birds slide show presentation

Post on 24-Jan-2015






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Test Cell Integration and Engine Development Tools


Test Cell Integration and Engine Development Tools


Angell Bird Study

Brief Summary of Project

Fifty third and fourth grade students at Angell Elementary School participated in a year long, multi-disciplinary, thematic study of birds. The students learned about birds through different modalities. They studied birds in science, art, and language arts.

Bird Watching Field Exeperience

In the fall, winter, and spring students experienced birds in the field by taking trips to Nichols Arboretum with a local ornithologist, Dea Armstrong.

Birds in Art

The students worked with the art teacher, Susan Sanch, at Angell to create bird pictures.

They also went on a docent led “Birds in Art” tour at the UMMA; and sketched birds at the bird exhibit area at the UM Exhibit Museum.

Bird Research and Reports in the Classroom

Each student researched and became an expert on a chosen bird.

Birds in AAPS Science Curriculum

Students studied bird adaptations in the Habitats science unit. The students participated in a simulation that helped them better understand bill adaptions for getting and eating food. They then focused specifically on owls and their unique role in the food web. As part of this study, students dissected owl pellets and were entertained by a live raptor presentation.

Students went on an Environmental Education field trip to the Waterloo Recreation area to observe and learn about sandhill cranes.

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