communications in action nlp

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 Communications in Action NLP



    NLPWhat on Earth is it?

    Peter Freeth

    Communications In Action

    NLP Workshop

    EA Summit 2003

    2ndApril 2003

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    What is it? What do I do with it?

    Whats next?

    The interesting thing about an agenda is that its a summary that comes before the main

    presentation or meeting, instead of at the end where summaries usually come. Your

    audience will look at the agenda points, imagine what the topics are and decide right

    then what theyll listen to.

    You may have been on presentation skills courses that recommend tell them what

    youre going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what youve told them. This is fine if

    you only want to tell them instead of involve and engage them.

    I use Ingredients instead of agenda as it keeps the audiences mind open, and thats

    often a good state to be in when you want to learn something new and useful!

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    What is it?

    Neuro Linguistic Programming A study of the relationship between language

    and behaviour

    Is there a structure of excellence?

    If so, can we replicate it?

    Advanced common sense

    Everything YOU do when you are at your best

    Modelling exceptional performance

    NLP started out, about 30 years ago, as a study of exceptional communicators in the

    field of therapy.

    Richard Bandler and John Grinder wanted to know if there was an underlying structure

    to the results that a certain group of therapists were getting. These people were able to

    get results with individuals and families that other therapists could not even get close to,

    and these results came amazingly quickly.

    It turned out that there was indeed a structure and they published this in their first book

    Structure of Magic.

    Our language and behaviour are closely interwoven, and both are indicative of the way

    that we represent the world inside our heads. For example, you can close your eyes and

    still imagine seeing these words. Somehow, the words are still in your head and you can

    see them as if your eyes were open. The same thing happens with every component of

    your rich life experience and the way that you organise this experience is revealed in

    your language and your actions.

    At its heart, NLP is a specific, formal structure for modelling exceptional performance in

    any area where the high performing individual is unable to consciously explain how they

    achieve the results they get.

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    To make NLP

    State Outcomes





    NLP training typically breaks the subject into six key areas. We wont be covering

    hypnosis in this presentation.

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    Your mental, physical and emotional condition States are useful in the right context

    States are a source of energy

    Successful people maintain their states!

    Your state is the starting point for everything you do. When youre feeling good about

    yourself, you breeze through the day and easily deal with problems that would slow you

    down on a day when youre feeling miserable.

    If youre going to write your life plan or even your business plan you will write a more

    optimistic plan if youre in a positive state.

    In fact, states are neither good nor bad in themselves they are just useful in a context

    or not. They are either helpful to you in achieving your outcomes or theyre not.

    People who are good at achieving their outcomes are often very good at maintaining

    useful states regardless of what happens around them. This also implies that they can

    readily choose a state for a particular outcome, regardless of whether anyone else

    would label that state good or bad.

    In a world of logic and science, its easy to dismiss your state and say you have to get

    your job done regardless of how you feel about it. Well, you can certainly take this

    approach if you insist on making your life difficult and unpleasant! We know that people

    who take this approach tend to end up very stressed and unproductive. Wouldnt it be

    better if you could simply put aside whatever was on your mind and say whats the most

    useful state to help me achieve this?

    If, each morning, you could choose your state for the day, what would you choose?

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    State exercise

    In pairs, ask for a memory with a strongemotional attachment a good one!

    Offer ruthless encouragement!

    Make the picture bigger

    Make the sounds louder

    Make the feelings stronger

    Enjoy it, then come back gradually

    We practiced eliciting specific states in pairs, which is a very useful thing to be able to

    do. Remember that from states, people derive their perceptions of what happens and

    these perceptions influence behaviour.

    Therefore, someone who is good at managing other peoples states is generally very

    good at getting the best from people. Youve probably seen this happen at work, and

    youre probably good at this yourself in certain situations.

    NLP is about learning the structure of experience, so its about learning how you are

    good at managing other peoples states and using that skill consistently.

    Successful people tend not to do one thing much better than other people. They tend to

    be only slightly better than average people, but better consistently and across many skill


    Learning about NLP will therefore make you consistently more effective!

