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Copyright © 2013 Nutrifrontier Limited All rights reserved. Published by Kevin Richardson Notes to the Reader: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise, except as permitted under U.S copyright law, without the prior written permission of the author. The statements found within the pages of this book have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. If a product or treatment is recommended in these pages, it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is meant to be used to educate the reader and is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. The publisher and the contributors are not engaged in rendering medical advice. All information contained in this book is received from sources believed to be accurate, but no guarantee, express or implied, can be made. Readers are encouraged to verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, the accuracy of all information, recommendations, conclusions, comments, opinions or anything else contained within these pages before making any kind of decisions based upon what they have read herein. The author of this e-book is not a licensed practitioner of medicine; therefore, the techniques, ideas, and opinions here are not intended as a substitute for proper medical advice! The information provided here is solely for informational purposes only. If medical advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting from any health decisions made by purchasers of this book. The words contained in this text which are believed to be trademarked, service marked, or to otherwise hold proprietary rights have been designated as such by the use of initial capitalization. Inclusion, exclusion, or definition of a word or term is not intended to affect, or to express judgment upon the validity of legal status of any proprietary right which may be claimed for a specific word or term. Individual results may vary.


Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Your Inner Power ......................................................................................................................................5

Accepted Standards Can Actually Work Against You ............................................................................ 9

One Common Factor in all Illness ........................................................................................................... 13

Why Do Some People Recover While Others Don't? ............................................................................ 15

The Realities of Healing .......................................................................................................................... 16

It's Up To You ......................................................................................................................................... 20

Shifting Perspective and Rearranging Priorities ................................................................................... 23

Taking Action is the Key ......................................................................................................................... 26

Positive Lifestyle Changes ...................................................................................................................... 27

Helpful Mind/Body Healing Strategies ................................................................................................... 32

The Healing Power of Breath ................................................................................................................. 37

Why Mental Strength is Important ....................................................................................................... 39

Exercise and Nutrition ........................................................................................................................... 42

Walking Strengthens Mind and Body ................................................................................................... 44

The Search For Health ............................................................................................................................ 47

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 51


Introduction Your mind – or more specifically – using your mind in the right way is the key to a

healthy and vibrant body for life. Though we often think of the mind and body as

separate entities, there are essentially two separate elements of a whole that are

interconnected. What's going on in one element can dramatically affect the other.

A healthy and effective mind influences the body in real and positive ways and can indeed help you

to heal, recuperate and regain any strength lost during an illness. Similarly, a strong and capable

body helps the mind function clearly and effectively while operating at peak efficiency.

It's no secret that one's mindset influences the course of disease in the body. This connection

between Illness and one's thinking is something that's been known for several hundred years.

Over the centuries, the effect of mental factors in healing has emerged on a few different

occasions, sometimes with fanfare and other times with little mention.

But when general anesthesia was developed, it advanced medical care to such a level that the

power of the mind as a component of healing became all but forgotten. It seems that these days

modern medicine focuses almost exclusively on the physical component of illness and disease

while largely ignoring or discounting the psychological element.

Individuals respond to various treatments in different ways. In the extreme, one patient heals

spontaneously and completely and goes on living a healthy life while another, given the exact

same treatment, worsens as dies. It would appear that there's something else going on here – far

beyond the intervention of a skilled doctor's hand, or the chemical formulas of medical science.

Fortunately, today there's a growing awareness that the outlook or mindset of the person

suffering from a major illness in whatever form it has manifested, is vitally important to a healthy

outcome. Whatever advances medical science has to offer, anyone who's ill can't afford to

overlook the role they themselves play in regaining their health and vitality.


Natural healing isn't instantaneous; it typically takes weeks, months or even years of persistent

actions to make a full recovery from a life-threatening illness like cancer. But a major disease didn't

just show up one day either – it develops over time from the smallest of beginnings. No matter

what the affliction and no matter what opinions are expressed by medical experts, recovery can

happen. But it can only happen when wellness is first established as a possibility and a foundation

for healing has been put into place. Healing the body begins in the mind.

Your Inner Power

Step number one to regaining one's health and vitality when saddled with a

serious, or perhaps life-threatening diagnosis is to realize that you do have a

choice. You can give in to defeat or you can dig down deep within yourself and

turn it all around to create a new reality for yourself.

There may be nothing more emotionally devastating than to hear that you have a very serious

disease or life-threatening condition. It can be utterly horrifying to be saddled with such news and

to make matters worse, a doctor's callous, matter-of-fact and impersonal attitude can leave you

feeling bewildered, powerless and out of control.

At this point it's best to take a step back and reassess the situation. It's important to remember

that you always have a choice, as difficult as it may be. The human body's potential for healing is

huge and a free-thinking mind is your greatest asset in your time of need. It's your rich inner power

and whatever outcome you can imagine on the screen of your mind, you can establish in your

reality as objective fact. You can in fact restore your health by reducing your stress level,

nourishing the body and making other healthy and effective choices as you take that journey back

to wellness.

Your mind has the power to both create illness and relieve it. It can make you sick or make you

better. Whatever the situation, correcting it begins with the decision to heal. The act of deciding

means to cut off any other possibility from happening. In other words, once you decide on a full

and complete recovery of your vibrant health, there's no room for any other possibility.


Refuse to so much as entertain a single doubt in your mind. You've made the decision. Getting

back your health and your life is where you're going and it's crucial that you stay focused on this

goal at all times. Refuse to consider anything else. Maintain this strong resolve as you go about

your day and this mindset will help you make it happen.

Physical manifestations of all kinds have their beginning somewhere. We typically experience in

the outer what has previously gone on within our own minds. “Dis-ease” is the opposite of “at

ease”. If you're living a calm, peaceful and richly-satisfying life, chances are that your body is in a

healthy state. But if there is any internal conflict or upheaval, it seems to present an open

invitation to disease.

When you realize the profound effect of your thoughts, images and feelings, you retain far greater

control over your health. When something is out of whack and you get hit with an illness of any

kind from the common cold to cardiovascular disease or cancer, the first thing you need to do is

recognize the need to correct the cause and to take charge of the changes you need to make.

Always remember that you do have choices and that you are ultimately in control of your body and

health. It is your willingness to do whatever it takes, your sense of responsibility and the follow

through steps you take that trigger real, dramatic improvement in your health and wellness.

Think of the body as an instrument of the mind. Your imagination is immensely powerful and

unlimited in capacity. Often as adults, we downplay the use value of one's imagination. But we

need to realize that it's the most powerful tool we have to affect our outcomes in any of life's

circumstances. To create any result including better health, imagine it first. All you have to do is

imagine yourself as having the power to create externally in your body any image that which you

first build inside the mind. This is where a return to optimal health begins. With an open mind, the

possibilities are endless.


It's not the diagnosis that is most important – it's how you take it and what you do about it. If in

your mind the situation is hopeless – you're done. It's game over. But if you use the diagnosis as a

catalyst for change, your chances of succeeding in restoring health and prolonging life are very

good. Of course, it's best to never suffer such a fate in the first place through the proper use of

the mind and body. Consider such a diagnosis to be a wake-up call and swing into action as soon as

you possibly can.

It's the mind that sets the stage for recovery and health. You set the target and you move towards

it – much the same way as you would pursue any goal. Expectations are huge. They are nothing

but a mental construct in the mind, yet when you expect to continue getting better and healing

completely, the body typically complies. And the stronger your conviction in achieving the

outcome you’ve established, the more you shape it into your reality.

Truth be told – you are your own most valuable resource when it comes to overcoming illness and

maintaining a level of health. It's your ability to use your mind effectively that will ultimately have

the greatest impact on healing and recovery. What's really interesting about this is that the power

of the mind to trigger real physiological changes in the body is something that's available to

anyone afflicted with full mental capacities intact. There's a psychological component to

recovering from any illness and it may be much more important than most people – including

doctors – realize.

Multiple studies have revealed a connection between emotional distress and the progression of

disease, yet by and large, the medical community fails to address this mental connection. It

focuses almost exclusively on the physical symptoms manifested by the body, and pays far less

attention to what's been going on in the mind of the individual.

But the mind can work for or against us. It can enhance or inhibit the progress of any disease.

Anyone suffering from anxiety, the recent loss of a loved one or depression is at a heightened risk

of contracting disease or making any existing condition much worse. When experiencing these

and other negative emotions, there is a noticeable loss of vitality in the body and spirit and this

diminishes the body's natural ability to resist infection and disease.


If you want to confirm the incredible power of the mind in the healing process, take a closer look

at the effect of placebos. In many cases, people given placebos (an inert pill) experience recovery

simply because they believe that by taking the doctor-administered “medicine”, they will indeed

get better. Some studies produce startling results that demonstrate the power that belief has on

effecting real and dramatic change in one's physical state. Clearly, within one's individual belief

system is a self-restorative capacity of which there may be no limit at all.

A belief is an internal acceptance or feeling of certainty that something is true and it is created

within the mind. If you believe that your diagnosis means death, you're in serious peril. But if you

alter this existing belief and become more aware of the true possibilities available to you, even

deeply-entrenched paradigms that have ruled your existence for years or decades can be altered.

