coaching matters - issue 5

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coaching matters november 2011


Coaching Matters

Issue 5


Issue 5 Content


Welcome to the Enews Money Matters 3

Oxfordshire Picks Up Two National Awards for Archery England Basketball Coach of the Year


Focus on Disability 5

Sports Partnership Coaching Conference a Success 6 The ECB Coaches Association (ECB CA) 7 Level 1 Award in Coaching Cycling 8

Oxfordshire FA Coaches Association 9-10

Pitch to your personality! 11-12

England Hockey 13 High 5’s all round – Partnership Working 14

England Netball 15 RFU Re-structure Coach Education 16-17

The Potential & Power of Partnership working 18 News from sportscoach UK 19-20 Berkshire Disability & Inclusion Conference National Tennis Conference 21

Funding 22-23 In the Zone – Workshops for coaches Clubmark criteria changes for coaches 24


Welcome to Coaching Oxfordshire ENews

This ENews is for you and will be packed with coaching hints and tips, articles from coaches and coach educators. It is your forum and your voice; we want to hear from you about your examples of good practice, projects that you are proud of and would like to share.

The newsletter will be produced quarterly at the end of October, January, March and June and the deadline for submitting articles will be the 24th of the month.

If you have any comments about the Coaching Oxfordshire ENews, or wish to share examples of good practice, please get in touch with:

Denise Brown, Coaching Development Officer

Money Matters

Have you anything to declare…….

Coaches and private tutors have until 6 January 2012 to register for the ‘Tax Catch-up Plan as part of the HMRC's latest campaign to encourage disclosure of undeclared tax liabilities. Coaches and tutors who register for the plan will have until 31 March 2012 to let HMRC know about any tax owed for the years up to 5 April 2010, and pay the outstanding amount. By doing this the terms of payment will be more favourable compared to waiting for the HMRC to come to you, with it reported that the penalty will be set at 20 per cent.

For more information click here


Oxfordshire Picks Up Two National Awards for Archery

At the recent Archery GB conference, the Oxfordshire Coaching and Development Group were presented with the ontarget Partnership Award and Jock Murray, recently elected chair of Oxford Archers, received the ontarget

Volunteer of the Year for all his work in coaching and supporting the newly formed club, Banbury Cross Archers.

For the full article Click Here

England Basketball Coach of the Year

Franky Marulanda

Oxford Hoops head coach Franky Marulanda was recently awarded the England Basketball Coach of the Year 2010 -11. Coach Maralunda was nominated for this prestigious award by “Hoops” assistant Coach Mark Blencowe and club secretary Diane Sturgess. Franky commented “There was a plot behind my back and the news came as a total surprise when Mark texted me to say “You should check your emails there is a nice surprise for you”. I was in Columbia at the time and I was speechless and totally humbled to find out that I had made the


England U16 coach Simon Fisher who presented the award asked Franky “What motivates you to give up so much of your time?” to which Franky replied ….. “Our club motto is ‘One Club, One Family, One Mission’…. And that is what it is all about!”

Congratulations to Franky and Jock! Oxford HOOPS Head


Focus on Disability

Amateur Boxing Association

The ABAE, with the help of its Equity and Ethics Commission, has been working on pilot boxing programmes for people with disabilities at grass roots level.

The ABAE hopes this resource will inspire clubs and coaches, and provide ideas on how to include people with disabilities in non-contact boxing sessions.

Watch the Video click here

Contact Rebecca Gibson Head of Development, Amateur Boxing Association of England for more information


Wheelchair Tennis Camps

Two-day camps with a programme designed to give you great introduction to the sport

