changes in soil and litter arthropod abundance following three harvesting and site preparation in a...

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  • 7/25/2019 Changes in Soil and Litter Arthropod Abundance Following Three Harvesting and Site Preparation in a Loblolly Pine


    Changes in soil and litter arthropod abundance followingtree harvesting and site preparation in a loblolly pine

    (Pinus taeda L.) plantation

    Simon B. Birda,*, Robert N. Coulsonb, Richard F. Fisherc


    Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Bangor, School of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, University of Wales Bangor,Deiniol Road, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 5UP, UKbKnowledge Engineering Laboratory, Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA

    cTemple Inland, PO Drawer N, 303 South Temple Drive, Diboll, TX 75941-0814, USA

    Received 16 June 2003; received in revised form 5 May 2004; accepted 8 July 2004


    Soil and litter arthropods are important in many forest ecosystem processes where they help to regulate nutrient dynamics

    and soil quality, and are useful bioindicators of ecosystem condition and change. This study was initiated in response to

    concerns about possible decline in site productivity due to intensive forestry practices. We investigated the effects of tree

    harvesting and site preparation treatments on soil and litter arthropod abundance in a loblolly pine plantation in easternTexas, USA. Using soil and litter cores, we sampled abundance of selected arthropods over two years following tree

    harvesting. Response to treatments varied somewhat among arthropod taxa. Acari (mites) and Collembola (springtails), the

    numerically dominant taxa in core samples, were initially higher in abundance in less intensive harvesting and site

    preparation treatments. However, after 2 years, abundance of these arthropods was comparable in all harvesting and site

    preparation treatments. Fertilization with nitrogen and phosphorus had a strong positive effect on abundance of most

    arthropod groups in the second year of the study. The recovery of arthropod abundance through time suggests that the

    silvicultural practices used did not jeopardize the ecological integrity of the site. The results reported here contrast with

    other similar studies which suggests that soil and litter arthropod communities respond differently in different geographic

    locations and forest types. Further comparative and extensive studies of this nature are needed therefore for a deeper

    understanding of the impacts of forest management practices.

    # 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Soil and litter arthropods; Effects of forest management; Soil ecology; Silvicultural practices; Mites; Springtails

    1. Introduction

    Soil and litter arthropods are important components

    of forest ecosystems, and they play a particularly

    Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 195208

    * Corresponding author. USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental

    Range, New Mexico State University, MSC 3JER, Las Cruces,

    NM 88003, USA. Tel.: +1 505 646 4152; fax: +1 505 646.

    E-mail address: (S.B. Bird).

    0378-1127/$ see front matter # 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • 7/25/2019 Changes in Soil and Litter Arthropod Abundance Following Three Harvesting and Site Preparation in a Loblolly Pine


    significant role in the process of decomposition. In

    addition, these organisms affect porosity, aeration,

    infiltration, and the distribution of organic matter

    within the soil. Soil and litter arthropods can,therefore, be useful bioindicators of the effects of

    land management on nutrient dynamics and site


    There has been recent concern regarding the

    possibility of detrimental ecological effects caused

    by forest management practices in the United States.

    Silvicultural practices have been placed under

    increased scrutiny in respect to their environmental

    impacts and effects upon site productivity and

    biodiversity (Burger and Zedaker, 1993; Gupta and

    Malik, 1996). Tree harvesting and site preparation

    practices, as part of intensive management regimes in

    North American forests, can lead to significant loss of

    nutrients and organic matter from forest ecosystems,

    alteration of soil physical properties, significant

    disturbance to trophic systems, and overall decrease

    in site productivity (Likens et al., 1970; Pritchett and

    Wells, 1978,Pritchett and Fisher, 1987; Bormann and

    Likens, 1994).

