contoh item sn upsr

Post on 21-May-2017






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1 Table 1 shows the temperature of water being heated. Jadual 1 menunjukkan suhu air yang sedang dipanaskan.

TABLE 1Jadual 1

Give an inference to the pattern of changes of the water temperature after 12th minute?Berikan inferens kepada corak perubahan ke atas suhu air selepas minit ke -12 ?

A The water is being cooledAir sedang disejukkan

B The water temperature is 100 oCSuhu air ialah 100 oC

C The water temperature does not changeSuhu air tidak berubah

D The water temperature reaches the boiling point Suhu air mencapai takat didih

Context Construct Level

5/2/4/1 Understanding

(Making Inferences)


Context Construct Level

4/2/1/3 Aplication

(Defining Operationally)


2 Among the following statements, which describes volume?

Di antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah menerangkan tentang isipadu?

A Distance between two points

Jarak antara dua titik

B Measurement of total surface

Pengukuran keseluruhan permukaan

C Measurement of the space occupied by an object

Pengukuran ruang yang diiisi oleh sesuatu objek

D The period between two moments

Masa antara dua ketika

Context Construct Level

5/2/3/2 Knowledge

(Measuring And Using Numbers)


3 Figure 2 shows a food web.

Rajah 2 menunjukkan sebuah siratan makanan

How many food chains can be found in the food web?

Berapakah rantai makanan yang boleh didapati di dalam siratan makanan di atas?

A 3 C. 5

B 4 D. 6

Context Construct Level

6/1/1/1 Understanding



4 Which of the following seedlings will grow the healthiest?Antara anak benih berikut, yang manakah dapat membesar dengan paling subur?




SPARROWBurung Pipit





Context Construct Level

6/1/1/1 Understanding



5 The table shows the number of animals of a species living in a forest from 1999 to 2003.

Jadual menunjukkan bilangan haiwan bagi satu spesies yang hidup di sebuah hutan dari tahun 1999 hingga tahun 2003.

YearTahun 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Number of AnimalsBilangan haiwan 270 230 200 170 90

What can be observed from the table above?Apakah yang dapat diperhatikan berdasarkan jadual di atas?

A The animals were shortage of foodHaiwan itu kurang makanan

B The animals were threatened by extinctionHaiwan itu diancam kepupusan

C The animals do not reproduceHaiwan itu tidak membiak

D The number of animals was decreasingBilangan haiwan itu semakin berkurang


Context Construct Level

4/1/1/1 Application

(Making Hypothesis)


6 The diagram below shows two plants in different pots. The plants were put in a bright place.Rajah di bawah menunjukkan dua pokok di dalam pasu yang berlainan. Pokok itu diletakkan di bawah cahaya yang terang.

After a few days, plant A grow taller but plant B died. What conclusion can you make from the experiment ?

Selepas beberapa hari, pokok A membesar lebih tinggi tetapi pokok B mati. Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat daripada eksperimen ?

A Plants need air to live.Pokok memerlukan udara untuk hidup.

B Plants need water to live.Pokok memerlukan air untuk hidup.

C Plants need sunlight to live.Pokok memerlukan cahaya matahari untuk hidup

D Plants need a suitable temperature to live.Pokok memerlukan suhu yang sesuai untuk hidup.

Context Construct Level


Airtight plastic bag

Wet soil

6/2/1/1 Understanding



7 Diagram below shows the distance travelled by 4 vehicles in 40 minutes. Rajah dibawah menunjukkan jarak yang dilalui oleh 4 buah kenderaan dalam masa 40 minit.


Which of the following statements is true ?Yang manakah di antara pernyataan berikut adalah benar ?

A K travels slower than L but faster than M and NK lebih perlahan daripada L tetapi lebih laju dari M dan N

B L travels the fastest whereas N travels the slowestL paling laju manakala N paling perlahan

C N travels the fastest whereas L travels the slowestN paling laju manakala L paling perlahan

D L and M travel at the same speedL dan M mempunyai kelajuan yang sama

Context Construct Level

6/2/1/1 Application

(Controlling variable)


8 What information do we need to know to calculate speed?Apakah maklumat yang diperlukan untuk menghitung kelajuan?

I Distance travelledJarak yang dilalui

II Type of surfaceJenis permukaan

III Time taken Masa yang diambil

A I and II only C II and III only I dan II only sahaja II dan III sahaja

B I and III only D I, II and III I dan III sahaja I, II dan III

Context Construct Level

5/2/2/2 Knowledge



9 Figure below shows three electric circuits.

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan tiga litar elektrik.

