cox and kings ipo analysis

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  • 8/8/2019 Cox and Kings IPO analysis


    Homework Title / No. :______Assignment 1_____________Course Code :___MGT_784_____

    Course Instructor: ______Mr Rohit Duggal_____Course Tutor (if applicable) :__________________

    Date of Allotment____________________________: Date of submission :_____29/10/2101________

    Students Roll No.:____A19, A 21, A 05__Section No. :______Q 1902, Q1903_____________________


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    work or from any other source except where due acknowledgment is made explicitly in the text, nor has

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    Students Signature Sandeep Singh

    Gangesh Kaushik

    Shishir Saurabh

    Evaluators comments: ________ _________________________ __


    Marks obtained: ___________ out of _________________

  • 8/8/2019 Cox and Kings IPO analysis


    Company Background

    The Cox and Kings brand has evolved over 250 years and is one of the most recognized

    holiday brands today. The company offers services as a 'One-Stop Shop' for all travel and travel-

    related products. Its business can broadly be categorized as Leisure Travel, Corporate Travel,

    Forex and Visa Processing. C&K designs travel packages for both individuals and groups, for

    their domestic and international leisure travel.

    The company makes travel arrangements for corporate clients to cater to their business

    meetings, conferences, events, and as an incentive for their employees and business partners. The

    company also provides value-added services, such as customizing travel plans for NRI

    customers, travel arrangements for Trade Fairs and providing private air charter services.

    Besides, C&K offers travel-related foreign exchange and payment solutions. The company is one

    of the first travel companies in India to be granted a license as an Authorized Dealer - Category

    II, under the new licensing regime. Within Leisure Travel, the company has three sub-segments,

    Outbound Travel, Inbound Travel and Domestic Travel.

    The Inbound Travel business represents destination management services that cover all

    aspects of ground tour arrangements required by tour operators across the world. The Domestic

    and Outbound Travel businesses include the selling of holiday packages for travel in India and

    overseas, respectively. Under Corporate Travel, a full range of business travel services, through a

    team of dedicated relationship managers, is offered. In India, C&K has 255 points of presence,

    covering 164 locations, through a mix of branch sales offices, franchised sales shops, General

    Sales Agents (GSAs) and Preferred Sales Agents (PSAs).

    The company has 14 branch sales offices located in Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai,

    Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Kochi, Pune, Nagpur and Goa. Besides, it

    also operates through 56 franchised sales shops spread across India. The company has a global

    presence, with operations in 19 countries (besides India) through subsidiaries, branch offices and

    representative offices (in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, US, UAE, Singapore and Hong


  • 8/8/2019 Cox and Kings IPO analysis


    Business Structure of Cox and Kings

    Accuision details of Cox & Kings

  • 8/8/2019 Cox and Kings IPO analysis


    Global Tourism Industry

    As per a WTTC study, the number of tourist arrivals worldwide increased from 904mn in

    2007 to 925mn in 2008, registering a rise of 2.3%. The growth was comparatively lower than the

    CAGR of 4.6% over the period of CY1995-08, mainly on account of the global meltdown. In

    CY2008, the growth was the weakest since the recessionary period of 2001-03, when the

    industry was hit by the collapse of the high-tech boom, the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the SARS

    outbreak. Close to two million jobs were nevertheless created during 2008, but the industry was

    faced with increasingly difficult global headwinds in the second half of the year, as consumer

    and business confidence collapsed.

    The effects of the global meltdown are expected to continue in CY2009, with the growth

    rate of tourist arrivals likely to decline by 4.3% year on year to 885mn before picking up again

    marginally in CY2010 to 1.9% year on year, and are expected to be back on track in CY2011E,

    with a growth of 4.2% year on year.

  • 8/8/2019 Cox and Kings IPO analysis


    Indian Tourism Industry - Recovering

    During 2008-09, the Indian tourism industry had to cope with terrorism and the global economic

    downturn, which put a brake on a decade of phenomenal growth in international arrivals

    (CY1998-2007), driven mainly by the successful 'Incredible India' marketing campaign and

    steady improvements in the tourism infrastructure. However, with the effects of the meltdown

    easing out and economic activity picking up, the declining trend of FTAs (Foreign Tourist

    Arrivals) seems to have been arrested.

