compositio n. what is composition? how you arrange the subject in the space the photographer must...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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What is Composition?

How you arrange the subject in the space

The photographer must consider things such as colour, placements, angles, foreground and background

Rule of Thirds

The image must be broken into imaginary thirds that go horizontally and vertically. The subject must be put where ever the lines cross

Space and Elimination

If the subject is not looking directly to the camera, or looks out of the frame, there should be enough space for the subject to look into.

Point of View

Shows the view point of a subject. Can be taken in different angles to create a different perspective. It may revel a bias or view on a subject.

Leading Lines

Lines which are used to draw the viewers eye in different parts of the image.


Pattern is when colour, lines and shapes occur in an orderly way. It creates a rhythm for the eyes to follow.

Symmetry and Balance

Balance is equal distribution or the visual weight within an image. Symmetry is the equal components on both sides of an image.

Frame Within a Frame

To project an image so it is the complete focus in the frame.

Camera Angles

Birds Eye View

High View

Neutral View

Low View

Worms eye view

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