beginner’s guide for teachers. contents page inviting students to join fizx responding to a fizx...

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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Contents Page

• Inviting students to join FIZX

• Responding to a FIZX invitation

• Accepting a FIZX invitation without a wikidot account

• Creating a wikidot account

• Editing your school’s FIZX page

• Uploading a file to FIZX

• Including a website link in FIZX

• Contributing to a forum discussion on FIZX

• Creating a forum thread on FIZX

Slides 3 – 10

Slides 11 – 19

Slides 20 – 26

Slides 27 – 35

Slides 36 – 42

Slides 43 – 52

Slides 53 – 57

Slides 58 – 64

Slides 65 – 71

Inviting students to join

Beginner’s Guide for Teachers

Step One:Login to your


Step Two:Go to the bottom

of the

side panel and click on the

moderators link

Step Four:Click on the

Send invitations now link

Step Five:Add the names and

email addresses of any students (or colleagues)

you wish to invite

Step Six:You may add a short message to

accompany your invitations.

Click on the Send invitations button when you are finished

Step Seven:You will then see a list of all the

invitations you have sent.

You can also remove invitations by clicking on the Delete link

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Responding to a invitation

Beginner’s Guide for Teachers

Step One:


will be sent to the specified email address.

Login to your chosen email account.

Click on the emailed link to accept the invitation

Step Four:Click on the on the

Accept Invitation link

Step Five:

Click on the link to

enter the website

Step Six:

Congratulations! You are now a member

of the website.

You can now use your new membership to explore all areas of the site!!!

Step Seven:

If you are a teacher and wish to have full moderator status

for the website, please email the

site administrators so that you can edit your school’s page, upload resources and invite students!

Step Three:

Once you have been given moderator status by the site administrators you will receive a notification.

Congratulations!! You can now start editing your

school’s page and uploading resources!

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Accepting a invitation without a account

Beginner’s Guide for Teachers

Step One:


are sent to your email account from a colleague or

the site administrators

Click on the emailed link to accept the invitation

Step Two:

If you do not have a

account create a new account using the

Create a new account link.

Step Three:

Enter your full name and proper email address to create you new account. You will need

these to login to the website.

Choose a password that you will remember.

Step Three:

Once you have been given moderator status by the site administrators you will receive a notification.

Congratulations!! You can now start editing your

school’s page and uploading resources!

Step Three:

Once you have been given moderator status by the site administrators you will receive a notification.

Congratulations!! You can now start editing your

school’s page and uploading resources!

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Creating a account

Beginner’s Guide for Teachers

Step One:

Go to to create your account.

Choose create account using the Create account link.

Step Two:

Enter your full name and email address to create your wikidot account.

You will need these to login

to the website.

Choose a password you will remember.

Step Three:

will now send you an invitation

to the email address you specified.

Step Four:


will be sent to the specified email address.

Login to your chosen email account.

Click on the emailed link to accept the invitation

Step Five:

Congratulations! You are now a member

of the website.

You can now use your new membership to

join the community!!!

Step Six:

Go to and the Join FIZX! tab and follow the instructions to

join the


Step Seven:

If you are a teacher and wish to join the community,

please use your school email address to email your school details and

account details to the site administrators

Step Eight:

Use the and the Join FIZX! Tab and

follow the instructions to join the website

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Editing your school’s page

Beginner’s Guide for Teachers

Step One:Login to your



Step Two:

Find your school’s


through the Schools using FIZX sidebar and click on your

school’s link

Step Three:Go to the bottom of

your page and click on the Edit link




Step Four:

Insert your wiki code here.

You can Preview the page before you Save any edits.