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    State exercise

    Pick a good state motivation, enthusiasm Picture

    Location & size

    Qualities colour, movement, border, focus


    Location, volume, qualities


    Location, movement, temperature

    Try it on have your partner help you

    Is motivation, enthusiasm, fear or confusion the same for you as it is for me? It must be,

    because we use the same word right? No!

    Language is such a pale representation of the rich internal experience that we all have in

    our heads. What I call confusion is quite relaxed to other people. Someone elses

    confusion might feel like blind panic to me.

    The first step in understanding people better is to understand how differently we each

    perceive our common world. Its not enough to suspect that other people experience

    things differently its very useful to actually try on someone elses perceptions, and

    thats what we do in this exercise.

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    Pick a goal Check that its positive

    Check the pictures, sounds and feelings

    Check for ecology

    If you get it, what will you gain?

    If you get it, what will you lose?

    If you dont get it, what will you lose?

    If you dont get it, what will you gain?

    Would you take it right now?

    The first step to getting what you want is knowing what you want. That might seem

    obvious, but youd be surprised how many people go round in circles in their lives

    because they know what they dont want, but not what they do want perhaps you know

    someone like this.

    This is one of the most important exercises in NLP well formed outcomes.

    Essentially, if you express a goal or objective in the format shown above, its more likely

    to happen. Later on, well play with some more advanced language that, when used with

    this tool, makes your wildest dreams practically inevitable!

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    Clear outcomes and flexible behaviour are themain tools of successful people

    Pick a character thats different to you

    A teenager

    A five year old child

    A politician

    A parent

    Someone you know who is always right

    Someone you know who is very manipulative

    Someone you know who is a great negotiator

    Once successful people know what they want, they are very open minded about how

    they achieve it. More than that, they are open to try anything, whether it will appear to

    work or not.

    Compare this to people who have a very fixed plan of action that doesnt adapt to

    changing circumstances these people frequently get frustrated and give up whereas

    successful people can easily adapt to new situations and new information in order to

    exploit those changes to their own advantage.

    Flexibility is something you can learn and practice, and this exercise demonstrates one

    of the easiest ways to do that.

    In the spirit of modelling excellent performers, you just borrow the skill you need from

    someone who has it! We are born modellers its how we learned to speak, walk and do

    most of the things that we take for granted today.

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    Pick a negotiation topic: What to watch on TV

    Where to go on holiday

    What to have for tea

    Negotiate in character become your chosencharacter, thinking and acting as they would

    This exercise also allows participants to throw of the behavioural rules that normally

    restrict the results they get, so they can learn for themselves that sometimes the most

    effective behaviour isnt necessarily the one they would naturally choose.

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    Noticing what happens Gathering high quality feedback

    Not imagining, but seeing and hearing!



    Rapport is a communication channel

    You may have seen the concept of matching and mirroring that goes way back to body

    language studies. In NLP training, youll spend some time on the subject of rapport, yet

    its really using your senses thats important.

    We spend much of our lives inside talking to ourselves, making pictures, doubting,

    questioning, even worrying instead of paying attention to what goes on outside.

    Developing the use of our senses to gather high quality external data gives us more

    information in order to make better decisions.

    Rapport is a state of harmony between two or more people. When people are in rapport,

    their physiology is closely matched and so are their internal processing systems. In other

    words, they look the same and they think the same. Think of someone that youre so

    close to that, sometimes, it seems that you can read each others minds. Is this

    telepathy, or is it a close synchronisation of mental and behavioural patterns?

    Rapport is often over-used in sales training, personally I think most customers today can

    decide for themselves whether they like someone or not and can easily spot the obvious

    tricks taught to less ethical sales people. If you agree with someone, youre likely to be

    in rapport with them. If you dont then you probably wont be. You should pay attention to

    the degree of rapport you have with someone as it reveals a lot about the way youre

    thinking and may give you important information that you werent consciously aware of.

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    Language and behaviour are interwoven Language predicts behaviour

    Language influences behaviour

    Both internal and external language




    For information to be stored in our memories, it is filtered to remove anything that were

    not paying attention to. This filter is made up of our beliefs, ideas, perceptions,

    preconceptions and of course our state.

