calcium oxalate crystallization in sds

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Indian Journal of Chemistry

Vol. 57A, January 2018, pp. 9-17

Calcium oxalate crystallization in SDS solutions

Yan Lia, Xifeng Lub, Xiaodeng Yanga,* & Yulin Wangc

aKey Laboratory of Fine Chemicals (Shandong Province), Qilu University of Technology, Ji’nan 250353, PR China

bLunan Institute of Coal Chemical Engineering, Jining 272000, PR China

cCollege of Jining Polytechnic, Ji’ning 272000, PR China


Received 1 November 2017; revised and accepted 15 December 2017

Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and hydroxy isopropyl chitosan (HPCHS) are employed as modulation agents for

crystallization of CaC2O4. The effects of concentrations of SDS and HPCHS, [Ca2+]/[C2O42-

], [Mg2+]/[Ca2+] and ratio of

Vethanol/Vwater and [Mg2+]/[Ca2+] on the crystallization are investigated. The CaC2O4 particles are characterized by scanning

electron microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.

The results show that SDS inhibits the crystallization and growth of CaC2O4 particles due to the interaction between dodecyl

sulfate and Ca2+ and also the formation of calcium dodecyl sulfate. Based on an analysis of the CaC2O4 and solution

properties of SDS/Ca2+ and HPCHS/SDS/Ca2+, a mechanism for CaC2O4 crystallization in SDS solutions is proposed. This work is of significance in inhibiting abnormal mineralization.

Keywords: Crystallization, Calcium oxalate, Sodium dodecyl sulfate, Hydroxy isopropyl chitosan

An organism contains more than 60 kinds of minerals,

which exist in the form of inorganic and organic

compounds. The minerals have certain intensity

and toughness due to the precisely controlled

morphologies, shapes and sizes1. These minerals also

show various special biological functions, for

instance, calcium carbonate could be a physical

barrier to harmful organisms and microorganisms.

Calcium phosphates also a synthetic bone graft

substitutes for their osteoconductive and appropriate

mechanical strength.

Biomineralization is the process of formation of

biominerals with special structures and assemblies

under the modulation of biomacromolecules. During

the process, the inorganic minerals are formed

and assembled through the interaction between

biomacromolecules and inorganic mineral particles2.

There are two kinds of biomineralization processes:

one is the normal mineralization process, in which the

metal ions not only take part in the formation of some

bioactive complexes, but also take part in the

formation of hard tissues, such as bone, and teeth. The

other is the abnormal mineralization process in which

various internal or external factors interfere with the

normal mineralization, resulting in unbalanced

mineralization, like the formation of calculus,

hardening of the arteries, bone hyperplasia, the plaque

and dental caries, and so on1,3. Among various calculi,

the dissoluble calcium salts account for about 73%,

and more than 80% dissoluble calcium salts are

calcium oxalates. For instance, calcium oxalate

mineralized in urinary system is the main component

of calculi3.

Calcium oxalate includes three polymorphs:

calcium oxalate monohydrate (CaC2O4·H2O, COM),

calcium oxalate dihydrate (CaC2O4·2H2O, COD) and

calcium oxalate trihydrate (CaC2O4·3H2O, COT).

The above sequence of the three polymorphs

shows the decreasing order in thermodynamic

stability. Calcium oxalates mainly exist in COM or

COD polymorph4.

The crystallization and properties of calcium

oxalate have been extensively studied in various

organic additives, such as amino acids/proteins5-8,

phospholipids9,10, surfactants11, polymers12, and

magnesium ions13. Siddiqui et al.14 revealed that

myeloperoxidase and calcium granule proteins

promoted the aggregation of calcium oxalate crystals

since these anti-inflammatory proteins were adsorbed

on the surfaces of calcium oxalate, and became the



internal templates during the crystallization process.

Ouyang et al.4,15 found that the perfect Langmuir-

Blodgett (LB) film of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine

only induced a small amount of COM particles.

However, the damaged LB film induced circle-shaped

COM. The results indicated the important relationship

between kidney stones and the damaged adrenal film

at the molecular level.

