credit guide

Post on 28-Jan-2015



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The Home Loan Experts guide to getting and keeping good credit

Smart Credit Guide

Welcome! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

What Is Credit? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Credit Bureaus & Credit Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

What is a credit score? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

What determines my credit score? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Interpreting Your Score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

How Quicken Loans Interprets Your Credit Score . . . . 7

Ten Ways to Improve Your Score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Improving Your Overall Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

How To Clear Up Credit Report Inaccuracies . . . . . . . . 10

Sample Dispute Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Debt Danger Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

25 Suggestions For Trimming Your Budget . . . . . . . . . . 13

Identity Theft. What to do about it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Quicken Loans Mortgage Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Our More Powerful Home Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

How we can help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18



Your Smart Credit Guide


Understanding credit is an important

step toward making better financial

choices. With the Quicken Loans

Smart Credit Guide, you’ll understand

how credit works and how you can

get and maintain good credit.

At Quicken Loans, we believe that

when you know all your options and

how each one effects your credit,

you’re in a much better position to

make the right financial decision.


Quicken Loans is America’s #1 Online

Mortgage Lender, and one of the largest

home loan lenders in the country. We

help thousands of homeowners every year

realize their financial dreams with the right

home financing for their situation.

Quicken Loans and The Smart Credit Guide

will help you take care of your good credit.

If your credit has suffered for whatever

reason, we will give you the tools you need

to get back on track – all you will need is

discipline and desire.

What is credit?


Quicken Loans lends you money because

we believe you will pay it back. This belief

is based on a number of things: your

income, the amount of debt you already

have, how much you’ve borrowed in the

past, and your payment history, to name a


Like all lenders, we charge a fee to borrow

money. That fee is interest. The rate at

which we charge interest (interest rate)

also depends on your income, the amount

of debt you already have, etc. Because of

these variables, not everyone will get the

same interest rate, or be able to borrow

the same amount of money.

Credit makes it possible for you to pur-

chase things that you could not ordinarily

pay for with cash - big ticket items such

as cars and houses. Without credit, most

people would not be able to afford these

things without years of scrimping and

saving. Your credit is a valuable asset that

needs to be managed carefully.

Think of credit as a lender’s confidence

in your ability and intention to pay back

the money you’re asking to borrow

from them.


A credit bureau (also called a credit

reporting agency) gathers, maintains,

and sells information about your credit

history. It collects information about your

payment habits from banks, savings and

loans, credit unions, finance companies,

and retailers. That information is gathered

into credit reports that are used by

creditors or lenders.

Credit Bureaus & Credit Reports

Your credit report contains your credit history. It includes all

of your loan and credit card accounts and details specific ac-

count information, such as the date opened, credit limit or loan

amount, balance and monthly payment. It also includes late

payments, bankruptcies, liens, and collection agency attempts

to collect past dues amounts.

It’s important to maintain a good credit history. (Financial experts

advise to check your credit report once a year for inaccuracies.)

A good credit history means you’re eligible for the best rates,

whereas a poor credit history subjects you to higher rates and

possibly being turned down for credit.

A 2004 Federal law now means that you’ll soon be able to get

a free copy of your credit report every year from each of the

three major credit reporting agencies. Eligibility for free yearly

reports is being phased in on a state-by-state basis and should

be complete by September 1st, 2005.

Go to for more information.

Here are the three main credit bureaus or

reporting agencies. Contact one of them

for your report. You can easily order online.


Information Service Center

P.O. Box 740241

Atlanta, GA 30374-0241


Experian (TRW)

National Consumer Assistance Center

P.O. Box 949

Allen, TX 75013-0949

1-888-EXPERIAN (1-888-397-3742)

Trans Union Corporation

Customer Disclosure Center

P.O. Box 390

Springfield, PA 19064-0390


1. Payment History (approximately 35% of your score)

The factor that has the biggest impact on your score is

whether you’ve paid past credit accounts on time. However,

an overall good credit picture can outweigh a few late pay-

ments, and late payments will continue to have less impact

over time unless the late payment is a mortgage payment.

