clothing for the million! tt a american hardware...

Post on 30-Apr-2020






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AG RICULTUR AL^^ Mi-ore's Runil New-Yorker.


On a visit one year ago to the house of a friend, iarthis town, I was invited by the hns-•bandaian to walk over his farm, which i s nat­urally a good grazing- and dairy farm. Every thing but his apple trees looked well.* T h e s e seemed to be dying, though standing in good soil. I inquired for the cause of this—and received for an answer, "I,don't know." 1 immediately commenced examining the^trees, when the cause of their decay was at once discovered. The borers in some cases hnd neArlv girdled the tree., Scarcely a tree was examined that did not show the destructive work of this insect.

I s J . i - e d ray friend to dig around these trees and use ashes freely. He did so. And m".\. or'.y one year since, the trees are looking he.tlthv and are producing apples. The bor er^ -ire not ail dead yet. 1 advised him lo •uv.iii 1-..3 trees with ley made of common asoes. Potash will do just as well .— Do i.ot make the ley too strong. It should Le strong enough to just bear an egir upon lh«.- >uriace. Apply it to the bark and about the r" •'.>. Tiie egg's of the fly are depo^itea up '. ;..e -urlaco near the root-- of tin.' tr.-e Ti.e w.t-n ug. it'properly attended to. w.l lde-str.A- t ,.'-e e^j~ or ih« insects before they gel ii'.io t le tree.

Let :.. ^e w !iii are cultivating fruit trees at-te- .1 to t'.<.-!:;—loosen the earth about the roots—.:-e ashei and compost manure, wa-li

rii*>k~ \v lii lev several limes durine- tin-jeciailv dunno- ihe months of Jul;.


Has now commenced receiving h i* large stock of

RUBBERS, BOOTS & SHOES for the season, and wouid say to de»l»M that hit jKia* slve arrangements will oaablo him to ftumltb. Bobbers t o the Trade by tho Dozen or Cue, ot . i : r

Manufacturer's P r i c e s ! Saving freight to t he purchaser, a n d enabl ing h i m t o make selections to suit his wants ; *

j r j ? - s l g n , M A S J J O T S BooT,Ford-«t . ,OgdembUTgh. August U , 1S51. 38


BY * S , G . P O P E & C O . ,

FI V E HUNDRED boies, assorted Btees, from 6 by 8 to 3G by 43. Two hundred boxes beat quality

i u i : > C H G L A S S . To any one in want of GLASS, this Is the place to

buy, as uie> n n y always be sure of finding a GOOD ar-t.cle t and of any s u e .

ALSO-SASH, DOORS AM) BLttTB, of every s>z<* and variety, kepi constantly on band and

BLOCK, Water at., Ogdensburgh.


uianutacmrt-d to order. jSlufu in 110PB.IXS*

l - ! f

t i l l

s u i i i i n c r , *•-

a n d Au_'U<

1; irdw W orcester Count). Mass.. .\dg 9 l^j-.


T o preserve plum trees from black knot*,

or excrescences, out them oil' severaUtiines ;i—out and keep cuttin.'.

To prevent the cherry crop from beinj

spf .led by the curcuho, keep the ground from

g r a « .

'!'.'.e best remedv lor butrs on melons nrH

*.'-,t.' , in :i t-hcap square box covered witn

-.• or nciEinj:.

• :r..:!~p' everrrreens, one point at-

.'d to win re-ult in success—neglected, in

re—'.0:5 i s remot mg plenty of earth with

s q n . i gau-

T. iei h

l.. . . :

i h e :

lL-i.-. f.-,i t.

1! •


>h; best . mu-t mice

'nr.Z and watering the raspberry

iK will usuallv double the s.ze of

rourd vounp; trees a foot an mf.di.ble remedy ajaiii:

U yol ipo- I ru i t^ t r e e s 1-, on

, I . I I I I fi> " '

: m. 1 , o n e o f

this country, but tin' 1:

removed early in autumn, or

play havoc—Ai'.''. Cu!iuat"-.


There are a iarg-e number of our farmer-

who -eem to have a stra.ige veneration for

weids . Even m their fields—in the corners

of their fences—in the very heart of their

meadows—the intruders are tolerated in their

rank fertility as thuuirh they were sacred.—

W e olten see lartre meadows dotted vvith sue'h

svv"iiii[) i-'...nds, and the piovv even, driven :i.

tow arts tiie centre. The ground is thn-

cumhered a;i.i lo~t formal! u-etul purpose-,

when a lew hours of labor would change ihe


mer-. a-p. N o t

l - , a r


-, but the


us up' j l l t he l

do tar-

n then


am u.i v

the vv in,:

lo f.,:l ui T!




e vi ,d-

1 h e

t e r n o ;

c r v .-.

W i n I

p.: -' c h . L -

t h e

and ou-

t .!•:>,,

. _ . • • ; . - t i

• r.-i e \ l

- t W e e d

:- H e l d

with wee

roads tliroti

u w mi the same n"\ious burden-,

•preadiu^' out their roots and upon

scatter.i!.' their unntimbere i s. n i -

III an take rnot ;n other seetion-.—

winds are thus full of f.'ii' !••

of the a^ncultur.-:. Our ln_'hwa\-

1'1-s hedged for miles with the (' i-

V. its downy produce lloatino; uneb-

i:.d tne -lovenly firmer -leeps while

.re 1>; ill j lii'ed Willi tool -tntf.

' rniervv.ll not pursue -ueira|tys.

,'. F.eonomy a

. W I U T . - U - V v

nn;:r.ti. j; war I

.vid w\

••I I


::Ur '!! O!

. u n a


iss a f.irn

.•en wa.—.. 1 l l K C s l o p -

< (urn ;n per-or,. W e Im .11 I.inn. and tiu-re hop., l portion of our tunc and i In i e under way. if sue'h ir.i-che I'S crowd our furrows or dcf.:

? p u r -

s p e i m

C i . 7 t : n (

I wili be been

s stren,-:h. W to invest Qioin

use <iur

e i i U t i l h o

'v in w'eed-

n • ; ! '

tr-.i - .

e r . : -e

reO j i

tii-ai t

e n n k

p u t i!

a n t s

f o n d

r i . a : - .

nu iKe

and an; n : - ; i

A N T S . — T h e cupboards

inie parts of thi n been min-ii m

To e t i nd, of

the liesl way is


l l iu; !'ti.,


a c

ih .

. do

I ba rk

i r d p

i o r s l i e


con^re se, and will i n tney have t neral auto-de ft 'U'eiiier into thi

pir.-city li ive the pres-

e - t e d b y b l . i K a?

t h e s e , Mr . e d . - o r . 1

t o - e t .1 i j u . m t i . v o

(**Siv"va."'SS.I., \UV. L O T S — W i t h or wi thout 4?'' V Houses—FOR S A L E OR HENT.—101.VII ^ i ^ i i l i c Lois including luany Lots beaut l ln l ly i i taa t .. .. , . ' . . M i t i i . e • : LswreDceund Oswega tch l t r iv -.r.aao ui-rti-.r 'uid uulun irum nveto ten mlnntes ,\ a tko i -.he Undue n o Jedensburgh.

.sever.iioi i:ie .ot? rmv t? , ubs i an t i a l a n d c o n v e n i e n t I: H; .es nioi.-lv iii'u , on iheni . w o r t h , w i t h t h e i o t s from :Kii in IISI'LCV hu:ii!reddolInrs

\ ; . o vevffnl vv n . n l.ois, e l igibly s i t u a t e d on t h e tidr!' r Urni ' ' i t>cr i i l .and: i i le unques t ionab le .

t ha r J . r c . l Ho;: J . Cj H o p k i n s . A g e n t , o r 11. H - V a r y ,


M, 1 8 5 2 . Ox'HmdMi R«er, Chaiplila Caai), and Lake J - . , ' iCJUfjiUte,.

q p M e d ^ c l l l t l e a R t t l M l n i M D p r r t V o n p f ^ t h e l r Produce M « c h « n Q h t B , < t d , t o a n d ftomNeiw Tforfevla. th« Oz-d»nibereh Kail Bond, w i t h dispatch, a t t h e lowest rates

•This U n a ronsto connection, wi th first class Steamers oh River Bt. lawj tenco and Uake Ontario, and Crawford k, Co.'sJEtnllroad |UneofProp«ll«i»from Oedensburshto the Wes te rn Lakes . '

All prortertyjhtppod by th i s Lino Is 'insured ParUcalara t tenUon paid to property in bond.

F o r F r e i f f h t , a p p l y t o J . S . MAYNARD, 3 3 C a n t i i S l l p , N e w Yort L. J. tt. S T A R K , 191 River Street, Troy T R A V I S & CO., Whi teha l l . '

• H. TRUMAN, Rouse 's Point. C R A W F O R D & CO., Ogdensbnrah STARK, H I L L & C O , do ' E. B . A L L E N & SON, do E. S. FRENCH, do

Ogdensbnrgh, April 15,1852. 1 1 m 6

HARDWARE. Agricultural Implements!


1852 , .&£§&& 1 8 5 2 ,( M E R C H A N T S '

L A K E B O A T L I N E ! Proprietor:



i s( .uri ;h

;u • E R A 3 T U P E L L S W O R T H ,

E. W i n d s o r Hi l l ,Conn

C 2 k s 2 - ' * - - ^ V «V F K E E M A N a r e n o w r e r c e l v ^ / \ r.ta t he itirpesi and best se lected a s so r tmen t ot ^ i ^ H a l c l u N , J e w e l r y . &c , ever ortered i. UM- .nwii r u e y i n v i i e parucul t t r a i ten i lon to th is sio< .1 :«- UieV irt* persuaded it will befoundunequal led ,

it i\ i! j e . r trgeit their shop , fas well ass tock) they are, n-tu'. ,.rr-;,un-d i.i •.rcmiiuiodiite t he i r ca s iomers t han .I.e. h,i \ v uc rt-'iotort- been .

£ inv . l e w i - i r y . s o n s off T e m p e r a n c e r . i u b l t - u . % , A c MJhF. TO ORDER. Thi% •>t &nrh .if ihnr b ti< inc * ioill recetrepartteularattenttion

t~&T" VV'ii hi-v mil Ji'wc'.ry repaired.and warranted. A*./?.—Ci*M, p;\,i! i,.r old »i>!d and til v e r . a t the sign

' U i . e B ^ l V r i u i i , Kord-M- ' igdenaburgh. Ma\ i:>, lar">! 2'2tf ;

iamphene Lamps. S W"<^54 " ^ ' s I'lviciit suspending Cautpbene Lamps— fkJBL tiir ocyf arttr/r in u*f. A l s o . U l o b e C h i m n e y s for -be wmc . »n.l t nt ;tnd 1'liin Globes for Solar Lamps, ,u>t rt-teive«i and lor sule, by

.".tr I . W H E E L O C K .

Village Lots. S \ S , S - . . l-'U Village Lots, on the Arnold in »*_'J'-3>'i'tir«h.oi, Morns and Canton streets, nut! --<>:i v\ hi.ii -everftl eood dwelling houses • i n , , ?t"\,">n The i<-\\ Is tine for Gardening

;. i .!f^lra^)te locUmn (or village resi-i :ire \ cry moderate T h e tiLie comes ipreior and is indisputable . , of J . C. BUSH,

rh !.">, ]-.\j — liott ' l Keal estate Broker.

,Ai£4;B; R E O C i O V E R S E E D . I m'SSSKLSofthe LARGE RED CLO-XF.R SEED, from Herkimer and Seneca

i d



iru • > .


I - i p . l 'I'Uf !C

Rnggles, Nourse, Mason & Co. Boston, MANUFACTURERS,

Ei f f B R ACING every article required for the pur­poses of husbandry, among which are

FORTY VARIETIES OF PLOWS 1 made of the celebrated Worcester W h i t e O a k ; the iron part being composed of an admixture of several kinds, producing a metal of far greater strength and durability than the ordinary Iron used. T h e y are also GROUND, POLISHED, and COATED with a Blue Varnish, to pro-vent rnstlng.


Horse P l o w !


G. N SEYMOUR & SON. I. nines, lursule bv


«' t i . i , A . N o ."»fct. : rHF.s'ihsoribcr has jus i received and offers forsale, : ." '>t ir .s R c r t i t l e d W h i s k . ., I-I •• " H i g h VV"

."in H'l 'aTM'H. •.'"'• '.*'* >'• e l.t-Hiher.

