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Digitally Signed by: Content manager’s Name DN : CN = Webmaster’s name O = University of Nigeria, Nsukka OU = Innovation Centre

Agboeze Irene E.

















Enyioko John Ugorji, with the registration number PG/M.Sc/10/55107, a postgraduate in the

Department of Management do hereby declare that the work embodied in his Dissertation is

original and has not been submitted in part or full for any other diploma or degree of this or

any other University.

------------------------------------ Enyioko, John Ugorji Student


APPROVAL This dissertation has been approved for the Department of Management by: -------------------------------------- Dr. C. A. Ezenwakwelu Supervisor ------------------------------------ Dr. O. C. Ugbam Head of Department



I dedicate this work to my wife and my children for their encouragement and understanding

throughout the trial period of this work.



The joy of everyone in life is to know that some one cares. To this end, l wish to express my

joy to all those whose encouragement, advice, and prayers have made this work a success.

Mention cannot be made without acknowledging my Supervisor Dr. C. A. Ezenwakwelu,

for her devotion and time for this work. I cannot thank her enough. Also my profound

gratitude should go to all my lecturers, to mention but a few are Prof. U.J.F. Ewurum, Dr.

O.C. Ugbam H.O.D, Dr. E. K. Agbaeze, Dr. B. I. Chukwu, Dr. I. N. Mba,, Dr. Ogbo Ann

and Dr.V.A Onodugo. I must also say thanks to all the staff in the department of

management among them are Mrs. Ofordile, Mrs. Okoronkwo and Mrs .Nweke. My thanks

as well goes to all the staff and management of Nigerian Breweries Plc. (AMA), Emenite

Ltd., (Enugu) and Juhel Nigeria Ltd., (Enugu) whose assistance provided the data for my

analysis and findings

Worthy of acknowledging are my friends. Among them are: Mr. Ebelogu Ubadinma, Mr.

Akpan Edet Eyibo, Mr. Anthony Nwali, Mrs. Bosede Victoria, Adama Foster and

Emmanuel Agaku to mention but a few. I love you all.

Above all, to God the giver of knowledge and wisdom, may all the glory and praise be

ascribed to Him alone for ever and ever Amen.

Enyioko, John, Ugorji Department of Management UNEC.



The study is on the effect of industrial safety management on employee performance. The specific objective of the study is to identify the relationship between industrial safety management and employee performance, identify the hazards encountered by employees in the Nigeria manufacturing sector, to bring to the fore safety provisions for employees in the manufacturing industry, ascertain how orientation and training influence safety management in the manufacturing organizations, ascertain how safety issues were managed in the manufacturing industry. The population of the study was one thousand, two hundred and twenty (1220) obtained from the selected manufacturing firms in Enugu State of Nigeria. From this, a sample size of three hundred and one (301) was drawn, using Taro Yamane’s formula. The instruments for data collection were structured questionnaire and interview. The research design adopted was survey design. Data were presented in frequency tables, Z-test and Friedman Chi-square were used to test the hypotheses. The findings indicate that there were significant relationship between industrial safety management and employee performance, physical and chemical hazards were the hazards encountered in the manufacturing industry, personal protective equipment is the safety provision for employees, orientation and training have significant influences on safety management implementation in the manufacturing industry, safety issues in the manufacturing industry were managed by making the environment hazard free to a great extent. The study recommends that safety policies and procedures should be reviewed whenever there are changes in operating conditions to make them more relevant. Management should recruit professionally competent and well motivated safety officers as opposed to quacks and touts. The Federal Government should enact and enforce laws that provide for stiffer penalties for employers of labour that do not implement safe work practices or record accidents in their operations.



Title - - - - - - - - - - i

Approval - - - - - - -- - ii

Declaration - - - - - - - - iii

Dedication - - - - - - - - - iv

Acknowledgements - - - - - - - - v

Abstract - - - - - - - - - vi

Table of contents - - - - - - - - vii

List of Tables - - - - - - - - - ix

List of Figures - - - - - - - - - xi


1.1 Background of the Study - -- - - - 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem - - - - - - 3

1.3 Objectives of the Study - - - - - - 3

1.4 Research Questions - - - - - - - 3

1.5 Research Hypotheses - - - - - - 4

1.6 Significance of the Study - - - - - - 4

1.7 Scope of the Study - - - - -- - - 5

1.8 Limitations of the Study - - - - - - 5

1.9 Definition of Terms - - - - - - - 6

1.10 Profile of the Organizations Understudy - - - - 6

References - - - -- - - - - 9


2.1 Concept of Safety Management - - - - - 10

2.2 Theoretical Framework - - - - - 11

2.3 Empirical Review - - - - - - 13

2.4 Safety Environment - - - - - - 16

2.5 Global Awareness of Safety Management - - - - - 17

2.6 Workshop Risk and Implementation of Suitable Control - - 18

2.7 Effects of Industrial Safety Management Productivity - - - 19

I.8 Effect of Orientation and Training on Industrial

Safety Management - - - - - - - - 20 1.9

Job Responsibilities of Industrial Health and Safety Engineer - 21

1.10 The Application of ILO-OSHA Standard in Manufacturing Firm - 22


1.11 Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) - - 23

2.12 Effects of Occupational Safety and Health Management

in the Manufacturing Industry (OSHM) - - - - - - 24

2.13 Identification of Hazards and Control in Safety Management - - 25

2.14 Performance Measurement and Feedback

in Safety Management - - - - - - - 28

2.15 Safety Provision and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - - 29

2.16 Economic Benefits of Safety Management Application - - 30

References - - - - - - - 31 - 32


3.1 Research Design - - - - - - - 33

3.2 Areas of the Study - - - - - - - 33

3.3 Sources of Data - - - - - - - 33

3.4 Population of the Study - - - - - - 33

3.5 Sample Size Determination - - - - - - 34

3.6 Description of Research Instrument - - - - - 37

3.7 Method of Data Analysis - - - - - - 37

3.8 Validity of the Research Instrument - - - - - 38

3.9 Reliability of the Research Instrument - - - - 39

References - - - - - - - - 41



5.2 Conclusions -- - - - - - - - 60

5.3 Recommendations - - - - - - - 60

5.4 Contribution to Knowledge - - - - - - 61

5.5 Suggested Areas for Further Research - - - - 62

Bibliography - - - - - - - - 63

Appendix (1) - - - - - - - - 68

Appendix (2) - - - - - - - - 71



TABLES 3.1 Population of the Study - - - - - - 34

3.2 Breakdown of the Sample Size - - - - - 36

3.3 Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient of Reliability - 39

4.1 Distribution and Return of the Questionnaire - - - - 41

4.2 Sex Distribution of the Respondents - - - - - 41

4.3 Marital Status of the Respondents - - - - 42

4.4 Age Distribution of Respondents - - - - 42

4.5 Academic Qualification of Respondents - - - - 43

4.6 The Relationship between Industrial Safety Management and Employee

Performance - - - - - - - - 44

4.7 The Relationship between Safety Management and Employee Performance 44

4.8 Contingency table for Hypothesis one - - - - 45

4.9 Hazards Encountered by Employees in the Manufacturing Industry - 45

4.10 Hazards Encountered by Employees in the Nigerian Manufacturing

Industry - - - - - - - 46

4.11 Contingency table for Hypothesis Two - - - - 46

4.12 Safety Provisions for Employees in the Manufacturing Industry - 47

4.13 Safety Provisions for Employees in the Manufacturing Industry - 48

4.14 Safety Provision for Employees in the Manufacturing Industry - 48

4.15 Contingency table for Hypothesis Three -- - - - 49

4.16 How Orientation and Training influence Safety Management - 49

4.17 How Orientation and Training influence Safety Management - 50

4.18 Contingency Table for Hypothesis Four - - - - 50

4.19 How Safety issues are Managed in the Manufacturing Industry - 51

4.20 How Safety issues are Managed in the Manufacturing Industry - 52

4.21 How Safety issues are Managed in the Manufacturing Industry - 52

4.22 Contingency Table for Hypothesis Five - - - - 53

4.23 Descriptive statistics - - - - - - - 53

4.24 Correlations - - - - - - - - 53

4.25 Descriptive statistics - - - - - - - 54

4.26 One sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test - - - - 55


4.27 Descriptive statistics - - - - - - - 56

4.28 One sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test - - - - 56

4.29 Chi-Square Test - - - - - - - 57

4.30 Chi-Square Test - - - - - - - 58



Figure 2.1 Positive Work Habit - - - - - 14

Figure 2.2 Safety Glasses - - - - - - 15

figure 2.3 Safety Face Shield - - - - - 16

Figure 5.1 Cheese Model - - - - - - 61

Figure 5.2 Positive Work Habit - - - - -- 62





In today’s business environment, major changes in the global economic and the

revolutionary service organizations coupled with the subsequent changes in working life and

in the responsibilities of employees, have created an urgent need to strengthen and adapt the

tools and methods used to ensure that safety, health and environment are promoted and

protected in manufacturing firms,(Doe, 2004:450).

Safety and quality continue to remain critical priorities in the context of improving

productivity and efficiency in the manufacturing firms within Nigeria as well as overseas. In

addition, the best practice of leading firms that are increasingly integrating safety, health

and environment management into their overall management system, gives hope that the

wider adoption of the approach will counter several negative trends, (Saurin, 2002: 335-

348). Safety, Health and Environment legislation as well as specific guideline, requires

employers to provide a safe work place and to minimize exposure to hazardous substances

in order to protect the employees health. The aim has always been to assume collective

protection by controlling the release of the substance at the source, so that it does not get to

the ambient air and thereafter, constitute health hazard (Evans, and Parkers, 2008 :12-1 7).In

order to appreciate this and other dangers, we have to acquire the necessary knowledge of

the environment we are working in, since it is of paramount importance for us to be safety

conscious in our daily activities and especially in an industrial environment,(Kenyo,


Every year, thousands of lives are lost; people are maimed, or injured due to accidents

caused by carelessness, thoughtlessness, or lack of concern. Essentially, safety is a matter of

mutual concern and respect for yourself, your fellow worker, and the equipment you will be

using. Without this foundation, a suit of amour would not be sufficient to protect you,

(Harcourt, 1991: 155). Various literature available on the concept of safety environment

points to the fact that man is greatly influenced in his by the safety environment in which he

finds himself (Kadiri,2006:3).

In fact, psychologists have proved that safety environment is one, out of the two

determinants of an individual personality (Onwueme, 1994: 32).


In addition, safety is first, and it overrides every other priority. Safety therefore, is the

dominant characteristic and value of environmental management.

The ability to perform a safety within an environment will not be compromised. If a job

cannot be performed safely it will not be performed, (Doe, 2006: 150).

Today the issue of safety at workplace and its environs is receiving serious attention world

wide.There is a high rate of industrial accidents in the world today, and there are also

associated health problems, absenteeism, poor performance and depression. Some jobs are

very hazardous, and the law requires that every employer of labour should provide safety

environment for employees doing hazardous work, (Fulton, 2008: 49). Every one prefers to

work in a safe and healthy physical environment. If unhealthy, productivity will be affected.

Employees are often sick and absent from work, sometimes leads to low moral. For the

employer, and unsafe and unhealthy environment results not only to lost of productivity, but

also increase costs in form of medical expenses and disability payments. The impact of

safety environment affect the performance of employees either positively or negatively,

(Kadiri, 2006:5)


The legal requirement of the new health and safety at work Act of 1974, was created for

both employers and employees to bring a more acute awareness of the need to take care in

avoiding accidents, injury and disease. The Act states “It shall be the duty of every

employee while at work to take a reasonable care for the health and other persons who may

be affected by his acts or omissions at work”. For example wearing goggles, grinding,

marking hot metal, keeping gang ways clear etc, (Krnyo,1997:31).

