changing focus of care in community mental health

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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CHANGINGFOCUSOFCAREINCOMMUNITYMENTAL HEALTH INTRODUCTION: CommunityMentalhealthiaanidea,aphilosophy,anenactment that came to reality in 1963 with the late American President John F. Kennedys Bold NewApproach.Thecommunitymentalhealthmovementrepresentsthefourth revolution in Psychiatry. In 1841, Dorothea Dix appointed herself inspector of institution for the mentally ill and began crusading for more humane treatment. She wanted each stateassumeresponsibilityforitsmentallyill.Theresultwastheestablishmentof32 mentalhospitalsintheUnitedStates.Mostmentalhospitalswerebuiltinruralareas, whichofferedinexpensiveland,theremovaloftroublesomepeoplefromthe mainstream of society and fresh air and quietness for the patients, thus the concept of community mental health came into practice. DEFINITION OF COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH Communitymentalhealthdescribesachangeinfocusofpsychiatric mentalhealthcarefromtheindividualtotheindividualininteractionwithhis environment, care is provided to client outside of hospitals, in the least restrictive setting and it is provided at home or as close as possible to where the client lives. Community mental health services are designed to provide comprehensive, continuous care to populations of people who need themand it should be available to all,regardlessofpersonalcharacteristicssuchasage,abilitytopay,orplaceof residence.Theycouldbetreatedinfreestandingcommunitymentalhealthcentres,in treatment units of general hospitals and in translational homes. -Dr.K.Lalitha HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH Thecommunitymentalhealthcareservicesstartedwithanaimofproviding mental health treatment in the community and thus to greatly reduce the census oflargepublicpsychiatrichospitalslocatedatadistancefromthehomesand families of patients. Initiallyitwasdesignedtoprovidefivebasicservices:outpatient,partial hospitalization, inpatient, emergency and consultation and education Subsequently it extended its service to children and geriatrics Thecommunitymentalhealthprogramcreatedacommunitybasedsystemof mental health careA wide range of mental health services became available in communities. Innovativeserviceslikementalhealthconsultationtoschools,geriatrichomes, and in day care centres. The census of psychiatric hospitals decreased dramatically and the presence of mentally ill in the community decreased the stigma about mental illness In1975,theWorldHealthOrganizationstronglyrecommendedthedeliveryof mentalhealthservicesthroughPrimaryHealthsystemasapolicyforthe developing countries. InIndia,beforeIndependence,therewerenoclearplansforthecareofthe mentallyillpatients.Theapproachwaslargelytobuildasylumswhichwere custodial rather than therapeutic In1946,Bhorecommitteerecommendedtoincreasemanpowerinthefieldof mental health. In1962,theMudaliarcommitteeenvisagedpsychiatricservicesatalldistrict hospitals. Later in 1975, an attempt wasmade by PGI, Chandigarh to develop a model of psychiatricservicesinthePHC,RaipurRaniBlockofAmbalaDistrict,and Haryana, and in 1976, by NIMHANS, Bangalore at Sakalwara in Karnataka. Thus the approach to development of services has been a rapid transition from mental hospitalstopsychiatricunitsofgeneralhospitalsand tocommunitycare.The impetus for this approach has come from the following sources: The commitment of the country to provide health services to all The Alma Atta Declaration of Primary health care The existence of a large infrastructure of general health services (PHC system) Therealizationofthemagnitudeofseverementaldisordersintherural community (at least 1%) is as same as in the urban community and availability of simple interventions for these conditions ThesuccessfulexperienceofcommunitymentalhealthcareofBangaloreand Chandigarh. DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES IN INDIA yThe institutional treatment for mental disorders in India and the use of allopathic medicine were introduced by the European rulers. yCharakaandotherspracticedindigenousmedicalsystemsconsideredmental disorders to be asadhya (unmanageable) yThustheirtreatmentwaslefttofolkhealers,whopracticedtheirartinthe community setting.yIn 1970s survey (Kapur) of mental disorders in a South Karnataka district, 75% of those suffering from severe mental illness were still being taken for treatment to the traditional folk healers yTherewere26traditionalhealersforapopulationof10,000whichisafair therapist patient