cannes lions 2014 pow wow

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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How does one get to Cannes?

Check your email.

And if you want to go bad enough, you’ll find a way to make it happen.

we went.

we learned 3 things.

1. get uncomfortable.

“get imagination to go to bed with audacity.”

- Richard Huntington, Saatchi & Saatchi

“people that strive to be right are rarely

interesting.”- Richard Huntington, Saatchi & Saatchi

“be willing to get fired on a good idea.”

- Spike Jonze, Director

“doubts and question marks stimulate creativity.”

- Bertrand Piccard, SolarImpulse

“there are no facts about the future.”

- Sir John Hegarty, BBH

2. do good.

“decent people need something decent to

hold on to.”

- David Lubars, BBDO

“if you do something nice for someone else, forget

it right away… !

if someone else does something nice for you,

never forget it.”- Daniele Fiandaca, Chiel

“the consequences of our interconnectedness are causing us to have

a conscience… !

the world is forming a global sense of right and wrong.”

- Steven Overman, Match&Candle

“don’t look for something in scale, look for empathy.”

- Jean Lin, Isobar

“we are good if our peers think we we are great…


we are great if the real world thinks we are good.”

- David Droga, Droga5

3. keep it simple

“creativity is not an opportunity, it’s a responsibility.”

- Ybes Beha r, Adobe

“truth ends up being the answer.”

- Omar Johnson, Beats

“human curation is around human moments.” - Jeff Levick, Spotify

“say something provocative and then shut up.”

- Teresa Alpert, Crimea River

“don’t make Aquaman run.”

- James Hurman, Previously Unavailable

“don’t put the technology cart before the idea horse.”

- Nick Parish, Contagious

in summary.

1. get uncomfortable.2. do good.3. keep it simple.

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