2. Amounts Owed (approximately 30%)

Having credit accounts and owing money doesn’t mean

you’re a high-risk borrower. But owing a lot of money on

numerous accounts can suggest that you are financially

overextended and more likely to make some payments late

or not at all. Part of the science of scoring is determining

how much debt is too much for a given credit profile.

3. Length of Credit History (approximately 15%)

In general, a longer credit history will increase your FICO

score. It shows that you can responsibly manage your

available credit over time. However, even people who have

not been using credit very long may get high scores, de-

pending on how the rest of their credit report looks.

4. New Credit (approximately 10%)

People today tend to have more credit and to shop for credit

more frequently. But opening several credit accounts in a

short period of time can represent greater risk - especially for

people with short credit histories. Requests for new credit

can also represent greater risk. However, FICO scores are

able to distinguish between a search for many new credit

accounts and rate shopping. FICO scores generally do not

equate your rate search with higher credit risk.

5. Types of Credit in Use (approximately 10%)

Your FICO score will reflect a combination of credit cards,

retail accounts, installment loans, finance company ac-

counts and mortgage loans. While a healthy mix will im-

prove your score, it is not necessary to have one of each,

and it is not a good idea to open credit accounts you don’t

intend to use. The credit mix usually won’t be a key factor

in determining your score, but it will be more important if

your credit report doesn’t have much other information on

which to base a score.

What is a credit score?


Your credit score, or FICO score, is a number that reflects your financial

responsibility and helps Quicken Loans decide if you’re a good credit

risk or not. Your score is based on – but not part of – your credit report.

It’s generated at the time of request, then included with the report.

What determines my credit score?The five factors that determine your Credit Score are:

How Quicken Loans Interprets Your Credit Score

At Quicken Loans we try to match your

current FICO score with the best mortgage

possible out of over a hundred loan pack-

ages that we offer. Our mortgage bankers

take the time to evaluate your financial

situation and offer expert advice.

Quicken Loans wants to be confident that

your credit score is accurate. This way we

can offer you the best rates available for

your situation. We will work with you to

clarify errors and offer you the products

and pricing that your accurate credit his-

tory has earned you. We help clients every

day who think they can’t qualify for a

home loan because of lower credit scores.


Your credit score lists up to four reasons

why your score is not currently higher.

These reasons can be very useful in

helping you determine how you might

improve your score over time, and whether

your credit report might contain errors.

Interpreting Your Score

If you already have a high score (for example, in the mid-700s or

higher) some of the stated reasons for credit concerns may not be

very helpful, as they may reference the factors that have the least

impact on your score, such as: length of credit history, new credit and

types of credit in use.

Here are the ten most common explanations:

• Serious delinquency – You have one or more accounts with late payments

• Serious delinquency, and public record of collectionfiled – you have one or more accounts that have gone to a collection agency

• Time since delinquency is too recent or unknown– Your have one or more accounts that are recently past due

• Level of delinquency on accounts – Your accounts are 60 to 90 days or more past due

• Number of accounts with delinquency – You have numerous past due accounts

• Amount owed on accounts – You have too much debt

• Proportion of balances to credit limits on revolving accounts is too high – the balance on your credit cards is too high

• Length of time accounts have been established – your credit history is not long enough to show responsible credit management

• Too many accounts with balances – concern over your debt load


1. Pay your bills on time.

It’s the best way to improve your score, and it’s never too

late to start. Even if you’ve had serious delinquencies in

the past, these will count less over time.

2. Keep credit card balances low.

High outstanding debt can pull down your score.

3. Check your credit report for accuracy.

There may be inaccurate information on your credit report

that can be easily cleared up. (See How To Clear Up Credit

Report Inaccuracies.)

4. Pay off debt rather than moving it around.

Consolidating your credit card debt onto one card or spread-

ing it over multiple cards will not improve your score in the

long run. The most effective way to improve your score is

by simply paying down the amount you owe.

5. Keep your credit cards - but manage them responsibly.

In general, having credit cards and installment loans that

you pay on time will raise your score. Someone who has

no credit cards tends to have a lower score than someone

who has managed credit cards responsibly.

6. Don’t open multiple accounts too quickly, especially if

you have a short credit history.