It is therefore, the duty of the employer to ensure that adequate protective equipment is

available, and that adequate guarding of machines is maintained, (Kenyo, 1997: 30). To

provide the working conditions which will provide the safety of employees at work, has

became the major management concern today. Protective shields are introduced in the form

of precaution, such as eye goggles, safety boots, hand gloves, clothing etc. Safety is

important to every body, both as an individual, and as a member of a community. Individual

and personal safety is of prime importance to you. The Boko Haram bomb scare at

University of Ife and University of Ibadan led to stamped at the two Universities, (Daily Sun

16th September 2011: 5). The very fact that you are here today is a testimony to the fact that

you and others care about safety.


Sometimes, it is a bit frightening to think of all the real dangers that a person must deal with

throughout an ordinary day (George, 1999:15).

The machine age surrounds us with many safety hazards as millions of people are

employed in extractive industry, construction and science work with the tools of

power technology. Confronted with these hazards, it is necessary that

emphasis on safety begin in early childhood and continue through out a life time, (Geller,

(2001:15). Safety provides the condition where the probability of accident is minimum.

Every accident is the result of a set of unsafe conditions and unsafe acts. It is the cumulative

effect of this set of conditions that acts over a period of time and an accident occurs (Daniel,



Due to none adherence of safety rules and regulations, and ignorance of the imminent

dangers associated with manufacturing organizations, work related accidents and incidents

are common, thereby negatively affecting the performance of workers.

In today’s business organization, the matter of workplace safety and health is receiving

worldwide attention. But in a situation where there is lack of attention to safety

management, the result has always been high rate of industrial accidents, which hampers

economic development, since productivity/material out put will be low.

Thus the study focuses on the effect of industrial safety management on employee

performance of the Nigerian manufacturing sector.


The specific objectives of the study include the following:

(1) To identify the relationship between industrial safety management and

employee Productivity.

(2) To identify the hazards encountered by employees in the Nigerian manufacturing


(3) To bring to the fore safety provisions for employees in the manufacturing


(4) To ascertain how orientation and training influence safety management in the

manufacturing industry.

(5) To ascertain how safety issues are managed in the manufacturing industry.



With the above objectives in focus, the study seeks to find answers to the following


(1) What is the relationship between industrial safety management and employee


(2) What are the hazards encountered by employees in the manufacturing industry?

(3) What are the safety provisions for employees in the manufacturing industry?

(4) How do orientation and training influence safety management in the

manufacturing industry?

(5) How were safety issues managed in the manufacturing industry?


The following alternate hypotheses are hereby formulated to guide the study.

1. Hi: There is a significant relationship between industrial safety management and

employee productivity.

2. Hi: Physical and Chemical hazards are hazards encountered in the

manufacturing industry.

3. Hi: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as safety helmets, safety belts, safety

shoes, hand gloves are safety provisions for workers in the manufacturing industry.

4. Hi: Orientation and training have significant influence on safety

management implementation in the manufacturing industry.

5. Hi: Safety issues in the manufacturing industry were managed by making the

environment hazard free to a great extent.


This study will be relevant to safety managers, government, industries and regulatory

agencies, by exposing them to recent strategies in safety management. Such knowledge will

enable them to become risk conscious.

The study will enable manufacturing industry to have effective safety management system

to keep the business in a profitable manner.

Finally, this study will be relevant to future researchers, as it will serve as a guide for further




The study focuses on the concept of safety management, Theoretical Frame work, Empirical

review, Safety environment, Global awareness of safety management, Workshop risk and

implementation of suitable control, Influence of industrial safety management on

productivity, Effect of orientation and training on industrial safety management, Job

responsibilities of industrial, health and safety engineer, The application of ILO-OSHA

standard, Implementation of occupational, Safety and Health, Effect of occupational Safety

and Health management in the manufacturing industry, Identification of hazards and

control, Performance measurement and feedback in safety management, Safety provisions

and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and Economic benefits of safety management


Three manufacturing firms were selected from Enugu State for the purpose of this study.

The firms were Emenite Ltd., Nigerian Breweries Plc., and Juhel Nigeria Ltd. They were

chosen considering their long term of existence as manufacturing firms.


The major constraints of the study are:


One of the reasons for restricting the area of this study to Enugu State was time, due to

limited time of the study, some of the places where relevant information could have been

collected were not visited.

Financial Constraints

Some places where relevant information could have been obtained were not visited, because

of financial cost involved.

Attitude of the Respondents

Some of the respondents showed negative attitude towards the study, because there is no

financial benefit attached to it.



Accident: Any unplanned event which may cause injury or damage. Any event which has

or could have caused injury, damage or interruption of work, (Emenite: 2003).

Environment: Those elements, Institutions, systems, etc, whose activities and services are

essential for the effective performance of the organization, but are not subject to the control

of the organization (Onwuchekwa: 1993).

Hazard: Potential source of danger or threat to life (Bedford: 1996).

Management: The process of getting thing done effectively and efficiently, through and

with other people, (Robins and Decenzo: 2005).

Safety: All those rules and regulations relating to the safety of firms operations, product and

workers, (Kadiri: 2006).

Toxic Substances: They are substances that are toxic which are being released from

industries, (Emenite: 2003).


Nigerian Breweries Plc:

Nigerian Breweries Plc is the pioneer and largest brewery company in Nigeria, was

incorporated on 16th November, 1946, under the companies Ordinance, Cap. 38 as Nigerian

Brewery Limited.

On 7th January1957, the name of the company was changed to Nigerian Breweries Plc. It

recorded landmark when the first bottle of Star Larger Beer rolled off the bottling lines in its

Lagos Brewery in June 1949. This was followed by Aba Brewery which was commissioned

in 1957, Kaduna Brewery in 1963 and Ibadan Brewery in 1982. In September 1993, the

company acquired its fifth Brewery in Enugu, while in October 2003,a sixth Brewery, sited

at Ama in Enugu State was commissioned. Ama

Brewery is the biggest brewery in Nigeria, and the most modern in the world. Nigerian

Brewery Plc has a total of 1850 employees made up of highly qualified and dedicated

professional. The company believes that high performance of employees is the key to

achieving business success. The board consists of six (6) Executive Directors and seven (7)


non Executive Directors, including the Chairman. Currently, the Managing Director/CEO is

Mr.M.J.Herkonij and Chief K.B.Jamodu is the Chairman of the board.

Emenite Limited:

Emenite Limited was incorporated in 1961 as Turners Asbestors Cement (TAC) Nigeria

Limited. The company commenced the actual business of manufacturing re-inforced fibre

cement materials, such as roofing sheets and flat sheets (ceiling boards) in 1963. The

product line was later expanded to include pressure pipes. In 1988, Turners building

products (Emene) Limited (TAC) as was later known, was acquired by the Eternit, now Etex

Group of Belgium. And in 1989, the name was changed to Emenite Limited. Since the

incorporation in 1961, the company has gained wealth of experience through meeting the

requirements of the construction industry in promoting the development of Nigeria through

the manufacturing of high quality fibre cement roofing sheets and ceiling boards. In

addition, the foundation stone of the company was laid on October 1961, by late Dr.

Hon.M.I.Okpara, the then Premier of Eastern Nigeria. The mission of the company is “to be

the leader in the manufacture and sale of high quality building products with zero waste

management culture and to sustain the business in a profitable manner with the knowledge

that Emenite will stand by you, while continually improving the creativity, motivation and

safety of all our employees.” Emenite Limited is known for her level safety awareness and

implementation amongst its staff, management and stakeholders. It may interest you to

know that Emenite Limited replaced asbestors with Poly Vinly Alcohol Fibre (PVA) in

2000 to make her products asbestors free. Every staff is given a safety induction on

commencement of duty in Emenite Limited. The present Managing Director is Mr. Alberto

Tenorio from Mexico.

Juhel Nigeria Limited:

Juhel Nigeria Limited is located at Emene in Enugu, capital of Enuge State, Nigeria. It is

100% indigenous company. In answer to calls for local provision of cost-effective generic

products to fill the gap left by multinational companies operating in the country, the

founder, Dr. Ifeanyi Okoye, with a focused vision ventured into production, and the factory

was commissioned in 1989 as the first pharmaceutical tablet manufacturing company in old

Anambra State. Today, the company is ranked as one of the fastest growing pharmaceutical

manufacturing companies in Nigeria. With over a hundred registered regulated products,

their brand and product range have since grown in strength, including virtually all

therapeutic classes, such as antibiotics and anti- infective, cardiovascular, anti-diabetic, anti-


malarial, cough and cold, vitamins and minerals etc. The company maintains high quality

standard in all its operations. With high production capacity, the policy thrust is to continue

to provide cost-effective, affordable, local alternatives of life saving drugs to the teeming

population. They have their company representatives near to you as you are guaranteed

good service delivery at your doorsteps. The company at present services the needs of the

countries of the West Africa sub-region and is poised to reach out to more countries in

Africa and beyond. Juhel Nigeria Limited is also in the downstream petroleum products

marketing The company believes in the production of cost-effective life saving remedies to

the teeming population. They ensure safety efficiency and customer satisfaction at all times

through continual improvement of the system. The board consists of five (5) Executive

Directors and six (6) non-Executive Directors including the Chairman CEO Dr. Ifeanyi




Anderson, M. (2003), “Behavioural Safety and Major Accident Hazards. Magic

Bullet Shot in the Dark” Conference Proceedings, London: Health Safety

and Environment.

Doe, (2006),, Integrated Safety Management System Guide for use with Safety

Management System Policies, US Department of Energy.

Emenite, (2003), Safety Handbook, Enugu, Roccana Press.

Evans, A., and Parker, J. (2008), Safety Management Systems in Aero-Safety World

hittp:Iwww. Skybrary. Aero/index. php/ Beyond

Fulton, C.S. (2008), Procedures and Theory for Administrative Professionals, Florida,

South Western Cengage Learning.

Geller, E. S. (2001), The Psychology of Safety Handbook, Boca, FL: Lewis


Harcourt, B. (1991), Working Safely, Orlando, Florida Jovonnovich, Inc.

JAMA, (1999), Improvements in Workplace Safety, Journal of American Medical

Association , 282 (319).

Kadiri, S A. (2006), Safety Handbook for Professionals, Lagos, Zub-chord Technical


Anderson, M. (2003), “Human Factors and COMAH: A Regulator Perspective in

process Ssfety. Fulfilling our Responsibilities” London. Conference


Mitchell, D. and Grange B.(2003), Major Incident Investigation Report”, Health

Safety and Environment Website at

Nwosu, I. (2011), United Nation House Bomb Blast, Daily Sun, Friday

September .16.

Onwueme, M. S. (1999), The Sociology of Education, Benin, Nera Publishers.

Poltev, M. K. (2001), Occupational Health and Safety in Manufacturing Industry,

Moscow: MIR Publishers.

Williams, J. H. (2001), Keys to Behaviour-based Safety from Safety Performance

Solutions, London, Rockvill, MD. Government Institutes.





Changes in managerial thinking with regard to safety and health of employees have undergone many

development stages. Originally, the only form of incentives was salary. But very little concern was

shown for workers’ safety and general welfare. The vogue was to satisfy workers’ immediate material

needs while neglecting the important need, need for a conducive working environment. Modern

safety movement is believed to have started around 1912 with the First Cooperative Safety Congress

and the Organization of the National Safety of (USA). The early movement was primarily interested

in acquainting the general public with the fact that there existed in business a high incidence of

industrially caused accidents and diseases. The campaign became necessary because the well being of

workers then depended entirely on the discretion of their employers. Any expenditure which had no

direct bearing on increase profit, was considered not worthy and therefore many incidental expenses

had to be borne by the workers themselves. Many employers then accepted no responsibility

voluntarily to compensate victims of hazardous working conditions. This situation continued for

sometime even with the campaigns. As owners, they directed the mode of behavior in the workplace,

(Nwachukwu, 1992:29).

