castro and cuba history project

Post on 10-May-2015






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Castro and CubaBy Justin Gregory

My Research Question

How did Fidel Castro’s Rise to power affect current relations with the United States.

Early History Of Cuba

In 1898 Cuba Gained its Independence from Spain.

Cuba was under US military Occupation until 1902.

Most of the Cuban wealth was still controlled by The US.

Early History Of Cuba (Continued) Corruption and Violence grew in Cuba.

Causing the US to intervene a Number of times.

This allowed Fulgecio Batista to come to power as a dictator. Batista was originally elected as president

and made himself dictator and banned free elections.

While he was in power there was poverty, poor education, and limited healthcare causing a need for revolution.

Castro’s Revolution

Castro’s Revolution

Castro’s revolution took seven years to succeed.

Castro was originally arrested and sent to jail for 15 years and was released. After he was released he fled to Mexico to

create a new group of Rebels with supplies from the United States.

Castro Finally defeated Balista and his government and made himself Dictator.

Castro’s government.

Castro’s government was communist. All property belonging to any American

was claimed by the Cuban Government. The Government Owned about

everything. Cuban TV stations, newspapers and

radio stations were shut down. The only way to get any news was

through the government. Cubans were no longer able to protest

against the government.

Cuba VS the United States

The US and Cuba didn’t get along. The US didn’t Like that Cuba was a

communist nation and such a close nieghbor.

All American property in Cuba was lost . Castro Forced American Civilians to

leave. America didn’t like Cuba being Allied

with the Soviet Union.

Bay of Pigs Invasion

Bay of Pigs Invasion

Goal: to overthrow Castro Plan: Arm Cuban exiles and send

them to Cuba. Then Cuban citizens would join them and fight back.

What happen: Castro’s Forces intercepted the plan and captured the invaders. This Sparked a deep hatred for the US.

Cuban Missile Crisis

Cuban Missile Crisis

In 1962 US spy planes spotted Soviet Missile bases in Cuba. President announces that they have

Nuclear Missiles in Cuba. This was a very tense and scary time.

Solution: Kennedy agreed to remove missiles

from turkey and not to invade Cuba. In return the USSR would remove missiles from Cuba.

Cuban Missile Crisis

Result The limited test ban treaty banned

above ground testing and was agreed upon by the United States, Soviet Union, and Great Britain.

US Places an Embargo on Goods From Cuba

US Places an Embargo on Goods From Cuba

This Act was created in 1962 and is still in place today.

Mainly Cuba’s crops (mainly sugar cane) could no longer be sold to America which hurt Cuba’s economy.

With the embargo act, poor harvests, and poor government planning Cuba’s economy soon took a turn for the worst.

American and Cuban Relations.

Over the past 50 years Relations have not improved.

Over the past 50 years thousands of people have escaped Cuba to come to the US. Many did so because Castro would not

allow Free elections, Freedom of the press, Freedom of speech, etc.

Now the Us only accepts 20,000 immigrants a year from Cuba.

Fidel Castro Update

After Castro’s decline in health, he gave up his Cuban dictatorship on February 19 2008. His brother Raul Castro is now Cuba’s leader.

It is unknown today if Castro is alive.

Cuba Today

Many policies are kept From Fidel Castro’s Government. The government still controls the Media. Limited Internet Access Forbids almost everyone from leaving or

returning to the island. Anyone who criticizes the government

will face criminal charges .

How do you think Fidel Castro’s leadership affected Cuba?

I think that he changed Cuba for the worst.

Why?He took away many freedoms

from his people and ruined most of their lives in the process.

My Grandmother

Jerry Lutz Lived in Western Pennsylvania

Almost her entire life. Mother of Six 80 Years old

Would You Visit Cuba Today if you could and why or why not?

No, I wouldn’t visit Cuba, it seems like a very harsh place where it citizens seem to be abused and have their freedoms taken away.

How do you think Castro affected current US relations with Cuba?

I think he ruined this relationship by threatening the US with nukes and allying themselves with Russia. Everyone was already scared of communism adding a missile crisis was like adding gasoline to a fire.

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