Coaching from qualified tennis coaches and wheelchair tennis players

Training tips

Information on tennis rules, regulations and tournaments

Wheelchair demonstrations and help with chair set-up

Delta Tennis Centre, Great Western Way, Swindon, SN5 7XG

Saturday and Sunday 12th & 13th November

For more information Click Here


Sports Partnership Coaching Conference Success

A key feature to the success of the Conference was the Coaching Lead role in brokering relationships, bringing partners together and creating "buy in" from all involved. The Conference was a great example of what can be achieved through partnership working. Budget secured

from”In the Zone" (OSP Coach Education Programme) contributed to the cost of the conference The 'Core Team' of Oxfordshire Sports Partnership worked with 5 NGBs: Oxfordshire Cricket Board, Oxfordshire Football Association, England Netball, Oxfordshire Athletics Network and Oxfordshire Rugby Football Union. NGB role: to provide tutors for their specific worships in the morning session and promote the Conference to their specific audience. Guarantee 10 -20 coaches (depending on the sport) Core team role: Conference promotion - press releases and radio interview, organise the generic workshops and tutors for the afternoons sessions, coordinate venue , facilities and workshop resources , organise lunch and refreshments, all administration and bookings. Funding, Marketing and Delivery Budget secured from”In the Zone" (OSP Coach Education Programme) contributed to the cost of the conference and a free venue was secured at Cokethorpe Independent School, Witney. A two-tiered marketing approach was utilised and included a "blanket email" from OSP followed by a targeted approach from NGB's across their niche area. A particular highlight of the day was the key note speech, presented by David Hemery CBE - Gold medallist 400m hurdles at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City. Key Achievements / Feedback 109 Coaches attended 85% of attendances rated the quality of tutors as ‘very good’ 100% rated their overall satisfaction of the conference as ‘good’ or ‘very good’ 76% said they would come again next year 97% said they would recommend it to a friend

The 2012 Coaching Conference has been confirmed for 15th July 2012 and is aptly titled "The Legacy of 2012". NGB’s wishing to take advantage of this opportunity and access to a quality venue should contact Denise Brown, CDO Oxfordshire Sports Partnership.


The ECB Coaches Association (ECB CA)

The ECB CA provides a range of high quality membership services and an infrastructure of local County Board Coaches Associations which take responsibility for, on behalf of the ECB, the organisation, delivery and assessment of the key elements of the ECB's Coach Education and Development Programmes.

Benefits include:

Get access to up to date coaching news and information on the ECB CA site

Get the right clothing and resources to support you as a coach

Get insurance to cover you when you coach

Technical Bulletins - Coaches Matter

Technical information and photos provided in easy to follow instructions

'Wings to Fly' DVD Series

• Practical skills and practices • Up to date coaching methods and styles • Presented by top coaches and players

For more information and to Join ECB CA now……..

Click here

To download coaching practices Click here

Oxfordshire Cricket Board

Coaching Workshops

1st Aid Sunday 6th November at St Gregory the Greats

SGPC Sunday 6th November at St Gregory the Greats

Contact Darryl Woods for more information


Level 1 Award in Coaching Cycling

at The Cooper School, Bicester on Fri 28 Oct and Sat 29 Oct. Cost is £245. Open to 16+. This is the only course being offered nationally and is suitable for Assistant Coaches. For details and to book Click here

Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Cycling is at Cedars Academy, Leighton Buzzard, Beds on Sat 28 Jan & Sun 29 Jan and 21 April 2012. Cost is £395. Open to 18+. Most coaches start at L2. For details and to book Click here

The new Cycling for Schools course replaces the ACAT course, with the main difference being it is open to 16+ and any school staff plus volunteers working in the school (so TAs, 6th formers and parent-helpers). Cost is £95 but British Cycling are currently offering 2 places for the price of 1. Courses are run on request with minimum 6 people. There is one course planned for West Oxfordshire.

For more information click here

Cycling Award for Young Volunteers workshop. This is for 14 to 18s, and run on request with minimum 6 people. Volunteering hours in coaching, club management and officiating in a school or community Go-Ride club all count towards Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. This is free of charge to those with some knowledge of cycle sport. Please contact Josie Heffernan for more information


Oxfordshire FA Coaches Association.

The new Oxfordshire FA Coaches Association aims to offer the chance to improve your skills and attributes as coaches in the county by providing a comprehensive programme of workshops throughout the season. These workshops may vary, from Coaching Clinics, learning new coaching practices, to Pitchside 1st Aid Courses teaching how to immediately deal with player injury.

Who is it for?

