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Post on 09-Aug-2015






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PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

Sno. Topic Abstract Year 1. VLSI2015_01 A Low-Cost Low-Power

All-Digital Spread-

SpectrumClock Generator

In this brief, a low-cost low-power all-digital spreadspectrum

clock generator (ADSSCG) is presented. The

proposedADSSCG canprovide an accurate programmable

spreading ratio withprocess,voltage, and temperature

variations. To maintain the frequencystability while

performing triangular modulation, the fast-relocked

mechanism is proposed. The proposed fast-relocked

ADSSCG is implementedin a standard performance 90-nm

CMOS process, and the activearea is 200 µm × 200 µm. The

experimental results show that theelectromagnetic

interference reduction is 14.61 dB with a 0.5% spreadingratio

and 19.69 dB with a 2% spreading ratio at 270 MHz. The

powerconsumption is 443 µW at 270 MHz with a 1.0 V

power supply.


2. VLSI2015_02 A Combined SDC-SDF

Architecture forNormal I/O

Pipelined Radix-2 FFT

We present an efficient combined single-path

delaycommutator-feedback (SDC-SDF) radix-2 pipelined fast

Fourier transformarchitecture, which includes log2 N − 1

SDC stages, and 1 SDFstage. The SDC processing engine is

proposed to achieve 100% hardwareresource utilization by

sharing the common arithmetic resource in thetime-

multiplexed approach, including both adders and multipliers.

Thus,the required number of complex multipliers is reduced

to log4 N − 0.5,compared with log2 N − 1 for the other radix-

2 SDC/SDF architectures. In addition, the proposed

architecture requires roughly minimumnumber of complex

adders log2 N + 1 and complex delay memory2N + 1.5 log2

N − 1.5.


3. VLSI2015_03 A Class of SEC-DED-

DAEC Codes Derived

FromOrthogonal Latin

Radiation-induced soft errors are a major reliabilityconcern

formemories. To ensure that memory contents are not

corrupted,single error correction double error detection (SEC-



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

Square Codes DED) codes arecommonly used, however, in advanced

technology nodes, soft errorsfrequently affect more than one

memory bit. Since SEC-DED codescannot correct multiple

errors, they are often combined withinterleaving.Interleaving,

however, impacts memory design and performance

andcannot always be used in small memories. This limitation

has spurredinterest in codes that can correct adjacent bit

errors. In particular,several SEC-DED double adjacent error

correction (SEC-DED-DAEC)codes have recently been

proposed. Implementing DAEC has a cost as itimpacts the

decoder complexity and delay. Another issue is that most

ofthe new SEC-DED-DAEC codes miscorrect some double

nonadjacent biterrors. In this brief, a new class of SEC-DED-

DAEC codes is derived fromorthogonal latin squares codes.

The new codes significantly reduce thedecoding complexity

and delay. In addition, the codes do not miscorrectany double

nonadjacent bit errors. The main disadvantage of the

newcodes is that they require a larger number of parity check

bits. Therefore,they can be useful when decoding delay or

complexity is criticalorwhen miscorrection of double

nonadjacent bit errors is not acceptable.The proposed codes

have been implemented in Hardware DescriptionLanguage

and compared with some of the existing SEC-DED-


4. VLSI2015_04 Design of Efficient Content

Addressable Memories in

High-Performance FinFET


Content addressable memories (CAMs) enable highspeed

parallel search operations in table lookup-based applications,

such as Internet routers and processor caches.

TraditionalCAM design has alwayssuffered from the high

dynamic powerconsumption associated with its large and

active parallel hardware. However, deeply scaledtechnology

nodes, with multigatedevices replacing planar MOSFETs, are

expected to bring newtradeoffs to CAM design. FinFET, a

vertical-channel gate-wraparound double-gate device, has

emerged asthe best alternative toplanar MOSFET. In this

brief, for the first time, we explore thedesign space of

symmetric and asymmetric gate-workfunctionFinFETCAMs.



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

We propose several design alternatives andevaluate them in

terms of their dc and transient metrics for

different mismatch probabilities using technology

computeraided design simulations with 22-nm FinFET

devices. We alsopropose two orthogonal layout styles for

CAM design and showthat one of them (vertical-search line)

outperforms the other(vertical-match line) in terms of total

power (22.3%) and searchdelay (5.8%).

5. VLSI2015_05 A New Efficiency-

Improvement Low-Ripple

Charge-Pump Boost

Converter Using Adaptive

Slope Generator With

Hysteresis Voltage

Comparison Techniques

The new efficiency-improvement low-ripple chargepump

boost converter using adaptive slope generator withhysteresis

voltage comparison techniques is proposed in thispaper. This

proposed converter can reduce output voltage ripple,because

its inductor is connected to the output. This

proposedconverter adopts a new controlled architecture, self-

adaptiveslope generator with hysteresis comparison

technology, to shortenthe transient response. The proposed

boost converter has beenfabricated with TSMC 0.35-µm

CMOS 2P4M processes, and atotal chip area of 1.49 mm ×

1.49 mm. Its maximum outputcurrent is 260 mA when the

output voltage is 3.6 V. When thesupply voltage is 3.3 V, the

output voltage can be 3.6–5.1 V. Themaximum efficiency is

90.99% and the minimum output ripple is10.8 mV. Finally,

the theoretical analysis is verified to be correctby the

experimental results.


6. VLSI2015_06 A 0.25-V 28-nW 58-dB

Dynamic Range

Asynchronous Delta Sigma


in 130-nm Digital CMOS


In this paper, we present a single-bit clock-less

asynchronous delta–sigma modulator (ADSM) operating at

just0.25 V power supply. Several circuit approaches were

employedto enable such low-voltage operation and maintain

high performance. One approach involved utilizing bulk-

driven transistors in subthreshold region with

transconductance-enhancementtopology. Another approach

was to employ distributed transistorlayout structure to

mitigate the effect of low output impedancedue to halo drain



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

implants employed in today’s digital CMOSprocess. The

ADSM achieved a characteristic center frequencyof 630 Hz.

It had an effective signal-to-noise-plus-distortionratio

(SNDR) of 58 dB or effective number of bits (ENOB) 9 band

just 28-nW power dissipation. A detailed analytical

modelcapturing the effect of non-idealities of the individual

circuitcomponents is also presented for the first time with a

closeagreement with experimental results.

7. VLSI2015_07 Range Unlimited Delay-

Interleaving and -Recycling

Clock Skew Compensation

and Duty-Cycle

Correction Circuit

A clock skew-compensation and duty-cycle correction circuit

(CSADC) is used as the second-level clock distributing

circuit to align a system global clock while maintaining a

50%duty cycle. A power-efficient, range-unlimited, and

accuracyenhanced CSADC, designed mainly with a new

delay-interleavingand -recycling technique that mitigates

operating frequencylimitations while keeping overhead costs

low, is proposed in thispaper. Our preliminary research

results prove the feasibility ofthe proposed technique and

show that the operating frequencyranges from 110 MHz to

1.75 GHz, with the corrected dutycycle varying from 51.2%

to 48.9% based on 0.18-µm CMOStechnology. Meanwhile,

the lock-in time, static phase error, andpower consumption

are, respectively, 26 clock cycles, 4.2 ps, and5.58 mW at 1.75



8. VLSI2015_08 Obfuscating DSP Circuits

via High-Level


This paper presents a novel approach to design

obfuscated circuits for digital signal processing (DSP)

applications using high-level transformations, a key-based

obfuscatingfinite-state machine (FSM), and a reconfiguration.

The goal is todesign DSP circuits that are harder to reverse

engineer. Highlevel transformations of iterative data-flow

graphs have beenexploited for area-speed-power tradeoffs.

This is the first attemptto develop a design flow to apply

high-level transformations thatnot only meet these tradeoffs



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

but also simultaneously obfuscatethe architectures both

structurally and functionally. Severalmodes of operations are

introduced for obfuscation where theoutputs are meaningful

from a signal processing point of view,but are functionally

incorrect. Examples of such modes include athird-order

digital filter that can also implement a sixth-order orninth-

order filter in a time-multiplexed manner. The latter

twomodes are meaningful but represent functionally incorrect

modes.Multiple meaningful modes can be exploited to

reconfigurethe filter order for different applications. Other

modes maycorrespond to nonmeaningful modes. A correct

key input toan FSM activates a reconfigurator. The configure

data controlsvarious modes of the circuit operation.

Functional obfuscation isaccomplished by requiring use of

the correct initialization key,and configure data. Wrong

initialization key fails to enable thereconfigurator, and a

wrong configure data activates either ameaningful but

nonfunctional or nonmeaningful mode. Probability of

activating the correct mode is significantly reducedleading to

an obfuscated DSP circuit. Structural obfuscationis also

achieved by the proposed methodology via high-

leveltransformations. Experimental results show that the

overheadof the proposed methodology is small, while a

strong obfuscationis attained. For example, the area overhead

for a (3l)th-orderIIR filter benchmark is only 17.7% with a

128-bit configurationkey, where 1 ≤ l ≤ 8, i.e., the order of

this filter should be amultiple of 3, and can vary from 3 to 24.

9. VLSI2015_09 Accelerating Scalar

Conversion for Koblitz


Cryptoprocessors on

Hardware Platforms

Koblitz curves are a class of computationallyefficient elliptic

curves where scalar multiplications can beaccelerated using τ

NAF representations of scalars. However,conversion from an

integer scalar to a short τ NAF is a costlyoperation. In this

paper, we improve the recently proposed scalarconversion

scheme based on division by τ 2. We apply two levelsof

optimizations in the scalar conversion architecture. First,we

reduce the number of long integer subtractions during



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

thescalar conversion. This optimization reduces the

computation costand also simplifies the critical paths present

in the conversionarchitecture. Then we implement pipelines

in the architecture.The pipeline splitting increases the

operating frequency withoutincreasing the number of cycles.

We have provided detailedexperimental results to support our

claims made in this paper.

10. VLSI2015_10 Design of Self-Timed

Reconfigurable Controllers

for Parallel Synchronization

via Wagging

Synchronization is an important issue in modernsystem

design as systems-on-chips integrate more diverse

technologies, operatingvoltages, and clock frequencies on a

singlesubstrate. This paper presents a methodology for the

designand implementation of a self-timed reconfigurable

control devicesuitable for a parallel cascaded flip-flop

synchronizer basedon a principle known as wagging, through

the applicationof distributed feedback graphs. By modifying

the endpointadjacency of a common behavior graph via one-

hot codes,several configurable modes can be implemented in

a singledesign specification, thereby facilitating direct control

over thesynchronization time and the mean-time between

failures ofthe parallel master-slave latches in the

synchronizer. Therefore,the resulting implementation is

resistant to process non-idealities,which are present in

physical design layouts. This paper includesa discussion of

the reconfiguration protocol, and implementationsof both a

sequential token ring control device, and an

interruptsubsystem necessary for reconfiguration, all

simulated in UMC90-nm technology. The interrupt

subsystem demonstrates operating frequencies between 505

and 818 MHz per module, with

average power consumptions between 70.7 and 90.0 µW in

thetypical-typical case under a corner analysis.