    The FTAs declined significantly to 13.8% during 1QFY2010, as compared to that in

    2008, but, during 2QFY2010, the situation improved markedly (a decline of only 1.8%), with the

    FTAs close to that of last year. However, measured in terms of a percentage of GDP, tourism

    still accounts for just 6% of the economy, much below the world average in 2008.The expected

    rise in demand over the next 2-3 years would be largely due to factors such as India's popularity

    as a tourist destination, strong economic fundamentals, a continued interest from multinationals

    and a steady growth in domestic travelers (both business and leisure).

  • 8/8/2019 Cox and Kings IPO analysis


    Why to invest in Cox & Kings

    C&K derives over half of its earnings from the emerging markets (mainly India) and is

    focused on increasing its presence in other high growth geographies (mainly the Middle-East and

    South-East Asia). This, we believe, would bode well for the company, as it is ideally poised to

    benefit from a strong growth in demand for outbound and inbound services in these areas,

    enabling it to achieve a high growth rate in the future. According to WTTC estimates, the world

    travel and tourism industry is expected to clock a CAGR of 4% over FY2009-2019E.

    The growth rate is expected to be much higher in the case of emerging markets, mainly

    India, the Middle-East and South-East Asia. According to WTTC estimates, the tourism industry

    in India, the Middle-East and South-East Asia is likely to witness a CAGR of ~8% over FY2009-

    2019E. According to the WTTC, developing countries, which until recently have been the key

    drivers of growth in the tourism industry, are expected to take a backseat over the next decade.

    Although countries like the US, Japan, China and West-European countries would continue to

    generate a big chunk of travel and tourism demand, in terms of growth, the emerging countries in

    Asia, the Middle-East and Africa are likely to lead going ahead.

    The shifting of the trend towards the emerging markets is evident from the steep decline

    in the share of the top 15 destinations of international tourist arrivals (from around 75% in 1970

    to around 57% in 2007).

    Well-positioned to gain market share on the back of a strong brand franchise and a

    presence across the value-chain The travel market is highly fragmented, with a large number of

    travel agents catering to most of the demand. We believe that C&K's strong brand, coupled with

    services across the value-chain (inbound and outbound), would act as a key driver in garnering a

    higher market share in the future.

    Strong Brand Equity: C&K's brand has evolved over a period of 250 years and is one of

    the oldest brands in the Travel and Tourism industry. Over the years, the company has built a

    strong brand franchise for itself in overseas markets as well as in India. Cox & Kings was ranked

    #1 among the Top Brands in India, and ranked 152 amongst the Top 1000 Brands in the Asia-

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    Pacific region. The tour-operator industry is dependent on brand awareness and recall in the

    long-run, as customers need to believe in the capabilities of the operator to provide quality

    services and that their products will lead to a satisfied experience, even before they have

    approached the service provider.

    Presence across the value-chain: C&K offers complete travel solutions, and serve as an

    integrated provider of all travel and travel-related products. The company provides a 'One-Stop

    Shop' for all travel requirements, from visa formalities to ticketing, holidays, insurance and

    foreign exchange. Besides, the company is in the process of rolling-out a pan-India, luxury train,

    under the brand 'Maharajas' Express', through a joint venture with the Indian Railways.

    Wide geographical reach: In India, C&K has 255 points of presence, covering 164

    locations, through a mix of branch sales offices, franchised sales shops, General Sales Agents

    (GSAs) and Preferred Sales Agents (PSAs). The company has 14 branch sales offices located in

    Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Kochi,

    Pune, Nagpur and Goa. Besides, it also operates through 56 franchised sales shops spread across

    India. Moreover, the company has a global presence, with operations in 19 countries (besides

    India) through subsidiaries, branch offices and representative offices (in the UK, Australia, New

    Zealand, Japan, US, UAE, Singapore and Hong Kong).

