chapter 11.4 the second war for independence the war of 1812

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Chapter 11.4 The Second War for Independence The War of 1812. When Great Britain and France went to war in 1803 America would find itself in the middle of it with no way out. Napoleon was looking to conquer England and Europe England was looking to get back its colonies while stopping France. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Chapter 11.4 The Second War for Independence

The War of 1812

• When Great Britain and France went to war in 1803– America would find itself in

the middle of it with no way out.

– Napoleon was looking to conquer England and Europe

– England was looking to get back its colonies while stopping France

The British make the first move…• 1803-1808

– Parliament pass laws that allow British ships to inspect any ship in Atlantic Ocean• Looking for weapons being

sent to France

– What happens instead? • American sailors and ships

are being forced to serve for the British– Called impressment– Why?

» They need more ships to attack France

So what can Pres. Jefferson do? • Well, we can’t fight them yet

– Navy• USA = 6 ships• UK = 800 ships

• So, we make a law to keep us from having to deal with Britain

– Embargo Act of 1807• Law banned trade with all

foreign countries

• Goal:– Keep USA away from trouble in

Atlantic Ocean

Reaction to Embargo Act• Democratic Republican’s

– Loved it!

– Let America take care of itself

– Why were this way? • They were all farmers in


• Federalist supporters– Hated it!

– Main source of income was doing trade with UK and France• They were all merchants in


– What would you do if you lived in the North? • They thought about claiming

independence from the South and their POTUS…

Meanwhile, it’s 1808. Time for another election.

• TJ is done – Served 2 terms

• Democratic – Republican– James Madison

• Technically still Federalists…– Charles Pinckney

– Landslide victory for Madison• Becomes 4th POTUS

How does Pres. Madison deal with unpopularity of Embargo Act.

• Non –Intercourse Act of 1809– Banned trade with France

and Britain only

– Opened trade to West Indies and China

– Goal:• Keep merchants in North

happy…– It worked.

The British get sneaky…• Persuade Indians in the NW

territory to attack American settlers

– Aided by:• British weapons• Promise to have land back if

they help Britain take back colonies.

– Indians led by Tecumseh• Leads 700 indians into Indiana

Territory to take on U.S. Army – Led by William Henry Harrison

» Governor of Indiana territory

Battle of Tippecanoe

• US Army destroy Indian warriors– Chase them away from

battle of field.

• Then, Harrison orders the Indians village to be burned to the ground.

– Tecumseh and other tribes give up on their attacks on US settlers

American Response to Indian Attacks

• It was the British that forced them to do it!

• Pres. Madison asks Congress to decide what to do.– Congress:

• We must declare war on England and end this for once.

• War Hawks– Led by Henry Clay and

John C. Calhoun

War of 1812 begins…

• June 1812– America declares war on


• At time of war:– American army:

• 7,000 men

– Navy:• 6 ships

– Led by U.S.S. Constitution

• June 1812– England declares war on


• At time of war:– British army:

• 10,000 men

– Navy:• 800 ships

– 85 surrounding East Coast…

First battle of War of 1812• August 19, 1812

– Off of coast of Maine• USS Constitution Vs. HMS


• HMS Guerriere took first shots– Bounced off the side of “Old


• USS Constitution returns fire– Blasted side in ship with “the

shock of an earthquake”

• We capture the crew and watch the Guerriere sink…

The British lick their wounds and send more ships….lots more.

Review Questions

• What is the Embargo Act?

• What is the Non-intercourse Act?

• Who is William Henry Harrison?

• What was the first battle of the War of 1812?

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