11. VLSI2015_11 Level-Converting Retention

Flip-Flop for Reducing

Standby Power in

In this paper, we propose a level-converting retention flip-

flop (RFF) for ZigBee systems-on-chips (SoCs).

Theproposed RFF allows the voltage regulator that generates



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

ZigBeeSoCs thecore supply voltage (VDD,core) to be turned off in the

standbymode, and it thus reduces the standby power of the

ZigBeeSoCs. The logic states are retained in a slave latch

composedof thick-oxide transistors using an I/O supply

voltage (VDD,IO)that is always turned on. Level-up

conversion from VDD,coreto VDD,IO is achieved by an

embedded nMOS pass-transistorlevel-conversion scheme that

uses a low-only signal-transmittingtechnique. By embedding

a retention latch and level-up converterinto the data-to-output

path of the proposed RFF, the RFFresolves the problems of

the static RAM-based RFF, such as largedc current and low

readability caused by threshold drop. Theproposed RFF does

not also require additional control signals forpower mode

transitioning. Using 0.13-µm process technology,

weimplemented an RFF with VDD,core and VDD,IO of 1.2

and 2.5 V,respectively. The maximum operating frequency is

300 MHz. Theactive energy of the RFF is 191.70 fJ, and its

standby power is

350.25 pW.

12. VLSI2015_12 All Digital Energy Sensing


Minimum Energy Tracking

Minimizing energy consumption is of utmost importance in

an energy starved system with relaxed performance

requirements. Thisbrief presents a digital energy sensing

method that requires neitheraconstant voltage reference nor a

time reference. An energy minimizingloop uses this to find

the minimum energy point and sets thesupplyvoltage between

0.2 and 0.5 V. Energy savings up to 1 275% over

existingminimum energy tracking techniques in the literature

is achieved.


13. VLSI2015_13 Recursive Approach to the

Design of a

Parallel Self-Timed Adder

This brief presents a parallel single-rail self-timed adder.

It is based on a recursive formulation for performing

multibitbinaryaddition. The operation is parallel for those bits



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

that do not needany carry chain propagation. Thus, the design

attains logarithmicperformance over random operand

conditions without any specialspeedup circuitry or look-

ahead schema. A practical implementation isprovided along

with a completion detection unit. The implementation

isregular and does not have any practical limitations of high

fanouts.A high fan-in gate is required though but this is

unavoidable forasynchronous logic and is managed by

connecting the transistors inparallel. Simulations have been

performed using an industry standardtoolkit that verify the

practicality and superiority of the proposedapproach over

existing asynchronous adders.

14. VLSI2015_14 Novel Reconfigurable

Hardware Architecture for

Polynomial Matrix


In this paper, we introduce a novel reconfigurablehardware

architecture for computing the polynomial matrix

multiplication (PMM) of polynomial matrices and/or

polynomialvectors. The proposed algorithm exploits an

extension of thefast convolution technique to multiple-input

multiple-output systems. The proposed architecture is the first

one devoted to thehardware implementation of PMM.

Hardware implementationof the algorithm is achieved via

highly pipelined, partlysystolic field-programmable gate

array (FPGA) architecture. Thearchitecture, which is scalable

in terms of the order of theinput polynomial matrices, has

been designed using the Xilinxsystem generator tool. We

verify the algorithmic accuracy of thearchitecture through

FPGA-in-the-loop hardware co-simulations.The application

to sensor array signal processing is highlighted,in terms of

strong de-correlation. The results are presented todemonstrate

the accuracy and capability of the architecture. Theresults

verify that the proposed solution gives low execution

timeswhile limiting the number of required FPGA resources.


15. VLSI2015_15 Implementation of

Subthreshold Adiabatic

Logic for Ultralow-Power

Behavior of adiabatic logic circuits in weakinversion or

subthreshold regime is analyzed in depth for the firsttime in

the literature to make great improvement in ultralowpower



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

Application circuit design. This novelapproach is efficacious inlow-speed

operations where power consumption and longevityare the

pivotal concerns instead of performance. The schematicand

layout of a 4-bit carry look ahead adder (CLA) has

beenimplemented to show the workability of the proposed

logic.The effect of temperature and process parameter

variationson subthreshold adiabatic logic-based 4-bit CLA

has also

been addressed separately. Postlayout simulations show that

subthreshold adiabatic units can save significant energy

compared with a logically equivalent static CMOS


16. VLSI2015_16 FPGA-Based Bit Error Rate


Measurement of Wireless


This paper presents the bit error rate (BER) performance

validation of digital baseband communication systemson a

field-programmable gate array (FPGA). The proposedBER

tester (BERT) integrates fundamental baseband

signalprocessing modules of a typical wireless

communication systemalong with a realistic fading channel

simulator and an accurateGaussian noise generator onto a

single FPGA to provide anaccelerated and repeatable test

environment in a laboratorysetting. Using a developed

graphical user interface, the error rateperformance of single-

and multiple-antenna systems over a widerange of parameters

can be rapidly evaluated. The FPGA-basedBERT should

reduce the need for time-consuming softwarebased

simulations, hence increasing the productivity. ThisFPGA-

based solution is significantly more cost effective

thanconventional performance measurements made using

expensivecommercially available test equipment and channel



17. VLSI2015_17 Algorithm and Architecture

Design of the

H.265/HEVC Intra Encoder

Improved video coding techniques introduced in the

H.265/HEVC standard allow video encoders to achieve better

compression efficiencies. On the other hand the increased

complexity requires a new design methodology able to face

challenges associated with ever higher spatio-temporal



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

resolutions. The paper presents the computationally-scalable

algorithm and its hardware architecture able to support the

intraencoding up to the 2160p@30fps resolution. The

scalabilityallows the tradeoff between the throughput and the

compressionefficiency. In particular, the encoder is able to

check a variablenumber of candidate modes. The rate

estimation based on bincounting and the distortion estimation

in the transform domainsimplify the rate-distortion analysis

and enable the evaluation ofa great number of candidate intra

modes. The encoder preselectscandidate modes by the

processing of 8×8 predictions computedfrom original

samples. The preselection shares hardwareresources used for

the processing of predictions generated fromreconstructed

samples. To support intra 4×4 modes for the2160p@30fps

resolution, the encoder incorporates a separatereconstruction

loop. The processing of blocks with different sizesis

interleaved to compensate the delay of reconstruction

loops.Implementation results show that the encoder utilizes

1086k gatesand 52 kB on-chip memories for TSMC 90nm.

The mainreconstruction loop can operate at 400 MHz,

whereas theremaining modules work at 200 MHz. For

2160p@30fps videos,the average BD-Rate is 5.46%

compared to the HM software.

18. VLSI2015_18 Pre-Encoded Multipliers

Based on Non-Redundant


Signed-Digit Encoding

In this paper, we introduce architecture of pre-encoded

multipliers for Digital Signal Processing applications based

on off-line encoding of coefficients. To this extend, the Non-

Redundant radix-4 Signed-Digit (NR4SD) encoding

technique, whichuses the digit values {−1, 0, +1, +2} or {−2,

−1, 0, +1}, is proposed leading to a multiplier design with

less complex partialproducts implementation. Extensive

experimental analysis verifies that the proposed pre-encoded

NR4SD multipliers, includingthe coefficients memory, are

more area and power efficient than the conventional Modified

Booth scheme.



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

19. VLSI2015_19 A High-Performance FIR

Filter Architecture for

Fixed and Reconfigurable


Transpose form finite-impulse response (FIR)filters are

inherently pipelined and support multiple

constantmultiplications (MCM) technique that results in

significant saving of computation. However, transpose form

configurationdoes not directly support the block processing

unlike directform configuration. In this paper, we explore the

possibility ofrealization of block FIR filter in transpose form

configurationfor area-delay efficient realization of large order

FIR filters forboth fixed and reconfigurable applications.

Based on a detailedcomputational analysis of transpose form

configuration of FIRfilter, we have derived a flow graph for

transpose form block

FIR filter with optimized register complexity. A generalized

block formulation is presented for transpose form FIR filter.

We have derived a general multiplier-based architecture for

the proposed transpose form block filter for reconfigurable

applications. A low-complexity design using the MCM

schemeis also presented for the block implementation of

fixed FIRfilters. The proposed structure involves significantly

less areadelay product (ADP) and less energy per sample

(EPS) thanthe existing block implementation of direct-form

structure formedium or large filter lengths, while for the

short-length filters,the block implementation of direct-form

FIR structure has lessADP and less EPS than the proposed

structure. Applicationspecific integrated circuit synthesis

result shows that theproposed structure for block size 4 and

filter length 64 involves42% less ADP and 40% less EPS

than the best available FIR filterstructure proposed for

reconfigurable applications. For the samefilter length and the

same block size, the proposed structureinvolves 13% less

ADP and 12.8% less EPS than that of theexisting direct-form

block FIR structure.


20. VLSI2015_20 A Novel Photosensitive

Tunneling Transistor

for Near-Infrared Sensing

In this paper, a novel device structure, operating

on the principle of band-to-band tunneling, has been designed

for near-infrared (1–1.5 µm) multispectral optical sensing



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support


Design, Modeling, and


applications. A drain current model based on line tunneling

approachhas been developed to illustrate the device

operation. The resultsof the model are compared with the

simulated data for deviceswith similar dimension and

structure, indicating good accuracyof the developed model.

Spectral response of the device is studiedby estimating the

relative values of its transfer—as well asoutput—

characteristics, and also by measuring the variation

ofthreshold voltage, VT and ON-state current, ION. VT and

ION arefound to be sensitive to wavelength variations at

moderate gatedoping levels. VT is found to increase by ∼40

mV and IONdecreases by 35% for a change of illumination

wavelengthfrom 1 to 1.5 µm at a gate doping of 1 × 1018

cm−3. Peakspectral sensitivity at an illumination intensity of

0.75 W/cm2is found to be 318.38, 2.02 × 103, and 672.2

corresponding tothe change in wavelength from (1–1.2 µm),

(1.2–1.45 µm), and(1.45–1.5 µm), respectively.

21. VLSI2015_21 High-Throughput LDPC-

Decoder Architecture

Using Efficient Comparison

Techniques & Dynamic

Multi-Frame Processing


This paper presents architecture of block-level-parallel

layered decoder for irregular LDPC code. It can be

reconfigured to support various block lengths and code rates

of IEEE802.11n (WiFi) wireless-communication standard.

We have proposed efficient comparison techniques for both

column and rowlayered schedule and rejection-based high-

speed circuits to compute the two minimum values from

multiple inputs required forrow layered processing of

hardware-friendly min-sum decodingalgorithm. The results

show good speed with lower area as compared to state-of-the-

art circuits.Additionally, this work proposesdynamic multi-

frame processing schedule which efficiently utilizesthe

layered-LDPC decoding with minimum pipeline stages. The

suggested LDPC-decoder architecture has been synthesized

andpost-layout simulated in 90 nm-CMOS process. This

decoder occupies 5.19 area and supports multiple code rates

like 1/2,2/3, 3/4 & 5/6 as well as block-lengths of 648, 1296

& 1944. Ata clock frequency of 336 MHz, the proposed



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

LDPC-decoder hasachieved better throughput of 5.13 Gbps

and energy efficiency of0.01 nJ/bits/iterations, as compared

to the similar state-of-the-artworks.

