current status of 2015 ilcor costr - 대한심폐소생협회 ehime university hospital...

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Current Status of 2015 ILCOR CoSTR

Mayuki Aibiki, MD, PhD, Chairman of Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine,

Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine;Vice-President of Ehime University Hospital

CoSTR: Consensus on Resuscitation Science and Treatment Recommendations

Disclosures of COIs

There are no COIs to disclose in this presentation.

Today’s Talk

ü History and Current Status of ILCOR (International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation)

ü  2015 CoSTR (Consensus on Resuscitation Science and Treatment Recommendations) of ILCOR….using GRADE System

ü GRADE System

ü  PICO questions of ALS (ex. eCPR vs mCPR)

Today’s Talk

ü History and Current Status of ILCOR (International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation)

ü  2015 CoSTR (Consensus on Resuscitation Science and Treatment Recommendations) of ILCOR….using GRADE System

ü GRADE System

ü  PICO questions of ALS (ex. eCPR vs mCPR)

International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR)

•  First meeting at end of ERC Congress 1992–  American Heart Association–  European Resuscitation Council–  Heart and Stroke Foundation of

Canada–  Australian Resuscitation Council–  Resuscitation Council of

Southern Africa

International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR)

•  First meeting at end of ERC Congress 1992–  American Heart Association–  European Resuscitation Council–  Heart and Stroke Foundation of

Canada–  Australian Resuscitation Council–  Resuscitation Council of

Southern AfricaILCOR is the international society of dealing with resuscitation science, such as publishing the CoSTR, the source of resuscitation guidelines.

RCA (Resuscitation Council of Asia) has been a member of ILCOR from 2005, consisting of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Japan. RCA has the right of getting CoSTR, the scientific source for the guidelines. JRC, a member of RCA, has published 2010 guidelines independently.

ILCOR Members

Signing Ceremony of Resuscitation Council of Asia (RCA)

RCA has been founded at the Nagoya International Exposition in 2005 Japan.

Dr. Swee Han Lim, Singapore

Dr. Hang Chang, Taiwan

Dr. Soon Hwong, Korea

Dr. Kazuo Okada, Japan

Signing Ceremony of Resuscitation Council of Asia (RCA)

RCA has been founded at the Nagoya International Exposition in 2005 Japan.

Dr. Swee Han Lim, Singapore

Dr. Hang Chang, Taiwan

Dr. Soon Hwong, Korea

Dr. Kazuo Okada, Japan

Now, RCA includes Korea (KACPR), Philippines, Singapore (NRCS), Thailand (TRC) , Taiwan (NRCT) and Japan (JRC).

ILCOR Homepage

RCA: Resuscitation Council of Asia founded in 2005

Today’s Talk

ü History and Current Status of International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR)

ü  2015 CoSTR of ILCOR….using GRADE System

ü GRADE System

ü  PICO questions of ALS (ex. eCPR vs mCPR)

2010 PICOs •  Shortly after the 2005 CoSTR were published, questions

were then refined to fit the Population Intervention Comparator Outcome (PICO) format based on knowledge gap.

•  For developing CoSTR, generally two authors were invited to complete independent reviews of each PICO question.

•  A total of 356 worksheet authors from 29 countries completed 411 evidence reviews on 277 topics.


Now, total 169 PICOs, decreasing from 277 topics of 2010 from all areas. In ALS, 35 PICOs, for them 2 or 3 task force members (TFM) have been assigned.

PICOs have been assessed by the GRADE evaluation. PICO: P, population; I, intervention; C, comparison; O, outcome.

