoluted ows or else the users will bebaed. oers excellent insights into how to go about preparingwireframes for a mobile app.wireframes for a mobile app.


    Keep the following things in mind while getting your app designed & built.

    The app design should be pixel-perfect

    App should be simple and easy to navigate

    Design to deliver an awesome oine experience

    Follow specic design principles of Android & iOS

    Use grids to maintain consistency

    Say No to too many features

    Pay attention to typography

    Choose the colors wisely

    Include a help/instructions section

    Design & Development

    Once you have nalized the wireframes, its now the time for coding, programming and design & development to be undertaken simultaneously. Most professional developers follow the Agile/Scrum Methodology to implement your app because it allows them to save time and money without compromising on the overall quality.



    Once your app is completely built & designed, spend considerable time testing it. The app should perform exactly in the manner you had desired. You must check each and everyfeature before making the nal payment to the developer. Also, you can get the app tested from your friends and family on multiple devices to see everything works ne.

    WhenWhen your friends and relatives are using the app, observe their expressions. If you nd them confused, you still need to work on the app. Watch out for any bugs or mistakes. Ask them for suggestions and improvements.

    TestFlight is highly recommended for App Testing to save time. Also, make sure thattesting does not take much time as your app needs to go live on the stores as quicklyas possible. You can always keep on improving the app with rened versions.


    Gearing up for the Launch

    In 2013, almost 102 billion apps were downloaded worldwide. With 500 apps being launched every day, its extremely tough for marketers to get their app discoveredon stores.

    Before you begin to showcase your app to the world, its a prerequisite to double check whether your app is marketable or not. Pre-launch testing involves thoroughly ensuring that your app has a beautiful, usable interface coupled with great graphics.

    TheThe most important aspect is that your app should function and solve the purpose it has been built for. The benets of your app must be apparent. Here are some things you can do to make your launch powerful.

    Target audience

    SIdentifying a target audience for your app is absolutely crucial. Understand thedemographics of your prospects because the launch & marketing will be depended on it. Make sure you choose the right category for your app on the stores. Once you havefound your category, it will be easier for you to monitor competition too.


    Be very careful while naming your app. It should be easy to remember and shouldresemble the apps features. Some handy tips before you nalize the name:

    Dont duplicate

    Should be under 11 characters

    Try using prexes and suxes

    Name generators can help


    A small website

    You can do a couple of things here. Before the ocial launch, you can set up a viral coming soon page for your app using platforms like LaunchCrush & LaunchGator.

    Next, you can also have a microsite in place that describes the app including its features and link to the app stores. Whether your app is paid or free, mention it on the site.

    Social media pages

    Make sure that the apps individual pages are ready for Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter andGoogle+. Try creating buzz about your app to get followers on social media. Regularly post updates on these platforms. For Twitter, nd out the popular hashtags relating to your mobile app and keep tweeting to gather followers. UploadUpload good screenshots of your app on social media so that people can Like and Follow you. You can even set up a YouTube channel exclusively to upload a video. When you set up the channel, include link to your website. Be active on platforms like Quora and Reddit. A word of caution here, dont spam. Whats more, there are various forums on the web where you can participate and spread the word.

    Pre-launch tools

    Prefundia is one of the best toolsto help you have a following before your app is released. It helps youacquire users on the rst day ofyour launch to boost app storeoptimization.optimization.


    Distribute press releases

    HuntHunt out for the topmost distribution sites and post a well-crafted PR on these. You can even submit your PR to sites like Mashable, Verge, The Next Web, & Bloomberg at least 2 months prior to your apps launch. Another option is to approach journalists via an email to cover your app launch. is a good site with an aordable option. You can get decent exposure for $20. If you have a budget allocated for PR, try out PR News Wire to get considerable reach.

    In case you dont get reply from these sites or journalists, dont worry. These guys get tons of emails every day but its worth trying. You can even have a Press Kit (to be sent to journalists) that includes your company prole, logo and app screenshots, and links to your social media proles.

    Databases of relevant reports can be found at Hacker News, Tech Meme, Muck Rack & Help a Report and HARO (Help a Reporter Out).

    Blog posts and guest articles

    Write a blog or two on your app and post it on your site. Make sure you are not making it promotional. Let it sound natural. Another thing you can do is to submit guest posts on high-authority sites like VentureBeat. If your article gets accepted, your app will gettremendous mileage before the launch and people will actually look forward todownload it.

    App Store Optimization

    One of the most important things before launch which is hardly considered is ASO.Keywords are extremely crucial when it comes to app discoverability. Choose keywords wisely as app ranking will be determined by it. Adding appropriate tags is equallyimportant.

    Go for to research keywords your competitors use. An important thing toremember is that keywords are updated only when you submit an upgrade for the app. Analyze competition using sites like as mentioned in one of theearlier chapters. Keep on adding new keywords with every upgrade. Upload the best screenshots and have a fantastic icon in place.


    Use multiple languages for promotion

    Dont ignore audience from overseas. Have your app launched in multiple languages after considering demographics. For the initial phase, you can consider a language or two.However, the question is which one to opt for? Heres the answer from Edith Yeung, Head of marketing at Dolphin Browser featured in Mashable.

    China leads the worlds smartphone market; however, about 41% of cell phones bought in US are smartphones. Flurry Analytics reports that 8 of the 10 largest Android and iPhone markets are Non-English speaking.

    Some of the languages to consider are Chinese, Japanese, German, French, Italian,Russian, Portuguese and Hindi as a critical part of your marketing strategy.

    Translate the app market description for testing the waters. It's possible your prospects in China or Japan dont know about your app simply because they dont understand English.