Pain is the body's way to communicate the message that something is out of

alignment or rhythm. If you ignore the pain or mask it with painkillers, you're

not addressing the root cause and thus the illness festers or grows. Let pain

serve as a trigger that some aspect of the mind/body connection needs your

attention and that something must change.

If you don't intervene and do something about the source of the pain, the imbalance of

misalignment continues, placing the body under more stress that can lead to complete exhaustion

or devastating disease.

Physical illness often represents the manifestation of the internal imbalance caused by chronic

stress which suppresses the body's own best defence – the immune system. It's clear that abuse,

misuse and stress takes its’ toll on the body which often results in disease. Most of us would

benefit by making healthier lifestyle changes starting today. But we also benefit immensely by

tuning in to the voice of our own bodies by learning to recognize and address any inconsistency or

malfunction while it can still be healed. Early response is very important and it increases your odds

of a complete recovery. To give yourself the gift of better health, learn to listen to your body and

seek out natural ways to make a course correction as it's needed.


Accepted Standards Can Actually Work Against You What happens when most people get sick? The average person usually does one of three things:

1. They ignore it.

2. They book an appointment and visit their doctor and follow the recommended course of

action. or

3. They reach for a medicine – typically a prescription drug – that helped ease a similar pain


Ignoring the symptom is the worst thing you can do. Investigate and then look at

your options. Remember that pain and discomfort is the body's way of

communicating that things are not quite right. Ignoring it denies the body what it

needs. Reaching for medicine that worked before may help with a minor ailment

like the common cold or flu. But unless you know for certain, you may be taking

something that's not just ineffective but harmful as well.

Your best choice is to visit a doctor and get examined. If you're not happy with the outcome, get a

second or third opinion. But here's where you need to think for yourself because most people

don't they simply accept the suggested method of treatment served up by their doctor. I’m not

knocking doctors or the medical establishment necessarily. But you need to know that depending

on your illness, it's highly likely that your prescribed treatment will include either prescription

drugs, surgery – or both. That's the way medicine has advanced and to suggest that these options

may not be in your best interest is to state it as gently as I can.

But the real problem here is the way we've been conditioned as a society not to question

authority. We tend to “buy” whatever the medical establishment is selling and we accept their

statements as gospel and prescribed treatments as given, without ever questioning it. All too

often we hear of people receiving chemotherapy or radiation, having invasive surgery, or being

prescribed powerful drugs – without at least examining their other options.


It's probably a wiser choice to first listen to a medical diagnosis, reflect upon it, get the opinion of

other doctors, talk to family and friends, explore any alternate options that may be available and

then make the choice that's best for you.

When we get sick, we feel vulnerable and weak. Many times the first step is to look for an outside

solution. It's a conditioned response to surrender our power and to listen to the voice of

traditional medicine – that which is typically expressed by most doctors. What's unfortunate about

this is we forget or simply don't realize that we are our own healers. We are essentially both the

cause and the effect of sickness and health. We are whole, natural beings and if we are to get

better, we have to play the dominant role in that recovery.

Society in general and the medical establishment specifically have conditioned us to be mostly

helpless patients treated by doctors. We've become objects with broken down body parts and any

treatment is usually isolated to the specific location of the illness. But what is for the most part

neglected is the fact that we are whole beings and this includes the body mind and soul. We are

natural self-healers but the spiritual and emotional factors are often disregarded or cast aside in

traditional medicine. Any healing that is non-medical is discounted, dismissed or highly-suspect.

That's the unfortunate reality of dealing with the establishment today.

But you're not just a body – you're a whole being with a fertile and creative mind and the thoughts

and feelings you generate have a direct and sometimes profound effect on the body. All too often

we accept medical opinion and turn over our own power. We've been trained to receive the

message and surrender our responsibility. The fact that one's own attitude, beliefs, relationships

and environment can significantly boost one's health and reverse serious disease is largely

disregarded by not just the medical establishment, but the conditioned general public as well.

For many, their own inner power isn't rekindled at all, or only as a last resort after regular medical

intervention has failed. See, the problem is that we place our faith exclusively in the hands of the

medical profession. If it doesn't work and we fail to get better – what then? We're left feeling

utterly hopeless and without much of a chance of survival. Most people in this position soon die.


Anyone unfortunate enough to be told by a doctor how much time they have left to live usually

succumbs within a year of the estimated date. Once again, this information has been accepted

rather than contested. At this stage, it's the final blow for far too many people. Without hope,

they have nothing left to hold onto.

Here's the big take-away from this section and in fact, the entire report: science and medicine

alone cannot provide a cure-all for any disease. You need to take charge of your own health and

discovery your inner power and the role you play in regaining health and vitality. It's time to make

the transition from an over-dependence on doctors and medicine in general to one of self-reliance

and natural alternatives.

What we call health care today is essentially disease care. The medical and scientific community

spends massive amounts of time, energy and money on invasive and unnatural methods and on

developing more of the same, with larger, more intrusive equipment and more powerful and

dangerous drugs. When you contribute to a major charity, where do you think that money is

going? Exactly right. It's being funneled down this same path in a seemingly endless pursuit of a

completely unnatural cure-all.

Medicine does offer valuable assistance in the areas of technology, particularly in the areas of

diagnostic and clinical treatment. But when you're dealing with something as complex as a human

being, technology just isn't enough. Furthermore, it creates the illusion that medical care in all

forms is highly-effective. Historically, medical intervention has only had a minor impact on the

levels of illness and disease while economic and social factors have had far greater significance. It

appears that the so-called “miracles” of modern medicine are more likely misconceptions than


In the opinion of some people, doctors tend to overestimate their effectiveness and overlook the

risks of their recommendations. Medicine is not the primary factor in determining one's health –

that belongs to the individual.


Doctors are trained to intervene and they tend to get more recognition when they do. They

proceed in search of any trouble spots and prefer to cut their way in and do something, or to wipe

it out with drugs, rather than passively observing, waiting and facilitating a natural healing process

where the patient recovers largely on their own.

Many of the medical procedures and treatments administered today aren't even necessary. And

when their relative ineffectiveness and serious dangers get factored into the equation, it makes

one wonder why so many people are willing to proceed down that road. It seems that collectively

we accept the mysterious offerings of the medical profession and have elevated its membership

to rank at the top of the list in terms of status and authority.

In ancient times, healing remedies were made primarily from herbs. Today's drugs prescribed by

doctors are manufactured in chemical laboratories. All too often we overlook the fact that these

chemical concoctions are unnatural to the human body, dangerous and even poisonous and we

gobble up what we believe is a “safe” level. But how safe can poison actually be?

Watch any television commercial these days and it's clear, despite the glazing over, that these

“wonder” drugs come with a full bucket-load of side effects – many of which are very serious or

fatal. What's particularly shocking is the sheers numbers of us who load our bodies with these

chemical substances. It's estimated that every thirty-six hours, anywhere from fifty percent to

eighty percent of the American public takes at least one pharmaceutical pill.

But to expect even a team of doctors to have all the answers today and induce a state of vibrant

health is unrealistic and counter-productive. It's up to each of us as individuals to care for

ourselves by improving and maintaining our health. Real health care is your right and your



One Common Factor in all Illness It doesn't matter what your symptoms are. If you're experiencing illness of any

sort, your body's natural defenses have been compromised in some way. Every

person diagnosed with a disease has something in common with each other – a

weakened immune system. Even the most serious of afflictions like cancer, in all

its various forms can have many different causative factors – but it all stems from

the body's own decreased resistance to disease.

A healthy immune system is critical to a healthy body. It's the body's best natural defense and

protects it from invading disease by containing and/or destroying damaging cells. Left unchecked,

these harmful cells can rapidly spread throughout the organism and wreck havoc in multiple areas

of the body.

Another key function of a healthy immune system is its close observation and surveillance of the

body. When it's working as it should, offending influences are quickly dealt with and health and

wellness is retained. For any serious illness to gain a foothold, one's own body surveillance system

must be disabled or inhibited in some way.

The best way to guard against illness and protect the immune system is to feed the body nutritious

food, get plenty of exercise. It's the same advice you've undoubtedly heard before for achieving

weight loss and optimal health. It's also recommended that you take additional antioxidants as

supplements for greater protection and to ward off those free radicals that can cause such serious

and deadly effects.


Nutrition is a big part of regaining one's health. New, healthy cells are generated from the

nutrition taken in. If you allow garbage or junk foods in, you can't expect them to produce the

same result as nutritious foods do. It's true – you are what you eat and good nutrition is your best

bet to avoid and defeat the most common and deadly diseases of our time like heart disease,

stroke, diabetes and cancer. Not only that but a healthy diet full of life-giving vitamins, minerals

and phytonutrients helps promote clarity of thought and the optimal functioning of the mind.

Since it's easier and far less stressful to prevent disease than to heal from it after its taken hold,

you should begin today to make simple dietary changes. Often these transitions are simple, but

not easy. It takes time getting out of the old familiar rut of bad habits. But stick with it and you'll

strengthen the body and be far better off than you were before.