Today’s Talk

ü History and Current Status of International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR)

ü  2015 CoSTR of ILCOR….using GRADE System

ü GRADE System

ü  PICO questions of ALS (ex. eCPR vs mCPR)

I  B  

II   V  


Quality:  High  Quality:  Moderate  

Quality:  Low  

Old  system  (for  Each  Paper)  

Outcome  #1  Outcome  #2  

Outcome  #3  

GRADE  (for  a  PICO)  

Quality  of  Evidence  across  Studies  

Yngve  Falck-­‐YFer,  M.D.  Assistant  Professor  of  Medicine  

Case  Western  Reserve  University  

GRADE    (Grading  of  RecommendaLons  Applicability,  Development  and  EvaluaLon)

Quality:  Very  Low  

Oxford  Centre  of  Evidence  Based  Medicine;  hFp://  

Before  GRADE  Level of evidence

Ia Ib II




Source of evidence

Systematic reviews (SR) RCTs Cohort studies

Case-control studies

Case series

Expert opinion


Grades of recomend.




Yngve  Falck-­‐YFer,  M.D.  Assistant  Professor  of  Medicine  

Case  Western  Reserve  University  

Factors  determining  evidence  quality  in  GRADE  

•  RCTs  start  form  high.  

•  ObservaLonal  studies  start  from  low.      

What  lowers  quality  of  evidence?    5  factors:      

Methodological  limitaLons  

Inconsistency    of  results  

Indirectness    of  evidence  

Imprecision    of  results  

PublicaLon  bias  

Yngve  Falck-­‐YFer,  M.D.  Assistant  Professor  of  Medicine  

Case  Western  Reserve  University  

Assessment  of  detailed  design  and  execuLon  (risk  of  bias)      For  RCTs:  –  Lack  of  allocaLon  concealment  –  No  true  intenLon  to  treat  principle  –  Inadequate  blinding  –  Loss  to  follow-­‐up  –  Early  stopping  for  benefit  

Methodological  limitaLons  

Inconsistency    of  results  

Indirectness    of  evidence  

Imprecision    of  results  

PublicaLon  bias  

Yngve  Falck-­‐YFer,  M.D.  Assistant  Professor  of  Medicine  

Case  Western  Reserve  University  

•  Judgment  –  variaLon  in  size  of  effect  –  overlap  in  confidence  intervals  –  staLsLcal  significance  of  heterogeneity  –  I2      (or  τ2)  

•  Look  for  explanaLon  for  inconsistency  –  paLents,  intervenLon,  comparator,  outcome,  methods  

Methodological  limitaLons  

Inconsistency    of  results  

Indirectness    of  evidence  

Imprecision    of  results  

PublicaLon  bias  

Yngve  Falck-­‐YFer,  M.D.  Assistant  Professor  of  Medicine  

Case  Western  Reserve  University  


Inconsistency  ex.  Heterogeneity  Neurological  or  vascular  complicaLons  or  death  within  30  days  of  endovascular  treatment  (stent,  balloon  angioplasty)  vs.  surgical  caroLd  endarterectomy  (CEA)  

Yngve  Falck-­‐YFer,  M.D.  Assistant  Professor  of  Medicine  

Case  Western  Reserve  University  

Methodological  limitaLons  

Inconsistency    of  results  

Indirectness    of  evidence  

Imprecision    of  results  

PublicaLon  bias  

All  phase  II  and  III  licensing  trials  for  anLdepressant  drugs  between  1987  and  2004.    74  trials  –  23  were  not  published.  

Yngve  Falck-­‐YFer,  M.D.  Assistant  Professor  of  Medicine  

Case  Western  Reserve  University  

Systematic  review  

Guideline  development  

P  I  C  O  








Low  Summary  of  findings  &  estimate  of  effect  for  each  outcome  

Rate      overall    quality    of    evidence    across  outcomes  based  on  

lowest  quality    of  critical  outcomes  

RCT  start  high,    Obs.  data  start  low  

1.  Risk  of  bias  2.  Inconsistency  3.  Indirectness  4.  Imprecision  5.  Publication  


Grade    dow

n  Grade    up   1.  Large  effect  

2.  Dose    response  

3.  Confounders  

Very  low  Low  Moderate  High  

Formulate    recommenda.ons:  •  For  or  against  (direcLon)  •  Strong  or  weak  (strength)  


By  considering:  q  Quality  of  evidence  q  Balance  benefits/harms  q  Values  and  preferences  


Revise  if  necessary  by  considering:  q  Resource  use  (cost)  

•  “We  recommend  using…”  •  “We  suggest  using…”  •  “We  recommend  against  using…”  •  “We  suggest  against  using…”  

Case  Western  Reserve  University,  Yngve  Falck-­‐YFer,  M.D.  

