brainstorm 2 gaming makes you violent

Post on 14-Apr-2017



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Brainstorm 2 – Possible Topic Choices…

Topic 1- Does gaming make you more violent?

By Emma Grimes

One of our ideas was to do with gaming and whether or not gaming makes you more violent. Our objective would be ‘Does gaming make

you more violent?’. We would do this by filming various people gaming and asking them their thoughts and feelings after playing. We would use archival footage of people gaming as well as fighting. We could possibly ask a gaming expert within Solihull in a shop such as Cex and other voxpops of peoples opinions on the street. We would

discuss the types of games that make people the most violent and the sort of games that could maybe actually decrease the amount of

violence people experience.

Strengths WeaknessesWider reaching target audience within the age range

Mainly aimed at boys

Detailed topic Bias

Personal Experience Not much evidence

Easy to get Voxpops There are different types of games- not specific

Interesting A lot of previous research- people may get bored

Can use real – life events

Mode & Style

• The mode of this documentary would be expositional because this mode is the ‘voice of god’ and we are going to be narrating over footage and pictures etc.

Narrative Style

• We would be doing a multi-strand type of documentary for this topic as we will be having several narratives and several people appearing within our documentary. There will be a range of topics and themes with overlapping scenes happening at the same time. We would also be doing closed narrative type of documentary where there are no loose ends and we come to some sort of conclusion. We would finally be doing a non-linear style of documentary as the documentary will not be in chronological order as we will be editing the clips and putting in cutaways.

Target Audience

The target audience for this topic will be mainly male teenagers as gaming is typically targeted at males who are teenagers and young adults. Violent games tend to be rated either a 15 or 18 so our target audience would have to be suited to the footage that we are going to show within our documentary. Some females may be interested in this topic if they play violent games but our target audience will be mainly for young males. Our focus would be on the middle class as not everyone within the class system such as the lower class that maybe won’t necessarily own a gaming device.

Filming Location

We would most likely be filming mainly on our college grounds as our college is full of young male teenagers aged between 16-18 that will be relevant to our topic. We could also film within Solihull shopping centre and gain older adults opinions on the topic.

We could also film in a gaming shop and film people buying games as this would be a suitable mise-en-scene for our documentary.


We could get an expert from a shop in Solihull such as cex or HMV and ask one of the staff there to tell us their opinion on the subject. This would be an appropiate expert as he sells games to people all of the time and we could ask how many games are sold that are violent games. We could also interview the people who are buying the games within the store to gain their opinion on whether they think what they are playing is making them more violent.


• We could ask people within our college for their views on the topic and how often they play violent games. We could also ask parents to get their view of what their childrens’ behaviour is like when they are playing these violent games.

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