    Outlook and Valuation

    Over FY2006-09, C&K's Revenues and PAT have witnessed a CAGR of 65.6% and 80.7%,

    respectively; these, however, have also been aided by the five acquisitions it has made across the

    globe since 2006. Going ahead, we estimate C&K's Top-line and PAT to witness a CAGR of

    27.4% and 37.7% over FY2009-11E, respectively On the lower and upper end of the price band,

    the stock would quote at 16.5x and 17.3x its post diluted FY2011E estimates, respectively. We

    believe that the companys organic and inorganic growth rates will be sustained, and its core

    profitability will remain healthy, going ahead. Hence, on the back of positives like C&K's

    superior growth rates, its wide geographical reach, a strong brand franchise and the improving

    industry dynamics, we recommend a Subscribe view on the IPO.

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    Requirement of IPO for Cox & Kings

    Cox and Kings India Ltd., a global tour operator having presence in India, Middle East

    and South East Asia is entering the capital market 18th

    November, 2009 with a public issue of

    184,96,640 equity shares of Rs. 10 each, in the price band of Rs. 316 to Rs. 330 per share. The

    issue consists a fresh issue of 154, 50,000. Equity shares, while offer for sale is of 30, 46,640

    equity shares of Rs. 10 each. The company proposes to list its shares on NSE and BSE.

    The object of the issue is for repayment of loans of Rs. 129.60 crore, acquisitions and

    other strategic initiatives of Rs. 150 crore, investment in overseas subsidiaries of Rs. 62.50 crore

    and investment in corporate office and up gradation of existing operations for Rs. 60 crore.

    The company had achieved a total income of Rs. 294 crore for the year ended 31st March

    09, with net profit after tax, having placed at Rs. 63.40 crore, on equity base of Rs. 27.93 crore,

    yielding an EPS of Rs. 22.70. On 23rd July 2009, the company made a rights issue, at par, in the

    ratio of 7 shares for every 10 shares held, due to which, paid up equity capital of the company,

    increased to Rs. 47.47 crore. Post this IPO, paid up equity of the company will rise to Rs. 62.92

    crore, of which, public holding will be close to 29.40%, with promoters stake at 63.60% and 7%

    held by others.

    Cox and Kings, with a 250 year brand franchise, has a strong presence in India and

    emerging countries in the Middle East and South East Asia. These markets are estimated to

    witness robust growth in tourism, both in outbound demand and inbound tourist arrivals, at

  • 8/8/2019 Cox and Kings IPO analysis


    around 8% CAGR, between FY09 to FY19, as estimated by World Travel and Tourism Council.

    At Cox and Kings, outbound traffic grew at an annualized rate of 23% between FY04 to FY08,

    against 15% CAGR, of industry during the same period.

    In the coming months, the market share of the company is expected to increase on the

    back of its recent acquisitions. What will also help is that the share of unorganized tour

    operators, which is presently at around 90% of the tourism market, is expected to come

    under pressure due to stringent regulatory changes, caps on commissions of travel agents. In the

    coming months, business will move more to organized players like Cox and Kings, which have

    a strong brand equity, reach and technology infrastructure to give it a more global presence.

    Financial Analysis

    C&K, with respect to its Indian operations, witnessed a Compounded Annual Growth

    Rate (CAGR) of 35% in total income during FY06-09. C&K has managed strong growth in

    relatively weak market, achieving 32% Year on year growth in revenues in FY09 in its

    Indian operations and 58% Year on year growth in revenues on a consolidated basis. As per its

    revenue recognition policy, the company books its revenues from all its travel packages

    net of expenses incurred for the same.

    The expenses incurred towards payment to airlines, hotels and other services

    rendered for all its travel packages, are deducted from the gross revenues received from

    the passengers and booked as total income from operations in the books. Since majority of

    the variable costs are already accounted for while reporting the turnover, the costs reported by

    the company in its books are fixed in nature. Even in the weak market scenario prevalent

    during FY09, C&K managed to maintain high PBILDT margin of 44.39% in FY09

    compared to 44.40% in FY08 on a standalone basis. However, PAT margin has

    marginally deteriorated to 23.62% in FY09 as compared to the previous year due t o higher

    interest and tax expenses. Being a service-driven industry, fixed assets mainly comprise

    computers, furniture & fixtures etc.