Vesicle, double sealed structure formed by directional

bilayer of amphiphilic molecules, is one of the

optimal candidates for researching and simulating

biological membranes16. Hao et al.17 synthesized well-

dispersed and elongated hexagonal shaped COM with

vesicles as micro-reactors. They found that the growth

rate of the (020) plane increased with the increase in

Ca2+ concentration. Amino acids, pH, added

surfactant, and the type of microemulsions showed

significant impact on the morphologies of calcium


Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is one of the typical

anionic surfactants, widely used in protein separation18,

pharmaceutical delivery19,20, dispersion of carbon

nanotubes21, and inorganic materials synthesis22,23. In

this study, SDS was employed to modulate calcium

oxalate crystallization. The effects of concentrations of

SDS and HPCHS, [Ca2+]/[C2O42-], ratio of Vethanol/Vwater

and [Mg2+]/[Ca2+] on the crystallization were

investigated. To investigate the role of HPCHS and

SDS in modulating the crystallization of CaC2O4, the

aqueous properties of HPCHS/SDS/Ca2+ and SDS/Ca2+

mixtures were studied by surface tension method.

Based on an analysis of the CaC2O4 and properties of

SDS/Ca2+ and HPCHS/SDS/Ca2+ solutions, a

crystallization mechanism of CaC2O4 in SDS solutions

is proposed. The work is of significance in inhibiting

abnormal mineralization.

Materials and Methods Hydroxy isopropyl chitosan (HPCHS) was

synthesized according to literature method24. Sodium

dodecyl sulfate (SDS, molecular biological grade)

was obtained from Promega Co. CaCl2, MgCl2·H2O,

Na2C2O4, and anhydrous ethanol were all A.R. grade,

obtained from the Tianjin Tianda Purification

Material Fine Chemical factory, and used without

further purification. Triply distilled water was used in

the preparation of all solutions.

Crystallization and characterization of CaC2O4 particles

Aqueous solutions of HPCHS (3.0 g/L), SDS

(10 mmol/L), CaCl2 (200 mmol/L) and Na2C2O4

(200 mmol/L) were prepared as stock solutions. In a

typical experiment, a solution of Na2C2O4 (0.5 mL,

200 mmol/L) was dropped into a solution of SDS

(2.0 mL, 10 mmol/L) and CaCl2 (0.5 mL, 200 mmol/L)

with 17 mL of triply distilled water in an element

bottle under mild stirring. Thus, the initial

concentration of SDS was 1.0 mmol/L and those of

Ca2+ and C2O42- were 0.5 mmol/L each. Unless

indicated otherwise, the calcium oxalate particles

were collected by centrifugation after 5 h, washed

with triply distilled water three times and then dried in

a vacuum desiccator at 40 ºC for 24 h.

The morphology and particle size of the

calcium oxalate particles were characterized by a

JEOL JSM6700F field-emission scanning electron

microscope (FE-SEM) fitted with a field emission

source and operated at an accelerating voltage of

5 kV. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were recorded

on a Rigaku D/max-2200PC diffractometer

with graphite-monochromatized high-intensity Cu-K

radiation (λ = 1.5406 Å, 40 kV, 40 mA). A scan rate

of 0.02° steps/(25 s) and a 2 range from 20° to 60°

were selected. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)

spectroscopic measurements were recorded on a

Bruker Equinox 55 spectrometer.

Surface tension of SDS/Ca2+ and HPCHS/SDS/Ca2+ solutions

To investigate the crystallization mechanism of

CaC2O4 in SDS solution, the surface tension of

SDS/Ca2+ (or HPCHS/SDS/Ca2+) mixed solutions was

measured on a K12 processor tensiometer (Krüss Co.

Germany) by the ring method at 25±1 ºC.

