chapter no. 6 the internet, websites, and media · the internet, websites, and media chapter no. 6...

Post on 14-Jun-2020






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The Internet

Lots of people use the word "Internet" to mean going online.

Actually, the "Internet" is nothing more than the basic computer


It is the largest network in the world that connects hundreds of

thousands of individual networks all over the world.

The popular term for the Internet is the “information highway”.

Rather than moving through geographical space, it moves your

ideas and information through cyberspace – the space of

electronic movement of ideas and information.


Evolution of the Internet

The Internet has its roots in a networking project started by the

Pentagon’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), an

agency of the U.S. Department of Defense. ARPA’s goal was to

build a network that

I. allowed scientists at different physical locations to share

information and work together on military and scientific

projects and

II. could function even if part of the network were disabled or

destroyed by a disaster such as a nuclear attack.

That network, called ARPANET, became functional in September

1969, linking scientific and academic researchers across the

United States.

Evolution of the Internet

The original ARPANET consisted of four main computers, one

each located at the University of California at Los Angeles, the

University of California at Santa Barbara, the Stanford Research

Institute, and the University of Utah.

Each of these computers served as a host on the network.

A host, more commonly known today as a server, is any

computer that provides services and connections to other

computers on a network. Hosts often use high-speed

communications to transfer data and messages over a network.

By 1984, ARPANET had more than 1,000 individual computers

linked as hosts. Today, millions of hosts connect to this network,

which now is known as the Internet.


Internet Usages

Electronic mail.


Downloading files.

Discussion groups.

Interactive games.

Education and self-improvement.

Electronic newspapers and magazines.

Social Networking.

Job Hunting.


Internet Service Providers

An Internet service provider (ISP), sometimes called an

Internet access provider, is a business that provides individuals

and organizations access to the Internet.

ISPs often charge a fixed amount for an Internet connection,

offering customers a variety of plans based on desired speeds,

bandwidth, and services. In addition to Internet access, ISPs may

include additional services, such as email and online storage.

Bandwidth represents the amount of data that travels over a

network. A higher bandwidth means more data transmits. Data

sizes typically are stated in terms of megabytes and gigabytes.

Data Usage - Example


Broadband - Wired Technologies

Cable Internet service

Provides high-speed Internet access through the cable

television network via a cable modem

DSL (digital subscriber line)

Provides high-speed Internet connections through the

telephone network via a DSL modem

Fiber to the Premises (FTTP)

Uses fiber-optic cable to provide high-speed Internet

access via a modem

Popular Broadband Internet Service Technologies



Popular Broadband Internet Service Technologies

Broadband - Wireless Technologies

Mobile broadband

Offers high-speed Internet connections over the cellular radio

network to computers and devices with built-in compatible

technology (such as 3G, 4G, or 5G) or a wireless modem or

other communications device

Fixed wireless

Provides high-speed Internet connections using a dish-shaped

antenna on a building, such as a house or business, to

communicate with a tower location via radio signals

Satellite Internet service

Provides high-speed Internet connections via satellite to a

satellite dish that communicates with a satellite modem

Domain Name System (DNS)

The domain name system (DNS) is the method that the Internet uses

to store domain names and their corresponding IP addresses.

When you enter a domain name (i.e., in a browser, a DNS

server translates the domain name to its associated IP address so that

the request can be routed to the correct computer.

A DNS server is a server on the Internet that usually is associated with

an ISP.

Domain Name System (DNS)

This figure shows how a user’s entered domain name ( uses a DNS server

to display a webpage (Google, in this case).

How Internet Works?

• Because the Internet is a global network of

computers each computer connected to the Internet

must have a unique address.

• This address is known as an IP Address.


IP Addresses

The Internet uses two IP addressing schemes: IPv4 and IPv6.

Domain Names

A domain name is a text-based name that corresponds to the IPaddress of a server that hosts a website. A domain name is partof the web address that you type in a browser’s address bar toaccess a website.

The IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, along with the domain name for Google’s website.

Top-Level Domain (TLD)

The suffix of the domain name, called the top-level domain (TLD),

identifies the type of organization associated with the domain. For

example, the .com is the TLD.

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

The organization that approves and controls TLDs is

called ICANN (pronounced EYE-can), which stands for

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.

For websites outside the United States, the suffix of the

domain name may include a country code TLD (ccTLD),

which is a two-letter country code, such as au for


For example, is the domain name

for Philips Australia.


FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an Internet standard that

permits file uploading and downloading to and from other

computers on the Internet.

Uploading is the process of transferring files from your

computer or mobile device to a server on the Internet.

Recall that downloading is the process of transferring files

from a server on the Internet to your computer or mobile


Webpage developers, for example, often use FTP to

upload their webpages to a web server.


Many operating systems include FTP capabilities. If yours

does not, you can download FTP programs from the web,

usually for a small fee.

An FTP server is a computer that allows users to upload

and/or download files using FTP. An FTP site is a collection of

files that reside on an FTP server.

