covid-19 risk management assessment (educational settings) · who might be harmed and how? what are...

Post on 19-Aug-2020






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What are the


Who might

be harmed

and how?

What are you doing already? What further action is


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Distancing in


Staff and

pupils may

be at risk



the virus.

• Two classrooms a distance apart in school will be used for the two bubbles to avoid bubble contamination – 3F and 4L.

• Staffing has been allocated so that it remains consistent within a bubble group. Sufficient staffing has been allocated so that staff can have a break during the day, within their bubble, to avoid bubble infiltration.

• A maximum of 9 people can safely fit in to a bubble group classroom at any one time. Bubble group 1 will have 6 students and 3 adults, bubble group 2 will have 5 students and 4 adults due to the 1:1 support needed for intimate care.

• Due to staffing currently available, we can only facilitate 2 bubble groups for the first 2 weeks of wider reopening.

• Furniture and equipment has been arranged in bubble classrooms to reduce pinch points, ensuring that free

Educational Setting St. Nicholas

Activity / Task COVID-19 Risk Management Assessment (Educational Settings)

Completed by & Date SMT on 15.05.2020

Review Date 15.06.2020


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be harmed

and how?

What are you doing already? What further action is


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movement and appropariate spacing is possible.

• Working patterns of staff has been reviewed to reduce transitions and contacts including admin and site staff.

• All visitor access to the school is restricted. Where external agencies/services are essential, information of protocols in place are provided.

• Rooms not required have been cleaned and sealed to reduce potential contamination.

• Individual RAs of staff to be completed where there is an underlying health condition that may increase the risk to them.

• Individual RAs of students to be undertaken on a priority basis to determine who can be offered a place in phase 1 of the wider reopening and in any subsequent phases.

Staff rota to be shared with all so that it is clear who is in which day.

Identify and complete RAs with relevant staff, prioritising those in on week 1 of bubbles. Bubble groups 1 & 2 identified from reduced provision groups. Bubbles 3 & 4 to be determined from RAs



CTs then





Cleaning Staff and


• Rooms in use are being deep cleaned before bubble groups start, by contract cleaning company.

• All staff have been given clear guidance on reasonable steps they will need to take to ensure the standards of

• Follow guidance – COVID-19: Cleaning in non-healthcare settings (updated 15th May)

• Ensure the COSHH risk

SG and AB

08.06.20 √


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and how?

What are you doing already? What further action is


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cleanliness are at the appropriate level to maintain a duty of care for colleagues and pupils.

• Furniture and equipment which are hard to clean have been removed from rooms and classroom furniture has been turned round so books etc. cannot be accessed.

• More frequent cleaning procedures are being implemented across the school, particularly in communal areas and at touch points including:

o Taps and washing facilities o Toilet flush and seats o Door handles and push plates o Machinery and equipment

controls o Any areas used for eating must be

thoroughly cleaned at the end of each break, including chairs, door handles, vending machines and payment devices,

o Telephone equipment o Keyboards, photocopiers and

other office equipment, classroom desks and chairs, IT equipment.

assessment for cleaning/caretaker activities has identified the correct process and PPE to be worn.

• Ensure COSHH sheets in place for cleaning products.




Staff and



• Review of the food service systems has taken place and new measures implemented in line with guidance.

• Kitchen staff have reviewed how social


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be harmed

and how?

What are you doing already? What further action is


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s distancing can be implemented in the kitchen. With only 2 staff working currently and with only 1 in at a time, this is not currently an issue but may require reviewing if numbers change.

• Bubble groups are eating their lunches at different times and using different tables and chairs.

Fire Safety • All emergency escape routes /doors are fully operational and kept clear.

• Fire drill is planned for bubble groups so

that they know what to do in the event of

a fire, whilst we are operating in bubble


• Once more staff and students return to school, there will be the need to review PEEPs.

• Need to share reminders to staff and pupils that if the fire alarm is activated that they should still keep 2m distancing, if possible, when at the evacuation point.




of school


Staff and



• One way system has been set up through the school to avoid face to face passing. This is being clearly marked out.

• Where possible, doors will be propped open to reduce the need for touch (fire protection measures must be adhered to).

• Majority of rooms have access to hand

• For the first two bubble groups, school arrival arrangements will not cause congestion issues. This may need to be reviewed if more students are offered a place and the school will


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and how?

What are you doing already? What further action is


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washing facilities. Where this is not possible, sanitiser is available for staff and pupils.

• Increased cleaning of handles and touch plates will be taking place by class staff and by ‘A-Team’ staff who are supporting with administration for home learning and annual reviews.

• Allocated drop off and collection times and places have been considered.

need to liaise with parents and transport.