Eat more life-giving fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains and avoid additive-laced

manufactured foods known to create disease. A few dietary changes like this can reduce your risk

of major illnesses by thirty percent or more. Believe me – your life is worth the small effort and

apparent sacrifice. After a while, healthier eating becomes a preference and then you don't have

to consciously decide what foods to buy or prepare. You'll instinctively gravitate towards more

life-affirming options.

Today's reality however is that dangerous chemicals are all around us and impossible to avoid

completely. And many afflictions like cancer quietly manifest in the body without our conscious

awareness long before any symptoms become detectable. But diet is something each one of us

can control one hundred percent. It's a proactive step towards better health and each one of us

has the ability to take it.


Why Do Some People Recover While Others Don't?

While illness and disease is common in today's society, the experiences and results are often very

different. Given the same diagnosis and general health, one patient soon dies while another fights

off the disease, grows stronger and lives much longer.

Many of those who perish get word of their diagnosis and see it as a death sentence. With little

perceived hope for a full recovery, they give in and soon wither away. But those who survive,

often beating enormous odds tale the same diagnosis and use it as a rallying call – a catalyst for big

lifestyle changes in order to hang on to this precious life as long as they can.

Each individual needs to choose his or her own path. It's got to be something that fits and feels

right – not that which most suits someone else's expectations.


The Realities of Healing Though the exact paths differ among individuals, there are several components that are shared by

many who fought off disease and healed themselves. Below are some of these common factors

experienced in successful mind/body healing experiences.

Step one is learning what the particular affliction is and having to deal with the emotional burden

of this discovery. The news of a serious illness often comes as a shock. It can be devastating

enough on its own and even more so when a not so empathetic doctor delivers the news.

What the diagnosis triggers is a deep introspection. One is literally shocked into questioning the

implications of life and death. Some, tainted by a bad news scenario, never muster the mental

strength to develop a counter-attack.

But those who survive and thrive recognize that life and death are opposing forces at opposite

ends of the scale and that the decision to do whatever they can to recover is a conscious choice in

favor of life. They realize that in order to survive, considerable changes are necessary.

Saddled with a potentially life-ending illness, there seems a natural need to connect or reconnect

with a higher power or life force. When you've been knocked to the canvas and you're flat on your

back, the only direction you can look is up and often, there's where comfort and feelings of

reassurance are experienced.

It doesn't matter how this higher power is identified. It may be discovered in nature, God,

universal unconscious, beauty, or the Divine. However the power is perceived, it seems to play a

key role in recovering one's health and wellness.


Survivors recognize that there are essentially two options. They can move towards better health

or allow their illness to worsen. This choice rocks people to their very core and it resonates at the

deepest of levels.

To live means to regain one's health and that involves a dramatic shift in attitude, beliefs and

lifestyle. What this shift often leads to is a new appreciation for life and the wonderful experience

of our lives when we are alive It means taking responsibility for oneself and building stronger

bonds with others. It's an awakening to the fact that life doesn't go on forever and therefore one

needs to do more of those things that bring joy.

When faced with the reality of a serious diagnosis, the end of life is a very real possibility. But

among survivors, this kind of potential scenario launches within a degree of willpower they may

not have previously displayed.

It triggers a deeper awareness of the fragility of life and the will to do whatever it takes to live.

They dig in with a new level of resolve, determination, intention, and most important of all –

action. They realize that there will be challenges ahead but that the reward is more than worth it.

Survivors quickly discover the importance, power and influence of one's own perspective in the

quest to recover health and vitality. Any pessimism is quickly overtaken and they develop a new

level of self-reliance.

Healers have an ever-strengthening belief in the inherent wisdom of nature and the human body,

as well as one's own inner resources to re-sculpt life. Faith, self-worth and love all become

dominant forces among those who choose to live long and thrive in a healthy body.


Individual responsibility is huge in reclaiming one's health. Most soon come to understand the

powerful connection between mind and body and gradually accept some degree of responsibility

for their illness. This naturally leads to the assumption of responsibility for healing.

Survivors quickly take charge of their lives and pay far more attention to their bodies and how they

are feeling at any moment in time. They pay more attention to the debilitating effects of stress

and take a more active role in both minimizing stress and taking active measures of stress relief.

Faced with the reality of life and its eventual end, survivors find themselves at a crossroads. They

quickly strip away any facade and begin to focus on what they want for the rest of their lives.

Be able to what they wanted to do would give them a sense of purpose and a source of pleasure in

life. Survivors feel challenged to pursue this purpose and fulfill their potential while making a

meaningful contribution to humankind.

This is where the rubber meets the road and survivors make serious choices that will help them get

back their strength and overall health and maintain a level of wellness that provides peace of


They learn to make better choices in terms of diet and they begin to get far more exercise in their

lives. Humor, meditation and prayer are also common preferences that help people extend life

while improving on its quality at the same time.

Getting sick and deciding to rebuild your health tends to strengthen many of the relationships in

one's life. Suddenly one finds new value, significance and influence in their relationships that may

have been previously overlooked. Relationships are a key component in recovery because we're

social beings and need the emotional support of others.


What becomes glaringly obvious in the lives of determined survivors is the need for radical

changes in their lives. Any serious, life-threatening diagnosis really delivers a “change or else” kind

of message and it's something that surely isn't missed by any serious individual determined to

reclaim their health and their lives.

Nothing remains the same – everything in life changes. In fact, refusing to change may play a key

role in becoming ill and it's definitely a factor on a worsening condition. Changes are evident in

one's attitude and outlook, as well as their behaviours and lifestyle.

Perhaps most important of all is he recognition or inner feeling that one's illness was caused in

whole or in part by the thoughts, images and feelings they harbored. Healing and recovering one's

health requires a reversal of those thoughts and images that caused the illness in the first place.

Natural healing begins in the mind. The mind is the driver and one's mindset is vitally important to

their state of health. When one examines their internalized thoughts prior to getting sick, they

often discover a causative factor in their illness. Recognition is the first step to recovery.


It's Up To You

Most people who've faced a troubling diagnosis can actually do something about it. Healing starts

with the desire to do so, the knowledge that you can make a difference and the willingness to

enact real change in one's lifestyle.

Illness doesn't typically manifest overnight. It develops and worsens over time until the symptoms

demand one's attention. When you realize that what you've done in the past has created what you

have, you also realize that you have the power to change it. Nobody else can heal for you – it's up

to you. You have to take charge of your life and call the shots.

Health begins in the mind. When you flood your mind with the dominant idea of getting better and

reclaiming your health, you've taken the first step. Now follow it up by doing all you can do. Be

willing to take effective action and then follow through at every opportunity.

Decide on your new priorities in life. Know what you want to be, have or accomplish in whatever

time you have left on this big planet and go after it with all you've got. It's time to forget about

what society or your family thinks is right for you. Honour yourself by making your own choices

and feeling good about yourself, your body and your future.

Whatever the illness and regardless of the symptoms, you have some measure of control over

what is happening in your experience. Learn to control and direct your thoughts and you can

master your destiny and heal your life. But if you let an illness beat you up, your power quickly

diminishes and you will naturally feel less confident in the future whenever you're faced with a

similar situation in life.


A serious diagnosis can kill you or it can give you a serious enough shake-up to transform your life.

It commands your attention – nobody can ignore the severity of a serious condition. But if the

images in one's mind represent a bleak and limited future they more often than not give up and

fade away.

Instead, believe that you have a definite purpose in life and your diagnosis was the only means the

universe had of getting your attention. Sounds crazy, but many folks who have healed from the

deadliest diseases realize the value their diagnosis played in turning their lives around.

Although you may have a fragile and sensitive body, you can be stronger than you've ever been in

your life and just as resourceful. When a serious diagnosis is used as a wake-up call or reality check

– it can be a positive life event that triggers necessary change. It's all about one's perspective.

Life as we know it on the physical plane is finite. Each of us only has a certain number of days,

weeks, months or years. And nobody knows how much time they've got. To make the most

dramatic transition to health and wellness, accept this reality of life and then set out on a path to

experience it all on a richer, more deeply-satisfying level.

It's quite common to react with a full range of emotion from anger to upset and overwhelming

fear. But ultimately, the ball is in your court. If you can do dramatically change your life that you

turn it into a positive life experience as many have, you have far better odds of making a full and

complete recovery. What it takes is realizing that you are still in the game and if you are to survive,

you've got to step up and accept individual responsibility for your current condition and for the

new level of health and vitality that you're moving towards.

Accepting responsibility for one's illness is central to the healing process. It's a matter of accepting

the consequences of one's dominant thoughts, reactions to life events and lifestyle in general.

Your body received the message and sickness set in. But now you have the power of influence to

change things. When you know that you have the capability to reverse any manifestation within

the body, you have to power to make it real.


Though unlimited in scope, the healing power of nature has become somewhat of a mystery to

most people today. We've forgotten that we are blessed with the natural means of correcting any

disruption in the body's natural balance.

