christelle roy - subatech 1 emcal – france statuscern-020707 since the scientific council

Post on 24-Jan-2016






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Christelle Roy - Subatech 1

EMCal – FranceEMCal – France


Since the Scientific Since the Scientific CouncilCouncil

EMCal designdesign participation

Mechanics :Mechanics : Mechanical architecture of StripModules and SuperModules : completedcompleted SuperModules Crates : completedcompleted (pict.) StrongBacks : in progressin progress Interfaces SuperModules – CalFrame (rails + crates) : completedcompleted Insertion Tooling : completedcompleted StripModules handling and tooling : completedcompleted Electronics/mechanics interfaces : completedcompleted

Electronics :Electronics : T-cards + IPCB + GTL bus : in progressin progress

Request from Electronics/Daq pool of Subatech

SuperModule Crate

As designed

As machined

EMCal realizationrealization participation

Mechanics :Mechanics : SuperModules – CalFrame interfaces (rails and crates) : completedcompleted StrongBacks manufacturer consulting : in progressin progress Insertion tooling : order ready to be sentorder ready to be sent

Installation of the rails on the CalFrame : completed completed …last week Load test

Writing of EMCal 3D-Model : completedcompleted + constant upgrade

…coming soon… Tests at CERN in October : 4/5 persons available Module assembly (288) StripModules assembly (24)

Calframe : Preparation of load test

Load test finished week 22, deflections conform to FEA calculations


Installation of cables trays in SXL2 (on the way)

LPSC activities

1/ Supermodule assembly (see J.F. Muraz's talk)    - Hall removal    - Assembly tools

2/ EMCal Global trigger (see O. Bourrion's talk)   - STU design   - Test TRU/STU link

3/ Simulation for cosmics calibration (see C. Furget's talk)

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