Many FTP sites have anonymous FTP, whereby anyone can

transfer some, if not all, available files.

Some FTP sites restrict file transfers to those who have

authorized accounts (user names and passwords) on the

FTP server.



VoIP, short for Voice over IP (Internet Protocol), enables users

to speak to other users via their Internet connection. That is,

VoIP uses the Internet (instead of the public switched

telephone network) to connect a calling party to one or more

local or long-distance called parties.

To place an Internet phone call, you need a broadband

Internet connection, a microphone and speaker, both of which

are included with a standard computer or mobile device, and

VoIP software, such as Skype. Some VoIP services require

that you purchase a separate phone and VoIP router, and

subscribe to their service



World Wide Web (WWW)

World Wide Web (WWW), or web, consists of a worldwide

collection of electronic documents.

Each electronic document on the web is called a webpage, which

can contain text, graphics, animation, audio, and video.

A collection of linked Web pages that has a common theme or

focus is called a Web site.

The main page that all of the pages on a particular Web site are

organized around and link back to is called the site’s home page.

Some webpages are static (fixed); others are dynamic



A website is defined by its content, while a web application is defined by

its interaction with the user. That is, a website can probably consist of a

static content repository that's dealt out to all visitors, while a web

application depends on interaction and requires programmatic user input

and data processing.

For example, a news site would be a "website", but a spreadsheet or a

collaborative calendar would be web "applications". The news site shows

essentially the same information to all visitors, while the calendar

processes individual data.

Practically, most websites with quickly changing content will also rely on a

sophisticated programmatic (and/or database) backend, but at least in

principle they're only defined by their output. The web application on the

other hand is essentially a program that runs remotely, and it depends

fundamentally on a processing and a data storage backend.



Web Addresses

A webpage has a unique address, called a web address

or URL (Uniform Resource Locator).

For example, the web address of

identifies the U.S. Department of the Interior National

Park Service home page.

WEB 1.0

Web 1.0 refers to the first stage of the World Wide Web


Read Only


Some of the key technologies that are being developed during

this stage of the Web include:

• Content and Enterprise Portals

• Search Engines (AltaVista, Yahoo!)

• E-mail (Yahoo!, Hotmail)

• P2P File Sharing (Napster, BitTorrent)

WEB 2.0

Web 2.0 or “the Social Web”

Read and Write

Web Applications

Some of the key technologies that are being developed during this

stage of the Web include:

• Blogs (Blogger)

• Wikis (Wikipedia)

• Social Networks (Facebook, MySpace, YouTube )

• Instant Messaging (Yahoo!, Google Talk, AIM)

• Auction Web sites (eBay)

• Professional Networking (Linked-in, Plaxo)

WEB 3.0

Web 3.0 or “Semantic Web” or “the intelligent Web”.

Combining this capability with natural language processing, in Web

3.0, computers can understand information like humans in order to

provide faster and more relevant results. They become more

intelligent to satisfy the needs of users.

Some of the key technologies that are being developed during this stage

of the Web include:

• Ontologies (YAGO, DBPedia)

• Semantic Social Networks (Twine)

• Semantic E-mail (IBM Omnifind)

• Context-Aware Games

• Better Natural Language Processing

Search Engine


A search engine is a web-based tool that enables users to

locate information on the World Wide Web.

Popular examples of search engines are Google, Yahoo!,and MSN Search.

How Search Engine Works?

All search engines work using a 3 phase approach to managing ,

ranking and returning search results.

But a lot of people have no idea what is happening behind that

search box when they type in their search queries.

So just how do Google, Bing and the rest of them work out what

is on the web, what is relevant to your general query and which

specific websites should be ranked highly?

There are three functions which need to be done:

1. Web Crawling

2. Indexing

3. The Algorithm

Web Crawling

A crawler is a program that visits Web sites and reads their pages

and other information in order to create entries for a search

engine index. The major search engines on the Web all have such

a program, which is also known as a "spider" or a "bot."

This is the means by which search engines can find out what is

published out on the World Wide Web. Essentially, crawling is

copying what is on web pages and repeatedly checking the

multitude of pages to see if they are changed and make a copy of

any changes found.

How Search Engine Works?


Once a spider has crawled a web page, the copy that is made is

returned to the search engine and stored in a data center. Data centers

are huge, purpose built collections of servers which act as a repository of

the all the copies of webpages being made by the crawlers. Google

owns dozens of them dotted around the world, which it guards very

closely and which are among the most hi-tech buildings in the world.

The repository of web pages is referred to as the ‘Index’, and it is this

data store which is organized and used to provide the search results you

see on the search engine. Indexing is the process of organizing the

masses of data and pages so they can be searched quickly for relevant

results to your search query.

How Search Engine Works?

The Algorithm

The aim of the search engine algorithm is to present a relevant set of

high quality search results that will fulfil the user’s query/question as

quickly as possible.