Results and Discussion

Crystallization of CaC2O4 in solutions with or without SDS

To analyze the effect of SDS on CaC2O4

crystallization, CaC2O4 was crystallized in solutions

with or without (control experiment) 1.0 mmol/L SDS

at 40 ºC. The plate-like CaC2O4 particles (Fig. 1a)

with length of ~500 nm and width of ~175 nm were

obtained in the control experiment, but the aggregated

cylindrical crystals (Fig. 1b) with length of ~350 nm

and diameter of ~180 nm were obtained in 1.0 mmol/L

SDS solution at the aging time of 1 h. As the aging

time increased to 5 h, the side lengths of CaC2O4

particles (Fig. 1c) crystallized in the control

experiment increased to ~640 nm (long side) and

~220 nm (short side). In the solutions with SDS, the

length of cylindrical crystals increased to ~440 nm

and the diameter increased to ~220 nm (Fig. 1d). The

volume of the CaC2O4 particles crystallized in



1.0 mmol/L SDS solution is much smaller than that

crystallized in control experiment due to the

electrostatic interaction between SDS and Ca2+, as

well as the formation of calcium dodecyl sulfate

(CDS)25, which acts as a template and inhibits the

growth of CaC2O4.

Figure 2 shows the XRD patterns of CaC2O4

particles crystallized in the control experiment (curves 1

and 3) and in solutions with 1.0 mmol/L SDS (curves 2

and 4) at different aging time. The CaC2O4 particles

are all hydrated calcium oxalate (COM),

and the lattice parameters are a = 0.63, b = 0.73,

c = 0.99 nm (JCPDS 33-0268). The values of surface

spacing (d) are 0.595, 0.365, 2.97 and 2.36 nm,

corresponding to (101), (020), (202) and (130)

surfaces, respectively. The peak intensities of (101) and

(020) surfaces as well as their ratios are listed in

Table 1. The peak intensity of (020) surface for

CaC2O4 crystallized in control experiment is far

stronger than that for CaC2O4 crystallized in solutions

with SDS. However, the ratio of I101/I020 for CaC2O4

crystallized in SDS solutions is much larger than that

of CaC2O4 crystallized in control experiment. The SEM

images show that SDS inhibits the growth of CaC2O4

and the inhibiting effect on (020) surface is more

notable than that on (101) surface.

Fig. 2 — XRD patterns of CaC2O4 particles crystallized in

solutions without SDS (curves 1 and 3) and with SDS (curves 2

and 4). [The samples correspond to those in Fig. 1].

The FTIR spectra of the CaC2O4 particles confirm

the formation of COM (Fig. 3). The absorption peaks

at 948 and 665 cm-1 are the characteristic absorption

peaks of COM. The peaks at 1614 and 1319 cm-1 are

the asymmetric and symmetric absorption peaks of

COO-, respectively, while the peaks at 783 and

519 cm-1 are the bending absorption peaks of O-C-O,

out-of-plane and in-plane respectively, and the peaks

Fig. 1 — Typical SEM images of CaC2O4 particles crystallized in solutions without (a and c) and with (b and d) SDS at 40 °C.

[Conc. of Ca2+ and CO32-: 5.0 mmol/L each, SDS: 1.0 mmol/L; aging time: 1 h (a and b) or 5 h (c and d)].



at 3000-3500 cm-1 are the asymmetric and symmetric

vibration absorption peak of bound water26.

Effect of HPCHS on CaC2O4 crystallization

Polysaccharide is an important organic compound

widely distributed in animals and microorganisms.

It is involved in various activities of cell life,

including the mineralization process. In recent years,

the polysaccharide controlled growth of inorganic

crystals has attracted much attention27. Chitosan is

one of the most important polysaccharides, with

several attractive features, such as low price, rich

resources, biocompatibility, biodegradation, and low

toxicity28-31. However, its water insolubility inhibits

wide applications. Many studies focused on the

modification of chitosan to improve the solubility and

other physicochemical properties are reported32-34.

In previous studies, several chitosan derivatives were

synthesized and employed to modulate the CaCO3

crystallization24,35-37. HPCHS is one of the most

important functional chitosan derivatives, and can

form liquid crystals. HPCHS solution has excellent

foam performance, emulsification capability38,39,

anticoagulant activity, antimicrobial activity and

clinical effects40,41. Based on its excellent performance in

medical and clinical applications, HPCHS was selected

to control CaC2O4 crystallization with SDS to explore its

inhibiting effect on urinary calculus.

