cursillo newsletter - fall · a newsletter for the...

Post on 11-Apr-2018






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A Newsletter for the 4th Day of the Scranton, Pennsylvania, Cursillo Community

Women’s 59th Cursillo

Our Blessed Mother By Loretta Siracuse

De Colores!

Our week-end was grace-filled. Our nine

month journey came to an

end. Wow, what a journey, albeit with some bumps in

the road.

Deacon Mark Jennings was going to be with us the

whole week-end, but with

his sudden and

unexpected death I found two replacements.

Deacon Carmine

Mendicino and Deacon

Leo Lynn filled in for the two talks.

The music was

inspirational plus we had our own marching band! Fr

Ed. Buchheit and Carolyn

Nebraski lead the way singing "De Colores" before

every meal.

Just a few words would

describe the week-end:

calm and relaxed -- What a

gift. The candidates really "got

it." Our theme was "Jesus, I

trust in You."

The sisters were

welcoming as always,

providing us with plenty of

food. The table of plenty never ran dry.

It was a privilege and a

blessing to have served as the Rectora of the

Women's 59th cursillo in the

Diocese of Scranton.


Carol Proulx

One of the most

beautiful gifts, Jesus gave

us was his mother. Even at his death on the cross, He

was still thinking about us.

He gave us his mother. He

made it very clear. He said to his mother, “Woman,

behold your son.” and to

his beloved disciple,

“Behold, your mother.” He was speaking to mankind.

What good son does not

love and appreciate his

mother? So imagine how much Jesus loves and

appreciates his. And what

good mother does not love and care for her children?

So since Jesus gave her to

us as mother, that is exactly

what she is, our Blessed Mother.

Mary is the most

powerful intercessor for us

to her son, Jesus. Just imagine His Heart

overflowing with love when

she makes a request on our

behalf. We just need to develop a relationship with

her so she can work within

our lives.

I have a wonderful

mother here on earth, and

this is probably because my

mother has always loved our Blessed Mother. She

gave me a great gift as a

child and that was introducing me to Her. She

taught me and all my

siblings the Rosary. At the

time I did not realize its treasures, but over time I

have come to depend on

our Blessed Mother after

having many prayers answered through the


The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is

soon approaching,

December 8th. I often think

about this, that Mary was conceived without sin, and

also how Eve was created

without sin. Neither knew

this. Eve chose sin through her own free will and

affected all of humanity.

But Mary chose to serve God through her own free

will which also affected all

of humanity. She accepted

God’s grace and allowed Him to work within her,

(continued on page 3)

Special Interest Articles

The Beatitudes

Blessed Mother’s Feast

National Night of Prayer

Ultreya, Denville, NJ

Individual Highlights

News from the World 2

Beatitudes 3

Group Reunion 4

Advent Ponderings 4

Night of Prayer 4

Fall Encounter 5

Upcoming Events 6

“Let Souls who are striving for perfection,

particularly adore My mercy, because the

abundance of graces which I grant them flows from My mercy.”

~ St. Faustina’s Diary, 1578


World Cursillo News: A Note from Yvonne Carrigan, President OMCC Excerpt from November Newsletter, Organismo Mundial de Cursillos de Cristiandad

Dear Friends in Christ,

I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the many brothers and sisters of Cursillo who

respond to our OMCC newsletter. It is our privilege to be able to communicate with the “world’ of Cursillo each month. Australia no longer seems so far away from you all.

The year is fast drawing to a close and in this season of Advent we wait eagerly to celebrate the

birth of the Christ Child. Our prayers more than ever need to include those who will be far from home at this season; those unable to celebrate, and especially those in war-torn countries.


As you are aware the GLCC is holding their National Encounter in Santo Domingo from 18-20 November. I ask you all for your prayerful support for this important meeting. Unity, charity, joy,

and above all concern for each other, must be evident in our gatherings – despite our

differences. I also ask your special prayers for members of the Fundamental Ideas Commission

who are working on chapters of the Fundamental Ideas book.


St Catherine of Sienna once said, "If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world


This leads us to ask the question: What were we created to be? A simple answer would be: the

object of God's love.