ratio by any standard, INSPIRATIONFORTHECOMMUNITYMENTALHEALTHMOVEMENTININDIA COMES FROM THREE SOURCES oThe treatment of mentally ill patients for long period in mental hospitals results in social breakdown syndrome. Kennedy administration launched American version of the community mental health program. oInstitutionbasedpsychiatrycarethroughtrainedprofessionalscanbevery expensive and country like India cannot afford to prepare sufficient manpower oThecontributionofpara-professionalsandnonprofessionalswithsimpleand short training delivered reasonably adequate mental health care. CRITICAL ACCOUNT OF THE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES IN INDIA 1.Inthelate1950sDr.Vidyasagarbegantoinvolvefamilymembersinthe treatmentofmentallyillpatientswhowereadmittedtotheAmritsarmental Hospital. This approach -Reduced the hostility in the minds of the patients for having been abandoned in a strange place -Helpedtoremovetheage-oldmythsabouttheincurabilityofmentalillness when the family began to see the patient recovering -The relatives are made to learn the essential principles of mental health care and were thus motivated towards imprisonment in their own ways of life. Thus manypatientsactuallywentbackwiththeirfamiliesandthedischarge statistics began to rise. 2.Psychiatric Units in General Hospitals -1933- the GHPUs was set up at R.G Kar Medical college at Kolkatta -1960- many GHPUs came up because of the availability of anti-psychotics . 3.The NIMHANS Crash Progrmme -TheDirectorDr.R.M.VarmaandDr.KaranSingh,Ministerofhealthinthe CentralGovernment,jointlyintroducedcommunitybasedmentalhealth program at NIMHANS -In October, 1975, a community Psychiatry Unit (CPU) was started. It initiated the following activities #Primaryhealthcentrebasedruralmentalhealthprogramme:Amanualwas prepared to train the multipurpose health workers to recognize cases of severe mental illnessandfollowthemundertheleadershipofthePHCdoctor.Anothermanualwas preparedtotrainthedoctorstodiagnosecasesofseverementaldisordersandtreat them #Generalpractitionerbasedurbanmentalhealthprogramme:amanualwas prepared to teach GP methods of treating common mental disorders #Schoolmentalhealthprogram:schoolteachersweretrainedtodiagnose children with emotional problems and treat them # Home based follow up of Psychiatric patients: nurses were trained to follow up patients in their homes through monthly visits # Psychiatric camps were organized: village leaders were involved in therapeutic process and that helped to reduce the stigma against mental patients. Ruralmentalhealthprogramwasstartedatahealthcentreinthe villageofsakalwara,nearBangalore.Itconducted15daystrainingprogramtoPHC personnel on regular basis and they carried out the follow up services in the absence of supervision by professionals. 4.The Chandigarh Experiment -AruralmentalhealthprogrammewasstartedinthePGIMER,Chandigarh withthehelpofWHO.ManualsweredevelopedandtrainingforthePHC personnel were started and they carried out their work without the supervision of professionals 5.ICMR- DST study on severe mental mortality: Bangalore, Vadodara, Patiala and Kolkata centres were chosen to study the impact of training of MPHWs and Gps in detecting and treating mental patients 6.TheNationalMentalHealthprogramme(1982)waslaunchedtoensurethe availabilityandaccessibilityofminimummentalhealthcareforallinthe foreseeable future 7.TheDistrictMentalHealthProgrammewaslaunchedasapilotmodel programme in the Bellary District by NIMHANS in 1980s 8.The national workshops on mental health care for the state health administrators heldatNIMHANSin1996andtheworkshoptoreviewtheDMHPinOctober 2000 and by then DMHP model has been adopted by many states. 9.Chatterjee et al conducted a study writing a 3-tier model for the delivery of mental health services at Barwani. -The first tier was the outpatient program -The second tier employed mental health workers drawn from local community -The third tier consisted of family members and key people in the community 10. Involvementoflayvolunteerstocounselthementallysick.Ashortperiodof training is given to them 11. Manyindustrialorganizationsprovidedpersonality-enhancementprogramsfor their employees 12. Role of folk-healing, spiritual and religious counseling and ancient techniques like yoga are still continuing to help the mentally distressed. ALTERNATIVES TO INSTITUTIONAL CARE: NIMHANS,Bangaloreandotherinstitutionshavedevelopedother alternatives to institutional care Extensive use of outdoor services: Family members are encouraged to treat their patientsathomeandgetdrugsandsuggestionsfromthehospitalbyperiodic