civilizations of asia 1.china 2.yalu and tumen rivers 3.taiwan 4.north and south korea 5.japan...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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  • Civilizations of Asia
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  • 1.China 2.Yalu and Tumen Rivers 3.Taiwan 4.North and South Korea 5.Japan 6.Philippines 7.Indonesia 8.Vietnam 9.India 10.Ottoman Empire 11.Turkey Geography
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  • CIVILIZATIONS OF ASIA Where are you from, China? Im Vietnamese. Same thing How does physical geography ensure that this statement is incorrect? ------------------------------
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  • JAPAN Starting with a Story How could you apply the lessons that Yoro learned to your life?
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  • Shinto is based on the respect for nature. Chinese called the Japanese islands the land of the rising sun. The prince opened an embassy, wrote a Constitution, and encouraged Buddhism. (Natl Geo video, Starting with a Story) Explain the religious beliefs of Shinto. (Read Shintoism in Japan, What is Kami, and Shinto Shrines) Explain Nippon. Draw a quick sketch of Japans flag. Which aspects of Chinese culture did Prince Shotoku adopt? Japan
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  • It was written by a woman and considered to be the worlds first novel. Noh Folklore for upper class, actors usually wore masks. Kabuki Plays for common people, actors usually had painted faces. Protectors of Earth Majestic, Ever changing Falling, breathing; Trees - J. Stiefel Why was The Tale of Genji an important novel? (Read the Intro for the Tale of Genji) (Watch the short video for the Tale of Genji) What are the differences between Noh and Kabuki plays? (Watch Noh and Kabuki TedED) Write a Haiku about nature. Make one form of calligraphy to go with it. (See the Haiku link for examples) Japan
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  • Feudalism is known as a Lord-Vassal system where local landlords act as rulers. The Shogunate removed foreign influence which made Japan isolated once again. (Watch the Samurai video History Channel) Explain what feudalism is and make a detailed diagram that illustrates Japanese society. (See animated map) What changes did Tokugawa Ieyasu make to Japan? (Japan Memoirs of a Secret Empire) Japan
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  • What is unique about Japanese culture and how did Japan become a military society? Name:____________________
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  • The Silla and the Koryo, which later was called Korea. Korea adopted rice cultivations, pottery (celadon), Buddhism, and Confucianism. Created the capital, Seoul, the built forts on the Chinese border, and drove Japanes pirates from the islands. *Note: Japanese pirates were ronin samurai. What were the first two major kingdoms of Korea? How did China influence Korea? The Yi family formed the Choson Dynasty. What did this dynasty accomplish? (Choson Dynasty Video 6:00) Korea
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  • Using your activity in class and p. 438, briefly describe the differences between Mandarin, Hangul, and Quoc-ngu. Languages Activity
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  • China and India They successfully cultivated rice with irrigation and better seeds. (Count of SE Asia Video) (The Traveler Activity) Which countries influenced the Khmer empire? Look at the Angkor Wat. Describe what you see and read. (See Link on Web Resouces) What were the main reasons that the empire became prosperous? Khmer Empire
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  • China forced the Vietnamese to speak Chinese, dress Chinese, and follow Chinese beliefs. It was led by women, Trung Trac and Trung Nhi. (The Geography and Cultures of SE Asia Video) The Nam Viet was a kingdom south of China. Explain what happened to it. The Vietnamese rebelled against the Chinese before forming the Dai Vet. What was unique about the rebellion? (Read article) Vietnamese Kingdoms
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  • Explain the invasions in Korea and Vietnam by China.
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  • Babur led his Muslim army into India, conquered smaller kingdoms, and began the Mughal Empire. He was very tolerant, allowed people to practice their own religions, and married several women of varying religions. There may have been a lack of water. Summarize p. 444 to explain how the Mughal Empire began. (Read about Humayuns Death) Based on A Wise Ruler, how did Akbar treat non- Muslims? Why do historians believe the capital city of Fatehpur Sikri was abandoned? (Fatehpur Sikri Video) Mughal Empire
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  • He was very weak, his wife, Nur Jahan, actually held the power. Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal as a tomb memorial for his wife. He raised taxes and starved the people for it. He made subjects follow Islam and removed Hindus from government; leaders rebelled and the Mughal Empire declined. Describe Jahangir as a leader. Briefly describe the story of the Taj Mahal. (Both Taj Videos and Virtual Tour) How did Aurangzeb rule and what was the overall effect of his leadership? Mughal Empire
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  • Explain how the Mughal Empire began, Akbars approach to governing, and the reasons for the empires decline.