    Studies investigating the decline of site productiv-

    ity following harvesting and site preparation in

    southern US pine (Pinus spp.) plantations have

    demonstrated mixed results. In their review, Powerset al. (1990) found that the reports of productivity

    decline due to intensive forest management were

    inconclusive. However, they suggested that site

    preparation treatments causing soil compaction and

    organic matter removal pose the greatest risk to site

    productivity over successive rotations. The study of

    the responses of soil organic matter, trophic system

    dynamics, and decomposer communities to forest

    management has not been comprehensive across

    geographic areas and the wide variety of management

    techniques employed in North American forestplantations. This may in part explain the lack of

    agreement among results. Field studies designed to

    analyze the effects of disturbance and management

    practices on soil organic matter, and the biological

    processes that regulate soil fertility and nutrient

    conservation, are essential for defining sustainable

    production systems (Gupta and Malik, 1996).

    The goal of this study was to investigate the effects

    of silvicultural practices of varying intensity on the

    abundance of soil and leaf litter arthropod taxa in an

    east Texas loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation.

    The objectives were (1) to measure the quantitative

    response of this arthropod community to treatments of

    different intensities and (2) to monitor the changes inthis arthropod community over a 2-year period

    following tree harvesting and site preparation.

    2. Methods and materials

    2.1. Study site

    The study site was located on land owned by

    Temple-Inland Forest Products Corporation in Tyler

    County, TX, USA. The site was located approximately

    10 km south of Spurger, and just north of Fred, at

    30.68N and 94.48W. Annual mean temperature is

    19.4 8C and annual mean precipitation is 136 cm

    (Griffiths and Bryan, 1987). Elevation ranges from 17

    to 19 m above sea level.

    The soil of the area is a BowieCaddoRains

    association. This varies from an acid fine sandy loam

    to an acid sandy clay loam, with variable drainage, and

    a topsoil varying in depth from 12 to 45 cm. The

    vegetation in the surrounding geographic area is

    dominated by loblolly pine, longleaf pine (P. palustris

    Mill.), shortleaf pine (P. echinata Mill.), and oaks(Quercus spp.).

    Prior to harvesting, the site was a 30 ha, 27-year-

    old loblolly pine stand established by direct seeding

    and thinned in corridors at age 15 years. At least three

    harvests of pine have occurred in the past from this site

    and there is no history of cultivation. The stand was

    partitioned into 28 plots. Each plot was approximately

    28 m 42 m (0.12 ha) in size: large enough to allow a

    14 14 grid of new seedlings to be planted on a 2 m

    3 m spacing following tree harvesting and site

    preparation. Four plots were allocated as a contiguousundisturbed reference area and situated approximately

    200 m from the rest of the site.

    2.2. Treatments

    Two harvesting, two site preparation, and two

    fertilization treatments were arranged in a 2 2 2

    factorial to give eight different treatment combina-

    tions in a randomized block design with three blocks

    based on generalized soil texture and drainage. Hence,

    S.B. Bird et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 195208196

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    3 of the 24 plots were randomly allocated to each one

    of these 8 combinations.

    Trees were harvested either with a hand-fell, bole-

    only-removal method or with a whole-tree mechanicalharvesting procedure. Hand-felling employed hand-

    held chainsaws to harvest trees, the tree boles were

    removed with cranes to minimize physical distur-

    bance, and the foliage and branch material was left at

    the site. The mechanical treatment involved harvesting

    trees with a feller-buncher with rotary cutter and

    skidders, and all foliage, branch, and bark material

    was removed along with the tree bole. Harvesting was

    conducted between July and August 1994, and a total

    area of approximately 10 ha was harvested.

    In September 1994, the harvested area of the site

    was treated aerially with broadleaf herbicides (ima-

    zapyr and triclopyr at 0.5 and 1.12 kg/ha, respec-

    tively). In October 1994, half of the 24 harvested plots

    were subjected to a bedding procedure in which

    topsoil was arranged into elevated rows for seedling

    planting. Rows were approximately 50 cm high and

    50 cm wide separated by 50 cm wide furrows, and

    coarse woody felling debris was removed from the

    elevated surface. All beds appeared to be in good

    condition for the duration of the study. Bedding was

    applied in October 1994. Loblolly pine seedlings were

    planted in March 1995, but due to pales weevil(Hylobius pales L.) damage, trees were pulled up, the

    site re-treated with herbicide in September 1995, and

    re-planted in February 1996. Harvested plots were

    either left unfertilized or fertilizer was broadcast by

    hand at a rate of 250 kg/ha with diammonium

    phosphate (DAP) in May 1996. All treatments were

    performed by Temple Inland Forest Products Corpora-

    tion staff under supervision of R.N. Coulson.