\ , s - ' i . .rci- ^UIIA ..I -Mnplc Dry Goods , and Groceries ' •- '•• : S . \ i lneh \si , l be auid at the lowest Cash r .-<- W . H. A N G E L , i i . i n . ' r ; h J u n e SO. N'II. 2 Wate r street.

i i o r s r . I r t fe t . A l - n •s^' i- I l-. ' i l

T O L E T , nn ihe corner of Ford and Morris

S T O R E & HOUSE on Isabella st P.. H. A LI.EN &.SONS.

a i l l l ' \ slier


FOB. SALE! nd vvorn l Lois of ground, ly ing on

v M ; . T ! m iius v.iijise, on the plank road to 1 Tht \^ti-T,-. I vtely erected, is a substantial ir-i ! \ ii!n2. tort) b) fifty feet, having an " i p ; . ' \ <'i water, and has been veryconven-.. »*. !,ir thi" .m-inutHCture of P o l a n d Penri

Vruis ui im\mrn t made liberal. Enquire of "IN*T M h u Sitirt1, on Ford ttrc-et.

D. T U R N E R . JR . •'irSi. I>." 1. l-.M 52

^ ' S U S t O U \ L I M : ^ . by the case or I- p.•><-,- !.,r s-ile Tt SJCI.YJVER'S • I- "<: 14tf Ctolkin* Store. • • h i ' M':S ! ir M t f . I V - i l e n s u p p l i e d rtu l l b e -

l . .T . : ; - .: SKl.WYF.lVS Viotlung Store, . 20 en«b"r«h. \L

N, l t ' l . J J !<1S£ 1! eui !u- s l l E i r r i N G , MDUI.TWN &


• 11....fc

-n* 'D.l'-i.ifd to L.I) POM EROY or to POME-:v.^f.T>f. ire luTfby requesteti to call at f! M - S \ O I E &. UVINOTON and settle, be-

t r - W i u \ next, w uh S. L. Byingtoo, who '-•> -"ii^f i»oih accounts.

S. L . BYINGTON. 'i. LH, . nu:h. Ie..»i. 4tf'

Mew B o o k s ! IT".I U;K \I-I,I

on p..lie--, :,n.: ii'fi w ..ere tin

:ili'. "I'll.-y lire \er\ olleel on U.em m m\-

e cu.U'ete.i nn i:ii"i. liy turning r.uts

tire, ni.ii tin"! re-

vAih f're MII nu'.s. Af.'-i so mueii thinned olV .-i- 1 plate's pouder s u a .

p!e.n:-;i tlie p..ite-. I h e ; . l , . ; ve l i e i u m e

e e a ^ e e e i e e l i u ^ o n

{;um i'.im

e r e \ lL-e-i,

i\ill ipoeiiiiy lam'jse. It cess of u'l'llini; them to assemble on the slieli-barks to remove all edibles out of th

for the t ime.—Dim., Manchesier.

phur, and put* il into the h"Ie< and uirereupon the remnants of them

may help the pro-he slieli-heir way

r YTNTH in the History of Tillies lo lrj3s-; by John

• M: i ivnchi .by Fiederlrk Overman i . . Iiein» a complete Guide for t he

llisuiry. r t'ie Vt.cient anil the Modern 111s-: 'i.u' ll .iile, edited by George B.

. .1 ihe Heart of t he Pacific,hs it •i 1' r h e e v e r .

ninr . a Guide in the Formation of

•n er Sketches of Llfo. Manners e-.enl IIKV.

• e.'.itii p u l l n i e fur Social Part ies

1 r i M.i


STRAWSSERKIES GRAI-TED OS R O S E S . — A short time ago there were exhibited in Paru-, in a florist's shop on the Bouluvard des Ital-iens, several rose trees, upon which were graf­ted, a few .strawberry plants. This euriosil) attnieledimiieh attention from the passers-by. The process hy which it was effected was as follows :

In autumn a few dog-roses of good sorts, on their own roots, are,selected and planted in pots ; at the same.time a well-rooted straw, berr;, is placed with each rose, planted just tfeneath tlie stem of the rose. In spring, whe-i i'ie runners push out, two or three ol them are t.ed up to the .stem of the rose. It is well known that the runners of the straw­berries soon make their own roots, and in due time these roots are cut away, making tiie cuts as for a scion, and then they are graf­ted on the rose stem, "without cutting or tear­ing the runners from the parent plant in the ground." They should bft preserved very carefully, to lead the sap upwards to the sci­ons, and, treated in this way, the strawberries will vegetate upon the rose tree for some time.

lor ; by Z A Davis . i.-ien pKiie. by K liar lon. IMmesllc Ta le .

• iiml Pathology, Hygiene and .s. Litlnberl.

\i.» i • , : . . nl ihe New World, l i e , IT - . nl t-i ' i..i .Mind , embracing Important Hints - .. lie: Men

l.iu ut Han Marble. Mi sienes i.i' i m . Mnsonry ; by Capt. W m . Morgan. '1 tie l.iuiv unil mn Priest• an Historical Romance. V.'iliWlu M.intiM.inery . a seqoel lo Wacous ta Also, ii new supple of 'I be Dre^s. The Wule. Wioc World- by Kllzabeth Wi there l l . l l .nls.ind Help? . bv Joel II. Uoss. History nl ti.e Devil : by nefoe.-, llonie Inrl.ienre , by CJnico Agiiillar. M liber's Keeniiijieose , » senuel to Home Influence. Wtim wi's Fr iend.hip ; a Slory of Domestic Life. I h e V.ile nl I ' e l i r s or the Mnrlyr. t 'hnrnis find I'-jimler I hnrms . tit

t - 'H i rTEXBEN & JL'DSOiVS Nov. 4. 48


PORTS ON LAKE CHAMPLA1N. Also, lo P e r u on 8 T LiWRaNci, LXKK O s t i a t o , and Urtm L A K E S , t i taOo-DKNsBcaou ILvtL ROAD.

T h e Proprietor of this Line has made ample arrange­ments for t h e transportation of property t he present sea­son, and Is prepared with

T w e n t y F i r s t C l a s s L a k e B o a t t i , running directly through lo and from Now York, and all Ports on Lake Charaplain, thereby nvoldtng Kdtlayof two days ta «-sAippnw Goods a t Troy and Whitehal l . Property destined lor Western Lakes, will be forwarded from Rouse's Point, via Northern Rail Road to Ogden* burgh, thence by C m n r o K o iz. Go's E E I E AND ONTARIO LINK OF P R O P K L L K R S .

T h e Boats of this Lino will be Invariably TOWED BY STEJiM Off HUDSO.X RIPER AJfD LAKE CHJMUPI.AW.

The N E W STEASIEB B O S T O N ' , Capt. L O T C B A M B K R U . . , will run in connection with the MER­CHANTS' L!NEdaHy,between Burlington aod Rnuse'a Point, allofdlng Increased facilities for Transportation of Freight and Towing.

Property entrusted to this Line for Transportation, is in all cases actually and correctly weighed at the time of shipment, and the injury and delay lo which pro­perty may be subjected by transhipment. Is entirely avoided. rf

Particular care and attention given to.Ooods destined to Canada.

Propej*£* for Canada, forwarded by Northern, Cham-plaln and St. Lawrence Rail Road, or by Barges.

Z)er>Mitur!e and Warehousing business, promptly and correctly attended to.

A G E N T S : MALCOLM CANFIELD, No. 8 K Cu-atles Slip, New

York. SMITH BR1GGS, South Wharf. Burlington. A. FISHER. No. 1 9 1 River s treet , Troy, N. Y A. M. HERRIMAN, tt. R. Depot, Ogdensburgh.

F o r F r e i g h t a p p l y t o L, A. CARLETON, 8 k Cconlies Slip, JVeu,- IVrt. W . W WRIGHT Rouse's 1'otnt, HOOKER & HOI.TON Montreal. O. P. SOOVELL. 1 0 0 State-st Boston.


Geddes' Folding Harrow! CHANDLER'S

PMTJEJYT Il.lliSIO W\' Improved Expanding, Common Expanding, and


Improved Engl ish Brash Seed Sewer ! HAY, STRAW AND CORN STALK CCTTEKS! Those who may wish to purchase, us well as those

who wish merely to see ihe rcceni improvements lu farming uteosUs, are invited lo coll.

W A T R O U S &. L A W R E N C E .

Ogdenshurgh, Feb 'y 10. 1852. ly

Sign of the Golden Key.

AS H L E Y B R O T H E R S , I m ­porters of Hardware, Cutlery and

Fancy Goods, Bar Iron and St eel,Saddlery, Harness and Carriage -Hardware—Manu-ffctcturers 'Agents for t h e s M e o f

A m e r i c a n H a r d w a r e . Dealersln.

p a i n t s ? Gils a*m Varnislies-, 0ILBKRTS BLOCK,

O F F O S I T * T H E S T . I * A W R R « C K H O T E L , O G D E N S B U R G H .

December 9 ,1850 . ' n_U£_ B A R I R O N A N D s t l i E L . ^

" W E are n o w receiving the most ex-• t e n s i v e assor tment of Bar and Bundled - I ron ever offered In this marke t . W e ln-I v l t e t h e a t tent ion of Iron workers to our

stock of best American rejintd Iron.ftom the well known ••Juulatta W o / k s , " Pittsburgh, wh ich ' w e confidently recinomend a s a very superior article, a n d wil l refund the money fo rany proving had.

American Round,3-10 to 3 Inches ; do. S q u a r e , 3 1 6 to 2K " do. Flat ,assorted to 4 by 1 Inch ; do. Band, Scroll, Oval . Hoop and N u t I r o n ;

EngUsh.Kound. Square and Flat B a r s ; Norway and Old ^able Axe Iron j Swede F la t and Square Bar s ; Norwegian Horne Nail Rods, warranted : English Blister. German, und Cast S tee l ;

Horse 'Shoes . Anvils. Vices, Bellows,Screw Pla tes , & c , which wo'offer for sale a t the iowestrates.



P A I N T S , O I L . S A N D V A R N I S H E S .

5 T O N S Brooklyn VVhilo Lead, In o i l ; 2 - •' " " d j y ;

400 Raw and Boiled Linseed OH ; Coach body and Furni ture Varnish ; French green, dry and in o i l ; French ye l, freer; and yellow ; Chlnoso vermltlion. ul tramarine and Prussian blue ; Turkey uuitier. Serra do r*enua. rose pink ; R»dlead, Venetian red. l i tharge.bronze powders ; Spiri ts tu rpent ine , paint brushes . &c.

v ASHLEY BROTHERS, 4 Opposite St . Lawrence Hotel.

Clothing for the Million! BARNES & PAUL,

Have ]ttst received at their DHY SOODS STOHB, a large lot of


ON CONSIGNMENT, Which they will Sell at Stew-York and Boston

Prices, Cor CASH.

* " ^ O O D Winter C o a t s from §2 50 to 810; P a n t s %Jf a c d V e o K of all styles and qualities, which will be sold a t the very lowest ti^ure. W e are furnished weekly with new and fashion.!hie CLOTHING from one of tbe largest niauufactnrlng establishmentsiu America. Also on hand HATS, CAPS, GLOVESX HOSIERY,

fnr Winter w e a r ;

S a t c h e l s , Oarpet Bags . W o o l e n P la ids , C a s s i m e r e s , L i n s e y Pla ids , b r o a d c l o t h s ,,

plain and figured, all styles and price?.

Sheeting, Shirting. 1 iching, Stripes, Flannels, Alpaccaa, Cobourgs, Xfierinos, &c, &c,

A great variety nf W I N T E R D R E S S GOODS. L O N G a n d S Q U A R E S H A W L S of all styles.

SUk, Linen and Coit-in Uamikerclnefs, Prints.Ginghains, Cambrics. ThremH, Kds.nj;s. Laces, &c . ; Yankee

Notions. Toys. Lutnbs, Needles, &c. A small lot ofCUOCKEKY and G L A S S W A R E , a t

cost, for Cask- Ten. Cuflee. ^u^H.r. Tobacco, rialffinttus, Cloves, Nutmegs, Ginger. Rice. Brooms. Pails. Wicks, Twine and JIARNES &. PAl 'L ,

Corner of Fnrd t Wate r streets. Ogdensburtrh, December '.W, IK,]. 4if


C H E N E Y , R I C E & C O . ' S

United States & Canada Express! B A U T

STOVE DEPOT, A n d Apj^ncy f o r t h e f o l l o w i u g s t o v o i . :

Y A N K E E N O T I O N ' — T W O M Z C S . Jefferson County Air Tight , 3 s izes . I 'oresi Q,ueen,3alzes . Northern Farmer, ' J s izes. T h e above ure Cook Stoves , wi th elevated o v e n s .

A l so—TheUnlonof I h e d t a t e s , 4 sUe«. CiJJfornla A l r T i g h t . 3 s t s e s , Irving Mr Tight , 3 s i z e s . Union Venti l l i i tor ,2sizes . U u e e n of ihe City, 3 alzen. P remium,3 k inds .

T h e ab»»ve«.re oven Cook Hloves . Also, the foliow-lngsplCDdvd p.\tterqs of Par lo rS toves

Persian A l r T i g h t . 3 s i ze s ; Gothic Pivrlor. 3 sizes ; Oriental A i r T i g h i . ^ s i z e s ; New York Parlor, *2sizes; I n d l a n Q u e e n , 3 s l zca . ^

Also ,a large assorUnent of Rox S t o r e s of difTerent s i ze s .