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    Basis of allotment

    Cox & Kings has allocated 2,744,480 Equity Shares to Anchor Investors at Rs. 330 per

    Equity Share. The Equity Share of the Company is proposed to be listed on the Bombay Stock

    Exchange Limited (BSE) and National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) and trading is

    expected to commence on or about December 11, 2009.

    The face value per equity share is rs. 10/-. The issue price per equity share is rs.

    330/- and it is 33.0 times the face value. The anchor investor issue price is rs. 330/- per

    equity share.

    The Issue was made through a 100% Book Building Process wherein up to 50% of the

    Net Issue shall be allocated on a proportionate basis to Qualified Institutional Buyers. Our

    Company has allocated 2,744,480 Equity Shares to Anchor Investors (as defined in the section

    "Definitions and Abbreviations" on page (i) of the Prospectus) in accordance with applicable

    SEBI Regulations. Further 5% of QIB Portion less Anchor Investor Portion shall be available for

    allocation on a proportionate basis to Mutual Funds only, and the remaining QIB portion shall be

    available for allocation on a proportionate basis to all Qualified Institutional Buyers, including

    Mutual Funds, subject to valid Bids being received at or above Issue Price.

    Further, not less than 15% of the Net Issue shall be available for allocation on

    proportionate basis to Non-Institutional Bidders and not less than 35% of the Net Issue shall be

    available for allocation on a proportionate basis to Retail Individual Bidders subject to valid Bids

    being received from them at or above the Issue Price. Further, up to 200,000 Equity Shares shall

    be available for allocation on a proportionate basis to the Eligible Employees, subject to valid

    bids being received from them at or above the Issue Price.

    The Issue received 49,867 applications for 104,288,280 equity shares resulting in 5.64

    times subscription. The details of the applications received in the Issue from Qualified

    Institutional Buyers, Non-Institutional, Retail Individual Investors categories and Employees are

    as under.

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    Sr. No. CategoryNo. of Applications

    ReceivedNo. of Equity

    SharesNo. ofTimes


    A Retail Individual Bidders 49,416 5,956,710 0.93

    B Non Institutional Bidders 212 29,502,240 10.75

    C Qualified Institutional Bidders 80 63,568,240 9.93D Employees 150 29,210 0.15

    E Anchor Investors 9 5,231,880 1.91

    Total 49,867 104,288,280 5,64

    Final Demand

    A summary of the final demand as per the BSE and the NSE as on the Bid/ Issue Closing Date at

    different bids is as detailed hereunder:

    Bid Price No. of Shares % to Total Cumulative TotalCumulative %


    316 28,920 0.03 99,386,840 100.00

    317 400 0.00 99,357,920 99.97

    318 400 0.00 99,357,520 99.97

    319 460 0.00 99,357,120 99.97

    320 42,180 0.04 99,356,660 99.97

    321 240 0.00 99,314,480 99.93

    322 420 0.00 99,314,240 99.93

    323 280 0.00 99,313,820 99.93

    324 140 0.00 99,313,540 99.93

    325 2,820 0.00 99,313,400 99.93

    326 20 0.00 99,310,580 99.92

    327 80 0.00 99,310,560 99.92

    328 20 0.00 99,310,480 99.92

    329 0 0.00 99,310,460 99.92

    330 99,310,460 99.92 99,310,460 99.92

    The Basis of Allocation was finalized in consultation with the Designated Stock Exchange, being

    the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited ("BSE") on December 02, 2009.

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    A. Employees

    The Basis of Allocation to the employees of the Cox and Kings (India) Ltd, who have bid at cut-

    off or at the Issue Price of Rs. 330/- per Equity Share, was finalized in consultation with BSE.

    The total number of shares allotted in this category is 28,160.