    Reach out via Email

    Collecting emails and sending tailored messages to your prospects is another great way to perfect the apps launch. All you need to do is have a launch page as described above and have a sign-up option so that potential users get notied when the app is launched. Its a great way to collect emails. Heres an example. created an awesome coming soon page, collected emails and inspired people to share about their to-be launched app on social networks. They got more than 1000 sign-ups before launch. People responded to them by asking when the app was going to be launched by direct email.


    Dont overlook this aspect. Its strongly recommended to launch your app on Tuesday. Never ever launch your app on Monday or Friday. Tuesday is the best because it provides you with 4 days to get ranks. The most downloads occur during weekends. If you get a good rank in your category, there is a high possibility to acquire huge user-base. This also has a positive eect on your ranking for the next week.

    Once you have taken care of these points, its now the time for your app to hit the stores. Remember, this is just the beginning. Head on to the next chapter to nd out about App Marketing nuances!


    Implementing Marketing StrategiesWhen you enchant people, your goal is not to make money from themor to get them do what you want, but to ll them with great delight.- Guy Kawasaki, Former Chief Evangelist, Apple

    App stores are crowded marketplaces. Getting your app discovered among millions of other apps can seem to be a bit intimidating but with thorough research andimplementing the right strategies at right time will get your app to the top of thecharts. Here are some proven marketing strategies to get the desired attention.

    Use an analytics tool

    One of the most important things you should be doing is to sign up for an analytics tool like MixPanel, KissMetrics, Flurry, Localytics, AppSee and Geckoboard. The insights you get from data obtained creates a lasting impact on your marketing campaigns.

    Ask experts to review your app

    Getting your app reviewed by experts or submitting your app for review on websites isanother way to spread the word. Here are some useful sites to consider.

    App Store Apps

    App Safari

    App Craver

    App Advice

    148 Apps


    Fresh Apps

    Apps 400

    Andro Lib

    Apps Zoom


    Apps 400

    Android Tapp

    Feed My App

    App Brain


    Encourage users to share and review

    Another thing you can do is request people who are already using your app to share their feedback or write a small review on app stores. This helps you get mileage. Furthermore, you also come to know about the ip points in your app. You can improve the app based on the feedback.

    Paid Promotions v/s Organic Marketing

    Some of the paid discovery techniques include buying ads on paid ad networks like Ad Mob and TapJoy. You can also do distribution on gaming platforms, e.g. Mobage. Paid social media campaigns can also be undertaken on Facebook and Twitter.

    GoGo for featured placements on platforms like Check out for CPI (Cost-Per-Installation) advertising platform. You only pay per installation and not per click/impression. They also do App Monetization.

    For the long run, go for Organic Marketing. This wont require you to pay anything. Just make sure that you work on App Store Optimization as discussed previous chapter. Launch on the right day and right time. Meet with relevant people in your industry to spread the word.

    Check out on your competitors by analyzing app categories using Check out on your competitors by analyzing app categories using


    If are projecting yourself as a start-up, you can also submit the app on these sites.

    Startup Directory

    The Startup Pitch

    Launching Next


    Read Write


    Make Use Of

    The Startup Project

    Killer Startups

    Submit Your Startup

    Crunch Base

    Single Function


    Promotion through Events

    Host events like tournaments for your social media followers and fans. Guerrillamarketing is also worth trying but be careful while implementing it. It does create word of mouth and some buzz.

    Promo Codes

    This one can prove to be a very powerful weapon. For instance, Apple oers you with approximately 100 promo codes for every version of the app. This is enough to spread the word about your app in thedigitaldigital world. Depending on yourmarketing strategy, you can distribute these codes among the target audience. AnAn eective strategy is to give a promo code to a tech journalist and inuential blogger. You can even distribute promo codes on social media to improveengagement. Give away at least 40 promo codes on the rst day.

    Find YouTube Reviewers

    Look out for YouTube reviewers, says Ted Nash, CEO & Co-Founder They help reach out on a personal basis once you launch your app. YouTube can drive lots of trac to your social media and app website. Search for reviewers that chat about mobile. This can help get reviews and downloads.

    Developer Collaboration

    Try negotiating cross promotion deals with other developers on the app store.Sometimes getting mutual support is one of the best ways to get your app noticed. Atno extra cost, you will be able to nd more users for your application. Especially AppleDevelopers work like a community, so you should face a problem in making connections. The best part is you will also learn a few handy tricks on the way.


    Join hands with a marketing agency or

    someone who has a Mobile App Design,

    Development & Marketing background.

    Such rms use the best strategies to

    promote your app. They help you get

    maximummaximum downloads within a limited

    budget and pricing. Heres a link for

    some mobile app marketing agencies

    you can consider.




    Content Marketing

    Prepare e-books, gripping blog posts (as mentioned in previous chapter), white papers and video content to promote your app. All this content will help you highlight the majorfeatures of your app in a compelling way to drive downloads. You can go for DemoNinja to create explainer videos.

    Final Word

    Building, launching and marketing your rst app can be really exciting provided you follow the above discussed strategies in the right way. With careful planning and considering your end users requirements, your app can indeed nd its way to the top of the charts.


    Spending more money wontget you more downloads

    Ranking is not all that matters,Positive Reviews do the trick

    Price reduction will leadyou nowhere

    Internationalization does notwork out every time

    Acquiring new users is moreimportant than retention

    Updates are notthat required


  • The Art of EngineeringGreat Mobile AppsComplete guide to mastering custom app development & marketing

    By Credencys Solutions Inc.

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