As a society, we tend to think that any healing that occurs without substantial medical

intervention is nothing short of a miracle. But wellness is not magical or miraculous – it's a

completely natural thing. What is required is the mental fortitude to know that healing starts

within the mind of the individual.

To heal naturally, here are four important requirements:

1. You need to believe in the body's own (and natural) recuperative and regenerative abilities

2. You need to be willing to let the body heal naturally in its own time

3. You need a strong affirmative desire to get well again

4. You need to facilitate the process of caring for yourself and your body


Shifting Perspective and Rearranging Priorities

Getting healthy again begins with one's acceptance and responsibility. It makes

no sense to deny the assessment, particularly after it's been confirmed through

a second or third medical expert. Living in denial will get you nowhere. Once

accepted, one must also realize that they played a part in becoming ill. Again,

this is an important step because if the person with the affliction believes it

came only from an outside source, they are far more likely to look endlessly

outside of themselves in order to heal.

Without accountability and the firm decision to turn things around by taking positive action steps

themselves, their health, in fact their life, will always hang in the balance and they will never take

responsibility for changing it around. Taking responsibility gives you the power to change the

current outcome to one you consciously choose.

Doctors, medical equipment, skilled staff and facilities like hospitals helped you figure out what

the problem is. Now it's up to you to actively participate in becoming healthy. It often takes time,

reflection and focused energy to not fall into the trap of assigning blame or feeling guilty. Once

coming to terms with an illness, it's important for every patient to swing into action immediately.

Doing something positive – anything – is far better than holding onto anger or wallowing in self-

pity. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off and proceed with a positive mindset and you've already

turned the corner back towards health and wellness.

As your new, self-healing life begins, you'll undoubtedly notice a deeper appreciation for life and

that's a good thing. You'll feel a stronger connection to your higher power or life force than you

ever did before. You'll value people more and come to appreciate their presence and energy. You

will live more fully, squeezing more joy out of life as you proceed on your path to recovery. Why

postpone joy? When you come face to face with mortality, it can shake you to your very



That's when you really start to live life and the more you do, the stronger the connection and the

more this great life force seem to flow through you. You'll have greater mental clarity, vibrant

energy and you'll feel centered again – perhaps for the first time in a long while.

Getting healthy becomes your primary focus and dominant thought. Since whatever you focus on

expands in your life, fresh new ideas, insights and people begin to show up in your life and the

“miracle” of natural healing continues in perfect synchronicity.

As you continue to heal, seize each moment and use it for all its worth. Make your life's activities

and all your relationships a deeper source of inner satisfaction and pleasure. The more you live in

this positive vibration, the healthier, more energetic and vibrant you become. Keep doing positive

things and continue to monitor your health every day.

Your future is in your hands. Be strong and take control of your situation and your life. Discover

the things you can do on your own and do them. This adds even more to your personal power. But

do not hesitate to get outside help as you feel it's necessary too.

Change your priorities. Forget trying to be Superman or Wonder Woman, caring for others to the

extent that you neglect yourself. If this sounds familiar, you may have found a clue or contributing

cause to illness. Live in the moment. Seek out immediate pleasure and satisfaction and live life

with all you've got. Pay far more attention to the day before you than any long-distance goals that

used to rule your life. When you put aside those long range goals and focus on the gift today

brings, you create a new sense of freedom and wonder. Your health becomes your number one

priority and without the extra baggage, you can concentrate on getting better.

Be firm in your new direction, but go easy on yourself. As we've already discussed, illness didn't

manifest overnight and neither will a complete healing, though you can change the course of

illness or wellness by your decisions. You can't go from sitting on the couch to running a marathon

without a lot of intermediate steps in between. So on your first day of exercise in a long while, for

example, don't overexert yourself. Grow gradually and steadily and as you do, you'll notice your

ever increasing strength, capability and endurance.


You've got uncover your own inner strength and bring it to the forefront. Picture yourself as a role

model capable of doing anything. You already possess an abundance of courage, determination

and resilience.

Keep an open mind when it comes to alternate methods of healing. Don't just accept anything

without thoroughly checking it out. But don't discount the value or validity of certain treatments,

supplements or healing modalities either until you've had a closer look. Always choose what's best

and right for you. Consider other opinions if you like, but ultimately it's your choice as to any

healing methods you select. As you take a more active role in calling the shots in your life, you gain

a newfound sense of self reliance and respect, which can serve you in multiple ways.

Change your eating habits. Let's face it – some of the things people place into their bodies is less

than healthy. As you gain a new sense of care and respect for the delicate body you inhabit, you

will quite naturally begin to pay more attention to what goes in. Obviously smoking and excessive

drinking should be eliminated. But don't discount the health-giving value of a diet that's rich in

fruits and vegetables above all else. These are the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet and

ounce for ounce, nothing else nourishes the body as much as these vitamin and mineral rich foods.

Slow down the pace of your life a little. Take more time for yourself and do whatever it takes to

make your days less stressful. No one else is, nor should be responsible for recovering someone

else's state of health. Each person needs to lead the charge and play the dominant role to cure

themselves and deep within the mind and spirit lies the unlimited potential for natural, effective

and fast healing. It's simply a matter of using the mind body and spirit in the right way.


Taking Action is the Key

Yes, you've got to have the right mindset to heal, recuperate and

recovery your natural strength vibrancy. Any serious illness or its

diagnosis can knock you to the ground. So you've got to decide

whether to concede to defeat or rise to victory – and that’s an activity

of the mind.

The desire to live and to build back one's strength and vitality actually appears to increase the

body's resistance to stress and disease and in recovery, a strengthened defense is a fabulous

asset. But what really drives the healing process are all the action steps taken that harmonize with

a positive, expectant and healthy mindset.

If you've been afraid to make changes, take risks, or grow in new and interesting ways, it's time to

change all that. Accepting change as an essential part of healing is crucial. Fear holds you back and

keeps you from being all you can be. It stops you from taking action even when you know that

action is in your best interest. But that's not all. Fear can also perpetuate internal upheaval and

disease. It's time to kick fear to the curb and move forward completely unafraid and with faith that

you're on the healing path.

A good way to start is to simply enjoy life more. Adopt what the French call “la joie de vivre” which

translates into “the joy of life”. Step out and face the world bravely, boldly and with love in your

heart. Look for opportunities to improve your health. Read, talk to other people, listen to

intelligent audio programs and follow this by doing those things that feel right to you.

Facing a health crisis, there are principally only two ways to respond, passively or actively. A

passive response is to leave it the doctor, hoping that something can be done to reverse your

illness and give you back your life. An active response on the other hand, means that you've come

to the realization and acceptance that you and only you can captain this ship and lead it to a safe



Sitting back and hoping that things get better leaves you at the mercy of others or the system.

And based on observed track results, your odds are not very good. Taking action, fueled by a life-

affirming purpose means you're actively involved and making advancements towards your desired


Action gives movement to one's will. You've decided to become well again and everything you

now do is directed towards this end. This generates a positive, life-enhancing energy that's driven

by a definite chief aim and purpose. Action is taken in the physical realm and when that action is

congruent with one's pre-determined mindset, it seems to possess added power and


Positive Lifestyle Changes

Living healthfully is a dynamic, lifelong process. It's not something you try for two weeks and then

abandon because it hasn't yet produced miraculous results. Learn to be responsible for yourself

and your health. Do your own research. Exercise more than you normally do. Regularly include

precious time for your own spiritual growth and you will progress along the healing path. Take it

one day at a time and let one day's success build upon the next. Results will come in due time as

long as remain on course and do not waiver in any way.

If there was just one thing you could do – one action you could take to instantly and dramatically

improve the state of your health it would be to lose the stress. Stress is a hidden killer and it

quietly claims more lives year after year as our competitive, dog-eat-dog, time-poor society

continues to move along at its ever-increasingly frantic pace.

You've got to step off that bus and the sooner you do, the sooner you can recover. Change your

way of living to avoid the negative effects of stress. Stress for the most part is dangerous and is

likely a contributing factor or major cause of most of today's serious diagnoses.


In fact, some experts claim that 80% or more of all diseases develop from stress. You simply must

change your ways – there is no alternate. But to do so, you must first become aware of it. Most

people just don't realize that they actually contribute to their illness. They fail to recognize that the

work they continue doing and the high-pressure situations they find themselves in is stressful and

causing them significant harm.

Take a step back and re-examine your life. Are you always on the go, rushing to beat the clock,

shifting tasks, dealing with a miserable boss, frustrated customers or incompetent vendors, never

having the time during the day to catch your breath? If any of this resonates with you – you must

change before stress kills you.

Remove yourself from stressful situations. If your job is wearing you down, leave it. Get out while

you still can. I realize this takes a leap of faith to actually do. But staying where you are and dealing

with everything that's on your plate is taking years off your life. When you look at it this way, is the

job or the paycheck worth what you're paying for it?

