bl/lletin - columbus air force baseblaze •tri care beneficiaries should call 434-2273 /...

Post on 17-Feb-2021






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  • Bl/LLETIN Items in yellow are new

    Thursday, May 27 @ 1000. Come out to the Kaye Auditorium and celebrate with our newest graduating ctheir Silver Wings. This event will be live streamed on the Columbus Air Force Base Facebook page.

    SUPT Class 21-10 Graduation

    Enlisted PromotionsThursday, May 27 @ 1500. Join our dedicated Airmen as they advance to the next rank. Promotions will blive streamed on the Columbus Air Force Base Facebook page for those not in attendance.

    Combat Dining OutThe event has been postponed to Friday, June 11.

    lass as they walk the stage and receive

    e held at the Columbus Event Center and

  • Bl/LLETIN Items in yellow are new

    Cyber Tips1. If you have an office laptop, ensure you regularly connect it to the Columbus AFNet for updates2. Guard against, and immediately report classified messaging incidents or other data spillages. Pay close attention to documentmarkings, especially if you work with classified information3. Prevent shoulder surfing. Shoulder surfing is a technique used to obtain information such as personal identification numbers andother confidential data by looking over a victim’s shoulder.

    COVID-19 Vaccine Info/COVAX ToolAll volunteers looking to get the COVID-19 vaccine should visit the AFMS-Columbus-14th Medical Group Facebook page or scroll down to the pages below and use the COVAX Tool to schedule an Appointment to receive the Moderna Vaccine.


    CDC COVID-19 Website:

    FDA COVID-19 Website:


    COVID-19 Vaccine Scheduler Link:

    Do not disseminate this information outside of CAFB


    CAO 17 May 21



    Current Lowndes County Attack Rate

    7 - Day Average

    Attack Rate

    Attack Rate > 25 = COVID Hotspot

    𝐴𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 =𝐴𝑣𝑔 𝑥 100,000


  • Enlisted Movie Night.pdfSlide Number 1

    COVID Blaze Bulletin Slide 05172021.pdfSlide Number 1

  • Reporting child abuse and neglect:

    Everyone shares responsibility for the safety and well-being of military children and youth.

    If you see or suspect child abuse, child neglect or a safety violation in your DoD child and youth programs or schools, report it:

    Or call the DoD Child Abuse and Safety Violation Hotline (business hours, Eastern Time):

    877-790-1197 [In the United States]Overseas: Please call collect at 571-372-5348 [Local charges may apply.]

    If a child is in immediate danger, call 911.

    Installation Family Advocacy Program or designated department

    Local Child Protective Services or designated reporting line

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    Installation Family Advocacy Program or designated department: 434-2197 or 434-2239

    Local Child Protective Services or degisgnated reporting line: 1-800-222-8000


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