Figure 4 shows the SEM images of CaC2O4

crystallized in HPCHS (1.0 g/L) and HPCHS

(1.0 g/L)/SDS (1.0 mmol/L) mixed solutions at

varying aging time. It can be seen that the particles

crystallized in HPCHS solution have random

morphologies due to the electrostatic interaction of

–NH2 in HPCHS on the positively charged surfaces of

CaC2O4. The small, irregular flaky structured

particles are crystallized in HPCHS (1.0 g/L)/SDS

(1.0 mmol/L) mixed solution after 1 h aging time.

When aging time is increased, the irregular flaky

particles increase. This change indicates that the

addition of HPHCS in SDS solution weakens the

effect of SDS on the growth of CaC2O4 particles; the

interaction between SDS and HPCHS weakens the

impact of SDS on CaC2O4. On the other hand,

HPCHS has the potential to promote the growth of

CaC2O4 flaky particles, which is proved by XRD

patterns (Fig. S1, Supplementary Data). The peak

intensity of (020) surface for CaC2O4 particles

crystallized in HPCHS is significantly stronger than

that for CaC2O4 particles crystallized in control

experiment (Table 1). Both XRD patterns and FTIR

spectra (Figs S1 and S2, Supplementary Data) prove

that the crystals are all COM.

Effect of [Ca2+]/[C2O4

2-] ratio on CaC2O4 crystallization

In some systems, the amounts of Ca2+ and C2O42-

are not the same, indicating that the concentration of

Ca2+ or C2O42- may affect CaC2O4 crystallization.

Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the effect of

[Ca2+]/[C2O42-]ratio on CaC2O4 crystallization while

the concentration of SDS is 1.0 mmol/L.

Table 1 — Diffraction intensities of (101) and (020) surfaces,

and the values of I101/I020 for CaC2O4 particles crystallized

in different systems

System I101 I020 I101/I020

Control (Water) 16.85a 137.46 0.12

23.60b 152.02 0.16

SDS 11.09a 25.13 0.44

17.22b 23.11 0.74

HPCHS 22.56b 184.67 0.12

HPCHS/SDS 23.28b 146.56 0.16


] 14.86c 21.02 0.71

16.36d 30.42 0.54


28.60e 27.67 1.03

17.67f 25.82 0.69

13.02g 17.91 0.73

12.82h 15.86 0.81


9.26i 13.10 0.71

28.75j 49.83 0.58

6.70k 5.11 1.31

aAging time: 1 h; b5 h. c[Ca2+]/[C2O42-

]: 1:4; d4:1. eVethanol/VH2O: 1:4; f1:3; g1:2; h1:1. i[Mg2+]/[Ca2+]: 1:4; j1:1; k4:1.

Fig. 3 — FTIR spectra of CaC2O4 crystals crystallized in solutions

without SDS (a and c) and with SDS (b and d) SDS. [The samples

correspond to those in Fig. 1].



Typical SEM images of CaC2O4 crystallized in

solutions with 1.0 mmol/L SDS and [Ca2+]/[C2O42-]

ratio of 1:4 and 4:1 are shown in Fig. 5. At

[Ca2+]/[C2O42-] ratio of 1:4, hexagonal CaC2O4

particles with long diagonal of ~410 nm and

short diagonal of ~220 nm are obtained (Fig. 5a). At

[Ca2+]/[C2O42-]ratio of 4:1, irregular small plate

particles are obtained (Fig. 5b). A similar observation

was reported during the heterogeneous nucleation

process of CaCO342. When Ca2+ is in excess, the

excessive Ca2+ ions are adsorbed on the surfaces of

precipitated particles, preventing the heterogeneous

nucleation and growth of irregular particles.

In addition, the solubility of calcium oxalate increases

with the increase in Ca2+ concentration43. On the other

hand, the CO32- ions promote the heterogeneous

nucleation of CaCO342. Therefore, the CaC2O4

particles crystallized in solutions with [Ca2+]/[C2O42-]

ratio of 1:4 are larger than those crystallized in

solutions with [Ca2+]/[C2O42-] ratio of 4:1.