All qualified coaches can become a member of the Oxfordshire County FA Coaches’ Association regardless of your coaching experience or qualifications. Members range from coaches with the Level 1 Certificate in Coaching Football and very little experience to UEFA ‘A’ License coaches. There is something for everyone!

What are the benefits

• Ticket to the annual Oxfordshire FA Coaches Conference.

• 1 Premiership Youth Academy Coaching Clinic – Learn how a Premiership Academy develops their players and provides the best environment for them to fulfil potential.

• 4 Coaching Clinics / 4 Coaches Workshops

• Discounted Prices on selected Oxfordshire FA Coach Education Courses – including the FA Youth Module 1, and FA Coaching Disabled Footballers Courses

For more information on how to register Click here

FA film aims to increase numbers of black and minority ethnic coaches Pathways into football for Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) coaches was under the spotlight when The FA premiered a brand new film at Wembley Stadium at the start of this month.

The film aims to show coaching as a full-time career for the BME community while promoting Black and Minority Ethnic coaches as role models. Through highlighting coaching opportunities to the BME community, The FA hopes to encourage greater participation at grassroots level and guide aspiring

coaches towards the relevant qualifications on the coaching pathway.

To find out more information and watch the video Click here


Futsal is an exciting, fast-paced small sided football game that is widely played across the world and is officially recognised by both UEFA and FIFA.

Oxfordshire FA are offering a course for individuals wishing to understand more about the techniques required for coaching Futsal. With Futsal taking off in the county, including Oxfordshire hosting its first County wide Adult League, now is the time to get involved in an exciting game!! This may be a good opportunity for club coaches to learn new practices,

especially if they are using indoor facilities over the winter period.

The aim of this course is to provide candidates with an understanding of the techniques and skills related to the game. This course will help candidates organise and deliver basic Futsal practices, provide an introduction to the structure of the game, the laws and the role Futsal can play in developing underlying skills and techniques. Minimum Age: 16 years Course Duration: 6 hours Course Prerequisites: None Venue: Oxford Academy, Oxford, OX4 6JZ Date: Saturday 12thNovember 2011 Time: 10.00am –4.00pm Cost: £55.00 For more information contact Lisa Brooks, on 01993 894403 or email To book on the course, Click here

FREE McDonalds Courses for OFA Charter Standard Club coaches

FA Youth Award Module 1 - Developing the Environment

This is the first course that focuses on young players and where they are developmentally and then packages football in such a way that it “fits” the child and not the other way round. Module 1 is a 32-hour non-assessed course aimed at coaches who wish to extend their knowledge of coaching young players.

Course Prerequisites: Level 1 Award in Coaching Football or Qualified Teacher Status and Age Appropriate Coaching – Introductory Module

FA Youth Module 2 "Understanding Practice"

Module 2 of The FA Youth Award focuses on developing practice sessions which are appropriate for young players of different ages, abilities and with different experience levels. This is more suited to coaches who want to develop their Knowledge further. The above course cannot be booked online. To download a booking form or for more information Click here

For more football news Click here



TOP Tips from Deana Rushworth Golf Professional at Witney Lakes Resort

How do you know how hard to hit each pitch shot? How do you transfer the knowledge of what distance you have left to the pin into feel? The answer lies in what type of person you are! First you have to establish what side of your brain you

tend to favour working from. If you are left brain dominant (you like to have an exact yardage, you have to see the logic in something, you read lots of reviews before making a purchase) you’d be classed as analytical. If you’re right brain dominant (you’d be happy with a rough yardage for the shot, you’re more intuitive, you see something you like and you buy it) you’d be classed as creative i.e. the accountant versus the artist!

Here are the ways in which each type should practice to improve their feel.


If you are left brain dominant I would recommend you practice hitting lots of balls from set check points in your backswing i.e. hands at waist high and hands at shoulder high with your LW, SW, PW and 9 iron. Work on where the hands are, not the club to establish your check points. The angle of the club in relation to the wrists determines primarily the height the ball will fly not the distance.