The first indication of change for better of employees was the work of a British Social reformer and

industrialist named Robert Owen, which was complimented by a Philosopher named Andrew Ure.

There systematic but forceful call for positive change was according to the report, based on their

conviction that improving workplace condition would increase workers productivity. The Elton

Mayo’s in the famous Hawthorne Plant studies of Western Electric Company in the US, showed that

increase in production would result by providing enabling environment in the workplace,

(Nwachukwu, 1992:27).

Gradually, many employers began to realize that good working environment is also good business.

This realization led to many technological break-through with the aim of making the working

environment free from accidents. It has become a universal acceptance, much later, that government

regulations in this regard are not for the benefit of the workers alone, but also the employers as well.

Between 1960, this subject underwent a legal metamorphosis. For example the British Parliament

placed into law, the offices, shops and railway and premises Act of 1963, with the aim of protecting

employees against unsafe working conditions.


This followed much later by the Health and Safety of work Act of 1974, with the aim of giving wider

protection to both office and factory workers. Similarly, in the United State of America, the

occupational safety and health Act of 1970 came into existence as a result of increasing national

concern with unsolved problems of safety at workplaces. The Act imposes a duty on all employers to

provide a safe and conducive working environment for their workers,(Holt, 1992:6).

In Nigeria, the situation is not different, (Shell, 1998:4), sees safety management system as

an integrated quality management system designed for managing risks within the

manufacturing industry, so as to ensure the protection of people, assets reputation and the

environment from the hazard of industrial activities. Safety and productivity are goals

organizations would desire to achieve. According to Greg, author of “SWART’ (a business

journal). Productivity plays a part in maintaining the calculated rate of a firm’s ability to

make things so as to sustain its life span. Safety therefore ensures that such productivity is

maintained at little or no harm to the people involved or associated with, (Greg, 1999:8).


In the School of Human Relation, one of the most prominent pioneers is Elton Mayo who is

regarded as the founder of the human relations movement. Elton Mayo’s management style

was a departure from that of Taylor who believes that man was an economic animal and

would respond to financial incentives. Nwachukwu, (1992:26), opines that Elton Mayo

while at the Harvard University conducted series of studies at the Hawthorne Plant at the

Western Electric Company. The purpose of these studies was to determine the effect of

illumination on employees productivity. The intensity of the lighting was varied from fairly

dark to bright to very bright from 24 to 46 to 70 foot candles. The lighting in the control

group remained the same. In each instance, the productivity of the workers increased,

showing no relationship between the lighting and output. Instead of productivity going

down when the intensity of the lighting was reduced, it went up. The researcher was

surprised and believed that something other than illumination was responsible for the

change in the output. The same experiment was tried with rest periods. There was no decline

in productivity when the rest period was reduced, instead, productivity went up .To

determine the cause of the rise in productivity, there was a need to return to the basic

condition of the factory before the experiments. Rest period was removed, lighting went

back to original condition and employees were required to work for 48 hours a week. This

did not affect employee productivity which remained at the usual high level. It was conclude


that social and psychological factors were responsible for behaviour of the employees,

(Nwachukwu, 1992:27).

The work of these pioneers was to increased productivity. For example, the incentive pay

plan of Taylor at Bethlehem Steel Company made the shovelers to produce more. By the use

of Gilbreth’s time and motion studies, the brick layers saved time by reducing the number of

motion and laying more bricks. Many employers adopted the scientific works of these

pioneers, but the real mental revolution was not completely realized, because man is not just

an economic animal reacting only to financial incentives. There was resistance to change on

the part of the employees who had been used to their own method of executing the tasks,

Dorman, 2000:45)

Another school of taught, The Health and Safety Commission (HSC) on May 1994,

published the report on its review of health and safety regulation. This school did a thorough

examination of the health and safety regulatory system, involving people, trade unions and

many areas of business. Its aim was to achieve a simpler, clearer and therefore more

effective regulatory system without reducing health and safety standards. Also, another

school of taught, The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) believes in giving a simple

explanation of the architecture of health and safety legislation. Their aim was to make new

guidance and to clarify its legal status on the health and safety of employees, Tolley,

(1996:3). A safety management system ensures that manufacturing hazards are linked to

specific tasks to be executed and at every stage of the work, supervisors, foremen and work

man are aware of their control measures, (Brace,1991:156).

Another School of Taught, The UK Construction, Design and Management Regulation

(1994:5) made allowance for this phenomenon and stated that workers health and safety

must be protected so far as is reasonably practicable.


Nwachukwu, (1992:27) in a study of a Scotish Manager in a textile industry believes that

employees should be seen as “vital machines.’ He compared workers to machines by

pointing out that if workers are looked after as machines are by being kept in a state of good

repair, greased and cleaned, the effort expended in caring for them would be paid off by

increased productivity. He believed that if this was true of inanimate machines”, it had to be

true of “vital machines.”


Cooper, (2006:18) carried out a research in a Nicked Refinery within 93 week periods with

275 employees. The research focused on managerial commitment behaviours and employee

safety behaviours. The result showed that safety behaviour improved by 40%, while lost

time injuries reduced by 82.26% in the first year, and it reduced to zero percent in the

second year. Also minor injuries were reduced by 35% during the period.This showed that

managerial commitment impacted 35% on the employees safety behaviour. The timing and

the magnitude of the impact suggests that management must continually demonstrate their

commitment to safety health and environment.

Deo, (2005:16) after an explosion at BP’s Texas City Refinery, the investigation revealed

that the company had put much emphasis on personal safety thereby ignoring the safety of

their processes. Effective safety management means that organizations need to ensure they

are looking at all the risks within the organization as a single system, rather than having

multiple or competing safety management system. He opines that if safety is not seen

holistically, it can interfere with the prioritization of improvement or even result in safety

issues being missed. He concluded that the antidote to such mistake is the proper evaluation

of all risks, a key aspect of an effective safety management system.

Brace, (1991) carried a review on the foundation of safety management, which states that

safety is a matter of mutual concern and respect for yourself, your fellow worker, and the

equipment you will be using. Without this foundation, a suit of amour would not be

sufficient to protect you, as shown bellow:


Figure 2.1 Positive Work Habits of Safety.

A common phenomenon of this study and previous research findings is that human

errors (intentional and unintentional) and system failures are fundamental to the occurrence

of accidents. These human errors unsafe acts / conditions coupled with managerial design

failures create room for the occurrence of accidents

Brace, (1991) state that your eyes are too valuable to be wasted. He stresses that the eyes

need every bit of protection they can get. Imagine how long a welder eyes would last

without a protective shield. Not only is the shield provided with a special glass to screen out

harmful rays, but it also prevents the welder from being hit in the eyes with molten mental.

The same thing would hold true for any person involved in brazing. Special goggles have to

be worn in brazing. Brace concludes that safety glasses with side shield offer good eye

protection. In addition to eye protection, a face shield can also protect the welder against

fumes and splashes. He stresses that the eyes should be protected from blown waste or other

types of metal fragments, broken tools, hot sparks, and other particles of solid matter that

not only can irritate or injure the eyes, but can also lead to visual impairment or blindness.


The cardinal rule in any factory should always be, wear eye protection while working or

visiting the area. Your eyes are too valuable to be wasted, (Brace, 1991:156).

Brace recommends that safety glasses with side shields are the ones to be used. Not only

should the lens be able to withstand shock, if dropped on the floor, the lens must be able to

resist the presentation of a steel ball shot if it hits with force without shattering the lens. That

a face shield can also be used to protect the face as well as the eyes. This type is also highly

recommended for job that deals with fumes or splashes of any nature. as shown bellow:

Figure 2.2 Safety Glasses




The interaction between man, his workplace environment can be represented as a system.

The safety environment has social as well as physical basis, and it is clear that social factors

can play a significant role in determining work performance and satisfaction of an

employee. It has been stated that safety has a far-reacting effect on man in whatever he is

doing. For example, in the office, a safety environment would enhance employees moral and

productivity, (Kadiri, 2006:331). Environment is the surroundings in which an organization

operates, including air, water, land, natural resources and their interrelation. Our

environment is very important, if it is not managed well it can make us not to live long.

Imagine the effect of noisy environment, smelling environment, blocked drainage, polluted

air with smoke or other poisonous gas, as well as disposal of wastes, (Emenite, 2003: 18).

To ensure optimal health for employees and the population at large the environmental

management of an industry should include the sustainable use of natural resources; energy

efficiency, waste minimization and the minimization of risks to human health by improving

workplace health and safety. They should apply an integrated, preventive environmental

strategy to production processes, and to products throughout their life circle, (Holt,1997:15).

Therefore, pollution prevention should gradually replace pollution control. The UK

Industrial Design and Management Regulations,(1994:5), made allowance for this

phenomenon and stated that workers, health and safety must be protected so far as is

reasonably practicable. This term is interpreted by Homer, (1998: 15), as the degree of

Figure 2.3 Safety Face Shield


risk in a particular activity or environment balance against time, trouble, cost and physical

difficulty of taking measures to avoid the risk. In addition, it has been recognized that

internal forces such as physical, psychological, social factors, and chemical hazards acts in

accordance with external forces to influence the activities of the employees in particular,

and the organization in general. In spite of this however, there are still many organizations

that are either yet to recognize the importance of making the working environment

conducive to work habits or are reluctant in complying with the requirements of the relevant


In Nigeria, like in other countries of the world, people clamor for more and better products.

Such could be in the area of food, drug, education, security and improvement in the standard

of living. People want to have unlimited access to paid employment, desire to be heard, to

be decision makers, all these cannot happen if the environment is not safe. For example the

daily reports of a terrorist group in the Northern part of Nigeria, called Boko Haram,

terrorizing and ravaging the economy of the country. Therefore, if the environment is

unsafe, economic development will be hampered, thereby lead to low productivity,



Major changes in the global economy and the revolutionary restructuring of productive and

service organizations, coupled with the subsequent changes in working life and in the

responsibilities of employees, have created an urgent need to strengthen and adapt the tools

and methods used to ensure that health, environment and safety are promoted in every

organization. Top performing companies express high commitment to safety by developing

a process in which the workforce can participate, and which can be implemented and

maintained, so that both management and the workforce can receive feedback. A systematic

safety process fulfills these conditions, (Fair, 2000:132).

The intention is to focus workers attention and actions on their safety, and to avoid injury.

Safety attempts to identify those unsafe behavior implicated in the majority of injuries. The

timing and the magnitude of impact of safety, suggest that management must continually

demonstrate their commitment to safety, (cooper, 2005:4 1). Safety


issues are prime factors for impacting the security of all industrial organizations. The

successful implementation of an integrated health, environment and safety approach at the

enterprise level depends on the action of social partners at work however, it also depends on

the concerned support from the relevant organizations and government agencies concerned

with health, environment, labor and social policies. Global awareness should consist of

specifying the policy and action to be taken or initiated at the government level. This

includes a policy statement on health, environment and safety management, especially

clarifying the commitment of the government and the organizations involved, and a

government policy specifying national objectives, the underlying principles, the necessary

legislative and principles of monitoring and evaluation. It also includes a national strategic

action plan, intended to identify the actions necessary to achieve objectives specified in the

national policy on health, environment and safety management. The strategic action plan

should also specify the role and action to be taken by each stakeholder, including

government, organizations and local authorities, (Doman, 2000:16). Finally, the entire

global awareness system should be audited and evaluated periodically, so that adjustments

can be made as necessary, and to ensure continuous feedback from society,(Dorman,




Every year, workplace injuries and illnesses and fatalities cause immeasurable pain and

suffering to employees and their families. Recent workplace injuries, illness cost our

nation’s business millions of Naira per year in wasteful and often preventable expenses.

