bio lamp

Post on 15-Sep-2015






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Isi tentang energi terbarukan yaitu penggunaan alga


The Splitterwerk architecture firm and engineering company Arup unveiled what is believed to be the first building in the world to be powered in part by algae. Officially "unveiled" at the International Building Exhibition held in Hamburg, design, dubbed BIQ, has a "bio-adaptive" faade appears to be a first in the use of seaweed in its glass-framed facades to produce energy and provide shade in a working building.

The exhibition this year highlighted the facade double layer of BIQ on the southeast and southwest sides of the building facing the sun. In the glass panels, tiny plants "microalgae", most are not larger than bacteria, are fed continuously with liquid nutrient and carbon dioxide via a water circuit.With the help of sunlight, algae realize photosynthetic and grow until they can be harvested. They are then separated from the rest of algae and transferred to the energy management center BIQ as a slurry, where they ferment for supplying bio-gas, which can be used to heat water.

The project team at Arup confirms how the algae are well suited to this type of bio-fuel production. The algae produce five times more biomass than terrestrial plants per unit area, and contain many oils that can be used for other energy uses.

Bio-Skin algae, which covers 200 square meters of the faade also provides shade.

The BIQ aims to be fully operational on April 25. It has 15 residential apartments with flexible provisions.Note that if the building is widely reported to be fueled by algae, these appear to be used only for the production of hot water, and nothing is very specific as to whether the algae biofuel must be completed by natural gas. Electricity is provided in a conventional manner.

The advantages of algae have been shown to go beyond fuel from biomass, and in the detection of pollution and the absorption of the combined carbon dioxide with oxygen evolution. The concept of algae supporting future lifestyles extends beyond the house according to Arup. A concept of skyscrapers was recently previewed for 2050 that included algae as an energy source.

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