    2.3. Sampling

    Core samples were taken using 10-cm deep, 5-cm

    diameter plastic corers at random positions within

    randomly selected plots. Individual sample points

    were selected using random numbers. In bedded plots,

    all samples were taken on the ridges of the elevated

    beds and the depressions between beds were not

    sampled. Cores were wrapped in aluminum foil and

    packed in ice in thefield to immobilize arthropods and

    to equilibrate litter and soil temperature (Mitchell,

    1974). Sampling was done at approximately the same

    time of day (between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.) during each

    visit to the site to minimize the effects of diurnal

    fluctuations in abiotic conditions and the resulting

    vertical movement of the arthropod fauna (Seastedtand Crossley, 1981). Cores were transported to a

    laboratory and arthropods extracted using modified

    Tullgren funnels. Arthropod samples were stored in

    80% isopropyl alcohol. The fauna were identified to

    suborder or family level, and abundance recorded to

    generate an index of abundance for major taxonomic


    Samples were removed from the site on a total of 24

    dates between February 1994 and December 1996.

    Five of those dates occurred before tree harvesting

    occurred and 19 afterwards. Samples were taken at

    approximately monthly intervals within this time

    period. During the pre-harvest period, one core sample

    was taken from four randomly selected plots of each

    treatment block and two samples were taken from the

    unharvested area. On each post-harvesting sampling

    visit, two core samples were randomly taken from

    plots of each of the eight treatment combinations and

    two taken from the undisturbed plots.

    2.4. Data analysis

    Abundance data for numerically dominant arthro-pod taxa (Mesostigmata, Prostigmata, Oribatida, and

    Collembola) were normalized with a log (x + 1)

    transformation (Macfayden, 1962) and analyzed by

    analysis of variance using StatViewTM software

    (Abacus Concepts Inc., 1996). The DAP fertilization

    treatment was not applied until May 1996, so data

    were split into pre- and post-fertilization time periods

    for analysis. Data from between February 1995 and

    May 1996 (pre-fertilization) were analyzed with a

    two-way ANOVA based on a randomized block with

    three blocks and a 2

    2 factorial assignment ofharvesting and site preparation treatments (Zar, 1996).

    Data from between May to December 1996 (post-

    fertilization) were analyzed with a three-way ANOVA

    a s a 2 2 2 factorial. A critical level ofa = 0.05 was

    used in all cases. Abundance data from the undis-

    turbed plots were not included in the ANOVA due to

    the lack of randomization and spatial independence of

    these plots. Pre-harvest data also were omitted from

    ANOVA due to imbalanced sampling effort across

    treated plots.

    S.B. Bird et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 195208 197

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    Mean abundance for different treatment combina-

    tions, as well as for individual treatments, was

    calculated from both pre- and post-fertilization time

    periods to investigate any interaction between the

    three treatment types (harvesting, bedding, and

    fertilization). Total mean abundance of all arthropods

    per core sample was calculated for each sampling date

    to investigate temporal trends and overall response to


    3. Results

    A diverse group of arthropod taxa was collected

    from core samples. Acari (mites) were the most

    abundant group collected, Oribatida being the

    numerically dominant suborder in all samples. Data

    analysis was focused on the four most abundant

    arthropod groups: Mesostigmata, Prostigmata, Oriba-

    tida, and Collembola.