Effective safety and health management system have proven to be a decisive factor in

reducing the extent and severity of work-related injuries and illnesses .Safety, health and

environment will result in reduced injury related cost. The critical elements of an effective

workplace design includes evaluate all workplace activities and processes for hazards, re-

evaluate workplace activities when there are changes in processes, materials and machinery,

conduct workplace inspections, identify hazards and take corrective actions and provide

hazard reporting system for employees to report unsafe and unhealthy conditions. This is

because a safety management system enables human error probabilities to be built into the

risk assessment process. When this is done, the human failure that results into accidents


will be brought under control since the major aim of any safety management system is to

reduce work activities risks to a tolerable level, (Shell, 1999:18)

This explains why the manufacturing companies should issue their workers personal

protective equipment, obtain a valid permit to work before commencement of any activity,

do risk assessment for all job activities and ensure that a zero accident/incident behavior is

imbibed by the workforce through design and engineering. Management should verify all

engineering designs on a regulatory basis with a view to identifying errors that could serve

as latent failures to accident investigation. Effective safety management means that

organizations need to ensure that they are looking at all the risks within the organization as a

single system, if safety is not seen holistically, it can interfere with the prioritization of

improvements or even result to safety issues being missed. For example, after an explosion

in March 2005, at BP’s Texas City Refinery, the investigation concluded that the company

had put much emphasis on personal safety, ignoring the safety of their processes. The

antidote to such thinking is proper evaluation of all risks, as a key factor of an effective

safety management system, (http:pamparts. word press. Com/2010/03/17).



Safety and productivity are goals organizations would desire to achieve. (Wustemann,

2008:203), asserts that productivity plays a part in maintaining the calculated rate of a firms

ability to make things so as to sustain its life-span. Safety ensures that such productivity is

maintained at little or no harm to the people involved in or associated with it. Both the

employer and the employee have their expectations or goals. While the employer would

want the employee to be productive, the employee would want the employer to guarantee

him of his safety. These two ends must be achieved for there to be progress or success. This

means that both the employer and the employee have linked their success to the goals they

set for each other. So when ones goals are accomplished within the specified time frame,

one feels he is successful with regard to the goals. Setting and accomplishing goals keeps

any organization moving in the right direction

According to Holt, (1997:105), avoidance of accidents requires a sustained integrated effort

from all departments, managers, supervisors and workers in an organization. But only the

management can provide the authority to ensure that this activity to


ensure that this activity is coordinated, directed and funded. In addition, he said that the

most effective means of demonstrating management commitment and support is by issuing a

safety policy statement, signed and stated by the most senior member of the management

team, and then ensuring that the requirements of the policy are carried out by managers,

supervisors and workers.

Wusterman, (2011:1) states that positive response at work is that health and safety

professionals sense of the importance of what they do each day, ensuring that workers go

home unharmed, is enough than to compensate for the discomfort at work. It shows that the

safety needs of the workers and the productivity needs of the employer seen to run counter

to each other. While the employer is much more interested in securing high level of

productivity may be, without a corresponding provision of safety measures to the workers,

the workers insist that their safety needs be fully met for them to be productive as demanded

by their employers. The employers because of the cost inherent in providing those safety

need, tend to dodge them, while the workers, because of risks inherent in their activities,

may tend to dodge work. Although, it is the duty of the industrial engineers to formulate the

most effective ways of using people, machines, materials, information, and energy to

produce goods or services. But they should strive to balance management goals with the

operational performance. In other to get the maximum value out of the employees, the

employer should invest in safety training.



Training benefits employers in a number of ways. Most significantly, it improves

employees’ job performance, thereby increasing productivity. Kadiri, (2006:12), opines that

training is an important element in accident prevention, and the method and the extent of

such training must be matched to the needs of the persons involved. It is the responsibility

of the management to arrange for appropriate training. Employees should be trained in the

use of protective equipment, guards, and safeguards for chemicals and safe operation of

equipment, machines, and tools they use or operate. Safety management training systems

(SMTS) provides a systematic way to identify hazards and control of risks, while

maintaining assurance that those risks controls are effective. Safety management training

system can be defined as a


business like approach to industries. It is systematic, explicit and comprehensive in the

process for managing safety risks.

Evans, and Parker,.(2008:12-17) assert that safety management provides for goal setting,

planning and measuring performance. It is a system now woven into the fabrics of an

organization. It has become part of the culture, the way people do their jobs in the

organization. That is reduction of risk to a level that is as low as is reasonably practicable.

There is an implied moral obligation placed on employers to ensure that work activities and

the place of work are safe. There are legislative requirement defined in every jurisdiction on

how this is to be achieved. There is also a body of research which shows that effective

safety management training system is to reduce risks in the workplace, which will help to

reduce the financial exposure of an organization by reducing direct and indirect cost

associated with accidents and incidents.

The importance of training cannot be undermined. It is necessary to develop training models

and methodology in a manner which will provide the required safety to the employees. Also,

the use of modem training aids such as audio-visuals, mobile training, will improve the

performance of training. (Williams: 2003:32-36), opines that effective safety training

engages employees in safety efforts and improves the overall safety culture. But

unfortunately, employees often complain that safety training is boring and repetitive.

Therefore, safety managers should improve safety training by providing hands on training,

(for example, by using actual fire extinguishers during fire safety training), bringing in guest

speakers, or hiring training consultants for special programs on safety management training.

In addition, employees should be advised to follow the laid down procedures on safety and

never think that safety measures are not important.



Industrial engineers are tasked with the formulating the most effective ways of using people,

machines, materials, information, and energy to produce products or provide services.

Saso,(2009:3) opines that industrial, health and safety engineers fill an important role which

bridges the gap between management and workers to increase efficiency while providing a

safe working environment. It is the duty of the management to tasks industrial, health and

safety engineers with the investigating


industrial accidents, inquiries, or occupational diseases in order to improve preventive

measures. In other to properly investigate incidents, industrial engineers must be able to

apply knowledge of current policies, regulations, and industrial processes. The industrial,

health and safety engineer is typically required to be effective in communicating his

findings to the management.

Preventive measures are recommended by the industrial health and safety engineer and

communicated to employees during training, workshops or seminars. Industrial, health and

safety engineers are responsible for training on regulatory and internal company safety

policies. Training documented to comply with OSHA standards. (Occupational safety and

Health Act of 1971). Industrial, health and safety engineers may also conduct air quality,

noise, temperature, and or radiation testing to ensure regulatory compliance. Industrial,

health and safety engineers may use their expertise to write or revise safety regulations or

codes. They commonly confer or consult with other professionals such as the medical

professionals and fire departments in other to correct health inspection violations and

develop new ways to manage safety concerns. Some specialized industrial, health and safety

engineers plan and conduct industrial hygiene research, while others may design and build

safety equipment,(Saso,2009:5).



Since there are many models to chosen from the outline the basic components of a safety

management system, the one choose here is the International Standard promoted by the

International Labor Organization (ILO). In the ILO document, titled ILO-OSH 2001

guidelines on occupational safety and Health management system, regards the following as

the basic components of safety management: Policy, Organizing, Planning and

implementation, Evaluation, and Action for improvement.

(1) By policy: To establish policy statements what the requirements are for the organization

in terms of resources, defining management commitment and defining Occupational Safety

and Health (OSH) targets.

(2) Organizing: How is the organization structured, where the responsibilities and

accountabilities defined, who report to who, and who is responsible for what?

(3) Planning and Implementation: what legislation and standards apply to our

organization, what OSH objectives are defined and how are these being reviewed, for

example, hazard prevention and the assessment, and management of risks.


(4) Evaluation: How is OSH performance measured and assessed, what are the processes

for reporting of accidents and incidents, and for the investigation of accidents and what

internal and external audit processes are in place to review the system?

(5) Action for improvement: How are preventive and corrective actions managed, and

what processes are in place to ensure the continual improvement process?



There are many numbers of manufacturing firms worldwide which have recognized the

benefits of effective safety management. However, regulatory authorities for these industries

have developed safety management systems specific to their own industries and

requirements, which is often backed up by regulations. To attain good practice, an industry

should integrate occupational safety and health (OSH) with environmental improvement,

through a system that sets targets for improvement, verifies implemented changes through

auditing, and communicates the results to employees and society at large, (Dorman,


(Mohamed, 2003:16) asserts that management should work jointly with employees and their

trade unions, the need to develop basic, mutually agreed principles, processes and standards

as the basis for effective health, environment and safety management system. The

management processes and procedures should be used as tools to achieve the objective of

the organization. The adoption by industries the procedures for health and safety

management and environmental management, coupled with good management standards

will be helpful to organizations implementation.

Holt (1997:236) states the health and safety consultation with employees’ regulation of

1996. Regulation 3 requires that where there is no representation by safety representatives

under safety representation and safety consultation regulation, (SRSCR) the employer must

consult employees in good time on matters relating to their health and safety at work. In

addition, employers are directed to do about the introduction of any measure at the

workplace which may substantially affect the health and safety of the employees. He should

arrange to nominate competent persons in accordance with the management regulations to

assist the employer on health and safety matters and to take charges of measures to combat

identified serious and imminent danger at the workplace. He should also provide any


statutory information on health and safety, as well as organize health and safety training for

the employees.



Occupational safety and health management aims to minimize the risk to employee’s health

from harmful factors at work, and to prevent occupational diseases and accidents.

Occupational safety denotes the principles and procedures used to prevent occupational

accidents and inquires in all types of manufacturing and service industries, combining health

promotion with occupational health and safety management may be• more effective in

maintaining or improving the working capacity of employees, and in reducing the rate of

sickness, absenteeism or premature permanent work disability, than only protecting the

health and safety of employees from occupational risks, (Shell, 1999:13).

(Kadiri, 2006:1) described occupational safety and health as the discipline concerned with

protecting the safety, health and welfare of employees, organizations, and others affected by

the work they undertake, (such as customers, suppliers and members of the public). In

addition, occupational safety and health interacts strongly with other disciplines, such as

ergonomics, toxicology, psychology, occupational medicine, industrial hygiene, education

and engineering safety.

According to ILO and WHO, the three main focuses of occupational health and safety were

as follows:

1) Maintenance and promotion of workers health and working capacity.

2) Improvement of working environments and work practices, to ensure they are conducive

to safety and health standards.

3) Development of work organization and working cultures in a direction that supports

health and safety at work and, in so doing, promotes a positive, social climate and smooth

operation, which may enhance the productivity of the industry. In other words, occupational

health and safety encompasses the social, mental and physical well being of workers that is

the “whole persons”.




Emenite, (2003:1) describes hazard as something that can be identified and measured as a

potential source of danger, for instance, a rotating machine, naked electric cables, an

uncovered petrol tank, a pierced fiber bag, a leaking dust extractor or a vehicle with bad seat

etc. In addition, hazard is a condition that has the potential to cause injury, damage to

equipment or facilities, loss of materials or property, or a decrease in the capability to

perform a prescribed function.

Kadiri, [2006: 331] defines hazard as a contribution of everything you might contact at

workplace, whether you are aware of the contact or not. For example, the floor on which

you stand, the tools you hold, and the odors you inhale are part of your environment.

Environmental hazards cause thousands of deaths, diseases, and illnesses each year. To be

healthy, you must know which parts of the work environment which might be handful, and

the type of hazards exposed to these areas, and the risk they carry, so that you can avoid

these hazards.

Hazards are classified into four types:

(1) Physical hazards, such as noise, vibration, radiation, unsatisfactory lighting, temperature


(2) Biological hazards, such as infections waste, viruses, bacteria etc.

(3) Chemical hazards, such as dust, fibers, solids, fumes, gasses, liquids vapors etc.