We hazard nothing In the assertion that a more com pletc and perfect a.tsoruncut of Stoves were never offered to the public In th is or any o t h e r W u l u j .

W A T E D U d 4L L A W R E N C E , Ogdensburgh,Sept- lo\ l i t t l . ' 41

5 C A S K S b e s t p a l v a n i x e d r O . I X I * C B J I A I N a n # Cnslings, fnr sale very irjlTKOUSA- J.AWREMVE.

For Boston, Montreal, and Intermediate Places, In connection,at Rouse's Point, X. Y., with

Messrs. Pollen, Virgil & Co.'s Sew lork and Troy Express. i

A L 8 0 , S E M I - W E E K L Y ,

F o r T o r o n t o , H a m i l t o n , a n d I n t e r m e d i a t e p l a c e s ,

in connection wi th American Express Co. at Toronto, for Buffalo, and all

Western Cities, Leaving Ogdensburgh Monday and T h a r s d a y mornings.

CHENEY & CO., ) PISKE & RICE, } Proprietors. C. P. GEER, > 24-ly



Contractors for Iron Castings.,. THE proprietor of the Rossie Furnace , St . Lawrence

Co.. N. Y.. having lately erected a t these Works, a Castlnc-honse 1*25 X 75, with suitable cupolas, cranes, etc , aod a Machine Shop, furnished with a considerable ttock of tools, and a water -wheel of 30 horse-power— the whole carried out in the most substantial manner— oners the use uf the premises, in connection with iho sale of Rnssie Iron, lo manufacturers andcontractorsfor Castings and Mtjchlnery.

There arc 2000 toas of hot and cn-d-blast Iron now at the Works, any part of. or more than which , might be contracted for In connection with the above—and as lib­eral terras of credit would be extended to parties offering lalisfticiory security, It U supposed that t he conditions contemplated may present no ordinary advantages to l>erM>ns desirous of a larce business on a limited capital .

It toay he useful to add that iho cold-hlast Iron made at these Works la of a very superior qual i ty , for Car-wheels. ,

Rossie Is 0 miles from the river Pt Lawrence , and con­nected hy a good Plank road all bnt one mile. For fur­ther particulars apply to O. W. B*.Lt>wts. agent. Works or a t the office of the subscriber

at the

Ogdensburgh. St. Lawrence Co., N. December. 1851.

Y . . PARisn,


To Manufacturers and others.

F O R SAT,Et O R R E I T T , T H E large and commodious FOUR S T O R Y

S T O N E BUILDING, with two att ics, and Uye ' t l | House at tached, s i tuated opposite this village, 1*j| Uoffered for S A L E or R E N T on reasonable

terms. Th i s trai ldlngl* n e w , and w a s buil t express ly for t he

Woollen Manufacturing Business, In t h e most s abs t in -tial manner . It ii economical lyar ranged.and iscapabie of containing T H R E E or FOUR sets of machinery , with T W O powerful wheels , and sufficient W a t e r - P o w e r to

have jus t received a fcood assortment uf Black­smi ths ' Bel lows. Anvils, Vices, Screw Plates,

&,c, to which we invito the attention of tlm*e wishing to purchase . If'.l TR QjVS <v L-i WR E.Y( F.. •"

Aug. 1-2. y ^ _ ^ ^ ^ x 3 ^

r i^ jwid^VAtf lu IuX^di recH or sale bv

W A l ' I t u r s i t ' L A - W R E N C E . Ogdensburch, March'17, 1K51. 15if

i T s T 7 K E < 3 i T l V F U — a lot of Patterson's cele­brated English x Cut Saws , which we offer fiir

sale a t Manufacturer 's prices. March 10. W A T U O U S & L A W R E N C E .

2 C A S K S Wroughtd from the manufacture

S A D D L E R Y H A R D W A R E .

WE are now receiving a general assor tment of Saddlery Harness and T r u n k Hardware, consist­

ing of every variety of Harness Mountings and Tools generally, and will supply t he trade at Now York" prices.

J u o e 9 . STtf ASHLBY_BR_OTHERS 1

PO W D E K . - T h e Hazard Powder Company, pro­prietors of the celebrated "Fairlawn Jffilts," offer

for sale from their Magazine in th is village, 50C kegs of Powder.consisting of

Blasting, F . , Ft"., P F F . , F F F F . Mining do-Kentucky Rifle FG., FFG., P F F O . Indian d<>. do. do. do . Kerrtucky Rifle in Canisters.



SALAMANDER SAFES, W l t b K i c t o ' s I m p r o T e m ^ n t ,

y™~'1^^% :^^^3i^cKwftSv r g ^ H E subscribers re-. MSAxrwc .,-r j ^ quest the attention

of the public to their as­sortment of the above eel ebrated " F i r e , fi*roo£ S A S ^ A n A N D G B S a f e s . , " with "YA.LK'9 FLYINO S TU MP L O C K S ' ' ; also, ,I)AY &. N E W K L L ' S , and other jbocks.

Testimonials from all parts of the Union con­firm the PfPEJtIORlTV of these Sales over ull oth­ers in market.


PERT\ HAS tVER BKEN LOST. KJTHKR BV FtRE OR BI 'ROLAAS, WHEN LOCKED IH ONK OK THEM. The JMch $ may be loaded and fired mice a minute at the maker'a risk &S

ASHLEY BROTHERS.* Agents foV Northern New York.and Canada.

July 6, 1C52 3*u_

HAENESS LEATHER. L i S S . superior Onk Tanned Harness and Bridle Leather^ fur sale u t Manufacturers


NEW-YORK A ® BOSTON. T H O . ' J A . s J t . N K n ^ ' K R

HA S just re'.urned fr< m th<* a- <»\e named cities, with the largest »i-d l» -t *Uf>-icil ^hsnrtment of Goods

in his line CVLT o lie red in S/nthern \evv-York. T h e Diock of

Made Clothing Heady

P < J » ' M > S <,'Mvnntzod Pump Ctniln. wi th castings to-sui^,*!or sale low.

21lf W A T R O U S SL L A W R E N C E . 2000 April 29.

Herring's.Safe Agendy. WI T H powder and burglar proof lock,

r ing 's prices, from 50 to 500 dollar'*, received this

is complete, every variety and style of Dress and hfi-iness gynucnt-*, from tlie ct;arsc--t t<> the finest.

T h e i l<u!i beprirtrnrnt iin« t>ecn replenished with the choicest ?t\ if-s n*ui colnrs ut" Frerch , tngl ish and A mer lean Bntadcliuhs, Cfts^i meres and \ciSings, that the mar­ket Hfi;«r«i«.

Mr. UAYIP M-U stands ln-hind the Cniting Board, ready to apply the tape to Any who may wish their mea­sure taken.

T h e stock of Piece Co<«ls .-. hirge. Broadcloths, Cas­simeres Vestine^, ^ l i i i i ' ; ' . ' . She .'p'sOrey, Caslunereties, Kentucky .lean-*, Tweed*. l,r->\sn Linen. Cottonades, Henlms. Striped Shirut.L* (''.nibrirs, I'ad.liiiL'. Canvas, HriUs, t?Ucsia. Etuior.^. S .k Twist, fee, bought with es­pecial reference to s-uppl^ii'^-tho trade.

Country Merchants, or Merc'i-tnt TuiiiTP. c:in supply themselves (it this eitnhlWhiftent at New-York and Bos­ton pnrc-t. T h e Trade urn p.ut,cil . iri\ in\ i ted to call and examine.

The stock of Fnr»i>hir.G tlnnd-. i Inrge. embracing ev­ery, st) le jind quality oi Vv'lntc and Kttncy i^rm.*, Wrap per^ and b r u u v r s ; Ncr|> Hanrike-rrbi^ft. Srarf-.. self-ad­justing SMikv. ' l ies . Pt.ckei Hiindkerchiefs ; Clu-Tes of e v r \ kind. ' 3 Ho^*1. Su^i en.-rr-*. Fancy mid Whi te Col Uxr* ; rmbrcil*i«!.C,\rpu l ^ / - . Y:ilw», Trunks, fitc. nil of whi^h wi'l !>f di-f i-f-1 • i .HI the must liberal ternw.

lloroiU'i-t tbf pli-.rc--

Furd i t . . O^leiifbursh. N. Y. March ^th, 1P.V2.' 14U"

S H E R I F F S A L E . - -

BY Vir tue of one exectuiop issued by the Clerk n f the Cdnnty of St . Lawrence to me directed and

delivered, against t be property !of Samuel Lewis , I h a v e levied upon and shal l expose to sale a t public vendue on t h e 25th s day of August next, ttt ten o*c!o'cfc ip t h a forenoon, nt^the Hotel n o w fcept by'Henry Toote, in t h e vil las* o fCamon , a l l the light, t i t le and interest .vrfiich Samael L©v*I»*ad on the S4th day ofNoVeinbet/lSSl, or a( uriy t l b e thereafter, In whose hands soever t h e same triay be, to A\\ that* certain piece or parcel of land lying a n a being in t he town of Norfolk, county of St. Lawrence and State of New York, and described and bounded as fol lows: Beginning in the centre of t he County Roa,d, so called, a t t he north-«ast comer of Jus tin Webber*s land, or home farm; being in the line also of the Crawford lot, and ntuning from thence south 85 deg. east, along on the course of the said Crawford lot, 5 chains ; thence south 10 deg. west, parallel with said road 6 cha ins ; thence north 85 deg west, 5 chains, to the centre of said road; thence north 5 deg. east, along the centre of the said road 6 chains, to the place of begin­ning, containing three aces of land.

Also, all that other piece or parcel of laud lying and b*lng In the town of Norfolk, coonty of St- Lawrence and State of New York, and known aS part of subdivis­ion lot number seven on the Morris tract, so called, in said town, and sltoate and bounded as follows: Being in the south west corner of Oral Bradley's trardea lot, and being nearly 150 feat down"Racket river, a t high water mark, from the saw mill lot, so called, and bound ed on the south side by fiiijah Hamblin's garden lot, and to be so surveyed as to run 35 feet down Racket river a t high water mark from Elijah Hambliu's lot or line ; and thence easterly and parallel with said Hamblin's line 40 fee t ; thence southerly and parallel with he Racket river 35 feet to tbe said Hamblin'sl in» ; thence westerly alonp on (-he division Hoe of Oral Bradley's garden lot and sahi Hamblin's line 40 feet lo the Racket river at high wtflfer mark, the land therein contained, the same more or less.—Dated the third day of July. i852.

HENRY BABBER, 32-6\v Sheriff.

C J H I v R I F F S A 1 . E - — B y virtue of one execution 2 ^ issued out of the Supreme Court of the Suite of New York, to me directed and delivered, against the property of Alvin Ke'/.ar, 1 have levied upon and shail expose to sale at public'vendue on the 28ih day of Au­gust next at 12 o'clock M.. a t the t*t. Lawrence Hotel in the villace of Ogdensburgh, all the right, title and interest I which the said Alvin Kescar had on the l l thdajofNovetn- I ber, 1851, or at any lime thereafter—All that certain piece | or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the'lown of ] Massenu, In the county of Su Lawrence and Slate afore- 1 said, being sixty acres from the rear end of lot No. 3 and I 4 imtntct L. In said town of Massena. commencing at the ' southerly corner of lot No. i in iho centre of the hish-

: wjtv. and runnine thence a longlhe southerly l ineof said j i lot No. h north 6'J° 15', east twenty-nine chains and fifty j I links to the easterly line of said tract L . ; thence south

070 45' w e s t along said easterly line so far that a line at right angles unil parallel with the first described line to t the centre of the mghway, and thence alone the centre ( thereof to the placpof beginning, as shall contain exactly sixty acres of landk-Dated Jnlv 19. 1J52.

\ HENRY BARBER, Sheriff.

I Pr. J O E L HOUGHTON, Deputy. 33w6

•tnjuwoiv ,, , „ 5 —jjwinciof P«tf*yi«uiiiL.J-'


Great for Dyspepsia! IOUCHTOETS

5 prices, by . S7ci


morning. M»y 10. W A T R O U S & L A W R E N C E .

A. CHANEY &. CO.'S Hardware Store, Mater Sreet.

W E are receiving weekly, additions to o u r l w g e stock if A/ardware, rendering our assortment al

ways quite complete in all the v-mous branches of the trade. W e keep a large stock of the celebrated : Ka.{£le :SititK*"v-'Uh which w c can >upply merchants a t a very small advance on factory prices.

Mr BuiLEY. with a coni|»eteiii set of workmen, will at tend to all order* fnr Copper. Tin and Sh'et Iron work, with promptness and in his peculiarly neat style •

At tho O f f r t e n ^ b u r s r l i M t e i i t n f o u n d r y , all orders tor Iron or Bra*.* Casting*. For^tng and Ftn-tshinff. will be executed with promptness.