    B. Allocation to Retail Individual Investors [Including Applications Supported by Blocked

    Amount ("ASBA")] (After Technical Rejections)

    The Basis of Allocation to the Retail Individual Bidders, who have bid at cut-off or at the Issue

    Price of Rs. 330/- per Equity Share, was finalized in consultation with BSE. This category has

    been oversubscribed to the extent of 0.90 times. 9,419 applications for 1,232,820 Equity Shares

    were made under the ASBA process. Of these 9,334 applications for 1,224,620 Equity Shares

    were found valid and they were considered for allotment. The total number of Equity Shares

    allotted in Retail Individual Bidders category is 5,863,660 Equity Shares to 48,130 applicants.

    The category-wise details of the Basis of Allocation are as under:

    C. Allocation to Non-institutional Investors (After Technical Rejections)

    The Basis of Allocation to the Non-Institutional Investors, who have bid at cut-off or at the Issue

    Price of Rs. 330/- per Equity Share, was finalized in consultation with BSE. This category has

    been oversubscribed to the extent of 10.04 times. 199 applications for 29,208,880 Equity Shares

    were found valid and they were considered for allotment. The total number of Equity Shares

    allotted in this category is 2,908,805 (including unsubscribed portion of 138,533 Equity Shares

    being 2.2% of the Retail Individual Investor category and unsubscribed portion of 25,776 equity

    shares being 12.9% of the Employee Category) to 199 successful applicants. The category-wise

    details of the Basis of Allocation (sample) are as under:

    D. Allocation to QIBs (excluding Anchor Investor Portion)

    Allocation to QIBs has been done on a proportionate basis in consultation with BSE. 547,695

    equity shares including unsubscribed portion of 461,775 equity shares been 7.2% of the Retail

    Individual Investor category and unsubscribed portion of 85,920 equity shares been 43.0% of the

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    Employee Category were added to the QIB category. In accordance with the Securities and

    Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009,

    Mutual Funds were initially allotted 5% of the QIB Portion (excluding Anchor Investor Portion)

    i.e. 347,577 Equity Shares and other QIBs and unsatisfied demands of Mutual Funds were

    allotted the remaining available shares i.e. 6,603,958.

    Category Fls/Banks Flls MFs ICs VCs Total

    No. of Equity Shares allocated - 3,149,063 3,799,338 - 3,134 6,951,535

    E. Anchor Investors

    The Company allocated 2,744,480 Equity Shares to 9 Anchor Investors in consultation with the

    Book Running Lead Manager. This represents 30% of the portion earmarked for allotment to

    Qualified Institutional Investors.

  • 8/8/2019 Cox and Kings IPO analysis


    Performance of Cox & Kings

    Through the allotment process of the IPO and the after looking at the huge

    amount of angel investors as well s the investments by QIBs in Cox & Kings we can say that the

    IPO has performed really well the IPO of Cox & Kings was oversubscribed by 6.31 times so

    fro that also we can conclude that the expectation from the IPO is huge and so many investors

    were ready at that point of time to invest in the Cox & Kings as the sector is emerging in India

    and the company fundamentals are very strong. The performance of any company is explicitly

    shown through the stock market movement of the stock of the company. So for analyzing the

    performance of the IPO of the company we have to see the trend of the stock from the launch.

    If we see the trend of stock movement we can see that the cox and kings is performing

    really well in the market from the IPO launch onwards the stock is moving upwards in spite of

    few decreases the overall performance of the stock is rely very good. When we compare Cox &

    Kings with Indian hotels we can see that the performance Cox & Kings is far better than Indian

    hotels as both the companies are in same sector but the increase the value of cox & Kings is

    better than Indian Hotels which shows that the performance of Cox & Kings is better.

  • 8/8/2019 Cox and Kings IPO analysis


    If we compare the prices of Cox & kings with the Sensex we can see the increase in the

    prices of Cox & Kings are much better than increase in the Sensex it show that the investors see

    huge potential in stock and they are ready to invest in the company. The Cox & Kings is a good

    stock to invest in.

    If we see the report card of the Cox & Kings we can see that the performance of Cox &

    kings is good. As we can see that the net profit margin of Indian hotels is 9.94% whereas the net

    profit margin of Cox & Kings is 26.99% so we can see that the net profit margin of Cox & Kings

    is far better. Same is the case with EPS and return on average equity.

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