By stepping away from a stressful environment, you give yourself breathing room and breathing

of the deep variety is life-giving and stress-relieving. Whenever you notice the stress-load building,

take a few moments to actively engage in deep breathing exercises. Stick with it until your feel a

greater sense of serenity washing over you. Emotional peace and stability is crucial to your

recovery. If you're continuously stressed-out – you're doing yourself in. Wake up and realize the

severity of this invisible danger and tune into the signals your body is trying to give you. Stop

getting worked up over the little things or as author Richard Carlson described it in his book by the

same name – don't sweat the small stuff – it's all small stuff.

What matters most is your state of mind and body. It's optimal health that you're after and stress

is a serious threat that needs to be avoided or minimized at every opportunity. Take time for

yourself. Get out and enjoy nature as often as you can. Find a place of solitude where you can relax

and rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit.


You can't control everything and sometimes things don't work out as planned. But this happens to

everybody and you can't let something that is beyond your control to cause you excessive stress.

Just let it go. If you hold onto a troubling thought – it has a hold on you. Release and allow the

mind to be completely unburdened by it.

Get busy doing what you can do to heal yourself and enjoy more of life's abundance. Partake in

physical exercise every day. Exercise helps you feel alive and in touch with your body. Exercise is

combined with diet represent two of the major foundational components of a healthy mind and


If you're not used to daily exercise, you'll likely find it challenging to suddenly find the motivation

to go jogging, or to consistently visit the gym to workout. But when you realize it's an important,

stress-relieving activity that's helping you to reclaim your health, it's easier to just go and do it.

After a few weeks, you'll no longer need any reminder or motivation. You'll be hooked on exercise

because of how good it makes you feel and the energy it infuses into your body.

Another method some people find useful is to attend a healing group. For one thing, it's

somewhat comforting to know that you're not the only one dealing with a serious health issue.

And being in such an environment can be therapeutic as you can connect with others and the

group at large without judgement. An effective group session can provide a feeling of being cared

for and encouraged onward to better health.

Get creative. Paint, draw, write, knit, invent a clever kitchen device – or design beautiful interiors,

furniture, or landscaped properties. It doesn't matter what creative activity you select as long as

it's something you enjoy. Allowing this outlet is an exercise in freedom that has a therapeutic

effect. Expressing one's creativity draws on, stimulates and encourages the deep, unlimited

creative resources within. Don't worry if you never thought of yourself as particularly creative

before because I can assure you that you do in fact have untapped reservoirs of creative talent

inside. This ability may have been dormant for decades, it really doesn't matter. Release the chains

that have held you back and express yourself in any way.


Treat yourself to regular massages. Therapeutic massage by a competent professional is a

beautiful thing. Deep tissue massage improves circulation, facilitates lymphatic function, and

increases the flow of nutrients to the various parts of the body, while stimulating the release of

toxins from tense muscles.

Massage is relaxing and stress-relieving by releasing the tension that gets lodged

in the body, blocking its natural energy flow. If that wasn't enough, massage

involves human contact, a key element in the healing process. The entire

experience raises your spirits and teaches you to appreciate the utter

magnificence of the human body, an inspiring mindset that lifts you to a higher

level of vitality and wellness.

Another important point you should keep in mind is that whatever statistics, odds, projections, or

others results that are shared with you have absolutely no bearing on your outcome. None of that

matters so pay no attention to it. Remain on the path towards a healthy body by keeping your

mind centred on this particular outcome.

As you make progress in your journey back to vibrant health and vitality, it's crucial that you begin

to carefully listen to your body and its own internal wisdom. Chances are your body had been

giving you signs long before your serious health issue was diagnosed by a doctor. Now it's more

important than ever to pay close attention and nurture yourself back to health.

See whatever symptoms and pain you may be experiencing as an important memo from the

universe. It's a way to get your attention and to insist that you listen to the message as it is given.

The human body is the most incredible of all natural wonders.

In normal circumstances, it functions beautifully, like a well-oiled machine and with very little care.

Many people abuse their bodies for years while remaining visibly unscathed from such abusive

treatment. As we discover the bodies amazing resiliency and capability, we tend to take it for

granted. But even the strongest and healthiest body can only take so much until that threshold is

crossed and it's pushed beyond its capacity to function and disease gains a foothold.


Make living itself a fun experience in every respect. Forget about being sick and mentally occupy a

healthy body. Refuse to miss out on any interesting or important aspect of life because you feel

the burden of illness. Let it go and feel the weight being lifted off of your shoulders.

When you live this way, you make the shift from frustration, despair and depression to excitement,

positive expectation and conviction. Look inward and find your source of strength then project

your positive, expectant attitude outward towards all people and whatever happens in your life.

This kind of internal change not only precedes healing, it also strengthens relationships and

magnetizes positive people and circumstances towards you.

Recognize the need for human connection in your life. Spend time with people you care about and

make it meaningful. Begin new friendships too. We are naturally social creatures and cannot

survive without others. Nurturing friendships allows you to connect with others on a deeper level

and to share your feelings about what you're experiencing. You can't put a price on the fellowship

and camaraderie of shared conversation that goes beyond the superficial. It's healing in every


Above all else, you must put yourself first. For some people, this is no problem at all – they've

always lived that way and simply let their health slide. But for others, putting themselves first is a

foreign concept as they've long since cared for children, ailing parents, troubled kids they've taken

in and on and on. Some people are wired to serve others to an amazing degree. But it can be

disastrous to one's own wellbeing when caring for others means neglecting themselves. When

you've been slammed with a serious condition, you simply must shift gears and rearrange your

priorities and this means putting yourself first and making quality choices about what you eat and

drink and how you spend your waking hours.


Helpful Mind/Body Healing Strategies

Belief plays a huge role in recovery of one's health and wellness. First and

foremost – you've got to believe in yourself. You must realize that you are your

own best resource for healing and allow this thought to permeate your

consciousness to the point where the subconscious accepts it. Believe yourself

to be healthy and feel it in every cell of your being. See it in your mind's eye as

a sure thing because your thoughts, beliefs and visualizations seem to have a

direct impact on one's condition and transitioning from illness to wellness.

Believe in the protective capabilities of your immune system and its ability to easily defend against

infections and to aggressively attack those harmful free radicals. A healthy immune system can

help you overcome any affliction.

Know with absolute certainty that you will attain victory. Believe it in every fibre of your being. Tell

yourself over and over again that you are healthy and vibrant and you will develop the inner

strength and such a powerful will to live that no other result is even possible. Never doubt your

capabilities – not even for a second. You've got what it takes to make the necessary course

correction and you’re doing it on a daily basis.

Meditation is a tremendously valuable activity for anyone making their way on the road to better

health. Some people claim that meditation is the royal road to healing, abundance in every sense

of the word, and even self-actualization, the highest level on Maslow's hierarchy. The purpose of

meditation is to achieve a combined state of relaxation and mental alertness.

It's a learned technique that takes some time and no small amount of practice to get the hang of,

but once you get in the groove of meditation, you will have wished you started meditating years

early. It's a profound, deeply-relaxing experience that releases tension and anxiety while training

the body to regenerate and revitalize itself. Meditation also clears the mind of the barrage of

competing and conflicting thoughts and it connects you to your higher power or life force,

stimulating one's own natural healing powers and evoking a profound sense of peace of mind.


Visualization or imagery combines similar relaxation strategies used in meditation to relieve any

tension in the body, clear the mind of the incessant chatter and to prepare it for the sensory

experiences to come. It's the oldest and some say most effective method for self-healing.

Once relaxed, you project on the screen of your imagination, a healthier, vibrant and alive version

of you. Engaging your imagination is using the wordless language of the body in a way that

penetrates deep into the subconscious mind. You activate all your senses to fully experience this

projection as real in every sense – here and now.

The process of visualization or imagery can be directed by another (as is the case when listening to

a guided imagery audio recording) or entirely controlled by you. Both methods can work very well.

This is another highly-effective process for healing and one I recommend engaging in on a regular

basis. Faithfully visualize yourself enjoying abundant health and wellbeing and you bolster your

systems internal resources.

When given disheartening statistics or a bleak outlook by others, you can go inside and change

those negative expectations on a mental level and recast them in a new positive light. Since every

manifestation begins in the mind, this is the place you want to go to re-sculpt your reality to your

liking. Everything begins as a thought and when you entertain the thought of living in a healthy

and vibrant body, it actually helps you effect profound physiological changes that match the

mental construct established.

You can create any image you want in your imagination. Each time you recall or revisit the scene

you can evoke the same pictures, sounds, smells, tastes and most importantly, feelings associated

to the scene or event. As you manufacture your future reality, you also enact positive changes in

blood pressure, brain waves and various muscles of the body. Clearly one's fertile and unlimited

imagination used correctly can be an extremely valuable tool in the process of healing.


Whenever you decide to meditate or visualize, it's important to be comfortable. Wear loose-fitting

clothing if you can and sit up straight in a comfortable chair. It's crucial that you position yourself

so you don't fall asleep. Some people can meditate or visualize while in a horizontal position, while

others quickly nod off. For beginners, I heartily recommend sitting up straight (to allow the energy

to flow through you) in a firm, but comfortable chair.