22. VLSI2015_22 A New Parallel VLSI

Architecture for Real-time

Electrical Capacitance


This paper presents a fixed-point reconfigurable parallel

VLSI hardware architecture for real-time Electrical

Capacitance Tomography (ECT). It is modular and consists

of a front-end module which performs precise capacitance

measurements in a time multiplexed manner using

Capacitance to Digital Converter (CDC) technique. Another

FPGA module performs the inverse steps of the tomography

algorithm. A dual port built-in memory banks store the

sensitivity matrix, the actual value of the capacitances, and

the actual image. A two dimensional (2D) core

multiprocessing elements (PE) engine intercommunicates

withthese memory banks via parallel buses. A Hardware-

softwareco-design methodology was conducted using

commerciallyavailable tools in order to concurrently tune the

algorithmsand hardware parameters. Hence, the hardware

was designeddown to the bit-level in order to reduce both the

hardwarecost and power consumption, while satisfying real-

timeconstraint. Quantization errors were assessed against the

image quality and bit-level simulations demonstrate the

correctness of the design. Further simulations indicate that

the proposed architecture achieves a speed-up of up to three

orders of magnitude over the software version when the

reconstruction algorithm runs on 2.53 GHZ-based Pentium

processor or DSP Ti’s Delphino TMS320F32837 processor.

More specifically, a throughput of 17.241 Kframes/sec for

both the Linear-Back Projection (LBP) and modified

Landweber algorithms and 8.475 Kframes/sec for the

Landweber algorithm with 200 iterations could be achieved.

This performance was achieved using an array of [2×2] ×

[2×2] processing units. This satisfies the real-time constraint

of many industrial applications. To the best of the authors’

knowledge, this is the first embedded system which explores



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

the intrinsic parallelism which is available in modern FPGA

for ECT tomography.

23. VLSI2015_23 Graph-Based Transistor

Network Generation

Method for Supergate


Transistor network optimization represents aneffective way

of improving VLSI circuits. This paper proposes anovel

method to automatically generate networks with

minimaltransistor count, starting from an irredundant sum-of-

productsexpression as the input. The method is able to deliver

bothseries–parallel (SP) and non-SP switch arrangements,

improvingspeed, power dissipation, and area of CMOS gates.

Experimentalresults demonstrate expected gains in

comparison with relatedapproaches.


24. VLSI2015_24 A Relative Imaging CMOS

Image Sensor for High

Dynamic Range and High

Frame-Rate Machine

Vision Imaging


This paper proposes an unconventional image acquisition

scheme for machine vision applications, based on detecting

ratios of illumination (pixel) intensities. Detecting

relativeratios enables capturing the scene features and

patterns almostindependently from the local scene

illumination resulting inpotentially extremely high dynamic

range. Moreover, detectingsignal ratios using a fully

differential circuit optimally suitsthe intrinsic nature of VLSI

design. A scalable and compacthardware implementation is

proposed as a proof-of-concepttowards relative image

acquisition. The proposed photo-currentratio-detecting pixels

completely bypass the need of conventionalphoto-current

integration which enables high frame-rate operation of up to

24000 frames-per-second (fps). The pulse-widthmodulated

output of the proposed pixel is captured by compactcolumn-

parallel readout circuits based on digital counters.

Thedeveloped 32×32 pixel array prototype CMOS image

sensorconsumes 4mW of power operating at a nominal 9765

fps framerate, and 6.8mW of power operating at a maximum

24000fps.The presented prototype design is fully scalable

towards newerCMOS fabrication nodes and higher sensor




PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

25. VLSI2015_25 Low-Cost High-

Performance VLSI

Architecture for

Montgomery Modular


This paper proposes a simple and efficientMontgomery

multiplication algorithm such that the low-costand high-

performance Montgomery modular multiplier can

beimplemented accordingly. The proposed multiplier receives

andoutputs the data with binary representation and uses

onlyone-level carry-save adder (CSA) to avoid the carry

propagationat each addition operation. This CSA is also used

to performoperand pre-computation and format conversion

from the carrysave format to the binary representation,

leading to a lowhardware cost and short critical path delay at

the expense ofextra clock cycles for completing one modular

multiplication.To overcome the weakness, a configurable

CSA (CCSA), whichcould be one full-adder or two serial

half-adders, is proposed toreduce the extra clock cycles for

operand pre-computation andformat conversion by half. In

addition, a mechanism that candetect and skip the

unnecessary carry-save addition operationsin the one-level

CCSA architecture while maintaining the shortcritical path

delay is developed. As a result, the extra clock cyclesfor

operand pre-computation and format conversion can be

hiddenand high throughput can be obtained. Experimental

resultsshow that the proposed Montgomery modular

multiplier canachieve higher performance and significant

area–time productimprovement when compared with

previous designs.


26. VLSI2015_26 Fully Pipelined Low-Cost

and High-Quality Color

Demosaicking VLSI Design

for Real-Time Video


This paper presents a fully pipelined colordemosaicking

design. To improve the quality of reconstructedimages, a

linear deviation compensation scheme was created toincrease

the correlation between the interpolated andneighboring

pixels. Furthermore, immediately interpolated greencolor

pixels are first to be used in hardware-oriented

colordemosaicking algorithms, which efficiently promoted

the qualityof the reconstructed image. A boundary detector

and boundarymirror machine were added to improve the

quality of pixelslocated in boundaries. In addition, a hardware



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

sharing techniquewas used to reduce the hardware costs of

three interpolators. TheVLSI architecture in this work

contains only 4.97 K gate countsand the core area is 60,229

um2 synthesized by using 0.18-umCMOS process. The

operating frequency of this work is 200 MHzby consuming

4.76 mW. Compared with the previous lowcomplexity

designs, this work has the benefits in terms of low cost,low

power consumption, and high performance.

27. VLSI2015_27 A Novel Area-Efficient

VLSI Architecture for

Recursion Computation in

LTE Turbo Decoders

Long term evolution (LTE) is aimed to achieve the

peak data rates in excess of 300 Mb/s for the next generation

wireless communication systems. Turbo codes, the specified

channelcoding scheme in LTE, suffer from a low-decoding

throughputdue to its iterative decoding algorithm. One

efficient approachto achieve a promising throughput is to use

multiple Maximuma-Posteriori (MAP) cores in parallel,

resulting in a large areaoverhead. The two computationally

challenging units in an MAPcore are α and β recursion units.

Although several methods havebeen proposed to shorten the

critical path of these recursion units,their area-efficient

architecture with minimum silicon area is stillmissing. In this

paper, a novel relation existing between α and

β metrics is introduced, leading to a novel add-compare-

select(ACS) architecture. The proposed technique can be

applied toboth the precise approximation of log-MAP and

max-log MAPACS architectures. The proposed ACS design,

implemented in a0.13 µm CMOS technology and customized

for the LTE standard,results in at most 18.1% less area

compared to the reporteddesigns to-date while maintaining

the same throughput level.


28. VLSI2015_28 Comparative Performance

Analysis of

the Dielectrically Modulated

FullGate and Short-Gate


In this paper, a short-gate tunneling-field-effecttransistor

(SG-TFET)structure has been investigated for

thedielectrically modulated biosensing applications in

comparisonwith a full-gate tunneling-field-effect-transistor

structure ofsimilar dimensions. This paper explores the



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

FET-Based Biosensors underlying physicsof these architectures and estimates their

comparative sensingperformance. The sensing performance

has been evaluated forboth the charged and charge-neutral

biomolecules using extensivedevice-level simulation, and the

effects of the biomoleculedielectric constant and charge

density are also studied.In SG-TFET architecture, the

reduction of the gate lengthenhances its drain control over the

band-to-band tunnelingprocess and this has been exploited

for the detection, resulting tosuperior drain current sensitivity

for biomolecule conjugation.The gate and drain biasing

conditions show dominant impacton the sensitivity

enhancement in the short-gate biosensors.Therefore, the gate

and drain bias are identified as the effectivedesign parameters

for the efficiency optimization.

29. VLSI2015_29 An Efficient Constant

Multiplier Architecture

Based on Vertical-

Horizontal Binary Common

Sub-expression Elimination

Algorithm for

Reconfigurable FIR Filter


This paper proposes efficient constant multiplier architecture

based onvertical-horizontal binary commonsub-expression

elimination (VHBCSE) algorithm for designing

areconfigurable finite impulse response (FIR) filter whose

coefficients can dynamically change inreal time. To design an

efficientreconfigurable FIR filter, according to the proposed

VHBCSEalgorithm, 2-bit binary common sub-expression

elimination(BCSE) algorithm has been applied vertically

across adjacentcoefficients on the 2-D space of the coefficient

matrix initially,followed by applying variable-bit BCSE

algorithm horizontallywithin each coefficient. This technique

is capable of reducingthe average probability of use or the

switching activity of themultiplier block adders by 6.2% and

19.6% as compared to thatof two existing 2-bit and 3-bit

BCSE algorithms respectively.ASIC implementation results

of FIR filters using this multipliershow that the proposed

VHBCSE algorithm is also successful inreducing the average

power consumption by 32% and 52% alongwith an

improvement in the area power product (APP) by 25%

and 66% compared to those of the 2-bit and 3-bit BCSE

algorithms respectively. As regards the implementation of



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

FIR filter,improvements of 13% and 28% in area delay

product (ADP) and76.1% and 77.8% in power delay product

(PDP) for the proposedVHBCSE algorithm have been

achieved over those of the earliermultiple constant

multiplication (MCM) algorithms, viz. faithfullyrounded

truncated multiple constant

multiplication/accumulation(MCMAT) and multi-root binary

partition graph (MBPG) respectively. Efficiency shown by

the results of comparing the FPGA andASIC

implementations of the reconfigurable FIR filter

designedusing VHBCSE algorithm based constant multiplier

establishesthe suitability of the proposed algorithm for

efficient fixed pointreconfigurable FIR filter synthesis.

30. VLSI2015_30 VLSI-Assisted Nonrigid

Registration Using

Modified Demons


Increasing demand of high-speed portable modulesfor

multimedia applications has motivated the development

ofhardware-based solutions for image processing

applications. Mostof the nonrigid image registration

algorithms are found tobe unsuitable for hardware

implementation because of theirnonlinearity and

computationally intensive nature. In this paper,an algorithm

for nonrigid image registration based on

Demonsapproximation is proposed. The algorithm has been

simulatedin MATLAB and results show a 15% improvement

in peaksignal-to-noise-ratio with a 17% reduction in

registration timefor 256 × 256 image over the original

Demons algorithm. Theproposed algorithm is synthesized in

Virtex6-xc6vlx760-2-ff1760and maximum synthesized

frequency is found to be 174 MHz. Theproposed architecture

provides the low cost, high-speed solutionfor the registration

process, which is also helpful for making aportable system.


31. VLSI2015_31 Fine-Grained Access

Management in

Reconfigurable Scan


Modern VLSI designs incorporate a high amount of

instrumentation that supports post-silicon validation and

debug,volume test and diagnosis, as well as in-field system

monitoringand maintenance. Reconfigurable scan



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

architectures, as allowedby the novel IEEE Std 1149.1-2013

(JTAG) and IEEE Std 1687-2014 (IJTAG), emerge as a

scalable mechanism for access to suchon-chip

instruments.While the on-chip instrumentation is crucial for

meetingquality, dependability, and time-to-market goals, it is


to abuse and threatens system safety and security. A secure

access management method is mandatory to assure that

criticalinstruments be accessible to authorized entities only.