Oedensburgh. Dccembe-rH, 1851. n l

E .TIKfiftY A' i 'O . 5 ** superior Itul lioa.1 Hvrsr pawers, for one and two horses, Willi Separatorand

T h r e s h e r ; also, superior Fovr Horse Power* A- Thne*h ers sold at tho Water Street Hardware St >re. by

Dec.? , Iftol n l A. CHANEY & CO

UNIFORMITY OF SCHOOL BOOKS, F o r St . L a w r e n c e C«Minty.

W£ theuaders icned, believing it %o be of jrreat im­portance and benefit to the Academies and Coin-

tnnn Schools of St.' Lawrence Conniy, to have a UNI-i r/'ORMlTY of Tes t Books to l>e used in"schools. hCaj^ily I concur In the efforts uf Messrs. S J p m t j u e A: K y i t t f i - -I lo%t^ f> effect this object, and believe "the following j Looks to be a judicious selection^'or the purpose", vtz :

! WEBSTI>R'S ELEMENTARY SPELLING BOOK.— TOWN'S SERIES -OF READERS, N'OS. 1,"2 3 & 4.—GRAMMAR SCHOOL READER, as interme-diaate between, the 3d. & 4th.


D I A T E GEOGRAPHIES, A .» ROBINSON'a AL- It*. C ' Petilbone, i H. F Lawrence, ) F Wtigid. dx> Canton d n -Wm. W ('lark. do Gouverneur Weileyn-nSeminary, \V. F. B-isroui. d*> t^t. Law. Academy. l*nt?d:un, Or. P Marsh. Tow n i^upt Cutumon Schoofe, Votsdam,

carry'all the machinery tha t can bo put in T h e Shafting is all of w

and composition Boxes T h e Shafting is all of wrough t I ron , ca s t i r on Hangers

T h e Mill can be abundan t ly supplied w i t h Wool from thecouutry—with an easy acces s to t h e Canad ian , New York and Boston Markets .

The re U now O N * Fi 'ULsetof m a c h i n e j y i n thebu l ld -Ing, and In good condit ion.

F o r f u r t h e r p a r t l c u l a r s j n q u l r e o f J , H . G U E S T .

O g d e n s b u r g h , N . Y . , J a n . 2 7 , 1 8 5 1 . 8tf

W A S T E D FOR K S G R A T E R S . — A substitute for boxwood, for wood engraving, is much wanted. This wood is very scarce; it costs £>500 per ton, and is all imported from Tur­key and Italy ; various kinds of wood have been tried to supersede it, but not one among all the varieties tried have the same qualities. Hardness i s not the 'only quality,; it must be close in the grain, anc^free from breaking be­fore the graver. Type metal with some change in the form o f tools , may supersede i t ; the price of boxwood is gett ing higher every year.—Sci, American. ,,


Foundry and Machine Shop. X t o s f s i o , M , . L a w r e n c e C o u n t y , N . V .

8 ^ S * T H K a b o v e e s t a b l i s h m e n t s prepared t o g | g j & e x e c u t e i l l orders for CASTINGS AND MA SSSOffc i i lNKIlV. made from t he best Charcoal Pig iron, 'it cu r ren t prices, for cash or credi t , and from the well known charac ter of t he Rossie Iron, narjieularl} rcciTnnienU^ t t^e l i inr every description ofRt t l l Road -«ml o ther c h i n e s requiring s t reng th , a s a lso from the uvi i . ty wi th which deliveries can be effected a t an^ Po-tnn the L a k e s or R l v e r S t . L a w r e n c e durfcngnavl-Cation.

P rompta t t en t lon wi l l be paid t o o r d e r s o r d n q n i r i o s addressed to

G. R. W I L S O N , Buffalo, J. ROSSEEL, Ogdensburgh D. W . B A L D W I N , Ross ie

A R T I C L E S M A N U F A C T U R E D . Car W h e e l s , Ra i l Road C h a l r s r F r o g s , S w i t c h e s ,

Bridge Cas t ings , e t c . Shafts, Cylinders, a n d e v e r y descr ipt ion ofMpxihlnory

Qnishedor In thorough-. * , Reservoirs, T a n k s , Plpo of a l l s izes,FlateM, F r a m e *

Pi l lars ,n^Ulngs , Ke t t l e s . e"tc„ *f l Ui idoraGuurantee .whoTeroqulredVtosland ' f inyie i iT

agreed upon. Pa t t e rns suppUed .a t tnode ia t e thaVge . v

J a n u a r y , 1850. ,\ fytSj,

W O O D - S A \ V I M « M A r M I N E S ^ I a r . ^ u v \ V and Corn-Stalk Cn tiers—Kmnilen. Noursc, Mason

4ic..attd Sanford's Patents — various prices , Corn Shell ers. Doff. Powers, and Cylinder and Dash Churn*,>old ut tho Water Street Hani ware S t o r e

Dec. 8. 1851. n l A CHANEV & CIO.

iS i O > . — A large slock and groat variety of Eng4Wh. Swede, Russian and American Iron, in round, tint,

square, band, horse-shoe, oval, half ovnl, scroll, n/ill nod spike rods,&.r , &c. : also, S l c o l — cast. E Blister. Cer-msn, Swede und spring, in all dcvirablo sizes, so^d at ihe Wate r Street Hardware Store, by

Dec. 8. ISA! n l A. C H A N E Y & C O .

W e have )n*i received a stock . . " . " " En

quire at the W a t e r street Hardware Store J u n e 2 3 . 28 A. CHANEY & CO

JBL of Tools, including Hoops of Barton's make.

IfiftO.-V R A I L I N G A M ) B - K X . K , '

FO R Cemeteries .and other purpose-;.manufactured a t t h e Ojrdensbdrgh Steam Foundry Also Iron

Pillars,for Sta tes , he. A . CH A N E Y At CO. . June 23. 21!

O S I C I ^ i t i a . F , W A K E H S - l V e l f h & Gr.l fith'sBostonClrcularSawsare sold in thisvUlage

only by n5if A . C M A S E Y fc CO.

S I I ^ G L I - 1 . I I A C I I I N F . S , Saw Arbors, Saw Coll iers ,&.c: made and sold by

A. C H A N E Y & CO. n5if

S Opdensbnrph, 1st Janoaiy, 1P.M.

Bc n C l l f l a n e H , Mnuldlne Tools, Ounces, C'his els , Angcis , P l anes , Hand Haws, and Awl Man

dles . so ldby A . C H A N E Y t TO, J a n n a r y 1st. 1851, n5ff,

Furnace and Machine Shop! THE snbscribors wnultl Inform the public thatthej

cantintte the furnace Business at tlie old stand oi F. G. C»at>tn& Co. .under the namCColfiiiVz^xll & Co. , wbere^ ihey manufacture CoUon. Satfiftl^ Jean, Plain, Plaid and Fancy Kerscg, Power Looms, ^Tappers. Dust­ers, Dressers, Press Screps^and Copying Presses; a lso, all kinds Machinery,MlllGeitrlngs,Stoves,Piaws,Slolgh Shoes ,and Cast ingsgenoral ly .a t wholesales o r r e t a l l .

Also, Brass Work done to order . F in i sh ing d o n c l n a lUt s various branches . Job Work done a t sho r tno t l ce .

AUkindsof Producetaken in payment atthebigheil P^e. ALDUN t C O .

OedenslitKsrh,April29,1851f , 91tf

$W A uew^threshing machine is said to have been invented by a air. Palmer, of North Carolina, which, with four men to feed it, will take a hundred cart-loads of wheat in the morning;, lying in the sheaf, pass it through the thresher, separate every kernel from the straw, winnow, elean and put into bags 1,500 bushels before sunset

To CLEAN PEWTER AHD Tnt.—Dish covers

and pewter requisites ehould be wiped dry immediately after beiog used, and kept free from steam or damp, which would prevent much of the trouble in cleaning them. When the polish is gone off, let the articles be first

.rubbed on the outside with a little.sweet oil, laid on a piece of soft linen cloth ; then clear it off with pure whiting on linen cloths, which will restore the polish.

A PLEASANT PEBOTME AJID MOTH PHE' •nvE.-Take of cloves, caraway seed, nutm mace, and Tonquin beans, of each one ount then add as much Florentine owisroot as wljj-equal ihe other ingredients put together.-* Grind the whole well to powder, and then put it in bag3 among your clothes, &c.

& V KtS E E , FORSY*rnt Hi CO.'S Celebrated » PLATFOiuSCAI.ES, by V '« -AffHtJBy BBQTfHEga, -

CLOTHING, Cloths, Cassimeres & Vestings.

XV. H . T O I W G & C O . A R . E now receiving their sprlag stock, wh ich Is very

r i k . lnrKe..and will ba sold a t a, small advance from cost, as our motto is "quick sales' and small profits."— Oar assortment of

H e a d y - M a d e C l o n U l n R , is now complete for the Spring and Smnmer trade, em­bracing every variety and style, from the cheapest to the best grades. Dress, Frock, H Erock, Sack and aun t i i ( | ; Coats, Over Coats of all grades ; Black and Fancy Case; slraere, Sattnetts, Sheep's Gray, Cord. Tweed, Kentucky Jeans, Option and Linen Pants, Silk, Satin, Velvet, Cashmere, Fanner Satin, Worsted, Cotton, Denim, Whi te and Buff, Marseilles Vests. Overalls nnd Sh i r t s ; whi te and fancy Linen and Cotton Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Wrappers, Drawers ; Cotton, Woolen and Merino half-Hose, Gloves, Suspenders ; Silk and Linen Pocket Hand-kerchiefs; silk and satin Cravats, Stocks, Keck Ties, & c

C l o t h s , C a s s i m e r e s & V o t i n g s .

Bine, Black, Olive, Brown, Claret, Mnlberry, Green and Drab, French, English and American Broadcloths; Black and Fancy Doe Skin ; plain, plaid and fancy Cas-ilmeres.

Silk, Satin, Cashmere, Farmer Sat in, W h i t e and Bufl Marseilles Vest ings; Sheep's Gray, Satinet , Tweeds , Cord Moleskin, Kont 'y J ean . Cottonades, Brown Drill, Idrlen, &&, fec^ w h i c h will bft 'sold by t h e piece, yard, or Diadenp to order In t h e most fashionable s tyle .

, ; . H a t % » n d C a p s , Rflhber.anr^ttrjiofWnt*,tlmbreUas,fa:. Trunks, Va-Usesand"r^^el^ng-tBapj,fronl'.751eetits to 820.

A good assortment B o y » C l o t l i l m r . March 30,1853. «»««>in ^

T O J O B I S E U S . — W e have a superior lolctfCar pentcrsand Joiners Tools , at very low prices.

J u n e 2 3 . 29 A. CHANEY i t CO.

"" E H E R Y & D O ' S

Rail Road Horse-Power, Thresher & Separator.

OlVE of tho above celebrated Machines forsa le a t the W a t e r Street Hardware Plore, by

' . - A . C H A N E V & C O -Agents for Manufacynrer.

Ogdensburgh, 20lh January , 1852. n l t f


Jg the First and Only Remedy ever Recorded in l#c Med­ical History of the World that has Stopped Ihe Most

}"iolcnt Pains in a fern Seconds.

IT wilt stop the most severe pains In fivo .minutes or less, and will enre the most obslinnte and painful

Rheumatic, Nervou*. Neuralgic and Bilious Complaints In a few hours,

INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL. It never fails In giving instant ease to tho most tor­

menting and agonizing PAINS.


itrlncipals ol < gdensburg Academy.



H . J . Conk. Siilman Fnole. K. t;. llrndly. I'ayeflc F rio%\,ur. Akins Foster. 'io Jospph Ctirtnibers. K. s Pope. do A R i;rv».ir, d.. Uev. V. C I'ettlbonp. Chas. W llurdick, Henry Thompson. Levi Millrr, '- do Hlrv lK-fbv. F I! Iloiich. Alborl Barnes, F P. Sprntrne. •—I^nnrnard, H 11. Hardy. C. It McLelln


do do do do do


do do do do do do do ,1,, do do do do do do do do do do do

do do do do do do do

do do do do

do do

do do

Canton, (Isweealrhie. Norlolk. Paris in illc. Pierponl,

;J.vsboii, '-Mju-omb, Hammond. Stockholm, Fowler, Dekalb, Lonthville, Uussell, Uossie. Pltcairn. Hopklnton, Lawrence , Oepeyster. Madrid.

A C A K I ) The Greatest IHwovery or the .Ige.'.