    The filter works in three specific ways;

    Delete just ignore or remove sensory data

    Distort change sensory data so that it matches our expectations

    Generalise make sensory data less complex so that its easier to interpret

    You can probably think of many things that you do now that demonstrate those filters in

    action. Perhaps youve lost your car keys or not heard the phone ringing? Deletion.

    Have you interpreted something that someone said in a very different way and been

    certain that they said what you thought, not what they actually said? Distortion. Have

    you ever decided not to do something because it went badly last time? Generalisation.

    All of these filters are useful we could not function without them so being aware of

    them gives you the choice of how to respond and behave to situations, instead of letting

    your auto pilot decide for you.

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    Get yourself going!

    Internal language has a big influence on you Self criticism

    Change it its your voice!


    Must Should Could Need

    Want Will Might Ought

    Pick the one that works for you and rephrase

    your original goal

    Do you nag or criticise yourself? The internal language that you use can have a massive

    impact on your state, yet no-one ever tells you how to use it effectively.

    Firstly, its your voice it can say anything you want it to say!

    Just like someone in the office who always complains, your internal voice will get very

    whiny if its criticism is ignored. Just think of the voice as another one of your senses

    which language is so think of the voice in the same way as you think of your gut

    reaction. The great thing about the voice is that it can be so much more specific.

    If your voice is overly critical or if you know someone else who nags themselves too

    much, theres a really simple technique you can use. You can easily tell when someone

    does this as theyll say things like I told myself I should have know better youll be

    amazed how much of what people say is quite literal.

    So, heres the trick when the voice criticises you, just answer it straight back with

    something like Thankyou! Now, what do you suggest I do instead? or Thankyou! Now,

    how is that feedback useful to me? Youll see that the structure is acknowledge then

    question, and youll be amazed at how well it works.

    The other amazing thing your internal voice can do for you is motivate you to get the

    things that are important to you done. Just pick the word that you use when you do

    something you naturally do easily, and use it to phrase the goals you want to achieve.

    For example, I should go to the gym tends not to motivate most people, whereas I willgo to the gym is much more compelling.

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    In your head is a complex 3D map of yourexperiences and beliefs

    Abstract concepts are represented in space

    Your perception of time affects everything!

    Imagination is reality

    Your brain is organised like a filing room. The memories themselves arent necessarily

    good or bad theyre just raw data.

    Imagine you take an invoice and put it in the unreliable payer file. How would someone

    else treat that customer? Now put the same invoice in the good customer file and

    notice the difference.

    Now, take a memory of a holiday and put it in the great holiday file, and notice how the

    little mishaps and problems seem funny because, overall, you made the most of the

    holiday. Put the same memory in the holiday from hell file and notice how the things

    that did go well get lost amongst all the awful things.

    The interesting thing is, its entirely up to you where you file these memories, and once

    youve filed them, you can easily move them around!

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    Mind reading

    In pairs, ask your partner to talk about a recentexperience

    Ignore the words

    Watch their eye movements, gestures and


    Hear their voice tone, volume, pitch Notice where they locate different concepts

    Pay attention to patterns

    You may have heard that only 7% of communication comprises words. Whether you

    agree with the figure or not, we can at least agree that words are not the only

    communication channel available to you.

    Our bodies radiate information about us all the time, revealing our thoughts, beliefs,

    state and even our values and interests. We naturally pick up on this information and

    use it to form intuitive opinions about people we meet. I think that one of the most useful

    things you can realise is that your intuition isnt an unsubstantiated guess, but is in fact

    the culmination of your brains ability to acquire and process huge volumes of

    information that youre largely unaware of. You really should trust your intuition more!

    When you really watch and listen to the way that people communicate, youll see allkinds of signals that reveal how they organise their internal memories. Youll see

    gestures and movements that tell you where they are, how they perceive time, how they

    deal with unhappy experiences, how they motivate themselves and much more. You

    dont need to know why they do this or what it all means it doesnt mean anything

    its just the way theyre wired up.

    Paying attention to this kind of information is very useful as it helps you communicate

    with other people much more elegantly and effectively.

