business intelligence and mapping

Post on 11-May-2015






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A quick look at business intelligence industry: who they are, their perspective on life, and why they are investing in mapping technologies. Illustrated (cartoons) with a demo of smashing maps into the open source BIRT project. After being a fan of GeoRabble for some time I finally get a chance to do a presentation at GeoRabble Sydney!


Business Intelligenceand Mapping

Jody GarnettBusiness Intelligence and Mapping 1

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First Thought for GeoRabble Talk

• Really Cool Technology: uDig + GeoScript

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Boring – need something to Say

• Code on its own does not a story makeo Need data and a good questiono And maybe a background in GIS

• So let’s try another idea …

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Communication of Ideas

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• So what are we good at communicating?

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Mapping Party!

Make Tracks!

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Only one Ground Truth

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“A Map of Nowhere Showing Everything”: Andre’s Plan & Map Drawing (1891)

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Public Perception of GIS

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Web Mapping

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Map Comprehension


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Map Interaction

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Return to Cartography?

Water Colour example from Stamen (

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What about BI?

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Rather than Communicate to Everyone

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Focus on a Few

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The Decision Makers

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Provides a certain perspective

Data Warehouse

Are Belong to


Your Data


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A Successful Approach• IDC Reports 39.9 Billion market for 2012

o Top five use (covering 29 Billion of the total)• End-User Query, Reporting, and Analysis• Data Warehouse Management• Financial Performance and Strategy Management• CRM Analytics Applications• Data Warehouse Generation.

o Pivoting into a “business analytics software” category

• Larger market than GISo GIS pivoting to Location Intelligence? Location Analytics?

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Query Reporting Analysis

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Data Warehouse





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Drill-Down and Explore

• Online analytical processing (OLAP)

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Dashboard• Drive your company like a car!

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BI Mapping• More than just a chart alternative?

o Maps convey large data volume (to everyone!)o Maps and cross-tabs an interactive alternative to thematic maps

• Mapping is already deployed in BI productso Microsoft Bing Maps / Business Intelligence o ESRI / IBM Cognoso Map Views in Oracle Business Intelligence

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Business AnalyticsMarket Positioning

• Branching out into new areas in Corporate ITo Making a strong push to be the go-to guys for “Big Data”o Combined with a push into Mapping

• Credibility?o BI is one of the few groups that can handle GIS sized data volumeso Knack for subsuming IT budget (closer to decision makers)o Presenting GIS as a Business Intelligence responsibility

(due to use in the planning process)

• But wait…o Traditional BI home field advantages are moving down marketo Available to the rest of IT – including GeoHackers

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Who pays for Open Source Mapping

• Open Source GIS has traditionally beeno Volunteer Driveno Funded by Governmento OSGeo Foundation

• New blood is in the watero Apache Foundation – Spatial Information Systemo Eclipse Foundation - LocationTech

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LocationTech Sponsors

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What is BI doing here?• What can they expect out of mapping?

• Better take a look at what is possible

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BIRT MapItem• Explore BIRT

Integration• “Architecture

Spike”o Written in Eclipseo GeoToolso Toy data from EPA

• Natural Earth Base Layers

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BIRT Report Builder

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BIRT Report Preview

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Web Labs Demo

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