claim google authorship for increasing traffic to your website

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Google+ and /increase-website-traf f ic/human-techniques/google-and-seo.html

By David Attard

SEO is not an easy process. However, there are a f ew simple things which you need to make sure you do.Google+ has been proven by the leading SEO websites to have a signif icant ef f ect in the SEO process.Basically, building a recognized social prof ile f or your posts, and indicating to Google that you arerelevant through your Google+ prof ile, will enable Google to judge you and your website better. What isGoogle trying to do hear? Basically, it wants to stop "automated" black hat SEO, and reward people whoare making a conscious human ef f ort to play by the rules and penalize those who are trying to cheat theirway into the top spots in search results.

Bottom line - Google+ is an essential link between you, your website, content you publish and searchengine rankings.

So do you want to get Google Authorship f or your site? Something similar to the below?

Take a look at what Matt curtis f rom Google says about Authorship:

Ruth Cheesley has also spoken about this in the Joomla World Conf erence last year:

So how do you do it?

Link to your Google+ prof ileNumber 1: Always link your authored content to your Google prof ile. Whether this is within guest posts,or within your own content on your own website, make sure you are a link to your Google+ prof ile. Seeabove in our example, we are linking to our prof ile through the "Written by" above with a "rel=author"link to our prof ile. This is the link TO your prof ile. A small example of how we do this on our websitef ollows:


<a href="">David Attard</a>

Claim Google Authorship to link FROM your prof ileNumber 2: Af ter Step 1, we need to create a link FROM your prof ile. You can do this by claim Google

Number 2: Af ter Step 1, we need to create a link FROM your prof ile. You can do this by claim GoogleAuthorship. This is a relatively simple process which can be done in a couple of ways. The easiest is toenter an email f or a website you are claiming authorship f or. So if you are claiming authorship f, you'll need access to an email, and you will be able to claim authorship onthat site. PS. Make your you have a good prof ile picture, which shows your f ace clearly.

Build a brand page on Google+Number 3: Setup a Google+ Brand page and link to it f rom your website - you can use the example codebelow or go here to get your own customised Google+ badge. The need to create a Brand page anddevelop a f ollowing is relatively obvious. Just like you do this on Facebook, do it also on Google+ ...besides it being a social network, you can link your website to your Google+ page. And Google has directaccess to this data and uses this data to inf luence search results. If you've developed a f ollowing onGoogle+, and your f ollowers are +1'ing your content - its an obvious signal to Google that the contentwhich is being plused is relevant - and thus it 's going to rank better.

<!-- Place this code where you want the badge to render. --><a href="//"rel="publisher" target="_top" style="text-decoration:none;"><img src="//ssl.gstat" alt="Google+"style="border:0;width:32px;height:32px;"/></a>

You can and should also link via a the f ollowing meta tag. You'll need to put this in the <head> of yourtemplates index.php f ile.

<link href ="" rel="publisher" />

Content remains kingNumber 4: Blog and publish content directly f rom your prof ile page, your brand page or both. The samerecommendations of original quality content apply to Google+ prof iles as they do to websites. Goodquality is going to attract f eedback, shares and f ollowers and builds your social prof ile and makes it morerelevant. For content posted on your website, make sure you link to it f rom your Google+ prof ile page. Bythe way, it 's extremely simple to create a link. The f ollowing is the text you'll need to create:

Conclusion - f ocus on becoming relevant in your circles. Don't f ocus on SEO per se, f ocus on beinghelpf ul, creating quality content and become an authority in your niche. It 's the only way to the top. It 'shard work, but it works best.

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