This can look risky because you are taking on a lot of pos-

sible debt. New accounts will also lower the average age

of your existing accounts, something that your FICO score

also considers.

7. Don’t open new credit card accounts you don’t need.

This approach could backfire and actually lower your


8. Don’t close an account to remove it from your record.

A closed account will show up on your credit report and

may be still factored into the score. In fact, closing ac-

counts can sometimes hurt your score unless you also

pay down your debt at the same time.

9. Shop for a loan within a focused period of time.

FICO scores distinguish between a search for a single loan

and a search for many new credit lines, based in part on

the length of time over which recent requests for credit


10. Contact your creditors or see a legitimate credit coun-

selor if you’re having financial difficulties.

This won’t improve your score immediately, but the soon-

er you begin managing your credit well and making timely

payments, the sooner your score will get better.

These tips won’t create a dramatic over-

night jump in your credit score. Develop-

ing a solid credit history takes time.

Ten Ways to Improve Your Score


There are no quick fixes for improving your credit score. But you can

raise your score over time by demonstrating that you consistently man-

age your finances responsibly. Here are ten ways to raise your score:


If you have a history of poor credit or think

that you might, it’s important that you find

out and then take the steps to improve it.

It will take time, but with discipline, you

may expect to see improvement in as early

as six months. Creditors are interested in

a track record. You’ll have to prove that you

consistently pay your creditors on time

and that you can effectively pay down your

debt. Here’s the simple plan:

Improving Your Overall Credit

1. Know what’s on your credit report and resolve any discrepancies.

See page 10.

2. Develop an action plan to pay your bills on time and execute it.

You can start this today, even before you take a look at your credit re-

port. Contact your creditors to review your payment options and catch

up with any late payments. Focus on ways to reduce your spending.

(See suggestions below.)

3. Stop using credit cards now. Paying down your credit card bal-

ances will not only improve your credit rating over time, but you’ll be in

a better position to negotiate a lower interest rate for your cards.

4. Do not live beyond your means. Make paying your bills and buying

only essential items your main priority. Carefully weigh the importance

of all new purchases against the grater importance of reestablishing your

good credit.

Getting a handle on your spending, paying bills on time, and paying

down credit cards takes a long-term commitment and self-control. It

won’t always be easy, but the effort will pay off once you see your

credit improve.


It can be time consuming to rid your credit

report of mistakes, but it’s worth doing.

Start by ordering a copy of your credit re-

port to review from one of the three credit

bureaus listed on page 5.

How To Clear Up Credit Report Inaccuracies.

Although most national lending institutions report consumer credit

information to all three credit bureaus, smaller banks and other credit

grantors may report only to one or even none. Therefore, your credit

report may vary from one credit bureau to another. If you’ve occasion-

ally applied for credit from smaller creditors, check your report from

all three agencies.

Look carefully. Circle anything that seems wrong, keeping in mind

that balances may be off by a few payments because recent pay-

ments may not have been recorded at the time you ordered the re-

port. Make copies.

Disputes must be made in writing, on paper, through regular mail.

Use the letter on the next page as a guide. In your letter, give a de-

tailed explanation to the best of your ability as to why the information

in your report is wrong and should be changed. You must also include

documentation that supports your assertion. For instance, if your re-

port says that a credit card is active, but you know it’s closed, you

must show proof that it’s been closed, which you may have to obtain

in writing from the credit card company. This will all take time, but it

will be worth it when your score eventually goes up, and the interest

rates you qualify for in the future go down.

Be sure to send letters to all three credit bureaus whenever you clear

up an error and also to the original creditor, such as the credit card

company in the example above. Keep copies of everything for your-

self. By Federal law, the credit reporting agencies must help you re-

solve the issue within 30 days.



Credit reporting agencies require that

you dispute errors in writing. For your

convenience, here’s a sample that you

can modify to fit your needs.

Sample Dispute Letter


Your Name

Your Social Security Number

Your Address

Your City, State, Zip Code

Complaint Department

Name of Credit Reporting Agency

Address City, State, Zip Code

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to dispute items that are wrongly listed on my credit report. Please see the attached copy of my

report. I’ve circled the items I am disputing.

