case report mayer-rokitansky-kuster-hauser syndrome...

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Case ReportMayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser SyndromeAssociated with Severe Inferior Vena Cava Stenosis

Laura Londra, Kyle Tobler, John Wu, and Lisa Kolp

Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 10751 Falls Road, Suite 280, Lutherville, MD 21093, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Laura Londra;

Received 7 March 2014; Accepted 17 July 2014; Published 23 July 2014

Academic Editor: Stefan P. Renner

Copyright © 2014 Laura Londra et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Precis. The postoperative course of a neovagina creation procedure in a young woman with Meyer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hausersyndrome was complicated, despite prophylaxis, by extensive pelvic deep venous thrombosis secondary to unsuspected severeinferior vena cava stenosis. Background. Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome is characterized by congenitalvaginal agenesis and an absent or rudimentary uterus in genotypical females. Malformations of the inferior vena cava (IVC) are notcommonly associated with MRKH syndrome. We report a case of a patient with MRKH syndrome with severe IVC stenosis thatwas diagnosed when the patient presented with extensive pelvic deep venous thrombosis (DVT) during the postoperative courseof a neovagina creation. Case. A 19-year-old female underwent a McIndoe procedure. Despite DVT prophylaxis, extensive pelvicDVT of the femoral vein was diagnosed on postoperative day 7.Therapeutic anticoagulation was initiated, and pharmacological andmechanical thrombolysis were performed. During these procedures, a hypoplastic IVC was noted. Conclusion. MRKH syndromecan be associated with IVC malformations, which constitute an anatomical risk factor for postoperative DVT.

1. Introduction

Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome is arare phenomenon characterized by congenital absence ofthe vagina with variable uterine development. The incidenceis approximately 1/4500. The most common patient pre-sentations are primary amenorrhea and inability to haveintercourse [1]. MRKH syndrome is classified as either type I,with isolated Mullerian anomalies, or type II, with associatedmalformations in other systems. Associated malformationscan involve kidneys, skeleton, hearing, extremities, facies,and cardiovascular systems [1, 2]. We report the case ofa 19-year-old woman who initially presented with type IMRKH syndrome. During the postoperative course of aneovagina procedure, the patient developed extensive pelvicdeep venous thrombosis (DVT) and was ultimately diag-nosed with a previously unsuspected inferior vena cava(IVC) malformation. Anomalies of the infrarenal IVC havenot been previously reported in association with MRKHsyndrome.

2. Case

A 19-year-old female was referred to our clinic for eval-uation of primary amenorrhea and suspicion of MRKHsyndrome. Pelvic examination revealed the absence of avagina, and abdominal ultrasound showed a small midlinepelvic structure consistent with a rudimentary uterus withno endometrial stripe and ovaries that appeared normal.A review of the patient’s medical records revealed a pelvicmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) report that describedfindings consistent with bilateral, normal appearing kidneysand no anatomical abnormalities. It is noteworthy that theMRI images were not available and there was no descriptionof the appearance of the IVC in the report. The patienthad a history of renal superior mesenteric vein and splenicvein thromboses in early infancy, with abdominal vascularcalcifications. These calcifications were noted on abdominalX-ray and ultrasound during a work-up for gastrointestinalsymptoms of difficulty with feeding and vomiting at 20days of age. A review of medical records from this early

Hindawi Publishing CorporationCase Reports in Obstetrics and GynecologyVolume 2014, Article ID 745658, 3 pages

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infancy time period showed a pediatric cardiology consul-tation that confirmed a normal heart on echocardiogram.In addition, a thrombophilia work-up, including activatedprotein C resistance, antithrombin level, protein C andS levels, antiphospholipid antibodies, homocysteine serumconcentration, and factor-V Leiden mutation, was negative.The patient had no further symptoms after the first monthof life. She had no history of tobacco use or hormonaltherapy.

The initial management for this patient was with vaginaldilators, which she attempted for one year. The patient wasultimately unable to create a functional vagina and refusedto continue with the use of dilators. Surgical options werediscussed, and the patient elected to undergo a modifiedAbbe-McIndoe technique. The procedure included the har-vesting of a skin graft from the upper thigh, the creationof the vaginal recipient site, crafting of the neovagina overa silicone vaginal stent (Silimed vaginal stent, Silimed,Inc., Dallas, TX), and subsequent placement of the stent[3]. The procedure was uncomplicated, and postoperativecare included strict bed rest, DVT prophylaxis with lowmolecular weight heparin (LMWH) at 40mg sq daily, andsequential compression devices on the lower extremities. Onpostoperative day seven, a routine exam for replacementof the stent was performed. The neovagina tissue graftwas noted to be healing appropriately. However, swellingand erythema were subsequently noted on the upper rightthigh, along with patient’s complaint of right side extremitypain. An evaluation of the lower extremities by venousDoppler revealed no evidence of flow or compressibilitywithin the right common femoral and femoral veins, withan occlusive thrombus extending into the greater saphenousvein.

A therapeutic protocol for anticoagulation with unfrac-tioned heparin drip was instituted immediately, result-ing in an excellent response of hematological parame-ters. Due to the extensive thrombosis, and in consulta-tion with the Hematology and Interventional RadiologyDepartments, pharmacological and mechanical thrombol-ysis on the right common iliac, external iliac, commonfemoral, and superficial femoral veins were performed withtissue plasminogen activator and a Bacchus Trellis (Bac-chus Vascular, Inc., Santa Clara, CA) device, respectively.Suction thrombectomy was performed without complica-tions in the iliac and femoral veins, as described elsewhere[4].