Hit lots of balls from these check points and pace out the average distance for each check point and write the yardage down. By doing this you will be giving your number crunching left brain comfort and reassurance next time you look at your yardage chart and you see a yardage that fits perfectly with say your waist high pitching we



The right brain craves creativity and needs fresh challenges. It tends to be more visually stimulated, so I would practice hitting one ball at a time from 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 yards set a target so you get used to seeing a distance and therefore being able to gauge that distance by instinct with your eyes out on the course.

To keep your mind engaged with the target, take the time to really eyeball your target and landing spot when you’re over the ball and keep the image of the target in your mind as you play the shot.

This is very similar to throwing a ball at something, you look with your eyes and you react to it. As long as you trust the target/picture you have in your mind you’ll be amazed how soon your feel sharpens.

Whether you’re left or right brained, regardless of the length of backswing always commit to your follow through. Remember it’s the length of the backswing and speed that determines the distance the ball will travel, not the follow through.

Follow Deana at


England Hockey

The England Hockey Board has been working hard to prepare hockey to take advantage of the increased profile that London 2012 will give hockey. 2012 will see the exciting roll out of a programme of events and activities that aims to inspire the country. All of this will come under the Hockey Nation banner For more information Click here Hockey Nation Programme Aims

• Deliver Team GB to the Podium • Increase participation x 30,000 (Legacy) • Engage with millions at the Olympic Park , around the country and on TV • Grow spectators at major events (Legacy) • Increase hockey coverage on TV and in the media (Legacy) Programme Pre and Post 2012 • Come and Meet Ambassador Programme – International players to go into schools (600) to drive up participation figures, programme to be rolled out Jan 2012 • The Big Dribble – mass participation event starting in Glasgow ending in The Olympic Park – 50 destinations around the UK. (Raise money for NSPCC)

• Hockey Test event 2-6th May. Thursday and Friday x 2 sessions (4,000). Saturday and Sunday x 2 sessions (12,000)

• Hockey Nation roadshows, clubs to participate and convert media profile into people playing. Clubs can apply to have the “Hockey Cage” for festivals

• Hockey House supporter venues for the Games. Mitchell and Butler brewers along

with clubs and pubs will facilitate the viewing of matches

• Five Week Frenzy where the country will come alive with hockey activity during the 2 weeks of The Games and 3 weeks following. Initiatives/events including Back to Hockey/ Rush hockey/ tournaments and events . Events should be registered on the EH Hockey portal

• Coach engagement Day (Bisham Abbey). The doors of Bisham Abbey will be opened to coaches (500-800) , this is a fantastic opportunity to observe coaches and coaching at the highest level. More information in due course, watch this space…….


High 5’s all round – Partnership Working.

Cherwell District Council, in conjunction with England Netball and Oxfordshire Sports Partnership ran a High 5 Netball Course on 26th September at Blessed George Napier school, Banbury for coaches, teachers, teaching

assistants and parents. The 3 hour workshop was delivered by experienced tutor Judy Basford. Feedback from all the attendees was that it was a really enjoyable and worthwhile learning experience. Coach Leslie Kilpack commented “I can honestly say the High 5 workshop is the best course I have ever been on!”

High 5 is the massively popular entry game of netball. It’s designed specifically for children, aged 9-11, and uses fun and variety to get them into the game, polish skills and aid fitness.

With 5 players on court, and up to four off-court roles, High 5 enables you to engage more kids, more of the time. Off-court players take on roles such as time keeping and scoring.

High 5 can be for mixed or single-sex teams with a maximum of two boys on court at any one time. A key part of High 5 is players rotating round positions. This means that all young people get to experience every position on court and makes for fitter more adaptable players as they get older.

England Netball have recently launched the new High 5 resources, this website has all of the information you need to set up High 5 games including the rules and FREE downloadable resources

To access High 5 resources Click here

If you would like to run a High 5 Workshop, please contact Rachel Bussey, England Netball Development Officer


England Netball


FastNet Coaching Conference 2011

24th and 25th November, Liverpool Echo Arena

• Are you a coach working with athletes within the Excel Pathway up to Superleague?