Today’s Talk

ü History and Current Status of International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR)

ü  2015 CoSTR of ILCOR….using GRADE System

ü GRADE System

ü  PICO questions of ALS (ex. eCPR vs mCPR)

Evidence  Review  Progress  


2015 PICO Status

PICO : eCPR vs manual CPR

l  Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (Population),

l  does the use of extracorporeal CPR techniques (eCPR)(including ECMO or cardiopulmonary bypass)(Intervention),

l  compared with manual CPR or mechanical CPR (Comparison),

l  change survival to 180 days with good neurological outcome, …..survival to hospital discharge with good neurological outcome, survival to hospital discharge, ROSC (Outcome)?

Evidence  Review  Progress

eCPR  vs  manual  CPR  80  papers  selected  from  637  ajer  EVREV

80  selected  papers

3:  one  Sys.  Review,  Meta  Analy.,  RCT  

(on-­‐going) 71  Non-­‐RCTs

26  prospecLve  Obs.

6  with  two  arms:  3  propensity  (+)  3  propensity  (-­‐)

20:  one  arm

45  Retrospect.  Obs

2  with  two  arms:  propensity  (+)

43:  one  arm

6:  one  Review,    5  case  reports  

Non-­‐RCTs  of  eCPR  vs  mCPR

Non-­‐RCTs  of  eCPR  vs  mCPR

Non-RCTs of eCPR vs mCPR in IHCA

Non-RCTs of eCPR vs mCPR in OHCA

2014/12/06 7:10GRADE

1/1 ページfile:///Users/aibikimayuki/Desktop/2nd%20KCPR-Revman/11eCPR%20vs%20cCPR%20in%20OHCA%20or%20IHCA-Oct-6th-2014.html

Question: Should eCPR vs cCPR be used for Cardiac Arrest?Bibliography: Aibiki M, Wang T. eCPR vs Manual CPR. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [Year], Issue [Issue].

Quality assessment Summary of FindingsParticipants(studies)Follow up

Risk ofbias

Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Publicationbias


Study eventrates (%)

Relativeeffect(95% CI)

Anticipatedabsolute effects



Risk withCCPR

Riskdifferencewith ECPR(95% CI)

90 day poor neurological outcome48(1 study)3 months

serious1 no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊝⊝⊝VERYLOW1

due torisk ofbias

22/24 (91.7%)

17/24 (70.8%)

OR 0.22(0.04 to1.2)

Study population

917 per1000

209fewerper 1000(from611fewer to13 more)


917 per1000

208fewerper 1000(from611fewer to13 more)

180 day poor neurological outcome (CRITICAL OUTCOME)

393(1 study)6 months

noseriousrisk ofbias

no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊕⊝⊝LOW



OR 0.23(0.09 to0.61)

Study population

969 180Doutcomeper 1000

92 fewer180 Doutcomeper 1000(from 19fewer to234fewer)


969 180Doutcomeper 1000

91 fewer180 Doutcomeper 1000(from 19fewer to231fewer)

Poor neurological outcome at discharge in IHCA (IMPORTANT OUTCOME)

410(3 studies)

noseriousrisk ofbias

no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊕⊝⊝LOW



OR 0.42(0.24 to0.72)

Study population

886 per1000

121fewerper 1000(from 38fewer to236fewer)


894 per1000

114fewerper 1000(from 35fewer to225fewer)

one year poor neurological outcome in OHCA (CRITICAL OUTCOME)

290(2 studies)

noseriousrisk ofbias

no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊕⊝⊝LOW


97/114 (85.1%)

OR 0.77(0.38 to1.54)

Study population

886 per1000

29 fewerper 1000(from139fewer to37 more)


876 per1000

31 fewerper 1000(from147fewer to40 more)

1 one institutional study

2014/12/06 7:10GRADE

1/1 ページfile:///Users/aibikimayuki/Desktop/2nd%20KCPR-Revman/11eCPR%20vs%20cCPR%20in%20OHCA%20or%20IHCA-Oct-6th-2014.html

Question: Should eCPR vs cCPR be used for Cardiac Arrest?Bibliography: Aibiki M, Wang T. eCPR vs Manual CPR. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [Year], Issue [Issue].

