chapter 30 section 4 world history 10 h

Post on 10-Apr-2015






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Moriah Son February 25, 2008Ms. Hartmann Global H

Chapter 30/ Section 4

I. The Weimar Republic: Germany was on the brink of chaos. So they built a democratic government called the Weimar Republic and set up a parliamentary system led by a chancellor, or prime minister which gave women the cote and included a bill of rights. a. Struggles of the Republic

i. They were weak and faced many problems. They government, led by moderate democratic socialists came under constant fire from bother Communists and Conservatives. They longed for another strong leader like Bismarck and through their bitterness they blamed the German Jews for economic and political problems.

b. Inflationi. Germany fell behind in reparation payments. France was

occupying Germany at that time in the coal-rich Ruhr Valley. Ruhr Germans turned to passive resistance, refusing to work. To support these people the government printed up huge amounts of money and eventually it reached to the point of inflation causing the country to be literally out of money.

c. Recovery and Collapsei. With help from the western powers, the government brought

inflation under control. The U.S. gained British and French approval for a plan to reduce German reparations payments. Under the Dawes Plan, France withdrew its forces from the Ruhr, and the Americans loans helped Germany recover.

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