regularvisits.Alltypesoftreatment,includingECT,aregivenintheoutpatient setups.Shortstaywards(forfewhoursto48hours)facilityisorganizedinout patient building, so that acute problems are managed and the patient is discharged. Extension Programs by Satellite clinics: Mental health team conducts a weekly or monthlyclinicattalukordistrictheadquarters.Thelocalmedicalandnon-governmental voluntary organizations are motivated to be the local hosts and help in patientcare.Suchsatelliteclinicsarefunctioningsuccessfullyin6centresof Karnataka and few centres in other parts of the country. Domiciliary care program: a mental health professional or a visiting nurse delivers therequiredservicestothepatientsattheirdoorsteps.Inastudy,theurban schizophrenicpatientsweretreatedathomeandfollowedupfor6months. Compared to the hospitalized patients, the home groupconsistently did better both in clinical state and social functioning. OrganizingcarethroughprivategeneralPractitioners:shorttermcoursesare arrangedtoimprovetheknowledgeandskillsofprivategeneralpractitionersin managingpsychiatricproblemsseenintheirroutinepractice.Theyareeasily acceptedbypeopleanddeliveredgoodcarefortheneedy.Theyhavetobe supportedbymentalhealthprofessionals,bybeingavailableforconsultationin managing difficult cases. Training school teachers in mental health care and promotion of mental health throughschools:Trainingprogramsareorganizedintwophasesforschool teachersinrecognizingandmanagingpsychosocialproblemsofstudentsthrough counseling. The experience so far indicates that it is possible to sensitize teachers in recognizingandinterveningwhenfacedwithproblemspertainingtomentalhealth. This approach towards the problem Children changes for the better. Involvement of ICDS personnel in Child mental health care: Anganwadi workers are trained in basic mental health care, so that they identify and refer children with mental retardation and behavioral problems to medical institutions and later manage them. They would also improve the child-rearing practices of parents to improve the psychosocial development of children. Traininglayvolunteers:Interestedandcommittednaturalhelpersinthe communityaregiven40sessionsoftrainingincounseling,sothattheycanhelp individuals who are in distress because of psychosocial problems. They have to be supervised and monitored by mental health professionals. In voluntary sector, there areseveralcounselingcentresofferingservicestopeoplewithmaritaldiscord, peoplewithproblemchildren,peoplewhoarehavinginterpersonalproblemsand studentswhohaveproblemswiththeirstudies.Thereisregulartrainingcoursein counseling in CMC, Vellore. Training Village Leaders: Training village leaders to work like referral and change agents in the society has yielded mixed results. Student Volunteers: As part of NSS, College students were educated about mental illnessandweremotivatedtoextendsocialservicestomentallyill.Thistraining decreased authoritative and negative attitudes in the trained students, compared to the control group. The trained students were allotted to interact with mentally ill in a hospitalsetup,withacontrolgroupofpatientswhowerenotexposedtosuch interaction.Sixmonthslater,itwasfoundthattheconditionofexperimentalgroup hadimprovedsignificantly.Thus,thecollegestudentscanformoneofthe community resources to manage the mentally ill. Student enrichment program: poor classroom performance and poor performance in examinations are the common problems in almost all the schools. These children aresubjectedtohumiliationandpunishmentbyparentsandteachers.Astudent enrichment program of 30 sessions has been developed. Subjects like how to study, howtolearnbetter,howtocommunicateandwriteintheexamination,androleof emotional factors in learning are dealt with. NonGovernmentalvoluntaryorganizations:Manynon-governmental organizationsareworkingintheareaofmentalhealth.Therearemanysuicide preventioncentresinIndiainthevoluntarysectordoinggoodwork,helpingthose who need help. Helping Hand and MPA (Medico-Pastoral Association) in Bangalore, Sneha in Chennai, Sahara in Mumbai, Sanjivini and Sumaithri in New Delhi are the few examples. SUMMARY: Inthisseminarwehadlearnedaboutthedefinitionofcommunitymental health, historical development of community mental health, development of community mental health service in India, Inspiration for the community mental health movement in Indiacomesfromthreesources,criticalaccountofthemental healthservices inIndia and alternatives to institutional care. CONCLUSION: Operationallycommunitymentalhealthmeanstheprocessofinvolvingin