This work presents a novel protection method for fine-

grainedaccess management in complex reconfigurable scan

networksbased on a challenge-response authentication

protocol. The targetscan network is extended with an

authorization instrument andSecure Segment Insertion Bits

(S2IB) that together control theaccessibility of individual

instruments. To the best of the authors’knowledge, this is the

first fine-grained access managementscheme that scales well

with the number of protected instrumentsand offers a high

level of security. Compared with recent stateof-the-art

techniques, this scheme is more favorable with respectto

implementation cost, performance overhead, and

providedsecurity level.

32. VLSI2015_32 A High-Throughput VLSI

Architecture for Hard and



This paper introduces a novel low-complexitymultiple-input

multiple-output (MIMO) detector tailored forsingle-carrier

frequency division-multiple access (SC-FDMA)systems,

suitable for efficient hardware implementations. Theproposed

detector starts with an initial estimate of the transmittedsignal

based on a minimum mean square error (MMSE)

detector.Subsequently, it recognizes less reliable symbols for

which morecandidates in the constellation are browsed to

improve the initialestimate. Efficient high-throughput VLSI

architecture is also introduced achieving a

superiorperformance compared to the conventional MMSE

detectors with less than 28% added complexity.The

performance of the proposed design is close to the



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

existingmaximum likelihood post-detection processing (ML-

PDP) scheme,while resultingin a significantly lower

complexity, i.e.,and times fewer Euclidean distance (ED)

calculations inthe 16-QAM and 64-QAM schemes,

respectively. The proposeddesign for the 16-QAM scheme is

fabricated in a 0.13 CMOStechnology and fully tested,

achieving a 1.332 Gbps throughput,reporting the first

fabricated design for SC-FDMA MIMO detectors to-date. A

soft version of the proposed architecture is alsointroduced,

which is customized for coded systems.

33. VLSI2015_33 Partially Parallel Encoder


for Long Polar Codes

Due to the channel achieving property, the polar codehas

become one of the most favorable error-correcting codes. As

the polar code achieves the property asymptotically, however,

itshould be long enough to have a good error-correcting

performance. Although the previous fully parallel encoder is

intuitiveand easy to implement, it is not suitable for long

polar codes because of the huge hardware complexity

required. In this brief, weanalyze the encoding process in the

viewpoint of very-large-scaleintegration implementation and

propose a new efficient encoderarchitecture that is adequate

for long polar codes and effectivein alleviating the hardware

complexity. As the proposed encoderallows high-throughput

encoding with small hardware complexity,it can be

systematically applied to the design of any polar code andto

any level of parallelism.


34. VLSI2015_34 Novel Block-Formulation

and Area-Delay-Efficient


Interpolation Filter

Architecture for

Multi-Standard SDR


A poly-phase based interpolation filter computationinvolves

an input-matrix and coefficient-matrix of sizeeach, where is

the up-sampling factor and , isthe filter length. The input-

matrix and the coefficient-matrix resizes when changes. An

analysis of interpolation filter computation for different up-

sampling factors is made in this paper to identify redundant

computations and removed those by reusing partial

results. Reuse of partial results eliminates the necessity of

matrixresizing in interpolation filter computation. A novel



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

block-formulation is presented to share the partial results for

parallel computation of filter outputs of different up-sampling

factors. Using theproposed block formulation, a parallel

multiplier-based reconfigurable architecture is derived for

interpolation filter. The most remarkable aspect of the

proposed architecture is that, it does not require

reconfiguration to compute filter outputs of an interpolation

filter for different up-sampling factor. The proposed structure

hasregular data-flow and it has no overhead complexity for

its reconfigurable feature unlike the existing structures.

Besides, the proposed structure has significantly less register

complexity than theexisting structure and its register

complexity is independent of theblock-size. Moreover, the

proposed structure can support higherinput-sampling

frequency than the existing structure. ASIC synthesis result

shows that the proposed structure for block-size 4,

filter length 32, and up-sampling factor 8, involves 13.6 times

morearea and offers 245 times higher maximum input-

sampling frequency compared with the existing multiplier-

less structure. It involves 18.6 times less area-delay-product

(ADP) and 9.5 times lessenergy per output (EPO) than the

existing multiplier-less structure.

35. VLSI2015_35 One Minimum Only Trellis

Decoder for Non-Binary

Low-Density Parity-Check


A one minimum only decoder for Trellis-EMS (OMO

T-EMS) and for Trellis-Min-max (OMO T-MM) is proposed

inthis paper. In this novel approach, we avoid computing the

secondminimum in messages of the check node processor,

and proposeefficient estimators to infer the second minimum

value. By doingso, we greatly reduce the complexity and at

the same time improve latency and throughput of the derived

architectures compared to the existing implementations of

EMS and Min-max decoders. This solution has been applied

to various NB-LDPC codesconstructed over different Galois

fields and with different degreedistributions showing in all

cases negligible performance loss compared to the ideal EMS

and Min-max algorithms. In addition, twocomplete decoders



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

for OMO T-EMS and OMO T-MM were implemented for the

(837,726) NB-LDPC code over GF(32) for comparison

proposals. A 90 nm CMOS process was applied, achieving

athroughput of 711 Mbps and 818 Mbps respectively at a

clock frequency of 250 MHz, with an area of 19.02 and 16.10

after place and route. To the best knowledge of the authors,

the proposed decoders have higher throughput and area-time

efficiencythan any other solution for high-rate NB-LDPC

codes with highGalois field order.

36. VLSI2015_36 A Low-Cost Hardware

Architecture for


Adjustment in Real-Time


For real-time surveillance and safety applicationsin intelligent

transportation systems, high-speed processing forimage

enhancement is necessary and must be considered. In

thispaper, we propose a fast and efficient illumination

adjustmentalgorithm that is suitable for low-cost very large

scale integrationimplementation. Experimental results show

that the proposedmethod requires the least number of

operations and achievescomparable visual quality as

compared with previous techniques.To further meet the

requirement of real-time image/video applications, the 16-

stage pipelined hardware architecture of our methodis

implemented as an intellectual property core. Our design

yieldsa processing rate of about 200 MHz by using TSMC

0.13-μmtechnology. Since it can process one pixel per clock

cycle, for animage with a resolution of QSXGA (2560 ×

2048), it requiresabout 27 ms to process one frame that is

suitable for real-timeapplications. In some low-cost

intelligent imaging systems, theprocessing rate can be slowed

down, and our hardware core canrun at very low power



37. VLSI2015_37 A 2.5-Gb/s DLL-Based

Burst-Mode Clock and Data


Circuit With 4×


In this brief, a delay-locked loop (DLL)-based burst-mode

clock and data recovery (BMCDR) circuit using a 4×

oversamplingtechnique is realized for passive optical

network. With the help of DLLto track the input phase, the

proposed circuit can recover the burstmode data in a short



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

acquisition time and achieve large jitter tolerance.In addition,

a 2.5-GHz four-phase clock generator is embedded in

thechip. Implemented with a 0.18-µm CMOS technology,

experiment showsthat the acquisition time can be

accomplished in the time of 31 bits.Incoming 2.5-Gb/s input

data of 231–1 pseudorandom binary sequence,the retimed

data has a root-mean-square jitter of 8.557 ps and a peakto-

peak jitter of 32.0 ps, and the measured bit error rate is less

than10−10. The area of the whole chip is 1.4 × 1.4 mm2,

where the BMCDRcircuit core occupies 0.81 × 0.325 mm2.

The total power consumption is130 mW from a 1.8 V supply


38. VLSI2015_38 Aging-Aware Reliable

Multiplier Design With

Adaptive Hold Logic

Digital multipliers are among the most critical

arithmetic functional units. The overall performance of these

systems depends on the throughput of the multiplier.

Meanwhile,the negative bias temperature instability effect

occurs whena pMOS transistor is under negative bias (Vgs =

−Vdd),increasing the threshold voltage of the pMOS

transistor, andreducing multiplier speed. A similar

phenomenon, positive biastemperature instability, occurs

when an nMOS transistor is underpositive bias. Both effects

degrade transistor speed, and in thelong term, the system may

fail due to timing violations. Therefore,it is important to

design reliable high-performance multipliers.

In this paper, we propose an aging-aware multiplier design

with anovel adaptive hold logic (AHL) circuit. The multiplier

is able toprovide higher throughput through the variable

latency and canadjust the AHL circuit to mitigate

performance degradation thatis due to the aging effect.

Moreover, the proposed architecturecan be applied to a

column- or row-bypassing multiplier. Theexperimental

results show that our proposed architecture with16 × 16 and

32 × 32 column-bypassing multipliers can attain upto 62.88%

and 76.28% performance improvement,

respectively,compared with 16×16 and 32×32 fixed-latency



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

column-bypassingmultipliers. Furthermore, our proposed

architecture with 16 × 16and 32 × 32 row-bypassing

multipliers can achieve up to 80.17%and 69.40%

performance improvement as compared with 16×16and 32 ×

32 fixed-latency row-bypassing multipliers.

39. VLSI2015_39 Reverse Converter Design

via Parallel-Prefix Adders:

Novel Components,

Methodology, and


In this brief, the implementation of residue number system

reverse converters based on well-known regular and modular

parallelprefix adders is analyzed. The VLSI implementation

results show asignificant delay reduction and area × time2

improvements, all this at thecost of higher power

consumption, which is the main reason preventingthe use of

parallel-prefix adders to achieve high-speed reverse

convertersin nowadays systems. Hence, to solve the high

power consumptionproblem, novel specific hybrid parallel-

prefix-based adder componentsthat provide better tradeoff

between delay and power consumption areherein presented to

design reverse converters. A methodology is alsodescribed to

design reverse converters based on different kinds of

prefixadders. This methodology helps the designer to adjust

the performanceof the reverse converter based on the target

application and existingconstraints.


40. VLSI2015_40 Fully Reused VLSI

Architecture of

FM0/Manchester Encoding

Using SOLS

Technique for DSRC


The dedicated short-range communication (DSRC)

is an emerging technique to push the intelligent transportation

system into our daily life. The DSRC standards generally

adoptFM0 and Manchester codes to reach dc-balance,

enhancingthe signal reliability. Nevertheless, the coding-

diversity betweenthe FM0 and Manchester codes seriously

limits the potential to design a fully reused VLSI architecture

for both. Inthis paper, the similarity-oriented logic

simplification (SOLS)technique is proposed to overcome this

limitation. The SOLStechnique improves the hardware

utilization rate from 57.14%to 100% for both FM0 and

Manchester encodings. The performance of this paper

isevaluated on the postlayout simulationin Taiwan



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC)0.18-µm

1P6M CMOS technology. The maximum operation

frequency is 2 GHz and 900 MHz for Manchester and FM0

encodings, respectively. The power consumption is 1.58 mW

at2 GHz for Manchester encoding and 1.14 mW at 900 MHz

forFM0 encoding. The core circuit area is 65.98 × 30.43

µm2.The encoding capability of this paper can fully support

theDSRC standards of America, Europe, and Japan.


PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support







Topic:Argo: A Time-Elastic Time-Division-Multiplexed NOC using Asynchronous


Abstract: In this paper we explore the use of asynchronous routers in a time-division-

multiplexed (TDM) network-on-chip (NOC), Argo that is being developed for a multi-

processor platform for hard real-time systems. TDM inherently requires a common time

reference, and existing TDM-based NOC designs are either synchronous or

mesochronous.We use asynchronous routers to achieve a simpler, smaller, and more robust,

self-timed design. Our design exploits the fact that pipelined asynchronous circuits also

behave as ripple FIFOs. Thus, it avoids the need for explicit synchronization FIFOs between

the routers. Argo has interesting elastic timing properties that allow it to tolerate skew

between the network interfaces (NIs). The paper presents Argo NOC-architecture and

provides a quantitative analysis of its ability of absorb skew between the NIs. Using a signal

transition graph model and realistic component delays derived from a 65 nm CMOS

implementation, a worst case analysis shows that a typical design can tolerate a skew of 1-5

cycles (depending on FIFO depths and NI clock frequency). Simulation results of a2×2NOC

confirm this.


Topic: High Performance BIST PLL Approach for VCO Testing


PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

2 NVLSI1448 Abstract: RF and mixed signal IC testing is becoming an important issue that affects both

the time-to-market and product cost of many modem electronic systems. This paper focuses

on certain mixed signal IC that is phase locked loop (PLL). A novel BIST (Built-In-Self-

Test) approach is developed for RF PLL; it is particularly applied for testing the VCO block.

The proposed BIST schema doesn’t break the loop to include test circuit in the PLL design

stage which is achieved with minimal degradation characteristics of PLL. The key advantage

of this technique is that it uses an internal test signal for evaluating the test procedure. The

presented architecture uses the existing elements for measuring and testing in order to reduce

the area overhead for BIST schema, solves the analog nodes loading problem and improves

the test accessibility. The test output generated is a purely digital signal. The BIST method

enables the detection of catastrophic and many parametric faults affected the VCO by

measuring its oscillation frequency response. To evaluate the effectiveness of proposed BIST

approach, a fault simulation results indicate the characteristic of the BIST structure that is

high fault coverage of 100%.




Topic: Performance Evaluation of Column-Scaled LDPC Codes Under Fading Channel


Abstract: Column scaling of LDPC codes is generally done to reduce the decoding

complexity without degradation in bit error rate. It has been deduced that, the so constructed

CS-LDPC codes had better performance than the existing regular and deterministic LDPC in

terms of Bit Error Rate (BER). In this paper, ability of Column Scaled LDPC codes in

reaching the best performance is evaluated for different fading channel conditions such as

Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN), Rayleigh and Rician channels. Diagonal elements

(that are not equal to zero) are distributed randomly in order to generate CS-LDPC. In

Column Scaled Low density Parity Check codes, non binary parity check matrix, H is

derived using Galios field or finite field polynomial and then non-binary H matrix is

converted to binary H matrix. CS-LDPC codes have parity-check matrix that are composed

of binary and diagonal matrix that eases implementation and analysis results shows that the

CS-LDPC scheme improves Bit Error Rate and Frame Error Rate for

AWGN and Rician channels and no significant improvement for Rayleigh channels.


Topic: A Low-Cost Platform for Voice Monitoring


PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support



Abstract: A low-cost platform is proposed in this paper that has been conceived to monitor

the vocal activity of people that use the voice as a professional tool. Such a platform includes

a wearable data-logger and a processing program that allows the vocal parameters to be

extracted from the recorded signal. The data-logger is equipped with a contact microphone

that is attached to the jugular notch of the person under monitoring, thus sensing the skin

acceleration level due to the vibration of the vocal folds. The microphone output is

conditioned through a custom circuitry and then sent to a cheap micro-controller based

board, which stores the raw samples onto a micro SDcard. The off-line processing provides

an estimation of Sound Pressure Level (SPL), fundamental frequency (F0)andTime Dose

(Dt), which are the parameters that seem most suitable for the identification of vocal

disorders and the prevention of an improper use of the voice. For the estimated parameters,

suitable calibration procedures are implemented and their effectiveness is shown through

specifically conceived experimental tests. Experimental results are shown that refer to the

calibration of the device and its normal use during monitoring interval of several hours. A

comparison with a commercial device is also reported.




Topic:Implementation of High Speed Low Power Combinational and Sequential

Circuits using Reversible logic

Abstract: Reversible logic has presented itself as a prominent technology which plays an

imperative role in Quantum Computing. Quantum computing devices theoretically operate

at ultra high speed and consume infinitesimally less power. Research done in this paper aims

to utilize the idea of reversible logic to break the conventional speed-power trade-off,

thereby getting a step closer to realise Quantum computing devices. To authenticate this

research, various combinational and sequential circuits are implemented such as a 4-bit

Ripple-carry Adder, (8-bit X 8-bit) Wallace Tree Multiplier, and the Control Unit of an

8-bit GCD processor using Reversible gates. The power and speed parameters for the circuits

have been indicated, and compared with their conventional non-reversible counterparts. The

comparative statistical study proves that circuits employing Reversible logic thus are faster

and power efficient. The designs presented in this paper were simulated using Xilinx 9.2




Abstract: With the development of integrated circuit manufacturing technology, low power


PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

6 NVLSI1444 test has become a focus of concern during testing fields. This paper proposes a new low

power BIST˄built-inself test˅scheme based on block encoding which first exploit a block re-

encoding method to optimize the test cube, and then a low power test based on LFSR (linear

feedback shift register) reseeding is applied. According to the compatibility of flag, the

scheme proposes a grouping algorithm based on flag to divide and reorder the test cubes in

the test cube set. Experimental results show that the scheme not only obtain better test

compression ratio and test data storage, but also reduce the test power consumption

effectively. Key words: LFSR reseeding; test data compression; low power test; test cube





Topic: Designing of FPGA Based High Performance 32 Bit FFT Processor With


Abstract: Designing and implementation of 32 bit and 64 point pipelined FFT

processor is presented in this paper. This FFT processor is going to be implemented

on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The aim behind this is to reduce the

number of cycles required for computation. The architecture of FFT has two pipelines.

Out of this one pipeline is present in execution of the complex multiplication of

butterfly unit and other is present in the RAM unit. In this architecture a novel

simple address mapping scheme is proposed. The twiddle factor in this architecture is

not going to be stored in ROM memory, it is going to be generated and accessed

directly. The Built In Self Test (BIST) provided in this is used to design such

technique which test itself.




Topic: Low Power and High Performance Achievement Using Constant Delay

Logic Style

Abstract: The high performance energy efficient is one of the most important goal and

objective in the design of VLSI circuits. To achieve this, new CMOS logic family

constant delay (CD) logic is used. The CD logic has contention C-Q delay and D-Q delay

modes. In CD logic, D-Q delay mode proposes a distinct characteristic where the

output is pre-calculated before getting the inputs from the previous stage. This logic

provides performance improvement over static and dynamic logic styles in multistage

circuit block. In accordance with the logic type, the CD logic style is suitable to

implement difficult logic expressions such as addition. The three modes of CD logic

is designed, simulated and synthesized. Also full adder is designed, simulated and



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

synthesized in transistor level using static, dynamic and CD

logic styles in Tanner EDA. The synthesized results of Full Adder demonstrates that

Full Adder using CD logic style has lesser delay which enhances the performance and

consumes more power than other two logic styles. Low power is likely to be a key

objective in VLSI circuit design. To achieve this, low power techniques -Clock Gating

and Supply Voltage Scaling are also used in Full Adder and 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder

using CD logic style.



Topic: Reconfigurable Edge Detection Processor Using Xilinx Platform Studio

Abstract: In this paper we propose a technique for software implementation of Edge

detection which serves as a preprocessing step for many image processing algorithms such as

image enhancement, image segmentation, tracking and image and video coding. The Edge

Detection is one of the key stages in image processing and object recognition. Edge detection

is a basic operation in image processing which refers to the process of identifying and

locating sharp discontinuities in an image. The discontinuities are abrupt changes in pixel

intensity which characterize boundaries of objects in a scene. It plays a major role in many

algorithms used for segmentation and tracking. This paper presents an edge detection

algorithm that results in significantly reduced memory requirements, decreased latency and

increased throughput with no loss in edge detection performance using Micro Blaze

Processor. This edge detection algorithm is based on MATLAB simulation and FPGA

implementation through serial communication using Xilinx Platform Studio.




Topic: Reconfigurable System-On-Chip Design Using FPGA

Abstract: System-on-Chip (SoC) design integrates processors, memory, and a variety of IPs

in a single design. Due to the FPGA capabilities and high time-to-market pressures, complex

SoC designs are increasingly targeted to FPGA. Traditionally cores in FPGAs are connected

using AXI and PLB bus-based architectures. FPGA devices provide Embedded Systems

development with new alternatives for creating new hardware accelerated applications. The

availability of embedded processor subsystems in FPGAs opens the door to a myriad of

applications. Reconfigurable System-on-Chip architecture: includes Micro Blaze Soft Core

Processor integrates peripherals with PLB and OPB Buses provides access to memory, PS2

and VGA IP cores. A new peripheral based Arithmetic application is designed, the keyboard



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

module is a custom hardware module that accepts input from a PS/2 serial keyboard and

outputs character data to the VGA input memory. VHDL Language is used in ISE for custom

logic design. System C & VHDL Co-Synthesis scenario provides a way of checking

interoperability of a single designed different functionality hardware module. Both designs

are synthesizable and implemented in a single Bit stream, and configured to FPGA. Two

level functionality is observed for the configured Bit stream with FPGA Hardware, design

modeling was done using System C & VHDL Co-Synthesis. This paper presents an

evaluation of design methods and concepts of reconfigurable architecture; it provides a lot of

options for system designers. Co-Synthesis was done either Top-Down or Bottom-Up Design

Methodologies. Implementation was targeted through Spartan - 3E FPGA Board.



Topic: Performance Analysis of a Space-Frequency Block Coded OFDM Wireless

Communication System with MSK and GMSK Modulation

Abstract: Space frequency block codes (SFBC) are very much efficient in overcoming the

effect of frequency selective fading channel in a wireless communication system. In this

paper, bit error rate performance analysis is carried out for a SFBC-OFDM system with

MSK and GMSK modulation schemes. Results are evaluated numerically for SISO and

MIMO communication links. It is shown that, for a fixed bit error rate the improvement in

SNR for both SFBC coded MSK and GMSK modulation is noticeable. Also the receiver

sensitivity is evaluated for system BER. It is shown that sensitivity improves for the change

in code rate but remains nearly same for the same combination of transmit and receive

antennas both for SFBC coded MSK and GMSK modulation scheme.




Topic: Modified Wallace Tree Multiplier using Efficient Square Root Carry Select


Abstract :A multiplier is one of the key hardware blocks in most digital and high

performance systems such as FIR filters, micro processors and digital signal processors etc.

A system’s performance is generally determined by the performance of the multiplier

because the multiplier is generally the slowest element in the whole system and also it is

occupying more area consuming. The Carry Select Adder (CSLA) provides a good

compromise between cost and performance in carry propagation adder design. A Square

Root Carry Select Adder using RCA is introduced but it offers some speed penalty.