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    Changing the map

    Take an unhappy or troublesome memory Move the picture further away, dimmer,

    smaller, fuzzier..gone

    Make the sounds quieter, more distant, an


    Move the feeling to the edge of your body,then let go of it

    Now try and remember how that memory used

    to trouble you

    As a broad generalisation, people tend to be organised so that a picture associated with

    a memory has qualities that correlate with the emotional content. By changing the

    qualities such as picture size and location, you can change the emotional attachment.

    People do this entirely naturally, and you can hear them teaching each other to do it:

    Youve got to put it all behind you

    Ive pushed it into a dark corner of my mind

    I need to distance myself from it

    You can see them doing this too they point to the location of the picture and you can

    see them looking at it. You can help an unhappy friend by literally grabbing thetroublesome picture and moving it further away!

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    Changing the map

    Take a happy memory and give it a word Bring the picture closer, brighter, bigger,

    clearer, more colourful

    Turn the volume up, clearer, closer

    Turn up the intensity of the feeling, spin it,

    move it, adjust the temperature

    Anchor it with a colour and the word

    Conversely, happy pictures tend to be close, big and bright. You know how good it feels

    when you have a bright future, or when your life has some colour in it!

    You can associate complex emotional responses with very simple stimuli such as

    colours and sounds or words. When the state peaks, see the colour and say the trigger

    word. Afterwards, just see the colour and say the word and the state will come flooding

    back. Advertisers do this to you all the time, its another natural human process.

    So, if youre going to tidy out your filing room you might as well push away all the stuff

    you dont need and bring all the things that make you feel good about yourself up close,

    just as you would surround yourself with happy photos or mementos.

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    So, what was it?

    NLP is a way of modelling intuitive behaviour NLP has become entwined with its tools

    It has become associated with therapy,

    influence, communication and leadership

    Its a simple model for achieving excellence

    Many people recognise the tools of NLP as being NLP itself. Remember that NLP wasnt

    invented in a cave in Tibet it was modelled from real people like you. Therefore, most

    of the tools are just common sense, refined, distilled and made into an easy to use

    format that we can all copy.

    Its quite usual for you to think that much of NLP is what you already do, because it is.

    Just dont expect everyone to do what you do! And, there are probably still times where

    you could use your skills more effectively or more consistently.

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    What do I do with it?

    Coaching Training and development

    Sales, PR and marketing

    Facilitation and mediation

    Business and personal planning

    Anywhere you can apply a model of excellence

    Any area where you want to achieve

    consistently outstanding results

    Here are a few applications for NLP in business. In fact, NLP can be used anywhere in

    business to get better results, so these ideas are just a few obvious ones where the

    results will be the most tangible, immediate and easy to introduce.

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    What next?

    Much NLP training is still not business oriented Websites for more NLP applications:

    Helping you get the results you want, moreeasily and more often!

    There are many NLP training organisations in the UK, and some of them are now

    offering Business Practitioner courses. In the main, the people running NLP training

    come from a therapeutic or educational background, so their approach to business

    training still doesnt fit comfortably with what most organisations expect. This has

    resulted in a fairly slow uptake of NLP tools in an overt way in UK business, although

    youll find that the majority of good sales and soft skills training is based directly upon

    NLP its just not explicitly mentioned.

    The websites above are three places where you can find out more about NLPs

    application in business.

    And it goes without saying that I can help you apply NLP directly in your business to getbetter results quickly!

    You can contact me, Peter Freeth, and Id love to help you learn more about NLP and

    how you can use it to your advantage:

    0870 1620802
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    Famous last words

    So, what on Earth is NLP?

    What can you do with it?

    Whats the first area where it can help you

    make a difference?

    Many people ask me what can NLP do for me? and the answer is nothing.

    By learning about NLP and by getting better results more consistently, you can make a

    difference, because you can do anything you turn your mind to.

    I look forward to helping you achieve your wildest dreams, and I leave you with my

    favourite quote:

    We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams..

    Willy Wonka

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    Thank you!

    Communications In Action

  • 7/31/2019 Communications in Action NLP


    Peter Freeth 2002

    Communications In Action

    0870 1620802

    Communications In Action

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