(4) Ergonomic hazards such as repetitive motion, poorly designed machinery and tools,

poorly designed work practices, or poorly designed equipment and furniture, (Fulton, (2008:

46). Monitoring and evaluating should be an integral part of target - setting of program

development. The key criteria and performance indicators to be used for monitoring and

evaluating the safety system should be selected and developed by consensus among the

major stakeholders.

The safety policy, as well as progress in implementation of the strategic action plans,

should be evaluated on a regular basis. Schemes for auditing should be developed in order to

check safety rules supporting occupational health and safety management in industries

(OHSM). Other performance indicators include:

(1) To measure the impact of each industry on health, safety and the environment.

(2) Use environmental quality and the health of workers as performance indicators.-

(3) Take into account occupational, environmental, social lifestyle health determinants.


(4) Asses the risks to health and the environment.

(5) Use measures to eliminate and control hazards and to minimize risks at workplace.(6) Ensure

continuous improvement in occupational Health and safety management,


Hazard control: Employers have a legal and moral duty to protect the health and safety of workers

by preventing workplace injuries and illness. Workers have the duty to help with prevention

efforts. Workplace inquiries and illnesses can be prevented if unsafe work practices are corrected,

and workplace hazards are identified and dealt with. Every workplace should have a system in

place to identify hazards, assess the risk of those hazards and make the necessary changes to

control the risks. Basic steps to control the hazards:

1) Eliminate hazards passed by equipment and work processes of their source. For example

redesign the workplace process, substitute a safer chemical for a hazardous one, or use new

equipment if it is not practical to eliminate hazards.

2) Control the hazard in other to reduce risk to workers. For example, machine guards, noise

enclosures, or provide ventilation to dilute the concentration of a hazardous substance if it is not

practical to control the hazards.

3) Protect workers from the hazards by using tools such as administrative controls, safe work

procedures, effective safety training, proper supervision or personal protective equipment

(PPE). (Health and safety at work Journal, December 2009:12

Dusts: Dusts are solid particles in air. Dusts are produced grinding, crushing, sawing or sanding.

Dusts cause harmful damage after one must have breathed them. Some dusts such as cement can

affect the skin, if not wash out. Dusts are generally classified as inert irritating and toxic. Mineral

and metabolic dusts are more dangerous in nature, such as stone cutters, drillers, miners,

grinders, and polishers, these classes of people encounter respiratory damage resulting from inert



Gases are formless in nature, and can expand very easily. Gases can be changed into liquids or

solids by increasing or decreasing its temperature. And it is in this changed forms that, gases can

then be stored and carried. Gases are toxic if it touches the skin, eyes or the lungs. The ozone is

very active chemically, and it inhale, it produces sever irritation of the lungs. This can result loss

of lung capacity and inability to make even moderate physical exertions (Williams, 2003:105).



Fumes are solid particles in the air. They are formed when heated with melting points mostly

during welding. Fumes are produced at the temperatures existing in the arc fume and dust

particles. These can be carried into the zone around the welders face by convention current of hot

air arising from the arc. The extent to which these particles constitute health hazards depends on

their chemical composition. However, the maximum concentration to which a welder can be

exposed must be specified for each chemical compound produced as fume by the arc. This

concentration is known as the occupational exposure limit, (OEL). Each year, the Health and

Safety Executives in UK are the publishers of (OELs), and for substances commonly found in

industrial atmospheres, (Bedford, 1996:233).


Vibration in industry occurs as a result of contact with excessive mechanical vibration, and it

causes constriction of the blood vessels and secondary tissue changes. The condition is

associated with the use of tools driven by compressed air, harmer action, drills or contact wilt

vibration in individual susceptibility and the association of holding a heavy tool in a difficult

position is a predisposing factor. Vibration includes working with vibrating tools or equipment

for extended period of time, which can cause damage to the nerves, in the arms, hands and

writes. (Kadiri, 2006:19).


Noise is any object that moves in air which produces weaves, but these waves will only be

interpreted by ear as sound if they are of the magnitude and frequency to which the organ is

sensitive. If sound is excessive, discomfort, or unwanted, it is termed as noise. Excessive noise

produces hearing loss, which may be temporal or permanent psychological effects such as stress,

fatigue, and loss of efficiency, annoyance and interference with communication are all known

effects of noise on the individual, (David 1997:33). According to Field, (1980:22) “Excessive

noise distracts and can set up emotional reactions in that every effect should be made to reduce

noise to a minimum”. The type, source and level of noise in and around the working environment

depend very much on the type of work being undertaken in the office as well as its location. The

location of office building near a busy area is capable of attracting a greater amount of noise, and

will require greater effort to control it.



Good lighting is defined as “suitable in quality and quantity for two purposes, namely for

creating good environmental brightness, agreeable and beneficial to the user, and for

permitting a high degree of efficiency in seeing whatever is of special interest or important.

Lighting is for the illumination of the environment in order to make objects visible. Good

lighting emphasizes absence of flickering or glaring situation. The important of lighting

should not be under-mind, because management has realized that the quality of lighting

affects employee efficiency and moral, as well as an important factor in accidents

prevention. Lighting should be given more attention in the work environment than other

aspects of the work. As one of the safety factors in workplace, lighting is important in order

to provide normal working conditions, and to reduce the number of accidents indirectly,

(Fair 2000: 197).



Safety management systems have largely been developed in response to statutory

requirements. Thus, reporting has focused mostly on mandatory information related to

accidents and injuries. Such measures suffer from three drawbacks. Firstly, they measure

what happens after the event and are reactive in terms of management response. Secondly,

in the absence of any practice measure, causal relationships cannot be established. Thirdly,

they are negative in nature and acknowledged as being unsuccessful as measures of safety

performance, (Mohamed, 2003: 129).

The method used was essentially an interactive process that involves study analysis of the

subject of measurement, for example, process, identifying potential performance measures,

prioritizing and accepting discarding measures, and the development refinement of key

performance indicators, as well as the feedback mechanism, and their implementations,

(Letza 1996: 54-76).

The typical examples of outcome based performance measurement indicators which relate to

safety, includes quality and environmental failures, productivity, reliability of deliveries

,customer satisfaction, cost and schedule variations, design /documentation deficiency, and

management dimensions such as leadership and training, (Ramirez et al, 2003: 553-566).


Santos and Powell (2001:47-56) discuss this issue in terms of push and pull learning. Push

learning involves putting external agents such as researchers or consultants in charge of

deciding what the learners need to learn. In contrast, in pull learning, individuals in the firm

are in charge of the learning process and its objectives. Pull learning is much more likely to

create a learning mood that maximizes the acceptance of feedback. However, push learning

can be the trigger for stimulating pull learning and this should be the objective of push

learning. The general frame work used to measure performance is presented in (Karim etal,

2003: 423). It involves three parts. Firstly, is management complying with the management

system? This involves following plans and looking for problems. Secondly, is management

responding to those problems?

Thirdly, is this improving the project? This requires outcome measures, however, outcomes

should be measured at the process level rather than the project level to enable feedback. The

purpose of measuring performance is to create feedback that will lead to improvement. It is

relatively easy to gather lots of performance data, however it takes a great deal of efforts to

extract from the data useful trends and to identify where efforts for improvement should be

directed,(Kari metal, 2003:424).


Emanate, (2003:16) sees personal protective equipment as those equipment and wears that

protect the worker from direct bodily harm or injuries. It is statutory or legal equipment.

Manufacturing firms have many types of hazards as explained earlier due to complexity of

the environment. Even after the implementation of the safety requirement through

engineering means and during design, there would always be residual risk to workers. As a

good safety culture, all workers should be ensured to use the required PPE. At times some

workers may feel some inconvenience in using the PPE, but firms should enforce the use of

personal protective equipment right from the first day, and each worker should be made to

consider these as last defense in dept to save his life. They are the safety helmets, safety

belts, safety shoes, hand gloves, Goggles, overall etc. These should be made available near

the workplace and for ease use by workers.

Monitoring and correction should continue to be the way of life. Zohari and Lurria,

(2003:567- 577) assert that in order to achieve practical solution and active


involvement in accident prevention, safety has to be integrated with the line function.

Accordingly, the line managers should supervise and enforce safety requirements in the

workplace. It is the line functionaries who know hazards as soon as it is created. He has the

power and resources to take an immediate corrective action. Safety personnel should act as a

catalyst to enable the line managers to timely remove these hazards and any deficiency in a

proactive manner.


Major changes in the global economy and the revolutionary restructuring of production and

service organization, coupled with the subsequence changes in working life and in the

responsibilities of employees, have created an urgent need to strengthen and adapt the tools

and methods used to ensure that Health, Environment and Safety (HES) are protected and

promoted at the manufacturing level. This can be achieved by implementing the principles

and mechanisms contained in the international statements

According to (Grindle, 2000:29-68), both enterprises and national economy in all WHO

member States carry significant economic and social burden caused by accidents, injuries,

work related and workplace preventable but non occupational diseases. Economic losses

from occupational accidents alone in the world have been calculated at 5-8% of gross

national product. Occupational and non-occupational diseases and injuries are responsible

for much of the current levels of reduced work capacity, increased temporary and permanent

work disability, shortened life expectancy, and premature retirement or death. Also the high

rate of and early onset of chronic diseases contribute to the high expenditure of national

health care system, as well as to high demands for disability pensions and compensation

from social insurance funds. In addition, industrial and other enterprises that lack adequate

preventing and control measures contributes to environmental pollution and pose health

risks to the population. Therefore, enterprise or firms integrating health, environment and

safety management into their overall management systems gives hope that the wider

adoption of this approach will counter several negative trends.



Courts, S. (2003), Work and Enterprise Panel of Enquiring: Links between the Quality of Working Life and Performance: London, HSE.

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This chapter discusses the various methods and techniques adopted in this study. It covers

the overall research plan and design, that guided the process of data collection and the range

of approaches used to collect the data. The chapter contains sources of data collection, area

of the study, population and sampling procedure, instrument for data collection, reliability,

and validity of the instrument.


According to Ikeagwu (1988), research design is the structure and planning of the entire

approach to a problem for research. It is a plan for collecting and analyzing data in order to

answer the investigator’s question. In this research, a survey research method was used

because it is cost effective, useful in describing a large population, and dependable. This

research method is dependable because it makes it possible for respondents to be as open

and honest as possible with their answers. The survey research method involves the use of

questionnaire and oral interview to obtain information from respondents.


This study was conducted in the following selected manufacturing organizations in Enugu

State: Emenite Ltd., Emene, Enugu, Nigerian Breweries Plc, 9th Mile Corner, Enugu State,

Juhel Nigeria Ltd, Emene, Enugu. These organizations were selected randomly and they

have been producing for several years.


Sources of data include primary and secondary sources.

Primary Source: .Primary source of data were original data collected basically for the

purpose of the study. The primary data for this study came from questionnaire and


Secondary Source: Secondary data were obtained from review of several publications that

were relevant to the study. These were textbooks, journals, newspapers, and internet.



The target population of this study consists of senior and junior staff of the three selected

manufacturing organizations. These three manufacturing organizations were selected

randomly from the 15 manufacturing organizations under beverages, drugs and building

products registered with Manufacturing Association of Nigeria in Enugu State.

Table 3.1: Population of the Study

Source: Field Survey: 2011


Sample is the portion of the population selected for observation (Ugwu: 2003). Based on the

total population of the study, the sample size was determined at 5% error tolerance and 95%

degree of confidence using Taro Yamane’s formular.

n = N

1+ N (e) 2

Where: 1 = Constant value

n = Sample size

N = Population Size

e = Degree of tolerance error

Fig.1: Calculation of the sample size:

n = 1220


= 1220


= 1220






1 Emenite Ltd Emene-Enugu 40 420 460

2 Nigerian Breweries Plc 9 Mile

Corner Enugu, State. 160 400 560

3 Juhel Nigerian Ltd, Emene Enugu. 30 170 200

Total 230 990 1,220


= 301.23 this gives the sample size of 301

A stratified sampling method was adopted so as to ensure that the selected manufacturing

organizations were represented using proportionality formula thus:

Q = A x n

N 1

Where Q = the number of questionnaire to be allocated to each segment.

