brebeuf jesuit 2014 freshman survival guide

Post on 02-Apr-2016






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Advice, tips, tricks and lingo Freshman Braves need to know!

Brebeuf Jesuit students have some advice and tips to share about life at Brebeuf…

“Be prepared to get right down to business

on the first day of school, especially

in math class.”

“You NEED to use your student planner.” (Freshmen will receive

this at orientation)

Class periods that are missing

each day generally add up to 10 (e.g.

Day 2: 3+7=10) except on Day 4, which one can remember by

adding the day number to the two missing periods to equal 10 (1+5=6,


Where to find candy: The

following offices

should be on your

list to find candy:

Admissions, Info Desk

in Gym Lobby, Student

Advocate, your Academic

Counselor, and College Advising.

“Actually doing work and seeing teachers is important at the beginning, because when your grades

come out, you are going to wish you would have tried harder.”

“Go on Freshman Retreat.”

“Finals account

for a large percentage of your grade, so it is important to strive for a high grade so

you can feel less stressed when

finals inevitably come around.”

“Find your balance with sports, the arts,

school work, and other activities. It is possible

to take part in what you are interested in.”

“You will trip and fall at some

point in the hallway or stairs. HAPPENS TO

EVERYONE. Just laugh it off and have fun with it.” “Use

your breaks wisely.”

“Some teachers don’t

give study guides until a week or later

before finals, so study ahead of time and prepare questions

for teachers.”

“Adjusting to high school can

be hard. Take your time, be patient,

confident and open-minded.

It is worth the wait.”

“Joining an intramural sports team or playing

PRT dodgeball can also help you meet new

friends. Getting involved in a club or student council

is another way to get to know other students

and teachers.”

“If you’re having

trouble in a class, stop by your teacher’s

office for help.”

“The Learning Center, your academic counselor, and your teachers can recommend

tutors or help set up student-tutoring sessions

if you need extra help in a class.”

“Actually listen to the announcements. You don’t want to miss important deadlines for

trip applications or information about

other opportunities.”

Brebeuf academics are rigorous. This is true. So Brebeuf Jesuit upperclassmen have compiled a Top 10 List for Success!

1. Get your homework done during class or PRTs if you can.

2. Start studying for a test at least the weekend before the test.

3. Make a Google Doc with notes and study guides and share it with other students in the class.

4. If you can chose a partner for a project or to share notes with, always do it with someone who is reliable.

5. If you have an assignment given on a Monday and due on Wednesday or Thursday, get it done Monday or Tuesday because you don’t know how much homework you will have. Also, you can ask the teacher to review your assignment the day after creating it.

6. Regardless of the number of friends in your break, put in quality time in the library. You don’t know how much work you can get done.

7. Visit teachers that seem more challenging and intimidating. Ask them for help and get to know them.

8. BYOG (Bring Your Own Gum) – not many people share theirs but it really helps on tests because it can help you focus better.

9. Don’t cheat on school work. Teachers will find out. Punishments are severe. So, basically, not worth even thinking about.

10. Take advantage of every opportunity for extra credit.

MPR Multi-Purpose Room; across from College Advising..............................................LGI Large Group Instruction room; to the right of the main entrance, as you enter the school..............................................LC Learning Center; where students receive a little extra support with their studies..............................................FRANCE STONE Main meeting room for parents ..............................................LOBBY CONFERENCE Meeting room right off the main lobby; Brave Days happen here, as well as college and university visits..............................................PRT Personal Responsibility Time; free period to go and see your teachers, work on homework, write papers, eat lunch or visit with friends..............................................FROSH Freshmen..............................................APUSH AP US History..............................................WORLD CIV World Civilizations Class..............................................ENVI SCI & APES Environmental Science and Advanced Placement Environmental Science Class..............................................PREP Cool way of saying Brebeuf..............................................REP THE PREP Often hashtagged on Twitter for representing Brebeuf or a Brebeuf moment..............................................AMDG All for the greater glory of God..............................................MEN AND WOMEN FOR OTHERS The Brebeuf Jesuit school motto ..............................................LAX Lacrosse..............................................ARROW Student newspaper..............................................JUG Justice Under God; this is the Brebeuf version of a detention

CAF Cafeteria..............................................BRAVE A word that makes the National Anthem more exciting at our games...............................................BYOT Bring Your Own Technology..............................................COMMONS Area adjacent to the cafeteria, complete with couches, tables, and a TV. Includes the Tim Boldt Lounge...............................................PADRE Affectionate name for Fr. George Menke, S.J...............................................CONVO Short for convocation; all-school assemblies in the Gym for which students dress up..............................................SNOBALL Winter dance sponsored by Student Council; get your tickets early! It sells out...............................................MORNING PRAYER Every morning, a student, faculty or staff member will read a prayer/poem/scripture over the PA, to start off our day. If you would like to share a prayer with the school, please sign up with Fr. Menke (Padre). ..............................................DAILY EXAMEN This is the prayer we do at the end of the day – you need to stop what you are doing to listen and reflect..............................................CONVO DRESS What you need to wear for convocations on campus. For boys, this means nice shoes (no athletic shoes) shirt, tie, and dress pants. For girls, dress/skirt (watch the length) or dress pants. ..............................................IGGY Affectionate term for the statue of St. Ignatius that is at the front of the school..............................................GRAD AT GRAD The 5 values we hope to instill in every student before they graduate – the hallmarks of Jesuit education: Intellectually Competent, Loving, Religious, Committed to Justice, and Open to Growth...............................................BREBEUF SEAL IN THE MAIN LOBBY It’s Tradition: DO NOT stand on or walk across the seal in the main lobby. If you do, you must kiss the seal.

Speak Brebeuf Jesuit – words to live by

Stay Connected with Brebeuf Jesuit

The Brebeuf Jesuit iOS AppEverything you need to keep up with the Prep... Right at your fingertips.

The Brebeuf ScheduleThe class day for today and period schedule are together in one place.

CalendarLook ahead to what’s coming up at Brebeuf.

Faculty/Staff DirectoryPut names to faces and get

in touch even faster with a tap to call or email.

WHAT DO FRESHMEN/STUDENTS NEED FOR THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL?• Your class schedule received at Orientation• Student planner received at Orientation as well• Device to connect to the network• Notebook, pens and pencils• Folder to keep handouts• Backpack

Teachers will also review the individual needs for their course on the first day of class, sometimes resulting in more required supplies.

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