classes of vehicle design

Post on 18-Feb-2016






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vehicle design


Classes of Vehicle Design

Small rigid vehicle (SRV) The SRV represents light trucks to a maximum load capacity of 4.0t and typically having a single rear axle and either single or dual tyres. Typically used in service areas where small commercial vehicles are preferred. Medium rigid vehicle (MRV) The MRV represents the common service truck having a load capacity of 8.0t, and typically having a single rear axle and dual tyres. Typically used where there is significant movement of goods but where the provision of goods by HRV or AV is not necessary. Heavy rigid vehicle (HRV) The HRV represents the maximum dimensions of a single unit truck; specialist vehicles excepted, and typically has a load capacity of 12t. The class also includes 4-axle twin steer vehicles with a typical load capacity of 16t. Typically this design would normally be provided for in major suburban delivery areas.

Articulated vehicle (AV) The AV is the largest vehicle for which under normal circumstances, a service facility would need to be used in order to on or off load goods.

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