A = the population of each segment

N = the total population of all the segments

n = the estimated sample size used in the study


Emenite Ltd, Emene Enugu

Senior Staff

Q = 40 x 301

1220 1

= 12040 = 9.87


= 10

Junior Staff

Q = 420 x 301

1220 1

= 126420 = 103.62


= 104

Nigerian Breweries Plc. 9th Mile Corner, Enugu.

Senior Staff

Q = 160 x 301

1220 1

= 48160 = 39.47

1220 .

= 39


Juhel Nigerian Ltd, Emene Enugu

Senior Staff

Q = 30 x 301

1220 1

= 9030 = 7.40


= 7

Junior Staff

Q = 170 x 301

1220 1

= 51170 = 41.94


= 42

Table 3.2 Break Down of the Sample Size

S/NO ORGANIZATION Population Sample 1 Emenite Ltd, Emene, Enugu 460 114

2 Nigerian Breweries Plc 9th Mile Corner, Enugu

State 560 138

3 Juhel Nigerian Ltd, Emene, Enugu. 200 49

Total 1,220 301

Source: Field Survey, 2011


The research instruments adopted in gathering data for this study are structured

questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire was designed to have two (2) sections.

Specifically, all the questions in section A were made to provide some general information

on the respondents.


The remaining questions in section B were formed to address the research questions. In

designing the questionnaire, Likert scale type of questions were adopted. The copies of the

questionnaire were distributed to senior and junior staff of the selected organizations. The

questionnaire consists of 18 questions.


The data collected were presented in frequency tables and percentage. Z-test of

proportion was used to test hypotheses one, two and three, while Chi-Square test was

used to test hypotheses four and five.

The test statistics are:

(1) Z Test of proportion

Z = X/N - Po

Po (1- Po) N where x = number of respondents who strongly agree or agree n = total number of respondents

Po = prescribed proportion

(2) ( X2 Chi-Square Statistical Tool

x2 (R-l ) (c-1) =∑{fo- f -1)2


Where: X2 = Chi square test statistics

f0 = Observed frequency

fi = Expected frequency

R = Number of rows in the contingent table

C = Number of columns in the contingent table

∑= Summation



Validity deals with the soundness and effectiveness of the measuring instrument

(Ikeagwu, 1988). To be sure that the research instrument applied in this study is

valid, the researcher ensured that the instruments measure the concepts it suppose to


A proper structuring of the questionnaire and a conduct of a pre-test of every

question contained in the questionnaire were carried out to ensure that they are valid.

Also the design of the questionnaire was made easy for respondents to tick their

preferred choice from the opinions provided as it has been established that the longer

the length of the questionnaire, the lower the response rate. Response validity was

obtained by re-contacting individuals whose responses appeared unusual or



According to Ezigbo (2011), reliability refers to the consistency of reproducibility of the

result of a test. To ascertain that the instrument is reliable, test-re-test method was

adopted in which 15 copies of the questionnaire was distributed to the firms

understudy, five (5) copies to each firm. These were collected afterwards and re-

distributed for the second time. The outcome of the test-retest was determined using

the Spearman Rank Order correlation coefficient of reliability to ensure consistency

in the items of the survey. The result gave reliability

coefficient r = 0.84.


Table 3.3: Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient of Reliability r

Questionnaire Item Rank1 Rank2 d d2

1 6 4 2 4 2 5 2 3 9 3 4 1 3 9 4 7 5 2 4 5 6 2 4 16 6 4 2 2 4 7 3 1 2 4 8 6 4 2 4 9 5 3 2 4 10 8 4 4 16 11 3 1 2 4 12 6 4 2 4 13 4 1 3 9 14 3 1 2 4 15 5 2 3 9 16 6 2 4 16 17 7 4 3 9 18 5 3 2 4 ∑d2 133

n 18 n3 5,832 n3-n 5,814

Source: Field Survey, 2011

Spearman Rank Order correlation coefficient is calculated as follows:

r = 1 - 7 ∑d2 n3 – n r = 1 – 7 x 133 5832 – 18 r = 1 – 7 x 133 5814 r = 1 - 931 5814 r = 1 – 0.160130719

r = 0.84



Ikeagwu, E.K. (1988), Groundwork of Research Methods and Procedures, Institute

for Development Studies, University of Nigeria.

Ezigbo, C.A. (2011), Advanced Management Theory & Applications, Enugu.

Immaculate Publications Ltd


Ugwu, J. (2003), Foundations of Social Science Research, A Methodological Guide

for Students, Enugu, ABIC Publishers.




This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data collected for the study. Data were

presented in frequency tables and percentages were used for data analysis. From table 4.1

below a total of three hundred and one (301) copies of the questionnaire which were

distributed to the respondents, two hundred and seventy eight (278) representing 92.3%

were duly completed and returned, while twenty three (23) representing 7.7% copies were

not returned.

Table 4.1: Distribution and Return of the Questionnaire

Organizations No. Distributed

% No. Returned

% No. Not Returned


Emenit Ltd 114 37.9 106 35.2 8 2.7 NB Plc 138 45.8 128 42.5 10 3.3

Juhel Ltd 49 16.3 44 14.6 5 1.7 Total 301 100 278 92.3 23 7.7

Source: Field Survey, 2011

Table 4.1 shows that 278 (92.3%) of the distributed copies of the questionnaire were

returned, while 23 (7.7%) were not returned.

Table 4.2: Sex Distribution of the Respondents

Source: Field Survey, 2011 Table 4.2 shows that 208 respondents representing 74.8% were males, while70 respondents

representing 25.2% were females. There are more of males than females in the organizations.



staff Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Frequency %

Male 5 79 20 69 4 31 208 74.8

Female 2 20 8 31 2 2 70 25.2 Total 7 99 28 100 6 38 278 100


Table 4.3 Marital Status of the Respondents

Source: Field Survey, 2011

Table 4.3 shows that 183 ( 65.8%) of the respondents were married, while 95 (34.2%) were

single. This implies that many of the respondents are married.

Table 4.4 Age Distribution of the Respondents

Source: Field Survey, 2011

From table 4.4 above, 77 ( 27.7% ) of the respondents were between the ages of 20-30

years, 119 ( 42.8%) were between 31-40 years, while 82 ( 29.5%) of the respondents were in

the ages of 41 years and above. This shows that greater proportion of the respondents fall

within the ages of 31-40 years.



staff Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Frequency %

Married 6 69 23 58 5 22 183 65.8

Single 1 30 5 42 1 16 95 34.2 Total 7 99 28 100 6 38 278 100



range Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff



20-30 - 42 - 24 - 11 77 27.7

31-40 5 36 11 40 4 23 119 42.8 40 and above

2 21 17 36 2 4 82 29.5

Total 7 99 28 100 6 38 278 100


Table 4.5: Academic Qualification of Respondents

Source: Field Survey, 2011

Table 4.5 above reveals that 30 ( 10.8%) of the respondents holds O.N.D, 49 ( 17.3%) were

holders of H.N.D, 115 ( 41.4% ) were B.Sc degree holders. M.Sc/MBA degree holders

constitute 79 ( 28.4% ) of the respondents, 2 ( 1.00%) of the respondents hold Ph.D, while 3

( 1.1% ) of the respondents hold professional certificate. This shows that majority of the

respondents hold B.Sc degree, followed by M.Sc/MBA holders.

RESEARCH QUESTION 1: What is the relationship between industrial safety

management and employee performance?


EMENITE LTD NB. PLC JUHEL LTD Qualification Senior

staff Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff



O.N.D - 15 - 13 - 2 30 10.8

H.N.D 1 20 2 16 - 10 49 17.3 B.Sc 3 38 14 43 2 15 115 41.4

M.Sc/MBA 2 26 9 28 3 11 79 28.4

Ph.D - - 1 - 1 - 2 1.00

Professional Cert

1 - 2 - - - 3 1.1

Total 7 99 28 100 6 38 278 100


Table 4.6 There is a significant relationship between industrial safety management and

employee performance.

Source: Field Survey, 2011

Table 4.6 reveals that 75.9% of the respondents indicated strongly agree, 17.3% of the

respondents indicated agree, 3.6% of the respondents indicated undecided, 1.8% of the

respondents indicated disagree, while 1.4% of the respondents indicated strongly disagree.

This shows that there is a significant relationship between industrial safety management and

employee performance.

.Table 4.7 There is no significant relationship between industrial safety management and

employee performance.




Rating Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Frequency %

Strongly agree

4 68 25 78 5 31 211 75.9

Agree 3 19 3 15 1 7 48 17.3 Undecided - 3 - 7 - - 10 3.6

Disagree - 5 - - - - 5 1.8

Strongly disagree

- 4 - - - - 4 1.4

Total 7 99 28 100 6 38 278 100



Rating Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff



Strongly agree

- 3 - 2 - - 5 1.8

Agree - 4 - 2 - - 6 2.1

Undecided - 5 - 3 - - 8 2.9

Disagree 3 19 3 15 1 7 48 17.3

Strongly disagree

4 68 25 78 5 31 211 75.9

Total 7 99 28 100 6 38 278 100

Source: Field Survey, 2011


Table 4.7 reveals that 1.8% of the respondents indicated strongly agree, 2.1% of the

respondents indicated agree, 2.9% of the respondents indicated undecided, 17.3% of the

respondents indicated disagree, while 75.9% of the respondents indicated strongly disagree.

This implies that there is a significant relationship between industrial safety management

and employee performance.

Table 4.8: Contingency Table for testing Hypothesis One

Question Description Agreement Category

Disagreement Category

Row Total

7 There is a significant relationship between industrial safety management and employee productivity.

259 19 278

8 There is no significant relationship between industrial safety management and employee productivity

19 259 278

Total 278 278 556 Source: Field Survey. 2011

RESEARCH QUESTION 2: What are the hazards encountered by employees in the manufacturing industry?

Table 4.9: Physical and chemical hazards are the hazards encountered in the manufacturing industry




Rating Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Frequency %

Strongly agree

5 70 17 78 3 19 192 69.1

Agree 2 28 11 20 3 15 79 28.4

Undecided - 1 - 2 - 2 5 1.8

Disagree - - - - - 2 2 0.7

Strongly disagree

- - - - - - - 0


7 99 28 100 6 38 278 100

Source: Field Survey, 2011


Table 4.9 shows that 69.1% of the respondents indicated strongly agree, 28.4% of the

respondents indicate agree, 1.8% of the respondents indicated undecided, 0.7% of the

respondents indicated disagree, none indicated strongly disagree. This implies that physical

and chemical hazards are hazards encountered in the manufacturing industry.

Table 4.10: Biological and Ergonomics hazards are other hazards encountered in the

manufacturing industry.

Source: Field Survey, 2001

Table 4.10 reveals that 79.9% of the respondents indicated strongly agree, 15.1% of the

respondents indicated agree, 1.8% of the respondents indicated undecided, 1.8% of the

respondents indicated disagree, while 1.4% of the respondents indicated strongly disagree.

This implies that biological and ergonomic hazards are other hazards encountered in the

manufacturing industry.