Some prefer to be outdoors and this can work exceptionally well too – just be sure to find an

inspiring location where you can sit still without distraction for fifteen or twenty minutes straight.

Nature and all its beauty – mountains, meadows, forests, shorelines, flowers, trees and more – are

wonderful, life-affirming gifts readily available to all that provide a gentle healing energy. Enjoying

nature and even imagining it in your mind is invigorating, inspiring and calming. Get outside and

enjoy it at every opportunity and when you can't experience it physically, go within and enjoy

nature in its entire splendor in the fertile and unlimited space of your imagination.

Positive affirmations are yet another way to manifest the outcome of your desires. An affirmation

is nothing more than a statement delivered with conviction about a desired reality. For example,

“Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.” The trick is to find the right words –

words that resonate on a cellular level – read these statements to yourself quietly or out loud

repeatedly and frequently. Or, you can record them and listen back to each statement multiple

times in a row.

It's the repetition of the statement and your feeling of the meaning of the words that make

affirmations powerful. You decide on the outcome you want to produce in terms of your health

and declare it in a simple statement. Write out whatever it is you want to achieve and phrase it as

though it is already a reality in your life. What affirmations do is they change your beliefs about

your particular situation. Affirmations are powerful indeed.


You can use affirmations at any time of day and the more frequently you use them, the more

indelibly etched your chosen mental programming is placed into the subconscious mind. Be sure

to repeat affirmations first thing in the morning and just before dropping off to sleep at night.

In fact, the last five minutes you're awake and somewhat drowsy is the best time to plant these

thought seeds deeply and emphatically. Never miss a single pre-sleep session and you will be doing

something immensely powerful and life-enhancing for yourself. Try it for a solid month and you'll

see for yourself.

Listening to a favourite piece of music can be stress-relieving, exhilarating, inspiring, healing – or

any combination of positive attributes. Music can induce powerful emotions like love, gratitude

and profound joy. It can induce an inner feeling of contentment, peace of mind and a sense that

everything is going to be okay. Music not only affects the mind and spirit, but it has a measurable

impact on the body too.

It's a wonderful healer that can lower the heart rate, decrease blood pressure, reduce body pain

and eliminate the physical symptoms of anxiety. The ability to hear what one would consider

beautiful music is a gift bestowed upon humanity and it's something that each and every one of us

should incorporate into our lives.

There's a vast array of musical choices out there. What's important to keep an open mind and

explore as many of the genres and individual selections as time permits and then choose the music

that most resonates with you. If you automatically reject some music without giving it a chance,

you may miss out on finding the recordings that could offer you the greatest therapeutic value.

If you didn't grow up hearing classical music, for example, chances are you'll not normally pay

much attention to it. But I urge you to lend an ear to some of the more popular classics and gain

the value of this soul-satisfying experience. You don't have to become a music geek to gain the

health benefits of specific pieces of music written long ago by musical geniuses like Mozart and

Beethoven – you can find these in multiple outlets, compiled recordings like the “Hooked on

Classics” library and online.


Specific, recommended classical recordings include: Mozart's symphony

number 40 in G minor, Mozart's piano concertos number 17 in G major,

number 21 in C major, and number 22 in E-flat major, Pachebel's Canon in D,

Debussy's Claire De Lune and Bach's harpsichord concerto in F minor. Give

these and others a listen and make note of any effect they may have on you.

Don't limit your music tastes to just one genre. Explore and expand your horizons and find new

pieces of music or lyrics that speak to you and get hold of these gems so you can listen to them at

any time. My personal collection of music includes many popular songs and soundtracks from

motion pictures and live theatre performances. These favourites on mine include Chariots of Fire

by Vangelis, One Moment in Time by Whitney Houston, Let it Be by the Beatles, Morning Has

Broken by Cat Stevens, The Soundtrack To Rocky by Bill Conti, the Soundtrack to Joseph and The

Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat – just to name a few.

Listening to live music or taking in a theatrical performance can be inspirational and soul-enriching

at any time for anyone and it can be particularly effective to the healing process too. Any activity

that lifts your spirits and takes you outside of yourself for an hour or two while leaving you feeling

like a changed person, more complete and connected to the universe, can never be a bad thing.

For some it's seeing a favourite band in concert. For others, it could be admiring works of art,

taking in a play, viewing a meaningful film or going to the ballet. Go with whatever feels right to

you and focus on the event completely. Lose yourself in the experience by going with the flow. It

can be one of the most important things you do on the way to improving your own state of health

and inner peace.


The Healing Power of Breath

Deep breathing is a healthy, life-enhancing process that can also speed healing. It fuels the body

by facilitating the flow of life-giving oxygen to all the cells and organs of the body. Breathing

deeply is the key to relaxation – if you're taking in air and exhaling in a shallow fashion, you're

depriving the body of its most essential requirement.

Either we are breathing deeply and healthily and taking life in or we're holding life away with

short, shallow breaths that actually retains wasteful carbon dioxide. Deeply satisfying and

invigorating breathing is a natural and healthy way to enhance the healing of any illness or disease.

When you're busy working or engaged in some other pursuit that taxes your mental faculties, your

breathing tends to come from the chest. But during quiet and relaxing times, your breathing

comes more from the abdomen.

Any commitment to living a healthier life would benefit from a more conscious approach to

breathing and this involves regularly engaging in deep breathing exercises. For five minutes at a

time, alternate between long and deep inhaling and exhaling for five seconds each time.

In other words, breathe in slowly to the count of five and then exhale for the same duration. Five

seconds is merely a guideline and you should never push yourself too far, particularly in the

beginning. Start with a time frame that works for you and repeat the pattern over and over again

for each session.

You can always increase the time when you're comfortable doing so. Another option that's easy to

implement and beneficial to the body as well as the healing process is to hold your breath for the

same count after each segment. So you breathe in for a count of five, hold your breath for a count

of five, exhale for the same amount and then hold your breath again, before repeating the cycle.


Again, start gently and work your way up to eight second segments and remember to do this

simple exercise several times throughout the day. It is particularly effective in restoring inner

peace and grounding when you feel stressed out.

Results of this kind of deep breathing exercise are usually felt immediately. Tension dissolves.

Stress dissipates. You'll feel energized, more alert and healthier. You'll quickly feel at ease, clear-

headed, stronger than you were before you did the exercise and in perfect harmony with the

universe. It's also comforting to know that you are doing something positive and nourishing for

every part of your body. And all it took was five minutes. Deep breathing is something I encourage

everyone to do, regardless of their state of health.


Why Mental Strength is Important Discovering that you have a serious illness is a pivotal moment in one's

life. It hits hard and interrupts life not just for the afflicted, but for

close family and friends. Once you gather your thoughts and decide to

overcome your illness – no matter what the odds – you've made your

decision and determined your destiny. The key here is to never relent

and to never surrender.

Your goal is to extend and improve the quality of your life. You want to achieve the greatest

possible improvement in your overall health and wellbeing. It's not just about increasing the

number of years – it's about making those years count. Though each person's path is unique, there

are several common levels experienced by those who choose to do everything in their power to

beat their disease and regain their health and vitality.

First among these shared levels is simply becoming aware of one's reality. When you've been

body-slammed with a diagnosis of serious illness, you can accept as a signal to change your life or

accept an implication that there's little or nothing you can do. Few are prepared and the

devastating news triggers an onslaught of emotion. The situation forces an evaluation of what is

most important in life that involves serious moments of deep introspection and reflection.

What do you want to do in your life with whatever time you have left?

What could you do to enjoy your time and squeeze the most juice from your life's experience?

What are you willing to do to live full-out and create the outcome you want?

It's important to understand that you are a divine being with the power to choose in any set of

circumstances. How you respond to a serious health issue is always your choice. If you accept

helplessness as your outcome, your life, for all intents and purposes, is over.


Choosing to live however, is the first step to recovery. Optimal health and certain death are at

opposite ends of the scale. To heal, one must assume control and lead the way back to wellness.

When faced with such a situation, you need to become both an agent of change and nurturing

guardian at the same time.

Take back command and control of your life and begin at once to launch the course-correcting

action steps necessary to making a full and complete recovery. For survivors, an awakening of

sorts occurs, triggering a new sense of urgency. The challenge of potential death can be sobering

experience that leads to a brand new vision, send of empowerment, and a commitment to live no

matter what obstacles get in the way.

Illness can strike at any time and often does in a seemingly random manner. But if you cling to a

“why me?” position, you'll never find a satisfying answer. Your best move is to simply accept it for

what it is and to take responsibility for both your illness and your impending wellness. Those who

succeed in healing themselves accept their pivotal role in the creation process.

It's never easy to do. But it is transformative and a key part of making a full and healthy recovery.

Since you created illness, only you can create the opposite. This realization puts the recovering

patient in the driver's seat so they are far less dependent on others – including doctors – for

getting better.

What seems to help tremendously is to find meaning in one's existence. In Victor Frankl's amazing

book, Man's Search For Meaning, he shares the reality of prisoners confined to concentration

camps and destined for execution. Those who were able to assign meaning to their life, or the

terrible experience they were forced to endure demonstrated a remarkable amount of inner

strength and resilience against clearly impossible odds.