Here are detailed explanations as to why these items should be removed or the information changed.



I am requesting that the above items be changed or deleted as indicated.

Enclosed are copies of documentation to support my request. Thank you for taking care of this immediately.


Your name

Phone Number

Enclosures: (List of what you are enclosing)


• You spend more than you earn

• Creditors call you

• You live paycheck to paycheck

• You don’t know how much you owe on your bills

• You’ve paid late fees more than twice in the last year

• You occasionally make late payments

• You pay only the minimum on your credit cards

• You put off paying one bill so you can pay another

• You argue with family members about money

• You take cash advances from credit cards to pay bills

• You make purchases impulsively

• You’ve taken money from your retirement fund to pay bills


To carry some debt is normal. The key

is to manage and control debt – not let

debt control you. How can you tell if

your debt has become out of control?

Here’s a list of debt danger signs.

Debt Danger Signs

1. Write down everything you spend. The waste in your

daily spending will soon become apparent. Do you have

personal financial software such as Quicken®? With

Quicken, it’s easy to keep track of your spending because

the program does the math for you.

2. Pay off your credit card debt as quickly as possible. It’s

much more difficult to get your finances in shape if you’re

paying 18 percent interest rates on your credit cards.

3. If you have to carry debt for a while, switch to a less

expensive card. Take advantage of the introductory rate and

use your monthly savings to prepay your debt as fast as


4. If you can’t pay in cash, don’t buy it. If you use a charge

card to gain cash back or miles, be careful not to charge

anything that you can’t pay off at the end of the month.

5. Bring coffee from home instead of buying it. $3 per

weekday adds up to $750 per year on coffee.

6. Give up smoking (or at least cut back). At $4 per pack

or more, cutting out one pack a day will save you at least

$1,456 per year - and perhaps even more in your health and

homeowner’s insurance premiums.

7. Eat out less. A family of four can rarely get out of any

non-fast food restaurant for less than $30. Cut out one res-

taurant visit per week and you’ll save $1,560 per year.

8. Bring your lunch to work. Spend $7 a day and “let’s do

lunch” turns into $1,750 per year.

9. Raise the temperature of your air conditioning in the

summer and lower your thermostat in the winter. Put in

storm windows and caulk around your interior windows.

Energy efficiencies can save you hundreds of dollars per


10. Cancel your local newspaper. You can read it online,


11. Read magazines at the library.

12. Join a Sam’s Club or Costco. But don’t buy more than

you need just because it seems “cheap.”

13. Shop the sales and clip coupons. Some stores still

double or triple the value.

14. Plan out your holiday spending budget in advance, then

stick to it. Clip a note card to your credit card and write

down every amount as you purchase gifts.

25 Suggestions For Trimming Your Budget


“Where did my money go?” That’s the big question that many can’t answer.

We spend money on many small things that we can’t remember, but they

do add up. To know where you need to trim your budget, it’s important to

first know your own spending habits. For a two to four week period, carry

a small notebook with you and keep track of every expense, no matter how

small. Then evaluate your spending to see where you can make cuts.

15. Give fewer gifts, and be more creative about them. Con-

sider giving magazine subscriptions as a gift, which will be

less expensive and last longer than other gifts. Give home-

made baked goods.

16. Take public transportation, if possible.

17. Seek out free activities for you and your kids. Museums

usually have one “free” day each week. Look in your local

newspaper for free events and attractions. Or, you can al-

ways take a walk or ride your bicycle.

18. Rent a movie instead of going to the theater. An eve-

ning of movies (plus snacks) can run upwards of $50 for

a family of four. Renting a moving from your local library

might either be free, or cost just $1.

19. Vacation at home. Take a week off and spend it at home

as if you were a tourist, visiting local attractions.

20. Raise the deductible on your homeowner’s and car in-

surance premiums. You may be able to shave 15-20 percent

off your annual premium cost.

21. Purchase as much insurance from the same company

as possible. Some companies will give you an additional

discount for multiple purchases.

22. Buy your next car, don’t lease. Unless you absolutely

have to have a new car every two years, you’re generally

better off purchasing a car rather than leasing. And, get

your financing in place before you show up at the dealer’s.