Both XRD patterns and FTIR spectra of the

obtained CaC2O4 indicate that the CaC2O4 particles

Fig. 4 — Typical SEM images of CaC2O4 crystallized in solutions with HPCHS (a and b) and with HPCHS/SDS (c and d). [Aging time:

1 h (a and c) and 5 h (b and d). Conc. of HPCHS: 1.0 g/L, and, SDS: 1.0 mmol/L].

Fig. 5 — Typical SEM images of CaC2O4 crystallized in solutions with [Ca2+]/[C2O42-

] ratio of (a) 1:4, and, (b) 4:1.



are all COM (Figs S3 & S4, Supplementary Data).

The peak intensities of (101) surface for CaC2O4

crystallized at the [Ca2+]/[C2O42-]ratios of 1:4 and 4:1

are almost the same. However, the peak intensity

of (020) surface for CaC2O4 crystallized at

[Ca2+]/[C2O42-] ratio of 4:1 is slightly stronger than

that for CaC2O4 crystallized at [Ca2+]/[C2O42-] ratio of

1:4. The ratio of I101/I020 for CaC2O4 crystallized at

[Ca2+]/[C2O42-] ratio of 4:1 is also larger than that for

CaC2O4 crystallized at [Ca2+]/[C2O42-] ratio of 1:4

(Table 1). The difference is caused by the growth

promoting effect of C2O42- on single crystal as well as

the accumulation of Ca2+. This is consistent with that

observed from SEM images.

Effect of ethanol on the crystallization of CaC2O4

The effect of ethanol on CaC2O4 crystallization and

growth were investigated at 40 °C, keeping the

volume ratios of ethanol-to-water as 1:4, 1:3, 1:2,

and 1:1 (Fig. 6(a-d)). Typical SEM images of

CaC2O4 show that the CaC2O4 particles (~220 nm

(Vethanol/VH2O=1:4), 150 nm (1:3), 100 nm (1:2), 80 nm

(1:1) in length) crystallized in ethanol are much

smaller than those crystallized in the solutions

containing HPCHS (~720 nm) (or HPCHS/SDS,

~400 nm) (Fig. 4). With the increase of ethanol

content from 1:4 to 1:3 to 1:2 to 1:1, the average

CaC2O4 particle size decreases significantly from

200 nm to 100 nm to 65 nm to 60 nm, indicating

that ethanol inhibits CaC2O4 growth. This change

may be ascribed to the miscibility of ethanol

and water as well as the variation of mixed

solvent properties.

The XRD patterns and FTIR spectra show that

the CaC2O4 particles are COM (Figs S5 & S6,

Supplementary Data). The addition of ethanol in

water decreases CaC2O4 peak intensity, and the peak

intensity decreases with the increase of the

(Vethanol/VH2O) ratio. The value of I101/I020 increases

gradually with the increase in (Vethanol/VH2O) (Table 1),

suggesting that the ethanol mainly inhibits the growth

of the (020) surface. The XRD results are similar to

that observed from SEM images.

Effect of Mg2+ on CaC2O4 crystallization

Mg2+ is an indispensable metal ion in organisms and may affect the crystallization of biominerals in organisms. Therefore, the effect of Mg2+ on CaC2O4 crystallization was investigated, keeping the ratios of

2 2[Mg ] [Ca ] as 1:4, 1:1, and 4:1.

Fig. 6 — Typical SEM images of CaC2O4 crystallized in ethanol/water mixed solutions. [Vethanol/VH2O = 1:4 (a), 1:3 (b), 1:2 (c) and 1:1 (d)].



Figure 7 shows that the addition of Mg2+ affects

the morphology of CaC2O4 particles significantly.

Spherical particles were crystallized at [Mg2+]/[Ca2+]

ratios of 1:4 and 4:1, and the average size of the

particles crystallized at [Mg2+]/[Ca2+] ratio of 1:4

(~120 nm) is larger than that of the particles

crystallized at the ratio of 4:1 (~100 nm). In addition,

there are small amounts of tetrahedral particles

crystallized in the system with [Mg2+]/[Ca2+] of 1:4.

The star-like particles with long side of ~5 μm were

crystallized at [Mg2+]/[Ca2+] of 1:1. This observation

is very interesting and will be systematically

researched in subsequent work.