DR. T&ASK'S . ' ; MAGX IvTIC O I N T M E N T S A F I i r - S H a ^ I ' l * f i " ? i V ;>iM rereivvd ' l .v JEN- I

NKR «t-KANl>ALU. OC'ienjburcli. imd WyCOt'l ,- • DING At t 'O. , rt>tfctiiuu, whiucsali' firut-rcnfel agents :,1). ' Mnck and I.. E. 11 Winslow, L::tnum ; A. Uoss, Cutuin- ; blo; It.1 Hmllmrd. Siorkholm ; l i . / , . Culver. Hopkin- i trtn ; K. I}. i!M"k«. FftrMiMlU*: A. H'tijiUuni, Ilcrmon ; i \V. M, tiiiotiricli. n i iuverncur ; Jttim P.iken^.* Ilcuvel •tmi L. Pan-«lr. M'lrri-iuuii . A Ii. -M-ir-c. HHtimnmd' S. J. l )ewe\ , Wadthna <.«. , r ^ K W. Sack folk ; »nfl U\ <«nc asrni in carh \ itlnge in ihe i

i 'nee ^ H m i 3S |"*r Ivm't" Korjuirticnrurs !>ee MiiBtu'Cc MP/»UI. "mils

! l & f O R T G A G G SAsCiF..—Defenli having been I J^YJa. made in ihe payment of a certain mortgage da-i ted the nineteenth day of December, 1849. executed by 1 Milo Lawrence, uf the town ot" Hennon, in the county

of St. Lawrence and Suite of New York, and Sally Ma ria his wife, to Henry P. Wall, of the town of Oswe-•z&ichie, In said county and Suite, recorded in the office <»f the Clerk of St. Lawrence county aforesaid, on the ,

| "lii day of January, 1850, at 10 A. M., in book No. 17 of i \ mortgages, pages 542 and 543, upon the following de- 1 1 scribed premises therein, to wi t . : AH that certain lot of I 1 itmd situate in the town of Dekalb aforesaid, being part 1

of a large tract sold to James Farr In the year one thou-> sand eight hundred and thrfte, known as part of lot num- ; j l>er fourteen in the said Purr's purchase, Bepinninic nl 1 the centre of Tanner creek in the centre of the road , t running on the easterly of line of SylvRnus Stiles* land, j t thence along the said line north 23 deg. west, ninety- ' ' four rods and eight links to a comer ; thence north G2 I deg. east, fifty-six rods and fifteen links to a corner:

.(_ ihence a right angle running parallel with the first men-; tinned line to the centre of Tanner Creek ; thence up the , centre of said creek to the place of beginning, containing I thirty-three and one half acres of laitd. Also, a certain j other piece or parcel of hind situate in the town of De-

K*11? aforesaid, consisting oi" seventy ncresof and known 1 a-, the north half of lot-number (35*0) three hundred ana

fifty in tlie old township of Dekalb, be said dimensions \ more or less; excepting from the last mentioned lot a « school house which the sn'ui Henry Lawrence has here­

tofore deeded. Upon which said ^ mortgage there is claimed tu be due at4.he time of the first publication of this notice the sum of one hundred and seventeen dol­lars aoa ninety one cents ; up proceeding* having been laken at laW or in equity for tho purpose of obtaining the


GJ1STUIC JUICE' Prepared from fiEjVJVET. or the fourth hTOM.lCH

OF THE OX, after direction? by P.A RO A" J.tF.KIG the. great Physiolipical Chemist, Oy J. •<•". HOC Gil TOJf, M.n., Philadelphia, Pa.

r v c v v T S is truly a wonderful remedy for INL)1GF-i . TIOJJ. DVSPjfcPSlA. J A L W m c n . l.IVER COM

PLAINT, CONSUMPTION and DEBILITY, curirs i,: ler Nature 's own method, by Nature 's n u n agonl--!l.o GA-STRIO J C I C E .

Half a teaspofmful of PEPSIN, infused In water. « ... digest five pounds c\f roast beef in lico hours out of ;tie stomach.

PEPSIN Is the cliief element or great dixesting prim pis of the Gastric Jtaice—the solren: of the food, the pu rifying, preserving and stimulating agent of the st'iii ach aod Intestines. It is ei lracted from the d i g e s t , stomach of the Ojrh thus forming an artificial i.grsitr-fluid, precisely likeithe natural nastrtr j u k e in thechem teal powers, and furnishinp a complete and perfect sul> stitute for i t By tlhe aid of this preparation, the p»in-and evils of Indigestion and Dyspepsia are remove" just as they would toe by a healthy stomach. It Is JI .me wonders for Dyspeptics, curing cases of Debility, Em.' ciatwn, Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Consvmplv.r supposed lo be on the verge of the t'rave. 1 he sci- n;. evidence upon which it is based, is in the highest deg;. .• curious and remarkable.

S C I E N J n F I O E V I D E N C E ! B i s o s LtKBto io his celebrated v\ ork on A nimal Ch>-u.

Istry says . "An artificial Digestive Fluid arnilmrou, . the Gastric J u i c c m a y be readily prepared from tt.c in , cuous membrane of t he stomach of ihe Calf in «li , various articles or food, as meat andepps, will b. .*. ened, changed ami digested, just > ' " '« ' sane mann" thev leoilld be in the human stomach."

I)r. COMBK, in bis valuable u mines on the "Phv- " ojty of Uifestlon," observes that "a diminution ot . • due quantity of the Gastric Joice is a promtnet.: :• r.l .. prevailinp cause |(if Dyspepsia" . and lir «tHtcs u. <l distinpuished professor in London, who was severely .-.

i Aided with this icomplalnt, tindin" c .cry thinf el»e i fail, had recourse to the Gastric Jutre . olit.-imed from t: I stomachs of livipg animals, which prr.reJ eonplcn.. 1 successful.'' i Dr. GaAHAM. author of ihe famous works on "Vejr. -1 able Diet," saysj: "Il^isa remaraable l'aci in physi..;. .

that the stoniacbs of animals, macerated in water, n part to the fluid Jhe property of dissolvinc vnrimis i,r. cles of rood, and of effecting a kind of artificial oVr> • . of them in IU v&se different from the natural d*t!"i ' process." "•

Call on the agent and get a Descriptive d r c u . a r f '. giving a large amount of scier.liiic evidence, >. tbe above, together with reports of reniarkaMt re:.--from all parts of the United States

AS A DTSPEPS1A CIKER, Dr. Houghton's.Pepsin has produced the mo<: m ' r ' effects, in curing cases of Debility, Eiirariatn.n. Ner\.. -Decline and DyLpeptic Consumption. It is iiiipi^.' ' ,.- ' . give the detnils of cases in the limns of this :n.v er;...-m e n t ; but authenttciued cert i t icaes h::\c ti.'.-.' c ' - -more than two 'hundred remarkable cures, in l o . ' '-pbia, New York and Boston alone. These were nt>. all desperate cases, and the cures were not only rt-.|..'' and wonderful,1 but permanent.

it is a great nervous antidote, and particularly nsr;., for tendency to bilious disorder, liver complaint, lev-and ague, or bndly treated fever and ague, and tho e\ . effects of quinine, m e n u r y . and other drugs upon tlie .1 geslive organs, after a long tickness. Also, for OM-. eating, and the too Tree use ot ardent spirits. It a.i:. •'

rider. Nor Stale.

14.-IV gn.'t'.c

K K I ' B A M H I . l . l Agonl.

B I S M I l . I T I < > . \ . - T h e copartnership heretofore existing between the nnii«rMirned in the Painting

business is t i n . day iii.-.sol\ed 1>\ niulunl roiiienl.

amonnt due on Raid 'mortgage, or any part thereof; n.iw I reconciles heatih with intemperance. therefore, notice is hereby given, that pursuani to the I 0 L D SX0MA.CH COMP'LAIWTS. power of sale contained in said mortgage, and of the _,. . ., r •> . - i , ,.~.. „ u i n 1 ( „ i Ltatue in such case maile and provided, said mortgaged • T h " ' ' s »» f°™ «f '"" "™f* l " " ' t ' Z , premiss above described «il l be sold at public auction J « s not seem to reach and rem .ve -a once V t io tbe I,igfte,ti4dder: at the office of It. \ \ . Judson. in ' ' "»v bad they n.oy be. it gives instant relief A the \ ilinjie ofyiidensbtii-gh, in the county of St. Lnw-repre. nn SAlurihiy the 23d day of Uctobei next, Hi 10 o'clock in ihe forenoun of that day.—Dated a t Ugdeni-hurgh, July 'J0».4KW. : ' •

M - U / HKNRY. T. W A L L . R. \V. Ji PPIIS. Attorney. Mortgagee.

Ogdensburgh, Marcli

TTT^SIE business will



31 I*

g J E business will ncr»" 1 ' H i l d . «\ Ja t? i**>» :-' ' '

street, who are aKu <• uthorizi <i ; the loir firm.

be r:irrted on by -Id -tand on UaU-l!a ' L-tilL* the hcrount^of |

H i f ;

S E ' P R E . I S E C O I ' R T . ICprtrsn S. MILLS, 1

IIORACK P. DiRUXG. To HORACE P. DAR/JJ^O. Defendant are hereby summoned ami required to answer

;:vs r HtC. largest as»orimcnl in * >grten.-lmri;h nra

Jnlv 14.


O^.Ti P E . X S ! ! >f t.uii! Pens ever offered f-uir.d a t

iH lTKNhl - \ k j r i i M ) N ' P . - A, - J

YO l . . . . . . . the complaint in this action, w hich was filed in the

dfiire of ihe Clerk of tho county of M. Law rence, at ' Canton, on the 7lh day of June, \*5-2. and to*' serve a . c.^i) of ynnr answer to the said compltuni on the sub- • "cniier, ui ihe village of Potsdam, in said county, withVn ; twenty dajs n'iier the w?r\ ice ot" this mmmons on you, \ exclusive of ihe day of such se

or iho tn'uv complaint within the lime aloresnid,

dose removes till the unpleasant symptoms ; and ii >•:• i needs lobe repeated lor .i short time to in ike thc-c !-••• i efit'cis permanent. Purity of blood, and WIT-TO! <» • i lollow »t onre. I l l s particularly excellent m r >^ s 1 nausea, vomiting, cramps, soreness of the pit "f th*-k! ' 1 ach.d^slrc^s after eating, low, cold stale of th* IM«> | heaviness, lowness of spirits, despondency, eniacuw,. j weakness, icijdencv to in=anitv. suicide, &c. ! Dr. Ilotishlpn's Pepsin is sold by nearly all the ric».. 1 in tine drugs and popular medicine* thp-'i^hoiii :!;«• I \ ted Plates." Jt is prepared m powder and in riuid ton:. \ and in prescription vials for the use of physii iui>. 1 PRIVATE'C1UCCLARS fur the uve ol Ph\-i . - , -1 may be obtained of Dr. Houghton or hi* ast-nt*. .'..-' -! i up ihe whole process of preparation, and (iivin- U • \ ihorilies upon which the claims of this new rciutM1; ; , ba*ed. .A^ it is not a secret remedy, no ohjernr>r i r ! raised apain^t its use by physicians in respectaL-'f -•.•' > inp and reeular practice. Price—One TMl-sr • rr l'. ' OIWKRVE THIS ' . —Every bottle of the pen- '.< • V.

and if \ o u lait to j PIN bears th,e wriiten signature of J ? . Hoi ».i '• v

!>.. sole proprietor. Philade'.phtti. Pa. Coj,, r.^;,;

? P R A i ; r K tc BYINOTO.N, Fori Afreet, Og-densbur/rh.

• hi* fru-nds und the pub just returned Hum Ho; ufacture Mi . t t rc^t^ o and of superior w

on1,ii re-pe.ctfulh inform c in Ki-neral. ih tt he has

ml is iinw pn jj.-ircrl to man-«n! e \e r \ description af lower prires, Tkniiu-thtp. lii^n at :ir.J other esiab-

j the plHin'itfm this action will apply to the coon for ihe | i relief dem>ndetl,in the complaint.—Dated June 7th, ISO*-. 1 ; II. L. KNOVYLK?. j 34 wr> Plaintiff's Attorney

, S I P K E ^ I G C O I ' B T . H O B E R T t't-i-i!* and ^

trnde mark secured. Pold by al;l the Druggists and Dealers in Mrd 8 3 T L H. MORRIS & Co.. Ogdensburi".

J Agents for S t. Lawrence county. "• •

TUOMAS P Ll.1.13 aoatvst

« at 4'* cents per pound:

irh. nnd upwards. ftloft r orders and mea-'ct. opposite Mr-in to ut or refund

STEAM EN6ISBS AS© BOILERS. [^T^EJiavecommraced'lto_iMrafBet9woirStttin' , „ Knglnes and Boilers, Pw Stationary Power, tor Mill anil other purposes, and for small Steuroeri, ftl tho UGOENSBURGH STEAM FOUNDRY, whew all orders will bo promptly eiecutott on as favoriblo terms ns elsowhore.

Also—Repairing of Engines and Boilers.' Mill Gear­ing made to order.