Table 4.11: Contingency Table for testing Hypothesis Two Question Description Agreement

Category Disagreement Category

Row Total

9 Physical and Chemical hazards are hazards encountered in the manufacturing industry

271 7 278

10 Biological and Ergonomics hazards are hazards encountered in the manufacturing industry

264 14 278

Total 535 21 556

Source: Field Survey, 2011




Rating Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Frequency %

Strongly agree 5 84 20 86 5 22 222 79.9

Agree 2 9 8 12 1 10 42 15.1

Undecided - 3 - 1 - 1 5 1.8

Disagree - 1 - 1 - 3 5 1.8

Strongly disagree - 2 - - - 2 4 1.4

Total 7 99 28 100 6 38 278 100


REASERCH QUESTION 3: What are the safety provisions for employees in the

manufacturing industry?

.Table 4.12: Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as safety helmets, safety belts,

safety shoes, hand gloves are safety provisions for employees in the manufacturing industry.

Source: Field Survey, 2011

Table 4.12 reveals that 87% of the respondents indicated strongly agree, 11.2% of the

respondents indicated agree, 1.8% of the respondents indicated undecided, while 0% of

the respondents indicated disagree and strongly disagree. This implies that personal

protective equipment (PPE) such as safety helmets. safety belts, safety shoes, hand gloves

are safety provisions for employees in the manufacturing industry.

Table 4.13: Monitoring and correction are another safety provisions for employees in the manufacturing industry.




Rating Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Frequency %

Strongly agree

5 71 16 92 4 20 242 87

Agree 2 28 12 8 2 13 31 11.2

Undecided - - - - - 5 5 1.8

Disagree - - - - - - 0

Strongly disagree

- - - - - - - 0

Total 7 99 28 100 6 38 278 100


Rating Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Frequency %

Strongly agree

4 68 18 90 5 21 206 74.1

Agree 3 27 10 6 1 12 59 21.2

Undecided - 3 - 2 - 1 6 2.2

Disagree - 1 - 1 - 2 4 1.4

Strongly disagree

- - - 1 - 2 3 1.1

Total 7 99 28 100 6 38 278 100

Source: Field Survey, 2011


Table 4.13 reveals that 74.1 of the respondents indicated strongly agree, 21.2% of the

respondents indicated agree. 2.2% of the respondents indicated undecided, 1.4% of the

respondents indicated disagree, while 1.1% of the respondents indicated strongly disagree.

This implies that monitoring and correction are another safety provisions for employees in

the manufacturing.

Table 4.14: A well equipped safety and accident department are safety provisions for

employees in the manufacturing industry.

Source: Field Survey, 2011

Table 4.14 shows that 75% of the respondents indicated strongly agree, 20.1% of the

respondents indicated agree, 1.9% of the respondents indicated undecided, 1.9% of the

respondent indicated disagree, while 1.1% of the respondents indicated strongly disagree.

This implies that a well equipped safety and accident department are safety provisions for

employees in the manufacturing industry.




Rating Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Frequency %

Strongly agree

5 71 16 92 4 20 208 75.0

Agree 2 25 12 4 2 12 57 20.1 Undecided - 2 - 2 - 1 5 1.9

Disagree - 1 - 1 - 3 5 1.9

Strongly disagree

- - - 1 - 2 3 1.1

Total 7 99 28 100 6 38 278 100


Table 4.15: Contingency Table for testing Hypothesis Three

Question Description Agreement Category

Disagreement Category

Row Total

11 Personal protective equipment (ppe) such as safety helmets, safety belts, safety shoes, safety hand gloves are safety provisions for employees in the manufacturing industry

273 5 278

12 Monitoring and correction are another safety provisions for employees in the manufacturing industry

265 13 278

13 A well equipped safety and accident department are safety provisions for employees in the manufacturing industry

265 13 278

Total 803 31 834 Source: Field Survey, 2011

RESEARCH QUESTION 4: How do orientation and training influence safety

management in the manufacturing industry?

Table 4.16: Orientation and training have significant influence on industrial safety

management in the manufacturing industry.

Source: Field Survey, 2011

Table 4.16 reveals that 60.8% of the respondents indicated strongly agree, 35.6% of the

respondents indicated agree, 1.8% of the respondents indicated undecided, 1.1% of the

respondents indicated disagree, while 0.7% of the respondents indicated strongly disagree.

This implies that orientation and training have significant influence on industrial safety

management implementation in the manufacturing industry.



Rating Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Frequency %

Strongly agree

6 63 17 60 2 21 169 60.8

Agree 1 35 11 36 4 12 99 35.6

Undecided - 1 - 2 - 2 5 1.8

Disagree - - - 2 - 1 3 1.1

Strongly disagree

- - - - - 2 2 0.7

Total 7 99 28 100 6 38 278 100


Table 4.17: Orientation and training have no significant influence on industrial safety

management in the manufacturing industry.

Source: Field Survey, 2011

Table 4.17 reveals that none of the respondents indicated strongly agree, none of the

respondents indicated agree, 2.1% of the respondents indicated undecided, 36% of the

respondents indicated disagree, while 61.9% of the respondents indicated strongly disagree.

This implies that orientation and training have significant influence on industrial safety

management implementation in the manufacturing industry.

Table 4.18: Contingency Table for testing Hypothesis Four

Question Description Agreement Category

Disagreement Category

Row Total

14 Orientation and training have significant influence on industrial safety management implementation in the manufacturing industry

268 10 278

15 Orientation and training have no significant influence on industrial safety management implementation in the manufacturing industry

0 278 278

Total 268 288 556

RESEARCH QUESTION 5: How were safety issues managed in the manufacturing


Table 4.19: Safety issues in the manufacturing industry were managed by making the

environment hazard free to a great extent.




Rating Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Frequency %

Strongly agree

- - - - - - 0 0

Agree - - - - - - 0 0

Undecided - 2 - 3 - 1 6 2.1

Disagree 3 25 13 9 2 18 100 36

Strongly disagree

4 72 15 58 4 19 172 61.9

Total 7 99 28 100 6 38 278 100

Source: Field Survey, 2011


Source: Field Survey, 2011

Table 4.19 reveals that 49.3% of the respondents indicated strongly agree, 45.3% of the

respondents indicated agree, 1.8% of the respondents indicated undecided, 2.2% of the

respondents indicated disagree, while 1.4% of the respondents indicated strongly disagree.

This implies that safety issues were managed by making the environment hazard free to a

great extent.

Table 4.20: Safety Issues in the Manufacturing Industry were managed by applying an

integrated, preventive environment strategy to production processes, and to products

throughout their life circle.

Source: Field Survey, 2011 Table 4.20 shows that 69.8% of the respondents indicated strongly agree, 27.7% of the

respondents indicated agree, 1.4% of the respondents indicated undecided, 0.7% of the




Rating Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Frequency %

Strongly agree

3 45 12 55 2 20 137 49.3

Agree 4 50 15 40 3 14 126 45.3 Undecided - 2 - 2 - 1 5 1.8

Disagree - 1 1 2 1 1 6 2.2

Strongly disagree

- 1 - 1 - 2 4 1.4

Total 7 99 28 100 6 38 278 100



Rating Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Frequency %

Strongly agree

5 70 21 67 6 25 194 69.8

Agree 2 28 7 30 - 10 77 27.7

Undecided - 1 - 2 - 1 4 1.4

Disagree - - - 1 - 1 2 0.7

Strongly disagree

- - - - - 1 1 0.4

Total 7 99 28 100 6 38 278 100


respondents indicated disagree, while 0.4% of the respondents indicated strongly disagree.

This reveals that safety issues were managed by applying an integrated, preventive

environmental strategy to production processes, and to the products throughout their life


Table 4.21: Safety Issues in the manufacturing industry were managed gradually, by

replacing pollution control to pollution prevention.

Source: Field Survey, 2011 Table 4.21 reveals that 76.3% of the respondents indicated strongly agree, 20.9% of the

respondents indicated agree, 0.7% of the respondents indicated undecided, 1.4% of the

respondents indicated disagree, while 0.7% of the respondents indicated strongly disagree.

This shows that safety issues were managed gradually by replacing pollution control to

pollution prevention in the manufacturing industry.

Table 4.22: Contingency Table for testing Hypothesis Five

Question Description Agreement Category

Disagreement Category

Row Total

16 Safety issues in the manufacturing industry were managed by making the environment hazard free to a great extent

263 15 278

17 Safety issues in the manufacturing industry were managed by applying an integrated, preventive environmental strategy to production processes, and to products throughout their life circle

271 7 278

18 Safety issues in the manufacturing industry were managed gradually, by replacing pollution control to pollution prevention

270 8 278

Total 804 30 834



Rating Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Junior staff

Frequency %

Strongly agree

3 66 27 89 5 22 212 76.3

Agree 4 32 1 11 1 9 58 20.9

Undecided - - - - - 2 2 0.7

Disagree - 1 - - - 3 4 1.4

Strongly disagree

- - - - - 2 2 0.7

Total 7 99 28 100 6 38 278 100

Source: Field Survey, 2011


Testing of Hypothesis (1)

Table 4.8: Contingency Table for testing Hypothesis One Question Description Agreement

Category Disagreement Category

Row Total

7 There is a significant relationship between industrial safety management and employee productivity.

259 19 278

8 There is no significant relationship between industrial safety management and employee productivity

19 259 278

Total 278 278 556 Source: Field Survey, 2011

Table 4.23 Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

industrial safety 1.8669 1.26616 278

employee productivity

1.5504 1.05925 278

Table 4.23 shows the descriptive statistics of the industrial safety via, employee productivity

with a mean response of 1.8669 and std. deviation of 1.26616 for industrial safety and a

mean response of 1.5504 and std. deviation of 1.05925 for employee productivity and

number of respondents (278). By careful observation of standard deviation values, there is

not much difference in terms of the standard deviation scores. This implies that there is

about the same variability of data points between the dependent and independent variables.

Table 4.24 is the Pearson correlation coefficient for industrial safety and employee

productivity. The correlation coefficient shows 0.865. This value indicates that correlation is

Table 4. 24 correlations

industrial safety

employee productivity

industrial safety Pearson Correlation 1 .865**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 278 278

employee productivity

Pearson Correlation .865** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N 278 278

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


significant at 0.05 level (2tailed) and implies that there is a significant positive relationship

between industrial safety and employee productivity (r = .865). The computed correlations

coefficient is greater than the table value of r = .195 with 276 degrees of freedom (df. = n-

2) at alpha level for a two-tailed test (r = .865, p< .05). However, since the computed r =

.865, is greater than the table value of .195 we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that

there is a significant relationship between industrial safety and employee productivity (r

=.865, P<.05).

Testing of Hypothesis (2) Table 4.11: Contingency Table for testing Hypothesis Two Question Description Agreement

Category Disagreement Category

Row Total

9 Physical and Chemical hazards are hazards encountered in the manufacturing industry

271 7 278

10 Biological and Ergonomics hazards are hazards encountered in the manufacturing industry

264 14 278

Total 535 21 556

Source: Field Survey, 2011

Table 4.25 Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

physical and chemical

hazards are hazards

encountered in the

manufacturing industry

556 1.8201 1.25060 1.00 5.00

Table 4.26 One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

physical and chemical

hazards are hazards

encountered in the



N 556

Normal Parametersa Mean 1.8201

Std. Deviation 1.25060

Most Extreme


Absolute .399

Positive .399

Negative -.256

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 9.401

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000


a. Test distribution is Normal.

Table 4.26 is the output of the computed One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, the

response options of agree and disagree based on the responses of the research subjects from

the selected manufacturing firms.Z- calculated Value (Zc= 9.401) is greater than the Z

tabulated value (Zt= 1.96)

Decision Rule

The decision rule is to accept the alternate hypothesis if the computed Z value is greater than

tabulated Z value otherwise accept the null hypothesis.


Since the Zc= 9.401is greater than Zt = 1.96, the null hypothesis is rejected and alternate

hypothesis is accepted. Thus, we conclude that physical and chemical hazards are hazards

encountered in the manufacturing industry.