Those who survived longest had a reason to live. That life force continued to flow through them

even when everyone around was being brutally killed. It appears that one's perspective and the

meaning they attach to living on despite their disease is a key determining factor in their ability to

weather the storm and nurse themselves back to vibrant health.


Survivors take charge and assume responsibility. For some, a strong reliance on the offerings of

the medical system takes precedence. Others accept selected medical services and combine those

with the natural healing options provided by holistic or naturopathic practitioners. Some go one

hundred percent natural.

The route one takes is an individual choice. What's most important is gaining an accurate diagnosis

from the medical experts and then making your own decisions, followed by choosing the methods

that suit you best. It's not so much about what has happened – what's done is done. What matters

now is what you choose to do about it. Whatever you select, it's important to continue to call the

shots in your life. Just don't make someone else play the role of God with you. It's your body and

you are the one who controls it. Never forget that and refuse to roll over and play dead.

Begin to question authority instead of blindly accepting its opinions and treatments. We have

collectively become far too submissive to the medical community and we tend to be led like sheep.

If that was the only option available, it would be difficult to mount an opposing view. Or, if the

standard medical procedures could demonstrate a high rate of healthy recovery, one could

understand society's preference to seek the surgical and chemical interventions medicine


But I think it's a fair argument to suggest that artificial methods like chemotherapy, radiation,

heart by-pass surgery and toxic drugs can sometimes cause irreparable damage to the delicate

body. Again, it's probably best to listen to the medical authorities and hear what they have to say.

But it's even more important to listen to your own inner voice and to quietly and confidently make

your own decisions.

Refuse to accept somebody else's negative opinion or protection as your impending reality. A

troubling diagnosis is not the end – but a new beginning. There is almost always something you

can do. The shock of it can be earth-shattering. But for many people, an early end of life predicted

by the medical authorities inspired a strong desire for revitalization and survival. The best thing

you can do is learn to become more self-aware and as a consequence, you become healthier and

more vibrant.


Exercise and Nutrition

Exercise and nutrition are two primary fundamentals of optimal health so it only

stands to reason that they should make up the foundation of any healing

program too. The body is made for physical activity and daily exercise is a

proven effective way to give the body the workout that it needs. If you neglect

the needs of the body, sooner or later, you pay the price.

It's important however, that you find a form of exercise that both suits you physically and gives

you a sense of enjoyment. If you're not suited for distance running or jogging, choose something

else instead. When you enjoy what you're doing, it's far easier to get yourself to do it. But if the

activity you're about to partake in is something you don't particularly enjoy, you may be able to

get yourself to do it in the beginning, but soon your resistance will overrule. If you don't have

another activity to replace it with, you're more like to go back to sitting on the couch and passively

watching life pass by from the sidelines, instead of becoming an active participant.

Aerobic exercise gets the heart pumping and the blood flowing, stimulating the flow of life-giving

oxygen and nutrients to all the cells and organs of the body. Exercise activates the muscles and

joints and helps to keep everything working as it should. It helps you lose excess weight, tone your

muscles and even tighten your skin.

Exercise is a fantastic stress reliever and mood enhancer. If you're feeling stressed out – go for a

long walk on your lunch hour or visit the gym and have an intense workout. Chances are very good

that upon your return, you'll feel energized, revitalized and less irritated than you were before.

The transformation can be enormous. In less than an hour you can go from being feeling stressed-

out, overburdened and lethargic to vibrant, energetic and clear-headed – able to tackle any task

that's in front of you. Through aerobic exercise you'll give yourself a mental and physical boost

that increases your productivity substantially and being a productive contributor can be an

important part of the healing process.


Some of the more popular forms of exercise include: biking, jogging, running, swimming, skipping

rope, working out at the gym, hiking, yoga, Pilates, skiing, snowboarding and skating. Any of these

and others can be terrific solutions for shedding extra fat, increasing energy, revitalizing the body

and letting go of the issues, challenges and general turmoil of the day. Any time you can step

outdoor and get your exercise there, you should do so. Fresh air, interesting scenery and getting

close to nature has a natural healing effect on the body, mind and spirit.

Whatever you select, becoming more active is a step in the right direction. Just don't overdo it or

you can hurt yourself, sometimes seriously. Start slow and build up. If your goal is to ride a bike for

thirty minute intervals but you've been mostly inactive for years – don't shoot for thirty minutes

on your first day. Go for something much smaller, like five minutes of cycling. Then you can build

up gradually to the point where thirty minutes is easy for you.

Don't feel you need swim, jog, ride or whatever as fast as you did at eighteen. Years later, your

body is quite different. Start slow and build up your speed and endurance over time. It's actually a

healthier practice to start each exercise session off at an easy pace. Give the body time to warm

up. When you do this, you allow the various blood vessels to open up, facilitating freer and easier

circulation. Remember to breathe deeply as often as you can to stimulate the flow of oxygen into

all your cells while also increasing the expulsion of toxins.


Walking Strengthens Mind and Body

Among the best exercises for body, mind and soul is the simplest – walking.

When you think about it, this makes perfect sense. Not only is the body made

for movement, the most natural form of movement is walking. It's fair to say

that walking is the oldest form of aerobic exercise that there is. What's really

interesting is that walking, the most ancient and natural exercise could be the

perfect antidote to today's sedentary lifestyle.

The most harmful thing of all is inactivity. The body is designed to move regularly and a lack of

movement is a damaging to the body. Walking addresses the issue quickly, easily and without

requiring any costly equipment. It's an easy way to transition into a more active and healthier

lifestyle. If you've never really exercised before, or haven't done so routinely for years, walking is

the easiest way to get back into a program of regular exercise.

Walking helps reverse some of the physical aspects of aging. It is said to help prevent heart

disease, relieve painful angina symptoms, and soothe arthritis pain while making sufferers more

flexible in the knees and more agile overall. It can also help prevent arthritis from developing.

If getting healthier means losing some extra weigh, as it does for many of us, walking is your best

weapon. Walking can help rid the body of fat more effectively than any weight loss diet. Even

better is a combination of healthy eating that includes plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes

and whole grains while eliminating processed and refined foods, plus walking daily for thirty to

sixty minutes.

You may have to reduce this time significantly and work at a slow pace in the beginning. But once

you've been doing it for awhile, increase your walking speed slightly and stretch out the distance

so you're making the body work a little harder while burning more calories and increasing the time

that you're actually in motion.


Walking slows down the degenerative process of the joints associated with aging. It even prevents

osteoporosis – a loss of minerals in the bones that causes them to become weakened, porous and

brittle. Walking even strengthens the body's immune system by increasing the white blood cell


Every part of you – body, mind and spirit – benefits from getting outside and going for a long walk.

Make it a daily habit and the compounding positive effects will serve you even more. It's a terrific

way to clear your mind, soothe your spirit and exercise the body.

The natural rhythm of a fast-paced walk through a park, nature trail or wooded area helps you see

any problem in a different light. It's this change of perspective that can lead to a breakthrough, or

quick solution. In the very least, it makes any problem less burdensome, making it more

manageable for you to handle. When you return, you will feel more hopeful, capable and

energized than you were before, making the time investment pay a healthy dividend.

Whenever you're feeling tired and lethargic – that's the time when you could benefit the most

from a nice fast-paced walk. Afterwards, you'll feel like you have more energy and enthusiasm for

life. You'll feel alert and alive and ready for whatever comes your way next. Walking increases the

product of endorphins – powerful neurohormones which give you a natural high and makes you

feel good all over.

The basic act of walking every day can dramatically improve your health over a period of time. It's

a wonderful time for rejuvenation and a chance to reconnect with beauty and peace of nature. It's

an opportunity to walk freely and to be alone, so you can easily separate yourself from the stress

and tension of the day. Take in all the fresh air you can by remembering to breathe deeply. Enjoy

the sights, listen to the sounds, smell the fresh pine trees or the fresh-cut grass and feel the

sunshine on your shoulders. Soak it up and learn to cherish your walking time.

You don't need anything extra to jump right in and begin your daily walking program today. What I

do suggest however, is a comfortable pair of walking shoes. Look for a quality pair of lightweight

shoes that naturally are a perfect fit. Comfort is important. If you're feeling any pain or discomfort,

it will definitely detract from the experience.


If your feet hurt, you'll resist going for another long walk tomorrow. Invest in a quality pair of

walking shoes and then using them consistently everyday and you can consider it among the best

money you've ever spent in your life. After a few weeks, you'll wonder why you didn't start on a

walking program years earlier.

Using a treadmill is helpful too, if for any reason, you cannot get outside to walk, or you're not

near a large park, nature trail, ravine, or conservation area. But when you have a choice and you

live or work close to a beautiful walking area, that's the way to go. Exercise creates a break from

whatever you're doing and stressing about. It provides a much needed psychological change.