A CHANEY fc CO. Ogdensbnrgh, April 19, 1852. . 20tf

Call here and save Money! TH E subscriber Is n o w receiving from Now York

and. Boston, r t large and wel l selected assor tment o

OROOKEESr*. GLASS-WARE! aOtls new stand 6£ WatcrStreet, opposite A. Chanoy fc: Co.'s Hardware Store, which he offers for sale at

G K E A T L I E R E D U C E D P R I C E S ! Thojeln waatof thlsdescrlptlon of Merchandize will

please call andeiamlne Gobdi and prices lieforebnylng ejsowhefe^ f • ' A ^We are also receiving a large lot of G r o c e r i e s , r r « U « , . a n d T i a m e a t i o O r y O o o d » i , which fto oflered {tithe 'pttWte at Wie-VER? LOWES! RjJTBS.forcashorapprovedcredlt.

I. WHEELOCK. OgdenslmrghiAprliaS.lBSl. ajYf '

p G n e N S B V K G B E

REAL ESTATE FQR. SALE. A L.AHGE number of Virago Lot* beanflfatly

/ l i . situated on Ford, Greene, Knox, Jay, Montgomery, Fayelio. Bljrelow and Cbamplalnstreets,.In.tha vicinity of the first Rati Road Bridge uMbe OMlerfy part of the. vHlnae of»sfdensbursh. , • . "

Terms liberal.—TtTi-Ka rintnlostlonttolev Apply to T. S. HALL, at thoLawOfBce>ofBUhop

Parkins. • , , - . . ' ' t o - Charts of the above premises may be seen on' ap­

plication as atiove. . . 45- •" • _ _ _ ^ WM-KEKMOIt.

'• - . H A X S : H A X S I : B O Z E N ItOSStrTTH H A T S , * l « o 1 0

a large ouraber CLOTH and GLAZED OAFS*

received at ssannaetf^Sg stm

G L O V E F A C T O K T ,

CWCA?,. J r t B f e r rB«pecifoJlVhr«)rtn»

hlatinmerddsoldcni'rrH-i*r»»itathepnbllelfti«n-f*ral»h»;th,eU nd#i«*ady ' fi> jnpply aHiatft fo*„.* BIJCKSKOT GLOVBS,

,,.» J1ITTEN8, {TMOCCASINS, tee., fce. I, £Iso, FOR Gloves, Mltta

= -j«r andGauntleu.atLOW-EREE1CE8 than suchartlclOBcanbcboaehtaliowhere tbtfcltydrNeW-lfdiSnotexcejlted.

.Spjmyfrlends.don'tbuyyonrMittonsatpUqes where •heychurgoononundjedpercent. profit on theirgoodj, untjomerlghltotlieFijffiTOjBY *a4WS-atftr$jeo«t.. -

Cyaemember.sAlattltlesfoldatthlsasUbllshment ar« warranted Xl4&>&

BhiplDttK* Wood.a^nllding, nextd&oito A Stock-et'«aiomlhf8tor« Fordstnet/ « - tr

lust March 8.1853. M t f

A CrntE FOB HEAVE§.;—An acquaintance,

living in im adjoining town, assures me tbat heaves io horses may be perrriaaeotly cored. His method, afid by which he says he will warrant a cure in three Weeks, is the follow­ing : "Take the musk bag of the skunk, whiph is foand near the roots of ihe tail, and dry it thoroughly by smoke or otherwise. Of this, for one dose, take a 5Jeoe5of the sjze_of an ordujaj^jbi


^Fa»^Frade, 1852.

BO O K S A N » S T A T I O S n E R T , at whol.t <ale, K I G G i n S & K E L L O G G , publlihers,

BooKsellera and Stationers, and mannftctnrers of everjf varioty of Blank Bboto. 881ohnstreet,cotnerGold New York.lBvHe* call from merchants and booktelltn W -«I««nttr« the price* and'SaalltlM of their Mttj l u n »loc| ofBlaiikbfJola.lHemrjrandurn and Passbooks emMacing eveiry varlewaseded; school aajl elMaleitl books of •«-'JT kind ojcd;itt sc&ppls and acidemia*; Libratjr and

ery, of every variety' ot «r*ijif*^a* L Ttire, all of which tl»y,st««fe, pM>Mi low as any other hoaseljitta ' . t l ^ ;

K, B -Foolscap and I*tftnr|-> " " prices^ • . . \ .•!'..

. maanfae to iapply aa

1852. M H ' 1852. THEiob>crfbershaT«"tak»n,ashoplnE 8 Allen's

balldloioa Isabella strNt «_ doors south of tha • t o n block -whan they will do all kinds of

CARRIAGE AND SIGN PAINTING, In thaixst style and will also be ready to e»ecotea]l ordaritotHOUfSB PAINTING wlthpromptrrtsiandln lhanaatMtmaaaar, and to the satisfaction ofthaem

G & J L l M I H e i a iaa varlotu branches dona to or dejawHiigooaslyla

VAtTCf JWf* OilL. WetowtmrwittaiMoa selwUeit jaf faUla apd oil,

which wa will »*U low far caah

C O A C H * i T D B H I I U J a - B T A m X W T , oftlwb«tq«aIlW,kapteOMt»Mlr»«*M»>«,»»di«Ulb»-s«MVowlb»cMhW,t»»*»»™l , w l«l , 8»i.„ - - - r „ „

.•.AUpertons wishing to pwcaas* PAINTS OIL,

|ka*as(rlv«i, C H l a V B * * A * P « ,









S P I N A L COMPLAINTS, S T I F F J O I N T S . S T R A I N S , BBU1PES. CUTS, WOUNDS. FEOST DITES. CHQL-ERA MORBUS, DYSENTERX, TIC DOLOREUX.and all other complaints where- there Is severe pains, BAD-WAY'S READY RELIEF will Instantly s top t he pain, and quickly cure the-dutease.

„' . . SICK, HEADACHE. Radway's Ready Relief will atop the most ftlstresslng

pains in a few mlnntes, and prevent renewed attacks. It will cleanse and sweeten the stomach, and neutralize the poisonous acids of the system. . | .

UAJpWAT'S CHINESE MEDICATED SOAP! Patronized by thousands of lndlyldnala throlnghout the

States aadCanadas.glvinrthemos'iflattorlngiatUfactlun to all who have used It. Chemists have wondered at iu Jnyslcr!lons'C(recls',abdn)sny of them lmve;endeiwored todlscoverthis seeretsof l u wonderful tiomplhatlon of emc*cl6tt>'ii«lm3 And extracts, which render It so speedy •mi emiiftcloja Vt> tpeteraoyal of Plmple»,Bl'rJtches,.Pas-

B. MORTON, M. D.. r. Physo-Sedieal Physician p d Surgeon, PR0PESS0E of THE0EY & PEACTICE,

ObaUlrick»y ZHfieaaes of 11 *omen and . Children,

WO I X D respectfully inform ihe cit izens of Og-cleoaburph and *. tc in i ty . thut he ha_s permanent

ly located himself in th is place w h e r e he will practice Medicine oo ihe reformed or Botanic system of practice.

Hisoif iceis one door west nf Smith fit Chi ld ' s Boot nod Shoe s to r e , u p s i t i r s . o n Ford street , where he will lie happy to wai t upon all those t ha t feel disposed to fa­vor hint wi th a cull .

I 'r. Morton's remedies are the most powerful of all remedies in the removal of diseases, a t the same time the innsi innoctrpiof all preparat ions, because they act m perfect harmony wi th the laws of organic life, going through the system like electricity, removing obstruc­tions, equalizing thecirculi t t lon and increasing tlie vital action, by m e powerful impulse wh ich they give to the organs,enables them to throw off w h a t e v e r in deleteri­ous to hea l t h . " #

Dr. M. ttsei no mlneralprepnra. t tonsnorpoisonsofa.ny k l n d . n e i t h e i a n i m a i nor vegctahle. for they injure t he fine coats o i the viscera and unfit them for manufactu­ring asuff)clVnto.uanilty uf nutr i t ious mat te r o r c h y l e , lot t h e support of an imal life and h e a l t h .

£>r. M. will t reat all chronic diseases of however long s tanding.or w h i c h may be regarded as incurable , such as diseases of the lnngsv l iver, k i d n e y s / r h e u m a t i s m , spleen. nervousneesH,dropsy, a s thma , dyspepsia, sup­pression, and a l l 'd i seases pecul iar to t h e feinale s e x ; piles, humors , and all diseases- arising from an impure state of the.blood or habi t of the s y s t e m .

Dr. M. i s also prepared to t rea t a l l kinds of acu te dis­eases .such as dysentery , cholera ,cholera morbus, chollc, cramps, spasms, lockjaw, fevers of a 11 kinds, erysipelas, acute or inflammatory rheumat i sm, & c . . & c .

Dr. Morton would n o t s a y tha t h e c a n c u r e a l l d i s e a s e s in their last stages, nor raise t he dead ; bnt he does flat­ter himself that he. will or can enrendj enrabiediseases , and many diseases t ha t have hi therfobeen considered as incurable, i f the pa t ien ts and t h e nurses wiM follow his direct lnnsstr ic t ly .

Dr M . a l s o k e e p s o n h a n d a large assor tment of pure Botanic Medicines forsale, both simples and compounds. T inc tures , syrups , hit ters, good and safe family pills, lin­iments, pain-killer, gams , plasters, o in tments , beat ing salves, essencesof a l l kinds, worm lozenges for children, in fact all of the good, wholesome vegetable or botanic Medicines t ha t ore kep t in a n y apo theca ry s h o p .

If yoa wish to have your aches and pains , or a l l the diseases t h a t h u m a n flesh i s he i r to, cured up , w i thou t leaving a ta int behind, here Is t he p lace to ca l l .

£5T* Residence on t h e c o m e r of Montgomery and Plckerlngstreets . in t h e dwel l ing house formerly occu­pied by Samue l D U ,

Ogdensburgh, A u g u s t 2 5 t h , l B 5 1 . 39


*•* I F E ot Adooorian Judson, -b*y J . Clement ; t he P A Oxonian*, being a sequel to the Rone, or t he Haz­ards of Women, by Sir Edward Lyttou Bulwer ; Sketches in Ireland, by Wil l iam T h a c k e r y ; Harpe r snew monthly Magazine for November ; International Magazine for November; Godcy's L.ady*s Book for November ; Young Lady 's Book, by Hosroer.—Nov. 4th , 1851; 48

TO BE THOUGHT OF! IF he whffmakes two blades of grass grow where bnt

one grew1 before. Is a benefactor to his race, what ranst ho be considered whose skill tends toihafessenlnc of hnmanilla, moral oraphyslcall—who BUetcSfiSjforth his hand when disease presses heavily, and Soothes and alleyluics humattsuBerlngT' Hlsiajheshpnl^be hjrtled, amongmen as one to honor an"d;r«vere. "TheTnvohior of Russia Sains ha* this clalut^ijo'n.thohlesslngsof a. befriended world, and In the emdfeall'rjh. ,of diseascshU dUcoveryhaslmmnrtallwd-blmr-^draialSf^t _. .

FRENCH & STBJfSIJS'Brag^tore. , J n n o I . • - ' ; ' * » t . • ' • ,'•'<• • '• •'

to.iei.T*'tte^tiaasfeWrnea»:if (>jr 'magje, dfeVt.,sailojv, yell6w and nnhealthy3iklns. to »oft,porognd healthy «olnpl«xlotfl-."' FcBjlhe. culfe,of Chapped Flesh, Rough, erackettiria^Weblort^ Bklnf8alt,^heHim.^lng Worpij Erysipelas, Senryy and. S^te Kead, j^orfiSs'* CAliuie Medicated Soap,may trolrbocalledanSnesilffiable trea-enro. Excressencea ofthe ootlcle are' apeisdHy removed

,nnd enred-^lhe cntlculnr yesselaate Wstamly- cleansiaf of alUmpurltleit-ltlie.lianuii, o«k imdjflMfi Sreserit a Sanaml,clean,»wee' an4jliealthy*ppw»ranc i- - r '

BBAOTuTJILHAIE. ; BqAwnT'' circaasion Bklm

Is the mo«t detlclons HalrT.onlc la use It it better than Macassar Oil for dressing the hair nfad imparting to the wltchlns, earls that beatttlttal gloss Which all ad itlrei To lire Bald It It indeed A trearore, for It will malt* hair gr/ow la bald spoUthtt have bleep bald for

*~ MF13 m *TH]B HAIR * - Eathhtlrlatba b a d pasanaaa a garm of life on Which depends th* grama and beanty of lh> hair, aa tbe health ofthe body d.oenas'afoa the free, circulation, ot the blood Ta Invigorate the hair, to An* IKa-jirlnel pie twthls germ use the a«e« i# i s g»lmi mtepared by KADrVAITfc CO, ChemikU ofJNfYrYorJrJ It<s nut np in large hollies for 25 cents a»d -makes ^h« hair flee smooth soft and glossy I'rladpal QAcK US Fallot


i5«»B0SU>HB£'irifjriO t » y l

*x.rtiri *A»Kst* 8»,),jw,l,<v*'!l«^ niptjl a» ' M Jamil* Ptottr

M hf fc**r kvreUNe 1 * « Maekenl. MkltiaKo, lUeekerel, JO bW« No >"erHM ) a , t

Alt Wal.41


WEAKNESS-ASJ) ________ TO pllAvho«e|&)rfTOiri^*»e*co]B)pl«hts,a'nd%is4'h to-

(ind a permanentrtmedy,3we,Ba3§;iry ikQ Owgen-atedBUlers—am'edltanewhicTicdntainsTidrllcdhoi^and ha> cored the worstiase* dmonfe nnr own citizens. For isafe by , - \ FRENCH «t STEVENS,

Jone t,lB52. \ .