Quality assessment Summary of FindingsParticipants(studies)Follow up

Risk ofbias

Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Publicationbias


Study eventrates (%)

Relativeeffect(95% CI)

Anticipatedabsolute effects



Risk withCCPR

Riskdifferencewith ECPR(95% CI)

90 day poor neurological outcome48(1 study)3 months

serious1 no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊝⊝⊝VERYLOW1

due torisk ofbias

22/24 (91.7%)

17/24 (70.8%)

OR 0.22(0.04 to1.2)

Study population

917 per1000

209fewerper 1000(from611fewer to13 more)


917 per1000

208fewerper 1000(from611fewer to13 more)

180 day poor neurological outcome (CRITICAL OUTCOME)

393(1 study)6 months

noseriousrisk ofbias

no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊕⊝⊝LOW



OR 0.23(0.09 to0.61)

Study population

969 180Doutcomeper 1000

92 fewer180 Doutcomeper 1000(from 19fewer to234fewer)


969 180Doutcomeper 1000

91 fewer180 Doutcomeper 1000(from 19fewer to231fewer)

Poor neurological outcome at discharge in IHCA (IMPORTANT OUTCOME)

410(3 studies)

noseriousrisk ofbias

no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊕⊝⊝LOW



OR 0.42(0.24 to0.72)

Study population

886 per1000

121fewerper 1000(from 38fewer to236fewer)


894 per1000

114fewerper 1000(from 35fewer to225fewer)

one year poor neurological outcome in OHCA (CRITICAL OUTCOME)

290(2 studies)

noseriousrisk ofbias

no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊕⊝⊝LOW


97/114 (85.1%)

OR 0.77(0.38 to1.54)

Study population

886 per1000

29 fewerper 1000(from139fewer to37 more)


876 per1000

31 fewerper 1000(from147fewer to40 more)

1 one institutional study

2014/12/06 7:10GRADE

1/1 ページfile:///Users/aibikimayuki/Desktop/2nd%20KCPR-Revman/11eCPR%20vs%20cCPR%20in%20OHCA%20or%20IHCA-Oct-6th-2014.html

Question: Should eCPR vs cCPR be used for Cardiac Arrest?Bibliography: Aibiki M, Wang T. eCPR vs Manual CPR. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [Year], Issue [Issue].

Quality assessment Summary of FindingsParticipants(studies)Follow up

Risk ofbias

Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Publicationbias


Study eventrates (%)

Relativeeffect(95% CI)

Anticipatedabsolute effects



Risk withCCPR

Riskdifferencewith ECPR(95% CI)

90 day poor neurological outcome48(1 study)3 months

serious1 no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊝⊝⊝VERYLOW1

due torisk ofbias

22/24 (91.7%)

17/24 (70.8%)

OR 0.22(0.04 to1.2)

Study population

917 per1000

209fewerper 1000(from611fewer to13 more)


917 per1000

208fewerper 1000(from611fewer to13 more)

180 day poor neurological outcome (CRITICAL OUTCOME)

393(1 study)6 months

noseriousrisk ofbias

no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊕⊝⊝LOW



OR 0.23(0.09 to0.61)

Study population

969 180Doutcomeper 1000

92 fewer180 Doutcomeper 1000(from 19fewer to234fewer)


969 180Doutcomeper 1000

91 fewer180 Doutcomeper 1000(from 19fewer to231fewer)

Poor neurological outcome at discharge in IHCA (IMPORTANT OUTCOME)