    3.1. Effects of harvesting technique

    A varied response to harvesting treatment was

    observed among arthropod taxa. During pre-fertiliza-

    tion sampling, mean abundance of Mesostigmata,

    Prostigmata, and Collembola was slightly higher in

    treatment combinations that included hand-felling

    compared to those that included mechanical-felling

    (Figs. 14). During post-fertilization sampling, no

    S.B. Bird et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 195208198

    Fig. 1. Post-harvest mean abundance of Mesostigmata per coresample for pre-fertilization (February 1995April 1996) treatment

    combinations. Error bars represent standard errors. Different letters

    above bars indicate significant difference between treatments as

    detected by ANOVA and Tukeys post-hoc testing.

    Fig. 2. Post-harvest mean abundance of Prostigmata per core sample for pre-fertilization (February 1995April 1996) treatment combinations.

    Error bars represent standard errors. Different letters above bars indicate significant difference between treatments as detected by ANOVA and

    Tukeys post-hoc testing.

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    consistent differences between the two harvesting

    treatments were observed in Acari and Collembola

    (Figs. 58). Mean abundance of Prostigmata, Astig-

    mata, Oribatida, Protura, Collembola, Psocoptera, and

    Isoptera per individual treatment (as opposed to

    combinations of different treatment) was higher in the

    hand-fell treatment (Tables 1 and 2). Araneae and

    Pseudoscorpiones were not detected from mechani-cally-felled plots and detected in low abundance in

    hand-felled plots (Table 1). ANOVA suggested no

    significant differences in abundance of numerically-

    dominant taxa between harvesting treatments prior to

    fertilization (Table 2). Following fertilization, only

    Collembola were significantly higher in hand-

    felled plots, albeit at relatively low mean abundance

    (Table 3).

    3.2. Effects of bedding

    During pre-fertilization sampling, Acari and

    Collembola were higher in abundance in treatment

    combinations that included the non-bedding treatment

    compared to those that included bedding (Figs. 14).

    These differences did not persist during post-

    fertilization sampling, however (Figs. 58). Overall

    mean abundance of Acari, Diplopoda, Protura,

    Collembola, Isoptera, and Pselaphidae per individual

    treatment was higher in the non-bedding treatment

    (Table 1). Mean abundance of Symphyla, Psocoptera,

    S.B. Bird et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 195208 199

    Fig. 3. Post-harvest mean abundance of Oribatida per core sample

    for pre-fertilization (February 1995April 1996) treatment combi-

    nations. Error bars represent standard errors. Different letters above

    bars indicate significant difference between treatments as detected

    by ANOVA and Tukeys post-hoc testing.

    Fig. 4. Post-harvest mean abundance of Collembola per core sample for pre-fertilization (February 1995April 1996) treatment combinations.

    Error bars represent standard errors. Different letters above bars indicate significant difference between treatments as detected by ANOVA and

    Tukeys post-hoc testing.

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    and Formicidae were higher in the bedding treatment

    (Table 1). Mesostigmata and Collembola were

    significantly higher in abundance in non-bedded plots

    during pre-fertilization sampling (Table 2), but no

    significant post-fertilization differences were sug-

    gested by ANOVA (Table 3). While not statisticallysignificant, mean abundance of Oribatida was

    observed to be higher in bedded plots following

    fertilization (Table 3).

    3.3. Effects of fertilization

    Fertilization had the most dramatic effect on

    arthropod abundance. Mean abundance in treatment

    combinations that included fertilization was higher for

    all numerically dominant taxa (Figs. 58). Fertiliza-

    tion led to an increase in the numerical dominance of

    Oribatida, primarily at the expense of Collembola.

    Overall mean abundance of Acari, Diplopoda,

    Collembola, Isoptera, Psocoptera, and Formicidae

    was higher in fertilized plots (Table 1). A few of the

    rarer taxa, such as Diplura, Pselaphidae, and Dipteranlarvae, were lower in abundance in non-fertilized plots

    (Table 1). ANOVA suggested significantly higher

    abundance of Mesostigmata, Prostigmata, and Oriba-

    tida following fertilization (Table 3).