23. Buy a used car rather than a new car. A new car in-

stantly loses value the minute you drive it off the lot. If you

purchase a pre-owned or pre-leased vehicle, you’ll save the

depreciation and the car will likely still be under warranty.

24. Use a bank with convenient ATMs. If you find your-

self paying ATM charges because your bank doesn’t have

ATMs that are convenient, switch. At $1-$3 per withdrawal,

you’re paying too much.

25. Keep your checkbook and other accounts balanced. It’s

easy to do with financial software like Quicken® or Quick-

Books®, and you’ll always know exactly how much you

have and where it is. And, you’ll avoid bank charges.



Identity theft is, disturbingly, all too common.

When someone steals your identity they are

taking your personal information, like your

Social Security number, credit card numbers

or driver’s license number, and using it to

commit fraud, make purchases and access

bank accounts.

Identity Theft. What to do about it.

1. Contact the fraud departments of any

one of the three major credit bureaus (see

page 5). Ask them to place a fraud alert on

your credit file. The fraud alert asks credi-

tors to contact you before opening any new

accounts or making any changes to your

existing accounts. As soon as the credit

bureau confirms your fraud alert, the other

two credit bureaus will be automatically

notified to place fraud alerts, and all three

credit reports will be sent to you free of


2. If possible, close the accounts that you

know or believe have been tampered with

or opened fraudulently. Use the ID Theft

Affidavit when disputing new unauthorized

accounts. (Find a copy of the ID Theft Af-

fidavit on

3. File a police report. Get a copy of the re-

port to submit to your creditors and others

that may require proof of the crime.

4. File your complaint with the FTC. The

FTC maintains a database of identity theft

cases used by law enforcement agencies

for investigations. Filing a complaint also

helps them learn more about identity theft

and the problems victims are having so

that they can better assist you.

You might also consider one of the sub-

scription credit watch services that moni-

tor your credit report for unusual activity.

These services will alert you when they

suspect that your credit is being abused.


Identity theft is a serious crime. It’s one that leaves victims

spending months or even years and a lot of money picking

up the pieces of their shattered credit. Victims can be denied

loans for houses, cars, lose out on job opportunities and

even get arrested for crimes they didn’t commit.

What do you do if you think your identity has been stolen?

Here are some basics. For a more in depth look at preventing

idenity theft and repairing identity that has been tampered

with, go to


Quicken Loans’ exclusive mortgages

are powerful mortgage programs that

give you more refinance and purchase

options. Our mortgage programs can

also help you manage your debt. For

instance, we can show you ways to

consolidate high-interest debt into a

lower interest mortgage by refinancing.

Quicken Loans Mortgage Programs

With our exclusive selection of home loans, you can get:

• Easy approval even with less-than-perfect credit

• Approved before you shop – giving you extra negotiating power

• Fast approval for refinancing. Fast closing

• Easy access to your home equity

• Payments up to 45% lower with interest-only options

• Jumbo loans without jumbo rates

• Low or no down payment options

• Low or no cash at closing options

• No pre-payment penalties

Fresh Start®

Get a fresh start by converting your high interest credit card debt into a low-interest mortgage. • Fixed-rate for 3 years* • No pre-payment penalties • Flexible guidelines approve most people • Qualify even if you’ve just come out of bankruptcy

Advantage1st SM

You can get a good rate, even with less-than-perfect credit • Lower payments – that means more cash in your pocket each month • No prepayment penalties ever – refinance anytime! • The option for easy access to your equity

Smart ChoiceSM Interest-OnlyOur exclusive Smart Choice Interest-Only loan gives you month-to-month flexibility. Each month, you can pay only the interest or the combined interest and principal. That means your monthly payment could be up to 45% less than fixed-rate mortgages! Use your money to remodel your home, pay off high-interest bills or invest to generate a higher rate of return.