You can use this toolbox to help with wiki syntax

You can use these links to help with

wiki syntax

[[table style="margin: auto"]][[row]][[cell style="padding: 15px 20px 15px 20px; border: 1px dashed blue; text-align:center"]] **[[span style="color:blue"]][[[teachers:yourschoolfizxpagename | Teacher's page]]][[/span]]** [[/cell]][[/row]][[/table]] [[div style="height:5px"]] [[/div]] > Join the **[* Institute of Physics]** as a (**free!**) **Student Member** + G481 Mechanics ++ //Module 1 : Motion// [[div style="height:10px;"]] [[/div]] [[collapsible show="Show resources" hide="Hide resources"]] [[div style="height:10px;"]] [[/div]] ------ ADD YOUR STUFF HERE ------ [[/collapsible]] ++ //Module 2 : Forces in Action// [[div style="height:10px;"]] [[/div]] [[collapsible show="Show resources" hide="Hide resources"]] [[div style="height:10px;"]] [[/div]] ------ ADD YOUR STUFF HERE ------ [[/collapsible]] ++ //Module 3 : Work and Energy// [[div style="height:10px;"]] [[/div]] [[collapsible show="Show resources" hide="Hide resources"]] [[div style="height:10px;"]] [[/div]]

Step Five:

Your school will have a default template which outlines the units and modules for your

designated exam specification.

Feel free to change this to suit!

You can add your stuff for each module in the

spaces provided

Step Six:

Wikidot has useful reference pages to help with

wiki syntax for your code

Alternatively, you can ‘borrow’ code from other school’s pages by ‘editing’ their page

and ‘copying & pasting’ any useful code

CAUTION: Take care not to overwrite or delete anyone else’s code!!!

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Uploading a file to

Beginner’s Guide for Teachers

Step One:Login to your



Step Two:

Find your school’s


through the Schools using FIZX sidebar and click on your

school’s link

Step Three:Go to the bottom of

your page and click on the Files link



Step Four:

Scroll down and click on the Upload a file from your computer link


Step Five:

Click on the Select Files button to find the file you wish to upload

This link is useful for adding

multiple files

Step Six:

Browse to select the file you wish to upload.

Click on the Open button to upload the file.

Click on the refresh file list link



Step Seven:

Right click on the newly uploaded file and select Copy link address

Now click Edit to add the uploaded file to your school’s page


Step Eight:

Edit your page and paste the copied address link where you

wish to access the uploaded file.

Step Eight:

Edit your page and paste the copied address link where you

wish to access the uploaded file.

This [..] syntax displays the uploaded file as Radiation Dose Chart and the * in front of the copied address

will open the file in a new window

Copied address link

Step Nine:

Check your page to see if the link for the newly uploaded file works


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Including a website link in

Beginner’s Guide for Teachers

Step One:Login to your



Step Two:

Find your school’s


through the Schools using FIZX sidebar and click on your

school’s link

Step Three:Go to the bottom of

your page and click on the Edit link



Step Four:

You can use the URL Link button on the code wizard menu or simply

type the web address directly

Using the *http format opens the web address in a new window

Using the URL Link format [] hides the ‘messy’ web address

with a simple description

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Contributing to a forum discussion on

Beginner’s Guide for Teachers

Step One:Login to your


Step Two:Click on the Forum link at

the top of the sidebar.Click on the link for the forum

category you would like to add to


Step Three:Click on the Forum thread that

you would like to add to



Step Four:Click on Reply to contribute

to the discussion


Step Five:

Add your reply in the space provided.

Use wiki syntax for //italics// or **bold** comments.

You can preview your reply.

Click Post It when you are finished

Step Six:Your reply will now appear in the

forum discussion threadBack to

Contents Page

Creating a forum thread on

Beginner’s Guide for Teachers

Step One:Login to your


Step Two:Click on the Forum link at

the top of the sidebar.Click on the link for the forum

category you would like to add to


Step Three:Click on Create a new thread to make a new discussion thread


Step Four:

Add the details for your thread in the spaces provided.

Use wiki syntax for //italics// or **bold** comments.

You can preview your reply.

Click Post It when you are finished

Step Five:Your new thread will now

appear in the forum discussion

Step Six:Your new thread summary will also

appear in the forum discussion contentsBack to

Contents Page

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