    3.4. Unharvested reference area

    Arthropod abundance in the unharvested plots was

    for the most part comparable to fertilized harvested

    plots. However, Prostigmata were less abundant in the

    S.B. Bird et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 195208200

    Fig. 5. Post-harvest mean abundance of Mesostigmata per core sample for post-fertilization (MayDecember 1996) treatment combinations.

    Error bars represent standard errors. Different letters above bars indicate significant difference between treatments as detected by ANOVA and

    Tukeys post-hoc testing.

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    harvested plots (Fig. 9) and Diplopoda, Isoptera, and

    Staphylinidae were not detected from unharvested

    plots (Table 4). Pauropoda was high in abundance and

    Collembola and Psocoptera low in abundance

    compared to treated plots (Fig. 9). Relative abundance

    of Acari and Collembola was similar to treated plots(Tables 2 and 4; Fig. 9).

    3.5. Temporal trend

    Mean total abundance of all arthropods showed a

    temporal trend of lower abundance in the hottest

    months of the year (JuneSeptember) (Fig. 10). Mean

    abundance was highly variable from month-to-month,

    particularly following tree harvesting and site pre-

    paration (Fig. 10). Highest abundance occurred

    between November 1995 and March 1996. Total

    abundance tended to be vary greatly between

    individual samples on any one sample date.

    4. Discussion

    4.1. Overall disturbance

    The cumulative disturbances caused by tree

    harvesting and site preparation have many potential

    abiotic and biotic effects on a forest ecosystem. With

    removal of the tree canopy higher levels of solar

    radiation reach the forest floor, organic matter input

    patterns are altered, and temperature and moisture

    fluctuations increase in the top 10 cm of the soil

    S.B. Bird et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 195208 201

    Fig. 6. Post-harvest mean abundance of Prostigmata per core sample for post-fertilization (MayDecember 1996) treatment combinations. Error

    bars represent standard errors. Different letters above bars indicate significant difference between treatments as detected by ANOVA and Tukeys

    post-hoc testing.

  • 7/25/2019 Changes in Soil and Litter Arthropod Abundance Following Three Harvesting and Site Preparation in a Loblolly Pine


    (Weber and Methven, 1985; Bird and Chatarpaul,

    1988). The mechanical tree felling and bedding

    treatments used in this study have the potential to

    alter nutrient dynamics and increase soil compaction,

    soil erosion, and leaching losses (Tuttle et al., 1985).Due to these effects, clear-cutting and other silvicul-

    tural practices have been recognized to have

    significant effects on the invertebrate fauna of the

    forestfloor (Heliovaara and Vaisanen, 1984; Hoekstra

    et al., 1995). Despite these potential risks, in this study

    the abundance of arthropods dwelling in the upper

    10 cm of the forestfloor was not observed to decrease

    significantly over a 2-year period following clear-

    cutting. It should be noted, however, that 2 years is a

    relatively short time period and longer term changes to

    this arthropod community are feasible (Blair and

    Crossley, 1988).

    4.2. Tree harvesting and site preparation

    Although only minimal pre-harvest data was

    available for comparison, it appeared that there were

    no overall and significant declines in total arthropod

    abundance throughout the study above and beyond

    expected seasonalfluctuations. Over 2 years following

    tree harvesting, Acari, the numerically dominant taxa

    collected from core samples, recovered rapidly in the

    more intensive harvesting and site preparation

    treatments. These trends suggest that the microenvir-

    onmental conditions these arthropods were exposed to

    S.B. Bird et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 195208202

    Fig. 7. Post-harvest mean abundance of Oribatida per core sample for post-fertilization (MayDecember 1996) treatment combinations. Error

    bars representstandard errors.Different letters above bars indicate significant difference between treatments as detected by ANOVA and Tukeys

    post-hoc testing.

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    stabilized during this time period, despite the removal

    of tree canopy cover. The lack of significant

    differences between harvesting and site preparation

    treatments in 1996 suggests that the effects of

    disturbance intensity caused by levels of each did

    not persist during the course of the study. The lowermean abundance of some taxa, particularly Collem-

    bola, in the mechanical-fell treatment could have

    resulted from the removal of harvesting debris and the

    more severe soil compaction caused by this treatment.

