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2200C H A P T E R

Speed, Agility, and Speed-Endurance DevelopmentSpeed, Agility, and Speed-Endurance Development

Steven S. Plisk

Chapter Outline

Movement mechanics

Program design

Running speed


Developing speed and agility

Speed is the result of applying explosive

force to a specific movement or technique. In

most sports, the ability to change direction and

speed is more important than simply achieving

or maintaining high velocity. Such agility

requires rapid force development and high

power output, as well as the ability to efficiently

couple eccentric and concentric actions in

ballistic movements.

Speed-endurance allows for the maintenance

of maximal velocity over an extended time

period and the ability to repeatedly reach

maximal acceleration or speed in multiple

bouts. Special endurance is an application of

speed-endurance for activities with exercise-

relief patterns specific to practice or


Objectives of Speed and Agility Training

Increase impulse production by moving the force-time curve up and to the left by

- generating greater force in a given time or

- improving rate of force production.

Improve eccentric and reactive qualities of strength.

Isometric Force As a Function of TimeIsometric Force As a Function of Time

Force and Velocity in Concentric and Eccentric MuscleForce and Velocity in Concentric and Eccentric Muscle

Running speed is the interaction of stride

frequency and length. Both are important during

initial acceleration, but stride rate has a greater

impact on maximum velocity. As speed

increases, impulse production increasingly

depends on the ability to generate force rapidly.

Stride Length-Frequency Interaction As a Function of Running VelocityStride Length-Frequency Interaction As a Function of Running Velocity

Muscular Requirements Involved in High-Velocity Running

As the recovery leg swings forward, eccentric knee flexor activity controls its forward momentum and helps prepare for efficient touchdown.

Effort during the last-support phase is neither essential to sprinting efficiency nor a high-risk period of injury according to the available research.

During ground support, the role of the plantar flexors is indicated by the high moment at the ankle joint.

Sprinting Technique During the Start and Initial AccelerationSprinting Technique During the Start and Initial Acceleration

Sprinting Technique at Maximum VelocitySprinting Technique at Maximum Velocity

The goal of sprinting is to achieve high stride

frequency and optimal stride length by

maximizing the backward velocity of the

lower leg and foot at ground contact;

minimizing vertical impulse and horizontal

braking forces;

emphasizing brief ground support time,

explosive force production, and rapid stride

rate; and

developing eccentric knee flexion strength.

In general, agility involves greater emphasis

on deceleration and subsequent reactive

coupling with acceleration than does linear

sprinting. Changes in direction and speed can

be executed at a variety of velocities; agility

should therefore be viewed in a larger context

than simply as stop-and-go movements.

Agility Technique

Visual focus: Athlete’s head should be in a neutral position and eyes focused directly ahead.

Plyometric training: The ability to decelerate from a given velocity is requisite for changing directions.

Arm action: Explosive arm action should be used as a means of rapidly reacquiring high stride rate and length.

Developing Speed and Agility

Primary training method (execution of sound technique, first at submaximal speed and eventually at full speed)

Secondary training methods

- Assisted sprinting (using methods to artifically increase speed as a way to improve stride frequency)

- Resisted sprinting (using resistance to improve speed- strength and stride length)

Tertiary training methods

- Basic fitness

- Power

- Speed-endurance

Classic Endurance Training Methods

Competitive/trial methods

Repetition methods

Distance/duration methods

Interval methods

Five-Step Competition Modeling Procedure for Designing Specialized Metabolic Conditioning Programs

1. Identify competition model with respect to level; scheme, style, system; time period; and personnel.

5. Select core training or testing drills.

2. Identify nature and scope of tactical events.

3. Videotape specific competitions or segments with respect to selected tactical events and assignments.

4. Evaluate fundamental exercise-relief pattern; subdivisions; and set groupings as a function of extended-recovery intervals.

Limitations of Five-Step Approach

It does not provide a direct measure of workload intensity unless acompanied by a standardized test or tests.

It may not account for the total volume of work performed because activity is not necessarily discontinued when play is suspended.

Running Speed and Agility Training

The extreme neuromuscular demands and power production of speed and agility drills dictate that they should be conducted under minimal metabolic stress.

Training sessions should be structured around brief work bouts and frequent rest periods with a minimum duration of 2 to 3 min to maximize power availability during successive repetitions and sets.

Speed-Endurance Training

Speed-endurance drills should be structured on competition and interval methods.

Intense intermittent training is generally superior to submaximal distance or duration methods in developing the metabolic power and capacity needed in high-intensity sports.

Training Variables

Fundamentally sound speed, agility, and speed-endurance training programs are based on traditional manipulation of the following variables:

Exercise interval

Exercise order




Relief or recovery interval





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