0SVEGATjCf|CIfe..WQ03^w..lHIii;S' *milST,0« iyARtolNaand CtOTfi.D&EBSING ?wfil' \ j Tbe'catried on hy tbe inbicrifer'tt thevhlte.'wbol-? en factory, near the canal Jbrtdgej where. i»nnect8d,n« the husinew will »e wltHjSft Wannfacmrlhg, et«jomer». ibiy depend on. having their ^rtt'donejnjhe b|sf njaa^

nerso,ooo EBSi yr(mMiM$£$;- - -la exchange for-cash and cloth—The sobscrlberwill recelrq wool end mantlfaclqre It OKahaTesor W the yard A *w* of cloths of dllfcrent styles and riuiUMes will he kept on hand tO'exchanga for wool •>

I tt. T> HASKEI.I. Ogdenibflrgb.Janel lB5i, ^ « {

li!«h]nt.'nt in < 'e»leirhnri-'h l'ure Cun*"0 Hinr M lUrt1

^ecoml (IIIHIII\ H^.T MH Cmtimon H»ir .MHltro-x -u •-> Palm Leal ami l lnsk ^]!lll^•^'iS'l ~ 3 f All (ithfr kind* eqn:ili\ low in \in<y Those whu m:t\ las<>r hnn \ ' .uh ilir

sure at h u e«tati.i-1.tnent. I«jil.'-'n< si Corn '•* Vuiiiiiure simii. h e v . l . i n a r r \hf money.

PU-rt^p call al every I'lhfr e? IT Ij'.ishinrn tbt-fore > uu pur-clinse of die. and llten inrlve fnr yntir«e!\ es

Every other kmil ol I I'lioUtery work done with nfKJt. ness nail despatch, al ihv lov\ e^l j.r'.e***. '

II. IH'NNI.NtiTON. nudenshnrah. J a n . r,. 1K'.2. St:'

DELANEVS Carriage & Sleigh Manufactory

On Jllain-st., iVtst side nf Ottcefratclne Hirer, '

OOOKXSHLROH, Awl nearly oppusttr thr Siont FncUtry of J. II., esq.,

~ " H J R a s S " Cwrrimres nf evcr> iJpsrriptinn will be hoill in order, us tlie *.iro;.riettir ia a practical

carriage maker hin,<elf, haMtii: worked in tho best shops in this and other countries, hopes to "ive satisfac­tion to all \\ ho may fuvnr him w ith their patronage.

N. H-—Repairing in nl: ,1 a branch r.* dout icith neatnesn and dt*pate-n.prow}*th,,ttri(l no -r.uuitl promts tug.

H i g h l y Important to Farmers ! T h e i n d p p r i M l e n t i S o r s t - J 6 a k c . patent­

ed Fetirnar^- 27th, J-411.--In c<Mmenion u i t h the ahove establishment, the proprietor will manufacture Delano's Patent Hake, lor l . l .atvrenre nnd Franklin Counties.

The first Premium and hip'i.iia awarded it hy the N. V. Suite Agricultural Society, held a t Syracuse. September, 1&49 : nl»oh\ Onopdaea and Cnynpn Co. So­cieties. October, 1849; and its utility tested by more than 8,000 farmers in the New Kneland Suites. New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. Ohio and Michigan, the past season; and unanimously pronouni cd it" superiority over all other rakes throuchotit ihe I 'nited Stalls.^ ,

It Is much easier tended than the Revolver, or P p l n g Tooth, anil its work preferable to either, particularly on ground of uneven surface, i t l ieinttso constructed that hay is removed from knolis and hollows wi th the same ease and certainty a.s from even sroumK

«%AU infringements on ihe Patent Itiitbtof the above named counties, will he proseitiled lo final judgment,

J A S . A. DKI.ANRY. Ogdenshiirsh. 13th January. 1&.VJ. vS2n(5-lyr

B O O K S VSilt A G E N T S .

HEUOINES OF HISTORY—By J o h n S. Jenk ins , embracing the histories nf the tol lowing celebra­

ted characters;—Cleopatra, Isabella of Spain . Joan of Arc. Maria Theresa,- i o seph ine . of England, Cathar ine of Russht.'fRlane Antoinet te , Madame Rol a n d ; 1 octavo vol. ,contalnine500 pages, and embellish* ed w i t h six elegant Steel Portrai ts , Irom correct like nesses .

Remarkable E v e n t s in the History of America, from the Enr l les tTln ies to the year 1R18. by J o h n Fros t ; em­bellished with Seven Hundred Kngrnvlngs ; Svnls.Hvn.

T h e Dairyman's Manua l ; b e i n c a CompleffcGnldefor t he Americun Dairyniau, w i t h numerous i l lus t ra t ions ; by Gordon Evans . M. 1).

Geographical History nf t h e S ta le o f N e w Y o r k ; by J . H. Mather & L . P< Broc"hett.

OUITTF.NDEN & J U D S O N , Successors to Pomeroy fc Byington,

48 i Ford Street, Ogdensbnrgh.

' W A S T E B ! -g sTfc r h ( r f a ( f ^ B X J S J S E I i S G R A S S S E E D , J H - F e W I ^ ' U ' for wh ich tL» highest market price wifl be paid, by

H. 8 H U M P H R E Y & CO. Ogdensburgh, Feb 'y 2d,-1852. Otf


TH E subscribers are now filling their n e w and spa­cious building at tlie POTSJJAM STATION, in the

young and entorprising village pr ftAWET'tEVILLE, with an extensive assortment of

West India, English and American Goods 1 among which are a great variety of

t , a a i e s ' U r e s s G o o d s * F u l l C l o t h s , C o t ­t o n s , C«;pcte.«!ry, E£a.ra»-t irc , •

Buffalo Eobes, Solo Leather, Boot«| 8hoes? &c, &6'., which they wflt sell at-' ' . - . ' ,

• W H O I i j E S A t E - A N i a B t $ f t A t a « • * They hope to be able to snpply TavernsjigrQcerlea, -andTamllies; orilrottor terms than tliey*ah get in tho cities. They will also bay all' Ends of C o u n t r y P r o d u c e , and pay CASH for St, at as hlgji prlces'as the markets will joatliv. And as thay pay Gash for what they nny, they mnst receive Cash or what they sell. » . i :

With a sltuntfomtdjoiolng the RAIL ROAD TRACK, In the centre of the great County tif-St. Lawrence, part •of tho firm residing In Boston, andjiatt In thB errantry,

* tboy believe their advantages fox iis&% "aifes tensive bu sinesj.aro rjnrlvnll^d. And as they fateiid to make this aPermaYientEstaWisbuientanddb'a ' - > L'

tWfcope their efTorta'wllPbo.^Jflf iSfficltMbV the patfonageof a dlsconiln#fihtjltrj.

THOMAS B.- BRtrlvKrf, "

• » ? - . EZB&«»BBRs3F - t ItiuinettevlBe^Potsaam Station) O c t W & j ? 49tf

l F V. 1>ARI ISO. j To ItUHACF. P. n.lR/.l.yn. Defendant

" W ^ O f are hereby summoned and required to answer B the ci.mptaint'in this at-llon which vhis filed in the

I'lli. e of ihe Clerk of the county of t*t. Lawrence at Can ton on the 7th day of June, 18j-2. and lo serve a copy of j your answer to trie said complaint on the snhserilier, in ]

, the \il!;.ge of Potsdam in said county, within twenty i dHys alter ilic service of this summons on t o u . e i r ! n s | \ e i

• ot the day of such service ; nndi f you fa i l tnanswer ihe said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintirls in this action will apply to the court for the rf-liet de­manded in ihe complaint.—Dated June 7th. 1P.">2.

II. I> KNOWI.ES , 34-w6 Plaintiffs' Attorney.


S P B I X f J 4 \ D S l ' J I M E B M E B I C I X E I > T H E W O R L D I

HA"Esirs V O K EST U*IJ\9E!

PA T - R O M Z E B by the .Nobility and Medical Faculty of England,, and esteemed the most extra­

ordinary medicine in the world. Medicines containing molasses or liqnorlce. like the

bottsleu tfarsaparillas. require many larce bottles to pro­duce the slightest change in health. T h e Forest Wine Is altogether a different article' It contains no syrups lo give it consistency, lull acquires its excellent flavor and powerful medicinal qualities from tho vegetable plants of which il is composed. T h e Forest Wine com­bines the virtues of the W i l d C h e r r y , D a n d e l i o n . Y e l l o w D o c k

a n d S a . r s a . p a . r i U a ! with other valuable plants whose properties are still metre powerfnl.

Its high concentration renders it one of the -most effi­cient medicines now in use . Less than a single bollix restores the lingering patient from weakness, debility, and sickness, to strong and vigorous hea l th Every dose shows its good effects on the constitution and improv<& the state of tho heal th . T h e Forest Wine is recom­mended, in the strongest terms, for all complaints of the Stomach, Liver. Kidneys, Nervous Disorders, Bilious

Affections, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Female Complaints, Scrofula, and

all Disorders arising from bad blood, and impure habit of the system.

S A V E D ~ F R O M D E A T H ! ! Testimony of Mr. Nathan Mathews, a highly respect­

able and wealthy citizen of Newark. N. J . : Dr.- O. W. Halscy .—I believe your fo res t Wine and

Pills have been tho means of saving my life. When I commenced taking them, I laid a t the point of death, wi th Dropsy, Piles, and Asthma. My physicians had given me over as past cure, and my family had lost all hope of my recovery. W h i l e in this dreadful situation, your Forest Wine and Pills were procured for me. and before I had finished the first bottle of the Wine and bos of Pills, I experienced great relief; my body and limbs, which were greatly swollen, became sensibly reduced. Hopes of my recovery began now to revive, and al ter continuing the use of your medicines for about a month, the Piles and Asthma were completely cared. T h e Dropsy, wi th which rny life was placed in snch great danger, was also nearly gone. I have continued the use bf your medicines until the present time, and I now enjojy as perfect health as ever I did in my life, al though 1 anj more than sixty years of age.

[.Ascribe my recovery entirely to t he use of your excel­lent medicines. Several of my neighbors have also used them with similar success in obstinate complaints, and I can cheerfully recommend them to the public. ' ~"'

Yours, respectfully. N. M A T H E W S . .Veaark, JV. J, Dec. 19, 1847.

DUEGEE, FORSYTH ft OO.'S J X l * i | » A T E D PLATFORM fc COUNTER *C*.LI», forsale atjaanun\«dt«ra'pHce« by

" T A«BLBY BBDTni-aB, 4 | tpU r*"These Scales have received t i e UrstpiiurtnaWflf

thi Ain*rlca« Institute and. the World'* Industrial Son atyef London Tneyare highly BaUked, and nr« •war­ranted p«rft*L!* < v aty Particular.', TM great Cual Will* £°**i «*'•» »t Bochesler, ntade by tSew, )a MO-•ouaeM th* (KM t work of rh* atad In,the Union M a y rtawijattor* »1«0 *«' l BoaiPeppfmndlJaj;Scales-. Wareioaw Tracks, Bngar MUto, jiid. Letter Copyiag Prestea ^ Xm.

p B W E R f c - A l o o d j a ^ j y B n k f c e r t J M i n i ,

tfeSeVitel md, *>» Ladle. M «


at ls i in MISMM'MKI a t t h a a l i r s a t t W G i ^ l j i a ^ F o i * ^

x. « Q I U I A | I CHAmry

t\ *?»»,

^ ->T *ai4^^®SIS

1TMIJB FOE PEMHTS. > MJECJBITBS-A vary Vn»iimiris.(>i of

1 i >mih* rn^fBfi

A-rcHEsoss'. *«'ir fB^ET3a«xcellence take* root- and cwends ItiellY b*t, M. false pretensions fell as do flowers -'Sememher

tmi and visit ATCBK8O«I!(. the Baiters. Theextentand beanty «ftheir aa,spftpy!nt aniviVth«vistewlthwW<l<re'' m Oil»Ri*»rni-rigejlvlte l»In»liivK} alblle glane«« In •waronfldence In fhrtranperiorltv of&lint their Rocky Mountain heaters of Muaro'as pure and wrtUnitned a» th* newl> tflleBUhow The-SILTi HAT bright llrlt* blaekneii—fte atttaetlw 8ltw* for ehllSsen. «««f«l. anabect,mlilg-.tht»P«na«a, and ievery vMieVroT Haf ajndtaMwuiah be thoniht.or, are all assjood « 1 h e y aw* inviting None -who waatany thing'or the Wad should failto visit the s '*


Piano Porte* tP^edlk^palrea*

. , — ^ — t • v i..n,tw f ' f y j - ;


CO N T A I > " l ! \ ' « N O A L C O H O L - '. -'.re remiedy for Dyspepsia. Asthma, and Gfu-:' 1 •

bititij, haying the highest testimonials ever i fr . ro; .:. '< vor of ahy medicine in the world. For the u u - . - i ' -factory proof of remarkable cures, read the p..r,i;l.-.a accompanying the medjeihe, which abound u :ih <* r. ;. catesfrodi Memuets ofCo^igregs*and cijizens oi the !,..'!: est respectablli y. and tnav be obtained ^ra-.n.u u-.\ . : the General Agents . J)

REED; B A T E S & A U S T I N , Wholesa le Hruci!.-'>. No. 26 Merchants ' Row. Boston, General At-'cnu.