    In mechanically-felled plots, where all felling debris

    was removed, the soil surface was likely to be more

    exposed to moisture and temperaturefluctuations and

    available organic matter was likely reduced in

    comparison to hand-felled plots. Collembola survival

    and reproduction is strongly influenced by tempera-

    ture and moisture and many species are detritivorous

    (Christiansen, 1964; Huhta and Mikkonen, 1982),

    which may explain the lower abundance observed in

    the more intensively harvested plots.

    The majority of similar studies have shown

    significant reduction of Acari and Collembolaabundance over a number of years following tree

    harvesting. Hence, the rapid recovery of Acari in this

    study is surprising. Huhta et al. (1967, 1969) and

    Huhta (1979) reported initial increases in mite and

    springtail densities after clear-cutting followed by

    significant declines. Other authors have reported

    arthropod abundance decreases after tree harvesting

    without initial increases (Vlug and Borden, 1973; Hill

    et al., 1975; Lasebikan, 1975; Abbott et al., 1980;

    Seastedt and Crossley, 1981; Bird and Chatarpaul,

    S.B. Bird et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 195208 203

    Fig. 8. Post-harvest mean abundance of Collembola per core sample for post-fertilization (MayDecember 1996) treatment combinations. Error

    bars represent standard errors. Different letters above bars indicate significant difference between treatments as detected by ANOVA and Tukeys

    post-hoc testing.

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    1986; 1988; Cancela da Fonseca, 1990), including

    impacts lasting up to 30 years (Blair and Crossley,

    1988). Many Collembola are able to respond

    numerically to disturbance with rapid reproduction

    rates (Coleman and Crossley, 1996) so the lack of

    significant recovery in this study could be seen as

    surprising. Oribatida, however, tend to be slow

    reproducers that take longer to recover from dis-

    turbance so the abundance increase observed in this

    study could also be viewed as unusual. Differences

    between the findings reported here and other similar

    studies may reflect geographic variation, the suit-

    ability of specific silvicultural practices to different

    forest types and locations, the size of study plot used in

    S.B. Bird et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 195208204

    Table 1

    Mean abundance per core sample of selected arthropod taxa split by harvesting, site preparation, and fertilization treatments

    Taxon Treatment

    TH0 TH1 SP0 SP1 FE0 FE1

    Araneae 0.08 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.00 0.11

    Pseudoscorpiones 0.08 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.07

    Acari 32.47 21.62 29.63 23.90 18.92 48.35

    Chilopoda 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.04

    Diplopoda 0.25 0.21 0.45 0.01 0.00 1.07

    Pauropoda 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.07

    Symphyla: Scolopendrellidae 0.32 0.33 0.25 0.40 0.50 0.32

    Protura 2.36 1.03 2.07 1.33 1.39 1.82

    Diplura: Japygidae 0.75 0.74 0.80 0.68 1.29 0.82

    Collembola: Hypogastruridae 0.53 0.57 0.84 0.28 0.29 0.75

    Isotomidae 7.11 4.24 5.82 4.16 3.21 3.86

    Entomobryidae 1.79 1.13 2.16 0.76 0.46 1.29

    Sminthuridae 1.18 0.86 1.33 0.72 0.25 0.29

    Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae 0.21 0.05 0.24 0.03 0.07 0.61

    Psocoptera 1.32 0.47 0.62 1.17 0.25 3.82

    Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.11 0.04 0.29

    Coleoptera: Carabidae 0.00 0.11 0.07 0.04 0.00 0.04

    Staphylinidae 0.04 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.04 0.04

    Pselaphidae 1.17 1.00 1.37 0.79 1.21 0.82

    Larvae 0.47 0.38 0.54 0.34 0.07 0.61

    Diptera: Larvae 0.40 0.40 0.38 0.41 0.21 0.18

    Hymenoptera: Formicidae 1.90 5.58 1.53 5.83 0.68 12.43

    TH0, hand-fell, bole-only harvesting; TH1, mechanical-fell, whole-tree harvesting; SP0, non-bedding; SP1, bedding; FE0, non-fertilization;

    and FE1, fertilization. Harvesting and bedding treatment means were calculated from a total of 228 samples taken from each treatment

    between February 1995 and December 1996. Fertilization treatmentmeans were calculated from 126 samples taken between Mayand December