410(3 studies)

noseriousrisk ofbias

no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊕⊝⊝LOW



OR 0.42(0.24 to0.72)

Study population

886 per1000

121fewerper 1000(from 38fewer to236fewer)


894 per1000

114fewerper 1000(from 35fewer to225fewer)

one year poor neurological outcome in OHCA (CRITICAL OUTCOME)

290(2 studies)

noseriousrisk ofbias

no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊕⊝⊝LOW


97/114 (85.1%)

OR 0.77(0.38 to1.54)

Study population

886 per1000

29 fewerper 1000(from139fewer to37 more)


876 per1000

31 fewerper 1000(from147fewer to40 more)

1 one institutional study

2014/12/06 7:10GRADE

1/1 ページfile:///Users/aibikimayuki/Desktop/2nd%20KCPR-Revman/11eCPR%20vs%20cCPR%20in%20OHCA%20or%20IHCA-Oct-6th-2014.html

Question: Should eCPR vs cCPR be used for Cardiac Arrest?Bibliography: Aibiki M, Wang T. eCPR vs Manual CPR. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [Year], Issue [Issue].

Quality assessment Summary of FindingsParticipants(studies)Follow up

Risk ofbias

Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Publicationbias


Study eventrates (%)

Relativeeffect(95% CI)

Anticipatedabsolute effects



Risk withCCPR

Riskdifferencewith ECPR(95% CI)

90 day poor neurological outcome48(1 study)3 months

serious1 no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊝⊝⊝VERYLOW1

due torisk ofbias

22/24 (91.7%)

17/24 (70.8%)

OR 0.22(0.04 to1.2)

Study population

917 per1000

209fewerper 1000(from611fewer to13 more)


917 per1000

208fewerper 1000(from611fewer to13 more)

180 day poor neurological outcome (CRITICAL OUTCOME)

393(1 study)6 months

noseriousrisk ofbias

no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊕⊝⊝LOW



OR 0.23(0.09 to0.61)

Study population

969 180Doutcomeper 1000

92 fewer180 Doutcomeper 1000(from 19fewer to234fewer)


969 180Doutcomeper 1000

91 fewer180 Doutcomeper 1000(from 19fewer to231fewer)

Poor neurological outcome at discharge in IHCA (IMPORTANT OUTCOME)

410(3 studies)

noseriousrisk ofbias

no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊕⊝⊝LOW



OR 0.42(0.24 to0.72)

Study population

886 per1000

121fewerper 1000(from 38fewer to236fewer)


894 per1000

114fewerper 1000(from 35fewer to225fewer)

one year poor neurological outcome in OHCA (CRITICAL OUTCOME)

290(2 studies)

noseriousrisk ofbias

no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊕⊝⊝LOW


97/114 (85.1%)

OR 0.77(0.38 to1.54)

Study population

886 per1000

29 fewerper 1000(from139fewer to37 more)


876 per1000

31 fewerper 1000(from147fewer to40 more)

1 one institutional study

2014/12/06 7:10GRADE

1/1 ページfile:///Users/aibikimayuki/Desktop/2nd%20KCPR-Revman/11eCPR%20vs%20cCPR%20in%20OHCA%20or%20IHCA-Oct-6th-2014.html

Question: Should eCPR vs cCPR be used for Cardiac Arrest?Bibliography: Aibiki M, Wang T. eCPR vs Manual CPR. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [Year], Issue [Issue].