• Are you interested in attending a series of workshops delivered by some of the most experienced players and coaches in the World of Netball? If the answer to both of these questions is YES then this conference is for you!!

Presenters include:

Vicki Wilson

“Arguably the world’s greatest netball Goal Shooter, Vicki is the 2nd highest capped Australian player to date having played an amazing 104 test matches for her country. Vicky has also had experience of coaching within the ANZ with Queensland’s Firebirds”

Anita Navin

Leader in her field of Coach Development, Anita supports the development and delivery of England Netball qualifications and awards.

Maggie Jackson

Hertfordshire Mavericks Director of Coaching leading Mavericks to Superleague victory in 2010/2011.

Jan Crabtree

England Netball National Excel Coach, winner of the 2010 UK Coaching Awards Performance Development Coach of the Year.

Chris McLeod

Strength & Conditioning Coach to England National Squad to World Netball Champs 2011.

For more information and or to register Click here


RFU Re-structure Coach Education

The development of a Player Development Model; which in turn has informed a Coach Development Model is driving change within the RFU Coach Education Programme. These models will drive the Coach Education process for the coming years. The models articulate and prioritise specific knowledge, behaviours and capabilities a coach should have in every coaching environment and at all levels of expertise. Delivery of the revised courses will require the same high level of Coach Educator skills, however, some of the content and philosophy behind the courses will change.

The New Level 1

A new Level 1 course is on its way next year driven by the Player Development Model and Coaching Development Model


A course to replace the current UKCC Level 1, targeted directly at coaches who work with players between the ages of 6 and 12.


It will be piloted in selected locations between September and December and ready for delivery in February 2012.


The current Level 1 course does not fully reflect the issues around coaching children – yet, for those coaching in the 15 a side game, again some key

messages are not covered. The solution falling from the Coach Development Model is to produce a specialist Coaching Children Rugby Union course and a separate course for those coaching the 15 a side game.

What are the key changes?

The emphasis will be on Coaching Children, rather than just Coaching Rugby Union. Coaches will be encouraged to develop the 5 C’s in a child – Competence, Confidence, Creativity, Character and Connection (Teamwork). Development of Rugby skills and Fundamental movement skills will run alongside development of the Social and Personal skills of the child.

What about coaches who coach at 13+ but have not a qualification?

The RFU Level 2 will become the RFU Coaching Award. It will be aimed at those coaching the 15 a side game. Entry will be either through having Level 1 or through a set of prescribed CPD courses which will prepare the coach for the course. Description of this pathway will be available to all.


A Coach Development Model has been produced to more accurately identify and recognise a coach’s needs relating to the players they work with. As you see in the model below, a coach is likely to be coaching in one of six environments – there are six groups of players that a coach could be working with. There are 5 levels of coaching expertise within each environment, from novice to Master ( not to be confused with UKCC qualification levels – they vary as to where in the model they sit, depending on environment).

Viewing coaching in such a way, each box can be populated with the knowledge, skills, behaviours and capabilities required of a coach in each environment at every level of expertise. E.g. a parent wishes to become involved in coaching their U7 child, with noprevious coaching experience. Clearly, the player is U7 so the coach is operating in the Children’s column; the coach is a novice, so is operating in the bottom left box of the model.

The model will provide the coach with a development pathway and show them what they need to know and where they can access the information. The matrix is still being developed and when it appears on the RFU website, it will be a useful tool for developing course


The Potential & Power of Partnership working

“Let’s find solutions and stop talking about the problem”

Keeping players playing -The power of three

Nationally and locally, the game of rugby union loses far too many players between the ages of 16 and 24, in Oxfordshire it is estimated that some 3 in 4 of those playing the game at 16, 17 or 18 will no longer be playing at 24. Whilst much of this loss is inevitable, action is required to slow this attrition.

In 2009 Oxfordshire Rugby Union together with the County Sports Partnership hosted a countywide forum to address the issue and three initiatives were launched –

• to strengthen the links between clubs and HE/FE institutions;

• to create online resources to enable clubs to retain players during the transition from Junior to Senior rugby and via a master class,

• to improve coaching of front row forwards in order to improve the playing and training experiences for these players whose loss can decimate a team and where this attrition at 16 to 24 is particularly acute.

