colourfastness test

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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It’s always a good idea to separate dark

colours and wash separately, but at times an

all-in-one wash is necessary, so when it

comes to new items of dark clothing, it’s

important to know if the fabric is colourfast to

avoid colour running laundry blunders.

Check the care label, plus do this easy test

for colourfastness.

For soaking or washing

Using water, wet a small spot of the hem or inside seam

Take a scrap piece of white fabric or kitchen paper and iron it on to it

If the fabric or paper absorbs any dye, your garment isn’t colourfast, so be sure to always wash with

other dark items.

For solvents (i.e. eucalyptus oil, methylated spirits, white spirit/turpentine substitute, nail polish

remover, etc.):

Choose a hidden part of the item of clothing and dampen slightly with a solvent

Blot the dampened area with a tissue

If any colour shows up on the tissue, the item is not colourfast

Caution: Don’t use an iron to test solvents.

Colourfastness Test

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