categories of fonts

Post on 21-Jan-2015






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how to classify fonts into categories for graphic design class




Categorizing Fonts

Using the terms learned for Parts of Fonts, you can analyze and categorize fonts when you see them.

These are the six main categories into which most fonts can be placed

Sans SerifScriptDecorative

OldstyleSlab SerifModern


Fonts have serifs. The serifs are always slanted on lowercase

letters. These fonts always have diagonal stress on

curves and a medium thick/thin transition (going from kind-of-thick to kind-of-thin.)

These fonts make good body text. They are easy to read and hard to distinguish

from each other.

Oldstyle Example

Baskerville Old Face

is an Oldstyle font


Fonts have serifs that are thin and flat on lowercase letters.

The thick-thin transitions are dramatic - moving quickly from very thick to very thin and the curves all have a vertical stress. These fonts are very good for headlines.

Modern Examples

Bodoni MT Black is a good example of

a Modern font.

Slab Serif

Fonts have little or no thick/thin transition at all.

Because of this they are called monoweight fonts.

The serifs are thick and horizontal; hence the term "slab."

These fonts are dark and extremely easy to read.

They are used for body text quite often.

Slab Serif Examples

Rockwell is an example of Slab Serif fonts.

Sans Serif

Fonts are also monoweight fonts. They have thick/thin transitions nor serifs.

(The word "sans" means "without.")

Sans Serif Example

Eurostile is an example of a Sans Serif font.


Fonts appear to have been hand written. They are usually used to add style to a

design and not for body text. They can be very dramatic when mixed with

more traditional type.

Script Example

Palace Script is an example of a script font.


Fonts are ornamentals. They are never used as body text. They often include symbols or flairs that

convey specific information or emotions. Use them carefully.

Decorative Example

Castellar is an example of a decorative font.

Assignment #4 – Classifying Fonts

Directions: For this assignment, your goal is to find 5 fonts for each of the main font categories, for a total of 30 different fonts listed. List the name of the font in that font’s font! Use your typography notes for guidance in selecting fonts.


This assignment is worth 30 points.

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