breakout b2 - ideation

Post on 22-May-2015






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George Swisher


ideation - what the hell does that mean.

_by george swisher

agenda - it's pretty clear.*meaning *work*value*influence

_what i've learned

meaning - the "dictionary."i⋅de⋅a⋅tion [ahy-dee-ey-shun ]

_nounthe process of forming ideas

meaning - free thinking.*anyone can influence an idea *solve the issue*think collective, be collective

_nounthe process of forming ideas

meaning - playing nice.*resume, status, ego *"share with your sister"*now we're adults?*ideas work, not people_nounthe process of forming ideas

work - the "no bullshit" rule.*understand the need*what do you bring*everyone needs to research

_live the brand

work - the idea.*don't focus on the vehicle*solve the issue*can in survive, create action, and provoke dialouge in any space_live the brand

value - "buzz" words or are they really "sales" words.*platform*metrics*collaboration

_what really matters

value - what we should be selling are ideas.*smart*give results needed*seen as valuable

_what really matters

influence - share it, steal it, repurpose it.*starts with leadership*direct peers*outside peers

_what really matters

learned - get out your pen, pencil, crayons, device; whatever.

_we're all getting a make-over

learned - this is the best session you've ever attended.

_we're all getting a make-over

learned - play nice with everyone because the idea wins, not people.

_we're all getting a make-over

learned - get everyone to think of ideas, not what commodity to buy.

_we're all getting a make-over

learned - people see value in smart ideas, not just pretty or cheap ones.

_we're all getting a make-over

learned - influence every person you touch with encouragement of ideation.

_we're all getting a make-over

learned - in summary, we all need to cultivate smart thinkers at every level to incubate smart ideas that thrive in any space.

_we're all getting a make-over

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