During the crystallization of CaC2O4, Mg2+ ions

control COM precipitation and growth dynamically44,

promoting the formation of calcium oxalate dehydrate

(COD). During the crystallization of COD,

magnesium oxalate was also crystallized45 and

induced excessive adsorption or precipitation of

COD due to the low solubility of magnesium

oxalate14,44. XRD patterns and FTIR spectra

confirm the formation of COD (Figs S7 & S8,

Supplementary Data).

Mechanism of CaC2O4 crystallization in SDS solution

To explore the mechanism of CaC2O4

crystallization in SDS solution, the surface tensions of

SDS, SDS/CaCl2 (0.5 mmol/L), and HPCHS

(1.0 g/L)/SDS/CaCl2 (0.5 mmol/L) solutions were

measured (Fig. 8). For solutions of SDS and HPCHS

(1.0 g/L)/SDS/CaCl2 (0.5 mmol/L), one breakpoint was

observed in the surface tension versus SDS concentration

plot. The breakpoint corresponds to the critical micelle

concentration (cmc). However, there is a sudden-

increase-point in the surface tension curve of

SDS/CaCl2 solution. Generally, inorganic salts affect

the aggregation behavior of surfactant from two

aspects: (i) inorganic salt compresses the electrical

double layer surrounding the hydrophilic groups and

decreases the cmc of surfactant and, (ii) inorganic salts

Fig. 8 — Surface tension plots versus SDS concentration in

solutions (a) without CaCl2, (b) with CaCl2, and, (c) with


change the ionic strength of the solutions and increase

surfactant activity16. In this experiment, the addition

of CaCl2 showd (i) no effect on the activity of SDS

due to the interaction between Ca2+ and dodecyl

sulfate ions (DS2-), and, (ii) the formation of calcium

dodecyl sulfate (CDS), which is insoluble in water

at room temperature. The sudden-increase-point at

10 mmol/L Ca2+ and the FTIR spectra (Fig. S9,

Supplementary Data) confirm the formation of

CDS. The result of conductivity also proves the

formation of CDS28.

In this study, the optimum concentration of

SDS was 1.0 mmol/L, corresponding to the

formation of CDS pre-micelles, which modulate

the formation of the aggregated cylindrical CaC2O4

crystals. The addition of HPCHS in SDS

solution favors the interaction between SDS

and HPCHS46-48, inhibits the formation of CDS,

and promotes the crystallization and growth of

CaC2O4 particles.

Fig. 7 — Typical SEM images of CaC2O4 particles crystallized at [Mg2+]/[Ca2+] ratios of (a) 1:4, (b) 1:1, (c) 4:1.




The effects of SDS, HPCHS, [Ca2+]/[C2O42-


Vethanol/VH2O and [Mg2+]/[Ca2+] on CaC2O4

crystallization have been investigated. SDS inhibits

CaC2O4 crystallization and growth significantly

through electrostatic interaction between DS2- and

Ca2+. On the other hand, HPCHS promotes the growth

of CaC2O4 (020) surface due to the adsorption of

–NH2 groups. Both Ca2+ and C2O42- inhibit the growth

of (020) surface remarkably when their concentrations

are not the same, but show slight influence on (101)

surface growth. Ethanol inhibits the growth of the

(101) and (020) surfaces and its inhibitory effect

increases with increasing Vethanol/VH2O. Mg2+ ions induce

the formation of spherical COD when the

ratios of [Mg2+]/[Ca2+] are 1:4 and 4:1, while the

cruciate-flowered COD is induced when the ratio of

[Mg2+]/[Ca2+] is 1:1. The aqueous properties of

SDS/Ca2+ solution indicate that the electrostatic

interaction between SDS and Ca2+ ions and the formed

CDS plays a key role in CaC2O4 crystallization.

Supplementary Data

Supplementary data associated with this

article are available in the electronic form




This work was undertaken with the financial

support from National Natural Science Foundation of

China (grant No. 21306092), Science and Technology

Plan Project of Shandong Provincial University (grant

no. J12LA02) and Program for Scientific Research

Innovation Team in Colleges and Universities of

Shandong Province.

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