The Smart ARM Adjustable Rate Mortgage offers you: • Flexibility of an ARM. Security of a fixed • A much lower payment • Reduce your payment even more with our interest-only payment option

Smart ChoiceSM 100Another from our family of interest-only loans, with the Smart Choice 100 you get: • 100% financing on purchase and refinance loans • No down payment or equity needed • No out-of-pocket expenses • No Private Mortgage Insurance payments

Smart ChoiceSM FixedYour rate is fixed for 30-years, but during the first ten years you can lower your payment significantly by choosing interest-only payments. Smart Choice Fixed gives you the security of a fixed-rate but with flexible payments.

Liberty LoanSM

Our Liberty Loan allows you to get a lower payment, and gives you built-in access to your home’s equity with no additional cost or paperwork. And, you can make interest only payments to lower your payment even more.

Mortgage1st ®

Our exclusive approved** before-you-shop option on any loan: • Get your mortgage first, before you find a home. You know exactly what you can afford, eliminating the guesswork. • You’re in a better position to negotiate a lower price because the seller and the Real Estate Professional know your offer is good - it’s like being a cash buyer.

PMI BusterSM

You don’t have to pay Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) if you have less than 20% for a down payment. We can show you how to avoid paying thousands in PMI.

The All AmericanSM LoanMost Americans move every 4-6 years. Why get a 30-year loan, if you may be moving in a few years? The All-American gives you a lower rate than a 30-year mortgage for the first seven years. After seven years, if you haven’t refinanced, you may have the option of quick low-cost conversion to a fixed rate, extending your loan another 23 years or you can simply refinance to another loan that better suits your needs.

The 12 Month Rate LockBuilding a home? Our 12-Month Rate Lock loan program al-lows you to lock-in a low rate while your home is under con-struction. And, you’ll know ahead of time what your monthly payment will be once your home is completed.

Jumbo LoansGet a jumbo loan without the jumbo rate. Or, looking for a jumbo loan but don’t have the jumbo down payment? Only 5% down payment/equity required from $333,700 to $650,000, only 10% down payment/equity required from $650,001 to $1,000,000***. And, you can choose stated or documented income (“doc” or “no doc”) for home purchase orrefinance.

*Rate is variable and subject to change. After the initial 3-year .xed period, rate will adjust every 6 months. The initial payment on a 30-year, $150,000 Adjustable Rate Loan at 7.25% and 80% LTV would be $1,023.27 with 2 points due at closing. APR is 8.608%.

**Your Loan will close as long as the property gets a satisfactory title and appraisal and your financial situation remains the same.

***Rate is variable and subject to change. A $450,000, 30-year mortgage with an initial 3-year Adjustable Rate period with 5% down would have an interest rate of 3.125%, a LTV of 95% with 3.625 points due at closing and a monthly payment of $2238.94 for the first 36 months. Payment includes PMI. After the initial fixed rate period, the payment will adjust to $2324.10. The rate will adjust every six months. The annual percentage rate is 4.236%. Rates change daily. Contact us for current market rates.

Here’s a quick look at some of our more powerful home loans:


Quicken Loans Inc., 4200 E. Zuni Way, Ste 303, Lake Montezuma, AZ 86342, #BK-0902939; Licensed by Department of Corporations, California Residential Mortgage Lending Act; Georgia Residential Mortgage Licensee (#11704) – 20555 Victor Parkway, Livonia, MI; Illinois Residential Mortgage Licensee, 20555 Victor Parkway, Livonia, MI; Massachusetts Mortgage Lender, #1053. Licensed by the New Hampshire Banking Department, #6743MB; New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania – Licensed Mortgage Banker, NJ Department of Banking, NYS Banking Department, Pennsylvania licensed as a first mortgage banker by the Department of Banking and licensed pursuant to the Pennsylvania Secondary Mortgage Loan Act; RI License Lender. Not an offer for a rate lock agreement in Minnesota. First (and/or second) mortgages only. Mississippi Supervised Mortgage Company.

© 2005 Quicken Loans Inc. All rights reserved. Lending services provided by Quicken Loans Inc., a subsidiary of Rock Holdings Inc. “Quicken Loans” is a registered service mark of Intuit Inc., used under license.


Quicken Loans is America’s #1 online

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1-800-QUICKEN LOANSHomebuyer Customer Care Team1-800-796-4711Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm

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