Testing of Hypothesis (3) Table 4.15: Contingency Table for testing Hypothesis Three

Question Description Agreement Category

Disagreement Category

Row Total

11 Personal protective equipment (ppe) such as safety helmets, safety belts, safety shoes, safety gloves are safety provisions for employees in the manufacturing industry

273 5 278

12 Monitoring and correction are another safety provisions for employees in the manufacturing industry

265 13 278

13 A well equipped safety and accident department are safety provisions for employees in the manufacturing industry

265 13 278

Total 803 31 834 Source: Field Survey, 2011

Table 4. 27 Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

Personal protective

equipment such as helmet

safety belts, safety shoes,

hand gloves are safety

provisions for workers in the

manufacturing industry

834 1.9508 1.34136 1.00 5.00


Table 4.28 One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

personal protective equipment such

as helmet safety belts, safety shoes,

hand gloves are safety provisions for

workers in the manufacturing industry

N 834

Normal Parametersa Mean 1.9508

Std. Deviation 1.34136

Most Extreme


Absolute .396

Positive .396

Negative -.239

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 11.424

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000

a. Test distribution is Normal.

Table 4.28 is the output of the computed One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, the

response options of agree and disagree based on the responses of the research subjects from

the selected manufacturing firms. Z- calculated Value (Zc= 11.424) is greater than the Z

tabulated value (Zt= 1.96)

Decision Rule

The decision rule is to accept the alternate hypothesis if the computed Z value is greater than

tabulated Z value otherwise accept the null hypothesis.


Since the Zc= 9.513 is greater than Zt = 1.96, the null hypothesis is rejected and alternate

hypothesis is accepted. Thus, we conclude that personal protective equipment such as

helmet, safety belts, safety shoes, hand gloves are safety provisions for workers in the

manufacturing industry


Testing of Hypothesis (4) Table 4.18: Contingency Table for testing Hypothesis Four

Question Description Agreement Category

Disagreement Category

Row Total

14 Orientation and training have significant influence on industrial safety management implementation in the manufacturing industry

268 10 278

15 Orientation and training have no significant influence on industrial safety management implementation in the manufacturing industry

0 278 278

Total 268 288 556

Table 4.29 Chi-Square Tests

Value df

Asymp. Sig.


Pearson Chi-Square 213.897 4 .000

Likelihood Ratio 115.391 4 .000


Association 28.597 1 .000

N of Valid Cases 556

Table 4.29 is the output of the computed Chi-Square values from the cross tabulation

statistics of observed and expected frequencies with the response options on the responses

of the research subjects from three selected manufacturing industry. Pearson. Chi-Square

computed value (X2c= 213.897) is greater than the Chi –Square tabulated value (X2t = 9.49)

with 4 degrees of freedom (df) at 0.05 level of alpha (X2c = 213.897, p,< .05)

Decision Rule

The decision rule is to accept the alternate hypothesis if the computed Chi- Square value is

greater than tabulated Chi-Square value otherwise reject the null hypothesis.


Since the Pearson Chi- Square computed X2c=213.897 is greater than Chi- Square table

value X2t = 9.49, the null hypothesis is rejected and alternate hypothesis is accepted. Thus,

we conclude that the orientation and training have significant influence on industrial safety

management implementation in the manufacturing industry.

Source: Field Survey, 2011


Testing of Hypothesis (5)

Table 4.22: Contingency Table for testing Hypothesis Five

Question Description Agreement Category

Disagreement Category

Row Total

16 Safety issues in the manufacturing industry were managed by making the environment hazard free to a great extent

263 15 278

17 Safety issues in the manufacturing industry were managed by applying an integrated preventive environmental strategy to production processes, and to products throughout their life circle

271 7 278

18 Safety issues in the manufacturing industry were managed gradually, by replacing pollution control to pollution prevention

270 8 278

Total 804 30 834

Source: Field Survey, 2011

Table 4.30 Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 263.426 4 .000

Likelihood Ratio 122.911 4 .000

Linear-by-Linear Association 85.847 1 .000

N of Valid Cases 834

Table 4.30 is the output of the computed Chi-Square values from the cross tabulation

statistics of observed and expected frequencies with the response options of the responses of

the research subjects from three selected manufacturing industry. Pearson Chi-Square

computed value (X2c= 263.426) is greater than the Chi –Square tabulated value (X2t = 9.49)

with 20 degrees of freedom (df) at 0.05 level of alpha (X2c = 263.426, p,< .05)

Decision Rule

The decision rule is to accept the alternate hypothesis if the computed Chi- Square value is

greater than tabulated Chi-Square value otherwise accept the null hypothesis.


Since the Pearson Chi- Square computed X2c= 263.426 is greater than Chi- Square table

value X2t = 9.49 the null hypothesis is rejected and alternate hypothesis is accepted. Thus,

we conclude that safety issues in the manufacturing industry were managed by making the

environment hazard free to a great extent



The result from testing of hypothesis (1) indicates that there is a significant relationship

between industrial safety management and employee performance.

Kadiri (2006) states that working conditions which will provide the safety of employees at

work should be the major management concern. He opines that safety environment affect

the performance of employees either positively or negatively.

The result from testing hypothesis (2) indicates that physical and chemical hazards were the

hazards encountered in the manufacturing industry. Emenite (2003) states that a rotating

machine, naked electric cables, an uncovered petrol tank, a pierced fiber bag and a leaking

dust extractor constitutes hazards in the manufacturing industry. He stresses that hazard is a

contribution of everything you might contact at workplace, whether you are aware of the

contact or not.

The result from testing hypothesis (3) indicates that personal protective equipment (ppe)

such as safety helmet, safety belts, safety shoes, safety gloves are safety provisions for

employees in the manufacturing industry. Shell (1998) stresses that personal protective

equipment are those equipment and wears that protect the worker from direct bodily harm or

injuries, such as safety helmets, safety belt, safety shoes and hand gloves, etc. Shell (1988)

opines that the personal protective equipment should be made available near the workplace

and for ease of use by workers, even visitors entering the factory.

The result from testing hypothesis (4) indicates that orientation and training have significant

influence on safety management implementation in the manufacturing industry.

Anderson (2003) states that orientation and training benefits employees in a number of

ways. It improves employees’ job performance, thereby increase productivity. He opines

that training is an important element in accident prevention and the method and the extent of

such training must be matched to the needs of the persons involved.

The result from testing hypothesis (5) indicates that safety issues in the manufacturing

industry were managed by making the environment hazard free to a great extent. Emenite

(2003) stresses that interaction between man, his workplace environment can be represented

as a system. He stresses that safety environment has a far-reaching effect on man in

whatever he is doing, either in the country, community, workplace or at home.






1. There is a significant relationship between industrial safety management and

employee productivity.

Test of hypothesis one confirmed this. (Zc = 0.865; P < 0.05)

2. Physical and Chemical hazards are the hazards encountered in the manufacturing


Test of hypothesis two confirmed this. (Zc = 9.401 > Zt = 1.96; P < 0.05)

3 . Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as safety helmets, safety belts, safety

shoes, hand gloves are safety provisions for employees in the manufacturing


Test of hypothesis three confirmed this. Zc = 11.424 > Zt 1.96; P < 0.05)

4. Orientation and training have significant influence on safety management

implementation in the manufacturing industry.

Test of hypothesis four confirmed this. (X2c = 213.897 > X2t 9.49; P < 0.05)

5 . Safety issues in the manufacturing industry were managed by making the

environment hazard free to a great extent.

Test of hypothesis five confirmed this. (X2c = 263.426 > X2t 9.49 ; P < 0.05)


Safety in every human endeavor is first, and must come first both in the business

organizations and in our individual lives, to enable us perform efficiently and effectively.

Safety on the other hand, provide the condition whereby the probability of accident is

minimum, and it contributes to the elimination of unsafe conditions and unsafe acts.


Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were made:

1. Safety policies and procedures should be reviewed whenever there are changes in

operating conditions to make them more relevant.


2. Management should recruit professionally competent as well motivated safety

officers as opposed to quacks and touts.

3. The Federal Government should enacts and enforces laws that provide for stiffer

penalties for employers of labour that do not implement safe work practices or

records accidents in their operations.

4. Management should adopt a proactive safety policy and management system that

focuses more on the latent causes of accidents as opposed to the immediate causes.


The study made the following contributions to knowledge.

•••• The study adopted a safety model called Human Error Model/Swiss Cheese Model which

shows an accident trajectory passing through successive slices of cheese or barriers.

Accident occurs as a result of the interactions between latent and a variety of local

triggering events as shown in figure 5.1 below

Figure 5.1 Human Error Model/Swise Cheese Model Source: Agwu, M. ( 2010), The Nigerian Journal of Management Research vol. 5 (3).


* The study further discovered a new approach to safety management, whereby pollution

prevention should replace pollution control. In this approach however, a disciplined base

system is essential to ensure that all hazards are identified and addressed before work


* The study also discovered that systematic and comprehensive process of safety

management is the only antidote to performance measurement in the Nigerian

manufacturing sector.

* The study found out that safety is a matter of mutual concern and respect for yourself,

your fellow worker, and the equipment you will be using. Without this foundation, a

suit of armor would not be sufficient to you. See figure 5.2 below:

Figure 5.2 Positive Work Habits of Safety,


Further researchers should carry out studies on Industrial safety management and

implications for organizational effectiveness.




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Department of Management,

Faculty of Business Administration, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus,

16th September, 2011. Dear Respondent, I am a postgraduate student pursuing an M.Sc. degree in Management. I am currently

conducting a research on the effect of industrial safety management on employee

performance of the Nigerian manufacturing sector. The research is strictly academic.

I promise that the information got will be treated with strict confidence.

Yours faithfully, Enyioko John Ugorji.




1. Sex A Male [ ] B Female [ ]

2. Marital Status: A Married [ ] B Single [ ]

3. Age: 20-30 years [ ] 31-40 years [ ] 40 years and above [ ]

4. Academic Qualification: A OND/NCE [ ] B. HND/BSC [ ]

C. MBA/MSc [ ] D. Ph.D [ ]

5. Job Status: Junior staff [ ] Senior staff [ ]

6. Work Experience: A Less than 5 years [ ] B. 5-10 years [ ]

C. 10 years and above [ ]


Instruction: Tick √ or the option applicable


A To identify the relationship between industrial safety management and employee performance.

7 There is significant relationship between Industrial safety management and employee performance.

8 There is no significant relationship between industrial safety management and employee performance.

B To identify the hazards encountered in the Nigeria manufacturing sector.

9 Physical and Chemical hazards are the hazards encountered in the manufacturing industry.

10 Biological and Ergonomic hazards are hazards encountered in the manufacturing industry.

C To bring to the fore safety provisions for employees in the manufacturing industry.

11 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as safety helmets, safety belts, safety shoes, hand gloves are safety provisions for workers in manufacturing industry.

12 Monitoring and correction are another safety provisions for employees in the manufacturing industry

13 A well equipped safety and accident department are safety provisions for employees in the manufacturing industry

D To ascertain how orientation and training influence safety management in the manufacturing industry

14 Orientation and training have significant influence on industrial safety management implementation in the manufacturing industry.


Orientation and training have no significant influence on industrial safety management implementation in the manufacturing industry.

E To ascertain how safety issues were managed in the manufacturing industry.

16 Safety issues in the manufacturing industry were managed by making the environment hazard free to a great extent.


Safety issues in the manufacturing industry were managed by applying an integrated, preventive environmental strategy to production processes, and to the products throughout their life circle.

18 Safety issues in the manufacturing industry were managed gradually, by replacing pollution control to pollution prevention.




1. What form of relationship exist between industrial safety management and employee productivity?

2. Does safety issues influence performance?

3. Describe how safety issues are managed in your firm?

4. In your own view, describe what will be the best approach to industrial safety

management in the Nigeria manufacturing sector?

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