• Priority must be given to disabled users and those identified as having health related issues.

• Provide relevant guidance to parents on drop off and pick up arrangements.



First Aid Staff and


• The requirement to provide suitable first aid cover to all staff and students has been assessed with suitable provision in place. Access to first aid facilities is maintained and the school suitably stocked with first aid sundries.

• Staff or pupils with medical needs have been risk assessed and relevant consents or advice is to be sought before confirming their place. Staff have been trained in the use of medications and increased level of control applied, to include the use of PPE if required.

• Schools will outline the specific medical needs of their cohort and seek appropriate support/advice/training from community nursing services.

• The HSE have announced a three-month extension to the validity of the following qualifications if the first aider to requalify because of the coronavirus:

o First Aid at Work o Emergency First

Aid at Work o Paediatric First

Aid o Emergency

Paediatric First Aid

• Contact health professionals for guidance on specific




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and how?

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• Review of the First Aid policy to include consideration of the risk of infection of covid-19.



Waste Staff and pupils Contractors

• Caretaker is designating a waste route for bins that are emptied by class staff during the day so that waste materials can be managed safely

• Bins to be emptied during the day by class staff as well as at the end of it by cleaning company.

• Lidded bins being used to contain waste, instead of usual open top bins.

• Double bagging of any hazardous or contaminated waste following government guidance.

• Staff to ensure they wear protective gloves and/or wash hands immediately after carrying out this activity.

All staff


Break/Lunch times

Staff and pupils

• Bubble groups have own designated space for lunchtimes and breaks and they will not come in to contact with the other bubble (field and garden)

• Longer term, if more students return, we may need to stagger breaks/lunchtimes to achieve the social distancing and reduce contact and mixing.


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be harmed

and how?

What are you doing already? What further action is


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Staff/Pupils within the shielded group

Staff and pupils

• Any member of staff or pupil that is within the clinically extremely vulnerable group must not attend school as per the Government guidelines. We have asked all of our families for this information to ensure we are not putting anyone at risk.

• Staff/pupils that meet the criteria as clinically vulnerable should have a risk assessment completed to identify any suitable control measures that must be in place before returning to work/school.

• Risk assessments being

undertaken, as

referenced earlier.

Contractors Contractors

• All contractors must provide a suitable and sufficient risk assessment for the activities they carry out which must include covid-19.

• All contractors will be provided with the School’s operating guidance.

• All planned/reactive maintenance to be carried out during out of hours unless seen as an emergency.

• To be asked for when relevant

• Information sheet to be created for contractors


As and when 10.06.20

Property Compliance

Staff and pupils

• The school has ensured that relevant property statutory compliance checks have been completed and records updated.

• Daily and weekly checks have continued throughout the school closure period as the school has not been closed.

• Chlorination tests booked for 1st June, as an additional precautionary measure.

SG 01.06.20 √


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and how?

What are you doing already? What further action is


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Hygiene Staff and pupils

• Promotion of hygienic practices at all levels and for all staff, with emphasis on handwashing and respiratory etiquette

• Hand washing facilities in all classrooms.

• Hand sanitisers are to be made available for staff, where washing facilities are not readily available.

• Staff , students and visitors to be reminded on a regular basis to wash their hands for 20 seconds with water and soap and the importance of proper drying with disposable towels.

• Staff, students and visitors reminded to catch coughs and sneezes in tissues – Follow Catch it, Bin it, Kill it and to avoid touching face, eyes, nose or mouth with unclean hands. Tissues will be made available throughout the school.

• Schools should endeavour to keep rooms as well-ventilated as is possible based on the school environment and staff have been advised to prop open doors and open windows.

• Posters, leaflets and other materials are available for display. Display prominently. • To help reduce the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) reminding everyone of the public health advice –

See hand washing guidance.


Shared activity

and equipment


Staff and


• Large shared equipment will not be used – i.e PE mats, outdoor gym equipment.

• Small shared equipment will be cleaned throughy after use ready for the next

• Each bubble group is being given their own set of outdoor play equipment.

CW 08.06.20 √


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and how?

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• No sharing of soft furnishings or toys

• Students and staff given their own set of stationery in a zipped wallet.

Accident reporting Covid-19 incidents

Staff and pupils

• The Health & Safety Executive have recently updated the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences regulations (RIDDOR) to include the requirement to report possible or actual exposure to the Covid-19 virus as a result of, or in connection with, a work activity.

• For further advice and guidance we will contact Richard Potticary at Southend LA Health & Safety department.

Administrative Staff

Staff and pupils

• Staff shift rota to be in place so as to keep social distances and allow school office to function.

• Admin door will be kept closed to reduce traffic from students.