In cursillo we have come to realize that to be sincere Christians all we need do is humbly

acknowledge and fully accept the reality that God loves us. I say fully, because it involves every

fiber of our being, our head as well as our heart, in fact our whole being. When we are earnestly integrating this truth into every aspect of our lives, then we can say that we are sincere


This friendship with God is a mystery to us, since we are all too aware of our failings and shortcomings. It is no use wearing a mask. God, in fact knows us completely, as the beautiful

psalm 139 states: "Oh Lord, you have searched me and you know me." But what is called for is a

metanoia, or change in attitude. Instead of focusing on ourselves, we shift our focus to God and

His unconditional love for us.

St Paul tells us that the love of God is so great it is beyond our understanding. Our formation as

Christians involves an ever deepening realization of this love, despite and perhaps especially,

during those times when we turn away from Him. Our involvement in cursillo helps us to come to grips with this unconditional love and all its consequences for our lives. We begin to see

ourselves and our neighbors as we truly are – beloved sons and daughters.

Life in Christ becomes one of continual conversion and transformation, as long as we remain open – open hearts, open minds, open eyes, open ears, open hands. This posture that is a

hallmark of cursillistas, is one of total surrender to God's love. It leads to the joy of being fully

alive. If we are sincere then, our lives become a joyful reflection and expression of God's love.

A sincere Christian aligns themselves with the outcasts, befriends the lonely, suffers with those

who are suffering, is a light to those in darkness and is a liberating presence to all who feel

imprisoned. But these things are not an end in themselves, nor done in the hope of some future reward. They are fruits of the Christian's friendship with Christ and it is our sincere desire that all

our brothers and sisters will come to experience this friendship as well. Ghandi recognized that

the world would be transformed if only Christians lived the gospel with all sincerity.


As Philip said in John 1:46 “Come and see for yourself” I will continue to urge you to study the

Charism of our Movement. Keep in mind that Christ, in order to reach mankind, did not become

a structure – he became a man, a person, and lived life as we do, in our homes, streets, environments.

Peace and blessings

Until next month, your friend in Christ,

Yvonne ~ www.orgmcc.or

“If you are what

you should be, you

will set the whole

world ablaze.”

~ St Catherine of Siena


Our Blessed Mother continued from page one


Beatitutudes By Donna Fazio

while Eve rejected God and what He had revealed to


This Feast day is especially dear to my heart because it is also the day that my husband and I lost

our baby Gabriel. I had a miscarriage at approximately

20 weeks. I had never had one before and was always

afraid of what they would do with my baby. Would the baby be thrown out with medical waste and would

they really baptize my baby if I requested it. Too many

questions and possibilities overwhelmed my heart. The only thing I was able to do was to pray. And I prayed

many rosaries and begged Mary to help me. Once

again she did not let me down.

We were going every week for a sonogram and

each week the doctor was surprised that the baby was

still alive. It wasn’t until December 8th that our Blessed

Mother brought our baby to heaven. But there is more. There was an ice storm that evening and we were not

able to get to the hospital. I miscarried at home. The

baby came out completely formed. I never needed to

go to the hospital. Our parish priest baptized our baby and we were able to give Gabriel a proper funeral

mass and burial to celebrate his short life with our family.

I received more than I could ever have imagined.

She is the perfect intercessor, full of grace, to be shared with us. Embrace your Mother, ask her for her

assistance. She loves you!

De Colores!

relationship to our

neighbor. More information on the Ten Command-

ments can be found in the

Catechism of the Catholic

Church (2052-2195).

As we take some time to

engage in a refreshing review of these fun-

damental teachings of our

Catholic faith, let us be

more in tune to the presence of God in our

midst and aware of the

needs of our neighbor. We

can live a Christian moral life in communion with the

Blessed Trinity, despite the

secularism that exists in our

world. We can be beacons of light and hope in the

days and months to come

to our fellow brothers and

sisters who may not be receptive to change or

willing to embrace the joy

of the Advent Season.

Through our continual prayer and efforts to study,

we can all come closer to

Christ and each other in this call to Holiness and

Mission present in our faith


De Colores!

As we are preparing for

the up-coming changes to the Roman Missal and the

fast-approaching Advent

Season, it is a great

opportunity for us to reflect on God’s great love for all

of us. We can do this

through a prayerful review

of the Eight Beatitudes found in Matthew’s Gospel

Chapter 5: 3-12 and the

Ten Commandments found

in the Old Testament Book of Exodus Chapter 20: 1-17.

The Beatitudes are

statements about life in the Kingdom of God. That life

cannot be fully realized

until the fulfillment of God’s

Kingdom comes about. All baptized persons are

called to work for the

coming of the Kingdom by living the Beatitudes. The

Beatitudes lie at the heart

of what Jesus taught about

true and lasting happiness.