However, conventional CSLA is still area-consuming due to the dual ripple carry adder



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

structure. In the proposed work, generally in Wallace multiplier the partial products are

reduced as soon as possible and the final carry propagation path carry select adder is used. In

this paper, modification is done at gate level to reduce area and power consumption. The

Modified Square Root Carry Select-Adder (MCSLA) is designed using Common Boolean

Logic and then compared with regular CSLA respective architectures, and this MCSLA is

implemented in Wallace Tree Multiplier. This work gives the reduced area compared to

normal Wallace tree multiplier. Finally an area efficient Wallace tree multiplier is designed

using common Boolean logic based square root carry select adder.



Topic: Design of an Energy Efficient, High Speed, Low Power Full Subtractor Using

GDI Technique

Abstract: This paper proposes the design of an energy efficient, high speed and low power

full subtractor using Gate Diffusion Input (GDI) technique. The entire design has been

performed in 150nm technology and on comparison with a full subtractor employing the

conventional CMOS transistors, transmission gates and Complementary Pass-Transistor

Logic (CPL), respectively it has been found that there is a considerable amount of reduction

in Average Power consumption (Pavg), delay time as well as Power Delay Product (PDP). P

avg is as low as 13.96nW while the delay time is found to be 18.02pico second thereby

giving a PDP as low as 2.51x10 -19 Joule for 1 volt power supply. In addition to this there is

a significant reduction in transistor count compared to traditional full subtractor employing

CMOS transistors, transmission gates and CPL, accordingly implying minimization of area.

The simulation of the proposed design has been carried out in Tanner SPICE and the layout

has been designed in Microwind.




Topic: Design and Implementation of Area Efficient, Low Power AMBA-APB Bridge

for SoC

Abstract: In this paper, we present the design of Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) controller

(or APB Bridge). UART as an APB slave has been used in the design. Linear Feedback shift

register (LFSR) module has been included in the UART design for data security. We have

also compared APB Bridge design compatible with AMBA Specification (Rev 2.0) and APB

Bridge design compatible with AMBA 3 APB Specification (v1.0) for

power and area constraints have been done. Design of APB Bride with AMBA3 APB save

6% power and 10% area over the one designed with AMBA2 APB.



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support



Topic: Designing a Learning Platform for the Implementation of Serial Standards

using ARM Microcontroller LPC2148

Abstract: In embedded system design, managing communication among various bus

interfaces and attaching multiple systems with different interfacing protocols to a main

processor is one of the challenging tasks. Popular serial interfacing protocols include:

USB, I2C, SPIISSP, CAN and UART for communication between integrated circuits

for low/medium data transfer speed with on board peripherals. This paper presents a

platform which deals with the implementation of certain of the above serial protocols

presented by a low power 32-bit ARM RISC processor: LPC2148, with suitable

examples, including hardware and software details. This platform is also useful for

students of different disciplines to work with different serial protocols, which helps

them in interfacing of sensors, memory ICs, analog subsystems and so on. It also aims

to provide the students with hands on experience, practices in embedded systems and

minimizing the prerequisite knowledge.




Topic: RGB Based KMB Image Compression Technique

Abstract: With the increased requirement of bandwidth in digital media, the compression

of an image is an important issue. However the various image compression technologies

which are still in use such as JPEG/PNG/DCT offer an efficient way for the

compression/extraction of an image and provide an ease of data transmission. The

technique used here, is much more helpful in reducing the bandwidth of an image

and to speed up of its availability, reliability, and transmission rates. In this

technique, an image compression domain algorithm aims at high performance in terms

of image effectiveness.




Topic: Built-In Self-Test for Analog-to-Digital Converters in SoC Applications

Abstract: This paper presents a built-in self-test (BIST) architecture for testing high speed

analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with sampling rates in excess of 1 GHz. A methodology

for performing mixed-mode BIST simulations in SoC applications is proposed along with

hardware for performing on-chip BIST. The architecture presented

utilizes an on-chip ROM and allows for the generation of test signals with single frequency

as well as multiple frequencies signals. The issues associated with BIST signal generation

for low voltage ADCs are also discussed. Simulations revealed that the SFDR of the



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

sinusoidal signal generated from the BIST hardware was 25.28 dB with a frequency of

312.5 MHz and 19.88 dB with a frequency of 416.67 MHz.



Topic: A SoC Design and Implementation of H.264 Video Encoding System Based on


Abstract: A SoC design of H.264 Video Encoding system is implemented based on FPGA

in this paper. Intra prediction algorithm and baseline profile is selected, and H.264 encoder

algorithm is designed as an IP core and embedded to the SoC through the interconnect

interface AMBA AXI bus. The SoC is implemented on Xilinx Zynq-7000 FPGA and each

functional module is simulated by Modelsim and tested within the SoC platform. Comparing

to the existing H.264 Video Encoding system based on ARM or DSP, results indicate that

this special SoC could fully shows its advantage in high-speed and flexibility.

Also the implemented system could meet the required rate for the processing of HD-1080

format video sequence




Topic: Design and Analysis of a Simple D Flip-Flop Based Sequential Logic Circuits for

QCA Implementation

Abstract: Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) is one of the emerging computing

paradigms. Its advantages such as smaller size, lower power consumption and faster speed

are very attractive. QCA performs highly dense computing that could be realized in a variety

of material systems. It is presently being investigated as an alternative to CMOS VLSI. In

conventional digital systems the information is transferred from one place to another by

means of electrical current, while as QCA cells transfer information by propagating a

polarization state. This paper proposes a detailed design and simulation of a simple D flip-

flop based sequential logic circuits like shift register, ring counter and modulo n counter

circuits for quantum-dot cellular automata. The proposed designs are based on the D-type

flip-flop (DFF) device. A QCA binary wire with four clocking zones can be used to

implement a DFF. The aim is to maximize the circuit density and focus on a layout that is

minimal in its use of cells.




Topic: Multiple-Clock Multiple-Edge-Triggered Multiple-Bit Flip-flops for Two-Phase

Handshaking Asynchronous Circuits

Abstract: This paper proposes multiple-clock multiple-edge triggered multiple-bit flip-flops

for designing simple and straightforward asynchronous control circuits of the two-phase

handshaking protocol. The proposed flip-flops have multiple clocks and multiple data inputs,

and each data input can be stored in the flip-flop at both the rising edge and the falling edge



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

of the corresponding clock. They can be applied in the asynchronous design of the two-phase

handshaking protocol not only for synthesizing simple control circuits, but also for obtaining

robust circuits. The performance of the proposed flip-flops has been evaluated using the

PTM 22nm HP device parameters.



Topic: Efficient Design of Sparse FIR Filters with Optimized Filter Length

Abstract: A large number of experiments have demonstrated that for an FIR filter the

sparsity of filter coefficients is highly elated to its filter order. However, traditional sparse

FIR filter design methods focus on how to increase the number of zero valued coefficients,

but overlook the impact of filter orders on design performance. As an attempt to jointly

optimize filter length and sparsity of an FIR filter, a novel method is proposed in this paper

to design sparse linear-phase FIR filters. With peak error constraints, the objective function

of the design problem is formulated as a combination of the sparsity of filter coefficients and

a measure of the effective filter order. Then, the design problem is then recast as a weighted

l0-norm optimization problem, which is solved by an efficient numerical method based on

the iterative-reweighted-least-squares (IRLS) algorithms. Experimental results illustrate that

the proposed method can efficiently reduce the effective filter order while

enhancing the sparsity of an FIR filter.




Topic: A novel approach to realize Built-in-self-test(BIST) enabled UART using VHDL

Abstract: Testing of VLSI chips are becoming very much complex day by day due to

increasing exponential advancement of nano technology. So both front-end and back-end

engineers are trying to evolve a system with full testability keeping in mind the possibility of

reduced product failures and missed market opportunities. BIST is a design technique that

allows a system to test automatically itself with slightly larger system size. In this paper, the

simulation result performance achieved by BIST enabled UART architecture through VHDL

programming is enough to compensate the extra hardware needed in BIST architecture. This

technique generate random test pattern automatically, so it can provide less test time

compared to an externally applied test pattern and helps to achieve much more productivity

at the end .




Topic: Architecture for Monitoring SET Propagation in 16-bit Sklansky Adder

Abstract: We propose a measurement architecture that allows to trace generation and



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

propagation of single event transients in a combinational target circuit that will be subjected

to radiation in an experimental study. We choose the Sklansky adder as a target circuit, since

it exhibits both properties we are interested in, namely different amounts of fanout and a

carry propagation chain. The problem of devising a suitable on-chip measurement

infrastructure lies in the partly contradictory requirements, like constrained area, radiation

tolerance and good resolution of the location and propagation path of particle hits. Our

proposed architecture is based on linear feedback shift registers that can be used as lean and

robust counter implementations. These counters are attached at selected locations within the

target adder circuit, and we show by means of a simulation study as well as a fault dictionary

that this architecture indeed comes up to our expectations.



Topic: High Performance Low Swing Clock Tree Synthesis with Custom D Flip-Flop


Abstract: Low swing clocking is a low power design methodology that scales the clock

voltage to decrease power consumption of the clock distribution networks, with an expected

degradation in the performance. In this work, a novel low swing clock tree synthesis

methodology is combined with a custom low swing clock-aware D flip-flop (DFF) design.

The low swing clocking serves to reduce the power dissipation whereas the custom low

swing-aware DFF serves to preserve the performance of the IC. The experimental results

performed on the three largest circuits of ISCAS’89 benchmarks operating at 1GHz in the

32nm technology show that the proposed methodology can achieve an average of 16% power

savings in the clock tree compared to its full swing counterpart, while satisfying the same

clock skew (50ps) and slew (150ps) constraints at the worst case corner of operation.

Moreover, the clock-to-output delay of the low swing DFF does not increase compared to

traditional full swing DFF, while consuming only 1% more power.




Topic: Securing RObust Header Compression (ROHC)

Abstract: The desire for the cellular and wireless industry to converge on an all-IP

infrastructure, fueled by the increased usage of mobile applications on smart phones and

VoIP applications have pushed research in maximizing bandwidth efficiency amidst a



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

shrinking allocation of RF spectrum. One method of providing increased bandwidth

efficiency (especially with the desire to move to IPv6), is the use of RObust Header

Compression (ROHC-RFC5225) to compress headers from the network layer and above into

small identifiers before sending packets to the link layer. ROHCv1 and ROHCv2 have been

adopted and is in the roadmaps for usage on High Speed Packet Access (HSPA), Long Term

Evolution (LTE) and Evolution Data Optimized (EVDO) mobile phone networks. Although

the promise of significant bandwidth savings can be achieved using ROHC, the stateful

nature of the protocol leads to potential compromises. In this paper, we examine three attacks

on the ROHC protocol that result in denial of service and packet interception and their affect

on networks that use ROHC to compress and decompress IP headers. Additionally, we

propose three simple methods to mitigate the attacks.