Eighteen months on and the solutions are starting to gain traction. There is an annual touch rugby tournament where HE/FE teams compete under the banners of their local clubs – some 50% of participants never having touched a rugby ball before. The online resource is still being constructed and a coaching master class was held in 2010 with over 100 attendees.

Whilst the process is continuing, a key lesson is that success will only happen when the objectives of three key bodies harmonise – those of the local sports club, the regional sports partnership and the national governing body – simple to write but harder to achieve. However, by dealing with macro issues – player retention, by consulting widely – the Oxfordshire Forum and by strengthening and maintaining informal and formal communication links between the game’s key influencers as the programmes evolve; problems can be widely understood and the combined resources of all three groups applied to their solution........the power of three.

Nick Cole Chair of Oxfordshire Community Rugby


Addressing the under representation of disabled people in sport through coaching

79.2% of disabled people do not participate in sport’

sports coach UK is committed to make inclusive coaching commonplace for and by disabled people in sport. A fully inclusive and skilled coaching workforce will be highly beneficial for our partners to achieve their objectives of increasing participation and improving sporting performances. More people from diverse backgrounds will feel confident to attend coaching sessions if they believe that the coach can support their needs. As a result, we can expect participation and satisfaction levels to increase.

This paper outlines sports coach UK's position on coaching disabled people in sport and also disabled people as coaches, and aims to outline the key, high level objectives for the future. To view the paper in full

Click here

Coach Manager Training

The Coach Manager is an essential point of contact with the coaching workforce and a consistent approach to Coach Management should ensure more coaches are recruited, developed and retained within coaching.

Sports coach UK are now working with eight sports in relation to developing bespoke coach manager, sports specific training. The eight sports are:

Athletics / Badminton / Football / Golf / Hockey / Netball / Rugby Union / Swimming. Oxfordshire Sports Partnership will support the delivery and roll out of the programme.

If you want to know more about Coach Manager Training or you would like to set up a CMT workshop, contact Denise Brown, Coaching Development Officer

To access information about the Employment Status of Coaches:-

“A Guide for Employers/Deployers of Coaches” Click here


Enjoy your free taste of Coaching Edge

Learning from the Masters...learn from two of football's grand masters – Peter Shilton and Nobby Stiles.

Quick Learners...Australian cricket playing and coaching legend Geoff Lawson sets out his clear vision of how bowling talent needs to take that final step from good to great.

Pooling of the finest swimmers Britain has ever produced, Austyn Shortman, gives his top tips for mentors.

Getting the Most from Your the recommendations from Dr Hamish Telfer, an experienced top-level national athletics coach.

Eyes on the Prize...Great Britain's senior women's hockey coach, Danny Kerry, talks about his preparation for The London 2012 Olympic Games and how he is learning some valuable lessons along the way.

To view coaching edge Click here


Its not just about training…….

Recovery is essential in order to allow the body to adapt to the stresses of training and competition. Simply doing nothing may be okay for those who train two or three times a week, but for more serious athletes and those involved in contact sports, a recovery plan has to be put into place. The other tools here are important, but without good nutrition, sleep and relaxation they will be of limited value

For more information and articles archives Click here


Berkshire Disability & Inclusion Conference

Berks Disability Sport are delighted to be hosting in partnership with Create Development, an exciting and innovative conference . A great opportunity for coaching, sports clubs and education to come together and firmly place disabled athletes at the heart of the club or school

The day will explore and up skill delegates in the following aspects of sports coaching and engaging with disabled athletes:

Fundamental skills – Delegates will explore 72 inclusive activities to ensure all disabled athletes are equipped with the building blocks to maximise their potential and independence.

Unleashing potential – Delegates will explore how to maximise performance of the whole disabled athlete through high quality delivery.