By embracing the

Beatitudes through the gift

and guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are cooperating

with God and preparing

the way for the coming of

the Kingdom. In this Kingdom, all are called to

live together in mutual love,

justice and, peace. More information on the

Beatitudes can be found in

the Catechism of the

Catholic Church (1716-1728).

Jesus summarized the

Ten Commandments into the Great Commandment which states: “Love God

with all your heart, with all

your mind, and with all your

strength, and love your

neighbor as yourself,”

taken from Mark’s Gospel

Chapter 12:30-31. The challenge is not only

knowing what the Ten

Commandments teach but it is also the willingness to

love in an unconditional

and unselfish way as God

does. The first three commandments refer to

our relationship with God

and the last seven

commandments teach us how we are to live in

"Through charity, peace is sown among men, not the peace that the world gives but the true peace that only faith in Christ can give us, making us brothers and sisters."

~ Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati,

a Man of the Beatitudes


National Night of Prayer for Life

Group Reunion By Pat Tanski Donna has asked me to write something about Group

Reunion's and Ultreya's. I have to admit these subjects are very

close to my heart. My Group Reunions are my touch stone. We

meet every two weeks on Thursday evenings.

I am blessed to have these beautiful women to group with. We

have grown so close and have such trust in each other. We have a safe place to discuss our feelings, our successes and our failures.

I suggest that anyone who has made their Cursillo to find a

group to join. Ideally they recommend a group of four to five people in order to be effective. If you have more than that, you

can break up into smaller groups.

I am very blessed to work with my best friend, who is a Cursillista, and we also have another good friend who works with

us. We have the opportunity to group informally everyday, if we

want to or need to. Without my Group Reunions, I wouldn't be

able to live out my Fourth Day and continue to live my Cursillo and bring my faith out into my environment.

Even amateur photographers find great joy in sharing their

treasured moments on film with others. When we look at God's message with someone else, we are able to experience it again,

just as if we are reliving a special event. This benefits us the most,

but also has the power to greatly influence other lives.

As Jesus said, "Freely you have received, freely give." Matthew


De Colores!

Advent Ponderings By Phil Rodney

Advent comes from the

Latin word adventus meaning coming.

The church gives us time

to prepare for the coming of Christ. It’s a time each

year that we set aside for

prayer, reflection, sacrifice

and waiting for the celebration of the Nativity

of Jesus. It’s a time to

reflect on the love God has

for us, that he sent his son to walk with us and later to

die for our sins so we could

be saved. What kind of

love do we have for God?

As Mary and Joseph

traveled to Bethlehem

Mary came full term. They found no room at the Inn so

they made room in a stable

so Mary could give birth to

Jesus. If Mary and Joseph knocked on your door

would you have room in

your house for them? If

Jesus came knocking on your door would you have

room in your heart for him?

Every year Jesus does come knocking and

Advent gives us the time

we need to prepare for

him. As the North Star led the wise men to Jesus, our

Christmas light reminds us

that Jesus is the light of the

world --- the light that leads us home to God. So when

Jesus comes knocking, let

us be ready to open our hearts and say,


Our Lady of


Feast Day December 12th

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mystical Rose, make

intercession for the Holy Church, protect the

Sovereign Pontiff, help all

those who invoke thee in

their necessities, and since thou art the ever Virgin

Mary, and Mother of the

True God, obtain for us

from thy most holy Son the grace of keeping our faith,

of sweet hope in the midst

of the bitterness of life, of

burning charity, and the precious gift of final

perseverance. Amen.

One Our Father, Hail Mary,

Glory be to the

gratitude for the Miraculous

Portrait as a continuing

miracle and testimony.

It is time for the 22nd

Annual National Night of Prayer for Life, uniting the

Feast of the Immaculate

Conception with the Feast

of St. Juan Diego.

The evening will begin at

9 PM, Dec. 8th (Thursday)

and last through 1 AM Dec. 9th (Friday) at St. Ann’s

Basilica. Fr. Ed Buchheit,

C.P. will host the event.

It was on the Feast of the

Immaculate Conception

(then celebrated on

December 9th) that Our Lady of Guadalupe,

patroness of the Americas

and the unborn, first

appeared to St. Juan Diego. The National Night

of Prayer for Life bridges

these two feasts to honor

Our Blessed Mother, to pray

through Her intercession for

the establishment of a Culture of Life and to ask

Our Lord to REVIVE OUR


During the HOUR OF

UNITY, Midnight – 1AM EST.,

we will be united in churches across the

country in prayer to end

abortion and in reparation

for sins against the Gospel of Life.