    Table 2Mean abundance of soil and litter arthropods per core sample for the pre-fertilization sampling period (February, 1995 to May, 1996)

    Treatment Mesostigmata Prostigmata Oribatida Collembola


    Hand-fell, bole-only harvesting 4.6 (0.8)a 6.7 (1.6)a 44.5 (6.5)a 10.9 (1.7)a

    Mechanical-fell, whole-tree harvesting 6.3 (2.2)a 5.6 (1.5)a 47.1 (10.4)a 9.0 (2.2)a


    Non-bedding 7.0(1.9)a 8.2 (2.0)a 50.4 (9.0)a 12.7 (1.9)a

    Bedding 3.9(1.4)b 4.0 (0.8)a 41.3 (8.3)a 7.3 (2.0)b

    Significant differences for each pair of treatments from two-way ANOVA are designated by different letters ( P < 0.05). Standard errors are in

    parentheses. Data were transformed to log (x + 1) for all analyses. No significant interactions were detected between treatments.

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    different studies, and the need for further research into

    the responses of soil and litter arthropods to forest

    management regimes.

    The bedding treatment employed in this study

    concentrates nutrients into upper soil layers for

    utilization by newly planted tree seedlings. This

    treatment also can increase the risk of wind and water

    erosion and leaching losses. Nitrogen and phosphorus

    levels have been shown to decrease following bedding

    (Pye and Vitousek, 1985; Tew et al., 1986) and erosion

    and soil compaction shown to increase (Tew et al.,

    1986). The lower abundance of many arthropod taxa

    observed prior to fertilization may have resulted from

    these detrimental effects of bedding. The observation

    S.B. Bird et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 195208 205

    Table 3

    Mean abundance of soil and litter arthropods per soil sample for the post-fertilization sampling period (May, 1996 to December, 1996)

    Treatment Mesostigmata Prostigmat Oribatida Collembola

    HarvestingHand-fell, bole-only harvesting 5.3 (1.5)a 12.8 (3.2)a 48.5 (14.9)a 6.8 (1.2)a

    Mechanical-fell, whole-tree harvesting 4.8 (1.1)a 6.2 (1.4)a 39.5 (8.8)a 3.7 (0.8)b


    Non-bedding 6.8 (1.6)a 10.4 (2.4)a 36.0 (8.2)a 6.7 (1.3)a

    Bedding 3.3 (0.8)a 8.6 (2.6)a 52.0 (15.1)a 3.8 (0.8)a


    Non-fertilization 2.9 (0.6)a 4.8 (1.0)a 19.8 (3.5)a 4.3 (0.9)a

    Fertilization 7.1 (1.7)b 14.2 (3.2)b 68.2 (15.7)b 6.3 (1.2)a

    Significant differences for each pair of treatments from three-way ANOVA are designated by different letters (P< 0.05). Standard errors are in

    parentheses. Data were transformed to log (x + 1) for all analyses. No significant interactions were detected between treatments.

    Fig. 9. Comparison of mean abundance of selected arthropod taxa in post-harvest treated plots and unharvested plots. Error bars represent

    standard errors.

  • 7/25/2019 Changes in Soil and Litter Arthropod Abundance Following Three Harvesting and Site Preparation in a Loblolly Pine


    that post-fertilization abundance was comparable in

    the two site preparation treatments for most taxaindicates that the arthropod community was suffi-

    ciently intact to enable a recovery in bedded plots 2

    years following tree harvesting.