Topic: Shift Register Design Using Two Bit Flip-Flop

Abstract: A novel concept of multi bit flip-flops has been proved to be an effective way in

processing multiple bits simultaneously .In this paper we propose a way of using multi bit

flip-flop technique in designing various digital circuits. By sharing the inverters in the flip-

flops, the total number of inverters can be reduced in a multi-bit flip-flop. So, here, we have

designed a shift register which is an important memory element in digital systems, using 2-

bit flip flop. Experimental results reveal that our approach is very efficient, which can be

effortlessly incorporated in modern vlsi circuit designs.




Topic: Design and Estimation of delay, power and area for Parallel prefix adders

Abstract: In Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) designs, Parallel prefix adders (PPA) have

the better delay performance. This paper investigates four types of PPA’s (Kogge Stone

Adder (KSA), Spanning Tree Adder (STA), Brent Kung Adder (BKA) and Sparse Kogge

Stone Adder (SKA)). Additionally Ripple Carry Adder (RCA), Carry Look-ahead Adder

(CLA) and Carry Skip Adder (CSA) are also investigated. These adders are implemented in

verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL) using Xilinx Integrated Software

Environment (ISE) 13.2 Design Suite. These designs are implemented in Xilinx Virtex 5

Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) and delays are measured using Agilent 1692A

logic analyzer and all these adder’s delay, power and area are investigated and compared




PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support



Topic: Design of a 4-bit Adder using Reversible Logic in Quantum-Dot Cellular

Automata (QCA)

Abstract: Both quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) and reversible logic are emerging

technologies that are promising alternatives to overcoming the scaling and heat dissipation

issues, respectively, in the current CMOS designs. Here, the fundamentals of QCA and

reversible logic are studied; the feasibility of incorporating reversible logic in QCA designs

is also demonstrated. Based on two existing designs, an improved version of the reversible

gates, namely the Feynman Gate and the Toffoli Gate, were implemented in QCA

technology using QCADesigner. The proposed design of the QCA-based Feynman Gate is

faster by ½ cycle as compared to the existing design; while the proposed Toffoli Gate has the

same latency as the existing design but it is readily to be cascaded into a more complex

design. A 4-bit ripple carry adder in QCA is then designed using the proposed Feynman and

Toffoli gates to realize a reversible QCA full adder. This 4-bit QCA adder with reversible

logic consists of 2030 QCA cells, has a latency of 7 clock cycles and 8 garbage outputs.




Topic: Background Subtraction Algorithm for Moving Object Detection in FPGA

Abstract: Currently, both the market and the academic communities have required

applications based on image and video processing with several real-time constraints. On the

other hand, detection of moving objects is a very important task in mobile robotics and

surveillance applications. In order to achieve an alternative design that allows for rapid

development of real time motion detection systems, this paper proposes a hardware

architecture for motion detection based on the background subtraction algorithm, which is

implemented on FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays). For achieving this, the

following steps are executed: (a) a background image (in gray-level format) is stored in an

external SRAM memory, (b) a low-pass filter is applied to both the stored and current

images, (c) a subtraction operation between both images is obtained, and (d) a morphological

filter is applied over the resulting image. Afterward, the gravity center of the object is

calculated and sent to a PC (via RS-232 interface). Both the practical results of the motion

detection system and synthesis results have demonstrated the feasibility of FPGAs for



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

implementing the proposed algorithms on an FPGA based hardware platform. The

implemented system provides one processed pixel per FPGA’s clock cycle (after the latency

time) and speed-ups the software implementation (using the real-time xPCTargetOS from

MathWorks) by a factor of 32.

30 NVLSI1420

Topic: An Area- and Energy-Efficient FIFO Design Using Error-Reduced Data

Compression and Near-Threshold Operation for Image/Video Applications

Abstract: Many image/video processing algorithms require FIFO for filtering. The FIFO

size is proportional to the length of the filters and input data width, causing large area and

power consumption. We have proposed an energy- and area-efficient FIFO design for

image/video applications through FIFO with error-reduced data compression (FERDC) and

near-threshold operation. On architecture level, FERDC technique is proposed to reduce the

size and power consumption of the FIFO by utilizing the spatial correlation between

neighboring pixels and performing error-reduced data compression together with

quantization to minimize the mean square error (MSE). On circuit level, near threshold

operation is adopted to achieve further power reduction while maintaining the required

performance. To demonstrate the proposed FIFO, it has been implemented using a 0.18-

µmCMOS process technology. The implementation covers different FIFO length, including

128, 256, 512, and 1024. The experimental results show that the proposed FIFO operating at

0.5 V and 28.57 MHz achieves up to 99%, 65%, and 34.91% reduction in dynamic power,

leakage power, and area, respectively, with a small MSE of 2.76, compared with the

conventional FIFO design. The proposed FIFO can be applied to a wide range of

image/video signal processing applications to achieve high area and energy efficiency.




Topic: Design and Implementation of High Throughput and Area Efficient Hard

Decision Viterbi Decoder in 65nm Technology

Abstract: This paper presents a high throughput (1Gbps) and moderate area for constraint

length K=3, code rate R=1/2 and four states (N=4) hard decision state parallel Viterbi

decoder. The Add Compare Select (ACS) unit in path metric unit is designed to reduce the



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

latency of ACS loop delay by using Modified Carry Look Ahead Adder and Digital

Comparator. We also consider the design of Survivor Memory Unit (SMU) which combines

the advantages of both Register Exchange method and Trace Back method, to reduce the

decoding latency and total area of the Viterbi decoder. The proposed Viterbi decoder design

is described using Verilog HDL and implemented in standard cell ASIC flow using Synopsys

EDA tool. The design operation is verified by decoding the one million bits. The behavior of

the decoder is verified by using Synopsys simulator and synthesized using Synopsys Design

Compiler in 65nm CMOS technology library. The proposed decoder operates at 250MHz,

supply voltage 1.32V and operating temperature range -40°C to 125°C. The ACS

architecture achieves 67.07% improvement in reduction of latency compared to the

conventional ACS architecture and achieves 1.235 Gbps throughput. The results show that,

the Viterbi decoder architecture achieves 73.03% to 92.46% improvement in area as

compared to the other architectures. This reduction in latency and area finds application in

high data rate communication.



Topic: Exact BER Performance Analysis of Link Adaptive Relaying with Non-coherent

BFSK Modulation

Abstract: Link adaptive relaying (LAR) is one of the most popular techniques developed for

mitigating error propagation in decode and forward (DF) based cooperative wireless

networks which employs soft power scaling approaches at the relay nodes. On the other side,

frequency shift keying (FSK) is a prominent technique for eliminating the need for channel

estimation by training sequences which increases complexity of the system and causes

reduction in the transmission rate in proportional to the number of users involved in the

network. In this paper, performance of an LAR scheme with non-coherent binary FSK

(BFSK) signaling is investigated by deriving exact closed form bit error rate expressions in

Rayleigh fading channels.




Topic: Efficient Integer DCT Architectures for HEVC

Abstract: In this paper, we present area- and power-efficient architectures for the

implementation of integer discrete cosine transform (DCT) of different lengths to be used in

High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). We show that an efficient constant matrix

multiplication scheme can be used to derive parallel architectures for 1-D integer DCT of

different lengths. We also show that the proposed structure could be reusable for DCT of



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

lengths 4, 8, 16, and 32 with a throughput of 32 DCT coefficients per cycle irrespective of

the transform size. Moreover, the proposed architecture could be pruned to reduce the

complexity of implementation substantially with only a marginal affect on the coding

performance. We propose power-efficient structures for folded and full-parallel

implementations of 2-D DCT. From the synthesis result, it is found that the proposed

architecture involves nearly 14% less area-delay product (ADP) and 19% less energy per

sample (EPS) compared to the direct implementation of the reference algorithm, on average,

for integer DCT of lengths 4, 8, 16, and 32. Also, an additional 19% saving in ADP and 20%

saving in EPS can be achieved by the proposed pruning algorithm with nearly the same

throughput rate. The proposed architecture is found to support ultrahigh definition

7680×4320 at 60 frames/s video, which is one of the applications of HEVC.



Topic: Critical-Path Analysis and Low-Complexity Implementation of the LMS

Adaptive Algorithm

Abstract: This paper presents a precise analysis of the critical path of the least-mean-square

(LMS) adaptive filter for deriving its architectures for high-speed and low-complexity

implementation. It is shown that the direct-form LMS adaptive filter has nearly the same

critical path as its transpose-form counterpart, but provides much faster convergence and

lower register complexity. From the critical-path evaluation, it is further shown that no

pipelining is required for implementing a direct-form LMS adaptive filter for

most practical cases, and can be realized with a very small adaptation delay in cases where a

very high sampling rate is required. Based on these findings, this paper proposes three

structures of the LMS adaptive filter: (i) Design 1 having no adaptation delays, (ii) Design 2

with only one adaptation delay, and (iii) Design 3 with two adaptation delays. Design 1

involves the minimum area and the minimum energy per sample (EPS). The best of existing

direct-form structures requires 80.4% more area and 41.9% more EPS compared to Design 1.

Designs 2 and 3 involve slightly more EPS than the Design 1 but offer nearly twice and

thrice the MUF at a cost of 55.0% and 60.6% more area, respectively.



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support



Topic: An Optimized Modified Booth Recorder for Efficient Design of the Add-

Multiply Operator

Abstract: Complex arithmetic operations are widely used in Digital Signal

Processing(DSP)applications. In this work, we focus on optimizing the design of the fused

Add-Multiply (FAM) operator for increasing performance. We investigate techniques to

implement the direct recoding of the sum of two numbers in its Modified Booth (MB) form.

We introduce a structured and efficient recoding technique and explore three different

schemes by incorporating them in FAM designs. Comparing them with the FAM designs

which use existing recoding schemes, the proposed technique yields considerable reductions

in terms of critical delay, hardware complexity and power consumption of the FAM unit.




Topic: Improved 8-Point Approximate DCT for Image and Video Compression

Requiring Only 14 Additions

Abstract: Video processing systems such as HEVC requiring low energy consumption

needed for the multimedia market has lead to extensive development in fast algorithms for

the efficient approximation of 2-D DCT transforms. The DCT is employed in a multitude of

compression standards due to its remarkable energy compaction properties. Multiplier-free

approximate DCT transforms have been proposed that offer superior compression

performance at very low circuit complexity. Such approximations can be realized in digital

VLSI hardware using additions and subtractions only, leading to significant reductions in

chip area and power consumption compared to conventional DCTs and integer transforms. In

this paper, we introduce a novel 8-point DCT approximation that requires only 14 addition

operations and no multiplications. The proposed transform possesses low computational

complexity and is compared to state-of-the-art DCT approximations in terms of both

algorithm complexity and peak signal-to-noise ratio. The proposed DCT approximation is a

candidate for reconfigurable video standards such as HEVC. The proposed transform and

several other DCT approximations are mapped to systolic-array digital architectures and

physically realized as digital prototype circuits using FPGA technology and mapped to 45

nm CMOS technology.




Topic: A Bit-Serial Pipelined Architecture for High-Performance DHT Computation in

Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata

Abstract: In this brief, we consider quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) realization of the

discrete Hadamard transform (DHT). An analysis of a full-parallel solution based on efficient



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

multibit addition in QCA is first presented. We show that this leads to large area as

well as delay. We then propose a bit-serial pipelined architecture for QCA-based DHT. The

proposed architecture is based on a new one-bit adder–subtractor requiring only six majority

gates and a feedback latch that requires only one majority gate and limited wiring. The

approach leads to a reduction in area-delay-cycle product of 74% and 91% (over a full-

parallel solution) for wordlengths of 4 and 8, respectively. Results of simulations in

QCADesigner are also presented.