Done regularly, outdoor exercise boosts the body's natural defences, reconnects you with nature,

generates more flexible thinking, strengthens one's self-concept and provides a better sense of

self-sufficiency – valuable attributes to have in your arsenal when fighting off a serious illness.

Exercise helps you become more accepting and less critical of yourself too. People who exercise

everyday tends to assume more responsibility for their lives and they have less of a tendency to

blame others when things don't go exactly as planned.


The Search For Health The search for health in challenging times becomes a search for self.

When you recognize that you're a whole being – body, mind and soul –

and that all the parts are interconnected, you realize that reclaiming

one's help requires more than fixing broken down body parts. That's

when you tap into that inner spark of divinity and realize that you have

far more power and influence over your healing than you ever thought

possible before.

You don't have to do it alone. But you don't have to take what is automatically suggested by

protocol either. It's important to find supportive help – someone you can trust and who is there

for you in your time of need.

For many enlightened individuals, the quest for health recovery becomes one of deep personal

growth on multiple levels. They realize the importance of the physical body as well as the mental,

emotional and spiritual components too. Illness doesn't begin as a system that shows on the

outside, there are underlying causes like blocked areas of energy within the body. This impeded

energy typically lies below one's level of consciousness. But it's those blockages of fear,

misunderstanding and loss that need to be released and set free in order to assist the whole

person in the healing process.

A strong will to live is a fundamental requisite of a full and complete recovery. Having a

determined mindset allows you to tap into the body's own resources to accelerate the healing

process and it opens you up to a world of possibility, of which standard medical options are but

one choice. Many others exist as well and the trick is to find options that work for you in your

particular set of circumstances. Some options involve outside sources while others like meditation,

visualization and affirmations are primarily an inside job, though outside services in these areas

readily available as well.


Hope, faith and love are key components of optimal health and wellbeing. If you feel lacking in any

of these, you need to make serious changes in your life. Without hope, you'll concede defeat and

allow disease to completely take over your body. Without faith, you'll be working against yourself

and outside therapy or treatment obtained cannot completely and fully assist you anywhere near

its capacity. Without faith, you're hampering your body's own ability to heal.

I love what writer, Alexander Dumas said about this back in the 1800's: “A person who doubts

himself is like a man who would enlist in the ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself. He

makes his failure certain by himself being the first person to be convinced of it.” Love makes the

world go around and the human experience a beautiful thing. Love begins within and never

without. Find love within and share love without. The more you love, the stronger the healing

vibration you generate and whatever vibration you cast out is what gets returned to you in due

time by natural law.

Healing cannot begin without first waking up, accepting responsibility and then digging in full

speed ahead to begin to reverse illness and reclaim health. Be open to the suggestion that you

knowingly or unknowingly played a part in becoming ill, but that this may have occurred

unconsciously without your conscious awareness. What's important to acknowledge here is that

this does not imply one's acceptance of guilt. You choose whether or not you want to feel guilty.

Guilt is self-induced and it can rip you apart despite the best of intentions. Guilt is a negative and

passive position. I'm going to suggest that rather than feeling guilty you feel grateful for your

diagnosis and take it upon yourself to turn your life around and heal completely and wholly.

Responsibility requires action and any form of action taken to improve one's life circumstances is a

move in the right direction. Begin today to make better choices and to care for yourself at a whole

new level. Make whatever lifestyle changes you need to make and play full out. You can't go

halfway and expect to get better.


Stop putting toxic, refined and overly-processed chemical foods into your body. Instead, replace

these dangerous substances with vitamin-rich, natural foods like fresh vegetables and fruits. Of all

the foods available today – these are the healthiest choices and the best healing foods for a body

that's been neglected for too long.

Make the decision to get better and begin immediately. Create an image in your mind of the kind

of health, happy, slim, vibrant and energetic person you want to be. Remember that what gets

projected inside (the mind) is manifested outside (in the body). Use creative visualization to sculpt

the healthy body you want and do it repeatedly. If you stick with this image, never doubting this as

your impending reality for even a second – you will experience your profound inner power see

with your own eyes your capability of effecting real changes in the body.

Get away from the pressure-cooker of life today as we know it for far too many of us. Take short

breaks and nurture yourself – physically, mentally and spiritually. Get away for a day or weekend.

Book longer vacations as often as you can and get away, explore and nurture yourself. Reach for

an inner equilibrium that keeps you centered and in a peaceful and relaxed state of mind. Notice

when you're tense and see it as a sign to relax and chill out.

Discover new ways to enhance your life experience and encourage better health and wellness at

the same time. Drink more fresh, purified water – it's one of the fundamental requirements of a

healthy body. Get away from the cities where the air is fresh and clean and breathe in healthy, vital

oxygen in abundance. Breathe deeply and slowly whenever you think about it and oxygenate all

your body's organs and cells. Make exercise a part of your daily routine. If you keep it light and

fun, this one strategy alone can raise your spirits, boost your energy level and improve your body's

natural defences for fighting off any kind of illness or disease.

Chances are that you're living your life, at least to some degree, based on beliefs and protocol that

was handed to you in your childhood. Parents, teachers, religious figures, peers, coaches and

sibling have all had some influence in your life. For the most part, this influence was given with the

best of intentions, but it may have inhibited you on some level and repressed your natural

expression. Repression is blocked energy and these blockages can causes serious health issues

down the road.


What's needed is to make these discoveries on your own and then to reclaim your life with

authority. Start to express yourself more completely. Free your inner spirit and let it shine through

you. Do the things that are most important to you and notice how these shifts effect changes both

on the inside and out.

Whenever you're facing a crisis, you need to recognize the need for change. If you keep doing

what you've been doing, you'll only get more of what you've got. But changes can and should

occur on multiple dimensions. It's time to get back in touch with your body, your emotions and

your spirit. Decide what is most important to you in your life. Consider or re-consider your values...

your beliefs... and your goals. Engage your higher power or life force and become more aware of

your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. All you need to do is observe your habitual unconscious

behaviours and change those habits to make them healthier and life-affirming.

Gather your thoughts together and make the decision to overcome the affliction – no matter how

serious it is. That's step number one and it has to come from deep within. Once this decision has

been made, refuse to entertain ANY other option. Think only in terms of vibrant health, inner

peace, deep revitalization and wellbeing. Let these thoughts, images and feelings surround you

and permeate to your very core. If you live in this space mentally, that is the only direction in which

you can go. The real challenge is to stay the course and never doubt, never lose faith and never

question your intention despite what circumstances or your senses may be saying to the contrary.



We live at a time of chronic and degenerative disease that as a population is

killing us years earlier than it should. But many of today's most serious

conditions can be corrected, healed, reversed, or at the very least – delayed

– with a different perspective and approach.

For all its advances in diagnostic capabilities – surgical procedures and vaccines and more –

traditional medicine has largely failed in its treatment of disease and in extending a quality of life

worth holding onto. What's needed is a deeper understanding of the inseparable mind/body/spirit

connection and the significance of environmental issues in how medicine addresses.

Despite the availability of massive hospitals, sophisticated medical equipment and highly-skilled

medical doctors and support staff, what you and I need to realize is that each of us as individuals is

ultimately responsible for our health and wellbeing. To recover one's health from any illness, you

must help the body do it naturally. This is where the mind comes into play. Your mind, body and

spirit – in other words – YOU – play the key role in your future. It's not the drugs or medical science

that makes you well but how you approach the path ahead and the actions you take in your life

from the moment of diagnosis forward.

What it really boils down to is these four key elements:

1. You need to assume responsibility for your condition and for changing it.

2. You need to assume the reins with a positive, life-affirming position.

3. You must maintain an unshakeable belief in yourself and your ability to influence the state

of your health and wellness and...

4. You simply must follow through on your intentions by taking meaningful action steps and

the sooner you begin, the better your chances of a complete and speedy recovery.


A dramatic shift in consciousness can have a life-extending effect on the entire planet. We need to

recognize that we are all physical, mental and spiritual beings and that each one of us impacts our

own state of health. With this kind of understanding from the outset, it's obvious that we play a

major, active role in the outcome. Healing is often the result of a steadfast belief that comes from

deep within. It is inspired by beauty, wholeness, reverence and appreciation of nature, all of life

and spirit.

Collectively, we need to expand this awareness and shift the focus from the current and reactive

“disease care” to one that involves authentic health care that is proactive and preventative.

Clearly the mind is a powerful force that directly impacts your actions and life experiences. One's

ability to choose life and to fill the mind with the related imagery, focus and positive thought

power – in spite of anything the senses observe that may be contrary to the intention – can lead to

remarkable emotional, spiritual and physical changes.

In closing, I would like to leave you with the words of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin who said, “There is

now incontrovertible evidence that mankind has just entered upon the greatest period of change the

world has ever known. The ills from which we have been suffering have had their seat in the very

foundation of human thought.”

It's been over fifty years since the author of the passage above left the planet. Obviously, we've

got our work cut out for us in spreading the word of self-healing. Knowledge of this kind needs to

reach critical mass in order to see real change in the way we typically address disease. But major

change often begins with a grassroots approach where one individual shares their discovery with


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