Venograms of the right common iliac, external iliac,common femoral, superficial femoral, and popliteal veinswere performed after completion of the thrombectomy. Nopatent IVC was identified. Extensive collateral flow throughlumbar veins, consistent with a congenital absence or chronicocclusion of the IVC, was described. A computed tomog-raphy (CT) image of the abdomen and pelvis was acquiredafter intravenous administration of nonionic contrast onthe day after the thrombolysis with the goal of clarifyingthe anatomical findings regarding the IVC that were foundduring the thrombectomy procedure. The CT image identi-fied an infrahepatic IVC with diminutive caliber along withprominent azygos and lumbar veins.

The patient had significant improvement within 24 hoursand was discharged within 3 days following the thrombec-tomy procedure. The anticoagulation plan was continued for6 months and the patient did well.

3. Comment

This patient’s presentation was notable because of the exten-sive nature of proximal pelvic DVT that occurred despiteaggressive prophylaxis and because of the diagnosis of severehypoplasia of the IVC in association with MRKH syndrome.The fact that the modified Abbe-McIndoe procedure was apelvic surgery with a requirement for strict postoperativebed rest for 7 days is noteworthy because the bed rest wouldclearly have added to the DVT complication. In addition, thepatient’s history of mesenteric vein calcification in infancymay also be related to the present diagnosis of possiblechronic occlusion of the IVCand/or an IVCwith a diminutivecaliber coupled with prominent azygos and lumbar veins.Although MRI of the pelvis has long been established asa useful imaging technique in the diagnosis of anomaliesassociated withMRKH syndrome [5], its utility in diagnosingcardiovascular-associated anomalies was less clear in thiscase. An MRI was not performed because of the lack ofsuspicion of a major vascular anomaly that would haveprompted a more extensive evaluation including the upperabdomen.

The MRKH syndrome develops in utero between the4th and 12th week of pregnancy. Multiple organ systemshave been reported to be associated with the MRKHsyndrome spectrum, including kidneys, skeleton, auditorysystem, extremities, facies, and cardiovascular system [6].The coexistence of IVC anomalies with previously describedassociated urological anomalies is therefore possible. As anexample, horseshoe kidneys are associated with a higherfrequency of renal vein and vena cava anomalies [7, 8].

Nevertheless, this patient had normal appearing kidneys.Furthermore, to our knowledge, IVC hypoplasia has not beenreported among the cardiovascularmalformations associatedwith MRKH. A PubMed search using the words “Meyer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser” and “cardiovascular anomalies”returned three reports, including one case of partial anoma-lous pulmonary drainage [9], one case of total anomalouspulmonary venous return [10], and one case (only abstractavailable in English) consistent of aortic isthmus stenosis [11].It is plausible that the IVC anomaly described in our casereport was unrelated to the Mullerian anomaly underlyingMRKH syndrome and rather was a coincidental diagnosisthat went overlooked in theMRI report that we obtainedwiththe patient’s medical records. We only had access to the MRIreport and not the preoperativeMRI images, so we are unableto determine if an IVC anomaly was overlooked.

Vena cava development is a complex process involvingthe formation and regression of parts of three completevenous systems. Interruption or congenital stenosis of theIVC consists of a developmental defect of the IVC andcollateral circulation that occurs most commonly via theazygos-hemiazygos system. The presence of symptoms is

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highly dependent on the presence of awell-developed azygos-hemiazygos continuation. In a review of 7,972 CT scans ofpatients 14 years or older, the prevalence of interruption orcongenital stenosis of the IVC in patients who had under-gone multidetector row computed tomography (MDCT) wasestimated to occur in 0.15% of cases [12]. The most commoncause of presenting symptoms was DVT in patients of arelatively young age (range, 14–30 years). Well-developedazygos-hemiazygos continuation was observed in all patientswho were asymptomatic, as was the case of our patient.The presence of acute or recurrent DVT, diffuse venouscollaterals, including abdominal wall, varices, varicocele, andhemorrhoids, or venous aneurysm in a relatively youngpatient may be an indication to use CT or MRI for thediagnosis of interruption or congenital stenosis of the IVC.

The postoperative outcome of our patient after the DVTdiagnosis was notable with regard to the excellent responseto anticoagulation. However, the persistence of symptomsand extension of the thrombosis prompted a discussion withthe patient about risks and benefits of thrombolysis andthrombectomy procedures. The procedure is usually highlyeffective [13], but the risk of bleeding in the setting of recentsurgery needs to be carefully weighed against the benefits ofmitigation of thrombotic complications. In this case, MRKHsyndrome was unusually associated with severe, unsuspectedIVC congenital hypoplasia which presented a risk factor forpostoperative DVT, despite thromboprophylaxis, as well asfor pelvic surgery complications because of the associatedanatomy distortion and extensive collateral venous develop-ment. Thrombolysis with thrombectomy procedures shouldbe carefully considered for shortening the course of DVTresolution in selected patients.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


Publication of this report was funded by the Open AccessPromotion Fund of the Johns Hopkins University Libraries.


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