Topic: An Efficient Non-Linear Cost Compression Algorithm for Multi Level Cell


Abstract: This paper defines a non-linear cost compression problem, proposes an efficient

algorithm, and applies it to a real application of multi level cell memory to minimize energy

consumption and latency. The non-linear cost compression problem extends the traditional

cost compression problem to allow a non-linear cost function of symbol frequencies, while it

is a weighted linear combination of symbol frequencies in the cost compression problem. In

order to solve the non-linear cost compression problem efficiently, we propose an encoding

symbol frequency based approach. We first compute frequencies of encoding symbols to

minimize a cost function. To achieve the computed frequencies of a cost-compressed

message, we deploy existing size-decompression algorithms. The proposed algorithm is

optimal and as fast as the existing size compression algorithms. Our experimental results

show that it reduces the energy consumption and latency by 70 percent for a text file in multi

level cell memory. Furthermore, it increases the lifetime of endurance limited memory.




Topic: Lossless Image Compression using Fast Arithmetic Operation

Abstract: In this paper we are presenting a loss less image compression coder and

decoder based on fast arithmetic operations. In the proposed method, we are making

use of only simple adder and subtractor in order to reduce the value of the pixel in a

very simple manner such that it takes very less amount of run time memory and the

time required to encode and decode the given image is very much less. In this

proposed method, decompressed image is exactly equal to that of the original image

hence it is purely loss less method. Performance of this method is also compared with

arithmetic operation based predictive lossless image compression based on time to

compress and decompress and compression ratio as quantitative parameters. Since this

is taking less time to encode and decode this is much suitable for real time



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

implementation of image codec.



Topic: Design of Efficient Binary Comparators in Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata

Abstract: Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) are an attractive emerging technology

suitable for the development of ultradense low-power high-performance digital circuits.

Efficient solutions have recently been proposed for several arithmetic circuits, such as

adders, multipliers, and comparators. Nevertheless, since the design of digital circuits in

QCA still poses several challenges, novel implementation strategies and methodologies are

highly desirable. This paper proposes a new design approach oriented to the implementation

of binary comparators in QCA. New formulations of basic logic equations required to

perform the comparison function are proposed. The new strategy has been exploited in the

design of two different comparator architectures and for several operands word lengths. With

respect to existing counterparts, the comparators proposed here exhibit significantly higher

speed and reduced overall area.




Topic: A Low-Power and Portable Spread Spectrum Clock Generator for SoC


Abstract: In this paper, a novel portable and all-digital spread spectrum clock generator

(ADSSCG) suitable for system-on-chip (SoC) applications with low-power consumption is

presented. The proposed ADSSCG can provide flexible spreading ratios by the proposed

rescheduling division triangular modulation (RDTM). Thus it can provide different EMI

attenuation performance for various system applications. Furthermore, the proposed

ADSSCG employs a low-power digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) to save overall power

consumption significantly. Measurement results show that power consumption of the

proposed ADSSCG is 1.2 mW (@54 MHz), and it provides 9.5 dB EMI reductions with 1%

spreading ratio. Besides, the proposed ADSSCG has very small chip area as compared with

conventional SSCGs which often required large on-chip loop filter capacitors. In addition,

the proposed ADSSCG is implemented only with standard cells, making it easily portable to

different processes and very suitable for SoC applications.




Topic: Design Flow for Flip-Flop Grouping in Data-Driven Clock Gating

Abstract: Clock gating is a predominant technique used for power saving. It is observed that

the commonly used synthesis based gating still leaves a large amount of redundant clock



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

pulses. Data-driven gating aims to disable these. To reduce the hardware overhead involved,

flip-flops (FFs) are grouped so that they share a common clock enabling signal. The question

of what is the group size maximizing the power savings is answered in a previous paper.

Here we answer the question of which FFs should be placed in a group to maximize the

power reduction. We propose a practical solution based on the toggling activity correlations

of FFs and their physical position proximity constraints in the layout. Our data-driven clock

gating is integrated into an Electronic Design Automation (EDA) commercial backend

design flow, achieving total power reduction of 15%–20% for various

types of large-scale state-of-the-art industrial and academic designs in 40 and 65 manometer

process technologies. These savings are achieved on top of the savings obtained by clock

gating synthesis performed by commercial EDA tools, and gating manually inserted into the

register transfer level design.



Topic: Input Vector Monitoring Concurrent BIST Architecture Using SRAM Cells

Abstract: Input vector monitoring concurrent built-in self test (BIST) schemes perform

testing during the normal operation of the circuit without imposing a need to set the circuit

offline to perform the test. These schemes are evaluated based on the hardware overhead and

the concurrent test latency (CTL), i.e., the time required for the test to complete, whereas the

circuit operates normally. In this brief, we present a novel input vector monitoring concurrent

BIST scheme, which is based on the idea of monitoring a set (called window) of vectors

reaching the circuit inputs during normal operation, and the use of a static-RAM like

structure to store the relative locations of the vectors that reach the circuit inputs in the

examined window; the proposed scheme is shown to perform significantly better than

previously proposed schemes with respect to the hardware overhead and CTL tradeoff.




Topic: Jitter of Delay-Locked Loops Due to PFD

Abstract: In this paper, delay-locked loop’s (DLLs) jitter due to uncertainties in the phase

frequency detector (PFD) is calculated. First, time-domain equations of the DLL are

introduced. These equations are the key to obtaining a closed form equation related to the

jitter of DLL in presence of a noisy PFD. Jitter equations at the output of all stages are

calculated theoretically. A DLL is designed in 0.18-µm CMOS technology to validate the

obtained equations.


Topic: Area-Delay Efficient Binary Adders in QCA


PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support



Abstract: As transistors decrease in size more and more of them can be accommodated in a

single die, thus increasing chip computational capabilities. However, transistors cannot get

much smaller than their current size. The quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) approach

represents one of the possible solutions in overcoming this physical limit, even though the

design of logic modules in QCA is not always straightforward.




Topic: Reconfigurable CORDIC-Based Low-Power DCT Architecture Based on Data


Abstract: This paper presents a low-power coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC)-

based reconfigurable discrete cosine transform (DCT) architecture. The main idea of this

paper is based on the interesting fact that all the computations in DCT are not equally

important in generating the frequency domain outputs. Considering the importance

difference in the DCT coefficients, the number of CORDIC iterations can be dynamically

changed to efficiently tradeoff image quality for power consumption. Thus, the

computational energy can be significantly reduced without seriously compromising the

image quality. The proposed CORDIC-based 2-D DCT architecture is implemented using

0.13µm CMOS process, and the experimental results show that our reconfigurable DCT

achieves power savings ranging from 22.9% to 52.2% over the CORDIC-based Loeffler

DCT at the cost of minor image quality degradations.




Topic: FPGA-Based Bit Error Rate Performance Measurement of Wireless Systems

Abstract: This paper presents the bit error rate (BER) performance validation of digital

baseband communication systems on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA). The

proposed BER tester (BERT) integrates fundamental baseband signal processing modules of

a typical wireless communication system along with a realistic fading channel simulator and

an accurate Gaussian noise generator onto a single FPGA to provide an accelerated and

repeatable test environment in a laboratory setting. Using a developed graphical user

interface, the error rate performance of single- and multiple-antenna systems over a wide

range of parameters can be rapidly evaluated. The FPGA-based BERT should reduce the

need for time-consuming software based simulations, hence increasing the productivity. This

FPGA-based solution is significantly more cost effective than conventional performance

measurements made using expensive commercially available test equipment and channel




PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support



Topic: A Combined SDC-SDF Architecture for Normal I/O Pipelined Radix-2 FFT

Abstract: We present an efficient combined single-path delay commutator-feedback (SDC-

SDF) radix-2 pipelined fast Fourier transform architecture, which includes log 2N−1 SDC

stages, and 1 SDF stage. The SDC processing engine is proposed to achieve 100% hardware

resource utilization by sharing the common arithmetic resource in the time-multiplexed

approach, including both adders and multipliers. Thus, the required number of complex

multipliers is reduced to log 4N−0.5, compared with log 2N−1 for the other radix-2

SDC/SDF architectures. In addition, the proposed architecture requires roughly minimum

number of complex adders log2N+1 and complex delay memory 2N+1.5log2N−1.5.




Topic: Bit-Level Optimization of Adder-Trees for Multiple Constant Multiplications

for Efficient FIR Filter Implementation

Abstract: Multiple constant multiplications (MCM) scheme is widely used for implementing

transposed direct-form FIR filters. While the research focus of MCM has been on more

effective common sub expression elimination, the optimization of adder-trees, which sum up

the computed sub-expressions for each coefficient, is largely omitted. In this paper, we have

identified the resource minimization problem in the scheduling of adder-tree operations for

the MCM block, and presented a mixed integer programming (MIP) based algorithm for

more efficient MCM-based implementation of FIR filters. Experimental result shows that up

to 15% reduction of area and 11.6% reduction of power (with an average of 8.46% and

5.96% respectively) can be achieved on the top of already optimized adder/subtractor

network of the MCM block.




Topic: A Look-Ahead Clock Gating Based on Auto-Gated Flip-Flops

Abstract: Clock gating is very useful for reducing the power consumed by digital systems.

Three gating methods are known. The most popular is synthesis-based, deriving clock

enabling signals based on the logic of the underlying system. It unfortunately leaves the

majority of the clock pulses driving the flip-flops (FFs) redundant. A data-driven method

stops most of those and yields higher power savings, but its implementation is complex

and application dependent. A third method called auto-gated FFs (AGFF) is simple but

yields relatively small power savings. This paper presents a novel method called Look-

Ahead Clock Gating (LACG), which combines all the three. LACG computes the clock

enabling signals of each FF one cycle ahead of time, based on the present cycle data of those



PONDICHERRY BRANCH Technos Inc.,II nd Floor, Natesan Tower, 100 FEET ROAD, PUDUCHERRY, 605 005 CT: +91 9566492473, +91 9585338678. E-MAIL: contact.technos@gmail.com , www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl


Technos Inc.,Pondy Main Road, Koliyanur, Villupuram.605103 CT: +919942340236, +919444340236. E-MAIL:technosprojects@gmail.com www.technosinc.blogspot.com , www.technosinc.page.tl

Project Cost Starting Range Rs 1,500 for Clients with Full Documentation with Complete 24*7 Online Support

FFs on which it depends. It avoids the tight timing constraints of AGFF and data-driven by

allotting a full clock cycle for the computation of the enabling signals and their propagation.

A closed-form model characterizing the power saving per FF is presented. It is based on

data-to-clock toggling probabilities, capacitance parameters and FFs’ fan-in. The model

implies a breakeven curve, dividing the FFs space into two regions of positive and negative

gating return on investment. While the majority of the FFs fall in the positive region and

hence should be gated, those falling in the negative region should not. Experimentation on

industry-scale data showed 22.6% reduction of the clock power, translated to 12.5% power

reduction of the entire system.

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