• Register procedures have been reviewed so as to avoid the need to transport items to/from the office

• All staff to regularly consider procedures and routines to reduce contact with admin staff.

Personal Protective Equipment

Staff and pupils

• Personal Protective Equipment should not be used as an alternative to social distancing, except where there is no other practical solution.

• Acquire PPE so that it is available for when it is needed

• Train staff on how to use


08.06.20 Bubble 1a


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and how?

What are you doing already? What further action is


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• One student requires intimate care support and they will receive this in the same way but with staff wearing PPE.

• PPE should be worn if a distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained from any student displaying coronavirus symptoms.

• PPE should be used properly and staff trained in how to put it on and take it off properly.

• PPE to be disposed of, after use, using the correct waste bins.


and 2a staff on 08.06.20 Bubble 1b and 2b on 15.06.20

Symptms of

Covid-19 Staff and


Staff or pupils exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19 should not be in school.

• If anyone, staff or student, becomes unwell with a new continuous cough, a high temperature, anosmia or any other symptoms during the day in the school, they will be sent home and advised to follow the stay at home and testing guidance.

• Anyone presenting Covid-19 symptoms to be isolated in the mentoring room, as there is no window in the medical room. If a toilet is needed to be used, the medical room toilet can be used and it will then be shut off and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected by the cleaning

• Continue to follow current advice regarding self-isolation and testing

• Inform transport services.

• Set up Covid-19 response kit with appropriate PPE.

• Train identified staff in use of PPE.


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and how?

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• If a distance of 2m cannot be maintained PPE including an appropriate facemask should be worn by staff caring for the child.

• If the child awaiting collection requires personal care disposable gloves, a disposable apron and a fluid reisitant mask should be worn by the supervising adults.

• If a risk assessment determines that there is a risk of splashing to the eyes, for example from coughing, spitting, or vomiting, then eye protection should also be worn

• In an emergency, if they are seriously ill call 999.

• After use ensure cleaning of the room and all areas person has been in, following government advice with first warm soapy water, usual disinfectant cleaner and a disposable cloth. Pay particular attention to frequently touched areas. If an area has been heavily contaminated use protection for the eyes, nose and mouth as well as wearing gloves and an apron.

• Wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds after removeing PPE


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and how?

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• Other pupils to be moved to safe areas while cleaning occurs.

• All cleaning items and PPE to be double bagged, stored for 72 hours or until negative test result received and then put in normal waste..

Behaviour Staff and pupils

• Staff/Pupil behaviour and cooperation will be the key to implementing all of the controls.

• School will ensure that all relevant people have the information they need.

• Encourage staff to cooperate with government plans for contact tracing.

• Pupil behaviour will be continually monitored.

• Risk assessments will be routinely updated and pupil attendance will be considered in light of schools ability to meet need.

• Behaviour policy addendum will be created.


As and when needed. 08.06.20

School Staffroom

Staff • Arrangements have been made to ensure the staffroom is not overcrowded and social distancing can be achieved e.g. stagger lunch times for staff.

• Staff will be reminded of their responsibility to adhered to the social distancing rules within communal areas

LF On 08.06.20 and on 15.06.20

Useful Guidance The Government Guidance for implementing protective measures in educational and childcare settings can be found here The NASUWT has also produced a useful checklist for reopening of schools which can be found here. CLEAPSS Guide to doing practical work in a partially reopened school Science


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CLEAPSS Guidance for science departments returning to school after an extended period of closure Conducting a SEND risk assessment during the coronavirus outbreak guidance can be found here COVID-19: guidance on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing can be found here

General staff and pupil advice on limiting the spread of coronavirus in the Educational Setting

Government advice is clear PPE, including facemasks should be taken into account where employees could be put at risk. The use of such PPE

does not replace or reduce the need to follow the government guidance in relation to hygiene practices

Frequently clean and disinfect objects and surfaces that are touched regularly, using your recommended cleaning products.

• Wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds.

• Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.

• Staff and Pupils should wash their hands as soon as they get to school and when they arrive home, after they blow their nose, cough or sneeze, before they eat or handle food.

• Cover mouth and nose with a tissue or a sleeve (not hands) when you cough or sneeze.

• Put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards.

Handwashing techniques advice can be found here Transport Arrangments: To be agreed with Local Authority

• Travel providers clear about revised travel arrangements.

• Ensure adequate social distancing arrangements to and from school

• Ensure agreement to any changes to start and finish times

• Clarification that transport providers know not to work if they or a member of their household are displaying symptoms of coronavirus.

• Confirm that transport provider will be following hygiene rules.

• Agreement on risk reduction measures for children and young people with complex needs where social distancing cannot be maintained.

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