    Several taxa were of higher abundance in the

    bedded plots than in non-bedded plots. Formicidae

    were noticeably higher in mean abundance in both

    bedded and mechanically-felled treatments.Solenop-

    sis was the dominant genus among collected speci-

    mens. These ants are, in general, omnivorous, highly

    competitive, and successful at exploiting disturbed

    habitats. Due to the eusocial nature of these insectshowever, spatial aggregation may cause these data to

    be misleading when using the core sampling method.

    4.3. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization

    Varied responses of arthropod communities to

    nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization have been

    reported in other studies. For example, Kopeszki

    (1993)concluded that the numerical response of Acari

    and Collembola was determined by the mode of action

    of the fertilizer used, whileHill et al. (1975) noted a

    delayed effect of fertilization on arthropod abundancedue to a period of nutrient immobilization by

    microorganisms. The immediate increase in arthropod

    abundance following fertilization in this study

    suggests that immobilization did not have a delaying


    4.4. Arthropods, plant growth, and sustainable

    timber production

    Soil and litter arthropods have many interactions

    with microorganisms in forest systems (e.g. seeWerner and Dindal, 1987) and positive feedbacks

    exist between the activities of both. Considering these

    relationships and the importance of many soil and

    litter arthropods for decomposition and soil condition,

    the increase in arthropod abundance following

    fertilization has implications for future tree growth.

    By regulating decomposition rates, organic matter and

    soil aggregation dynamics, and soil aeration, the

    recovery of the arthropod community observed here

    could indicate a local environmental stabilization

    S.B. Bird et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 202 (2004) 195208206

    Fig. 10. Temporal trend in mean abundance of all soil and litter arthropods per core sample showing timing of treatment applications. Error bars

    represent standard errors.

  • 7/25/2019 Changes in Soil and Litter Arthropod Abundance Following Three Harvesting and Site Preparation in a Loblolly Pine


    leading to more optimal plant growth conditions.

    These factors also have positive implications for

    sustainability of timber production at this site when

    using the combination of silvicultural practices


    In conclusion, the overall rapid recovery of the

    abundance of the soil and litter arthropod communityobserved in this study indicates that the silvicultural

    practices used at this site may not have jeopardized

    long-term site productivity. Arthropod diversity, soil

    respiration, and soil nutrient data from the same site

    support this conclusion (Messina personal commu-

    nication, 1997;Bird et al., 2000). More extensive and

    comparative studies of this nature are needed to

    investigate the differences observed between different

    geographic locations, forest types, and specific tree

    harvesting and site preparation treatments.


    We would like to thank M.G. Messina, M.C. Carter,

    D.A. Crossley Jr., P.D. Teel, T.R. Seastedt, E. Rebek,M. Telfer, A. Gilogly, A. Bunting, J.E. Herrick, G.

    Forbes, B. Sutter, A. Scott, and two anonymous

    reviewers for manuscript review and helpful input. We

    also thank P.E. Pulley and P.A. Dacin for statistical

    advice. This study was made possible by a grant from

    the Texas Research Enhancement Program and was

    part of a collaborative study between the USDA Forest

    Service, Temple Inland Forest Products Corp.,

    Louisiana State University, and Texas A&M Uni-



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    Taxon Mean abundance

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    Pseudoscorpiones 0.11

    Acari: Mesostigmata 3.99

    Prostigmata 6.39

    Astigmata 1.92

    Oribatida 36.06

    Chilopoda 0.03

    Diplopoda 0.00

    Pauropoda 0.18

    Symphyla: Scolopendrellidae 0.11

    Protura 0.53

    Diplura: Japygidae 0.42

    Collembola: Hypogastruridae 0.87

    Isotomidae 5.00

    Entomobryidae 0.84

    Sminthuridae 0.47

    Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae 0.00

    Psocoptera 0.21

    Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae 0.05

    Coleoptera: Carabidae 0.03

    Staphylinidae 0.00

    Pselaphidae 0.47

    Larvae 0.16

    Diptera: Larvae 0.32

    Hymenoptera: Formicidae 2.55

    Mean values represent overall averages calculated from 57 core

    samples taken within the unharvested plots between February 1995

    and December 1996.

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