Price ^1 per bottle ; six bottles for S5.

C A t ' T I O J f . — E a c h bottle of the G E N I IMC " t v « KATEO J I T T E R S , will have t he outside wrapper printut In Engl i sh ,French and Spanish , with the signnltuc n; Geo. B . ^ r e e n . Proprietor, upon TiiREk £ i i ' t* . »n*i .'• additionj, a finely engraved label upon the top uf the !'U tie, w i t r j l n e signature of R E K I ) , B A T E S & AUSTIN, v. h" are the kole General Agents^iand to whom :*;i ot'!'r^ must be addressed.

Fors t i lehy H . S . HTJMPHRKY &CO. . and I. S M'll: RIS^c Qn. Druggists, Ogdensburgh. and by Drugci^i- £• n eraliy throughout the U . States and Canada. 3Giiio-i*i-'

G B E A T C U K E o f L I V E B C O I f l P E A l N T O F T E N M A B S S T A N D H N C i !

JVcic York, Jan. 9,1848.

Dr. Halsey, Dear Sir:—Having taken your Forest Wine and Pills to remove a disease of the liver, from which I h a v e suffered severely for upwards of t en y e a r s ; and having adhered closclv to t he directions which ac­company, t h e tnedioipes. I hoso recovered my heal th , notwithstanding a l U v h o knew, mo though t m y case in­curable . Previous t o taMngi the W i n e and Pills, I had recourse to t h e besv'medxcal treatment, bnt continued to grow worse to an alarming degree. Some of-roy friends spoke despairingly ofjmy case, and tried to persuade me from making u s e of a n y advertised remedies j and, X doubt pot , but wlt&t there a re hundreds w h o are dis­suaded from taking 'your excellent medicines, In consc­i e n c e o f t h e deception and Inefficiency of many adver­tised remedies pu t forth hy'unprincipled m e n , in flaming advertisements. But. w h a t a pity i t Is, t h a t the decep­tion used by-others, 5hotrtdJ» t h e means of dissuading many laboring under disease, from making trial apd be­ing cured by your excellent remedies. Hdmanly apeak,-ing. they h a v e saved m y life', w h e n f « > m f e ~ W I S * * i ; a k inguse of them, I w a s i n a wrele*ed /cparjl!lptt t*nt*ef\ gan tocxperlshce their ' - — - - ^ - * — - J f c « » « i i « i J d a y s ; and, in s is week? medicines, to t he S ^ » • « « l , r i ? ? ^ ^ 4 S « ^ 9 » i » " ? »

l t ^ ! | i fW, : ! «id*s fo b ^ - !

LADIES! M B S . A X C H t l i S O W h a s returned fnm*

t h e ci ty again , wi th a n assortment ^' i Goods as large and select as was everheiorc nl-"feredin th is marke t , among which niBj beiuiinrf

Straw knd Silk Ha t s . Dress C a p s , Head Dresses. Fcath­ere, Flpwers , Ribbons, of every description. SHUIT-. Velvets , Si lks ,colored Demiesand inourninp Veils . Al­so, a larce assor tment ofembroideries , &.c.

N . Bj— Mrs. A. wil l a t tend to custom work and repair ing as (usual, and part icular a t ten t ion paid to orders by mail <>•}otherwise.—Sept. S3,1851. -__ 43_-tf_

$100,000 SAVED!

Fl t t E in Pearl Street and Fletcher Street, New Vork. Three Stores and their contents destroyed •

Ueerls (before words ! R I C H ' S S A F E S A G A I > ! !

E L E V E N S A F E S of different makers consumed", with their contents' . T h e Safe made by Rich 6c Co. defied the flaWs, and brought out its contents without a mark of fire upon them I

m a . G I L B E R T ' S L E T T E R ! THKirtaa i s ri.KTCHKa x»n PEARL STS.. NEW TORS.

New York, Dec. 20.1851. Messrs. S T E A R N S t M A R v n t . successors to (" Ktcn fc

Co., fJo. 146. Water Street, New York.—SIRS ; V\ hen the fire w a s consuming my place of business. .No. 2 lo. Pear re t ree t , I was absent in Rensselaer connty. testing a nefc cleaning appatatus in connection with my Excel sior Thrasher , and did not read the account nnut I « as fearftil It was too late to to save my books which were placed in one of your safes, purchased from Mr. Marvin some years ' ago . My tears were not allayed when 1 fount! it necessary upon nry-rerOrn; to apply the Croton •Water40 hours before twa*5ehah le$ to commence OIR-r a t i o p * r B ^ r w W c h J t J - e j } h i | B r l ^ * . l i f i B r s o f labor and appl cation-tO-raise t i e sa lamafiaef i r e m its ashy bed. You may judge ofmyaa»!tJefBiaurut?iht&.delay, and my aere table surprlse]uS}n openlrig theSa<S?tfBie*presenco of a numberofgentlemenj ' toHnd my books and-papers save I, and »»legible a s t h e y wer& previous to. ifaelate. T h e n te )^£ea t t avvb1ohth»8afeTV^*nWeBedfcah J bj !

entirely cured,- and bad inci j ™ ™ ™ , , ™ , M . . weight , having taken o n e box ^ • S & S S ' & i ^ S K S g r . t l e s l f t h e W i S e ; V V o T 4 a ^ « W * ^ ^ 0 ? . , a W * ermduld avail M f l ^ f # * t O T * i B W W .

1faea«V.a%*>id * i « undoubraiy ^ c w e j h e Jeaafafc

recommending tt to TOanjrWJtej^^* .y.^. - » ^

botHe*fof«5 431^*^ l v a t t r m f t '^ ^

l K > Vwho 1 e»nle apd S i W l * * & * U j 2 * * [ . $Bfo\8.-tl«d«»»bur|li Is B Wlntlajr, agent «t StEV^!^8,^iit|^<*#»'*1,,

Canton i 31 l y

T i j r D WAREABT8 B « « K X i M & * ****** « M k * r t c *

m a GittBERT, , -, - WA«nt«ivit,K Y

fg>> ApelieWite*r tnO, liberally and premptlvjtoalt

^ lp}&e j,ECEjtyia>.

IO SwsMBMirimcL CaatUM, tat * * •

* l l


ipantjinato the same office, on the second floor, from • whit h they feU W)pn crates of earthern ware in the eel -lar, mc-raipedaafeupon the Salamander. If theirposi-tton tad been reversed, not even the skeleton would havepremained. My loss over the insurance Is §1.900, yet the salvation of my books in your. Salamander, with the rapresemwvespf pXto;00&*Sdiiow


dl |Tta»Bi lyfaU, Mvi wmaycun rn&& i t n o .

'EJB^ mwni»iww»iiwsw»*B •ijj'iai. i i ' imjiL u i iu i * ,«>».».» i^i law^iw,!^^ li.mii. i S3*u jatMLiKTrv »•• K ,_ l


.safe purchased; ofOTuv+W-eSplavrtjlts; riietits, attny airesjsntbftce.No-'^-fcaifcitr^feiBfBe^reliaaftr^ qBtll-ihwitwtodjM^IK^lftat'Sreeted.- • *** _-

i, 7-p^@B^rMMM'/s*l#9*»»«;«s. torn, t TBa:nrW^1giteS«viS«6«to>merchanls *nd others interested rt> tha praaervation or their booltsfrom nro, tbtt«particnlarIrJhoseha\injgKichVsafes>nuse}tp«aU at the,depptI4ft Water street, New \ork f o w e i t e In-H n o » n t ^ i l b e r i ' ( mil) w ttli the hooks andlMMbed. whlfcliltehwMndly =r*rmltiea tortnwlii forUtewtas-ftcUoaana gratification of thopuwlc.

M T ."W1*'-Btin5\aT>nwf Vanltaand VauJtfioors, proniptly«aidfaithfulh«iecnted ' » ' V - ' "

] ^ r f , ' SJCSiHUSSfcHAR-WN, .1 , (Sn,cBes»o»foBteh'rlfceo„1

l*6jWater.»t a*dcornerA*entteAand8t HsffaHtc*.

Owners. of.Vb*«rc!ttslYenghtof Bkh'sP^ent forthe WUhleof tl» P»Jl«lSmte«, and Uteoaly a«fte»of««.l-aminder-aafei combinins; both p«ie^tt,-coW«a#l^(lIea Rick »i^»orWttnit»'«Bal»jo»»4w8ale*;Wtri'Rlch'*-Isoprovtmenb „ < s. - x * e^mmSi" '

-•J, Jai^MULLB'at fal l ^JtOULTOrl

" It is not ii


£t)e St. Carorenc

\* Owii^n-sr-urgh, Si Lhwrer

HITCHCOCK: & - j r.uiwrs and !'

FH, : . ! . . ^ s "inicHi a c t

(Jfuct In Benedict's Stone 15ji

s i L R i l i or Ti:t. 1 T o Mail aod orace s u b - m

: j , „ ,<irar.»'.)r. .» ailv •»•<• » l , , „r>- -erve.i I.-, toe i i r - i - ' F , . e < vD..-

T T Couuoilnicationi. I" c i, ,-i -CTKI l-e«il nr,tic.-= e l m e,tib';i«hed by l « . other-vC < u>tou ir> ralt-> .. .

BUSINESS S T . l . t « R E \

tigilen-'burtth. .N V » " ' » ': ,rs. 1'iirrrtees to iitid iron; RMHII Ir«-c of ch'i.-c*-

t , ,-c-r of r t t h a r l n r anil On 1, .,.. 1 .ITHI.IIII. t jpienslttreh li-.i in2titli-e u-.i the " ' « ' t,.rli.b*- mtinnet. ss.-urc-s t ti.-n u-i'1 be P't'l! to su ih t I .Uf i> in .i H'l.'". P'-s.l: 't - ,v. r b " ' iiM\\ f""al ! l , e

s ; , , ' . >,. ...' .it- « ;• i.-.-ni.'1-i- in '1 l-'^ltaS"

I; ,.. Until nnd »• 't- 'n t

T H E f J O > " J

W'r tUrs ' .ee : i igiien-t-urtth. : - . n . l i t - > " h n » l l -Mi ' !

r,- ,Jm*-i>t i" c .n\< > pis-.c r., ,.i li-.iot ami r;teanii>"'t:

( JE \ T I B K K L - * L.v... r> .'i >u>ph- and F»r.c

p. t lUn^ine-.. Wn..:.-n U mil-. riir..-uu .I..-OU. b.n ,.., . II .irk I' Til syeel . '

M ^ < Hi MB tRI-AlV J ] I M it* 1-i. ! ! •>»

W - •->!> anil Ueltlt II-, , ,„ , . r , f l ' o r l .it.i". " I "

I 1. DKtf Bl i

Si A M O C K , H<>1 Win -•'.- 4* ri '».i <S-.:IT-

,.. r- - Itlotk. for*. »

L \ U A A _ B


p *

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t.tjii'-rnl-t-'iUi'ti'-^ioo > i r rL" 1 l . l - Vu-ltl i-l. M K

1 1 . s . f! t ' ! S ' \ t M , .•.*•'• .--it ile 'il

' ^ ., r , •. I ' . i l . W . m . i rc-t i l^Ht-n?our2h,>i

XX. t « - •'

A . . . r . . -y ar.rl ( • . o - i«e i i " ' „, , - . i^rti ' in^ ' '

11 ir •'•• li ' ' , : ' - ' u !

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„pp . , i i e B.ti April '?• 1"S1-

ttn. Crai 'ut t i t "I '-he

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Dealers In f --Also—F I , Hasbro Ogdensbu

S I Successors

' ^ i and Bind'

j . c. *p*i

Merchant and Ve» York.— i

Wholesale Leather-

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Wholesale Shoe T< n.Ts- tv Jewelry

Successor \n Bo"1

20 a .

Dealer I Presen


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