raisingthelevelofmentalhealthamongpeopleinacommunityandreducingthe numberofthosesufferingfrommentaldisorders.Hencecommunitycarehasabetter effectthaninstitutionaltreatmentontheoutcomeandqualityoflifeofindividualswith chronic mental disorders. Community based services can lead to early intervention and reduce the stigma of taking treatment. BIBLIOGRAPHY: GAIL W.STUART Principles and practice of Psychiatric Nursing eighth edition; published by Mosby; page no: 779 Dr.K.LALITHA; Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing an Indian Perspective; First Edition 2007; VMG Book house publishers; page No: 635-641 KAREN SAUCIER LUNDY AND SHARYN JANES; Essentials of Community based Nursing; First edition 2003; Jones and Barlett publishers; page no: 34 STANHOPE LANCASTER; Community health Nursing Process and Practice for promoting health Third Edition; 1992; Mosby Publishers; page no:45-50 K.PARK.,TextBookOfPreventiveAndSocialMedicine20thEdition,M/s. Banarsidas Banot Publisher., Jabalpur., NET REFERENCE: y y y|ournul Developing Community Mental Health Services Report of the Regional Workshop Bangkok, Thailand, 11-14 December 2006 (1) Currently, mental health services are extremely limited in some Member States, particularly in rural and remote areas. (2) The treatment gap for mental illnesses is huge, leading to substantial preventable morbidity in the community. Given the availability of knowledge and appropriate medications, this needs urgent attention. Even though there is a scarcity of mental health services in Member States, even existing mental health services are not being optimally utilized. (3) A substantial proportion of mental health care is provided by the private sector, mostly by the informal sector (faith healers, religious healers, traditional healers). This issue needs to be addressed by governments, professionals and civil society. A sensitive issue is: can this sector be constructively engaged as limited partners (4) The existing mental health services in most Member States need to be improved. The quality of service is poor and there are numerous human rights violations. (5) Community mental health care is the optimum direction for future development of mental health services by Member States. This is based on the following observations: (a)Evidence that community-based mental health care is superior to psychiatry hospital-based care. (b) Great scarcity of qualified mental health professionals to meet all the needs of the community. (c)Problems in transportation of patients from their homes to tertiary-care hospitals. (d) Preference of people to seek health care (e)Preference of people to seek health care locally in the community. (6) Community mental health service should be integrated into the existing primary health care delivery system to ensure its long term sustainability. (7) The capacity of staff at the primary health care level should be enhanced through appropriate training. Care should be taken not to over-burden the PHC staff with too many details which are not essential at the primary care level. Different countries may use different models, e.g. dedicated mental health worker (Sri Lanka) or enhancing the capacity of general PHC staff (Indonesia). (8) Countries should consider whether the successful Thai model of Village Health Volunteers can be replicated, or paid workers are needed. (9)Mental health care is closely linked to the culture of the community, thus culturally-sensitive programmes should be developed, e.g. the deeply religious beliefs, strong family ties of the regional countries, etc. (10) Community mental health services should meet all the mental health needs of the community, including mental health promotion, prevention of mental illness, psychosocial needs of the community, needs of special groups (adolescents, elderly, refugees, etc.), prevention of harm from substance abuse, etc. (11) Community awareness programmes are urgently needed focusing on issues such as: (a) Medical nature of mental illness (b) Changing the health-seeking behavior of the community (c) Stigma removal (d) Removal of myths and misconceptions (e) Ensure community ownership of the programme (f) Communities and families need to be prepared to care for Persons with mental illness. (12) Traditional methods and practices (traditional healers, faith Healers, religious healers) should be scientifically evaluated. If appropriate and effective, they should be promoted. New programmes being developed should be evidence-based and periodically evaluated for their impact


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