Which are parallel circuits?

Which are parallel circuits ?

Yang manakah litar selari ?

A P and Q B P and R

P dan Q P dan R

C Q and R D P, Q and R

Q dan R P, Q dan R

Context Construct Level

6/2/1/1 Understanding

(Interpreting data)


10 Which of the following involves a pulling force?Antara yang berikut, manakah yang melibatkan daya tarikan?





Section B[ 20 marks ]

Context Construct Level

5/2/4/2 K6 K11 K12 K1 K9 M L L M H

1. A group of pupils carried out an experiment to investigate the changes of red ink level affect by different temperature of water, as shown in diagram 1.Sekumpulan murid menjalankan satu penyiasatan untuk mengkaji perubahan aras dakwat merah kesan daripada perbezaan suhu air dalam bekas seperti rajah 1.

red ink red ink

tap water

Cold water Hot water

Container X Container Y Container Z

Diagram 1Gambar rajah 1

( a ) What is the aim of this investigation? Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini dijalankan?


…………………………………………………………………………………………………[1 m]

( b ) State what is changed in this investigation. Nyatakan pembolehubah yang dimanipulasi dalam penyiasatan ini.


…………………………………………………………………………………………………[1 m]

( c ) State what is observed in this investigation. Nyatakan pembolehubah bergerak balas dalam penyiasatan ini.


…………………………………………………………………………………………………[1 m]

( d ) Give an observation from this investigation.

Nyatakan satu pemerhatian daripada penyiasatan ini.………………………………………………………………………………………………

………………………………………………………………………………………………. [1 m]

( e ) State a conclusion for this investigation. Nyatakan satu kesimpulan penyiasatan ini.


………………………………………………………………………………………………..[1 m]

Context Construct Level

5/3/2/1 K1 K2 K11 K12 K15 M H L M M



Effects on litmus paperKesan ke atas kertas litmus

Blue litmus paperKertas litmus biru

Red litmus paperKertas litmus merah

Pineapple juiceJus nanas

Turns to redBerubah menjadi merah

No effectTiada perubahan

Tomato juiceJus tomato

Turns to redBerubah menjadi merah

No effectTiada perubahan

Bitter gourd juiceJus peria

No effectTiada perubahan

Turns to blueBerubah menjadi biru

The result of investigation shown as above.Keputusan penyiasatan ditunjukkan seperti di atas.

(a) State an observation can you made in this investigation.Nyatakan satu pemerhatian yang boleh dibuat dalam penyiasatan ini.


.…………………………………………………………………………….……………[1 m]

(b) State an inference from this investigation. Nyatakan satu inferens yang boleh dibuat dalam penyiasatan ini.


…..…………………………………………………………………………………………. [1 m]

(c) State the following variables … Nyatakan pembolehubah-pembolehubah di bawah …

i) what must be changed: dimanipulasi


[1 m]ii. what must be observed: bergerak balas

……………………………………………………………………………………………. [1 m]

( d) Write one other substances that same as bitter gourd juice.Tuliskan satu daripada bahan-bahan yang sama seperti jus peria.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… [1 m]

Skema Jawapan

1. a ) State the aim of an experiment :To investigate the relationship between the temperature of water and the red ink level.

b ) State what to change ( manipulated variable )Temperature of water

c ) State what to observe ( responded variable )Level of red ink.

d ) State an observation based on an experiment. Level of red ink in glass rod Z is higher than X and Y. / Level of red ink in glass rod Y is lower than X and Z./ Level of red ink in glass rod X still remain the same compared to Y and Z.

e) State a conclusion.The higher/more the temperature of water, the higher/more the level of red ink.

// vice versa.

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