Quality assessment Summary of FindingsParticipants(studies)Follow up

Risk ofbias

Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Publicationbias


Study eventrates (%)

Relativeeffect(95% CI)

Anticipatedabsolute effects



Risk withCCPR

Riskdifferencewith ECPR(95% CI)

90 day poor neurological outcome48(1 study)3 months

serious1 no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊝⊝⊝VERYLOW1

due torisk ofbias

22/24 (91.7%)

17/24 (70.8%)

OR 0.22(0.04 to1.2)

Study population

917 per1000

209fewerper 1000(from611fewer to13 more)


917 per1000

208fewerper 1000(from611fewer to13 more)

180 day poor neurological outcome (CRITICAL OUTCOME)

393(1 study)6 months

noseriousrisk ofbias

no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊕⊝⊝LOW



OR 0.23(0.09 to0.61)

Study population

969 180Doutcomeper 1000

92 fewer180 Doutcomeper 1000(from 19fewer to234fewer)


969 180Doutcomeper 1000

91 fewer180 Doutcomeper 1000(from 19fewer to231fewer)

Poor neurological outcome at discharge in IHCA (IMPORTANT OUTCOME)

410(3 studies)

noseriousrisk ofbias

no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊕⊝⊝LOW



OR 0.42(0.24 to0.72)

Study population

886 per1000

121fewerper 1000(from 38fewer to236fewer)


894 per1000

114fewerper 1000(from 35fewer to225fewer)

one year poor neurological outcome in OHCA (CRITICAL OUTCOME)

290(2 studies)

noseriousrisk ofbias

no seriousinconsistency

no seriousindirectness

no seriousimprecision

undetected ⊕⊕⊝⊝LOW


97/114 (85.1%)

OR 0.77(0.38 to1.54)

Study population

886 per1000

29 fewerper 1000(from139fewer to37 more)


876 per1000

31 fewerper 1000(from147fewer to40 more)

1 one institutional study

Timeline:21-22 Apr 2013…. ILCOR Meeting, Melbourne 30 Apr-2 May 2014… ILCOR Meeting, Banff, CAN.15-16 Nov 2014… ILCOR Meeting, Chicago, USA

Feb 2015 …………International Consensus Conf.Late 2015 …………ILCO GLs published

Draft development for eCPR CoSTR

•  Next step is writing a draft of CoSTR for the eCPR PICO question.

•  Depending upon the present assessments, a very limited expression would be required for recommendation for eCPR.

Induced Hypothermia vs Normothermia

•  We ? targeted temperature management as opposed to no targeted temperature management for adults with OHCA with ??? rhythm who remain unresponsive after ROSC (? recommendation, ?evidence).

•  We ? targeted temperature management for adults with IHCA with ? rhythm who remain unresponsive after ROSC (? recommendation, ? evidence).

•  We ? selecting and maintaining a constant target temperature between ? °C and ? °C for those patients in whom targeted temperature management is used (? recommendation, ? evidence).

Targeted temperature management following cardiac arrest-An ILCOR Update-

Key messages: 1) Targeted temperature management (TTM) remains an important component of PCAS.2) No greater risk of adverse events can occur with a strategy that includes TTM at 33ºC. 3) A potential new regimen targeting 36ºC

Pending formal Consensus on the optimal temperature, we suggest that clinicians provide postresuscitation care based on the current treatment recommendations of 2010 GLs.Ian Jacobs, Vinay Nadkarni, ILCOR Co-Chair, 10th Dec 2013.


•  BLS …. SH Lim (Singapore); T Sakamoto (Tokyo)•  ACS….. CK Ching (Singapore); H Nonogi (Shizuoka)•  EIT……. MH Ma (Taipei); T Iwami (Kyoto)•  First Aid.. WT Chang (Taipei); HJ Yang (Seoul)•  Ped…… KC Ng (Singapore); N Shimizu (Tokyo)•  Neo…… M Tamura (Saitama); •  ALS…… TL Wang (Taipei); M Aibiki (Ehime)

*SO Hwang, a delegate from KCPR; K Okada, the President of JRC to to 2014 Banff Meeting.

•  Next step is writing a draft of r question.•  Depending upon the present assessment, ………. Apr 21-22 2013……ILCOR Meeting, Melbourne Apr 30 2014……ILCOR Meeting, Banff, CAN.Nov 15-16 2014……ILCOR Meeting, Chicago, USA

Jan 31- Feb 4 2015…………Internatl Consensus Conf.

Nov? 2015 …………ILCOR CoSTR and GLs will be published.



Thank you very much for your attention.

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