The National Night of

Prayer for Life is a pro-life prayer service consisting of

exposition and adoration,

the Holy Rosary, prayer to

St. Michael, silent prayer and hymns.


Region II Fall Encounter

Photo of Secretariat

members attending the

Region II Fall Encounter at

the Pope John Paul II

Retreat Center, Vineland,

New Jersey

Save the date:

Next Encounter will be

April 27-29, 2012

All are welcome!

(pictured from left to right: Fr. Ed

Bucheit, Natalie Kocsis, Maria Kocsis, Donna Valenti, Joe


Ultreya! Denville, New Jersey

Photos from November Ultreya

held in Denville, NJ.

It was a joyful reunion with women from the Paterson

Diocese who began living

their cursillo here in the Scranton Diocese last Spring,

as well as with our other

brother and sister cursillistas

from the Paterson Diocese. It was a beautiful experience!


new evangelization

will be done


by the laity


it will not be done

at all !”

~ Cardinal S. Rylko

Carneval Mardi Gras! Remember to save the

date for fun and to help

raise some much needed

funds for our Scranton Cursillo movement.

On Saturday, February

18, 2012, Cursillo will be hosting its second annual

Carnival "Mardi Gras"

fund raiser. And thanks to

Father Phil's generosity, the fund raiser will be held

again this year at St.

Mary's auditorium in

Avoca at 7:00 PM. There will be a live band,

dancing, basket raffles,

50/50 chances and plenty of food. BYOB - Bring your

own bottle!

Admission will be $30 per person. Reservations

will be accepted up to

February 1, 2012.

This is the time of the laity . . . . here and now. Although, as Cardinal S. Rylko tells us, “It is not easy being a layperson in today’s world" and "to be a layperson in our times requires courage,” nevertheless, it is the time of the laity, because “the laity are irreplaceable in the task of evangelization." The new evangelization will be done primarily by lay people or it will not be done at all!

~ From the October 2011 National Cursillo newsletter mailing


Upcoming Events !

About Our Movement

Cursillo (pronounced cur-see-yo) is Spanish for little course, specifically in the teachings of Jesus. The goal of the Cursillo Movement is to make Christ the prime influence in society. Cursillo is often described as a retreat. While there is quiet time and reflection, there is more discussion among peers than in most retreats.

Perhaps, it is best described as an experience of living in Christian community.

The Cursillo Movement is worldwide. It began in Spain in the mid-1940s and came to the United States in the 1960s. All local dioceses in the US are affiliated with the worldwide Cursillo through the

National Cursillo Secretariat in Dallas, Texas. The Cursillo weekend in the Diocese of Scranton begins Thursday evening and ends Sunday evening, and is conducted by a team of priests and lay people. Weekends are held at St. Gabriel's Retreat Center, in Clarks Summit.

60th Women’s Cursillo:

March 22 – 25, 2012

Cindy Hogan, Rectora

54th Men’s Cursillo:

April 19 – April 22, 2012

Tony O’Reilly, Rector

School of Leaders

December 10, 2011

St. Gabriel’s, Clarks Summit

January 7, 2012

St Gabriel’s, Clarks Summit

February 11, 2012

St Gabriel’s, Clarks Summit

March 3, 2012

St. Gabriel’s, Clarks Summit


December 4, 2011

St Vincent’s, Dingman’s Ferry

January 22, 2012

St. John Evangelist, Pittston

February 22, 2012

Queen of Apostles, Avoca

(after 7:00 p.m. Mass)


Group Reunions are

happening weekly, all over

the Diocese. Please come to

Ultreya for more information.

Scranton Cursillo

ATTN: Donna Valenti

106 Exeter Avenue West Pittston, PA 18643


(570) 885-5432


Go therefore, and

Be Messengers

of JOY!

~ Pope John Paul II

Jo in Togeth er Wi th

Your Bro thers &

S is te rs From Al l Over

The Country !

� Region 2 Spring

Encounter, April 27-29,

Vineland, NJ

� National Encounter,

Pittsburgh, PA July 2012

� Region 2 Fall Encounter,

October 19-21, 2012

Vineland, NJ

Contact Donna V for Info







We’re on the Web!

See us at:

ScrantonCursillo.homestead. com

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