All delegates will receive an Interactive Inclusive DVD and a set of ‘FUNS for everyone’ Student Cards. Venue FBC Centre, Finchampstead, Berkshire Date Saturday 19th November, 2011 Time 9am to 4pm

For more information Click here

To book email or Tel: 0118 9088158


National Tennis Conference

Μembers receive 6 license credit points for each day they attend the conference

For more information and to book

Click here



Sport England’s funding programme, Protecting Playing Fields ( PPF ) is part of our Places People Play Olympic legacy mass participation programme and is investing £10 million of National Lottery funding in community sports projects over three years from 2011-2014. The programme will fund capital projects that create, develop and improve playing fields for sporting and community use and offer long term protection of the site for sport. Projects are likely to involve the construction of new natural turf pitches or improvement of existing ones that need leveling or drainage works

• £10 million lottery investment in total • Organised into 5 funding rounds with up to £2 million being awarded per round • Capital grants are from £20,000 up to a maximum of £50,000 • Partnership funding required by all applicants

Round 2 will open on 24 October and closes at 5pm on 12 December 2011

For more information Click here


Sportsmatch opens for business to help sport

Sport England is again encouraging clubs across England to see how they can benefit from the Sportsmatch programme

Sportsmatch makes awards to not-for-profit organisations that have secured sponsorship to deliver new community projects to grow or sustain participation in sport. Sportsmatch uses money from the government to encourage new sponsorship of grassroots community sport. Priority is given to applications seeking to match sponsorship from the commercial sector but donations from private individuals or charitable trusts are also acceptable provided they meet Sport England sponsorship eligibility criteria.

Grants of between £1,000 up to £100,000 are currently available through Sportsmatch. For more information on the fund and guidance on gaining sponsorship, Click here

Or call the funding helpline on 08458 508 508.


England Netball Development Grant

£5,000 is available to support development of netball for age under 21.

Equipment, courses, coaching, facilities and promotion of netball are all eligible.

Projects must demonstrate a long term impact/benefit. For more information

Click here


is an online database of funding opportunities. This

service allows organisations and individuals to identify funding sources for

projects through a single search engine. All users need to do is answer a few

simple questions about themselves and the project that they wish to undertake

and Grantnet will provide them with an overview of all the relevant funding

schemes available.Grantnet is recognised as the one of the most comprehensive

and up-to-date databases of grants, loans and other incentives in the UK.


somewhereto_ is a nationwide project to help young people find the space they need to do the things they love within sport, culture and the arts.

Run by Livity, in partnership with Channel 4, the project is funded by Legacy Trust UK, an independent charity set up to help build a lasting cultural and sporting legacy from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games across the UK.

“Our aim is to help improve the lives of thousands of young people and create thousands of success stories, today and in the future”

For more information Click here


Oxfordshire Sports Partnership - In the Zone

Coach Education Workshops

November 2011

SGPC Wed 9th 6.20 – 9.30 /Banbury

1st Aid in Sport Thurs 17th 6.20 – 9.30 /Witney

Funding for Your Club Thurs 24th 6.20 – 9.30/Thame

December 2011

SGPC Tues 6th 6.20- 9.30/Witney

1st Aid in Sport Thurs 8th

Become a Better Coach (Analyse your Coaching) Mon 12th 6.20 9.30/Banbury

January 2012

SGPC Thurs 12th 6.20 – 9.30 /Abingdon

Sports Nutrition Thurs 19th 6.20 -9.30/Oxford

1st Aid in sport Mon 23rd 6.20 – 9.30 /Bicester

For more information and to book workshops click here

Clubmark criteria changes for coaches As from 1st October 2011 coaches in clubs are not required to attend the sports coach UK 'Equity in your Coaching' course as part of the Clubmark criteria. It is essential, however, that coaches check with their NGB as to the sport specific requirements. For more information on this, please visit the ClubMark website at


Bury Knowle House,

North Place,




01865 252676

The Oxfordshire Sports Partnership is the collective term used to describe the network of agencies, groups and individuals who are committed to achieving the shared vision for Oxfordshire, which is:

'Everyone in Oxfordshire more active and achieving their potential through sport'

The purpose of the Partnership is to:

'Bring partners together to improve the health of everyone in Oxfordshire through enjoyable sport

and physical activity'

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