content marketing: how to successfully convert content into customers

Post on 11-May-2015






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We’ve all heard the battle cries – traditional marketing is dead! Content is king! Savvy consumers are tired of being sold to and marketers need to create a constant flow of new content, from blog posts to social media updates, ebooks to webinars. But, how do you get started? What types of content should you create and how can you ensure that it will ultimately help your brand achieve measurable business goals? In this 451 Marketing webinar, you’ll learn the steps to planning a dynamic content marketing strategy for your brand. From defining your audience to measuring your results, you’ll learn how to use effective content marketing to improve search rankings, drive traffic to website, and nurture relationships with leads and clients.


From Content to Customers

Max Silver Social Media Training Manager



“Content marketing is the only marketing left”

-Seth Godin

What is Content Marketing?

Creating and delivering valuable content to your target audience

Why Content Marketing?

• Generates 3x more leads than traditional marketing

• Build trust, create value among suspects – people who want to know what you know, not what you sell (not yet)

• Decrease costs, increase customers, scalable/repeatable

Why Content Marketing?

• Position as an expert

• Attract new customers

• Maintain a dialogue with existing and past clients

• Increase social signals

What is Content?

Whitepapers, eBooks, Case Studies

Audio or Video Content

Events and Content from Events (Webinars, Workshops)

Blog and Social Posts Images and Infographics

Email Newsletters

SEO Social Media Brand Voice &


Cornerstone of Marketing

Content Marketing

Content Directly Affects Search

Doesn’t directly convert or sell

Content Marketing Does NOT

Does help push leads down the funnel

Content Marketing Does





Content Marketing Strategy

Who is Your Audience?

Who are your ideal customers?

Who is Your Audience?

Moms Millennials CIOs

Think about your current customers…

Who is Your Audience?

What are their biggest pain points/needs?

Content you create should address your customers’ pain points:

• a need • a problem • a desire • a challenge

Identifying Pain Points

• Check out common search inquiries around your product or industry using Google Search Trends and Google Keyword Tool

• Address FAQs – ask your sales people what customers are asking them

Do your research – what do your customers need?

Where is Your Audience?

Where do they find information online? Source: Pew Research Center

Do your research, know your platforms! For instance: • City dwellers are significantly more likely than rural residents to be on Twitter • Women are five times as likely as men to use Pinterest • Baby boomers are the fastest growing segment of Facebook

Audit Current Content

Identify holes or missing content

Repurpose content that is outdated but still valuable

Catalog any existing content and categorize by:

Type Topic Persona Date

Incorporate Social & Search Goals

What things do you need to rank for in social and search?

Define Major Topics

• What do you know? • Fill in content gaps from your

audit… • Think about achieving search

and social goals

What do you want to be known for?

Define Team/Roles

Content/Marketing Coordinator

Team Content Coordinator Team Content Coordinator Team Content Coordinator

Senior Management

• Designate an overall content coordinator

• Have coordinator from each functional area

• Designate members of senior management team to oversee/contribute – adds to validity

Set clear roles, expectations, and standards

Create a Content Calendar

Use a shared calendar such as Google Calendar to share content plan internally

• Color code by content type • Clearly define ownership • Create a checklist for social media

promotion • Share as far in advance as possible to

allow time for creation

As You Are Creating, Ask…





Beneficial to Share?

…Does this Inspire Sharing?

Is this content...

Portable Content

Answers Popular Questions –

“How To”

Real-Time Marketing

Portable Content

Real-Time Marketing

Portable Content

Top 10s, Best ofs,

and Countdowns

Portable Content

Tools for Content Creation

• Set up Google alerts

• Set up streams in Hootsuite (social listings)


Links to social properties on website

Share buttons with content

Make Sharing Simple!

Measure and Adjust

What’s getting shared the most, by who, and when?

Build Trust

• Be consistent • Be generous • Become the authority

Follow through with your strategy – make sure your audience can count on regular content

Content marketing is a great way to build trust, enhance social media and search marketing, and increase lead flow.

1. Plan Define audience and needs Audit current content Incorporate social and search goals Define major topics Define team/roles Create a calendar

2. Create Create relevant, portable content

3. Publish Publish content across platforms – make it shareable!

4. Measure Measure effectiveness and adjust



Integrated Communications Campaigns

The experienced team at 451 Marketing specializes in integrating public relations, social media, and search marketing tactics into dynamic communications campaigns supported by a full-service creative team. We work with brands to build awareness, engage customers, and drive business using custom, integrated communications campaigns.

The 451 Marketing Philosophy

Understanding that there is a typical psychological process to how people make buying (or conversion) decisions, 451 Marketing takes a holistic approach to marketing. Our team of public relations professionals, social media specialists and search marketing experts work together to reach your target audience at every stage of the evaluation and purchase process.

From Content to Customers




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