bt employee engagement

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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Employee Engagement at BTAlex Wilson – BT Group HRD

What employee engagement means to BT

Creating a climate where BT people are committed to the company’s success. Where they value, believe in and enjoy the work they do to help the company be successful.

An engaged person brings creativity, passion and energy to the job; they proactively drive change, deliver business results and infect others with their enthusiasm. They are achieving their full potential.

Why it’s important…

Engaged Employees• Generate 43% more revenue (Hay Group)

• Disengaged workers costs the UK £44Bn a year (IES) and the US $270 Bn - $343Bn (Gallup) in lost productivity

• Have 2.7 sick days per year, rather than the 6.2 disengaged employees take (Gallup)

• Are 87% less likely to leave (Corporate Leadership Council)

• 67% advocate their organisations; only 3% of the disengaged do (Gallup)

• 9 out of 10 of key barriers to successful change, people related (PWC)

• 59% of EE say “work brings out their most creative ideas” – only 3% of disengaged agree (Gallup)





The global economic downturn is affecting people’s engagement

For most companies…• Rising concern about job security• Losing confidence and trust in senior leadership• Less clarity about future of the company• Less reward, less people, more stress• Productivity, morale declining• Pressure on middle management - making tough decisions• Could be a deferred retention issue (people leave when things get better)• In a recent survey 88% of BT people expressed concern about the

economic climate

Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree



I am concerned about the general economic climate

2% 2% 2% 36% 52%

Companies are taking swift action to respond to the downturn

A slowdown in the economy will have a significant impact on the business results

Scaling down production capacity and reducing cost of overall headcount

Finding productivity gains and closing down interim work

Combining these interventions with growth measures - opportunistic hiring of top talent, targeted leadership

development and new acquisitions

Reviewing compensation and benefit programmes and long term incentives - pensions

How companies are responding to the downturn

Percentage respondents




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

*2009 study by Hewitt and Associates covering 53 organisations, employing a total of 3.5 million people


• Retain and motivate best people • Need for focussed execution• Improved capability - change mgt,

leadership and talent, employee engagement

• Industrial action and disputes• Market perception - reputation and

brand. Need to sustain values when making hard choices

• Compliance with employment legislation

• Continue investing in the future

Leadership style is the key

Great leaders strive in challenging times• They make tough decisions with courage and speed • They adapt quickly, listening and learning from feedback• They are confident, honest delivering clear and

consistent messages• They do what they say they will; make commitments public

and keep to them• They act as one team, speak with one voice• and have a relentless drive for execution

People Engagement is the key

My JobMy Job

My TeamMy Team

My ManagerMy Manager

Senior LeadersSenior Leaders

The Company The Company

Ideas and opinions countCommitted to do quality work

Learn from and respect others Support each other

Speed up and simplify the way we work

Clear sense of direction Confident about the future

Communicate openly about progress I’m involved in delivering the strategy

Proud to work here Want to stay, satisfied

Advocate of the company

Clear expectations of role Opportunities to learn, develop and grow

Have the tools and skills I need Authority to make decisions

Collaborate with othersMotivated to do my best work

Helps me be the best I can beCares about me and gives feedback

Recognises my best work and contribution to the customer

A role model for collaboration

Engaged Employee

How we’re improving engagement at BT

• More regular frequent feedback – New quarterly survey informs business strategy

– Embedding engagement into business planning cycle – holistic

– More comments and conversations

• Monitoring impact of change programmes more proactively– Better planning and line of sight

– Change impact for key populations

• Leader led engagement programmes – Clarity around future direction

– Building confidence and trust in leadership

– Making leaders visible, accessible, public commitments

– Developing leaders

• Next..– Enhancing the employee experience at key touchpoints – recruitment,

induction, transition etc.

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