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  • Explain the invasions in Korea and Vietnam by China. Invasions by China greatly affected how Korea and Vietnam developed as countries. Han Chinese originally invaded Korea around 108 B.C.E. Later, Korea developed much of its government and culture based on Chinas. Mongols invaded Korea in 1231 but were later repelled. Korea eventually became allies with China who worked together to repel Japanese pirates (ronin) from the peninsula. Vietnam was also invaded by the Han Chinese, which began as a relatively peaceful relationship but later turned harsh. The Tang sisters led a rebellion against the Chinese, which was successful at first. Eventually, Vietnam succumbed to Chinese rule again and adopted many Chinese cultures. Mongol Chinese invaded Vietnam, but were kept out. Ming Chinese also attacked and were successful at first but were eventually pushed out as well. Constant attacks on Korea and Vietnam by China left a heavy cultural footprint in both countries.
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  • Explain how the Mughal Empire began, Akbars approach to governing, and the reasons for the empires decline. Strong leadership led to both the rise and fall of the Mughal Empire. Chinese Mongols continuously attacked India which shattered the people into small groups. Barbur joined the groups and took control of India. After Barburs rule, Akbar allowed the people of India to follow their own religions and filled government positions based on talent instead of family. Toward the end of the Mughal Empire, Aurangzeb controlled India in a violent manner. He placed his father, Shan Jahan the designer of the Taj Mahal, in prison and killed his brothers. India subjects were forced to follow Islamic law, Hindus were removed, and taxed were raised. While positive leadership led to the rise of the Mughal Empire, oppression resulted in its downfall.
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  • 1.Roman Empire 2.Constantinople 3.Istanbul 4.Persia 5.Turkey 6.Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empire Geography
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  • OTTOMAN AND BYZANTINE EMPIRES Review the Byzantine Empire. Summarize your readings from: P. 287 all P. 288 Rebuilding Constantinople Pp. 290-1 The Byzantine Empire Collapses The Emperor Justinian rebuilt parts of the Eastern Roman Empire, using Constantinople as the Byzantine capital. After Justinians death, the Empire was repeatedly attacked, by Persians, Arabs, and Turks. In 1453, Turks captured the capital city of Constantinople.
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  • Osman united the Turks into a fighting force that used muskets and cannons. Explain how the Ottoman Empire began. Draw a diagram of the Ottoman government. Ottoman Empire Sultan Grand Vizier and Divan (council) Military Leaders, Religious Authorities, Estate Owners
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  • He was the Magnificent for his cultural achievements and the Lawgiver for his code of law. North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Syria, Persia, Palestine, and Egypt. They conquered Constantinople and changed its name to Istanbul. The Roman Empire was controlled by Hapsburgs (Germans), who were enemies with the French. The French helped the Ottomans, but did not succeed in taking Rom. Describe Suleyman I from the book and video. (Suleyman A Lamb becomes a Lion) Where did the empire expand to? Explain Suleyman's attack on the Holy Roman Empire. Ottoman Empire
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  • Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Millets were communities established by Christians and Jews. Slaves worked in government and made up part of the army, called janissaries, who were elite soldiers. Women had the right to own land, inherit property, become merchants, and work with men. What were the three primary religions in the Ottoman Empire? What were millets? Explain slavery in the Ottoman Empire. (Watch Slavery Forms the Foundation) Describe the lives of women in the Empire. Ottoman Empire
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  • Explain where the Ottoman Empire was established and what life was like for people, including religious beliefs, those who were conquered, and women. Name:____________________
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  • Explain where the Ottoman Empire was established and what life was like for people, including religious beliefs, those who were conquered, and women. Name:____________________ Leaders of the Ottoman Empire conquered the Byzantines and treated many people according the religious beliefs of Islam. The Ottoman Empire controlled much of near Asia, east Europe, and north Africa. People within the empire were allowed many freedoms, including Jews and Christians. Christians and Jews formed their own communities, called millets, and were allowed to govern themselves. Slaves were allowed to serve the Sultan in government and in the army. Women in the country worked with their husbands as farmers and those in the cities often worked in markets and became merchants. Some women were allowed to serve on the Sultans court and gained considerable power. Unlike many empires, the Ottoman Empire allowed freedoms for its people regardless of religion, freedom, or gender.

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