by: andy luu. a pair of monsters who lived on opposite ends of the strait of messina between...

Post on 20-Jan-2018






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SCYLLA  She was a sea nymph and the daughter of Phorcys  “She was loved by Glaucus, and he ask Circe to make a love potion for Scylla. But Circe fell in love with him. She tried to convince him to forget Scylla and to fall in love with her instead, but he paid her no attention; his heart belonged to the nymph. This enraged Circe. To punish her rival, she prepared a vial of poison, and this she poured into the pool where Scylla bathed. As soon as Scylla walked into her bath, she was transformed into a horrifying monster with six heads, each with a triple row of teeth sharper than knives(Friedmen).”



Who are They? A pair of monsters who lived on opposite

ends of the Strait of Messina between Italy and Sicily

Scylla is a six-headed beast with three rows of sharp teeth in each head("Scylla and Charybdis“).

Charybdis is a dangerous whirlpool across the strait from Scylla("Scylla and Charybdis“)


She was a sea nymph and the daughter of Phorcys “She was loved by Glaucus, and he ask Circe to make

a love potion for Scylla. But Circe fell in love with him. She tried to convince him to forget Scylla and to fall in love with her instead, but he paid her no attention; his heart belonged to the nymph. This enraged Circe. To punish her rival, she prepared a vial of poison, and this she poured into the pool where Scylla bathed. As soon as Scylla walked into her bath, she was transformed into a horrifying monster with six heads, each with a triple row of teeth sharper than knives(Friedmen).”


She was a sea nymph, daughter of Poseidon

“When Poseidon and Zeus when to war, she rode the tides swallowed up villages and field, claiming land for her father. When she claim too much land Zeus became angry and turned her into a monster(Friedman).”

Known for?SCYLLA CARYBDIS “Scylla was a

supernatural female creature, with 12 feet and 6 heads on long, snaky necks, each head having a triple row of shark like teeth, while her loins were girdled by the heads of baying dogs (Friedmen).”

Her character was most likely the personification of a whirlpool. When Charybdis swallowed, she created a water funnel.(Friedman).

In the OdysseusSCYLLA CHARYBDIS While Odysseus and

his men sailed through the strait, Odysseus mean were not warn about Scylla and she was able to grab 6 men and eat them.

The shipwrecked Odysseus barely escaped her clutches by clinging to a tree until the improvised raft that she swallowed floated to the surface again after many hours ("Scylla and Charybdis“).

Work Cited Friedman, Amy, and Meredith Johnson. "Scylla

and Charybdis (A Greek Myth)." Uexpress. Tell Me a Story, 30 Aug. 2009. Web. 8 Oct. 2015.

"Scylla and Charybdis“. Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., n.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2015.

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