The user then selects an option from the list of search results and this

action, along with subsequent activity, then feeds into future learnings

which can affect search engine rankings going forward.

How Search Engine Works?




Social Networks

Social Networks Sites

Examples: Facebook, LinkedIn

A social networking site is a social media site that allows you to connect

with people who have similar interests and backgrounds. Facebook,

Twitter, and Instagram are three of the most popular examples of a social

network website.

These platforms allow us to connect with our friends, family, and even

brands. Most social network sites let users share thoughts, upload photos

and videos, and participate in groups of interest.

Bookmarking Sites

Bookmarking Sites

Examples: Pinterest, Flipboard, Diggs

Bookmarking sites allow users to save and organize links to

any number of online resources and websites. A great feature

of these sites is the ability for the users to “tag” links, which

makes them easier to search, and invariably, share with their


StumbleUpon is a popular example of a bookmarking site.

Bookmarking Sites

Social News

Social News Sites

Examples: Digg

A social news site allows its users to post news links and other

items to external articles. Users then proceed to vote on said

items, and the items with the highest number of votes are

most prominently displayed.

A good example of a social news site is Reddit.

Social News

Media Sharing

Media Sharing Sites

Examples: Pinterest, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion

Media sharing websites allow users to share different types of

media, with the two main ones being image sharing and video

hosting sites.

As you might have guessed, YouTube still remains the most

well-known media sharing site in the world.

Blog comments and forums

Forums and Blog Sites

An online forum is a site that lets users engage in

conversations by posting and responding to community

messages. Example: StackOverflow

A blog comment site is the same thing except being a little

more focused. The comments are usually centered around

the specific subject of the attached blog. Google has a

popular blogging site aptly titled, eBlogger, Wordpress


Microblogging Sites

Examples: Twitter

These are just what they sound like, sites that allow the users

to submit their short written entries, which can include links to

product and service sites, as well as links to other social

media sites. These are then posted on the ‘walls’ of everyone

who has subscribed to that user’s account.

The most commonly used microblogging website is Twitter.


Social Review Sites

Social Review Sites

Examples: TripAdvisor, Yelp, FourSquare

What’s one of the first things you see when you are planning

to buy a new product or try out a new restaurant? If you are

anything like us, you will first head to the reviews.


Wikis Sites

A wiki is a type of collaborative website that allows users to

create, add, modify, or delete the website content via a

browser. Wikis can include articles, documents, photos, or

videos. Some wikis are public, accessible to everyone.

Many companies, for example, set up wikis as an intranet for

employees to collaborate on projects or access information,

procedures, and documents. (An intranet is an internal

network that uses Internet technologies.)



Portals (Old Style of Content Aggregation)

A portal is a website that offers a variety of Internet services

from a single, convenient location

A wireless portal is a portal designed for Internet-capable

mobile devices.

Most portals offer these free services: search engine; news,

sports, and weather; web publishing; yellow pages; stock

quotes; maps; shopping; and email and other communications



Portals, such as MSN, offer a variety of Internet services from a single location.

Content Aggregation

Content Aggregation (New name of Portals)

A content aggregation website or web app, sometimes

called a curation website, allows users to collect and compile

content from a variety of websites about a particular topic or


Types of content that may be compiled includes news,

reviews, images, videos, podcasts and blogs. Content

aggregation websites save users time because they need to

visit only one website (the content aggregation website)

instead of visiting multiple websites to obtain information.

Content Aggregation

A content aggregation web app that compiles news from a variety of online


Instant Messaging and Chatting



MSN Messenger

Yahoo Messenger


Snap Chat

Instant messaging is a form of written

communication that allows you to

send messages from one computer to


The message appears immediately on the

screen of the computer you send it to,

provided the computer is using the service.

The abbreviation IM is also used. They keep

in contact through instant messaging

Video Conferencing

Video Conferencing

• A videoconference or

video conference is a set

of interactive


technologies which allow

two or more locations to

interact via two-way video

and audio transmissions



Webinar and Podcast

Webinar is a live, virtual event that is executed online. It is an

educational or instructive session that includes audio and visual

communication between a speaker and attendees.

Webinar software enables the sharing of slides and interactive

participation through chat boxes and Q&A features.

Podcasting is the preparation and distribution of audio files

using RSS to the computers of subscribed users. These files

may then be uploaded to digital music or multimedia players like

the iPod. A podcast can be easily created from a digital audio

file. The podcaster first saves the file as an MP3 and then

uploads it to the Web site of a service provider. The MP3 file

gets its own URL, which is inserted into an RSS XML document

as an enclosure within an XML tag.


Netiquette, which is short for Internet etiquette, is the code

of acceptable behaviors users should follow while on the

Internet; that is, it is the conduct expected of individuals

while online.

Netiquette includes rules for all aspects of the Internet,

including the web, social media, Internet messaging, chat

rooms, online discussions, and FTP


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